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PREPAID HeAL. or SilALL ADVKHTIKEMENTS. | -¡ -w.ia"ïí-'í:ï.= bo. Thw .u  (-•ertioa. Iiwirtioue. Injection* W..I, •. <t. a. 4. ». it •. 4. 18 6 2 0 16 2 0 "7 9 1 6 2 8 3 0 3t. 1 0 20 ;10 4 0 1 3 2 6 39 5 0 54 116130 6160 M 19 3 6:6 3 7 0 72 2 0 40 60 30 81 2 8 46 69)90 1 i& llQ* I c y a 6 9 1 0 iM, /.i. Mile" *&4 Pgowittc« Or>t«rN tbtYdd to mtd* p«r*b!« « the IIr. W. IL H. Bvam, Wmhvn lieU. QudUT, Alatritnann. f* h V oor: *« l,I{'1,1;ji,)W' :# will ju I <f if«XKt Iniatly if o.-mnnient — A I'llFVnatm K.«t.utur, Wfl4rm Umxl. Cardiff. W>U « lnical. '1VT1.E Waia««l I'll H«uVjUib«;r Ofliuv.i >t»; di jr of A Bangor or I, »r «UfT; eTMirfrll'— A I¡;}" Hot AMt'i-*1 Hirk"uU«»4U hd CURACY VV»ut4.«t tbiUiiga*! preferred, b< n c.}-r¥: maa io luil ur d >:r*; e i^ctIcuc-d.— A 'lUrc h T. T, pr#ft«na MMt umco, Cardiff. 7ti* a W AII'.i'Ä¿; ItttofTiVcu: rftumnJ «l*»i du tio* Apply to Hoy. J. M<jrtfaa. Nwi».y,'l<> V wc, MryiiiLiiwr. '1U6» JHt&ital. r|10 I'AHFNTH AN!) OU\HDI\NB. Mr. OritttfH, TO rb«rtnB<.cnti<:aJ Ccfciuiat, ttwanaea, R.¡reaO;\I;: ("n'jlf' K*uMi»Lcd I, 6Wn1 GWII.YM fcVANH; PujwmWutrTl ^Wwt^ LUaehy, 81" \"&Icl t &¡Jrt"I.L:Q, ";Utt(d cbola5tít. A LADY "S'i- dr^irv* an Ko/a<«m'n'. an C'>ui- A I.[J ';t;, ;y:rifJ'I ci1Q 'w )t! 1;, 11&U' family s can k*; weU n.Quuu.)n1.1od.-Adùee8 A. 11 IT»9t4rn H'ill. Paid Iff 7^rii Bomfstu Mnbants Wanted. WANTKI), good Cook; early tiiwr, and economical. 'V A rf(ri i,tlr,Jl.e'rl)&Dt¡:T), — A<n>\i M 11 Mi*« For* Tmmale, Clifton. Ll)b.w GLNKHAL H!rvRIH WAnt j must unler*tuid pUio ,)uu« .Ut tWQ well -Av11 Clareuco Vula, 11. ()ulí.h..lc.1Mtrt. }C,OMotl., Cardn 7U-4 VTfcZ AN ifcU,» »trunx. uattul (jirl, about 16, an U«uoral Hn I;\iOdchar., t. r imU»pou»abl«.—Lorn-i VUIa, 1':l'h"Y'4tr""t.. Itoath, Cart11Ø. 713,?6' WAN1KU, a I;H-x!-O(u'r.l H«rvao;. No <.bi)clruu or .L.w8.-A¡,p:, at Ko. 6, Ch^lea-street, C*rdifl. 7t'inl WANTBD.aGfutrfcJ Beirantj urn >t ttndoratand plain cookinK* *>>th Kocvl tbara<U;r.—Apply at tU« (■'?ar»-iLC' ypitypnud, 71 W-u'w;:Ü: U. ftud Uillurd H wim.— At ply, "b refcrvnct^. 10 tbe Imperial HoU'l, C'antiflf. 71Vnl WANTH). t!iorui-fb)y |r<>ud C'ook* nod Hou"t^;naiii — Arply K. Ii. Juiit.a b SvUct Regutry U^icc. V»H, Oxf Hwiintc-a. W A r;It:2:Õ'I't1 Mcrvaud (a^o» I bei.we.-u :i ur^t *t; Hi small, ijiact family, la u very dull »tid rvtired partof tb>s couutry. High w. 10 I:t 11 11:h\ tuic:,&1t:eri \'I..eIW'l'. AlM>red«t il'i'th, K B. ) Mouth W.I-. I.t WAN I Kl> hOIJ:qftJ. r« >-j»ectable yv tug an "jWlelWUd; »vu Ih t? ?g !?.Ap ly U' Th-' Mam o, riid'iwu. 70»n» WANTKI), a &.«*} t'pi«r thu,cwa,cl for a tarife ijiu,iy. Ag«» SOto 40 -AVvi, to Mr*. Augn^ua Iir\I' ( I'U! l'¡'fI!.fL'_fJ"J l l.. OWnl isx I'kKi K'NCtI> 7lJu*.fai»d I'un. xir Maid^ als.> good Mli '1'\1 tkl: ar.d itciicrul tf- rvaut 1 awaiciag placo* at Mrn. Uvu»rd Hogutxy OUJcv, IIJ1. Urcat. Kf-dtrn V.Ktr«yt, Curd g. ftsrtal \\T AS iai>, a Plain M*rvaut. accu«tou<Kl to c^ildn.-ii,— ▼ ¥ ApplyO»k Villa. C'!iv»>r<md. Cautmi,i'urdiff 674bt9 WAt?kLCr(:" :atji.ÅPV¡Y ::tjU. tfraph HoU-l, 1*0, lluUi-road, Cardiff. C7tjb39 \VrANTKI). aH»r.)UK <ieneral Servant 5 good character W nuli.,ia;ui-ttb;o j g-I Apply 101, Uuto l>o:kn, «•« \('r, 67jb1J IIM.NTKD, a go«i (General Wo»-vaut.—Apply at tbo M «'r.>wu Wbucbu^b. Munmouth. 6ftHi3 ^VTAN l'KD, a hiruiig Uiri u K.it< lvnia»id 5 on.- »c« 'V Al'le' t1:rlï1il'¡) VwMvr, 6,j7n3 \V A :l O,Ul:¡t::1;;11t1:,uU i;H H M-i«t \>» a Km*I i.««dl.jwomau.-lUgUu llotwo, N:-A»p.»rt 111.'11, C>rdifT. Mini A! 1.1) It¡¡(ít1i a thoru.uh Huu, uad Parb'.ir ▼ V help piveo iu t4u UuuM>wvrk««>Addrem M., Xt i W, o, Uunclly, 64lu8 WANTED, a thonnghly h<.ni<>M|( ♦»\pen"uc«*<l O,\n+!r K.Tvuut,ut g««xl wbaractcr.—Apply Or. llu'-annan* M Ki'unt' antl C o Hwaamja. BJftbSH YI. ;f.[,1¡:.f.,C:: tw ,ll ju 11. »<« ibndren plain nvwiug.—Auplv a< r-«"iitt!]y, N(>rw>« d Hon««, t'mnbroke-terrai:o. nilbtH WAN'i l U, tt.N uv.' Uirl.—Apply to Mr*. G«bb«. hvk oi Jii Audi-« v*'sj Uh'iKh, Cardiff. V* ANTED, a N .r- tuaid: a«o u i >out U.-Apply t rT. it Miliu-r, Juut«'iitr«ct, Bute Doi-kn. itV>0ul w-ÃEKQa Oi-neral Hcrvaivt X'hurchwoinaxi t::lrlln. m and It, or* and 4, &tt. Partri<iK«-r<.>ad, 'V ANTKD, u l»« ntfal Servant; from tlir co iutry pre* _? ▼ t«;rr<.d,—Apply to E. Adumailowu < » 1 •' NL H. Yt'tUl',4.I. aie Uft \ui<1«.t <1, williiw ti stHrtUt iu ligbt houAv wurk,-Awl, U. WynUworili ^troet, KOAUI. GlObitt WANI'KD.H thoroMKh y ,uod Suro. xin^Nvhaadod; » •• pt with a Kood cburaftor d !I.'r;' tïit ;¡..t::¡'u' ()'\)'tt7¡. Ior Wf ANTED, i* K'^vd Houm.- and i'uTl«rur M \i I.—Apply W %▼ Ml- lUSlt' r K'Ut, AN I K II", 1 (.;</L>.<rtki Soi". nr.?,, 1 :IŸ} 1 i. V'1'" r» :<- n«:«.vi aud N'i'.ili^ a »-'■ tu Nn ..d-i^r.t. ,r»ukVu.tr.ii. 570u| W* AM KD, i\ ll» !u ral Ht'rvuut 1 tlio oumry, cbddren.—Apply at 17, Park•pla«;ei ( ■ i lT- W^ul I \K 4 H *'■'ru1 ^vrvtut Mu^t cook woU U »<» d 1111'" ?i;1:fIY ;{Qr'lt:Ir( A-HI-. i L H I, N. wintri. 57tfn| V\7 AN'i Kl> v. (,.< Hvrv ur.s C <»;- K t. to y ▼ Ho i.»MJUid «, £ 1 j to JttOi Pari nirtaiid*, *ih to s K t< Ihmiiituid. 4)14 t\" 4:11.1, AU to tiii. A I) Niall" AttvoduntM, 4c., 4o. for »> ,Ub K ;vaut ». En :!«•»».' tv l*MJy Hupcnutcudvut. (¡"n1't,.or juatiuto, dU Park«J»tavt. Ljnd >n, W. r.t VA/ ANTED, a Kood Plant Cook.-Apply t j Mrn. Lowh, yfy hrynvJui;, ii«.-ar Llaudilo, uUtiUg w»s\'« rt^i'iir^l m«l rcfi teucf#. H4iii^d WANTKI), Dm rikl Morvant. about vimtk of a^o.— Apply «t 4P, Parade, Trodogurville, Oardifl. M'id W A l'KD, a W.itrl"itt to mako 11l'U g"nerally u-f al»o u Hoy; good «'hara.tcr«i.—Apply D*vk Uii'itnt, h, Jiiuii'.«-«trtitit, Cardiff. Wsal \\f ANTED, Two II i iaimu ddH; q«>u«> but tho^o w V> "I tuTuutfhiy aL-«:u<%iiiUad wif, Uotcl work n»>\i u 1 U. W»m,l<o.!kl t t« I, (.'udiff Wlhtv %V'AN1KD, III-I" n' uctl Waurui*; ul*.) Kitchon* »• mud, with ijtu-d chara4i«rH. —Apply to Maimer. T'>r>v Uot.'I l' Mon. |S7hi< ANTED, a Oirl about l« am Ooutfrtl borvaut.— Ai'piy PUiihtW, IV, Cppvr Altua-cttvct, Nowivrt, M '• 5ly».sv \AMKU, nt r'U, active (J.'i\or \l K«'rt.*ut,—Addrovt f f CKuiiibci*, i*0, CbvlU'iiUuxu*iottd, Bristol. \AN'l"EDt a Yoa:-g Girl Nur*o.—Apply ut 37, ▼ > I'luukeo-AtrutX, C'aruiff. 47<ii.is YV A L'KD. Nur»o, for ou« child. Ma»t be iliorougldy Wf cipviu-uccd.-Appif Mn>. Ivor VucUell, LUad kff. misi ^llivr.iM.AHS HKOIHTRT m an<l ail II t:T:' l rtUii(!; 11), Pa*' 1"1. SttOtid Oomrstic rrbnnt$ 141ant {Haers. V\/ANTlil>. by «»n «t^n^ncod iK'rboa, u Sit mtiou m \\1 "I;' 'r0l1l,r;j,'Ã'B,.8IUllr, N'WP"lt, O'.Vat WAN 11.1),,» S vu.n .u mian;or Chddr-a'H M.k.^ d v. f 1 itf Adslio.- il. I) ;ryn N «*■•. n. Ni» I' u>i. boar 1'urdifl. GUrhs, ^ssiatants, &e.. ManUi. ryo PA HE NTH AND Gl'ARDI ANeJ-Vacmcy for w*U. '1'0 t ,;Tt\ I? :;ut':c:jlr\)t\:11:: '•'o'1 A"d,'tHr. Appiwser, Houao and K-tUU' A^-ut, V vu n- Hi* r-M^rc, ln" \AM ED :?¡h:" Newport, an ot|><;noiio*M lUr* W » i .wd agvitroia U to W.—Apply 136, Comtiu'rciiU- H'Tft, N, .un, 1I.ln. M;ill GUOl EKVWaittvd iti.iiuMU.it.■!>, a s»r »ug Youth Itnptotor; n\u«t <«wak \\YMi; to live out 5 good 1• r1 lv•* Ai •> D^rrvil uud Co., Famil^ y Ur.vori, M <ir^'ou. tl73biy A t\'I',rr.í,. Awi'taut for tb* Drap«ry and O it- .'ii a.g Irado i*'tMitmUi»pln'ati"u; nood refi»r»'n • 'at' I\ntl 1* \0 14 H..t.