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homkward BOUND.I















SOME fishibmsn have found some wreckage I mpposed to belong to the State Lino steamer Al?b-,B, which left Glagow on Monday, and I which it iBthuafe?edhM been lost. M wonaedul MMnerHibbert'B HMUhfftTtag ^Xgt?er. blood, caring ana prenlltw¡¡ feTer Ksk Iie, biumu"o, i.d,gestioa, toothache ad erup?ioni on ë =:14 lOi- sickness, d,.?,b. d)aenterr, g..t, rheumatism, ..d oottiMBMB.-fcId by all ChemMtt. i. b.tti.. ?f. 6?, «. Cd„ and 101. 6d„|and by W, Hibbmt and 8on. NMth. '91 Pbesons BtnmntiNO from Toothwke 'rio. dolcreux, Karache, and all paIu in th head and fane, Îo.. of appetite, ed debility, will find a ?rt.W a.. b ng Davies's To?Smohe P&. TMtimonbUt en apdMaHon. Mm B. JoBM. M t, 1IayII' BaYÙll( A. no.0i t tt t. MrenJ days from tMth. =:1 :n'OU::or a few dO: =: -To be had of John Davim6 ¡'$, POII$ypriddo and all reopwt,,ble?b..i" I" It BiuHATibM, aenmgis, .pam, put, deaftess t<td??S?*,pM<'J?"tro'??. °"?" md tnnottOMi muladiM, homver teow4an to ethm temeditt..petdUy yield to PtlT<mMhMt Impro,ed Patent Oki. Band, BttMriM, and A?o-.e.4 from as. and upwards. Authellticated.,proota of unparalleled efficacy are given in pamphlet, Walvaaism-Nature s Chief Beatorer of Impaired Vital Energy. port fije M application to J. X. Pulvemaohers 05ahic Batabliak- aut, 194. RW.t..te% London, W., or at Mr. Jasaes Seys, Newport! Mr. Joy, and Mr. Haymau, Cardiff, W. Bibbert and Bon, Chemiita, Neath, where pamphlet andfallptlcelisteaabe obtained, post tree. SDSINESS ADDRESSES, E. B. BHBRRIN, (LateBVANS AND 00.). PRINTERS, Ac., WIST BOTK • BTBKET, DOCKS, CARDIFF. B. B. SHKBBIN has th. pl.8 x- to 'n-D"m that be hM <«MMdtd to the Bi. Iy carried oa by MtMn. ITANS Ud CO. M P?it.. &?. 't the b.,? <ddra)t. ::tt all r;: e= ::tv:àe b:Ir=d .p.dil -td. '?OT?M?'J. H. Ermt being no longer in my employ, and having it?,.t or connection 10 m1 b..i. above, the publio aro cautioned not to pay him any moneys on aooount of .the same, as his reoeipt will not be valid after this dot. Dattd A.p..t 4th. 187-It 461 THE TREDEGAR AGRICULTURAL i BHOW, 8EL1) AT NBWPOBT, DEO. 17ra AviD 18TB, 1872. KSTBA PBER, THE "SILVER OUP," Given at the above Show for tin BIBT BEWINQ MAOHINS ADAPTBD TO IAMIL1 AND GSNKBAL Vall Was Awarded to THE BINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 10, DPBJB-gTIUSMT, CARDIFF. 277 yjjJY OW B N, PAVING STONE MERCHANT, Easicrxcx. A GREEN4MRM, j> nunm. <utB I.. NO&TR-ROAD, ? 2,000 yards o! Paving, of lltn. to 24 ln„ always in stock. lists or raioxs rosi ram. mi BRICKS. 247 J LBHMAN I <i WATCH AND CLOCK MAKBtt, Kas HIMOVED bom 14 to 82, OXMID-ST., BWA-NSNA. Kew and well*selected Stock of Watches, CIoob. and Jewollery. 109 ILWAY WAGGONS FOB CASH, ON -tt' BBDBMPIION HIRE, aad BEPAIRBD by OONTBAUT or OTHBRWT3S. ONO R GBW. AUMbTRUwG 11, BUTB-OBXBCBNT, DOOKJ5, CARDIFF. GLAMORGAN WAOaON tmPAIRINa COMPANY, 11, BUT&ORB80BNT, CAUDIFF. Bailway Waggors Repaired by Contract fw a t? 01 yearl or othfrwl.Ie. 223 Railway WAGGON builders AND OONTRACTOaS.-0. BUOKLAND AND BONa, Valuers and Ins pernors of Bailway Htock, Wheelwrights, fibinpiag aad GMeral Smiths. Bepairs and Maiutananoe of wisggns oeatraeted for. Colliery Trains of all de- ocrJptlou made to order. New Warroo Inlpeoted when baUdiu. All orders exented an the Uon.t DOtloe.- fifice ami Works We.t ICnd ot HouiJi Dr.alt. t!.a 2M T ANNERY, BANESWEIilj-BOAO, W. H. PAESONS-, TANNBR, OURRIER, CLOSED UPPER, AND LEGGIBG MANDFAOTORIB, 40, HIGH-STREBT, NEWPORT, HON. 169 fX llHK CABDIPE AND NEWPOBT ± HORSB RHPO?roBY, WOMAJi BY-STKMJtT, OABDIFF, A' ID THE BRIDGE INN, NKWPO tr. A SUPPLY OF OABT AND NAg HORSRS FROVf lRliLAND AND NORMANDY XVBRY WltKsu BOBARS BUOK IN. -]- Co R K 81 C 0 R K S I CORKS Corks and Bungs of all sites and description ean be obtained at 21, Oalrort-streot, Swansoa, at the lowost "?.M? the ?d?.. M. OALVSBT STREPT f, WAN6EA.2.,0  &AU-WAY fjLIUIIPKRR .ANl' ?ALTM) BALLIVAT AMP '?nRT BOF'L'MN. AND HAYWOOD, CRWWTE WOR" AoD BAP IDLL8, | g w 1' O u: AND 0ABDIII DOCK, A bi-k ff ^ses wy ha?A. ???*?SM.?'MM'* < CARDIFF. 15, DUEB-STEBET. iriBSBs; ells AND NEAL BnpwtfBlly aaaoame the BIR-OPENT4 of their BBOWBOOMfl lor the Bamner Heason. oa 8AT J BDAY, May the 17tb. '?'B?M?OVNBS TO THE DRS?NiKINa AND n.tt. M,LLINBRY W4NUD. m THE bTOCK-1S)-TKA1)E OF THE JEWT^Tfi or MR. JOHN HOWELL, of the CAMBRIAN HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. amounting AT 00ST PBlOII TO £6,532 5B. Gd., Was BOUGHT by PUBLlO TENDER fsc Ouh. at 19 per eent. eff, and will be BEADY FOR SALE IN A FEW DAYS. FULL PARTICULARS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Assistants Wanted, young Men and Maidens. If con- TenicDt, apply p?o.,Llly; it oti by letter ..be, J.L.-Lj'.? ]5th, tS73. M!) ^JAMBBIAN HOUSE, CAEMABTHEN. HAVING BOUGHT THB LMLOIAND FIXTURES, WIC SHALL BE-ESTABLISH THE TRADE. THE OLD CONN lOTION WE SHALL ESPECIALLY VALUE, And hope they will NOT DESEBT THE OLD SHOP IN HER SORB DISIBKSd, But wait and know what wo intend and shall do. The System of Trade we shall in a maMur9 ohan?9, of which Full Particulars will be given iu a CiUUlJiiAd, and SKNT TO BACH ONK. A.siganu Wanted, yon? Men and Haidan., If 000' venient apply personally; if not, by letter,as above. J. l?-?.ly 1&tb, lb73. 859 fJIHOBN LEY'S CHLEB"TED UAI'S. Wed Rndah*P<? 10s. 6d., Lle. M? t?, Ifls., and 2U. -:wri:' :i.,6d.J.&.d 12s. tid. Clsrioal Felt Hats, 8s. so., lo., 6d., and 12s. Si. Bervante' Lmccj Bats. Gold and Silver [son, (Jookadeø, lie. Military ghakes. Busbies, Forage Oapl, ko tea EDWARD THORNLEY, MANUPACTT li REB. If AND 180 aLABlMOBlEliT. BBtBTOU 718 ATOMIC ALLY OUT SHIRTS EDWAED THOBNLEY Bap bo an sopeda attention to the abo" MM I th superiority of which consists In the freedom and WAG ?S = it J:I=th.pe: the extra oomfort which it thenb7 ensures the wearer, B??h W?to hitherto "p-d the dW-f.,t of a badly-fitting garment ue ropwdully olicited to make a kuù of the a. Long cloth ahuta (Unm !tonI8 and wrists), 27s., 33s.. 89s., ?, ot &Is. the httMoMt. 17 Md 1? OtM?ttMtt. Bristol. THB pBIROB TEOK BOABF J_ In 20 different Patterns, B A L F 0 it 0 w N Post tree 32 Stamps. MY Do- to I8iøot from. Warranted eaual value to those UM-4 wd M, wumted V.,Id-,T d expreuly l*, EDW???S?NLET, HOSIER, HATTEB, & SHMT MA&16 17 A 18, UAR"TgZiRT. nal"or?, ^JUILOOTT AND TRULat TAELOPE TEIMMING. BUTTON, AND BILK WAREHOUSE, I, NICHOLAS • BTB IX. Opposite Btuckey's 81 BHiaTQL. Wl r|1ENX8, MAKQUKES^ AND BOOTHa ON UBIAH SMART, 14, BCTI-8TB11T, OABDIFF, Deø to inform the Public that he has the LABGEST and DEBT bTOCK of TENTS, MABgOEJU, and bUOTHB, of all sires, suitable for Flower Bhows, Vetes and Galas, Piouies, Raoes, and Fairs, lent and erected on the shortest notice at prioos that will defy oompe. tition. Distance no ob]eot. 2A1 PIANOFOBTKS AND HAEMONIUMS LARaBffZ OMM IN WALIM rriBOUFBON 1?? gHACKBLl, CARDrFl? O&BMARTUSSE <. =, U1I 180 o:=, PIANOFOBTB8 P By '"t Msk?n PliNOrOBTES ?.. FM S&W md Him on my teme, PIANOFORTES CD eur term.. Supplied on 'he Thm Years' 8'" Harmoniums For obur" and Chapk Habmonicms Fw ew Prswitif-FOOBi, the aScuhoolroom at the Cottage. Harmoniums Sujrplied for Monthly Payments American ORGANS, From Twelve Gulnsat Made h" j Nd tm w an "dnm, I =:08"=- Me. t IItpoR tm <M?"g*' sipaimm, Tmm unt to 'Mf??, ? DMOA HiuMfut) saAOKtH. QAWpmf AND OABMABTHBN. WANbEA OBUAN HABMONIUM MANUSAOTORY. ()IRGANBRITARLB FOR CHURCHES ,& D CHAP A% tf?m esoto SM B T WIL x 0. PIANOFORTES (Brinsmead's) from 2S OUINHA8, Ditto (other London IIIO Gum- B"moNlums from ? 108. Ditto, 10 otoph 910 109. Organs, Pianofortes, and Harmoniums, tuned, repaired, and exchanged. Organ Pipes, Metal and Wood, always in 8toek j %oioedNd tnM<t on t<!? tempttMimt. Highest refereteM from H. WW. Go",?.t and JIig:t=ofN:U=:n4 I wbo htM troni"d DÃ1j'ÅÑDu:mN, I irons BUT io all PARTS or walis. 1" T. JONES, CARDIFF MONUMENTAL WORKS, PENARTH ROAD ENTRANCE, Has a large B took of TOMBS, CROSSES, H&ADMNs% k., the mat designs to ,n-. from. Designs and estimates on application. 1M LBwisT CABINET MAKES AND D .UPBOAUZB. OAI&DW. mpwguuy inito the tt-ti- .( ptw about to farnbh to his etWnAve stock of Cabinet Goods, Carpets, Damasaa, Ohinta, Bedd- 1°11, LIDol8alll, JIoor.oIothl, &0, all of whicb are of the newest design and ot the best manufacture. 478 MAPP AND ADAMS i M. (late B. Whiffen and Co.), FAMILY GROCERS, ITALIAN WABEHOUSI- MEN, & PROVISION MERCHANTS, TRINITY HOUSB (OOBNKB OJ OHUBOH-BTBBBT), OABDIFF. PURVEYORS TO THE ROYAL GLAHOGAN LIGHT INFASTBT. NOW IN OAMP. j o H N SAMPSON WHOLESALE AND BBTAIL BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, S3, CAROLUMbTRan. CARDIFF. PICNICS AND TEA PARTIES SUPPLIED. BRITISH wnras. 156 NOT I (J B BEMOVAL. DANIEL EVAN9, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GEOCEE, AND PROVISION MEBJBAN]. 9, OKANGE-STRBET, BWANBHA, ]ko t. if- hi. O..t.i the P"bUc gammally SS*h? ha. BBMoVBD to .,h larger and .?. SjdioSs premises, situated in NSW OXFOBCWJTJifldr, ydy,H.ttL ::ntU??De of put fa?un W1Iloblige. 109 L EET OFF WEABINQ APPASKL. J. 0. HALLOBAN, 18, GLB3BLAND-8TBKET, MERTHYB, Givee the Highest Prioe for ladiw and Gentlomeu's Left-off Wearing Apparol. Families waited on at tbelr BesWsnces. 740 JEA HEMRY ?MITB. CHIMSEY SWEEPER, JO. FLUE and BMOEk JACK OtiKANKB, No. 2, 00- CHABD-STKEBT, BWANSEA.-AU order. p.t.,Ily attended to tn town or oountry. ar ) TNORBIS and SONS, Tonii Criers, and Bill a Posters (in Town and Country). Handbills and Oiroulars delivered with quick despatch. Address 31, »fhard-street, Swansea. 42MITH AND 0 0. C? II I T OOR JI.B'1'8,D 0 O. SKINNER-STREET NEWPORT. MON. -|^ BMP W 8 L O H9 8 NEW AND GBNUDSB VEGETABLE, FLOWER, AND FARM SEETfii CABBIASB PAID. OATALOGUB ON APPLIOAT M, KEMP WKLCtnI SUPERB, OVAL, WHITE yttHTTAUM-MAaBOW .h.ld be .,h. by gory. 11, per P-kt. A Taw. UHFXorrtrui Boucrrw, KBMP WELOH, BBND MERCHANT, BBBBNT-HTRltBrr. QUFTOW. BJUL. tJ nn VINEGAR MANOFAOTUBEB3 AND OTHERS. ?ot!M)< hereby ?Ttn. that I, the undesigned, A. J. B, HOTCQLnGB, t 14o. 2 .,I 3. QlUty -h itl :ltIIjO l¡¡;r¡!, Ql;f: .j".t, for the ]Rr.t??ti.n.f my m??PROVKD ?H?PtOtO VISltUAK, PMkUcK and other p,,p, fmt any r"m¡ mnki'ig tho same or ".y cnhnraole iml'tÎf}ll K?r. ?itho?t my licence, win "i. "he l?.. lible to legal trcccodingp. <s 484 S«aTrA J. a. nuroaiNas. VISIT THE STUDIO ROYAL, 45, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA PKBB JEAN GOLDMAN, DTIft. ^FECIAL NOTICE. THE GERMAN AND FilCNOH PlWmAPHIO AND bTKHKOSCuPlu ilOVteaAY, By Rutal letters Puteut, AT THE STbDIO htllAL, 45, WlJD8TflB3r, SWAN -E i, Waj nsuVriDk/s ic.v Patent Puit^;r%puio Prooeis is '<'>v ditil) ^r^ctictd UMUf Lh-oi»j of HEKK JEAN GOLDMAN, (Late ANbftJS**). gerr fleldnsn politely beg* 10 eill attentloa to the hot n,.t hell ""p.ble of produ",ag the daeat portrai in the kiigdcn from mlon.lC_pIO to I1f.118 by this n»)*t mar- vellous aew palent proe»si. Ptetores "eopied" Oil PHintiBfs, Walfcr,oololl1' Drawia^n on ttiniatones, 1, ).DgunJl;ga. ASanuCllpt8. l n and lux ".etcu 9. li n..>- 81apbie POltr.its,D.guorrfO!y"1 and 1'"rlr,.l.1 00 gUssor itfctr mated" The foieiruing OAD be reproduoja and enJarned to SDY ize, or reduced. 1\c..tu.AJ1 Dlgö\.Vetl toimeiiy ttson 01 tir.AnÚrew9 R.re in Hc rofse/frion of Herr GcMquu, wno will Viry i:ui-uior copie8 t bl( the pried* f^^in ?fly oÜ U' t 'Jho fBtiie vuluable .tlJck of IippanttU4, alld al. oth ,r moRt elJ.eUÙVÐ ajipiiAiioos 11.\vin;.( n) ,n puri!h»-«ed fr».n tho àt bt<.rö- trustet-a* Hfrr J, au i. tb.Te o e f-IH\h!el.1 to proouce euoh rj ulte th t 110 othor iLtntii capable of prcdu'iuur. L&itf Pcitraita frotri +4. tho hal?-d<">71n. Pairting and w..l. i.,4 done tvr tiid ttale at wholesalo Pali* Illtœ Not,, the Add, THE STUDIO 1OL1L, 4.5, WISD St'REF.T, OE-ruaiTii fTum Apftiii'-ui ftuftiu, .syansu. VANDBR WEVDS SUPERSEDED. THE CHALLEXfiE NOT ACCRPTED 8.. In anawer to ffhny friends, Mr. Chtipuian b(^ to stete that the CHALLKJSO-ii to shew One Una ired fu ,to. gmphs II¡InlD8t One Hund.rtd by ldr. Goldman ius NOr been accepted* «_ HIGH, STREET STI'DlO, 235, HIGH-STREET, SWANSlii. HENRY A. CHAPMAN, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER. The S'.IIPL()OIlAPH, an ntiroly new -pro" Inveuto.1 by Mr. Ctmvm?, sitpe.odes the mua-vadut?l, bat perishable, V-d. W?yd? prwe" In permanency and .t). at ..?,third the prim. IHK CARBON OPAL I THE OAHBON OnAtl lUPKHUiUABLtil lUPhiKliHABLEI TLIE CARBON uPALl IMPKiltiHABLK By far the mOlt exquisite thh # the bmntifw Art 01 ?PLot ?rphy bm produced. It bi" b.1,dy pt,?.. "i", by ,.y of the County F"mlli. and u iucrewaug in favour 6Vtlry d¡$Y, as it justly denerv&}. The TBlP'lOblU!'fUO perfect gems, and grcalfavourites.with the Ladies. THE BERLIN RE-TOUORRNG TlllI1 BRIiLIN R&TOUCMGI The only Studio where the Berlin Bo*touching ia pro- dnced with all its beautifying dectB. o alterations in tho very 1II"!i<rllte ooaIe, of charges. Kvery gt^le in the greatest favour in tne most notoa ateliers in iiurope produced in Mr C-'s studio. A gw)ery cl the most ezqaisito speonnuns of the art, painted in oil aid "lAJrœIoun by Mr. Chapman, on view daily at the studio. Ito Photographs or Paintings exhibited but those taken by Mr. Ohpman. The ordinary Cartas, first oopy. Is.; aIx, 316 1 t1rel 5s. 6d. U others equally moderate. Mr. 6..uptJrintend. personally. No p?rt,Ats allowed to be tk. ?..y -.I-. approved *L P-ob show a II wi.b?d. B -r t?Ll d.k. wt:1II:rË}:U:'R!. Al N OTICE.-IAdiea and Ue.Atlemeu wiahiug to make appointmenta to be Photographed by Jú. James Andrews, will pl- eddreu— JtmM JAMES ANDREWS' STUDIO, OPPOSITB THK ROYAL INttTIXOTlON, SWANSEA. Immediate attention given to all communication*. No Branch Kstabliahmente. No oooneouoa with bis late plaoe of bnsinese-^ Wind-street. CartY. Oubiuets, and all other Portraits, in his usual a" at viat MWUC" cHiaoaa, ANDREWS' STUDIO. OPPOSITE TUB MP^KUM* | ■BT AS LIB BED law. KO. L B A 0 B. BU POSTEB wM ADVIRTIRM OONTRAOTOB6 '°* 17. WOOIMTNKM. OABDOft. 3knts wi tbb prinei and moot Pfumin"t rootim Itatlons !■ Oatdifl. Qmton. and B?.m PHILLIPS, GLASS AND CHINA BOOKS, 110, BIGH-8TBBET, MEBTHYB T7DFIU Slus, China, and Earthenware of every desarlpHom Blectro-plated Ppoens, Forks, Oruet Framss, Tea ana Coffee Set.; Knives and Forkalll Ivory, white-bone, black, and other bandies; Breakfast, Dinser, Dessert, Te. aud Coffee, and Toilette Services; Tea Tiays, daddies, to. Goods matched to any pattern. A large Stock On hand of improved Stoneware Filters, Spirit Jars, Jugs, 6:0. Imperial Pints and Quarts, Tumblers, and Tots (all slue), Wine Glasses, 2,3,4, and S outs. An endless variety of goods suitable tor Hotels, Publicsuis, fto. Orders promptly attende to. GLASS. WARE, AND CUTLEBT XiHNT ON BIBB. li8 S. J. KEPPLE A OO.'S VUBNI8BING CUT GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOUSE, 8, CLABE-STREET, BRISTOL. This 3TOOK comprises EVEEt REQUISITE IN FURNISHING, From the simplest Culinary Article TO Goods of the m? Slabomto FinUh &W- Arthti,? D?wstion. BXHT quality. newest DMGNL B=T QUALi mWBOT m FURNlSH'NG G" &cHINA WAR" F???S?SED ,,OTU,t&&M GL&M DYM. BETH THOMAS, 11 12, HIGH-STREET. BRISTOL. A Bisootmt ol Twenty-Sve per Cent, 011 French Shades, all sises. New L-tf Neat Bonier Pattern DI.-W.bpa. Dinner Sets, New Bbayes :nd Patterns, *7 Pieoee, tor 161. Dinner Bets, Richly Gilt. 88 pieces, for no All the above being Stook Patterns, can be matched at -7 Gilt China Tea Pervice, full nt of 40 pi,.m f. lo.. zaamauw & Gilt China Tea Servioas riohay painted from lJII, to .810. Dessert Services from 17s. 6d. per set. BedroomSarir eefrom Ss. 8d. to 10s. i Gut Services from lOa. to .tf6. 15 IjiYlBlOl AND 00.. BOUSE fUBSISHBBS MA2YLEP0BT-STBEET, BRISTOL, labgnbt itook in wbbz 01 ENGLAND, OOMPLETE FUENISHING ESTIMATES, for paitloulaia MS OstaloguM. containing Bngravlsgst < i. ■A. I &Sam= ROM N*mwmm«NNI 8 16 ??.. 6.RWMBD DrrM <?.?<t S.RwmxD Drrm Ric 4 $.BWKW DITTO OSS I $.]=Bin DITTO "'10""14" IM 0 cf-M. 8-BOOMKD DITTO .<. MM ■ S-BOOMBD SOUiB OB VILLA 111 18 0 8. lO-EOOKED HOUSE Sk 11 0 tC-MOOMED DITTO nnuwuMM 1160 U 0 u io 10-ROOMED DITTO tOt I • u ii, U-BOOMBD DITTO 451 10 I m u. 11-BOOKBD DITTO MB 14 I a 11" lfl-BOOMBD DITTO KB 17 I „ It. IfrBOOKKD DITTO M il I ilvHB 80,000 MBObBB an FUBNITUEE, TABLES, OHAIBS. ha* lIDo TKEAPENS1VB HAIR RBSTOJiz& X LIJOKINWB BOLFBUN EAUt LUWMMII X ¡_wed to [attMetheyHtU[t<? onpatte<o?f tMBm. Pnm? 'tmi?temo?oo'UypMpMttMM. tMn?otththh.?'M???Aj?t?WuE? gS?S.T?t'? NewrcSttW?, Ohepo stowi and all QheKlsts. Health, utbength, and knerg*.— MPP QUUUNL ad IHON TONM p,e.gthm th.mm? 111- the qmnMt of the blood, ?StMm.ttte.EpmMt dif?tiOB. Md ttioro?Uy M- ?S. S. S!th.B.S«) (82 d-), M.) "Mt sIm, n::t8': WiU h.d\ff; DEABlfBS8lSK8 IN THE HAK8 AND BRAD HIS KSSSNOK for Deafness is an &l.?,?.y I It always rslievM, andgmendly cueel qlÙtIIl:anIW8, Bow-. lL l^d* aiwj 2s. 9d. each, ot quifn hwmim. BottleN L r, -dr2M! p.st fm IS p% of J. ?N pa?., L?!d=L_ fX ilHE ENAMEL OF THK TEET?-By ..L I"EUUACHOFr,9A,? ? TOOTH PA3TB <h« Delicate Cmtlzg beoemM ao?d.WMte. MdMJ?M ? the tnmt hury, Sold in Pots, I& MdZt. M.?h' by aL Chemists, Mid wWWna, 11, BatHtreM. 0anUII. Young, N.WPWkl LMgttr. tow. t IB BUNIONS, A?U BNI?B'HND C°4tÐJ.M.!N K n,^ntly reUeved, and oomnlete cure t<!ecttd by ttow tppMottioM ?°?'"?° FUJBTSM. Bold by aU Cb(!.ig% -d WUUM', 1? Eat?ttott, Otfdm, at h. 1? pet bm y.PgfJg stamps, 0? J. yC?PTtR. MT. TottmhMOotift<o*d. L-d- irmw. t«?po? LM<!f ?"C?' u E L B 0 T B I I T Y IS LIFE PULVERMACHERI.13 f?p. I :iKM I VANIC CHAU) BANDH, B,ILTI. B&Tr'M'M and ACCBsSOBIKS. Pl.? f.M!2,d.p.d.. R.Jiab10 evi?mM in proof of tho nnriullod dE?y of tt'?<'PP'??. ?????,' .Igi., df-do?s, head Mf) toothMhe, pja .?. liver compM. orampi, 'H>&Øt -:aP.rYOI,13 difijrders, A_c., *■ .f:r(in ja ?h? ?;r.p?.?Q'?Mt?- ?'am'B Oilief Restorer of iasi>aire<l V.'tU Knoriry. Apply *t JI>r.J.iC &.ts\¡i,1t. mem, IM, Reepnt-etrret, Lordon, W.. Jamrb Heys, >owpoct; Mr. Jojrfwd »r &»} C?rdiff: W. Hi(>l»erC rin.l Hin, Ob.-m ■' • Mtb wherr pampt:Iet and f.U I)ri. list c w beobt^. jt. pest ftee. 89 ■JT"^AYE'8 ItOBHllKhba Lie without health Is a misery that "It. <:>oil be borne. Sow um.ln;ib!o, therefore, uiniit a res«o««v medioine be found by tlie sulli-ror KAVB'd WOIwr.iKLL'8 Pli-tH afford this desideratum, and instantly rive relief so Sold Sby aU Ch"ml6U and Othm M-ar? 'D ps?ol tcSicin, .t 18. IK-. *»■ M., au,i 1R. 6d- fin!' hoX lJaL tHU ut;r,&t: ii uo n f t) Li 4 » u- 'H:HiiA U :jUI\ ?' Tik..t, .d ??<. ?? o'.???'??' WT6r, .d Klilnoys. lire B!u>*t givi* .Pi^wbesi sands have been eured by th«e wond.u-fnJl -4' a .?OMM aouM .at be ..bi by ,f "t,r 6M W, a chmk&. in ba.0 as t.t<? :a 2, 9a. 17; rpHB ELY BREWING COMPANY (LIMITED), CABDIFF, Are now delivering FRESH ALES AND STOOTl IN SPLENDID CONDITION. The tttc* ion of the Trnde is invited, and a trial solieited. Orders addressed to the Brewery will receive prompt attention* 521 Jj O W L A I H. THE DOWLAIS BRKWERY COMPANY. THE DOWLAIS OLD BRTWKRY Ii 110W infWl work, ml too Manager w pr-oNI'1.>d tom,pl1 an Unlimitert Qua ntity of tho V I N hi 8 T aLKS ANU STOUT, ATKINS & WItiLIAMS, em PROPRIOTOR3* STEAbl SUUA WATER WORKS o Gi-OUCSSTKB, T. TALBOT & CO., HASCFACTUB £ BS OF ALL KINDd OF MINERAL WATKRS. CULmcn DPOST. Bristol Laboratory, Old Park, January 20th, ISM. Thorns 'i&I)Mt. Eaq., at<uo<Mt<r.—atr.-t h.<Y< analjeed your sample of rioltzor Waier, and find tii-it tue aalts in it are cxactly those found in tho natural "ater 01 the [cltlf r spri):^ l by the chomUt Fer-rDU:IIU. Tour watcor is fully charged with carbonic acid, ..u,1 iI (1<O from orniC Ilt"lr or otber impurity. Yurl ít:.=.lf:OIl.a,s., Ao^ Pro- I- .1 ChenuAUy ,d T. j g y. TESTlMONIALf* I have partaken freely for many years of the SMa and Feltter Waters of Messrs. Talbot i* d Co., and consider Uem most pure, refreshing, and excellently mtnilfac- tured.—J. firr 13oNn:¡N.-(j)UC.tel'. 7U1 Deo,, ¡o,j9. Gentltmen,- 80me time tiuce I was ordered by my medical adviser to drink fco'a WAter, I^monaile, aud eeltier Water, and I was reeouimeudod to apply to y,ar t?. for a supply. For several y?- I h.,?, found th- be..rag.. manuf ictured by I ou to be mogt elc?Ilt) it, and qUite eguai to any that I bave p?ui?!d from Lon(ton or other p'aws, ai d, I must add, superior to mOM. VÚdhit,M' yon every succor, 1 am, G^nt'emen, yours faiiiifUily, Modkbt JACKhON, U A., Rector oC WOJ1doSWW. and J.V. »or the (oonly onwou -M?. Talbot ?d W.- li()?r ;gi Taaits UfO. Liht Or TraimoiriALB ow iprucuTioa. PU R K li A K B I O B In L% y quantity at F E N N EL ICE DEPOT, HIGH STREET, N B W P 0 B T. M O N. 8i8 JgLOCK ICE SENT ANY DISTANOB SWANSEA IOE COMPANY. F.STAITJtfHKP 1869. 967 Urtii UliLI FOTHBBQILL'B tobacco SOLD HVERYWHKRB. WttomsAH AT 4. RTmRT-HALL. CARDT". 521 S8. BEUINGITlBliD 8 8. B E .0 I N G BIB &. D R?V t. irf_ t iIlr, and Trade of fwansea and bouth Wales that ha has taken ihe premisos. No. 40, Wi.d..t?.t, bwansoa, late fh the o? ti. Omek ?d Co., amt op.moo them with one of the beat stocks of Cigars out of Loadou. He intends sparing no Wuble to make his patrens thoroughly nti.W with goods Mpflied. The <teck will contain all the lMdioø htYMMt brMQt, 't* PtwA Up-.4 Fig. *'<*?*' Intimidad, Matildo, Tioa do Mtou, Henry Clay. Aa, 4c. Pipes of the best Fnnch and Oermw mmututoria Tobacco from the best Bristol and other booses. fcjstem of business :-Low prioea and ready money* 40. Wi.tretl;. Swansea, April 16, 1873. LIhBIG COMPANY'S EXTBACT OF XEAT, Kone Rennlne without the Inventor's facsimile In bine beioKOntte Trade-aark label and outer cover. Pure condensed Ussenoeof Beef T-. excellent ecoaomio IInor. ing .wek fer BOnp., sau?, md nwAedishej6 "Foodfa the nervee." (Liebig.) 7 VEATMAN'S YEAST POWDE& JL Br.d ?,.k t b-? in f.? minutes. B..U..?e with Fmnomy. DoWous Homo-m"e gre&4 Pastry, and P-dig. YI£F?'d YEA$T POWDEP- F. Pddi?g. and P.try. B. Egp ?.d B,,ttr. "BKtd made with Ymtm?'s Yma Powdm II highly nutritious" (Loncst). Never spoils by kpig. ?EAIMAN'S yHAMT POWDE&.— Y Rtf. in :erNeer,¡ J:pEby¡;; A-y and N.,y. b Sold 1.?y?hm IB Pwket4 14. and Sd.) Tin*. M? Is., 2s. 6<L, and 6s* JOSEPH N. FLUTT, Wholeele and Retail Greoer and Provision Merchant, DDKB-8TRKKT, CARDIFF. S STAKCH obtained a PnM Wd.1 0 wherever exhibited, and needs no other wmmmt.- Redcliff'Street, Biistol. jgTiiUSEKEEFElib WIIjL, ItlHO PARSON, IXETCHEB, AND 00/8 INDIAN STARCH (Trade Hark An ELEPHANT) THB = AND IIOIn BOONOtCOAL lOB fiØ LAUNDBY. To he had of all Groeen. a^HB COAU Tar ^OAP (Wright's Hapo ?- OMbcxtt DatttWM). t<grA:.g:e: «leanslfig, and =Wdng Lwtrom the &in, Sweepingaway .u pi. at1 Blot?h.% and R-gh.?. the entire Modiml Pmfmion; and from ?t- =. I mtt=7 wUm is the mMt popular Toilet ?tp'a tAe worM.—"MiM Brdd- h.? a high appreciation el MtMn. Wright and 00:. Oe?I Tar BMp.Bt?'M Offce. f«1 >HE ?UAL TAK bUAP t?tighc'a ?pj \Hf:\tt. it. l:r;t;'Qaf It wm. 011 all Infectious Di. onoh «mall-pox, ?B?latina. be., and tl,?..ghly PtnSft the Body !t«<T M at k.y for the P,-t,.? of tl?. graver SteoBd? S???c?.—" It h the only tme Anti. septic Boep. 1'—xhe^ritwh BMtcal Journel. a IHK COAL TAB SOAP (Wnghta 8apo Oarbonis Deterg^ns), fiom its Mildness and Health, M Action, is putionlarly uwW to aWkIr-34 p?ti'W ..d curing the forms of Skin Dise?, to which Sey?e tubje? I. fm the Head. F-. Body.- "laeMhMtdtithMbMnmMttffeotiTetnakinDtMMM." -Th< La.u&, By.?aCh.?..t, Per<cmM<_Md d..t-olw G- In tblt., 6d. and H.-W. V. WM9HT t Co. &uth?i4 Londm ,15 MK.MlCHAiiU B. IKIULTOA, au?t?mua KDXNTIO OAMBe"-I?LAO]160-r-W(90ELAHLU BTBEET, CBOCEHHRBTO WH, OABDIFF. leeth. U" bMt th*? am be obtained, from *t to 25 em-. th4 eomnleteset. Twonty-two years' ezpwlenoe. R?tbIUW IM2. Booommended by MM prinoipal PhyttciMt &ad t??SaSB? tMi&tMMho.d. N. f aonsoltatioa. n: y h,.w TO@ tw low. A T ny for ? P?piL SURGEON DENTIST, MEBTHYB TYDFIL. H. W. GRIFFITHS, r g?, VICTORIA-STREBT, Corner of ?dHBtfton.t?Mt. PitmlaM Dentistry. New Hetf .t the thMt?et Notice. fltBETH 1 TEETH! TEETH !-Mr. H.OL- I I)mtist, 11, Welmn-tmt. S?NN -QPPlis- Mqnftitt?enMn.-tM Artificial T?th. made only of the beat and flnut materials, of ood ?d?und work?hip, B?)t? Ui't w:U defy eompemion. J. T. H wiU gaMta. t..per<Mt et,Mmtott. ????T_ ?'°?? all mi?s, owfv r aiMenIt Twth, from 5.. ¡ Sots, from 44' "'it. tU ?dd at thit own radd-% Irrespec' ive of distance. Ih7 -¡bOI:lJ£1.L AMU 0 0. 1 d M "CHERRY iTOOTH PAMB" greatly "as an other preparations tor >¡I price Is. 6d. per pot. "ot =P.- ?a. o?L."stores tha hnm<mh<dt to it< W,tim hne, ac matter at what ap; In bottles at 3& ?."TOILET AND NUBSKUY FOWDM" beaau- IWAI;sk pfeodr .J.O.Hd N-tg= .pd m '8. Md Me that you Ask for IOIlN QOI!NKLL and OOtIk and am ,hat rcm bAu none other than tlwr govam mikin. ?d°bT Uble OnemM* &W Perfamem WheUwtit, Angef Passago, A Uppw Thames-street w:t2 ?dool i6 ifoft THK BLOUIJ 111 THE UFK.0—bee Dent. CILAUKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD K I X T U R S. THB GREAT BLOOD PURMER AND BBSTOSn. F. cleansing aad cl earing the blood from aUimpuriticlo 0 ot be t- highly For PcrofulA, r^un-y, 3!iin DiaeAsee, and Pores cf all d it r't;'it:r:ln:U:- aU It Cure* Old Sores, Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Sfeek^ Cures Ulcerated Sore Lop, Oures B or Plmpl. on tho r- 0I1ree Scurvy Bores, Oures 0. Vlccrs. C? BloW and Skin uiseoses. Cures Glandular Swellings, Clears the Blcod from all Impute Matter, From whatevor cause arism*. As tM. !?uro i?.?ut t-iot:ta.te. 7{^aU} ooastita* t3?? b.. -YU?,.g mjur-ouB to the m^a tion of ithfr ?., the Pmprif?r M.ic.   ? to <i'e it o: t;¡io:ti:s:?r¡'fh'  Sold 'tb,tl;. 2. 8d..N -W- g .t M.- :r1,oI,tlr: rent mm gm ttke p 1, ?t -i",it?. y ALL CELMMS -?U?T??M?? ,o?BVENDOM worM< XKalu :ro=;:a ik;io¡Z7¡LM,Q:- or kI 1 ^dr«son r^ifto «0 tnooln. *• ;Hon- &AN. !UlB, j. D. ?. %196D..k.. ngg«ror ft r§:S:»n. m xb",w NI.J. zB P JONEM. B. D: TAORIIAN. 30 oiA-ju"T E13T. MAat?TMJM. 1"S, CAHDP'I"-1'72t4?tw Family and W,'M. ??" ??M,t to the Great W?t? R?l?y W.?Uan. Kbn««rcrery train. A Night PorUr la attandjno* 1. vULLtMfB. Proprietor. ow ClAKmbKAKMd KUKAl. KAMII.* ASK t< coMMIROLAL HOTEL AND POSTING HOUSB- J H PERRY. priet,or,-Omn! to .t "M ??'<t? PMket. N?t?ott<f)Mpt. A- t''?KlTt'AM)LY tUUMMKKCtAt. dUna. A" AND POSTING HOUSS, OARDIFF. Omnibum 10 nd from 0TØr7 Train -?d St- Pk-!t?..d the D.?k. A Night. Poft<j,HRNRY (XIUtlINS, Propri"w. ON £ LUBE COMNEKCIAL HOFEL, CAKDIFP. -An Ordinary Mil,. at b&lf,.put 01.1.,k. MWNTIO P.Piet,?, 88) ??TE LlOCKS.—WIND8UB HT:o' plate with ?r oon"niem "4 oon'^ t. An Odi-d'Aly tt."o ? -F.W.ARMRTRONO M7 BLUKiStiLL, Pannl* and M>iumercial Hotel, BC-diff.F oVr..W. E[UTT (late of the Oo..briMe A_ Pi- wftlk ^>*oni .n reilwuy 8ht:1n4. 7J7 JXC jllfUtW'W BKbHKSMMKSIT UOUMS, Fi t,?,. St. M"ry. U-' Odiff.-O.,d P.U DiDU" fr,- 12 to S. (nMfftM mod?to.-W. Fi?l,. is now in a position to enter into contracts with masters to provide m..ua d.lly for their 'D1p!oJ" Picniw suuvIh^L 731 iiÆ ttO)!}l I t J. -Th. b.. ffstiblirhmcnt b sit'iatod ttth')' varfa 5f Docks Poat-i.ftiee and Bntranoe, wt\t" VJ.U':)1:' will And evety comfort., Hot Di"n Good Bui* ShMtm'modSJt?JMK O?M. Proptietor IJ.3àa JCEV AT FOMEI-.TOKY HAYVTia, rhr PopW? CLOWN ( ate of Hutchinson aud Tayi?u?;,t Oirrus ) b.,?.g taken th? Fi?h irca. Ct??' wS"S ??td?f tl-tUt?m hi. otd 'ir¡'.i' pknahih. ?U\ALF?rHL.r'M?U?HAN?PLACE. XX PKNaRTH O'r^iLK.vlKN c.n bo l';J:D' dated "1 h '1 til. lied, i.d huO,¡I!.f.t.t:t.t co* culi lXJ.4 ami l.t ii^,i» pp, 'J)(rw,dc J'nvate rooms f-.>r F.v*i:i:» 4, -Ah"H PI h'lov, t r t<i -c *•» I !\H- Vr'Vii. fl'BE CAbTlE UO'lhcTT.. J DI"(,1 HClIe, &lertL>r. Omnibuaoe to e1rJ toroin.- (HUliO" l r< ;irit t<;r, BLbd, