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Family Notices



jtJ AKSll A1) C°)ll'At'o 1. adit/iv n::ŒIi.H.8. 1st Class, with U-Nt tiearjc and t:01\clt. on the mMt modern principle, WI:U I ;,¡r ut thdr. weJ-knowu yieiiiish-bied Horses to *acli. one well Elm Coftiu. test 1't'í1h'It'd furniture, with elaborate (uUnfO i late engraved, tilld latiu Dimmed lole, "IIU strif ü:tt'11ùa:J\'t" .£:.J 6 0 MatsLi alld C\>. s 2i.U Class ditto, ditt" 4 4 0 Mutjli anJ t'y.'s 3rd, "lth iJupr\J catiiajic. 3 3 0 Maish anJ Cw.'s 4th, Ùltto, itiilo 10 0 t\{:¿ Addrt"u-<.0. Ii,. \It"t-"l. t.u1i:t'. I t70i! CHOICE \\ï:EATIl". CliOSSES, AO., l^r FUNKRAL^ "i" GKAVES, iiOl'wL'KIS -'vr WKDblNOS. aisa Cl'l FIjOWJSH^ tor All fu,' poses, flints OI Hire. ,"Ihltu L UlUFFiX and t.'U i lower 01 OWtUt I 2. yueen-atreet. Ca,di/f: Or to E.GKIFFIN and CO., Windsor >'uia«ry G*idfns, £ iv, lltar Cardiff. !'o'ta13lid Telegrapliic Orders itvmall varto prvruptly attended to. i:h79 PREPAID SCALE OF SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS. Jl liot taidfor lu advance the ordinary Ulùl: satewill be charged. WFSTFHN MAIL. ) ,j0usi» Word». ;l>aily IUJ One I Three Bix One in Insertion, 'luurtiuus IB5tlliùn..i Wceivly- v '-ITö-li-liJ- :1791162330 :m_1 | » o | o IJ- o 'faeh I l I Bwords i ![ u I I it B.-Th al'ow s .u does UU 8vvl, to4dvertUemeuts fJvw PuUic Lkx Hd, CinKiuesand Orders should be made |>ay:»» l<# &0 Mr. HfcMtv MacKL,s2IB TuoHas. 1^'csUra Muii. Caidiif. ANSWXKS IO A J) Vfc tlTlSEMKS TS. SrtcrAL OTIÇ¡:Letter.a'l1ftkWf'\1 !of) Ili¡ti,,¡:!Ior Fictltlo"8 .aI"I, to be called for, 111.11: !I(' detivereii UI.):U a?»y l'ost uttiot!, but. aiv sent tv the Returned Letter OAke to bö Immediately rt"tUl1it'U W the sa.idt-xs. lor Adfeitiseoients wcelfed ut the Cristoi Urùtr3 fvf Ad'ettÎltDleDu Ct'in\l ut the Brf.lLoI l\h 1 1. WAr::r:U w, davij.S. .t>r.v\!)"'ål'.U.l' CHAMErn*. ifitiu'imonitii. WALTER IStl. Wat-I. i. c- 1 n -i. "I K«kI 8oci»l pod- If t i -'ti. M:.v(i tl"trlml1nli\l. V<«uik' La< i «-« t;n: .fJi:1 .VI). I- v. a L H', 't ;»r ;itf. 'vS (' I N L:'L\:S (>;i. i'j Htiwt. n,):r.i to Onnwsiuijj cl x.r.t I.h)(, 'IW matrituony. !'bu&ol .XW.IIII.- to", vs r .ocicx- Merthjn. ^■ a'» HAl.V. '-4, t ill, dark .like to Correspond Vuttuj Lad/"r w Ivmiiuit ■juvuinijranceK k w e^r.'y warric. e; 1vILltllltt\t."1 fond vI home ,Juuto.-AtMreu K 17. » «. I. (."tj¡f 30;31 Hl.LUJilli'S Miiut:hu!:i:il H.ii,tr- íX) fv.ii J<de • f.r Lai.WT B,'I •I' U t. M„ f •• »: ■>! .r.lc- A.lver- rl1,1 l'i: 'il'LJ¡i,;5 }'lL M A 11lAlTHT;tfAro"^ud l w.i'vu;LK .UAKfU.-UJc fOAZJ.TTC t • v v 'i tor the nohUlty, fr; > i tch, care, and ■ ■ .•> brought about ba*e lr. ■ .a-' Utfui-lt'd tattoni V- ,r: • .i^o of the best faiiii- tu- u i i ,n don. W.O C:t. I-l"E-!jr.i: or ccinieiuplatitf tVifc'ux 'his innK iu:»: B»ep. «ii i .s«tivt you lulot'iiuuun v>Lijo«ii uutfhito know. h»-n<l yoar ud'.ieis, and vu will s«.iM UjU** K^o uiid k'.t.ni-liUt Fut.— A U'jV'. 'As O, Kiir, Mostyn-io^d, Meruui. yu.ie>, Clrnrni. 0\KOKl>Or.«luat«» ieslrea T!t!« fnr Trinity; South WjI«s: O}(Dln\u. 'itaire. ;r!te f(; Trhlit, outh "I.1. ,W'D.(,411d¡t.11 11;ca, l$¡Sf,viJ :)¡ ->1.1. ?,' ,> WASTED, tvro and ry..fi's i-U.-A^y iUan, L, KYtr. J. W. I>unk. MttiwJw, w. M. u .• -M. glad to have .Sunday L'my. lulsi 4yt>U.NO Man ui 24 Ke<julree a L%/ Readership; }:1'1 :odifr:y F. G. U., Jlal. W.i..It 47SruJl (>LKA*.Y. with Title. Wanted: bUiutfui^t: g a^iviate.— > Ciuhu. Uiauuior House, Fertyidde. It.SO., itlftiiraL AX Awi.stant, dou>l'y ol Londou. Ren'Uros an A X A'Ó(;.nt, don}!:)' llU,d: of LOlHlun nt'jl1irl'S an MaJ, tfrÎut: ¿;hr), £J-'O ¿'¡t;'r 81WUJU.-L lJ. J'[S'I AN entice Rfq'iixed Lniiitdial^iy.—Aj>i>ly P. lJuvies. W Ã-.J,h.a 'kiidJ.,eïL;b¡.Jï1Qjõr:=FiOê¡;r;ï:;¡; \i/ANThl> to Dispose Of, a r1::t:t;d Frivave If FraU.Ce for a moderate pre.uiutu-Address Medic.n, caie ot W. 1", Hi.ka and Cu., Wh^esalo Dru>rknu, Ca riU(!. 4);1 \1/AND'L> iUiU.eUUtcly. for a t'e.v week*, an A^■^iat.vnc to f ¥ di-iir nv. Ac.—Aj'i 0" withre arei:i*s.»iti-r;»fc' aa.ury (.ua.'OO. to UL. Fu.o, Tr>-yrky. 4fc>itujl jt1 uGlfal. \V'ANTi:P, by a Young 0«titlea^an. I.S«^DS on the ¡.ll. _!Pt's'a\\)Ú :¿I.6rr M 1 \| Ai.l'RKD MORRIS fLfcentiate R.A. M uud )1 A• Vot. i riii. Coil ). Fxof«*ao» of Sinsuig and Voice 1 I ghttl at AlWit hdl, «, on l criKkherbfovrn. Cardiil, on Fridays and ;:1iJ."t Luhvo.tii liwusc, C;¡ltlU" F".i- l. *4141 .=:: r :JO 1i\t\tIr. TFACHERS WANTED, MJtS. McH^LLS. Principal of the SuniDierfield Hall )1 Rl: )r: ;t. t.tul:;t I ::] C;h April a V«.uL.i'-y :u -x th Jimiors' Mu<ic l'rt»c- "i \QS f roui Fru« :^irla oi ibis J > ;•. CJ.tf.* K J, i r. V I'ASStnl iu lilue l;¡:,¡É'"C;i '¡'.L.L' t're:,i/ i;ud" I tt.k Il::lk, ko(J(,lut"Ü.l' A. 4, A thl' a^lKoyal Aiadt-iuy J- 1."1" H tbe Fuuiis u^^std, two .juin.c Double C'vtiti- 'f^WKLVE Oi«t;e.i:s y*r Term.-one or Two little (Sirls <or I 1 u'. i r \i .• • >• .:»:i r iu pica-aot country ).. Li'.ui. n.u.^ o, t'reu h. cic«i.ci4t refertuc- 'S, — l K. t. V ). •. I V J.«.-t';u'a»*tliP»t hy y.jan^ I > klcù. dii.dl;lwaruu.- A.; r. Hi s i, 'juce.<;«r. U'A.N i'i.; ■. L"¡r-Rt.,t.i\ ,\fv:-r, ». -•• t 1:w:!J' l-x;«t*riet:cvd _Y LAI'Y ..vd A.i d j'' i" J, .1 •' "i C;V » ''I: Ll: r' t;l.r ¡t ¡ t' l .,1 .l;J. s ■. v I »■ \'>' t::d, i I. I auö. co.n' 11,11 teferenccrt. icri. u ip ■.v »■ It \VAN'n 1» 1.. ,.n d K.-iident 'V N » .luion i a i s.— VIrs. :Y,J I I' I I .l:t:i:i I KE-l.v: .v ;}• M1M' •• -■ >.rglisb. H E-j; I;r/, aua ù; ,) \l.ntr;11,li;: M.M, Caiditl. 4:va Qonirstic ^ri&nntsta riCMALK SEUVANTS WANTED. WANTED imtu^iately, re«pectaWe Youtig Person as 'V A'IDI'¡';le/1¡eG,¿,:oë;¡ \ÏiY¡':n ':ka ViLMrv'. \<.Hjiort, Mon, 21Jsl :I1( >■ I i,;viida rt.<i,eotable(>;rl to be trained T? if «t tdh waatcd May]. —Mrs. \L'A. 1 •> 'il. ui »i*8 1#; «ue trom country IT j ;■ v., •> -et, CarUitf. (^K.NM.M II wni'ed inunediatelv, from 1 ^'Ai d Cbu.ructd.-AlI111y 51, VSyu. t.v 'i i 28J6G J 1 N j; -2U yøir;-(t-¡ \Vf AN i i..< i'. i>, good Cooks, Hon* and I'iirlour f 4.u«.4 i ,r llote.s, i;Uankl«enna»d3, Kitchcu- c;aiJ¡; lu-uu cau be s;tred "i!h srod GencraJ -ervants.— Head OÖ. Mr*. Roderick, 10. bt pyhir^strevc, Roath. Car- \*l> /NTKi> Immediately, for the country, a House and l' A j r Maid, and a Kitchcnuiaid.-Apply to Mr«. E. .Il. lia'h I.lw yn y-Lryu, ut c.i. iS>33 :5gf?i wt^eb Xlo. Houbetnaid and Nurse; *•• ■• .s iu.-u rc f oreucos reuuixed. —L 21, v !irr. SMii6 :I:r:a::i17,i, for sunlit-hand' <1 plmo in Loudou 3, and n-fcrtjues to A*/a. Lit-weiyu. I EXFKAL Servant Wanted ajff abou /iO; one whe- can VI ttav Ap;>ly SU. CharleftiiUeet. Carnilt. "I ;¡2E;f!i!J: Wash ♦•very Monday.—Apply, \Jdvre six 'W'I y7, Newborn ,r \Tt:D ,,00\1 G"1Ierí s..n,;u-;t;förni8it)1 and LOmlon. *» -AN')1 Mrs. brown, lU-«'Utry OBice, GrliUthHtowu, M-a. 24<m2 iAtJ:i::Ef:fÇi.,I(!,rlf-= Morgan's Dmh; ro<jfu. 3? Uute flrt'et. JJ^r(hrf. (H2 \v ANTED.a General Servant —Apply ï\),l:-ÖLC'7t, At/ANTED, irood Gei.eral Ser*a«»t. Also clean, active *™ iii/1 a? l l oustiuaid; ujuit be early rwers, with j^o-xl ref^rer.cea.—Mrs, laaajs. Elu* Grovo, Dynaa Fowls, ueu Caiiift. 2:9.'4tj WANTfrii, Mt IlaIlJaI'.K"l Fluiu Cook middle-aged. —Apply to f, C. U, Waldrou. U. St. My'u-o«=t, CMr. 6:8. :!(j,¡ AVTANTED,a General Servant, who nuderKtaii'.ls Vluin Cookij)g; coot) retM9uc«».— Apply Jioatb Hot«l, Ca.uie ro* d Cardiff. — \vANTED, by ApriJ 15tb, a good G-ntral Beivant. about 2. able to wait at table—Apply \0 Aha. Muu«<ai, ( alcard' cbruODd'IOMd, Cardttt. 24.1": WWaN^KATaidSouth -'IK-N\ninl Institute-Froba- I tiosers.—Wanted, respecable Young Women to t.stu as hursai.-Ap^fy tothe JaJ, ^up»iiuteudeut,Nursi»g IHJ!JtU, 1.llr,u'-UlONQ.J. 4««usea. 'kl, FEMALE 8ERVANTS WANTED (COBtlOMd). llf ANTED, i>> a «[i d vt. country hoiue, a goo-1 CU-neral f K v.a»t a? lo tv do plaiu cooking.-Apt<ly Mrs. Ilt-i or, \t/* ANTED. good Coo!; country >ituatio,»: mint l.»e If uctuc; wages Address L. it., Hot N*m». "it'ANTED, thoroughly g>>od KirJounuaM mi»»t wait \f a-ell at table.-Addreis L. 45., Los 2u. Po»t;oflite, Ne^-jtort. "4 8EP.VANT \VaiUd o ..ul i\ ired.-Apply Mis. liiittjllm. 17. Caroln;> i< >it t. 1^>>1 At'ANTED m>!i. d iat' ly. ui c\, Ninmj to take a Hii.y fr.Mt tUc Month. — Apply to Mii. i'cuu. Thoju- t >u, Miifi'td Hau'u. WANTED i.i n.vdial ly. foM Vl.dn Cook, uUo(-ii'eik-uocd ff iluosfiua:d bitull I.uwi'y.-Appjy tirit, 4, Fark hall Euhdiiig«. Crov» l ieil'tovui. ('aivlill. JADIE-S SufN-J wi:h all* liases vf SeV f«ut*. SituaHona j p,H.ijrc»l for Servants fee U.— M rs. Waiver*. 30. Fate- fciroet, .Mvan»ea. l' \yty r \NTEI>. a itjru'i Girl. «.Umt Cfueu years of. we.— A| piy 10. Henry-Alert. Dock*. Carditf. 15^1 AA^ANTrlD nniijiM i.tt»i y a good Genera l Serv.tit. Mu*t It iiN d r-rs' 11! 1 I'l.tin l\».'KiLg.-ApplyTe;niKraucu yuvvn* i' U n. Newport. I'l KEQl'IUtD. t..r a Ea.ly m lUnip^hire. a re.-t»vL»'i l 6 Yo-iiJiS l'« I^oii ;i» Ni.i-C t«» two ihlldn'i li'Uft to'^r y-.irn tfood tiiaractcv. —Ai-lio* Mrs. ftauiei. Canton i;e>:wry, \tTAN'Ti:i>, i\ Nu: *r, *o taVe rharweof young Caby.~ Apply \V Mva s. liartland. Reu«loiu House. Swansea. 1'i oJ \W t'AMi.D, I wo General Servant* Apply at oikc. 4, C.i»^>iu |lo.i>e^irivt, Caidif}. b'J^l W ANTi.l> 7 go. d Plain Cook.-Aprly. sUting a^fe. Ac to > » Mr». Htury W. E*aus, Entitle House, Ncwi-oit. 1JLAIN Cook or experienced Ge; end Servant w i n» c:»i crok «el?. (.iot'< i<iiii.14 vAjential.—Mit. U. l'ratt. f » V^' .NTFf> v ■■- > tiiu'ua oi May. au espeiiein-ed General Mud nurte kept.-Mrs. AinoK', .i N; p "r t 1TI»6 U'ANli L> >i v. v.int for small fuuiliy; coudoruble L,a^. to 13.-K 5i4, \C" AN'TK-b, a quiet. re*ptctaWe Girl; muit be tleau und \X uc'.ifo; age liouj Vi to 14 yeais.-Apiiy Ero* ViJla, V\ Rott.illy-roju. Canton.Carditf. }^1 Wyy ANTED, Cull-hen's Muid ii i tu f bave lived out beK-rt; l1 >d »«edk wouiau Milliivjr to a^i. t in lwht hoiuL- w<-rk; Churtbwouun. — Apply itoyul Uolel, Rhymnvy, 117ANTED thorou g h Pailour Housenald; also Kitvlun- y f niaid: urutl.'iuan's Luniiy. Canuurthenshlre.—Apply, or tend ttUinitd addiesrf, Mrs. Pon d 's belect Registry, \%T VN'TLD Youit i Woujan T about IS. accvifitoiued toinilk *t au-lt' (itliifr; to in:sl«e htri'lf generally UM-ful.— At' l y. with ielcvcnces, to M. C h uei.->, Gramh^un Hott-1, near Neath. 4 > J it'ANTED. (Jentral Servant (private house); thorougll.liy ty midi'i-KtamlA uk kin;, washing, honing mIkoNurse, sge H. f.iu«' i'i h.idren a.i d can do piain st; «ii.* good cUravter iiiviUj v u .^a b .c. A, p!>. between ll and 1- a. m Our lM*# M. Majy-streel, Caruilt. Wy\ ANTED.au exptiienved General Nrvvaut; must bo able to mo piam vookiug.-Apply li. Riclunoud-ioa-U Caf it 'ANTED. re.;i*cuUe Glri; able to Uiillt, was h and iron. V „ Apy.y. pe«onally. Trovuyrhiw House, near .Met t yr Tydrtl. 4_ \t. ANTED. goo.I i'i..in Cook, to assist in housework. —i Ai J. Partridge, Gieen Hill. Panted, near Nevvpoit, M'-n. Aa Itr ANTED, a Genml Servant, able to milk..—.A. ppV ly ft .L'lui. St K a 11 F arm. St. Fagau's. iiear Carditt. Jl^si mliV sN L Y'\ 7: Cookd.l i ous*mal»s. Hoiue* kids. Uaruiaids. Niu»es. KUcln-w l. 'rivusai Ei.ij ioyiuvut Assocla* ii n 11 !».. i. 1. Car i Servants applylt<g must1 du- u- ts ut'.t i. ..4 i-baracleM. IaARL-■'CRMAID Wanivd; exj»erieiifed. hurcliwomsn lo'n NtedJewoiuan. and able to Valet a Gentleman g ,od iefeicnt.es; family Mnall.-Apply. witu full paruculars. n. M I mr-jit, > t Fa^an 'f. near Carditl. UfL. \y ANTED, a Girl tor iUu:>- Wor«. t >»:ay oil Sundays. App.y 27. Rutin G-ruons, c.aha>», » arJW. n, r ANTED, a respectable Ot-LCA1 ^-iv.. jt yood wa«e.« to one cxpcricnud and fond ot Ji.lartu.—1., \fk V r ANTED. General Seivant; a l so Nury for one Cmld; ill: uood wages. —Address K 1 iJwvrn Mati., up,! HoL'SKWAID Wanted, single landed willing to wait on and assU». occasionally iu nursery Churcnwoun»n h-ii;, ) i Uuniy.—Ai Lily, |UU« «!C. w«iie»,»nil itlcu-uo- n to Mu. For.e.-it, St. Fugaj £ s. ^a-ar Carditt. tW XrANTElT" » good Piaii7Cook; kockI wages; an early n.ier.—Address Mrs. Brooke, 102, blowluii, Newport, IV/ VNTHD. thoi.'Ughiy gw*l Pi..in Cook, about j /of v t ,iu;i- ilo'el.-Ai ply. with parttculari.D.L. Humphreys, 'Jaliy-: 11 Nen-Joli. i ?. ,a* L \y AN ill) a Lady-Help; one who is able to superiuttnd W \NTE1» iu a couutry Uou.»e. private family, an ea- V- u e d Pa;!o^;n»a:J: must be a good nce-iiewoman*, uSl. aoo:it waten *10. all found except beer,-Addr e is i;x W. N -n PoA-ofli-e. Gjaruotgaushirv. W" an I;ED Patiouiuiaid. good^iiwd j ewoUian; dreu* bt!U>n{ a recomutend.itJou CuJrch, u^tiy.-ReJe* rencesand particulars, W alien. Pembroke. 4W0sl U^ A\ i'i.!>Servant ;o do House and Laundry ^urk" i W t* ANTED, a nood Plaiu C"ok in a gentleman' t.ou ? e; iviO in family.—Mrs. Price, Glaucothy, N«n U aiu:»g, iVtY ^ANl'ED. Cook, sinill dairy; lat. Kiuhciuaald in gent.emaii'i laUiiiy suitable; Chnr.-b; Cui, } ] p: References aua particulars. Warreu. Petubioke. rX nWOaooaGeuoialServa i iw Wanted in a private iauihy} gwod chai.«cier imilspyusablo.—Apply at ou^o lo .drs. Godf Taylvt,Tu« Mujublt.s Swausej i. YYr ANTED, go>- d Cieutftai ri-.rvaut.—Apply 1. |iTV '"AI N I T D n iwug t;li1 G*. neral Servant: nm«t bo p«ti(y > /.» "u-ch, Manager, liany Dock N i i' .». i! er or g<to« l General, uot Vt V ••••. -•- u jofonuide h> un for a v. with partita M of H.I :<n thorougtuy i.:pvUnt.-Apply. l;.st vnta, to K 2. lutein Carditt. 4^vsl WW ANTED, strong (leteul .Serv.»ui f -r Public-house In Caruitt tond of thlldian.—Apply 6i». Tyndall-street, !> )l n..r.trul Servatit «b!e'f> »lo ft' i.i J a d kvp:.—Mrs, Man^Jield, Vl'AM'ti' n vltj.vr d Servant; good chavac f V t l i!.u t. 1 'e c- u -.i t y ^:il prcferie d .— M r. Skerry, lv»a»u»ttaNwth W.U.I1 Uoiu. Sviaw y MtOiSI- HOL.-KMAiUV.uutc 'i willlug «(» u»Jit Kith chiU.tvi.AvUy AlsU- K«{i»uy. 74. Coiuuierml- stieet. Newport. 4:«ujl #^OOD«en«» f iJetv»ut WuntfJ; »ci- »boui 15; aUoNurae- VT tuM: iu« ICloiS.-Alti. 'sl'.eiisUy.C'umaieJciai-.trtet. \V%V 7A'NTEI>. u BMXl Uctwrnl Scrvnut.-Ayiily 4. L\l»«ra-i vt.'W. e«0is. 4s:.U3l iiiASitl), Kaud Itouso »iid Parlour Maid.—AdUjei* Mm. ft Booket. Jsea Liiwn. Bridgend. 4j.'8UjI At/ANTED. good General Servant, fond of childreu vf good wages.—Ap^iy, after Cp.ut., 2*>. Mi.sk! .-street W\> ANTED innued.ately. g<.od General Serv int; also Nu^i-c, to look ait«r six children; good character.- Api'iy. statins rtfeuiuej and reuuiied, to Mrs. PeiLin- Cupt-row. Taihacti, Poit laluot. \t'ANT EDT good Plain Co. k, ageJ auout W.-State refe- If reixe- ami wy^ Eox l^J. Po<t- -Hice, Llanelly. _iu^l GOOD General Servant Wanted; no children. — Mr«. Dav v. v l >. Rict.u.ond-road, Cardift. 4<a2u31 It, 'ANTED, good Housemaid by il.-ft Aprd next. —Apply ff personally, betweeu two and fovr In afternoou, or by letter, suitiu* all particulars, to Mrs, Giover, ^-TyUach Court, FEMALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES. At/ANTKD, Situation as Housekeeper, by respectable ft Wiuow c.»u mauage dairy; well up in uuties. r. 11, Bioadway, Cardiff^ v A?lV rANTED. by Diiddle-a^ed Persou, Situatiou as r — Hou»emaid. or wait on fcloe.Jy Lauy; good woman.-M Rylands, lU ^^kk^htrouiL *uQbS 77xi' E i1 EN c ED Head Nurse, in aGeutleuian's Family; lis ten year.H' first-class character flout Ust flactv y PaKc-Ktroe:, Swansea A SJ it/ANTED. by a Youn, Person, Situation as Children -rs f f Maid or Cnder aoy'i Maid well !u »<e ■ 0 -A(WU.« M. J.. Mr.. Duu" htteet, Lurry Port. Carnurthcnslnre. ■"•w u u rX po Dedcate Ludies or W'iaowers A Houst-keepcr goovl luaua r und fond ol 3l».-Apply M:s> Wn.u r. 17. S t Mary->treCl.ep»tui.. l l4iUal \1Y %/ANTED a Situation as Maid t.' Young Ladies; some knowledge oi Monk-sUeet Abet- HOl'SEK KEPEP. to ( i eutleman, business or t• t ii i-jni p k:: >u auy poiitiou of trust; experienced, tiv.. moderate salary. —Address L d, GU il l • Wanted. Situation where Kitchen- J !■ k ( iiujehwoaiaii; good refercnces.-Mrs. Pouu's ^elett ll. i,try. Swansea. ASvoo. i Plaiu CookoV Working Housekeeprr good re f e- leuoo; age W.- M C.. Belle Vue, Dukestowu. near AVtV rANTED, a situation as g-od C«»o k where -v i kept. A' d.-e.™ F. L. Pontrilas, Hereloid. 4mui TTN1VI RsAt. Emiloytaent Associatiotn II. l' Cardisl. -Reliable M-nants Supplied f;r all }( f(-<i( utivn wr country. T. i-lve .s u m p 1<S- V i i ,\N I) rs s. ;tiou a>> Cook undej.'tands dairy an d >> M, E:.VIlie I l o-IM- Newport. *tf«4.- f \V'AM'l.i>. sr.uition 1a Working Hou>eke i-tr: goni l »t .,)„i manager; good reier«uces. -r.. .7 'v U'AN 1 KD, >j.ua-.ion as Hou.«skcepu- to a Gej.ileinan good Cook, Ac.—Address R. J., 11, Duuitnes-place, WANTED, "situatiou as House k eeper in Geotiotuan's fauiily. or Maid to an Elderly Lady age 4U; respec- tably conuected good references.—Address A. C.. jw»e °l Mr. Austin, Statiouer. Trt-orky. f|WU good Pkin Coo k also nou»e:Parlour Maid, re'juiring 1. Situations in Swausea.—E. li. 's Select Registry, St. M<* e:. s, Swansea. i EE-PE' TKLI.E Earii.r' l'.c,liUT seeks Situation as y 1! -m il ii •t my Place of Trust; L. J ri' D. L >wai,bea. 4;4CujI MALE SERVANTS WANTED. AlrANTE'D, active, willing Mau us Gardener and Groom, ft' —Ari'-y *[M»<-nee and wages reuuireJ. Mr. 'Milwanl W- i; ViAKDEM t- i■ .n.ie d mast thoroughly under* VT Biaml k.t.1 :■ «.r »wien. greenhouse i.n d ^tove. —Apply. »• A tu Mrs. Martin Edwards. Glau- Iwfein. I'ontyiool. 240s2 WAN' CED. active Lad, «o look after i'ony aud uiakv him* self .u,¡IJ u,cl.l; age .lucuu.-AWI)' Old Bush, Newj)0rt. ll U/ANTED, for the Country, Married .Man. Without chil- dren. as Giuom and CoacDinan. aud to attend to kitchen garden "lte lh do hoosew^rk wk aHtlr Voulrr)" i man must l.e thovou^hly cftidl'u and be total uwt:iuu Address K :? H M" -'?. Car<litf.  ?-  I _K :J:}:il AVAV 7"ANTED. Sftmtfo?) M Grooui, or Groom and Vouch- I' man; can n.\c ana drive weU: willing "» make h?Mff" ?'"?:'X«? )'ettrM)ces; e);e, M.-J. U. FfahfdJ, Uaudit". *1 '? L1U:i¡::D,l,y-y¡¡,t¡;¡¡M.u. 2C-yOara Oldui.t; Groom 'aiidAsbitt in Garden; Uuee J":l"ö' e1õcHel characwr fl-. 1t. elU\.Ioycr.-WIUi&W Data, r«uml« i'»ch. Lt\uKwùwor, C'*rilis«u. Q4; k Workin* Ftftiri), BiOIW iiomwli»l»ly wanetd, one child_; A— ttKe 33.-Ai'l>iy Lenli. J'duity. Utvu Kcya. I i!l:n_ 2ó1.- 'I; \V A.1ert;ioa;:ù)iU¡rn l ?)?i.ji!?t. ?[he?C*?"?_ '?  XV\V f ANTKD a Sttuatloii iërc;J-iõ W??. 'A?'??o? c''M'?Lr.-An.'y 0.1 .a.kl, I.i???.ue.ifCMjUt. _??.— 48 Coacliiuau7 uueor pair; II Õh:t2;( A tiuall Bo»er Bortloa «in,le. «i' 31. fl»t y«.« luiM recouimtiKlstioo.—E. L., Olvestou AltûO uÙàùw)., 1Ll)" Gh.uc#;tefJJÚro. u.n Wanted; on Ut May. Situation as V^?r?tx^nr-nt au active, euergcuc vou M-«, totwye*n 6zcd\t;ut. character from last situation.—Address G. {.?p?r. E H?mMun. St. Kicht.?t. ue.?'.?'? ..— Ji" WAN i'EO""situation as Grooui aud Gardener middle- '\l A!ít-I(; X'??.'d.?'?'?'W''?'? J,h.? t' Jt U ? of ?. ?.0 take the mM?.. meiu of \1{i:i.olt.ndr. Good MtM?ce.A H.. tr.f,Uf.?. t!f?t.n. Mon.   *4 S F(- under a butler; age 17: three g^od A :f{¡,l)'u nllT.r:f', .11: fiWuJI 31?t?h??" M 1\¡l¡J:c:r :a:Je; I. Qthrt t kept; life eiperimc. In ..U Uauch«. ajo .0; married, if..?,d I' b,fli: 6 t«MbMity.tnd<?ttt. te.-?KV't?e. MU(? U& uil MALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES Continued) WANTED, Kltu itfcri as Gardner. E*ix-rlem »'d In .i d hruKiie< a^ inarrieU, one child.—>henh nd, MAN AND WIFE WANTED. WANTFD. Man and Wife. Mitl.out children, to look after horse, cow, and garden, and he ce.iotjlly useful; abJft to milk i;no«1 lmu« Apply L 14. WfAtti n Cardlft. hi; AVlV fAaVTED. ''Man arid Wife without eldhlren man to act as Coachman and Gardener; wife a* House-keeper; total absUiner salary expect*—Address H. U„ Po*t-office, AIT"ANTKD.'Mau and"Wlfe l man as Cowman, Ac-, woman vf Dairvtuaid aud to Milk. Must make tus'-rate bttt;»T aud Caerphilly c h eese. Kic* ilent refeteuces as to chara -ter ami ahihsit*. Lai.e ian.f'v o b j. tdd to. A l' tu Stiatti. i. M > lieu I' ate. Newport. 4, J d At/ANTED, a Se.ond Cofl^-r.-om Waiter.-Apply to Pro* fl yiu-tor. Muclc«\or;h iiott-l. ol.-iJ AtTANTED, aCook a^t Kit.i..i.C.n: i: t.»i.-xu- It iant. -Apply I'anle-tic-. t l.v »-«ri r, •. HOTEL.- htnarl HouK-waid Wur.ui, ■ » s..u:.ii g .»t UbE-Apily, |*>-oj;aiiy. U,.i but i ,t.u>. H IC.irdltE 1' 1 C IHAMRERMAID lexperienccd) Wanted, at the Slier- J x.ood ilotvl. Adauivircet. Stiand, London. write Mrs. Pni«t. to that aU l:^>s. 5 ^'? d \W tT AN lEDas P.anuaid and to Wail hi CinuuiereiaJ-rootn. A d d usi 11 :1. » cs e.a Muil OlHce, Caidii:. IV ANTED, au eipeiiooced Rarmai. use I to a qui' k f f counter trade; references ^7. tattle- BARMAlD.-Wai.t- laim.diately. a respectable, expe- rt. ml Yoin.ff Fi'fsoi).—State age. rehrences. and salary itiiuiied, U ^1—4^J L FEMALE SERVANTS WANT Pl^CES^ WANTED, by cxpiiiciKed Cook, Situation in a First- tvtoi Coumicicial llotel. -Addrcas M., lrou treet, TMIM-l'L^S #1: Requires ki <;nyenje:> i In Hotel; X s-ou Oi permanent -Apply Universal Employment Afcsoe.ation. IE Ditiid. its place, Cardiff. iiVwO KE-ENiiAUEMENT Reipmed as Book; keeper and A-. v M. »;rcss luodeiato salary.—Address L ^4, N'oir.« Mint. Cauatt li'/VO 4 YolTN(i I/uly Require^ Ro en^ajterueiit iw Barmaid in A quiet lie!'I or Vaults; ago ^4: gornl relerei.cvs- Aildress E. Uriillilu, ilroad-^treet, lre^tcigne, Raonor- V ti u ir:iiai; r; know i wl2e of Business: wilHng t<» civ /oi I- ni^ht: good references.—M. A. J.. Caruiar'nen- A RESPECTABLE Youn/ Person sWks a Situation as I' i- P anii d. Woul\ give tiret month. — Bar, Cunnt) Cn.o, i du .iil, L» ARM AID Ru.uirvs Re-engagemeT Tt T l T gO'Hlftpoear- > alii. 11 fertiice. Several General Servants disengaged. — Vnivciial Eiuploymeut Association, 11, Dninfries-pla-^e, Caul id. !*>•* Ayty /AIXRESS Wants Situation in Family. Coiomerci.il igel'i.-AddrewL.M.. 21, South-place, Bedminntfr, 4 YOI'NO La ;y reip i irfM SJtuitlon as B-»rmald ro«h1 reference two yean, aud lialt iu last situation tall 23 years of uge A Apply Misa Wasley, Eight Bells, Feti.^ ate, A RESPECTABLE Young Perso'i eeeks Situation ii. Iviu- tierauie Hotel iir Confectioner s Shop; hiuljest n le- reuee.— D H'o^ra Muii Oihce. Swauw^a. _• 4s41iM 1 ■>' XITR E*j S. —Wan te<l. Situation h> Restaurant or Vf Dining-iooius.—Atldress A. N Royal Albert Resuu- iV%V 'ANTED i>y exper'.e-.ce d Young Lady. Situation as B-rina i d in re-U'e.table Hotel or VaiUtt. Use«l to ou''cls conntcr trade good references.—Address Beta. Ray Ju ve t' im. Insworth. near Gloucester. 4'^L 1V1V /ANTED. au experienced Billiard Marker: must be Willing to .i>'s > t Boots.—Apply imperial xiotel, Monut \'OL: Tii WanVd as Billiard Marker and U'dtan windows. 4c.- U E. Jones, Washington Hotel. C»i Jilt. 2s0-il U'ANTED..Stuart Youth as Billiard Marker. 10 to 18; goon player also re s pectable Girlas Geueral Servant; strooi' about Sfe.—Apply Liberal Club, cardnf. ly.sl MALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES. SITDATIuN Wanlod. as Billiard M&iw. or would Resit a Rooiu medmui player.—Aduress B. M., Yil^UlRKbTsituatiou asTJmle ? Boots.or Slngle-iiauded; X\ age 21: good referenw».- Aduress T. butpard, B.su- cham H o tW, _C rej^Ma) veri n Twap_NTED Jjituatiou as W'aiter good character; VV htigat 5/« Uio.-Alfred Coles, C, Tynybedw-tenace- EXPERIENPEP Young Mau Wants Situation In Hotel,, or General In Restaurant, Good refereuce.-C. >> i.ks, 7o, Watkins stieet, Snausea. etcjuJ CLEl'.KS AND MANAGEKS WANTED 0 FFICE li. y Want'd by Mr. Nunc. 1. Dock Vbanibcn. vuiJid.-Aviuy^uy letter. Uijuwu uaiHiW'n D ♦TJ CSlint t'l.KUU —Wautt-d. r. inutile Yontli owe- !• » • UMfcMced and W e t.i w, ito iliorlliaud pr.fcired.-Ap|.ly, suiili.tan aud Bidary ciptcttd, I. 1j. IImHi i .li.ni 4 licui rl.l 1 [.' I K Ilali'diiy and Andcnon, A Attiiii 's :.n. l nuiTi-yurs, 16, llljli-fltreet. LHrullt. cau rcrehea Pup/1 ur lmpu ver. r'us'J i" RKSPELTAP.LU Youth Wanted for (!oal Exporter's A oihce. Aj ply. sia:in>r age and •i 'MUM-d, In own J .a:tw,-umg, L:l'J. dfui/. Cardill- U.nu-1 •j AW.-Wint-d CetseKd Citrk. wi h knorlcdpc of Eook- Aj keeping,—Apply A. Z., H' tsterw .Wiuf tulice. New- por\ 1. WANTED Immediately, a iimp. active Youth for Gilicc Work; one who can write Ion/ and short nana fhieutly.-Apply, by ietter, bingvr, ft Queen-street. Onim. 1 V ACA N'CY iu tb r o.lj-jrof a CanliiTArehitect for Pupil. Prem i um required.— A ddress K 22. D'fiifr;» JJnu. i *r- 1- 2 s l "A'OVNG Man P.equiret'. to Keep Books and make him-vcif X u-eiul; olio accustomcd to the Glass and China Ira le prtftnvd.-ApJy, by letter, A. Clamper. Oxi'oid sacet, A%/ANT £ D. a Cierk iu "'Accountant's Office.-Apply. *tat- ft lug tsperiecce and salary requi.ed, John Jenkins and CLERKS AND MANAGERS WANT PLACES, AVANTED. Siiuatiou as Clerk; with some out-dooreiq- Vf payment prctemd age ly.—Address A. J., n "n* I aSv (ieneral Clerk, acquaUued with S orthuud and J-i Kaiu's System. R-quires Re-engagement. A e w. >alarj » t s. —Lex, W estern .tfai<, Mertbyr. -a* t V DVERTISER Eeeks l i e-engagement. Book-keeper. C.uhier, Central Clerk; writes shorthand, h-s good kif-wledge of Fieuch; seven years' ex j ierieuce; excellent refereuixs. —Address Veritas, Mr. klaynes, Stati^uei, Bute AND"XGENT.—Should any gentleman miuirethe ^r* L vices of a Land Agent well »p iu all the duties, and wuo can speak Welsh, the undersiz ed can lecomiuend one.- 0*eu S. Wynne, ivaj., Plasuewyud, Rhuabon. DVERTISER (21) Seek* Employment iu Shlpbroker's Otllco; 2J years' experience; good bookkeeper; good te«timoul.ilfi; or atiy other position.-Address iv 21, 4 VCTluNKER'S Aanlstant, five years. erperience, J\. thorough knowledge «> f the business, Seeks Re-eiig.^c- n;ent; exceptional reffrenccs.-Addres» K lj, n tutrn M otfu* pr- fcrr. »•« year- 'Ht« *»««« SHOP ASSISTANTS WANTED. U /ANTED, stumg, bharp Boy for Grocery and Bread Tra-.e: ueliver goods anu ui:»ke hiuiseif uwiul.-ti., U' rtitni Mutt, Swansea. X9s2 GRoi'EES -At once. u very good Juuior Haud fo»* th_e Groceiy and l'rovislou Trade. -Apply DaviesBros,, rpo Grocers' AssistanU.—Jnnior Wantet L — '■&, X street. CardilE .? ;,jUA GROCERS.—-> good Junior Asaistant Wanted.—Apply, suiting refe-.ences, previous expeneuce. salary rcquii M to G.. R t*ter» M«ii. Cardiff. ^1Sr2 KOCEUY.—Wanted immediately, an Im p rover tj the above trade; v.Uo Lad. about 13. to Deliver Goods, with knowledge oi gardening; good reference required.-J. 1V1V /ANTED, sharp Yi-nth as Apprenticw G-uoral Drapery; lud^rs no premium,—Apply XIX. Century Diapeiy. Bute-street. V^rditf. D RAPERY. :-Utrue Brothers. Carditf. Inquire a Female AxaKtant for tiie .Mantle Department Sales; a p plicants will s'-ite tli.-ir :i(c.. ip.m-.ite in lb« trade, and the salary r-quiied Welsh pieferred. lob»a D- HfLEW/S and Company. IVapers, Neath, have • V tn At icy for steady Younrf Man; Welsh; *even to tjght years ex|*»i-nor; got.d Window-dresser; able to avMst ■^ViV 'ANIED, Two res p ectable La-li, k1s«j a Yi-ung La- y Apprentices to the Drapery aud MUiinery.—Jauies, Cloth Huh, L a d o. D' 11 LEWIS and Coiui*any, Drapers. Neath, have • a Vacancy for a Youuy Laily for Fancy CounU-r six to seven years'exjKjrience. Welsh; encloMJ cane and full particulars. —— s- 1I) vR WERY and Millinery.—Wanted immediately. »x- nerieiKed Hands for Millinery; Youiig Liw.iesfov sale* in Show-room; ulso for HaberuaOiery and Geuts Merceiy. T homas. Blaina. ^uji HOWELL and Co.. the Cardiff Drapers, have Va(*nciesfor Two or Three re»pccuble J Youth.-u4s Appr€ijr»ccs^ CLOTHIERS' ASSISTANTS.—Wanted, a smart Hand for tile Men' Merceiy and Hat«; must kuo»v tiie dej-ar^ ,,tu,.roughly; good reference Indispensable. State lull particulars. Ciuttirbuck aud Co., Swansea. 4yJ0sl DvUaappRV —Wanted, respectable, well-educated \'<>uth LS« i X iu Urapc,y.-Apply to 1). Phillip. and Co.. ll. rtbyr l'vd»il.. TH TimVllh- (lUYTFrrTKHS.-Kip'ttieni.td llaniln Wanu«l iunuedlau y.—Apply to D. J. K vans, Slerthyr. (48SIU31 11,'ANTKl) iluirp Youth, lor rroTlsion Trade, wllltut to W make himst-11 generally useful; aoout lo.-Apply A»h- i>, ======-=====- SHOP ASSISTANTS WANT PLACES. Malndee, Newy>ort. Mom u!?? of lr mint*. »ouM gj,. t l uie.-l. 7. L^TATfONl-iRY and ?'?'TI'?.?,??? ? "???'?". seeki Ue-eiigagement; highest references. Apply E. 21, I'?.t Brecou. C aLoTHIEI^ —Energetic Married Man a* FL?t wfc Uranth; soodeipertence; flnfclw-cf«- j i.]V:r;:v 'Wunt. u a ^itualiou as Junior; Tour yeai. ruice<U. Jlujlies,^Stationer,J outypHdd. i01.!?-. G uperience; aatulactory refer-nari.-X'. C'lampH. X. ('j)a:rul':dll.l'roal'cwport. Mon. -)j¡J_- Ii 1!LI"eIII: g;l.¡:lt:) V> Lii'iX'TABLK Yuwit Person seeks Kituutioo In Con- !J!J'¡..}:l:R: MiLUNEM AND DRESSMAKERS WANTED. DnrsSMAKlSG.-GooJ 8Hrt and 1:0<11'0 lIau,l. Wanted; .tiM ApprtuttM.-Ap?y -ri. ?". h. ?! t't.rt?H?) BM?Uu?. eanlill. Mhb. 'Vî.ifiLk1, n.acliine trade L »|'° <V Ai.preutice.—Apply Lodwi?'t. 17. CttUMO-n). K<atu, C,,?ditf. 11'¡ Apl,,e?,ti,e, f 3t'll"l-y ?,I).-A pply J.'?! Miilinery 1;"AbIW? 9J, Uwd\f")', lluath. C.ntin, IOil I 'VÀ' Ltf:-flUi:jJtr,\tw;at W" Young Lady.—D. Lewi«, 9ti, Woud»ille-road, t.ar- dirr. iI dItf?f. .?y?n??!'?'Sy?*??A' i'anc j r Counter and Miilinery. Welali.-Apply I». U. LewiH and Company. Neath._ **t— serving a?l. execute own orders: lor a new bu,t 'V A;I lblt:crI::I?e:=: -¡.il.. fuU Ucl¡.¡,u, Cloth lIoLU. Cowbridg £ lu31 LADI ..t.u<\¡iul -nom7 g}W\lld h.. th.ir d. taUKlt Dressmaking and Dre.nttfnl,-ALlplf DutlItUn" Mvdtll)u, 11, Dmufrloa-piace. Cardltt. l8Js3 IV ANTED luuuediately. Improvers aud Apprentices to the MlUinery,—Apply Mrs, acurlock, U, Cburch- "-t, C?dttl. MILLINERS i DRESSMAKERS WANTSD ,C»nt:nu»d^ WAXTKDatoiw. Ynuns I.ady a» Mililn»r, and to Serre at I' ..in,ter »Vi!. Apply. nutliiB id,Ires, f.ir teferenee. aud valary required, to Frederick Trotter, Draper, Cinderford. • J-lJ, L- WAN'TI'.n l muie.Uattly. tiioroutldy eiperlruced H.illd to > I the Dre«:niaklne: aUo Improreri and Appreutlcea.- Miu HerniaIL' Pemtiroke terrace. Cardilf..WaaJ MI1.LI.VKI1. -Wai t.i l I-Ii i rienced Hand (ctilldr j n'^a mi li:,eryl a t» -Applr. reference. *c.M«. MattocK.O. St Mary r eei. Carnlif. rpo DKKSvWAKKKS.-Wantcd. In month, an etp.riei.cM X Firsl Hand. —X ;ne tmt thmotli'hly eipeneooed. !»•«».» fit and style, need apply to W. V tllljiw at.d ,v Mrs. PORTf:l:. Miilln. », nrl iiv «tr r r' Newport. 1. Vac.in:ie> (oi In-dc'r Aplirentiies. Private trade. (u j l MILLINE1 S AND DliESSKAKEKS WANT PLACES SITUATl. i.V WanTed by resi«-ctaWe Young Laity ai Kcor>n<l ll, i..l I hv.winaker good referema-, 4tc.-h. 3. tiriibi.'i .-iiect. Aherdare. j" iHiscplinufoue j&itimuonoe r1 r,OP RI NTS. -W.Tracy. MnrrUton has a Vacancy for Apprentice to the Watch and Jewellery Bu/lut- BAK EUS. aiNFECTloNERS.-Wanted, a Man well un in both branches —Aj>; iy, with terms, reieTen- j. CoU»er, 71. Bute street. Treorky. 1 W^' aN'TKD Tito sood Tinmen; no other need apply; conaUu templosineiit. —Apply H.Machin, No. 6,>\at4:r» street Neath. MECHANICS (Engineering, are re-.p.vtfully infornied the.t a strike is» pending at Newport. Mou. AIT"ANTED. good'Coachsinitlt aud Paluu-r.-Apidy Cardiff. Vf Hint County CWhhuiiding Company, Hope^trect (opposite Conservative Club), Cardiff. WANTED, an Apprentice to the Baking Business. —Apply 1). Recs. Grocer and Confectioner, Fcnarth.<js. B"OY Wuiitedl for t i ie Pawnbroking Bnduesa.—Apply Harris Levene. 22'J, Cowbridge-road, Canton, Cardli.. UATVYEll Wauted. to woVV a rack heuch and logframo; 'O must he an experienced man, of soWr, Indus, iloua habiu; <.ousUntwork.-ApplyP. Hopkins.Newrocklimber VLL ClvIl Service Fxaminatlon* (for Clerkships. 4c.. under (iovernm-'nt: aces, male to 2ft. female w), General IV.u'ation, Lani,uapes, Shorthaud. *r.; Freparatiou /or University. Nonu.d Entrance, aud Prelindnary Pharuiaceu* tical Examinations; thorough Tuition by Corres|K)ndeuce.~ Address SecieLiry, Wini uigh Kducatioual lustiuue. Si, George IV. llridge, Edinburgh.. I4^ <«a \l/ANTED at once, a Rtroug Iaad. from 10 to H, to assist Iff in Bake h ouse w.d Deliver Bread.—A d dress 11. Hani.s, It'i, ('omrai'n-lal-road, Newport. 133u31 AIrANTED. a 1'oac h P^inUr; a constant situation.— V V Apj-ly John Pal i.vr, Co.ichbuilder. Cower, Hwan.sea. J s5 WANTED, a eompet-nt Man to work.Ioinei'sMac h inery. a j-' jM-r prcft rn d; constant work t>> a steady, suitanlo man rc;eience required.—State wages to L 1, H' ra-Vi ii d/'id, BLACKSMITHS Wanted, accustomed to• W.I*0!I and Ol lit ry Wo k.—Apply at Aberauian or«s. AUr- d re. t^> 3 U/ANTED, a Boy to make himself generally useful.— Cro'/L an d Son, Wholesale Clolliicrs, li, Mcww> | r< a, t l/ANTE'D, so active Smith, aocustome d to maklnif gan»s »v aud lading. — Geo. Kyte aud Co., Mill-lane, /H)l k -Tohaca /nists.—Il i uVtratfdGuide. ilUpages. "Row X *2v/e to commenct lromgt2U to 'w U C, t'axee »Ump;. Iu9, Euuon-roa. .London.. »< BAKERS.—Situation Wante d by respect-^ble wan, as Bi'ker; usiMto.-nv.lh goo<l refereua-s.—B„ 15, ^*n»' road. Peutre. Swansf-e, 5 ? 81TUAT ON as t'arpeuter Required: house, or on aa estate. Goovl workman; nine years' experience.—L.. o, comui' rc i al-roa- .Newport. l'd ri» Master Saddlers. -Wauted, by iesi*"table Youiik Mao, X ftic;u't"fi «s tieneral Hand—li. Joju-j, l?, PtnHiuo- atreet. Chi-did. Wo BAKE/JSand Corfivtionc-rs.—Y'-uug Man ^anu Siui :• tio:i; ucllexnerieiu-cd iu both branches good refer ;ue. — c Driscoll. 40. Nelsiai-strcet.Newport; Vf ASTER Bakers and Confectioners.— 'Wanted. Situstion -.» X by Man thoroughly experienced; seven years in last pluc?.—-0, Feeder-row, Pontypridd. TANTED, by Mai ler Mariner a Berth; well a'^naluted n with t h e ila tic audMeoitenauean Ports; gooc l nf." rencc.—Address F. G. Brown, llotwelU Post-t»dice, r | V( ~HUNTERS.—VVatited, Situatlou au Machine-niau, X or Mathine and Press; can cast rollers; used to steam ami t.as; ten yeais iu present situation.—Ad tuss A. B. !6, Wawr-street. Neath. 8'JuUi \*OlJNG Man ilequirea Situation as Porter or place of im.it. sudiaa Collector.—Address Porter, ir««r»4 Mad, TRAVELLEKS, AGENTS, So., WANTED. AOKN'TS.-Wanted. On. So!. Agcrit lit each Town in the Kiiit.ioiii; Weil eaperien «1 in maps or book e.ri- vu.iu»; oitterreJ.—AdUiess Mr. Bacon, May Publisher, 127, tf:rand. Lon d on. S4kl \C.i;N'i > »Van-(d &i*i pe quarter, paid weekly aplendi_d oiet.ing; experi-'uen u-iiivcc->ai'y; si>eciuien« i«ce.— A d »Ue^on^o. -ition Works, J-'armvurih, Bo.ton. 4 OEM'S rtlooted iii »;vevy Town and Village throughout I' nitc d ivii^ iom. Terms most liberal.—App<yn S, yj, Fuubuiy Favtiueut, Loiiuon. aMit'STWoKTM* Mea who wish to conduct u Clnb iiuixii.Sv lieir Fricmis for Mevu's. A. andG. Taylor s Family Portiaits may have nai ticulara of same by applying at Sui.ii<> R,. y l DuU-fcUcet, Oardid, SatUaction guiuanteed to meathii'S aud agent. 4 'i^O CANVASSERS.—Wanted, c-oergetio Men, wln-ie or X gpure time; smasl necuji'y wiulied.—W» la;wia. i»->o k seller. ih/n;tv-4eii- .ic<- .d<r hyi. t^P.uJl AcjENTS V/ante-l. 10 ;'er cent. c mmisslon. for the Sai»^ of iudia-Rubbtr S: imps RKii:ti» sheet? aud terms pesi- fue.- B owlei. W. Folloe.t j i-piaee. Lo.:don; W A' iJENT-S Wanteil to .S t- ov.r celebrated Pacge Teas, I' reuch Cottee in tins, and Cocoa; p.rti'aUra f» Oliver. Oliver, aud Co.. tf7J. Soathgate-roati. London. iS:Jiy, AGENTS Wanted; Gootb i n S'eady dPUiitnl; ealiuy and comudsslou.—lietou and Co., W, Giaccc.iuic,i;>t'i.et. ALL who wish to iuake Money easily and quickly at borne, wriUf J. Murray. 110, Crofion-i .a»l. Lomion, S. K d XssTWEKKLV aud Upwards maybe easily and honestly d>+ £ iralised by i>ersons of either sex, without hindrance to present occupation.—For paiticulars, Ac., euc l o. -.e ad* dressed euvelope to Evans. Watts, und Cowpauy (P <11. d er* chants, Birmingham.—ihiH is genuine. HSsd TRAVELLERS, fcc., WANT EMPLOYMENT. SITVATION W iiited, as TtavoJer or Collector, by Youtg Man secuiity if rcqidred.—Address Collectov. 54, Mau.en-pl.xe, Canion, Caruill. 4v fAl CSOLLIKKY PlUiPRIETORS.—Adve.tiser would be glad j to ae us Sole Agent to nuy good Colliery for the Sale of Stfrui and llou e Coal for the Inland T.ade, on <.»niudi>ion or I'mxliasy Outright.—Addresa ii lb, U'Mfera Afaii. t-'ar- 4 GENTLEMAN with Capital, of business experience. A. I?! u.i Pi.rtuer»hip iu a sound Manufacturing or Mcrc E 'tni' .-5 hu^ii.e^s; Bristol,Cardiff, or Swansea.— l'rincij-al.s ou.y audreis. L 1-. H><rm* Afatj, Cantitf. 1 7 so A Si'OUkBP.oKER of esper l etice, with iiLeieeptMnable references. wi?he«t to mett with a Gentleman of infiu^uce tocorumonce busincM m Uruwl or t'aiditf.— Addres* Lll, 4 BUSINESS" Man wishes Ut employ both time and j\. capital iu genuine Business oc Ag-ncy.—Address G., care of Advertising OiliceS, R-0, yueen VictorUk-fitn-et, Lou d ou, E C. rr>o OUTFITTERS, A t Wauted, Manager, with *100 at X command, in au lu^ri-aiing Business. —Address K 8, BV.-ffi /t Mt (!. Cardiff. 4923sl_. "C\>irsdfe, by Private Treaty One-Fourth Share in the X? well-known Partnership Concern of Messus. Oapp and Co., Coiliery Proprietors and Co.il ShipiierB, Newport, Mon. The firm «j f Me«srs. C'lapp and Co. Is an old-cKtabhshed one, and au admirable opportunity is now afforded for inve.stuientr of e-aj.ital.— Eor paiucularn apply to Messrs. Datis ami Lloyd, Solicitor*. Newport. Mon.; or to Mr. E. Gratnx Davk.s, Solicits, Cnt kh well. WOT1NI; and Two Bed Rooms Wanted; no attendance. C«n'on or Lhtndau.—state terms,, nioderate, L IS, Wtst'rn Mnii OiLJc«. CwdW. 24?*3 VPARTMENTS Wauted, for Two Gentlemen friends (travnuers), dining out and most of time away, iu Eoath. A d> l r'v\ 1 17. Mail Ottice. Carditt. 2*23^ \i" rANTi D siuinc^ M. an.l Bedroom in respectible VV in-it,u »oin ho<ui. —Statu lowest teims and full partu u- lam toE IIV-ifr.4 Jfttif.Cardl: 18isl AA* ANTED, Furnished Apartments for two Young Gen* V f il- men dining out. Riversido preiVrr*l.—Stud terms 11 H'c-i U /'t JJui:, Cardiff. sl A\* ANTED. <iu« Sitting and Two Bedrooms; unfurnisiiod Vf rrspectabli* lajghitWhood near High-street; no children. -Iv 7. rni >/ .o<.«' u dut. APAP.TMENTS TO BE LET. C ^OM FoRTALE B<-ard aud Residence for a Vrr.ffs.'ional Uentltiuai; teru.s moderate.— A. M. G., 1 ost-odice. l-ontypriud. »!* AFAUTUENTS u> Let. Front Sitting-room aud Bedroom. Terms moderate.-Apply 29. Oiockherb- 0-» "W1N DSO__li- PL AC E, Cii i ckherbtown, Carditl —Front Ai Apavtinent.s; two U-drooms, if required; excellent co..sing; guod attendance; no ciuldren; terms mode* rpWOFurni.»hod Rooms to Let; g^i. nocluhUen.—Apply X W, .Sttlifbury-road. CaBnys, Cardiff. IJEN'ARTU.—Furnished Front Sittiu^ and Bed Room to Let. wj?h atien«mnw); ti»o hedn»t»)ns if re<|inreai; sea v ew.- Apply first to Stianagbau and Stephens, i'enarth. Isl U, 'ELL:FI'RNISHED Sitting and Bed-room; Lot and cold bath; terms moderate.—48, Partridge-road, Eoath, C^uNir<)RTAllLE HittT ug^rixnn. wilh"b rio or Two Fail* J i.iouLS, suitable for Two Gentlemen; terms very mode- rate. — 2-7, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff' ii?J.s3 C^OMFtMiTABLE Board aud Residence for Centlemeu, at j Dumfries-place, Carditf; piano, hot and coid hath. iX» OEYNRHONDDA-STREET, CATllAYS.-Well-fur- ni.died Apartments close to 'bus; hot and cold baths piano home coiufortu. M.xlerate terms. 7b^3 KDWARD-PLACE (near Tutf Station). Crockherb- XU» town.—Comfortable FurniMictl Apartmeuts or Board aud Lodgings. Moderawjj erm*. No children. 74«.l 4)i" JAMES-STREET, Castluioad, Ca diff.-Furnished Front sitting-room, Ouo or Two Kourooms; three YGUNG Married I'ersun has comiortabJe Lodjngs to Let to a Young l4idy; one vim is in business pre- ferred for the sake of keeping her company or Iwo or Three Vnluridshed i;ooins, with .ooklug stove.—Apply to 44, Deburgh-street, Riverside, j aidiff. KOAltD and Lodglugn, with respectable, faiuiiy. for Trio Gentlemen. i*s. week close to tr*m no children.— Address K 12. We.<te,n Mail, Cardiff. 4Mas3 rr\0~Let. comfortable Sitting-room an i l B- droom for Gou* X (Itiuun dining out.—AppJy J2, Pembroke-terrace tar* dilf. 4WI-2 Brj)P»OOM usc Sitting-room, near town, or Board with respectable Family, for Gentleman; moderate terms.— H 18. I»s:em Mail. Cardiff. 47SluM T\ I\ TANTKn. near Cardiff, or within caw dbUrice of a railway station within 12 miles of Carditf, a liesideuco coutalnlne not less than three good-Med recention roonn and 1. veil bedrooms, anu with some lauil attached.—AddrewK. HVjtei n Jito/. I'ardW^ 4alg'1 TO lteM*. with dnimedlate posjie-wion, compact Kesidence, four be d room*.— l'u'l parllculara and rental, iv 4, »V.arr» Mail Ortice, Cardiff.. WW /XntKD to I'urcbaw, Iu reapecUWo uelgbbouibood, town end of lioath or Canton, Dweltlng-honae e-on- taiidng five bedrocmia. hot and wld bath, *c.-l rice and full particular, to J.. Office, Cardiff. 1I1V 7" ANTKD, to KanV ln tbi'Wy, Valley, abore Tintern. a Detached ('ottage, contaiuhig seven or eight rotrniH, with garden.-Addrei.'r. C.. 18. lime-street, Cardir. u.il WANTi:D. to Purchase or Rent.House iu RirthlnOardens or neighbourhood -State lowest terrna H 10. H >ti'm ia>A\TK'D witbiu a few miles of Cardlrt" Cottage aud W tia i e. with or without laud.-Addiew IS, Wward- DWELLINO-BOUSES TO BE i* £ T. GOOD, Convenient House; large rooms; every con- venience; No. 10. GtosHiip-U-rrace; rent £ 5S.~O«eo and Bryant, Swiss Ci!»iubei.i, C »rdin. rno Let. goo d Dwei: i i:g-U«7uf«, 7, North-road; >u»i ie.liat» X po.^esslou. —Apply J. Williams. Engraver, North-ioad, Cardirt. ? 7»" ClARDIPF.-Detached"Country Ireceutly occupie d by Joan Doi^on, Es p). containing seven goo«l bwlroyius aud bathroom, three re^cptiou-ioonis, eouveolent oillces, nii-o lawn and coiuerviitory. capital gardens, and nine acies ol Pa<ttire Land. Exctllent stabling and outbuildings. Iiuuiedi.te poasesiiou; rent, moderaie.-Apply W. an d S. o. DUDLEY PLACK. Decks, conta ning six rooms, to Let* o !;(-acious g.uilen at back.—Apply 32, Wordsworth-htreet' K" OATi'l' -To l.e Let or Sold, with immediate possession 1' Wordsworth-stn-et, containing thret« sitting-room» ainl &ve beurooms.—Particulars from Jamea Munn, 0, Pierce* li Id j Ia. -e. Roath, Cardiff. 244sG r p o Ut. Somerset Houai r Tu d m-roa d R ivtr-Ide newly X uwitfUit: hot and cold «aterbaih.-App.y Mr. Notley, 20, B.ook-vtieet. Riv^r.-ide. Cardiff. M"EATHV-To Let, Theliwg Uou-»", oi eand a half miles fr.-iu N' eaUi. witu tju acres t/i la».« —Apply to T. M. l'nce. Suruyvr. Nu.aU. and to Herbert W. R.eVi s, E^ i Sohe.i r. K>, Kofi rt-ioet, Strand. Lon d ^ij L>R) .MBOSE Cottage, stable. Garden (aud six acres oi Wild ST jj liesirtd) to be Let. Henllys Vale. Newjioru O 'd SM ALL Fu fus-ln d Hou i e a i .d Kiting ui la t by the Vear, .tiff, near Abergavenn[y_ .—Ap^ply 1 1 7. Charles-street. Car- r | M) Let, ou the Stow Park E.i«te,with immediate posvi- A. aion, a iaige Uet^ciicd House, contiinitig four reception rootitJ. kitchen, nculiery, lavatory, larders, c h ina aud t tiicr pjijtr<e eight bc-hooms. dreeing and bathrooms, ftiilvi/ed bi iiiird-rooiii, cellaru. Ac., iie..wjthor with-jut stabling.. The Ilou.-« couiuiaudun beautiful view of the Bristol Channel and the Wobh Mountfius. —Anidy to A. O. WaCdm. ».ud Hi. u .s. A.cnitects to the Estate. Newport, Mo.i, I.ts0 'N a'ON.—several Comfortable Cottage# to Let.Apply C iiDiiicumteh to D. Hopkiu Jones and Co., House Agents, C S LIFTO'N.—Att<active Reridcrioe. in a «iuie r retired, but j pleasant situation within easy access of the Downs. It comprises Vestibule, Entrance hall, three Reception-room*. six Bedrooms, Dreeing and Cloak Roans, Kitchens, and Odicei, and has good iite Lawn and Gallon, Coach-houie sad Stable. Green and Hot Houses. Ac.- T erm.- and cards to view on apj Ucation to C. J. Hole and Co., 29, Park-street, Bristol. i^_ u EVEN-ROOMED U' ouse to Let, 3 2 Mount Stuart-square 0 Rentlas. a week, including rates and taxe.>. Suitabie for dwelliug aud to sub-let.—Apply lj, Woidsworth-^treet, f arditr. 4*>« ALBAN? ROAD. Continuation Rlchmond-ro.id, —To Let, Two Dwelling-houses; lour liedrnoms. bath |hot and CjI 1). two w. c s. back entrances; splendid con<;i;h u. — Powell, Aibauy-road, ur i rt. 81' BST AN I'I A LLY-B I* ILT House to Let, Paitri«lge* ro;i d Rxatb. Go«.h 1 drawing and diuin0'-tooin. kitcUrii, ullesy. china pantry, and giu?n*hcu»e; three good b«d- looms, bathioom (hot end edd w.u.-r Rent mooen. t e.— Apply J tiakiif!u*»trect, Roaih.i. 'an h .i. X' EWpoRT. Mo N .V i S, Chfi »u- p l; •• immwUuU- pos- 3i st-sdon. —Apyly W, Briage-street, Newj>ort, Mou. |4.|l0d rpo Let. in Ed wards-terrace, Cardiff, a comforud/e llou^e; X iiumevliate o upation tosulmble tenant; rent tno»lc- rate.—T view, apply ut H». 0,5^ rix> Let T kitiheu gar d en, iiot-h. use.?, and orchard, at ILgh- L n.ea d Ely.-Appiy Mrs. Biucv, St. Nicholas < ai- TIV) i.Vt Two convenient Housch in tJdon-road, Riverside X (three minutes' walk from the Gre t Western Hallway Station); tapeiedand ivrinied throughout; va* I.id on; rent £ 20 |>er aauuin,—Apply 61, Tudor-road, Rive*side. Car- IgJ ^DlVF amr^NART>i:-IlMi!V^r7ri Ses Me^rx. Hern' ivegi-ter, s^Mjo-'re^ > r iij^_ j c_ DWELLING-HOUSES TO EE SOLD. UTHIN-G RDENS, CariUIV.-Villa, fitted wuh the latest iuipioreinenta.—Apply D. Hopliiu Jones ami (!o., ^4, DuU:-»tieti, ardht. 'OENARTH.-Fnr Sale, subsuntU i ly-built ie:ni-de:*< h e d X Villa, near Royal. Pi ice i.io d rat For particulars apply W. T. J West ButeDoc W..r.-uon.MS1C. rdni tfl>3 l BARGAIN. Two I' ntiuuhiHi Houst^Appiy, at once. /L W.aiidh. Herri, L-.tnte Agents. Cardiff. 1i"VR Sale, a l )w< llinr-house. N o. ii* Edw«txU-terrfi v, Cardiff —Apply to Messrs. Spkkettaud Sons, Sohcitois. L^oirs-de, S#i:ii-deutliC'd Villa. aituato in Caciau Par*. X Newport, andKcwdngton-plaee, Malndee; long lea. moderate gronnd lent. Al-»o severa l Dweidng-hoiuts iu Newport, M.un le«, and B.»rrack-hdl.-For further par- ticvitars apply to J. C Nec'Uatti, 10, Dock-street, Newport, *OR Sale. Two .C uptrior Cottages, four-riK.tti<,d and s:v TO dno with every coufenieucc.—Apply >> R. Long. Builder, Arabeda strcet, top of Richmoud-;oad, Roatu. (;,kr.j:t. '-4sa MIADDOcK STREF.T. Edward-Street, and Tellford- \j street, Caidift' .—Convenient Houses for Sale; the whole of purchase money payable by tasj lustaimcnts,—Ai j i'y W. and ft. Hern, Cardiff, Oi ii CASH DoWN, the balauoe by «a>yiustalm;-nti. will i™/ l v piu- v-hasc l I ou>es in Crartdock-sueet. Harriett- street. Crvryi-i'oad, T yier-reet.Theodora«atieet. WelU->uert. und at Peivarth ana Cogan.—Sea Me>.»r«. Ueru' .s M«nb Reg'.h'vi -i c c. St..Marv-street, Oaidiit. aud aJ;oiuiii.- l.7 — v.7 —~ 1 \TANTED, first-rate Rismess Prtmiseain good position vt at Newport and Mer;uyr.—11. L. Lodge, Post^'Uice, BUSINESS PREMISES TO BE LET. rpO Let. 74. Oiford-strect. Splendid opeufJig for Drapery X u- olh« r heavy tr;uie; oppoei.e Market Gate. Fixtures at valuation.—Apply to Daniel Phillips, Estate HOE* Jlj T ^'iop raBarF Premise to Let InCl'.vo- ivad, Caut;n.-Appiy i, Bute-street, The Haiui.Car- riX) Let. T.aiyo Yarvl, I/jfU St»-.l4ing. and FheJa. ad j icett X ltd Railway Goods ftiatioua.—al, Mount iStiurt-smuare, House a,id"'hop to Ut. c:. Tail street; Pontypridd, J,j .x iho Market,—Apply u.i the Piem foa^ rX po Let. in Woodvidt; road. SiiopaudPreini-.cs one oi nine s,: t. h .e f(T Ivona.c-ng.'f, Cm.fectiouer, Furnit'.iie, F.art h eiiwaie. or D.dry lfuiuess.-Jacub, News Agent, Woodviilo-road, Cathuys. CuiUii.. I ONVENIENT Shop, beat part of BrMg^street; rent VEWPCiRT.—To I e». Large Shop, Hmiso, and Large Back 3 nemnei nith back «ntr-;ue. Jtvnt iiv.-Ai«ply redfrgjts•; i. e l*5'^ GREKNf! Ro^ERY.—Shop To Let iu good position In CoiK.tu-' reel. Cathays; low retit.—Apply Bowen. r.I, BUSINESS Premises to Let, situated 73, Commerclai-i-a Neaport, Mou.. huiuble for Coffee Tavern. Dr.per. Bootmaker, or any other btfiaess.—AppJy E. J. JV'e.t-J, U, ELJ-IN'C l'< >N' -Ti: ll RACE—Two good Shops ph»te glASS ii- nts. Iuaui.g vlioroughfaie; dwelliug-p.ace attached.—Ap; ly If. Welhngton-ttrrac*. CanlliT. 1^-5 kjHOP and D .velling-bouse(larg-)iit best position in Cardiff; O plate gl <st» front.—Particu.ars of D. Hopkiu .Jones and1 Co., Auctioneer* and Accouueauta, ^4, Duke-fc^reet, t.ar- JARGE Shop to Let; wlntlows plate gla^Applj* Mrs. J W iulli'.g, t>, Corporation BuUdings, l Ute-aireet. Car- rr>0 Let. One of the finest Shop* in the principal thorough* X fare, Bute Docks. Cardi: Also, a Warehouse.—Apply I P.' Bute Docks. Cardiff. CORN HP. Shop to Let. Treorky-street. Cathays; a thriving neighbourhood; lent low.—Apply Ida, Broadway, OFFICES to Let in Paragon Buiidir.gs. ophite Great Wen ein Railway Station.-Apply Davis, Thomas, and TO Let, House, Shop. Garden, Cowhouse, and Stable, in Newtown, Llautwi: Vardre. with or without Land 114 to 4'j acres).-Apply R.Jenkins, Vstradbarwu' .Liantwit Vardre, OFFK.KS To Let -Two Rooms (cniumurdratlng) To Let, 70. St. Mary-street, Cardiff (over Ciod'xT T*t/i« Olh'^e, second door).—Apply H. Cousins. Solicitor, Cardtfl. 4ayisl T" uLet, a i i otue audShop in Ciistoiu i i ouse-street; also Stables at ba^k of Barley Mow. Cautou.-Application to be made to R. Lodwlck Price, Church-street ChainWrs, Q" ^UEEN'S CHAMBERS, Crockherbtown.—The liue Suite of Offices recently in j.os*essloii of Me<srs. 8tephenson and Alexander to Let.-Apply 8, Working-street, Or- diff. W g BUSINESS PREMISES TO BE SOLD. be Md or Lef, a Housi. Shop, and Premi#e*. suitable TO for tirocer or Dru| er, situate at Burry For- Caimsuhen- Siiii-f.—Apply S. N. Powel l Auctiuneei\ uUnelly. 4 AVARRiioCSE to be 'Soid o i Let—The Cardiff IceCo. 's vf W»rehous.e. Dumluirs-roa«I, uear Alexanders' Saw Mills, is for Sale, or may Let, whole or in part.-Apply C, Hehroeferaml Co.. iit>. Bute-road, Carillff. STABLES, fee., TO BE LET. A CAPITAL Two-stalled Stable and Coach-house to Let, at the back of ci ) C h arlei-xti-'ft; entrance to fame fr«'iu I'nion-street.—Appiy J. Thomas, Builder. C arle*- ttree:. Cardiff. 2 Invo Grabs Karon. M acres am i ;5 acres, two miles from Newport and five miles.—Henllys Vale. Newport. GOOD Building Sites to be Sold or Lease d at MoimW, Ma)pas, and Newport -Address K 2.t, H rsi«r» Man, I ELIGIBLE Building Sites for Fire Villas, in Cllve-roa d a Canton, to lx nold or Leased, lour have I8tt. and one 2Ut. frontage. Private improvements doue.-App.y C'owbridge road, Canton. 4<b.mJl,_ IOS iUKiTIXd Wanted, nert season, wllhin easy reach bj rail from Caidift.-KeplJ, with particular, turns I, 20, flublic ^ouees ano iBustitrsrses. \xr ANTED, in Cardiff, a Kree Becr-hoa.^ inyolng low IT f*rtus cash.—Appiy L lo, Uf-i<ra AJtitl Oihce. < .» r PUBLIC-HOUSE Wnntfrt iinnieillatel?. Rent and In- going must be low.—State full particiUars, W., Buil.h DOUBLE Llcensi'l Public-house, midway bedwepn Mer- tbyr and Duwlals, to Let.—Terms of H. Lewis. Auc- rrio Let, large, convenient Commercial Hotel, situate lit X Treharris good bar trade.- Apply 23, W ludaor-place, Cart I Id. US?L. rpo bp Let, an Old-established Doub!e-Ucen*ed House: X centre of town: doing good traile; free; le;ise.-A pp!/ C. Hughes. Auctioneer. Oxford-street. Swansea. t>ck)lo ATH H<>TEL. Trafalgar-terrace. 8»vausea.-For Sale, B thealiove well-known compact Family Hotel, together also w th the Business, as a going concern lease. 72 ye-trs unexpired; a good bar trade having been done by the pro- rrletor for the last 18 yearfi, which I* capable of much exteu- clou. The Premises are situaMxl facing the Swausea Hay, opposite the bathing; eouvemeiitly adapted to accornmodate tlaitors during the summer season.—tor full particulars apply Daniel Phillips. House and Estate Agent, W AVAV 7 KST()N 'SUPER-MARi:fo Let, with early ^session. Full-licensed House, doing good trade; inctjming under £ 'i00.—Apply for particulars to L 2, H«.era Jfaii Oihce, 1 3 6 V>6/k FREE, Full-Licensed House. Rent only £ 12. A chance seldom met with.—Apply Joues, Gulden liTtisTOL.—First-class Wine and Ale Vaults (absolutely J3 free); ceutre city large, handsome bar. ipleudid busi- neas position; rent ouly £ 30; iucoaiing, A'lW.-Dowmng. L Nelson-street, Bristoh *-7^ PURUC-HOVSK. near Docks. Swansea: in-going, £ 70. for furniture, fixtures. flttlng». anil lioencesto an imme- diate purcliaser; good worklog-class trade.-Jam s and James, Hote [ Valuers, Ac.. Swansea. ROCERY.-To be Disposed Of to an Immediate pur- chaser. a thoroughly aood Buslnem in the best posltlou at Fontycymmer, Garw Valley takings, AI00 to £ U0 per month, and capable of increase iiy an ener g etic satis- f.ctory reasons for sei:ing.-For particulars } F t°Jl Michael Davies, Auctioueir aud \aiu«r, Jv, Ltflty-j oad, public Rousts anh jbusiitcssrsj BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL iCeBtliulsl). rpo Let. In Poutypool, a gool, Old-established Builder's JL Lu.iine.w; fir«t-cla«i position. — Apply Mrs. JPiUlin, MEN'S M k RCERY. —Returns about :€L«U0; fl i st-class position; tlourUhing town atock, Ac., at valuatiou.— Full p»rtii.utars Itobert Jones, Drapvra' Outdtteis'Valuer, Rotunda Bui(diugj<, Cardiff. 1 PROVISIONS.—<»ue of the best Cash Bash)es.ww in South W.-i!es; long hA«e.— Apply hi, Wuicn* Mall, C»rdi/f. CHINA and Glass.—Flr^t-claw, OM-EstaWi^bed Bu.ii/o.s for InunedlatM DLspo^al in a Midland Town ccutral capital premises; good froutage; splendid iRtiug*: aliout 4"2, *KK>. To an y one seeking a i-ushiess of this description this in an opportunity rarely to IK* met with. BaiUfartory rea^ou for dL-^posing or same.—Apply, In first instance, S. G. M., Royal Por^latn Works. Worcester. GROOKRv; Piorblo i is and Shipping Trade; reduced Stock; iLi«tan d incoming low; proprietor retiiug.— 152. Bute-ro.t d Ctti d iff. !R»j HAIRDRESSlNGandTobacconUt Busin g iu iwpulou i and growing ncighUmrhood, at Cardiff. lucomiug £ 2j.-Addr«A« L 4. Wultr* Mai* Cardiff. l-^5 GENERAL Buslnew (Boot. Tci. Groccrv. Tobacco, Ac.) lor Dijpiiail; goot! tiade; stock and riitujc* at valua- tiou. — D. l l o,)«in Jonesjin d Co., Auciionecrs i1 ml Valuer,. 24, Duke-*U« t Cardiff. ItoBACCO and bUtlonery. wdUltuatod: rent and in- c ujuiig moderate ui-ii trade.—Apply SMr Oiticc, DAIRY, Fruit, and General, well established and g'«» d pH>iu^ tia d e; capital lnm>o aecouim^Utioii. ut:h BtabUng. te. ge.iuine re*-oua f.ir leaii.'lf.—Aj.ply tor l arti- cnlars, Propiietor. City Arius Hold, Narrow Wiuc-idieei, GRi.ENCiROCERY' and Ge. vra l Bm»inessT neai t l ie Do-A .s, Caidirt. for Disposal. (h>od stable, coac h l.ouse. lott, i> nit stoics ;■ etcellcnt opportunity for person with ►hippiug itmiie. lion. Incondng aud rent low,—D. Hopkln Joi,t-san d Co. 24. Duke-mreet. Carditf. 4'JJlbl KEsTaC'RANT, best part of St. Maiy-ftreet; room 40 by 2:: on ground floor, and kitehe.t.. 8t> i>y 'J 2 oa b*«- ine.it, htted with rauge. Ac.; capiul o, ciang lor public caterer.—John Jtukln^and Co..Caidift. 4d^3jl \1f EDIUM-CLASB Tai i oiVsand Hatter's Bu»ii:e.s.>; i-tock, aTX ilxtuies, Ac., at valuation, about £ IW).—K 1, MoiMJardiff. 4bilt'sl fVX> Let, Smith'* Shop. Midi up complete, lo Mih-paradc, X near Alexandra Docks, Newport, carrying ou biu nc-a as boiler making, ship rciMkiriug, aud genera l bhips' umitht •/ uoing good trade; books may 1«* inspected; iKtsoe^ i ou iu tftt- di.»toly; rare opportunity.—Addrew J. W., IItatthi Mt* Office, TroOegar«| j aeo, Newport. J CONFECTIONERV, Sw.et-<. A*—Convenient Horn* and Shoi»; good bn.ilue.ss done ingoing low.— Apply F i^, iKMfrm Mnil, Cardiff. 4«&l.,o ^01S(C?>, CailtflfffS, "4lllC ^>tocl; :v>lt Sale, strong, useful Hurau, suitable for Ifumout or Cab; height, iC. 'i; six years old.— Apply US, Shak.*peaie- street, Cardiff. VYir2 "SART-HOKSE, height 10.3. live years, extia strong bone. t J powerful, good temper, thoroughly sound; suitable tor heaviest work. Prico £ 6U.- J W. Morton, Askomcl Hotel, Lianartyd Wells. |W7w BEOWN Cob Mare, showy actio fast, single or double harnc?*. mi d dle, juuipt well, 14.3 high, ri^ngidx, soutid. Sold for uo fault. —Full i^u-ticuiars L b, Wuiertt Mail. Car- IiUtr. ltfsi BARG-AIN.—Strong Cob Pony, warrantcl g«<od and «juiet, with ucariy new IVapand Harueas; would suit auy biL'Incss; price of lot jfil^W, CUftvn-suect, Riwtli, Car- SALlaTr iHre l «ctlvo Cart Mare, six years, 16 hands, war- ranted btauuch gixxl worker euit Conrractoror iiatilier. 1'iive xia.—Apply Lewia's Coal Yar«l, Tin-suoot, Roatu, \f t'sT U- Sold T*«o goodCobr, four years am i six years; *v X several Second-hand Traps (good), various oucj and prices.— Crystal House, 1, AL.ira-place. tiplotlandi. I'ar- V.VjR Sale, ahaudsouns Pony. Trap, and Hame*—A .ply C 4, CarlUie-stroei, or Mr. Stock, Butcher, Pill, New- rIUlK RoaJSter Stal'l^n "i.Ktavian. winner of 58 First X l*ris< wiih tand thi.i #.e.w.n al Coort Issa. Octa* \ian" ii«Ly Titim hln dam (winner of 'Jl prize. .) by Lonx* v. Jste"; grand dam (winner of 04 prues). by Mr. lluinber s •' l l -ii-r. Aho Norfolk Trotting Staiiion "Coniidant, led prize (liamoigan Agricultural Show. 1S63; hvl.ly-coiu* ti.^i/.ic.; Cauutf, IfiO^. Coniidaut Is by D'Oyle/s Con- Lo. jiCe dam by National Ouard" (tlmrough-l rt-d by '• Artillery. dam •' Leouora" by Stockivell"). graud dam by Upton's y nluksdver, by Jackson's Quicksilver. 1'cC.s, thrio guineas; groom, 5a; Farmers' luarws, two guineas; uroum.ia. if paid at the time of trying. Farmers m*u*», one guinea gio..m, is. tid.—Apply W. M'Canii, Cotir' Iwa, Tythe^dton. Bridg«'ii 1. 49'jOh^ 1i\)R Sale, Grey Cob Gelding, live years old: quiet to |rlde atidilrivo; iroufioiu vice.— J Laogley. Coru Merchant, J?OR Sale, useful Harness Mare. 1H hands, H yoars: quiet to rideaad urlve, aud good worker; suitable for ginger- beftr wagon or crauk-axleeart; price. 2(J guineas; warranted sound.—Apply Stables' Coachman, back of 21, Park-place, Croc kherbto wu .Catdiff. V°ull 1H) >«; Sold, cheap. » crank axlo Cart; full size.—Apnlv 31, faVjR Sih c h e -p owner having no further u»e. Trap; suit »- bu'eher, ba»er. or grocer.—Api<ly Oxford-i-dred, Uoath.C.inlift. 0 7s 0 \\7 ANTED. llgh», Wasonnette. with inovahlc top.-Apply, ii stating price aud particularfi, to L2i, It'ttitrn iM-ut, Cardiff. y*b w 1' TOR'TVaps and Light Spring Carts of every ilejcriptiou new ami secoml-hand; cheap.—T. ltauer, HerU-rt- street, N'ewport. 4y I/OR Sale, a U V .'P, neui Jy new. a bargain.—Apply by letter, 1: H 14, J/ui7. Cardiff. ■: HANSOMS for Sale in Caidiff. £ 10 aud &Vi each.- •I Apply J. Marstou and to., Bradtoid-street, Birming- ham. Waggonettes and Breaks for bala. Drawings .ui d NOTICE to arriers.—Barry. Peoarth roa«la, Rhotidda Valley. Th« most useftd Two-wheel Paasengers' Con* veyance ever made; carries teu adults; convertible tor auy bus-nejs; wasonette make; lamps, cushions complete; quite now; varuisucd o*h; pr;oe £ lC. worth tas.e good pony trap pait cash.—Furniture Storev, Caerphilly, Giamoigau- (^AUTS end Wag 'fT u* 7 o f AgrleulturlhU, Builders, Coutrae- J tois.Coal Mern.antJ, Millew, Tradesmen's Carts, Water Vans, Carri-ges, Dog Carts, of the Bristol Wagon Company's ( cltUatfl Manufacture.—Agent, C. D. Phiilips, Newport Moj. iairge rtock reaiiy. C'atHlogiieou appiicatiou. lWM' I^OR Sale, anii e ii'tle 4*wheel Phaeton, low on wheels lamps biale, complete; freshly done up; seat 4 if required very cheap.—G. Dinham, New Cut Bridge. Swan- 17H3R Sale r an ^Auciio i rVat Tand'"Double Shooting Gallery; X reasonable offer uot refused.—George Phillips, 53, (»xforo-street. Mountain At>li. V7$se ClABRIER'S'Bus. go»»d wmUti-m buift ~4> years; head takes orf to form break.— B ees, Fsrtington Gurney, Vi/ A.NTED, good Second-hand Private Gmnibtw to carry if ?ix persons.—Address J. 31arsh andCouipauy. Funeral t ii riag'? Masters. Cardiff. 4972.J'2 PCRE-BRVD.TerseysTthree years old time up to calve Apiii; perfect; tlr.e butter cows.-Heullys Vale, New- U; ANTED, Coat, iu full milk.—Apply, with price and particulars, 'J J. Cowbrldge-road, Car.Uff, l^sl LTillOE. handsome Dog, year old; goo<l-tempeied; fit for liou.se or carriage.—Apply 225, Bute street, Cardiff (si 1' "T vjR sale,~ a" «t?ad Spa 01^1 Bitch; shot over two seasons —Appiy to C. Wmdron, Liandatf. t-oo€ 1?OR Hale, a good Goat, In full milk.—Apply at the Green* w<-od. St. Fagans. 14sl FOR Pale, Laying Fowls also Prize Winners; Langshans' C'roou's Strain.—Wills' Dairy, 21, Cllftou-street, Roath, i 'X 1JLYMOUTH ROCKS.—Cockerel and Pullets t>t Sale, cheiip.—Apply W). Iuvorness-plac»(topol Castle-road), Roath, J 'avdiff. "l GGS from Prize-bred Mlnorcas. price 5». per sitting, Xj Biidri v*u bo seeu by up|>oiutmeut.—James Sp»ckett, GAME FOWLS.—Having finished bleeding, cau Sell! Eggs. Black or Brown Reds aud Piles. Birds from! this yan. have won cups aud prizes at largest s;:ows Iu Eng-i laud, InumUng Palace and Birmingham, Is. each clear re-placed if returned. Two grand Pile Cocks, winners, autl pair Hou.lans, lit prize winners iu cla^s of 30 any variety only time exhibited. These birds to be Sold cheap.1 an ho seen any time.-f Ims, Navigation, Trth .rris, R.S. G 40sd POULTRY Feed! Quality stia better; more sold tha_ t ever; try it.— K nott. Uucen (Charlotte-street, Uvis- /VAN ARIES (Norwich) CoclaK. g. nd s.>ng,tei>; v; liuis, !ss, W.; Single and Breeding ( ages; appiova!.— Thornton, Halrdiesser, Clllton-tu'et, Cardiff. F1ICIN Ducks' Kggs from grand birds. 4s. dV*eii; Silver- Si'augled llaiuburgs' Eggs. <s. dozen birds from ab >ve took second prizo last yeai. —Alr.s. Dure, The Elms. Forth- ECOS "for ~S.-d~— P«ne-bred Plymouth Rocks, 5s.: Dark Bnhmas is.; IVkin Duck!». £ s.; Whito Leghorns. 4.s Od.; Dark Legho;nR. at 4s. sitting.— 1T. Luckett. Ro-ith Court. Ciuuiff. Orders takeu in routlou. 4?72u31 L OST, on Monday last. Pair of Gold Si*ectac k'?, with spring, between Tan Station, Croclbetbtown. Cimtle and W oodtield Road*, and Cath iy.i Bridge. Rewa.d. —Mr. Heftith. Jeweller, Crockherbtoivn, Caidiil. '2-^U 5S. REWARD.Lo^t, on Thursday la«\ from 88. Rn- i i- mond-ro.ui, Cardm, a Blaca spauiel Dog. 1> -I 1I7ANTED, to Putdiase, a Secoud-band Red that *uil V f shut up to form a piece of furniture.—Y. J2. Crock- ford's Library, Tenby. '/7 1 .<o HEARTS of Oak Bent-^t society,—Members kind.y »«nd iniuwuiately your Voting PaperstoJ. T. Doctou. 2i, High-street, Merthyr, signed wJtft name and number, —Member of Lonuon and Country Member^ Asfocia- tion. i7ai*TI' D immediately, a Second-hanu Miner's Dial, iu Vf thoroughly good condition.—Address, with price. Ac., W. II. T., 10y. Richniuiid-road. Cardif* 1&7b1 G ENTLKNIEN'S ami all kludiTof Left-oi! Clothing b"Ught by Mr. and Mrs. Green. Highest nricesgiven. P.O. O for all parcels sent. —Note the address; Dumfries liou.-e.Jj. WANTED, goo*l Second hand Belting oucj silty-six feet long by siv to eight inchei wide; also shorter, niualler slz.es.—Send pri e aud particul-rs to C. C, Dunu, lt». Cow- AXTANTE'd". to I'nichii^. oDe .if Loft's Patent Ca%h 'Wi_s_; Vf must be in perfect condition.—K ly, H e»Ura aW«»i, V'rUS. G. W MOKISCO. 41, Clifton-street, Hoath. Cardiff. ItX glve-i the Highest Price tor Ludie«' Gemlemen' uud Children's Wardrolies. <,j8* L Vi" /ANTED, Left-od clothing of errry dtjcri p iion OU Hi' fV cent, alnive small dealers.—Mr?. Day, Bute-htreet, GENT_LKMEN'S and I-i d ie* Left-olf Clothing Bought in town or country. Orders promptly attended to by Mis. 5. Beer. 30, Caro i lue-itrcet. Cardiff^ E^blWied I L STEAMER h iares aud Miscel aueousSecuritiee Purchased, Sold, aud Mortgaged.—Apply Crosby, Broker and Auc- tioneer Weot Hartlepool. ^AST^_>FF*"cL<)THES.-Mw. D. doroian. 7. Bridge-street, C- j Cardiff, continues to give the Highest Price for Ladies Gentlemen's, and Children's Wealing Apparel. Boots, *c. Full value remitted for parcel* forwarded. Ladies aud gen- tlemen waited on at their residences EatablUhcd 1SCS- C»t3I I'fcra-OFK ClklTHEii.—Mr. and MrsrKoddy, », Sandou J street, Newtown, Cardirt, Purchasers of LaiUcs and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, Ae. All orders punctually attendee to in towu or conutry. Guod I>i ices given. g0»r- npO Coin Collectors.—I have 100 Crowns of Different Reigns X for Sale.—Apply Williams, Pout-office, Newbridge. New- 1WR Sale, the Barque Trowbridge, LOiW "ions register, now in the Tyne canies 16 keels ooals with 90 keels coke — A^iply to Hall Brothers. Cardiff.. ~A BERDEEN Graulte Menuineuu T from £ 5. carriage tree; A. inscriptions accurate and beautiful.—Plans and Prlee, from Legge, Sculptor. Aberdeen. ARDEN Tanned Netting, for fruit trees, seed beds, or lawn teunls fence, two and four yards wide, 41. anu 4d. per yard.—Parnall aud Co., Bedndnster, Bristol. *o*d 1X1 )R Sale" 400 Yards of Canvas, aud Stakes and Wire to form track for sport*.— Q ueen's Hotel. Neatj i. TX JlA?riOTK rby ~fir8t-riaM maker, for Sale ooly £ i i .— Hopkins. 31, Carlisle-street, South Splotlauds. i »r- riMiV Best Gu,uea Dinuer Services iu the Trade at W. X Dobbs'China Warehouse, CharlersUeet, Cardiff. No Auction Rubbish kept. oeeu ^I MJRNlbH on the Hire System £ j»orth, 2s.Cd. weeklr £ 10 worth, 4a. weekly; iil5 worth, f-s. weekly; ^20, worth, lis. weekly, aud *o on iu proportion.—l'ue South Wales Euminldug Company, 23. Custom House-btreet, Car- 1^URN'l<!i <>n th#* Hire System; m> security re«|ulrtrt,— Tin- Nontli Wales Furu!»biuj t'ompaoy. 23, Custom Home-, treet. Car,U l^L'RNISH on the Hire System ca«i h prices eiurged.-The X South Wales Furuishlng Company, Vtf, Custom House- I^URNlSlI on l he Hire Ryatem &ma l Weekfy or Mouthly X l'a>mcntJ, -Soiir,it Wales Fuiuishing Company, 2J, Cua- t..m Home- .stiect. CsrdiS. l/l'EN ISII on the Hire System no extra tl,ttrge madeT — X .kjihn W,1m Furnisbiujf Com;auy, 23. Custom Hou*e- l^CRN'lali on the Hire System; evciy article rttjui>iie f -r 1- ;hc hou-u h u 1 .->«'Hti, NV'aks 1 umi^hiUK Couip»ny, 'JJ, Custom H-iu.>e-a!iei. t CardilE t^L'RMSlI on the llire System inspection invited.—ris' .uth W aled i'uruiiiuog Company, 'J-i, Cusioiu Houac-stieet, 1/L'RNlSll on the lliie System; E.iut^s or apartnients X I'urninhcd t h ioiighoiit. -South Wajes Furnishing Com* piiiiy, 2^. (Vi-tniii li ).• '.ue t Cqtdi'l. J^URNI-il "u r! Hij-■ > } cm: comparepricoa R h otl.er hou.k •« >. 'i ,r. i Furuiihitig Company, 'il, CUj- loin l l ".l. u H |4^rRMnii mi tht line System; iuiuuiimi stock to select ft. j.wan-Suuth Wa i-o Euiuiihing C^jmiiauy. o Ciutom L^tJRNlsii ou the Hire System, uiwn or ecuntty.—Suiith JO Waic- Ftjnijhiu. Company, 1'v, Co.tom liou^e ^trret, Sa e. Two B.iigea (one cabin; and Small B at; price, ijj the lo t — L-' r particular^ apply to Johu Duiiscumoo, Barry l. ;wi d Cardiff. Cfl-Jd rpo VOLUNTEERS,—Anuy Oihce.o F«»iding Camp'tVnf L l!ci- cu d in a strung bo.?, for S»ic.—Henllys Y.uv, K\>R Sale! a g. od i- .'« K li'Jii-c and I'Vucing.—Apply X DuuiKicsCutUge, Lly-road, i;«i«tlff. l?ia rpo be Sold, Cheap, a handy Pad.llcTug, iu go<Ml working A or <r. L"iigt)i. y lift, by Tit. on.; 2^-b.p.—Apply John Kent. MandcvUie-u.rraw, Eaiuiff. 1>.illRY DOCK.—A 'large Corrugat-M Iron Biruoture iJt 3 Sale.—Apply to S. Bait, Ca iox.on. 107si WLJiD Fowioe^. Mag«mn.v-Apply Charles Rule, Fruit and O Potato Merchant, New-uticct. Custom Houao-strect, Carditl^ lMw pWO-LlG HT C.tciiu. U r Frame tor Sale. Oft. by4li.; new. X l'rico Hit.—J. Cox, 11, GwuidoliUc-strect, Tieiier* be. t. JcU3l POTATOES! Foiat.K!s! pouiWo>I iiagnu i n^Bouuu.s sp.'uudid fctuff.— W. Kuott, t^uocn Ciiarlottc-sUoet. Bris- OFl'Elis "Wanted for a lot.,r g«h« l Heavy Ca^tScrap an d Heavy Wrought Su- Iro1, f-bip P.ate» and Auaie«, f.o. r or f.u. b port, Talbot.—Apply Pii«er aud David, Port SEED OATS, Oakahett's White Victorias; plendi I sample, heavy ciopper. und good strnw intuiai ueight, 4<ilbs, wr bushel: 4s. lici bushel of 401b* fi«u on ruii-1 new livo bnsial «acks Is. each. -ChaiiOb D. i'hiliips. Uatr Fach. New- po.i, Mon. 4 y ° V O" NE Thoi i i.ivl 1-ib, Bo^ l-s splendid Cougou IVa^ at 2a. ii" per lb., dilivured carriage pai d .— R emittance witli order to George David Manley. Wholes.is Tuk Dealer, 4. St. Paul- street, ForUauil-e'iu ire. B»i ti»E KNITTING Macliines on the liire System, Easy Pavmeut, at the Oid-C9tabb&m;.i ahap.Diilnyu-stroetaud Mar k ei- place, Swalifcua. 4/J631 MILK for Sa 7i I. p.r gallou, delivered any part of Wales. Cans found, -nd well refrigerated.-Apply G. S. Burrows. Axbn Ige. S'.murxt. HAY for Sale (Piinie).—Apply Wldtchurch Vuara Car 1 FISHERMEN.—Three doien Trout Flies and two Cast 7d. t or uue doZL-n and one C^t Liuo b. Id. Flies on dJTawugUt, l->. per dozen. Sain,ou, three aud four, la; Scwin Is, u dozen.— T O'Nvil, Hiistoo Puri-. Mon- 1AjR SaTe i if>.i;0o New and See,,ud-haud Grain Ba g *.— M UajJjyan. Bute Dock.s, Car>UU. V^I AS F U R N1 SlI INGCO., &, St. Jol I uV»o.u.;rc,CaiVliff, /X t-subiishod tosupnlyall kind*<*f Household aud Office. V'urnltuie on «h< m-w hirusystciu. E.uiy re-paymeirb to suit l^URNISH ON Tin; HIRE SYSTEM.— £ 5 worth fo_r X fc. &1. per week. £ 10 v ortli for 4a. per we, £ 20 worth lor 7^. Ul. pc;- wee k ,t'^J worth for lv». per week, £ IU>» worth for £ 1 per Wee k uud *o on in proportion. Special terms m.nle f"r laiger qiLintitiw. -Atlas Furnishing Co., 5, St. I/L'UNISK ON THE HIRE SYStEM.-Draainu* ro in ruites in wa nut Iroui six guinea s; diuing-room bUites in leather or hor^«- h air irom bix guinea.—Atlas Furuishiug io„ 6. St. JohtiVvqUaiv. Cai-dilf. ATLAS FURNISHING CO. for bcdsUati s, leather and miipuff I s -i blankets, iJieeU. bedding, Ac.— J St. Johu'V&quare, Cardiff. t^URNISU ON THE HIRE S STEM — H ouses. Apart- meuts. and Ofticca tomplcU-ly furnished. Nof security required.—Alias Ftunibhing Co., 5, St. Jouua-square, I TLAS FURNISHING CO.-Carptte. Linoleum, Oil- ii. cloth, Clocks, Fendcis, Fire-iron Cabinet aud other Fuvult'ire.—5, St. John's-squarc, Cardiff. 1 ? Burnish ON THE. HIRE' SYSTKM.-AU erte.usiv« btoek of Pevam"Ul .tor-Itiglo and double.—Atlas 1 ur- ni-hing Co" 5. St. John's-tquare. Cardiff. i TLAS rURNisi:iNGCO.—B-iora going eUewhete, get j\ tije-ir Proapecius and view their Stock, the best aud cheapest in tiie to* u. I.UIRNISHON* THE HIRE SYSTEM.-Easy re-payments. —Atlas Furni diing Co., 6, St. Juhu's-squar •, Car- WVV ANTED. Loan ot £ :0 for Six Months; good pewotial bccurity.— R ex. IV ufera JIuiMJjUca, Swiii)iea. U^sl 1*1V /ANTED, £ oC for Two Years; will give wiy rea«.o.iWe mterost; *.an i security. — Address PiUao, JJutf Office, awintea. /»•J /"WkrkTO he Advanced upon good Leasehold or dt-OjVUU Freehold Se.urily,—Apiay W, E, Jones, tiynjue Estate Odi^e, Swansea. 4r#wuJl l TEICTLY" PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL_. £ 1.000 to be Advauced. In sunn from £ 3 t» £ .'> 0 0. to Trades- ni< n. Householders, aud Workimf Men, at a Loir Rate of list na»t. Rc-payments to suit tho borrower s convenience, Diaunce no ob P^CAKl01EE AN D >>u i it I WALES LOAN* OFFICE. 14, Custom House-street (late of 2^0, Hqte-road). Cardiff. N.B.—No further badness carried oa at rJO. Bute-road. AU commuuicatioi.s to be madu to 11, Cusloiu-houae-strett. ONEV.-IMPF.UIAL DEPOSIT BANK, 18. ADAM- STREET, aud 'il, JOHN-SIREET, LONDON, ADVANCES made at a day's notice, from £ 30 to £ 2.000. to male or female, iu Englant f or Wales, upou Promissory Notes, on the following terms :— ADVANCE £ 1>U—1- Monthly Re-payments of £ 2 15 C 40 M 3 4 ?□ 4 10 0 1W 9 00 SI „ 22 The above Re-payments include Pri.ncipal, Interest, and Cost*, and if QuaiterJy or Half-yearly lte-yaymeuts are pre- wilt be accepted. • feArreDdV, tAhNey CES made upon Mortgage of Furniture. Stock, Crops, Deeds, aud lite policies, fo* any term not txctedliu ^N SURETIF-S are required, NO DEDUCTIONS MADE. NO PUBLICITY GIVEN to any Application seat to tne Apply personally, or send for prospectus and opluioni of the public presa, ueserming the way in wnica the bu«iue&a ol tnl estabUsinneut is carried out. J p RIVATE J^ O AN J OMPANY (Nest to Bristol and West, of England Baukl, are prepared to ADVANCE CASH from £ 3 to £ >00 to Householders, Farmers, Cowkeepers, Market Gardeners, Mechanic*, aud others, upon their own security and without sureties, iu the strictest secrecy. No Preliminary l-ees charged, and Cash advauced the saioe day a* application is made. ICCtfiO ONEV* PMoney 1! Money •! !-<VU Aovauce* made at a lew bouin noti< from Aj to X. O 'J, to b»tiner\ M .ukeL Uaideners. i.'owkeeper«, Tradesmen, aud other*, ou their own security. No sureties requaed,, No inqiury lees. Mu.,ey leututi dopn-dtfl, > tradesium s bills discounted.—Apply neraonally. or by letter, to Mr, A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loau Office, Dock-street (corner of Sk/uner-street;, Newport, Vt ESSRN. W. and S. HERN, Eswte ai^d Financial Agents, iVX 72, bt. Mary-street, Carditl. are prepared to Advance £ b0 to £ 100,000 on good Freehold or Leosswdd 1 roperty, Borough or Counte kates, or on appmved peraoiiai "ArbNEV"XDVANCEDrat a dly T otice, from £ ju to X>x £ ^000, at low intereft, to ladies or gentlemen, ill tow,, oi-ooitutry. for>hor or long pen ods, withjatpublicity, upon promissory notes, life policies, leases, stocks, i*bares, jewellery. Or plate; also upon mortgage of furniture, stock, plant, crops, or farm implements, without rem"«aJ. No «urelies paired. Distance no ob j ect, as aii loaus may i>e repaid by^ cheque* r postal orders, ami long as the tuvercst U paid t h principal For full particulars apply direct to the l?nd»»r, i, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall. CS1 Lou.'oa. S. W A S H D V A N C E S A D E I ROM £ 10 TO £ 500, At a lew Houi.V Notice. io FARMERS MARK El' GARDENERS, TRADESMEN, CAB PROPRIETORS, and HOUSEHOLDERS, tm their own >ecurlty. without removal. No Enquiry Fees. The usual Loan Office formalities dis- All communication j tie.tted in the strictest coutidence, MANAGER, CAUDIl't' aii lUOUM'Y ADVANCK LANK, C AUDI ft' ICVCLES and Tricycles for Hire by thr hour; also for Sale, cash or easy terms.Repairing of all kinds done very clicaply at Marks's, 10. Broadway,, Roath, Caidifl. IU3 ^LL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. TANDEM TRICYCLES, SOCIABLES, For Exchange, on Ea*y Terms, or Liberal Discount Write tor our New List*. I oH free, one stamp, containing 100 NEW AND SECOND-HAND MACHINES, Depot;—15, Crockukaiiown, C.tKmri\ 6e42l rpo CYCLISTS.—Machines Repaired. Re-palnUd, aud Re- X niated. Estimates given. Iutcndiug purchasers win find here a large and variM Stock of New ar.d Second-kand Machines, which will be sold at Lowest Frices for c as h or Kasy Terms. Hundriesand Fittings of all kinds.-W, Jen kins aiid Co.. Cycle Works, Westgate-atreet, Cardiff. T N J K C T 1 0 N DAY Ail INFALLIBLE ltHMEUY and ccrUin cure for all Discharges of the Urinary Orj,'a»J i» eiliiir k>. whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic; cure, iua few days without medicines, tioljin bottle., 2s.6d. each, by all chemists. Londou agents, F. New- bury and Sons, I, Kiuij Kdward-.tre.t, E.C. Agent for Cardiff, J, Munday, Chemist, High-street, and all Ultagoll Cvr Colhfri) Requisites, XTa1 »R Sale or (lire, at very low rata*. WW-tOo'EW.R. Ii)ù& II(r:Ô S,);e:: \\it.ë=.ll Low Hide Wagous for stone, iron (J'e Ae.; ..II.D Ballast 1 Wagons with fading wk¡; !A) T. Val. W:-f.ow; Lire Wagone. New Waguu j to any rtpeeibcatioos.<-wal»M Wagou Company. J, Pear n-placc, I'ardiff. W00 T ANt 'ASHIRE aud Yorkshire Wagon Co. iLimitedE Iley .TT^ WOH\. ne.r :\t.uc.er Builders of aI. khula of R"lhr., »>i«gou$, tut• canh or ou dct. ire d purchas* systam. E <>r :t:ic":A :,t to (j¡h; 'M:l'R; Docki., Cardiff. Aftent tor South W«.es. ) /^OLLIEI'.N EROPPJEI'OR>ffersWanted for.iVotTd | Pl't tlolliery Sleepers, J k 3. cut to kugtb.—llpcr "oJ J. iJ Railway Weighing Machine, Compound '1 E. "ilu. and Hlu. Cylinders; Vertical Ei.^i ■» ,;i ij r dctx; V. rtlcal !ai<;ioe and Boiler c nib.y \< ,) t, f o.t, tin. by 3ft.; Sthielo's^ii). Muir's 1 ai.n-iJjru, j 'w u -all iir^t*cl,vss order. Speciality: Over* l. a-. Steam, H*nd. ami Ropo-«lri»en Cratics, Steam and Itt: t:II:j''{;ltJt4f¡itnC;t ii I South C.tktr¡;d. Liveipool. 4W?u. 1 ,\r AGoNS to Let, 8an,110 ton Coal Wagons, now ruuoing T. V R ul, ( o. W R lit.es; *v7.oer £ i 10s pev aunuiii. l;u;r £ 6 iOs.-Apply D. L. O"th. Butt 1<\)1< Sale, C'iieap lUU 8-ton T.V. R Wagons. at a low »-ice I 'Ù I f t,i :¡'UlI f;rllfw' am! P/»q u t, l'ùmI' Limited), East lOu", COlùltr. ¡¡O;¡ l,\jr. Hale, CLUil.lü{) 10-t. ii Soou l hau.l U.W.U, Waions, ►ii>i.o.leii.l.lwi/ Jlnt In ilwroujli ri"¡' Wi.l r'4fty fur ia.n.r.:ia>e ».i,if.-A^,Jy We*!rn 1V.J0D .un1 to.uertf l.i'ii.paiiy (LiMiie.ll, Ki-t M..or. Oai.lifl!. ii j ftM j¡.¡acJ>lIItrp, £ ools, See. ¡-meUÍNÈnV. TOOLS, Ac., WANTED. A-'ll;id b:JIri'l, Cylinder 'v Huiuoutul Ln»me. guod sceuud-haud — M 1, BV.tri i Muil. < ard.tl. PORTABLE Engine (um t.TSiii.l.MoiUr MdE Kav/ Be^ch. ami gyfi. by 5ii. Boiler Want d.-Boiler. Wuitf« Mad Oftice, hv» ai;se i. A%? ANTED, Netx/iid-baud Hovisujntal Engine, about20in. v t c/Jaider by «it. stioku.—i'oais and Co., Railway Ap* liioach. Cardiff. 72u31 UAUH1NEAY, TOOLS, <ee., FOR SALE. la^OU Sa l e, very ( heap, New aud Secoud-band Portable, X ,1\1.. Horizontal Engine.) aud Boilers, Dtni -t-y "rhl otuer Crab Winches. Gas Euginci, ClIa/r Cutters, H;jl.)I. Corn Oushuv Mortar Mills. Oas, Steam, and Water I"¡" Boiler Mounting. Pulleys, Shaitiug and 1bU.U' (;Ut Mill*, Ac.. Ae.—At T. Lemou auJ Sou,' Euginceru.g Worb. The Hayes. Cardiff^ W^?4 P E C" K E 'T -10-0-/1 0~N~6 (Late Fox. Walker, and Company). LocOMoTJ VE L.M/INK BUILDERS. ATLAS 1::>1:1: WORKS, BRISTOL. NEW TANK LocoMoflVES ro dy Ivr immediate delivery. Cyliudcrs a" diam., ,0" stioiso, b wheels coupled, II" v" I" lo" 14" 4 S.Ytral 'lhel1.n ù'm.r! h" l>cen tj^vially designed (or \:uUu:ri. lionwurks, Contractors, Ac. Photographs. ice-, and Spedli.»líODI ouapplkaUOlI, SECOND-HAND LOCOMOTIVES for Sale or line. |tiS40l PORTABLE. H:\riurs. VERffCAL ENGINES "J I TilRAhlllNO MACHINES, .w aud "ooJlan, 1ur Sk. cueap lyr C.i.-U or Deferred Payment. FRANK ALU lUX, LINNELL, and CO., .Lur¡i!rli, Northampton. 65iilt i/VU S..lc. 4in.. bin., aud iJl.n\IIU 'l)i¡;l-iu. t;n., and 10m. Foiccrs, Working Bairels.-LeUm f ami 1'0, ^tttltuna .f1>OCltUt. ;¡:J,¡;'I I "ooi; m m l'-Tiii )k)UTANr,r l'lci;MA- sO:m 1IrJNlSt' r.;¿\. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON FREEHOLD OR LEASEHOLD S1-CUUIUE>. £ 10,000 READY. AllplY,JAb A. YoRKL "Id CO.,6,Saiut « J ,\hll ,!I 'I_:tr,h_ Liuurii wTiTuS SiT;nc~\Ni'iI7E BUILDING SOCIETY, PU1LHAILMON1C CHAM- BERS, CARDIFF.—The Directors are p.d to .ept Deposits ut 4 per cent., subject to Two Months' notice. ort'ne Horn. Nine to Six (Weduestlays Nine to Our J1:t'.i;i:t.{¿{lE':c. i THE AM) DU \1,.11" Established 1872, and Incorporated uuJe. lue I.:(1Jdiu, Societies AoC. 116. LOANS mlMIe, ou Mortgage, ut tI.tS Shortest Not.i,1u sums varying hUfU £ 100 (0) £ 10,000. Repayable hf Monthly 0.. Quarterly ituUhueoU, III Ture. Thirteeu years, st OllOl1 of Borrower. t'tlJ\.r Re-payuienta, (;,I::t Moitgitges, aud SurvtyorV Fees have l>een revised ami rt'liued, THE SOCIETY NOW OFFERS SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO :r;1 Scale ot Re-naymenU and Preliminary Ct.ai'ges being gieatly Loiveic d Too utuuwt Secrecy main- ."1arLlU\¡1' apply tö the Secretary. Mv. Feter Williams. Ht tb. 0111.. &( luc ttocletr, iO. Globel.llù.,lneL, MerlUyr XV COOPEK rii.NN, MORTGAGE f f • BHOKKli. LSTATK AULNT, Jl. Mount Stuart* *)uaru, Car.litf. Sole Aewit lor til. NVrihjr and Doalal.i tj;Ii:Ciý Barry, Newport. *c, 6713. ■ ::¡ A. | W A N S ii A J 1 3 '!A1)I:U AND ^0NS' 1)IAOFORTl MERCHANTS AND I.MKWTEI tS, OLD- EST A ELI SI1ED I U S 1 0 g A L 0 0 K I Close to the STAT UK of Sir II. HUSSEY VIVaN, HART" M.F. TO TBR H10PK99t0!f ESPKCULLT Ova Maunificrst Stock 011 piANOS, ormAN, JJAI5A10NIUMS, JJ ABPS, &c" Pnn" 114 to cnnfidf.nU}' "Kla tht no sucli VAKItU and COSTL Y COLLKCtlOK Iim eyer bøen SHOWN in sonn WALES. The Kxopptioiially LOW PlilCKS for CASll or THItICK PYSTIi.M warrant us iD layiD\{ tbat 110 posiule better Choice for Buyers exists in tbe l'rincipality. T BRADK14 AND SON S PEOPLES' PIANO, 7 OC1:I.VI-:8, WALSer TKt'SS LEGS, fanel asi) GILT FICUS r, £ l'J Wa. y jgUADKIi AXV 80:\8 DKAW1NG K00M MODEL, F.LKCANT MhTAL HK1l>GE, THt- CHOKD, 7 OCTAVES, TRUSS LEGS, WlfU ENTIRE MKl'AL Hi A ME, £ 2.j 48. J JgKADIR AND g°N"s' FOREIGN MODEL METAL FRAME, CUIXK &CnOS, FL'LL TRICHORD. PANEL AND GILT FRONT, :;CO:\CE8, tJl 10s. LARGE MODEL, £;Jù 151. Amonpt our Numerous SECOND-HAND INSCRnlENTS AT LOW PHICES AUr, IfuHlZOTAL 'I IRANDS JIY BROAlJWOOD, E -.IRAI',D, QOLLARD. ALSO SQUARE SEMI-GRAND, BY OOLLARO. £ riril{S. HY BKHT LlUDLE AND WALLACES FA\TOJ<IMM. MH MICEAEf, PAIXe hM POSTED ?r us Pour T?r, both for Fautomime MJ ?.m'?e B?.M. d 1, rwt%orth)* in every  and have mucb pleasure In mll1.ud.hll Dim to aU ?..?'.?''?'???"!??? jLt?DLZ. a-LTRL LlUUrJ. Abo?d-M. Fb..y 14Ù1.1M. ?" 4Jttblir I frillE GLAMORGAN HUNT STEEPLE- A cU.\t.:s. Tn^o KACE< ¡H ti.J#¡; r.ln COWBRIDGE on WKDNEM) V NEXT, tne ;tU April. l or .Special Trams »ce Lilt-. J*XI FHEE¡Xnr OF lItVUns ACl, Icoi. A hPKclAI, VF.LTINGni t ,r« OfNCIL. will I* held TÙL.r{?;\Ií) rrll\\i 'i ',Xl'[¡"I':n.dl wneu Ir. COI'NCILLOR A DllRW FCLToN 11: ¡ Mayor) nl11 b- adiu.tud -n UoNoliAUV FREEMAN of the BOROCCK. in 'irj»i .11..t Uie al*rta A» ami in "r' f dahl:e with a lU»-.l;.tioii p.i^.d.'ta Mruting la-l-i on Uie !rh NoveinUr. cnci-*e<l in Ca»k«-t M.hjtrjlxd tur by tiie Membeu oMhe CorpotaUou and inh .b.uuu of Tiie public ..r coidially In?itol tH ;,tm{. Ladies iU specially r.iviu D, LD..AR Jo:.ES, M.vor. I Town-hJhCarJifr, SUMaich. ISA;. wk'A ';i'?': EX HlIÚi' Li CAliDIW. 1 I. A IM.m n.»IT. 1 y Mi. v.. f. u.ik. I i « 4 li.ivn.a iK.ra O'cicUbyAu Loiua co.>i.eu ivj with t»«.- a b o* ¡}i insutbeient nuud>vr lining Weu di»i>04K-,t ef. Uu Holders of Tickets «ho ma> dolf^tjluve any ahioui.t p.,i'i by tliem for Sbu:« REFLNDI-l' do &o eii wnticn api n- CblivU "cd the laoduchon T> V<u t j -.h- «i.»Ur. i,uv.. T. il. iii"MA*, J i C A Sou iik-j .ucct,Cardi.1. No »ueh a.,hQtiou C41; :Il: tonii h-rcd later than April :-Oh. the AcvouJuU ot tbo Ait Cmou .UL then M <:Iv" J. bfrHI !i. I Ai.|>.<ti.ih lurimw i ¡. .I.iul ol Wt:J:Wu. û Lngiaud to dint t.h RE-TUAN^I Lit troui the Cvwwi," si^uoiw ("r tOe Rt..1\¡.twu \1 i.i • D.-b; of ,h\l.UI£101 &e. ad. ConfcOiiUated £ 2 I t • i i Annum.wbkh atoae time >tood io tne name vI K[i: H. H. 1J JEN EiNn. of \1 1..Jt..4, LJautwjl Vardie, ti..üWt;W in, aud I'Ulch woaUauaterred to tfce Mi l Coiu'aiEitiouera iu eon^- •induce oi ::ï):d:Ù U:W-I;= unre.ens i Wnœ "he .Jh July. 16¡, NOID'E Di UEKEUY GIVEN', that cm Use espliatiou tf throe months fioiu thia daU IMarcn 51st. l £ V>). tile aah> St .cl :¡I'IW l!:r t.¡: .t'I:D dtnis tJ"uwn I,l to hno, he "UJ; clauued tb. same. uoJu* .JQJ- otoer claim thcieto bhali w tlio luoanUme be blJ.41c and ntuiainel. 'fil(: W ,1\EA- {my- A NO SOLlii X WALLa CNION FRIENDLY &OC1ETY. CIKLCLAE TO ÅGr. 8-. March 30tit, ISeJ. Mr. JoliN DANIEL 1'H()UIj. Qf No. li, FWw 8tnd, hw,iusca. luring btct: Ueeeivet for tho ..t"J'C Pioeicty bythcJuagc ot tho County Court holdsu t SwAUiea. you aic hreb, directed tùpr\ with your coUec- t i i'ii aa ifeuoj, ai<d t pay all moii^s received by yvn iotbo I .:i j)'<4JhtltL Ifrh.<:4:'?' ¡ :\04. Uuthricld atieet. 6wan». a. ALLOHEqUES. FOST ORDERS. It" ic., m, to be hJW |u> able tot.be above Rucetvet. and no u\4t.:T .). 4U)H vr diab»n-some«U ol any Wind 4n, to be made by you. ALL &ICKNES* and BURIAL CLAIMb u>u" be l r- wsrled toJ tho Receivor, b, whom thfO)" wilt bw Ocalt wiltl cut uf the YnuJ" üf tUo Society ih a.ørt(..uc \<I1tÙ Rules TAKE that, any i.olket- r or other person Llt:lc.dW. t" 1)t)¡¡;f'Jr ",lib tho inntructioub herein .oüt.6;J,.d will lJt: guilty (It Contempt ot Conu. Ibliu".1I. f n. THOMAS. Receiver. W~VTEi;i-oi;i) aud C6i:K."»Tr<i tu« Whole ot tae SOlT'tl «» F Mil LAND, ^rlait Traluhon the GREAT WEhl'l Jt RAILWAY ai.dponeitul STEAMSHIPS, via Miitord Haven. The WATEKFORD STEAMERS run Daily. The CORK STEAMERS Lc»ve MILFORD—TL*ESDA VH THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS; and l^tura MON. I DAYS, WDmbD.\YS. a"" FRIDAYS. '.¡;;Ü GiVK. that FAIRS for the NÕH;E!i(tX! v»0 &¿,.f[ at fl1 on the followiug «i^U \i/—The ln;a APRIL, Uie »7tb :¡'i;¿ :¡;Oi ::r,)ùlti: :a 1;I>I:¡jRJl I Neat ensuing. 81 Odl! EVAN OWEN. Clerk to the Builtb Local Board. '11 1 MaiUi.1^6. t&,7 UNIVERSITY UOi.LKGK OF SOUTH W,UE" AND MONMOL'THSHIKE. TO LODGING-HOUSE KLEPERS AND OTHERS. PcrMJoaduitou* oÎ taking bTUlJlTS al LODGbi~sare 'e..11\eJ tu make application adduced to _ui' J, IVOR J,\MW. ¡¡: Caiuiit, March &. 1666. ,p mHW'HJll,t.:1 Ill, Y ::>.Ui. ,JtW1 ;:p..¡;1t\ oi CltKYaANTHKUUMU. men. ait'l W.l.rAEI.U-> VI,I I.) Ui at PLMUGOKL Id NOVKMbtli SLXV. UJH W ;wu.h Hal- Bchedulen will ebortiy be n:&,¡y Members' SuUcriptiou, 0. I'amily Tickets, lftv. »huh Includes admuslon to Show and (re.? nl.ÎI:" to I el a^c- *• \he n,le! 1)tfW1t.. P4'y.h¡ on 01 lHCorc the 1:Uélo Raturday 1D 8cvhwtxr. The Right llou, Uie Earl ol C.V\N DOR, ¡¡,p, uu". Pembroke. I'¡; V1Ct..rlU>"W h. Tho Mayor of Pembioke. Coiout-i Liu Uton B o .1..110. ÇQtQ.ci Saurm, Ol1dtuu. Capuh» J1n..ol. Tenby, ClKtUMAN 0" LO;KMn¡u. W. O. Hulm, Eeq., Pernoroke. Vl" K-CllA ILMAS. S, Jeuklns, Esq., Pembroke V.W, B I'll '.1, London and l')nuW lnk (Laui^d). Pcmbiuks Bian^h. Uoy. TfiK.viiKi n. Mr. G. Joues, Pembroke. HON. Stcnfi iliV. 62413 Mr. K. il. TULWELKiS, pambreke. jnAUDiifF SCHOOL liOAKD. FINANCIAL Sf ATEMENT. STATEMENT 01 1:t:n:U>TS,¡ EXPENDiTDUE [y the CARDIFF SC11110J. 11""111' tor ti" ItALFA EAR ENDED 23 hd*y u. SElTLilLLii, KECEilTS. £ s. Ù. ToBalsucelu hand laec lUf-year. £ jth March. If Grants frotn tuo CV:1&IUHt. e ot t,;Ùu.u¡,t1 ull Education, Including G*anu from Ue ln, bciCQOU uud Art Department. 1.04; l I Faymeuts made W tJu: Tru..er bl Rating Âu,hllrit.ie6 at 16-10d. ter 3..JL 0 1 Sebool Fee* LWt 2 S :I:itb".rUcl.¡';i,ïwêbiidiči' I'à ¡ u B&lanco Overdrawn on Treasurer.ACtt »10 Treasurer 71 6 '10, 4 Deduct Petty C.h I" han Ji ot Clerk 7 0 2 „ Deduct H..li Money Ü1 hamls of J. Waugh, Head Mister, Higher Graú.8c¡¡001 J 0 6 9 0 e 4.657 8 > £ L3,llb 2 10 EXPENDITURE. £$. d, X I. d. UI Ecjitntu Admi»i*ratu>ii- Bf SaUiiw. 01 Oilioer. 01 We Buat J I IB 6 It Leiaiand otbur E Y'IUioe4 (If Aa- minl,tration Ib- 10 7QII 1 (2) F.tp,lltt 01 MaiiUtnanct— By Salanes ot Teachers l J „ Books, Apparatus, anu btatioucry 4,: I oJ Fuel, Light, Mud Cleaniug, Mud &.rl&oowent of Furnituie. and KeiUirs to Buildings auU lurul- II'" G7. 0 EeuU. Katea. Taiia, aUll Iu»u- ° 6 ,>1 4 By CvutriùuUoUI "rd,. or Ex- pen&el of Industrial :kl1Wlll, »w s (41 (}tJpü.ùC/l,(mJ(4- By Purh<1.be ot Laud and Erection. Enlargement.. r AlwraÜou Scb«w>l Bttildmgn. 10W 1? 6 Furn&hln.: 0 „ Purnuhing scuool Building* By ReVayment of Principal Loaua W 3 5 liiteie.it ou tioatis 2.J47 14 J (€| & £ pen* fwt included wler 1M /vrej'Hii j h»*<U— By Rent, Furniture, Fuel. Lijht. Ac., of Atteuiiauoe OliiCcis' Olhee *6 jEUEti 2 10 MEMORANDUM. jt s. d. J;; 1..1. ToUl Eapeuditurc. ae above 13,110* t 10 lJe,j\1";t.- FarHameutaiy Grants }.J» Jf • Capital Charges met >?y Loans. l It U 2 a 5 Net Exp^mliture 10.rj7 IS 5 UOUUTA&STIAAa NDING 01' THE BOARD AT wib KND oF Tclfc 1IAU,Y|SAK. Loans frow Public WoiSe Loaa. Comiuia- sioners outstanding J;;li16,iK 8 I ¡ Other U.l&1ÜL¡Utl. iuctujiug Baianee u«.f *> 1 8 drawn bill' 8 I certify lht this account J'! &eeu esamioad aud pas-ed I by the Mt;HoollloN, aa prO,¡lJN by bee. 11 (A Uw Act, vo *ud37Vla5^iliu:r, 18S.-Lt.WIS WILLtAM.i, C4.JCUUWl. ?3Ui 0, 1Ss3—D. J:I:.I. cteag wIn. School Board. t bertby certily that I have 4"OW¡fÑ tbe vntrcsiu lbe aWvr- Statement with ll1e VO\1hoxl5 Moud oÙJcr bk.uth(u relating thereto, and that tLt; Regulations witn lwp<x.. to tuch Statement have b •♦• n duly complied w u h. IIUI:t.J; t that- ): :¡'iueJ by OlU-11t th om ieetnes« uf Iuds Statement, and U,at th^ toUi wnouat atnetidea i.h ablJ"e by the School Bo..rd during the Half-year rXat' -kh.u, Jlho^o.bcr.m,1 ..uùI"-¡.J by Ju "c. 11.111. AUIÍ\ 1.'t 'l'hht.e.u 'J.bouaù .JH J[UtJl" .¡,.ok Plilwd, 1 '1) 3BS iKLtlS! .W^upeua.- ture tor the parpofc. of tbe Act. « \'1";1., c.j. b, 1oI.)ll..d\). by lut i Ten Thou«^n.l Set"n UuuJrtd .ud TUlriy K.wi Pound. ThJrb SijiiliDH ant! Five I'<:D(,'(. A.tie*. M haui tiÚb í't:ml(u,<bJ iJl MJJ'C fAi' (& 'O Di»trlct Auditor. LONDON cuakieked lUK oi AVSCltALU, < I ,wri«J..if.l In- Koyal CUrtrr.) CaiiiUi bubwribcd *i,OOC,MO s Rcsene fund Aiw.tM). Baiitin*«iiJf*cli*iii:eIJu»»'W» ■" erery d.acription eolJtÍtiLlt"Û "It!; tiie A'l.lrahail CoioiiivJ. ¡ iieiwils reV.il e.l lor bxc.1 1*noo of t»u Of Wire* )"I:M at l<er CCIJ.íull SLmtKLAND, becretarv. 2, Old Broad-ilr^et, Loudou. fc.C. o<°»* ÄYiiïtï(Ù.t\ SECURlTiES. ^r all Information. Spcci^7>'aU^ .toe" You '•* Tr-r.fr.e.l«..SoUt»ib.»". ««*,< "ALII.. Aoa.o- <T? UH\ !?LL AND CO. (LIMITED).— ,J01!;ll'lD' ;J,I:!lr): Eitraordiii.«ry pj«>hla. Saiare# (with »m*;iet liability): OrQlu. 3?. edl; Sre'-1- L .'fOlt., poftifree. tii 04. New^Broad stieet. ?''?'??L'??' TFLECIMPHIC ADDKE&S "MONANDtR. LO?!)?. ?GL-O.?CuTt,? ? ? Advice A. »sry Investor -nc Speculator .boUldlCiAJ my Adtie. Circular of March i'etb. a;J Shares bbt r ,o:d at maik, et "1. >i^ciiiati*e accounts opened Iro.u £ 1 r*r *sul- :thlí; w h;;);tu rr: I ?TOckuitUKi?t!, 1'<06<0 I retain 5 per cent, only on aii profits. Kvcry !'?L??" insoiediately S'?<i''ft.!t.M. b?Jt; c.M? t,- N.? ?t)t tt.? 01 A.- :()('å& j •) CUi?MAL?CHAMBLfM' L^edop, E.C. ? t.ichMt'.??'?''??'?? ?'? ??'' Dady Closing Pnc»-s »enl poattiee. JU:S¡" ¡a{UTlŒ. fK?UH'? HILL- I fOhTt.i?A?"Dt.m't:HEM. UlGH.S1'ln. KHAi'U. AXU t"<tM? ItUltV. C.??' A<tdr<.?d *?? I?M.td. MH-t?'t<r* Lo Hi, Great Weau-ru and ?.? .oJ '?" ljai.wayj, audtne I "J AM.U.X.-I' 1 P't.IIII'" f a. c public amustmtnts, 6WANS £ A NKVV TREATRE AND STAR4 OPERA, HOUSE. Windst.,Swansea.—Dirwter, A. MsItIU# TO NIGHT WEDNESDAY). U.Ith <t, AND DURING THE WBBK. 1 Y ??E?'?E'ART. me-. J. F. Ellistou's and wy.. mit%4e. c?mp"y .,zh, th G-t Ix>r>don f?em MY SWE?tHE.??* Moit Powerful Ca.t of Characters, Mr tWI-KTH?BT""T6?GHy?ND Nr Entirely New Rcenery, Vr]kLIf THE WEEK. Box Office Brader's, Wind-etreei, Doois Of.en at 7 Commeueo *t 7-36, Second Price at § THE DONAGH WEEK COMMENCING MONCAT. 41'111 o. — CARDIFF. TIILKTLE C A H Úîn Lts«■ a\u MaNaGKH MB- EDWaRD PL&"T(;aaa. Anil.Ma»4<S(R tin. Joay MUIIIU. lMl'OIUaM L.SoaGLMBM 'it IHi. BMUfcM CdMLDUN, 1I:. EbWARIi TERRY, .1":1 i.uCfcr.KBKAl.SD COMEDV COUPAVT. ro-I..H1: iWBDNESHA* Mil.CH Jl, A^D 1.1 .?.AI7'APRIL I 1.11. 't-.o :"¡';l,ff."l.'IIulno Cogedy, JN QllANCERY, L.J..d lenl I'r.^oat d a» 7^J or ihe alve. HiiEZlNG A MOTkiL 1.4 LAW, tKIDAY SIóXf. APKIL 2. BtNLl ll ot Mr. KDWAiiU rury. '?" C.4y, 1 .11 'U"lt (???'E T Ctavatier wa>iusb«« Hi. Tunf Ili C,)U,IN iu -W-hy HSlCIibAY. By, Ctlebrated Comedy, UEAK WOMAN. Terry VO.VIMY :>'£.tI'. lb. poi'Ular London Actor. Mr. Cl/AULLS W AiO If & Iu lho TRL "ZITI OF LO-XIMJ.V. Or The EMlIIG ACDH'OtUC!f i, now Brilliant!* L,l,r,D by Lht tH-Ct?tC I:i cA51)EbULX; LIGHT. Dooi, Open at 7. Coinuwu-^ i 30. Early IJooriOpea 6 30.. 6d. eatr.. Box Pun at .V:,í: or. bliackell'i,Crockheibtowi., C ulifl. C.\llDÙ;l-l\Y-Ilm.\lÃLL, THE ANNUAL BALI. lu Aid ol I t NLS OF TaB 1NHKMABI Will U Ul<t tl.ii year in the ASsEMULY ROOMS, TOWN-HALL, CAUIIFF* is E"1111 WLLK. WILLIAM TAYLOR, M.D., Hou, 88c. Caruiff. I !e £ (&*>i Crnotis ano contracts. ir^ARDtll- OOL BO A U D TENDERS are invited t?, .b. ERECTION vl SCHOOta BUILDINGS at Albai.y road. K mUj, WiJJD. '0- TI) BUILDLI?!i. e<Q?j"<* ^^anl'an^ apIJIiieaUou baT be aeen. qJ BW, Q-d. tk. ub(?m?.*t tttt?m? ut the Af??t. A L. BttdMtM, E««i., Rotunda BandiLgs. Cardm. "Albany-read ool ¡eDiIj".i AJbaD,-rc, &Mol nnut teach me not later tluu Oue pan. 00 HOriDn^Ag, M# L.'L A Next. 'J?.???Mt biDi thtM?tTM M) t?ptHxtWOW »a,i«Jt-r. U.M.M. Clerk 1M &eI4. Town ball. Cardiff. M Sfcth Maicb. ISSe. w** rp o C O N T R A C T 0 ii S rp 0 CO ? T K A C 1' 0 K S \r ê' i'TDâoD< ?)?cr!? 01. Si?.ui K?RVOR <t AbexUllery, Mon. ? ?, Drawings aud apecihutUoos m*y be 1teJ %h Oak of .he undersigued. &u< Cai»mber*. Newport, Men.; ana *-aled l'"m, d&-d to lb. c?l- -,I Din<COn uI Xtl< ?o?'?I?y maybe sent U- '?*?,°? before theK12:h day «1 Aprd iiext, eadorsod leader to* ^The ^D^e vore do uot bi.1 themselvfts to -Ot tb4 10." or Dr Te4'. B' °f ???.? TELL, H-L-M.C.P. March ?. l». f. DYJ:; bT&LL. K.lJJM':i:¡  rpo (JONTKaiCIOKS AM) UFUERS, BUILDERS d?Md. ot TEND E III No fM BCtLDOfO M COTTAGES In Otb" Yun?'). for t?* Gedip WorkUtt Men'. B?dtM !wiet,. Mu Me £ *oa *i»d SfdA 'j'fuce. 'i. ;=. AC .Seaf«d Teud«<rt '0 le adiie**cd '0 sqs o, I- lb- APRLI# 4 \he lon.. Itür wiil not ne-eK^tily be accepted. Th. ??. ?"'??jj[?" EVANS, feurveyor. kio? 4. D" vw. .t.bord&n. mo BUILDERS, "rMa. wtt?? M Tt.??& 7MBUtH.XGCmjMR .t tf. TKUM?? "WASSLA. to .;??o<t.M M?* tbe K.ut*M<i o?t?MU?. the   T- to F.. .,l 11 0&u« 01 tU Archi^ UvU, la £ He2re*- '°BiIis of Quanuucs tbe Arebitects on pay- I ruî ???''?< ?e?!?t M '?<?' oI°: C; 'i T?uden to b< ?n M the V j  du??d w the p?v. c??u ewÜb. 0" or befm TU.,6. We 10th IL) of .\pril TlAelowefctTcnder.wiln..tn"rilyb.ea!o«pt.«d.. ICHOLBUN .d Hereford. oMJ fcotns. ammg -Roomg, xt. LONDON. g E K N li K ii JJ 0 T E (Entiuly Renovated aud uudet New Management), BLILNED.B- RELR, OXFORD • STI&&ET, W. Tb.p?i?o'tof thi.w?t.k?w.,? '?-?S" is t.Mdkht t.?e for t?er bu??tM or pkMuK. AtU?h duM ? the princi?t '?r?th<UM 0( Loodou# it i. t?dtUifty q?Mt. Ih? 8.4- M. large aa^ well-licbted, aud the Hotel is rolete il. I.y Mmfott ?d<?L<euiM? ?r \I..wr'. TMCh?Mtf. mode»U and Licel. Table d'Hou;. Private tfitttng-r'Wtns, Ladies' Dr.twit)t-roea),eptttMK Cùt::OI.f'OOW, :)WIJ.IUU¡¿.fUOW1 Ac. Good Bedroom, with full Board, fo.2 7s. 6d. per. Attendance, h. Tariff ou &1)1Lí04Ü\JU to i.ùP. Proprietor. EDMUND A. 13AUNDERS 68642 <L»Le of the We»tern Hotel, Torquay)^. I pembrey. rr iuT A S H B?X HAM HOT?Li 1. rt.MBMY.?KARU.ANt.U.Y. CAnMAKHitXiimM- rr,. ?. '< well-kno? u;î" haa recently Uea IhorM^llt u:rtt.r*'t.mC:;Cba œwib. b1 ,il. ?""?" ?.;?.A\ POWELL. PJtOra. a nfJl[Catiom;. ?nbhfattong. T«e:tL_E.litiou. PM jnt. I.. DR. W.?I????S? MdBRON. D (:iti'rLS ATT"ti&*O? the only rueoMsfnlBHtiw „, th. Di. u> KOMi;i G-w"™-MJ)< l ^n:c-S MY«he.l I Ca. IU4 rtrott: Simrllin. )l;6C. d to. NOW READY, ^PIlE Hts-i?Y? THE W?LSH 1 SINDAY CLOSl>G A?r, KB??KXEU' B E A. V A » P41d' Conn. l!poee:¿d. ?DA.-t;? ???'S???.<.M.t.< a yC«»ra»lf Uuui* ..?Rpt).?. ,,VLN'EION d EXHIBITIO rp 11 E 1, 6 A NO- p IANC -(PATKNT), AStXHIBlTEU AND AWABOHD PIUZ. MSOAli ON VIEW AT JJEATIIS' JJIA.NOl'ORTE g.LL00Ni R J. H,iA™ AND sOINSO 1; CROCKHEKBTOWN. CAKWi-f, Abo keep iu tilôo.k the PIASOfORTM oi tbf oolf GOLIJ IILL)AUSIB. J. BNOAD?OO!) AND bOi. KltUOlA:¡ AND bOS, J. AND J. HOPUXSON. Are Sole Agent, for MAbOM A NX L I S, Wlio rtceifed the only GOLD MEDAL. Foil AMERICAN ORGANS Co-operative DiwouoM for Cull. or ca th, T H B t E YEABb' OYbTlig- Pi.uo,. iroui 16 Guill". Il,u,u,.t«f Catalogue. Po,t 1'iee. ALL THE NEWEST MCSIC. WREATHS FOR CRAVES. T>ALMER ;\D ?<OMrA? n;oruLl,8W I) Be* (" .¡oul, t'i? <? keep C?iot (XiMfca e< o 1, tIi' Att' HbT?LIC Wtt?TiM. W.UtCrW?bt.uK.?M6ht4«. ??' tvseiuL rtK\ioH £ BS. )C. U. & li. FHEDEKlCg bTKEET. CARD1»(^wr-a w ILLIA.U STEEDS & ?O?PANY? <"AUDIt'. Co"&u'" f"' \*O?B?<:M!t & CO." AL». B«:rt'>n-on -Trent, h. ft- U W-" B?.? b..?i..?'? i?5??'" MM. ? ?'?' 1IHBOO& b ilUBPUT 1 Of *«.*»*CUMKWW* AN1> CbHEKb WlLWttlW! OLOBMS^ Fi", Sparkluir D..ODJbí'" C"ONC". Print. Families supplied. Or4^s by 1 OrilCS a*D 8Towt» ^— wHA"Br-siT9egiestT't icaSSS&- JRj 7m^O\Vi1na^OW.'8 A B o lI.hed ;It. -.t. = listed Wi W.I., i?rl,, Id. ;X P., ,,r Maiy-s feet, Car«A* v