-A"¡,, J. Du»iv«, P^n* Hou-e, 1 "'&t\1 ( .¡ I: I'.r I'H.— W ¡271"; 1;" good ■ Um d in" h.< rv»: «''iihlr o r. w h<> i- a ktioalrdtfo Imkuig piofcncil.-Apply J J. Hautca, Uru"nt Ktv*. I"'U Nowixnt. TOhii 'l'U, GKOCKU8.—W*0t»sl imon^iiat.'ly, a thoroughly ^,r"- •• a'. i!.« t»- t v tVuutor, mu aU*rp ■TU» "'1"\ wl:ln' fnunljt ,>nl..r- »r.' loki u. noui- 11.^ »i.i lV ». Ii » k > Hi 1 In In t iu-. «n, l ,.klo to iiru, l i. u^imi "r I: A:l;I Üv it, ry.offlc'1, UnnliO, I A L41. II«0'»KI*«. N.'«r<>ttV Min"rr."r.ir. vm,ll, I.. i > lor rwm- uouo liat tharoiwn bniMt iii, Ii. ,J ..l-l .J. Ju. WANTKD, t. th.T.iiMbljr Dro.uu.kar a« M«toi;;<sl t«« t-ako lt d i xi'cuto ord^r*. Stat<> :\rt,i.v.¡-A&IIIÎ, t, Tih.IIII. Hivti 7i,:i, | 'K\ 'I K.\ 1 >K. -W,i1 A-i.tnot iir,.Vn: -*4iem 'j' '¡., 'h ;,It"I ,I.:i;PI!,llt;;I;I:" "lhh.\u ,ui1 N^1' w*l»» r«vomt«ijv. U. C vtU'.j.nuto, il 1" A villi n-R."t:lH w.ntixl I1l1w"1AI1,. OI,. 8«l».im.n." MJ Ho i.i.« Uvu. ul, r.«i*vti.l>W Y.'U'.h I Ai! "tt'III-Al.b, waa hll ,tfU'U4:. tu W. M" A 1"1l' f.S I l.» is uwii iHkivi, Hwaii««. Uw 1 Vi II llu fi »..t« 1 v l»- «1 lmp»».r fur ihr Orwwy ami Pii,aMn 1 l*'u — Aiskj lo Tho«. TUouum, Ocwvr, V-.UewL I. 1". HlbSs A:\ ru imni.Vii.lilj, u :i<o Vi> ux Mitn u i »» I.u.iv: Sj >.•*«* d -II al)lu O*V\"r1IWJ Pr). '11It ,'■ *• "4 ulun.-V. Jonc .'A.t, l.üJ.t' u. A v."i:L Wai.i.sl v >u A. ut'-y utux •y". ill. i; t,!(. 41 M. "ha& w^f.-Aw A :¡\tlI wa,"uu m, ..mi, )¡I"H. diS3ut I )UJ 1 -tti: « Youo* *Man m Ai,m, Ui-Uia Ha»t«.A;t«vu II )U*. JiI"rrtat S««. SM4bS^ Mll BY 1\ lll;) Il,M,t:t7&cà !íbU o u ,¡h'd -AH" M.L\:hu\ 11,1.L:u jJ,.u. JI,rr:u, 'I —. i .'V Hum* w.ou fj ,t.. S."53^• l»u.a I;„, • 'i«t s» .u S duahons Vacant. WANTED, a tho^-icEly g.«v*l Hmmv Uoiiar. Nsjut I Y ,A. :r. i:r,t ,,1".p?;r j 'J¡ "<* ■, *u»tu. 7Hu4 u > **i V ?"w llu^tth^wugi.> Vr V V*n r i' *rm* "»d «agat*El«^k, (rr««. v »iV » 1 i w?-. ll • Ifo.^1 oUaf**Uf.~A d dr*« OIL' S l. (&1\ U- 8lhl M.:¡. e- Si. K^ort M .» "v u,o«^H^SdT55a.l«t a-^ E .0 ha*Ht. auo«* *wo« »~. i "h »aa Ovv^vti .a#l^ J¡,. AH Situations Vacant. É !o(¡I:r. IHUiE1i-d"d;;1,: ;I u? i oue uMsd to brvimy work prvferrvd s oqn pro* d'uc k'-x-I t«*uinouiala a* to cU*ract«r.—Addr«»« Eugiutj, Mail, Cardiff. ".7'14 T«J WHEELWBIGHT8 — Wanted.a Heady.good Work. A. ir.*n. i;.».- d io co'iutry -Ai,PiY W Ttw- Z,- >< H' 1j. KKajadur. 691aI I VEVI/KH WATEkWuHE^-Want^i"¥ric*klayer4. AJ LiilX/urm, ai;d Narr. Le wagf.-«; lodgings ':I,.tul '*»b -AIVll ou ibe W.,k: GAKDENEft l'nd*r) Wantod fot flower (^aix)en tUpar4« Li' t.?.; i*p«;ri«D'jed. Munt Apeftk We.4h.—Apply to E I i'sua, 'I >.♦ Oar«*>r«w. Lianover, "'rlf.1 U" AÏ! :.»*xt, a Mc*^nd PloughmMi'. wLo#«.- wife ta a d Uujudre*«.—Apply to J. H. ILrr¡u, H*-uiLf!-id. Latt««rMton. 8<>ath WaJoa. 143i>}a3 IV A-NTE 1) pw. T. f T Hawku, Paibt«r. Po«t<orUce. Toaypaudy, B^jQddj V"7. OOJn.1 "I.' AT¡-D:t;r- Farm Labourcrb to fj to I>jiidou j wag^» 17'r .tek.-ApJI, tj W. B. Y> aJk';r, 14, vaecc*atre«t, Cardiff/ (»7bt» WANTKD, an aotiY»; Mau, to l(x»k afu-r two horae*. driTe out troo A s. aud otherwise mak« biui««iir a««>> fu» Lon*- ,y iu;!t-a« he produce M"d 'i?. t-r t'JJ: at:.wl-k. EU?k,?f. «!'r«-rai.t, At^>rgti>eL ny. r.y>b«* W A);ó a:<3a::Î: arid Peat Boy -a^ ai^uod. ply to W. Carfl^Aa, Ro*'k Hou« Hotelfo L0liartu. %\7 ANTED, a Young Man, to lf\d two borne* acd I;iL:¡'J) at dD.(, 8()"thlfj111'wrl. 'Ih W ANTED imuiedutely, a »troaf, aoti*u Lad for a W¿.:iPli!Ij aJ\[n,aifJ: Cudlll tai7 r|V) lltfCHEKtt.-Wan^^Tu^y Youaj? Min ai A. loCt:u bah:omUl.-Appl, Vj .r" Ui PHOLSTEHKK8 Wanted good wa^ giveu aoue but ttrtot.t.:&1>' wormen 0.,00 apply.-Pa.ruc auJ .)0, I_ 4(ttbtt Ap 1, Ma » Miwon,-Ai'ply to J. b«r».>tou* and 8ou». <>aaal W harl ¡,t Cardiff, ^1^0 TA1LOU8 — to anted, & General H&nd:-At.ISII"' X Trma.road b;d.. u.,hy T>dlU.470ti<i W AITL W?,Wh aud Clock Jobber. Beference and wtiKea.—W. A. bLw" Watchmaker, h',r. daic. Bear UljtJ¡..ruJd. b- WANTED, a younf fpernoa w:th a knowled^ of W):»*i<?r uuu Wipion'« Machiuc, to L«j»rn trie Baai* Df lilt. Nv pTfUomn rtuuir<»d.—W. PxlU»r, liuuth Wala* Lu.Ut.iiu JUaii'^uttury. ai, Ht. Mary-Ktrwt, Caidiff. SilKd Situations MantiD. H'O GBOCEBH.—Wanted, a Situation aa AmUunt. '1'0 7 O;ttlê..ouarr':e'toÂid j? Poet-ortict), Poulypool. &«m* BUJ:;r¿\r by Young Man ia Ship Htore, bb>M Cluuuiltra, or Wtioleaailo Grocery Bdain^aa.^ AaOrvHrt O. N"A. Myrtl^trvvt, LiT«rpool. 6ul YOl'NG l.udy dcairea Kogagement aa A»»iitftut iu the Bar of a bm-claa. Ae,ikl- X, Y. Z W?, A.,I, Cardiff. 706n4 rrWO Ytun^ Ladicd df»lrv Safacet&ent X IU«taufaiit. Would IF?'? ruontb.— M.# 7, P.,k. Bruwl. ttolna V\7 AN'lED, by a married tuau, ago<i 34, who u au es« W Ü¡tf \tcau.- uOutaU nh:rcllce. Ccilitri?. or iron and tin ,law worin pre* r??,tt "t' -I'- &Add, F. C. T., PoMt-ortice, bkJ:tt,. K",UHbä. 6b"JnIfJ BABMAlb.—A Young Lady 1tJIllIale — RA ?t 6, 1. 1.;A Yo?liL?4 wka U?ugslemelit,- Sl'l L: A'i ION a* Gaa Btoker Mjiall work 6W.3 SL*IU A'l ION U- .Il wrk- ClUAtllMAM OK UhOUli AND OuiCHMAN.— w »uuu, by I. married mm. a tiltuatiou. 0*u ride ana dnvv ",h and w.!t at tablw. "hf) le4u' gl)()d ctl«. ru,tew. Aku M.-Atdien 0 H,. W.- Af.9 O?h?,. Ha.ulurd" 2"62bz6 L AW %'ILI SP.Cpyi-? fw, the: beat, oxprditioua i uaexceptiouable tcfereu" churgca modt raU.-» Writer. Wmtru Mmt, (lardiff, "b,46 GU¡)¡NiK,111¡lehUllüed or whe-n more -r. kept; V* married i otate wa«t« giveu.—Gardeuer, «, TuLtu street, Abergavenny^ Ollbia W Â.N;Jf; i in; Cbàrc family; aeveii Y,_ good c'iwf»5t^r.—Addrc«g VoucLman, l, wby-ttrrvae. JJctHUU,J'. tJJtt BARMAID. R.-? -.t ird by steady non age n i 16 wuatba good l'efetcuœAùdr.- ElleMnere, halop. lI!jn SII'FATION I.dq:r' a, njiddlo age i experienced an d good character.— AJdren Gardener. Farm Wood, Newport. Mou. 7.1 SI'IUATlON Wanted Groom aud Couchmnn; »mder« stand* the nuuiagement of borne*; drives well; four itara good character I wanted; age 30.—Addre** G, Wf ANTED, a situation -¡Jâ;-r.;hulnt: arqahar, ptaUoner, Caerleou. Mun. 1 » ▼ ",vln. or "VUlt \oul'" dun-u^aged the middle July. -.ùdreM D. C., W. mm OUie*. <Jarw1l. 'b W A:?o¡nJ <:l)Irwf;ht -d:tíd ifiau married age K8 iigiit weight; can ride and drive wl?U.-Apply illi?' ?.. rid. ?.d VI/ANTED, by a young wan, iy7BUuationa8Junior ^itrk A^Utant -"k-Pr.Ad,ires.1 J U, We.tern Mail, Cardiff. 4*»bJV T(' 1.1:JI;¡; BeekHlte-fngajfoment; 10 Y?.. ..ptr?? reference uneic^pWoual,— AddreM 1 ï M"t_ A, Curdiff. 4.bgd fPO NEW8PAPSR Pltot'RIE:I'OR4 Advertiser, X who is ti.oroughly ucquiintcd WIth tbo tuutine of a daily r¡ewp"Jr lt;t,. bud a vow uccouutant, 18 open to B Ke- tiigagtinetit. HUM had th? ???ti,o ?La"lueLt of the .,hertl"InK department 01 a lirht-clw* provincial dily fur •€Vcra* jearu. Could alao uuùcnUt the publi/hiug Of adaiJ, paper s 17 years in lut ,itUauoLl. Good tt.,r\Jue", -.<lure. R. AI., l, Dryden-road, Kdgo-lane, Liverpool. }.gtnrits, Srabrllrra, &c. AOESTS Wantnl; wml.:tlÜnK u»i wan fid c»,ry- Wluu; U"1'" « MlflJt.-AùJH', 11. WulUaudOo., 1 BoUUatreet, UYtrvool. &Uol It .:IIe 8tt¥'ar:t:Il\i,trg Cumpauy. ttulary X'Vu oer anuurn, with —Addrve* lWllh refeicncet) rS:ual'r, cure of &1r, 9G» rcn, $'. PaterrIOfJter"Ow. Loudou, B 0. Preference «ill be I\'t to a C811dhh.w ^otkerwi»se eligible) who hi prepared tv UlIc.\ W iu th. capital v, the coutpauy. O TAU.UHS- 'tl-1.tg::ah smirt ViU'.< Man lu hfiicit Ordern iu South Walu« Uood clilirattil- a:.d >i.^urity to tl1., t I'jUui.k- Cv 3t, Htlt."t" Baaa.vja. 67«bfJ Uyvvx» 1SCBKAHK YOUR INCOME Q PER yv tkbk, ut a ginteel tnanuer, witi.o it ri U. fcieud i'Lur ikddrt>». uiid we will iniorm you how ntu^r sex rnuy i,».V"iue rich lioj^fstly, JI1IAU K'cure ï ;i:at,t, u' r N C"t req»nr»d. bvBt NOY>31ty Companv, Mccle*. )llL11d.ul.,r. UUkl.Y B'KMJXOMAM (iOOOS, riUti JEWElV- *atchks. 11 AKMUNIUU.S, FUUM. 'l'va-A"tutK Waited, Wholc..tù, lx>ok, »oo iilaatrn* t!vDJ4, pest ttl.:(:AIY Henry MI, Birmingham. :))5113 4^1 ) TO X'iiW per luibum eahily earned.—Agouto WBnied everywji'ii- >l A Art^ks re* ilklIÛ y othce, Lome, and ►. i. K vr.- o;»ou-iuity. No r^k.—G 1. Buuon aud (Jo., 1 jJ;, i. I, ,:i AblTt'ATION a«~Canva^er. v \> ljUUtMit or any portion of truat. N. „ preh-.r^ r. V^M\!r/vro,i°" ",lU He"-urtty.— A ddivr A. H. k\, ifuU 0?tK-e, Carmt!. 24ilAl }Jar1nl'fSbíps. IIV AND l:NlUNt;t.HIN\, \VuHKS.-aT^. 1.'Ol'NVIIY AIJ };NL;I:>t::t::I\ISli WUlt1ŒAu < ldlcDt opvortuuity fvr u n.tH:"l t.'U"Ui'r YI'11) C'u :dd ,,l\DtYY¿lr; f KJ:tI.'t' b \n:ur.lIY ^tumod ot the Work, can W 1'uriiaTOl.— A'T'>u thu HM in jtiuc. to Stvphi;u.,ou, AI\: x'r, .itid C.y o., Vutvn Is Chambers, Cardiff. &4i*> 1'oat nnb 3FounJ>. ONE Pound KEWaRD.—I.oft, on th Q\h luot" b, t, taga:H t..uou hUU'U U*uion Imd Whl"" toiouttd Bpiihioi Biuh. lliy abo\e rownl will 00 given for inforoiutiou leading to bvr recovery, ÀWly Geo. Caon'|ull)^ &j7Uu\ A- it. h;fit)\l:rttüJto scar on the ribs of the light side, a little ou the uD leg, tail ,twrt. H futnds Ligh.—lut'ormatioa to be seut to Jot'tpu btokca, PoU-olliee, Bridgend, wuo wu tèWnJ the .:1&dl. U.16äutV ] ONT. Fatyeaihug ..huru bheep. wlthpuncucnu I ldf. ear.-Any j^raou MiVillulorw..t,!ou or biA where. ai.ouu, or rearing tuw, W1U be rewarded.—Apply W. J. L08T, on the 4th iu.t" betw^u the Castle [QU, LI.u. truant, \ud LlantrtMuit Mtation, a Ua1 Account Koi'k. contuiiniig t)ur ii uote^ and a Uw pajier.-i, tho I roinrty of Itaui Kvuus. Anyone bringing aaiue to Ci^tlo ltal, LlaunUL, .4all bt, rewarded. &S»b3S ^partnunts to Urt. -J Bming-room, with ono or two Bedroom-, at '1'0 N,t'l. "'lld.1: ,')iht.=. t:tUi Ij^LHNISHED AiHiitiiieiiU iu the oountry; a unlit, X 'i:f,JIT:;ï"¥.i ?' rhtl.ll. 1\ll\.)lJ.. Sw.aiM.a Valley. 6Wu* N E'l-;l"ïfl7.:iiüAîulL" Drawiug-ro^uu aud B^d- rtom tor a geiitli'man; b-al 1/ re iuired,—Addre^ Wfrtim Me < i' Cardiff. Gl5ui l'O l«ei, pleasaul Sitting-room cutd Bedroom, at Urt, X Bond-street, Swansea. No family. Moderate t., lID istotei T^UdNiSHED 1 )ra"lCdõ-U 'ô-r- t; nllroolDlt. X wub use 01 bathiovin.—Apply 7, W,u.aor. Cnxkhcrbt^ wa, CaixUff. i7uL ^AHM Hi'Um> Aparttuenti* w i thin ten ,u,C I to Uautnnaut station, hittiug aud one or two bed rooms. Att'. ndance, l'II,,5mr. Ucalthy 8ItuaU°I:6.Üi!rù6b rariucr, care h. Bone, btauon Maricr, Llaniri*aut.t,i73titi A PA B I'M ENTS for a Gvutleutan 1 fxdroom and sHtiu#* fl"'W t RLeidv) VUla, V6, Partrid^^road, B>a'.u. ihll '1'\1 Let, a l<i*t:i)g room. with One or wor Bedroom. at A 4. >1 bouru^crwvaiit. Caidifl. 4<lhtH YI-?'i"l:l.f.J'l" Eugh^ti liaptUt 'l a l H.rna4. l e. Hauuah*«treet. PortU. wuhu; hVt a minute's wulk cf ra i lway «ta'lon Tt»a aud coff^> at lt:ttl.¡,k W I.J?l1 b;o,1'rr: ub HNISIlED Apartia. nu tor fA l^ly or Gentlemin,* XI Apply n, Jame#*6treet, Castle-road. Boath, Ctrdiff. ttll>d DhirUing-%ousf3 to tt. TO (,d.. Housei reut mi.nlerate immediate po^se-.nou j ^'AUl\t0 No. '7. l"rtrH'rüad. H^ath.—Ain>ly to A, II H.n"U, l'miegarville, CarvUff. 7iUul l)At:;j,lt HEDEGABVILLE, IuBDIFfT- Very X cttnveiiU'Ot H» «idence5 conservatory, gardeu nicely lAM otu cvhhI IHöhlu a:.d eoai h-Liouse: reut moderate; e.»rly poafe^iou,«-M*s.-ni. Hern, AucUoiioerv, tit a to AIICI'm.. WorkiM* 6tr«*t, Cardiff. 7Hin* | >0 L»t, a Deiavhwd Nme-room Ho\i«e, in a uwit X 1111 ajvt ovorl«.*oking the Vale of Towy, with t'\ry otwimiiv !rge kuohen garden. Rent moderate. —App. j [i j (| iroamonyer, Lland1!o. 7e7n4 p O I.- a, !U town ot Monmouth, very '1'0 d> 1. with small Gardeu; hout-e con« .unu* d.t. ',I", '<. hf dr.win,. aud .¡ bedrov»ms, *■ ~~E. I'.mtiter Taylor. Monmouth, tiaSut '.r°'f.i;r;t:i X in one of tie best and nt^*t ptoturosiine parts of the town, a ex-miuodioun and well-furuuhA-d Hou*e, eoutaiutng :){ 1:v.J:trt:L1.=: :&W.u Utii\«om.dii»siiig.koxn-water*cloaou, and goad AerraniH' apartuenu,—Address Arthur, Po*t«oU\ee, MilforU Hareu. 7Un' ÜR\¡':ï:IIR;:Il:t;' t'th\ ltll¡: i lyronneit VUla^ p!a*f*ntly situate, wtthiu five nunuuy ".lk of Cri::rt.tJl. The house oontauia eutranct»»hall, dining -md drawing rOl)W. bf\tMtrvvw, •* >eo bedrooo» |L kitcbcn, aad coavenieut of&c*w, wallt j prvleu atdsuUe.-Appl;. to Mr. Wooil, Pei.ydrv, Crlv k* ,}.U, t6St,1 PEaNABTH.— Hou«e ki..w.:m:tù L;, f irwuhod or uuturnlahed. -Apply to t. Oliver, W, Crock* uerHown.iWdtff. «4U r | ^G J-et* N Hry y nior'terraee, 4wau*ea. Reut £ tii^ X App<y to ii. Watkiua.4* Kutiaad»«trect, I,jl7ut nOl>B U> l*u for one month, to wueful tenaut. Is II ') \t;t.tII;).:L. 1P::l\;=al.¡tt.1J.: r* ins, 0 Uilrooms, kitcheus, and ;he u*oal ailoM. ,G" 1wlWUlI'1k Jroai Dyttryu Buuon. ictumantU a V \*iy Ttew of the valley, while \b. river nm cion h 1)»UK uadar tie prewrratioc Of wqhvt aud AUlU:U .WC c*ub Pretty ..u\lq. &Ad cae lawu. i iw »«r«iu:t. aad would be Kit.—fwr term* and tutkr ¡&(\ul." ^i4 10 Va.D Mr, Lockyer, Ii<-l\ i.nwaw, B S,K, WVU. TO Let. ft DweiUn«.hv»use, lu South Luto&*pUce.— « l> 10 E^iwaid Itowell, 7, Utiktforo^rwcsat,♦ io\Inl 1\1 DEE. 'f.'l:t:S n" rrvivd Dwe.hmr-hou*t«, with Gar\\ea«. near Af ¥im £ )rtcn*p.*c* "I'unuc orv&kiast, ,butas. aud d; ui» nxm., «jU rite bv.lro. ms «HU baihroom aDd oU..t :.ir 1.k t*. r-.i.t*r an*, urn For i«*rticul*r» 'I,uM:1(-i:r&J io. II" MI«L T1' ii* '1 W'r d^r «»iiUn»<5i', lVk. -Aln4jr at 5. Dicto. or at Ii WMUwanw-t>lK«. iWv°.. U U- fetal PC SI \ï'liffiD,-Tl.7ï:;tdet"b;h'I ..t. m Mv i(an<stf*»t, (xttiiunta# dtD. aud drawing 1"L&" twrv» auck« 1 lr)'. caUar. f-Mr and 6"10 4«xM gardam.-Ai'P^ Mr. Robert Tloau, bI.'¡. ru^typrWd. :rbll» ^ABDIFF 'Near1. — P iituwaqie and heathy •itaaticm. V/ fine seft and land views To Let. for t» » m->nchA ftoD. j«k Jnly, a charming Country Beddence furruabei ktac.ding In ita own ground*, eomprlaing meviow,, shruWwry, lawn, jfre nbou*e, coach-hotue. and atabliu*, goo<l domcMtic ofHcea, three- reception ruotn-», |0 bedrooms, L -t a&d cold b»tn», uaecf fourc w», scrvuitts, kc. B*:u u ^ierate,—Messrs. Hern, Estate Agenta. Au:uou-^r-, rro U>t, No. Bron^i'k Villa, LUudjl; an omnibus X every hour.—Apply Butcher** Arm* Ion, LifliKtoff, nt-ftT Cardiff. 427nt 'I'O Let. a large modern-built Hotise In Charlea*(itre«K; X seven bedrooms, drawing, dudsg, tutd break/^t rooir.s, and library, g->xi kitchenn, pantry, larder, an J vu^h rioui-e, wliie-ceUar, hot and cold bath, two w. Ac. Hui.ii; and coa< h-houM- can be had if roquired —Applt F. S. Lock, Builder, Cardiff. Jtsysd JlmniBfs, Set., to Irt. (t+) CAHTLE-ROAD.—To Let, capital B'^sm->n Pr&- AppJy aa above, or Mr. Lewi* Hopkia«, n-»trcet, Curadf. lOo^&j 'I'O b« Lk, a Hmtch^r or Grocery tthop cloae to th- X Market. Long a capita] h^ine* Lx*t o.cu^ier leaving the neighbourhood.—Apply John Price, Market laveii), Dow la U. CtOnt 1 U'l ETEKHaC'K, Card IF fT-^Cod V eil •J tuT aoa >0 and Xj bhop; rtht 011 application.— Mewirs. Horn, Hon%e Agents, Xictione rs, 4c., Munomohall l'h%uihers. 7lSn4 IO BKFREftH M ENT.TlbTrHE~KEEI'Btt47-f\TUet. Bath Hou*e-6, Maugcan-terrace, Penarth. A large ccmittodKti* hou*e Lear thu docks. 7<m4 f p O Bl'lCHBB».-To Let, Lianlaff-roa-l, Caui^u, X opj-ofcite entrance to Cuttl^market, a House and Urge bhop, suitable for a butcher ;mutn wanted iu thm teighKouibocd, aide entrance: large back yard. Bent very moderate.—Apply Ihoma* WilUaius, Bander, Weston fl'O Let, from <ttk 8epwmber next, the Para ef Gslly X weraeti, situate abeat 44 Biles from Llaoeily ea tk4 Lianoon read, uoata^iing akant SS3 aeraa ef arable pasture, and meadow laa-i, with aa exaalUct dwelling- koue, and eiten*ive ourbu;IUis|» aieely arranged, aad a large walled-in garden. —Fer particuian a»p]y be Mr. W. •riAthj Mr. Forreet i Estate Agent, WellfleitL Llaaelly, f p O Ltt. i, Weat Luton-place; excellent basine.^ X picuiises good houto and yard mod urate rent'— Apply U> Ciifton.st.; or Mr. Dix, Buuder. Qanliff._j»dH a3 HOUSE aridfcihop^auh good front ce i lar. suitable for thip chandler or any other atippiug trade-to, Quny. Bristol.—Apply 57 neit door, «ilbi9 BACKHOUSE, very convenient, in h ;at part of Boath uumediate io**e**ion.—Alowr*. H»rtit Hoase Agent*, A'.i ouniauu, 4tc., W'orking-Btreet, Cardiff. 04ln3 r p o be Let. with immediate po*sion, House and Shop X at Porth, RhondiU Valley bituattd in good posi'iou fur Lnxmea*.—Apply to S. Lewis, County Court Office. \l KBY I^nrffe Premises, euitable for any bnaineae; belt ▼ part of Cardiff reut moderate.—J I, M<Hf r p O be Let, Hom»e and Shop iu Gilfachgoeh, suitable for X a drapery or grocery bustnoaa, with immediate tos^eaaiou.—T. Roberts, Boot and B hoe maker, Gilfach* Ti'AhM.—To be I^et, from Michaclrnag noxt, a Fartn in XI the parish of Liutigevclach, coritaiolng about IDoacrea, with right to departure on common several thotuand ucreh iu extent, adjoiuiLg.—Apply to David Smith, K^tato Agent, Pontardawe, near Swansea. 4i4bi8 fpO be Sold, thy Goodwill, Stock, and Fixtures of th%t X old«e«»tabllfhed Tobaccoii^t BuAine>>», sw, Bute* Htrwtj the bfst buaineas thoroughfaro in Cardiff.—Apply on the Premises. Xt3ilb& r | >6* CHEMiftTS AND DRUGGI8T8.—Tv bo DisposFd X of with itumedutc pos>,e^ion, a genuine Bu.stuesa with oertainty of i>er annuma'tached.—Apply Mes-rs. Kermck and Boo, Wholesale Druggists, Cardiff. MWbS^ DOUBLE-L.ICEN.SED Public-house to L«it; inimetliate possesion. Incoming and reut very moderate.— Apply Anchor Inn, Btrand, Swansea. Vttn4 p O GBOCEBH.—For immediate Disposal, a nicy com. X pact Businet-s, capable of cxtemdou: good premises and position: preseut owner taking a buBiuess in the north; incoming low,—Apply W. Firm, Post-office, Ponty. V 0 0 «*m SPIRIT Vaidts, doi» g a good trade. Kurrii.iht*«i through- 0 out. Incoming about *400.—Mr. Steed, Bridge-street. SPIBIT Vault» uudMarset House, with capiul stabiirnr. Beds pay rent. Incoming about *^00.—Steed, Bridge* Ij UEE Full'licensed Home-brewing Honse in Bristol X admirably situuted j trade about I'j weekly j lai'gd and convenitnt premises; low rent; iucouiiug b> valuation only no goodwill ,• part may remain.—Adam* and Co.. 8. Tj^OK bale by Private Contract, a Freehoh T pubUo-hcaae, XI known aa the Six Bells luu, situate in High-streot, Poutypool, commanding a good trade.-Apply A W. M., Mr. Hughes, Stationer, Pomypooh ttrtbtf? RARE OPPORTUNITY.—Grocery Bu»"iu J a* to Let, Woodviile-terrace. Cathays.—Apply V, Patrick-street, CASTLE-SgUARB, SWANSEA (near to.T7be Let, a tirfct-raie Double lic«.n»ed Public-house; doiu< g'K> d trude; price It'). — T. M. James, Auctioneer. Ii HEE Double«licenfed Pubhc-bouie, neat the Market, in a lirst-clas* agricultural town, for Disposal: only itib; furniture and fixtures worth the money.—T. M. JamfH, Auctioneer, Swansea. 8tt)u £ AN efctabUfthtd Photographic Businew and good Studfy for hale at Tredegar. Several thousand n»gatives, and a good conneotion. Rent merely nominal. A spleudid opportunity for a young man.—Apply personally or by letter to J. B. Dennis, Murket a t Tredegar, Mou. tSSlnl PUBLIC-HOUSEft AND HOTEl79^7' MTjarn- Auctioneer, fcwunsea. bogs to intimate that he haa tiuuMM tor Disposal in bwau^ea. Mumbles, Nea h, Aber- avon, Bridgend, Card iff, Peuorth, Llantrisant, Poutypridd, Aberdare, Merthyr, DowlaU, Tredegar, Crickh jwell, Hay, Brecon, Ileieford, Builth, Llandiio, Llanelly, Lougiior, Morrif-ton, B'ji.ttinmai,Fiatyuard, Haverfordwest,Tcaby, Pembroke, Pembroke DCK.-k, Milford, Gloucooter, aud Clelttijhi in. Ingoings from jgiO to £ & QUO. 6S2u2 rpO Let, the Heatheock Iun. Ljandaff, THmediate X posae^siou.—-Apply on the premisea. W4ai G^ROCERY.—For immediate disposal, acentVal Bu-iueas Premise* | long lease; where a tlrst-cla** ready money tiado may be doue. Suited for a draper. Stock optional. Pu»ent ownw going abroad.—Thornuf, WttUm Mail OfBce, Canliff. 601ul f p o Let, with immediate possession, a Full Liceu>ed X Fu-o Public-House. Capital oorner jioaitioii, c*utro ot the town of Newport. Highly respectable and good tiado. Sutisfuctory reahous given for leaviug. L aso of 111 ye.tth.-Fu U paniculars apply to Mr. Jaiue* Graham, 7, Hi*h->treet, Newjiort. i4i63u2 rl 6 l.et, that capital Doublo-liceu«od House kuowu us tho X Woolpack, Eugcue str&fct, Pennyw3ll-road, BrUtol: doing a capital tiuue; reut i^U; Kuuo 14 years. Half pur* chase money can remain.—Particulars apply Wi above. CI ARD1FF.—Old.eptabKchrd Grocery aud Bakery Bu«i* } ne;<h. Good bullae, shop, au d oven. Incoming io#, U« ht tui ilerate. lu-mtdiato posse.-&n>n,—Messrs, Heru, Anetioui^rs. House Agents. Working-bt., Cardiff. [5Unl 1 i' i tVNMAWR.—Double*UceuiH.Pub i icdiou4e'*Rijdug J > Stiii, Beaufort'&trect.—Apply on the promises; or to Cide> imd Hanap. Merthyr. Wyul r p o Iai, a good commodious old-liceused Public«house, X with Stable and Out-building* attached, situate in a toaUrd iron distiiet. doing at present a fair trade, but capable of ooiwderablo exteuslou ou a redaction in the tinde of the di.-tibt; incoming moderate, aud trausfer upon advahtageou* terms.—Apply, iu first instance, to the tenant on the preUii>co, l'orne>laiumor luu.Poutuewyny^d, f' 0' j h 5 bay p O Let, the Fox and Hound* Inn, Whitchurch, together X with Large Garden and Stable.—Apply on the pre* MB- WANbBROUGH has receiv.'d instructious from Mr. Gtorgu Burge (retiring from bu*iness), to S*U b> Vaaiution, in the usual way, the weli.^nown Busiuess in High-street, so suceeiMvfulJy earned on by him for thy la^t io years u>» «u Upholsterer, Broker, Cabinet Mak«<r, ai d I ndertakcr. Workshops and yard behind, to whieh uu eto gaiuui from High-street.—E«ute Otlices, High* HBVNMAWR,—Free and Full-licensed Pub i ic-Uou»e to Ltt.iu pnncipul thoroughfare. Iuiuiediato i»os>e»». t-n.—Apply ti, Beaufort.street. 6l#biy ABERAVON.—Orrery, Italian, Wine and Spirit Busi* uos.— F or DisjxMal, !lrst*claa-i Bu^ineaii, returuing tu-iu to £ 10,too per annum, at good profit*. Excel* I-lit f-hep and rt-Mdenee.—Meaar*. Teunant and Jon s, So h H r ? WaVs. :dlbr> f p (.(j; (. i.' N i^i p.. •, with Houho and Shop, jj.?ar X >■ <■.<• .K t years; incoming easv.— i'\aj.hi i- -• .,c- t b#un»ea. &oab;t» A>S t l.l.-Ef)'I AULlrtHED Bookbinding Ilufiuo 'S 10 be Disposed ot; plant, stock, fixture*, household tr.tnituiv, goodwill, Ac, j about ^Addreas X., Wttttn l#a</ Ofticv, Swansea. 407biH tCARDIFF.—Single-licensed Free Pub flc^hot i *e. It f* > going *tsm. Rent £ 35. Leaae.—Apply to Messrs. CARDIFF.— Dou b le*Hc«nscd PubUchouae, well »itua 6 0, in the Uiidst of a large population. Ingoing, £ jS0, Rent A|»piy to John Jenkins and Co., Pniiharmomc- li^REE Double^ i ieer.sixl Publlc~hon8es aud Hotels with X iti.niediutv lOfcse^Ktoti, iu aud uoiir Swansea. Mef.-re, 1. J. Price aud Co. have several of tho above for disposa l either on leane or to let. Incomiug from £ 150 to W,W0.— Apply at tXdlege Chambers, ColIege-street, 8w'iuL^ba.kt#>«0d, p O Let, a commodious Double-liotitised House.—App y X Be>non and llughea, Auctioneers, *c., Swansea. PUBLIC-HOUSES and Hotola In Towns and Villages Ki-hin 100 miles of Swansea.—Intending wdlers should pre. ure the accurate market value from T. M. Jame«, Auuiioiieer and Hotel Valuer, Swansea. N. U .— M s. Jamte pc^esreh S3 vear>' ex|H)riiuc»>, and during tho last live years the whole ot the publn.-hoi\se sale* iu Swansea and neighbourhood ^vutb very few exceptions^ were efiectod by Inn;. No charge «iiatcver unless busuiea.-t done. 2S904 r p o Ltt, a Double-licensed Pub'iohouae,aitu i ite ii rih A U-«n part of Cardiff.—Apply Morgan and 8cnt» S nr.or. Cardiff. 23->d %ousra, ICanti. ^r., for £ al £ f pO be Sold or Lot. a House, Shop, and larg«» Garden, X Outhoubea, and Bakehouse, lu Pentyieh Village.— A; ply J. H. Conn, Nuua Agent and Bookseller, i-\ St. 1. OR Sale by Private Coutrwt, a Gentleman's K-. "• X en tlj fitted with all inoiteru improve!.ieuf. d i'« tt<ut two mi_ltf from Bwan>e«, aud n»o»t ploaaau? Jy sun kU<« l v. i' ii 1'«tr.it 11 ul H'u aud ii.l.'tud viettb, large gardeu well htcikid with fruit tree*, eoa<h-hou^e wuh bidrooins at- (ached, aud t«o-#tal!ed st.ihiw with large loo^e box. To he h:.da bargain.—For fuither particulars and by \ic*tli> prtmuwH, apply ;v a. E. liaiues, E»u., Bolicitor, ll. Fuher* ^t, Swaiibea. «4JMu4 C^AKDIFF.— Wo d^or H-planaile, Bute Doik-; be.tutT- i tu.!y vituattd; commanding uninterrupted \iew ot Chaiitici a well-built, couverlent Residence 5 price tuode- n> t — \V. d 8. Hern, Hou^r Agents, Working-bt. 7J7u4 'I^O be Sold, Hou-e in Richard^' -terrace two in Leopold- X »trett, Adanifdowui two iu Brouiford-ftreet, GiangetowL; one iu Pembroke-terrace. Threvfourths ol ht- purchase nivney ran remain ou mortgnge at i*er cent. —Apply to Mr. W. F. iiiikt, Surveyor, 7, Nelson-terraoe, 1. liUi.iU'l.U V nia Ue»idei.ec tor bale uoar Sketty Gate, X contuinmg dining and druwing rooms, Ave bedroo:u ■>. Uo kitchens, bath-room, two w.c. 's, two pastriec, and otner ott ctb i good garden, and splendid view of bay and Mirr«-<undiRi( nelghtH«\irlioctl.—For price and other par* tuu!ar> a d ores. James M'Arthur, WmUrn Mail Oirice. CARDIFF.—F, v Sale, a haudsotno Deta<b>i Villa, M-.uated on the Ncw;>ort-rv.i.vJ, containiug is rooms and other cftnvenient otUcea.—For part.culars and price aj ply Mr. Blake, BmWrr, Boath. 6i4n2 f pObe Soid by Private Contract, Two House. aitaatcd X in Heath-street and myndham-street, Cautou d^ tached tula*. A flrtt eiaaa Situation, aud a moat respect, able ucighbourhood.—Apply to Thotnat Thoaiaa. Dart ( ^ARDIFF.—To b*rLet or Sold, Two Villa* In th^NeV: V-' port*road. Roath, with coa* h -lu>u*> ani stable^ Migrate rent..—Apply at 6*i. Broadway, Roath. fUMnS CAUD1FF.—For Bale Two Vdlaa, Nos. 40 aad 4L Long* ctxaa-street, Roath.—Apply 06, Broadway, Boath OB Sale, well-built iioaac, In RKharda^terrace, ca'JM X lewy Houae Wfll adapUai for mews or corn mer- chant good loft, blab lea, and yird; ditto Dy&evor Villa. {*tac*7-roed-12*rvoxtt bowe hot an! cold water bath — Apply Mr. David Thomaa, *7, RichanU-ierrace, Roath. ff^O GBOCEBS.—A Rare Opportunity.—To be Let er X K id, the IK use. Shop, aud Premiwvi. sita*u»lfl Victona-Toad, Kbbw ale, Mod., where an exce^ l«at whole^ aale and itiail groeery boAi.iaa* haa be«a »uooea*fullT oarrietl on about twenty y<*r».-Fur paytiCuUrs apply to the owiuT. ou the pmiil^, 5l5o» TO be Hold, by Private Coutract, a large Family Man* ft ion iu Pembrokeshire with 148 acre* g<»d fishing and thooiifig, and witlun a few miles of nuiwar stauou; will pay trom U te 4 per c*«t.; part of the \*n wiU soon be used for railway aat«ixMou*. Eig&t-rooodd Ho.ih1, about !> fc- rew of l^a l. about 5 mil** tram CardJ* ae\erai v-roomed Hotukea, with large gaidena and back entracce. lea-« v*> ye f .r*, pnc«> £ 4U0 each; ei„-ht Fn^hold Hmiaea, ttcluding abhep. i»rvw «.5j0; oae vllroomed» t>e«holU double rroutagw N ilia, wr.h ude eutnwioo, and st**bl*> for tapse hone* aad ooach'houte. price ^1,400 eutht Houtra, rent* £ IU l«s rnrior fl,»« 7 uirt* Houses pru>» £ 6ia»; two Hvuaea. includimr a Shop and Bakeboa*?. rrnu Zw tia.. price ft PO. ROATH.-Foor Ho^s* lucluduura fcdH>p, rvnta Mt a» price MM; throe tlousea.rvnu tu i«h^ pnrc *4ee two Houcea, pnoe £ 4ft j three Houao*. prT -e aif H oam, price £ ,oee j ten Hoosm. pn;e«,wi) Two*lhi ds of theiparchaa* aaocey e*^old remain uu m t I **9* Lfc V, House, w\ih Butvhrr's Shop axi l r*ri. gam road, Cantoa, reat modorau; aererat fSve-r\Kim«i Bousea. With large gardeaa. at IQy, reau 4< «d per weak L? aaumpe i eavalop«.-Ai^iy to %ousrs, J'anb, ^r„ for £ alr. V^LA B"sidcrce, No. B0. Obve-road, Peaarth. 0 be V ILtf;, ;pr. L Otic::ï:nt J:L:: Ix?d?k mthr, .,w, w.c!. kiW?:Ii.r ?.?d,. near ,he Church, nd b a ppt-ndid &. t 1-g, -Apply on the nremi^a,. or to arMaN, Daltooa, SpencV ar d Oorb^tt, BtAicitors, Cardiff. &mid PENARTH.—Large Boose, with i^achdiwe mt lb?lj to be Sold or Let, furni^h« J r untQ,rnUu. -Apply to uhA Jeckius and Co., San Fire Ofllco. PhU* h;,rmor'¡Cochamben, (;"ùIII, t61b R¡-;c .Mumb?.t-A <.n') DtmchMi'?tt. d?u?? be W,,Id or l?i -tL immediate poaaeiw >n -A "?,)y to C)wl? N orton. Fq &hclt,I!.an.a (1IInl T O b- &?d, bargain, W.,k7.?.?p Sheda, situate '1'0 :1.&; the art?hway.—Apply on tee pi .u*kes, ox Lo W ülHett.1. HcboutQ CU\UtJ. tlWtd IJEMBROKE-BOAD, CLIFTON.-To b« fl>Id or I^-t, a well-balli modern Residence, .13 reception, ■s lÆd, and t drt&*ing.rooin->, bath-room, aiifl Kood oihce* »(sr.!or. hack and )'?'?? to '?- H. ?'?"?-?''?? ) JaU Hou>c, Pt-mbroke-road. Chiton. t,ttlid ftorsts, (Earriagrs, lifai^fotk,^c. FÓHnFLl ??t?bit?'FTETTMMd?ApptT f H- BM?tt. 4t>, BNlMtr?t. Cardiff. ?ni "Id^OK Sale, a very handsome Bay Pony, bla?k points, .b ti?*t?nSt vtr>e ?d?e fN'h?.M.'?? action.—ApplyT. Winstanler, Wmdaor4rubd. Neath. 6Ub1ä li'OR 8a1e. "Uf b&Ðd.om Chestnut 1)n,; souuJ, and XI with beautiiul 680CtJO-Åddr F. 8.! Lockyer. Sratifner, LLandila b;tg q-'Obe S-ikl, a handsome Black, well-bred York«hT re X ??; 16 d.; prl-,Iy quiet in single -,I d.ul,!? harntas. Also a very light fo?ir-wheeled Doccatt. &. good a* Lew, wall shafts, pole, lamps, and brake complete.— Apply tL L B"t, b:, t, P..dia. C(' ,iWt? d*?:?d'd 'iM.t t), J quiet to ride aud drive, and a good mover.—Addrea H. H., Weittm lieU bme?Mdif?. ?uu?fpM?ejt?. ?_? 682 b^_ i/OH Sale, on view at Thomas'* Carria¡õ Manufactory, X k.ing'»troet. CàI, a 3tanhope Waggonette, by Fuller, Biwtol; ??t 00 guinc-M 1 price LU ag .I O n^w. 70am BANK-AXLE Cart forflnle, in firm t-ra? order CAJT1 11, tons.—Apply Charlen C. Thw?,m. C?ri-. W.,t Dfck, Cardiff. 61Ani Ti^OR 3nlme^kiaU, Disposal, a light Second-hand Oruoibus, X suitable for one or two horse#, with pole, shaft*, Jr c<.m f lete. Alao a set cf double Harness. Also a five 'r¿tBt<.tlJEn:iDt ;¡h d1:f :c! Ap,ly Victoria Inn. CwTPbach, near .,t 5,,btl JANDS(IM Bitch; correct markings; four months old; Sis. approval.—I' WiLaon, h? 01 lJnd¡;e, Uovel'fordweot. b18 V I;rk.ddtcl. Dalmatian Carru»ge Dog; evenly mark»xl; follows well; .h S2.-B.wa. Mr. Dixon's. Stationer, Newport. Mon. 47in5 GRAZING Wanted for a few days, convenient [to caruiii, for about loO head of cattle. Must be well fenced in—Apply, giving tw! pwrucla?: Jobnston, Mile>, -d Co.. C-dllr. tUl JRonJiary. CA:'l1¿l60I:éml::erlythe Farmers, HouKeho'dera, all cUwuea generally, on th.?, bonnhold furniture, stock-in-trade, without removal or publicity if re4uir: repaymeat8 to suit borrower*; t>wn ??-try; pphl.U. i.=e"Wly attended to if by "?Lr. I Branches: I 74, Bt. M&i c,"7:atreet, 9, N.wmarut-8lrcet lOpen Wlodnc",11f,J8\, Addn> Manager, I H?d (?!tS?' Howard Hou., | Crockberbtown, CttdtN? I 810d O FEES.—Cash Advanced from «OM <0m on Nobo,?.?'. own secrLty.-J. MhI'Cart y.. CùuP me?itU-etreot, t,.i-11. Pr.Wttises f??rd" Bratis ou apphœt1on. 213^7 G^^T'WEOTKBS UULHEttK.-An Oa.r W.d ??..??M????'' ? Shares.—Addresa u« oWr rT Wr8tem Mi, Cardiff. imbts j-JONEB, FAUR? A«Dt. oO. St. Md et ru*s pre p ared to advance from M t £ 3,90V on :d()rtrt;fdr: o1d fr:: to *j ,0W OD IOMUSI Security. 1¡¡'6e M?NEY IMMEDIAI'ELY ADN'NCED. i. B..U r L Sums, at a tow hoars' notice, to House* ùulden, ormers, ?d alJapphan. On their o? ?ctLriV, and repayable to "Ult thclr own convenience. II R. Apply pernonally to I N M R. BE1RN 11B I N CUSTOM-HOUSE-STREET, CARDIFF, OR If, FLANN £ L*BTRRET, ABEBGAVENNY. The adviintuges ollred i. both plce'. 24t5 id NO PRELIMINARY FEES. NO LAW COSTS. L NO PUBLICITY. \J —Distance no Object. — A Private ?ONFIDENTI&I Geutlemoa is ready to advanoe dAilyfrom £ lu and upwanlo to HOUIChohlen, Gentleraaa.Farmena rDbUcacB, Ccntractors, Clerks, and others Son ?8thai* a™ III E]Lvc-n & FiTe till Otbce U*o ?K?/(M  PMt^ ?O?i.Y. ??O? ? IM?btATELY '"bcTiom i?Aj?iTK i f Jl, M1;1: H u Y a 8 N1 doctors, ts, SHOP. aKtk'VhrPrVJiiinH, CAB PBOI ItlETOItS ULPEMRPlliiivEira< AT* WORKS. L'?t.IN?HOM?'K??? ? A!m Ua:HANlC8 UPON THEIR FURMTUM???UT REMOVAL) SiOCK, CitUPS LIFE POLIOIEft *»• IF RtWUIRKD UlTUOUT Pl'BLioiiy. DLt&l:'c no object. Letter*, immediately "?'? and treated in the strictest conlldence. Easy repayment*. N. charge made -I- tbe money ia tdtiiB?. Appi, t-cr'op.lly^from or by letUr, to F ;I?e-MOI'fl ..d I.LLIZ. I5 LEN''l ? 0.Aft- *nd COLLEGE. AVON' IIC*?, VAN8E?; .d tiTRIZE Aber. _C08T8.-jetM.OOO AdTMnedtnmMDy. k 0 LAW F. Hou>e* !*Mtr'?T'?.?'?' y?? '?"? ? ?mie;<, Hau.e- Cl'OI, household Ac., without removal or incoa vemence in any way, in fetrict ..fid and withoit delay, repayable by eaay inetaliaenta.—Apply, by letter or personally, to S. Qhiiberg, Bute-terrace, Cardiff: or 41 Couimercial-Mreet, Newport. Mon.-Loans grautad on dep(?sit? of Plate, L5"?eLtrY, J)iamonds, &?.. i..?d to' oi applicanon. 177SJ c?*A1 t?tf? ) TO £ 10,000 on ?M?-otd.. ? per ceut. nM?&. cw. Av y holds, i3 per ceut. Three mouths' notice, S* •»»* v-'edxa i, nterest to redeem, No ceBuniaaioa.—Wriui Vi, Im.ii Otti.e. e.rdi?.3370kly- ;1'H t,npu}¡£E)DU'dn :rJ';i X  il.i.uii'ht'd or ?"h''?'??"?'°' ShMc,? Coxpunies, litle Deeds, BiUs or Ln4ing:.k U<?"" A!?!n.L? P?in. L?e Iiitoreata, Reveraions! !?uded Ej-uK'H, R*M of Towns, Ut?m?M FaMM. tc Hoh'<;?, Mhur.. or Ott?M. WhtrTM or WM.hou.e9 Huttdtt:? in conne of Erecuon. (JoUMrieo. Works. Mt? fattonea, Railway l\uckb; aUo tmaU Rums on Pt'rMmt h._u-ny. t" ? ?'e. or MoTtbta f?purty.-UtH?i. 7. leniple-street, Swansea. 84l«d b U\ ¡r:f 8{fc:Yi'fu: CS5 i MM<).t)MMei)c)M.tf«.<n a few hjuM' no:tce,<m Furniture, to('k, Je"CUèr1, Ac., without removal; dia- Uii:« no ob j ect j repayable by monthly, fortnightly, or o?'?'?'??!°'?S!?°'?i ot,p:3;:n'alï: or by 1£" (i'l. ), Btllne, S9. Hlnli-.troit, 6w.K att^l OKKY.-Tlie WedtmiBftM Itepvtit Uaiik, 216, West- 1\1 OJr;iefù:l:;J/c\ f;¿ ;¡ó i.l.w0, in town and CQULtry, on pen;ouw 7. deeds. K-i tn, )VliCll'b i aieo (urnituro, phllit crop'. or (armhi* kt.k, without removal or publicity. N. ?.APPly per- QtU,?d. GZ.I.. ap', 1nuted.-R. Parnell, Manager. 2H0Sd TVT AflONAL BANKING* COMPANY^ UMITED X^l ?Autboria,?d Capital, leso,o." Advances 1 without f??8, for s urt or long pHiod,i, In England or Wales, from £ lo to £ be. on personal security, ¡(.P¿fir.r}11icfO; K) l' rt f';lI; I.PW crops, aud farming iWI;OU;JÚ8 without re* inoval. No sureties required. Pro*i>ectus forwarded coutauiing useful information to borrower! iuturillation to b?rrw giftti.-i, Offi??: 16 aud 17, RuNieU-atreet, Oovent Garden ,,odo? Branches W and. Y.,k.d, L..bo,l,. I<ondou. 8ii, Purk-Kquore, I>eds. 51, Queen-street, Exeter. Current account^opened. Deposit* received. ?UK?'UKW.?U?M'?SN.'Mu?or. 1\1 ()RE6jJlro:ut to t6Me. to gentlemou ta me s, dtrka, aud others, on their household fur* ..iiure, stock, Ac., without removal or publicity, Be pay* ?< ?''s easy itL-Ulmuits.-Applj ? ?''M?if?.' II. 1"'Huo, &0, 2,Ut,?. W- Carùlll. WOld ABEHAVJN AND DISTRICT ?,F;:?; Advaktcea from £ S to £ 1,000 to all claa.se*, at a few hours' uoi.ee, on Furniture, Sto:k, 'Y' 4c., ith. gl;,i:({;' :illrbj(\O¡O;bl öu: tortraghtly, or weekly instalments, to «suit borrowers.- I; ::ùIr;elt,t nhlLio l unoy¡: Hn-ct. AbffaVOU, ami at N-th on Thursdays at W, QUfeu- N,.ti?. Otheehourb, 11 to 4. h' i (¡MHAH}) LUAN Alii) lJŒVUU.Nl' VUIPA;o.¡.- II -i Cash advanced from ft to £ 5.W0 to Householders, bI:b C)?''?'r«d?mS. ?G??? '!??'? tangible security, without removal from the prwni*e«, .Yt l::Htb borrower. Also the N' ??? °'' Deposits of I late, Jewellery, 4c. N. leee unleaa the .?y ia u! —Af'ply, J?S°!??t or by ?- to ?<' ???e' ?ed Harnett, U, !telou.torrac Cwti?lf. Bnnch Offices:—U, levies-street, Brynmawr; 2. Uiiiop.<»treett Brid^-nd. r1 l\11t!i.;f. '1,[: r.b IBANE, re}>ayaule by easy ??'menth. £ 30 to tt.u? to householders, rtl'l". tradonJ. aud oth6rR in Knglaud or W ales, on furniture, stock, erooe, or other effects, with* .?t or law c?tit, at InterWt agreed t on ?M? )Mk)? trethoM?. KTtWun.tud hfo poUctM. at 6 per cent. Distance no object.—This beiug u g??u,ae office fr the t:ul1ütiou of monetary ma?t,,r..I-d con- fidential system, borrowers will do well to apply ,Lf by I. '.ur state amount required ) to A. U. D,V'8 ""g"' 1W Strand. &tablt>lwd 10.0. 2Lw o?? TO 0?500 ?"?'??"?cedimme. Parties wU find it dl-t4.g-U? to\*on^ult t^e MaiLager s'.r.« teH privacy in any emergeEcy, at hi. P,t. Office, l: \¡.rI:1J'e:rUlNr.te;) .:J. o X*0 TO ilW Advauced at a few hourV notice, to all e-AMett, on their furniture, stock, 4c., without removal, at, a few hours' notice. Distance no object. ¡ll,/t,a m';tî;' w11.tn8i;:c.Åbc e>. Sheen, lit, Commercial-street, Xbw Vaio. IUld MKS^RB. W. cmd S. HERN, Estate A.)DI Btrtet, C, '10 uro pretvued to Advance fmm tM to J..IA'Ú on (?r?gtwo of l-'nt:[o:d or I-eh,)Id Property t *d fl'\J on .)('u_.u security. SOOsd 1.\1 util''i t\ I— £ 5 and upwards Advanced W Householders, Tradesmen, Pubhtans, ?ttn?t. and othfn on their So'ck.tu.Tn? funu?; "l't ie., \ntlwut rtUW, or the aligb.w8t inconvenience Of i ublscity, Great reduction In interest. No -'iminary t« ts or law costs.- Addrew* or inquire to the Cantou aud bv u*h W ales I«onu aud Discount Office. Manager. L^UiS ?I?UKL?KlE"!?<?'?(?.??c??"'(h'?? c» u.itnmcaUouh promptly attended to, llr I)ly send ftampt-d eim-lope. Atir-rillantaus ^alrs. RK^llEElS.-lf you want Bickxheets go to the R H.klclr1O-;H:E,Î7: Ctba Car* û.lI'. W  BAKUAtN.-Fur t?e7 « new Bicycle j pr i ce £ 4 t?'. A tul¡tl,:r. lig::tt:r,¡&-II:¿rgktt; Cardiff. 714u4 'L,'t.H ?'.cht?p.t.?nttron )<tthn?MdGM< .Foir?t I ♦ mutable for iMt. )? soft, frontage.— Apply C, 0, Dunn, lie, Cowbridge-road, Canwn, CU'dia, 712al BICYCLE for Sale. 5<m. Ariel, all latent i'pr,,m(,nt4- Ii l';i/:fjrr:r: i,.I- Tp?": v>ebfgate Hotel, Canhtl. 7Wu4 A ?"-?''TY c! ChNDM f.r Ewe. ""r ewtr or iu bmaller ouantitiea to suit purchaaera.-Apply to J. TA,,r r, Cl,u,,r.8t?t. Moiimouth. C97nl Pl?17.E Triple H.,p,ts s. -,)it.1 hOr .A-,ri- in can t»rgai), cost T guinea*, tor ''?" ?'?"?'? In *alM. Cabinet Pumolo. *i o.. Orgaas, Piano* ?' "?'?"' C?t'X?M? <!?* T?SS"ttS*? I a' b: pt-, Harmouium AtlAchm.n p phrd to Miy );?"[ortt.-Add??" ?pm ?.u!d? ?MutMtorT. Jb. 8:tg.OrpD MfMkly 'OR -Kall' c*P'KdTt)ttT*ph!MtntmM:7 Battsry, } and W ire complete. Suitable for oLildren or ad ul la, Lun ? placed t n ttbk (or pr?uet. Will be tk M tM ri '¡,drr= '? J¿JB:l ford-htreet, Cardiff. u.s ONK large and small j Nailer's BeUow« to be S.14 cheap, Oo:la'fF.y"u.: CIOf,IIII, ttObtoJ BlX?Ti'b: itCo :r ?ttd Chttlleiige Bicycle, by Siagvr and C<°?')"?' t;z. w itn Carter a patent trauing arùtt and all thel&k&t ?< ?f?'e?r?A'dd?**??"'°"?A *? "?' "? 1* offer.—Address P, Post>og*.ce, Brecon. 6lib2» 'ptH'U LI ?s ?<r?KS.*BM*tr.*Mtd''WtM?ftEhMiM. JL Newport. Bn.uch t.t*M?hm(.at-N<WMtrMt.? \<*? )?? B<cfothtymtkiC)! from ad. p<j <tH)a w ii e Jut on application. 171W Gt>Op Carted New L?ming-mom SmMt. m tTtea?t crimson rll -rd-d -,i b-d?d. aJl &pnD4' mt oomplete fcr £ 7 7s. Other goods sq..Uj 1-J.i? lk'\&U, GeCi'r1Ù Furni-her, POUtTPOQl II, E*'?'d?? KNVELCPtM! EX\?L.Or<a" (;i Bite Con.mercial Eavlc-oe^. hiiih flan, .& I,l; hnt:Iir:"¿;¡ 8: '?y. St. M?ry-n?t FMctin, w?tM. cdic  lItíI. X\T ANTED, to 1.\8« an f-, at norse m the COUDtl7, ou^tt;, Pftf. Belereu.C8 t y V, "4^ Kuiuit rorm., 0r1>hu. Mmi, Jardff .7 Add,.c ?w.8 t,,rm.. oMh. w.&- Ma. b. krA t? f,?r L?& rig ISCTof-elt-h ti&i xii-*srt. Hern, Auctioneers, "? C- ?.. A<.nt? »* r > lng'strtet, Cai dig. 'I;O:i out. Tfct for Flower Shows, with .0 d ? c* "D c*c?M <cp. f7 by )t. M rMMMbto ierav- PP4 11- L,.? bL??. AnM. &. Th-. Bwaruea. Mtt .II is ctllantous. TO BICYCLI8T8,-Wby oMÙr dlrwt from the niiau f.c1Qrt"n\ and uay lut when any make C'UI be IIUHhl'd at a brp I)wmt. b7 J0hu cT Morn». », }ar,T.d i f b S r dlii rettl» PL'nt,lma,1: I^^st stock of new I 't':ftt IJr:J I\t b \f=r.1) 'I.tO fI. Lbta  tt&np. ALI goods c?,mge ".d. B¡ClcWe tak- n In MexecjSj^aBng»ae. GWnl TKd.b1:p.t tv°ïl¡'=t,B:ta: dutanc. ao object.-Apply to lTiomaa Oram, i, Bats- t.er'<"e'. ^*rtmr' 546ol A BfeiJU: :nfIr'.f: free.> Inscriptions accurate and beaatiful — P Iao* nd me", from Loue, Sculptor, Aberdeen. 1 XLi Efstreet^ £ i ^en ) e n ? ¥)TH ^0 T ? r^nd*^ ^w T^Sandon ^FNNewtoa a, Cardiff, Purchoneo ofl«auiea' aud Oentlemen 5 Apjiarel, 4c. Ail orders punctually att»ended to in town or country 4417iid GENTLEMENJj and lAwe,- I^fi^ff Clthm, Boognt b) Mr d Mr* 8eer.. Car hne-»t.t Cardiff ttSSl CvH„ ABLTs ROTT. Ecgraver. Postern-buildingi near General PoitKiffce E-11-11?19 of, I ^y^p^on^ deepatc?i. tSilld -1 P-1, b-r "Y "kll- f., -u L t:t:1ï U-l! street, tw?g? to inform Udiea and gt-utlemen that she stul continpee to give the beet possible price for L.-wlicn' Ueu s, Children's Left-off Wearing Apparel 4o. AU orders punctually attended to w to. D úr conn try. iisdid tlitøgon5 anb coilim Hrqnisitfs. B0'«R8. Tank,, and Ci«terna. alvan in 8u> k t B°!f.b7. t"t?: Boitor .rf: r.. i},'u l>k, C-,ff. Engine* to ?n hO?Ww,r ?k. 'd in tbnoe day.. Price liat. P-t free, FOR &le. ('hap. th" U-d-,?rk. of a Wa*o«, cap&ble }eHJ carrying .u ton*Apply 22, l;.u-dcn.trl. Mlrftr. RAILWA ywA(;?Oq.d.hid oight, ld t??t, ton and Mineral Waggons for aaie. Hire, or Redemption Purchue,-Appl, w J. R. Dock«^ !aSSr Waggon Contracwrt, Bute Dock.. Carditl'. 18?1:!d LLl1:r:J¡ aad KJe;,fîffef WAUGOJ»Sfor all r, and to U'y Railway Com- pany TOculattoD.8: Mlrn, l-t.? T.p wg,_ and Irams for Collieries, I-, W,rk., 4c. WA(UONH RE-BUILT and BEPAIB8 done b, con- tract or otnerwi-e at the aliove workr, or at the Repairing .r East 'Me:t ¿:driJi:rk:. rY: at bw»n«*a, or aU1 other *tation in 6, WaJoe, Mon- mouthhire. Foret of D-. and b, Loudeu, Lirr. 'I '"?d Birkenhead. MOuth?him", IrTk', ?NEi) UP. T;- -d A.I,. applied. A;f:o1 *}:Péi" kXIPri Bearing*, Spring Iuffm. Bt'arirg?d Draw priu«., Wheels and Axlei* for W" and Trains. Prices on application at I.lantnsant, or at the Cardiff L^ Bute-bUeet; and the Chief Work*, Chorley, LauCaAb.ire. ?-Ild-A Lumbtr of nearly new G-t W.te?,. and TR xVra*\le Coal, Coke, ana Lime Wanon on hand aud rcady f)r ,very. tit it,er orr purchase lea <e. d/:r)'ltÑEltilPM.le Of reXití::iQti.,e and W, Seuth W. tmki? Gfi 0 R G E W. A B K 8 T R 0 N G GI MOUNTSTU A R T.8QUARZ AND EAST Koons, CARDIFF. RAILWAY WAGGON AGENT, BROKER AND CONTRACTOR. 8 CASH ADVANCES arranged OIl all kind, of Rolling Stock. NEW and SECOND-HAND W4GGONS let on slmpl, re, or redemption payment*. 2lS0td _aubintrp, goals, r., for Sfalf. FOB Bale, a barg»in, Two New HorinoaUI En*tnM. 14. ?tr?k,,wr. tt tT. !t and flywbeela.—Enquire Geo. Dan. lk?_ W, Swan^. miid TOta F.,Id. Si.-FI-de, Hm Machin no u6ed in 1'riID¡ W- /h ?..Pl ;bt Stereo- ping Apparatus. The machine is capable of printing a tt.,t 48 by M, t the rate of 1 t.WO pr hour, ia in excellent conditIon. and only parted wIth to make room for swifter maehinery.—For price and order to 'dew, address Mr. ".(inR);Ii '¡)ew:; lt:iiti ØJ -'OI.I:: » Pair of Cl&y Roll. inn;I?- fr&nle Wiieolg. Pulley and .bafUn* all complete, io Hrec Class on er. Al '"1, rack t- brio* clay down ¡= Ii:ïlwh:' ;ll: Bw rHr;trl)"n ht8 FOR Bale, Portable Steam 11ngi, 11,18, and 45 horse power, with link motien. reversing gear, winding dj rums, gearing to pump, 4c.; Vertioal Steam Engine, hor.e.po"rr, with Boiler and 6ft. pan Mortar Mill, on car* na^e and travelling wheels; excollent *econd-hau4 Portable btaani Engines, with Mortar Mills, Ac.—Apply to Borrows aDd Htewort, Epgineera. B-b?,y. Oxon. 2t,Olc 16!rgut1:°t: Portable EnginaTby Clayton Bb*ttle Wurth, in perfect order i 10 h p, liori* -z"Ton^tr al I Ev ngi• ne, with v governors and feed-pomp complete. Itk I. » *Wch forms bed-plate; )ne Multitubular BuoU-«cr. for above engine. This mach ner* b- -d for the MaU line York. and tbeJe ariy, t1n!c b, appointment.-Foi J ,riceb&0 app1/. to th* of Phillips' fmMnIon ntf hhly Machinery Register, Newport, Mon. "¡o¡mNES, I<c" HIRE.— Portable Engines, Mortar ltlW¡;, PUlnp'J.c," a1"aJ' ready for immediate use, ut R. IJ. I'ownall'hinery 8wr., l'euao:th.road,O.rour, me7d ORTAR BIILL (new? *'t. Sin. Pan. p,i,. £ 2S.— *IV-f 4- OIp"ítóJlIo.J;:ce i2>i:= llIfel¡rGldd'1:tt\ Mortar, &C', m,- Yiel,ding and Piatt, Gloucester. SELF-ACTIN ?d "THE, for turning both ends of small o Axl? or 81uú\8 -t ouee j can be used a Double Lathe Bolt6 Mid 8tuUa • cheap,—Fielding aud tPi? iatt, Gloucester. L' UG-EN D BOil. Ea or tank, left. by 4ift.-Fi?,iding ,d Piatt, Oiouce*ter. Tl/'T ORTAR MILL (new), 6ft. R?,?t,i p'. very strong weIne-de.-Fi?lling md Pl"t't PO'J:r]=:.ti.lfIJr hire, r d"t,rrd p" .d P,t GIODce S"I FO: hlepotro immediate work, new 8 h p. and Ch.p. Portable ng,lle" by ?e ond .1 -d 6 b P. ditto, by el .Irt dI b-P,d1,; 6?, both in c?xccuent o,er; {etU Fixed a:e\ luxford; 4h p, Vertical FixedM'?:?nd Itoiler, by Mar* L*Be' Z- M-,z.r Pan M?;' benches, Wood W.,ki., M-4aW.?ry, && P.,U,Lt to R, B, P..n.n. Peiiarth-rood, CardIa. tW»7d Pui g REG18TER.—The bW Plii;'Ig M:¡¡üRYOt1RH:Ter uuy cla>^s of Machinery. PhithPd'1I Register; circulation about $0,000 annUAlly, IUld ""ut all ovor t.he Uultod Kml(dom. MACHINERY REGISTER should be p HlILt:e!l'fti: AIIe1 orlJJ £.: i:l:l. puDlicntion for e'f!J)rop(.!)t works. PHiLLIPS'S MACHINERY RiSGisrER.-V^uaUoii p lit: Jf¿'o; act8cro;UUti0D8 PHILLIPS'* MACHINERY REGISTER.—A-few page^ now to let t- manufacturers i -Y 1- of maclnnery for !!qy?rti? PHILLIPS'S MACHINERY REGISTER, published ti?t day of every month, -d f,?. by post for 12 stamps, or ?ntmi IIUÙSCM¡'UOU of HM. M.. c(?n over 400 eutm« of .11de?en'oUs')f Stc= BuKtUes,?tjilmeri, Mortar Mills, Saw Benches, Pumps, Lathe*, ?Wao Twis, u M!.ceUan",n" Machinery. P* HILLIHH'H MAUHJNEllY BKUIbTEH. Oflioili PliJæp:Y:{lf:lcïJ;:PÙc-;tC p U::f.'rCIrl:' ¡¡.7ckR l:'h..r:n,' stoml, and a largo stock always on haud at be Register Machinery, Newport, Mon.-All communications t(' l?e atidr?,d 10 1110 Pro|)rietor, L,E'i D. H ¡!L'j,<¡r't'j FdeN"Jo.W.1o,HAliLV, DBBENHAM & HEWETT, D" MERCERS, COSTUMIERS, HOLESALE AND RETAIL WAKEHOUSEMEN, AND 'MPUHTER?3 OF FOREIGN GOODS. AN. C4 v1:N Jf'KrJ?lEORlä<i:NL°i'tf. M. Bp,,?iaJit4eg in Black ..d C610u,,A Ljosa SWa. at an pricoe. Patterns by post. Specialitio. in 8ummer Dress Materials, aud Now Waabiug labrica for Morniug Dresses or Feto Cob* tumee. Patterns by post. Photographs of the latest Etylea in Costumes Mantle#, and Children's Dreeeeo are 86IIt too 1adiee at ùilaDce hy post, on application* EbTABLISBED SEVENTY YEARS. STRANAGHAN AND STEPHENS (Sueccssora to J. k C. HAN KEY ft CO.) Bespectfuliy call the attention of Families to the CELEBRATED ALES Brewed by the ALTON COURT BREWERY COM AXY, BOSS, FOR WHICH THEY ARE SOLE AUENTS IN" THIS DISTRICT. Thofl. AI.KS are now in Prinio CoaditioD, and Mn be highly reotjaiuiouded, and may be obined W cAllb of g. 18, auUM g.Ll. PRICES: Fer OaUoa. d. XX MILD ALII o' 10* XXX Ditto 1 o A X 8TKONU ALE 1 2 A XX Ditto 14 A XXX Ditto 1 6 DIAMOND rAH: ALE 1 a Ditto Ditto l EAST INDIA PALE ALE 1 6 H. STOUT } t r QHTE I •> r Upon ?''? at ?' '?' "P"? a df-t for cub will be allowed of 6d.o Firkin lj.ofl"dorkiu, 2e. oB liurrcls, aud 3d. oil Hotralicad*. 18, ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF, AND PENARTH. D AVIES AND SONS, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS JEWELLERS, A.C., CARMARTHEN, Beg to atato that their PREMISES ai abore are to be ALTE BED. Before haading tile. orar to the con- tractora tbe Stock must be eatiralj remote!. Toa,oid icjory likely to bo incurred bj so doing, D. YIU and SON" hereby announce A GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELLERY, tad SILVER PLATED GOODS, Iso AT PRIOEØ THAT ARE QCITE EXCEPTIONAL. Foal Bent Olu. Counter Cum. aad aereral Qlasa Covered Tmys to b. Sold Ckftp. MMtty FRMDBBICX WATBIUUN, CAUUAGK BTTILDKK. CABDOT. MANUFACTORY. WO B KI R Q-ST ■ BZT. t IKLSCT BTOCt etCANRIAOBB. 1M.,IaI8Ud a»4 laooniM at wortroMiM. At lupwtion rwrwtfallr (otteHad. 103 WELL WORTHY OF NOTICE AS A CERTAIN CURB For Sili- ..d U"" C;)ŒplrJnt&" IndJ.c' Wind. ?fi. I?prMtKn. Imubthty, =..F t Ap Dpp?p. U.-b-.? D.. 1)'°- Ih:'J¡r" M-c., PrY Y DR. ?COTT'8'?BtLluS8' AND UVEB PILLS A.. o-ral PunilT A pert eat Medi>.u. b. u» equal, tw :r.g m* -nild uul to¡ae U1 Lk«ir AolU4illa m tk^f ace Mruta in tli^u o^rsttv. ^Xect.. "'Pr???'W t?fBFtT, H. V. L<md<«. w IB Uiim, I. liduidk .M p?t r? 16 or K> «U|», ai-d .old bx all C De rtcuu. « u • «mn TAKQYE BROTHERS AND STEEL, HTDRAULIO AND GENERAL ENGINEERS, NEWPORT (Mon.) and SWANSEA, THE" SOHO" ENGINE, (Tkisn'a PUUT). NEW DESIGN. Comi«et, strong, durable, of superior workmanship, combined with low prioo, Easily fixed. prices Kpoi?er Three l'our Six Ten Fourn C,(C,lid,-r. 5in. GAin. 8in. lOin, 12in. a'enne, with rwne'. PawDt -Y.. Pat. t1 k23 ?'? IV ??? ??'? LqS 6U.d I Thzotu. VLI- J WIKDIKO AND HAULING ENGINES K-y of U,. b. -y be a- w"kig ??"'?' &uth Wales, TOØn8.. WIT. BOLL EBB, IF-ON PIT FRAMES, SCREENS, AND PIT CAGES COMPLETE. Of every daacriptkns erected by eon tract* PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. Manufacturers and CoIItncton for the ERECTION OF CORRUGATED IRON ROOFS, IRON BUILDINGS, Ac., xerxacATas ec?PLiro 08 ueiirr O. eracincAriora. A great number 01 Iron Boots have bean erected by T. B. ft S, throughout South Walea and at DOWLAIP Arm PANTKO STEET, WORKS. AND AT TREDEGAR IRUNWORKa.teJtO. TANGYE BROTHERS & STEEL, NEWPORT (MON.) and SWANSEA. Worbr-Sono, Bicalsoluit. f*XK»kly HIGHLY COMMENDED jH- FOR SUMMBE WKAR. MESSRS. W. PRICE AND SONS' NEW LIUBT OVERCOAT:I KEW Sp«iallT eoited for the Seaaon. NEW BUSINESS SUITS, NNW Smart, eecmlr, and **?"?**?' NEW LOUNGE BUITS E..Y.4 -mio.L EW B^ady Made or to Measure. KEW YO?rus' ?S? ?8, NEW Sightly, e+yiish, andsymmetricat. NEw y SUIT-. Kilt. N.?f,lk, P. BrI¡bton, Rugby, Mtrq?, NEW ()X Spanish, Utor, &c, NEW OXFOBI) bHIRTS, Seleot imttems, surpriBingly cheap. NEW IUT8 AND HOSITCRY, From test London Mal" ADDKK6B-THH CARDIFF H#USE, ST. MAHY^rHEliT AND CA,1401,lNk;.drAEET, CARDIFF. T?m-C.sh, o.? rri? No Abatement or Diwount. THE CHRISTIAN ECHO All EVANGELIST OF WALES OOVTAIKS: In tibe Editorial and Sub-Editorial Departm?tenevml now ?, rov features of W.D?wemLut, which add greatly to a in t?vtandylueofthePs .er?&Family JouruJ. Aof imtlortant and able Articles on THR DIS. BSTABLISHMBN r AND DISEND0WMENT OF THE IiTATE CHURCH are now appeaxinif in the Columns of the CHRISTIAN ECHO, which discuss the subject from a comparatively novel aad an independent standpoint. Tho sixth Article, entitled CHURCH PEOl'EftTY; WHOSE IS IT? will appear in the Caaisxiav Ecao of SATURDAY, June IB, 1178. On SATURDAY, July 18. 1879, a beautifully Engraved (Lithographed) PORTRAIT, 121 inches by lUiuchee, of the late CHRISTMAS B V ANS, one of the g,,at P.Ipit Orators of W.I. will be PKE&ENTKu GRATIS wil b .ach Copy of thOCualTlU E' 1,,?b F'P'tt' c?) Hk?h'?f ?Le'?tm?u. f.M-r. M ewaagent" and others should (orward,their om. early, to prevent diglLpp,)Iut?nt, u only the preoiao :a;oCnY:i; '81""túD rri]tt?UoJ??S to th ulna\ week)y iesue. N,.) ,iditio=ers for this number can be r_iyed after July 1", 1678, THE CHRISTIAN ECHO. PublUhars: TnOIUI Jobis ft Co., 3, Wliarf atraet CAHDIVF. fBict-Oai Pim. 2S»!ky



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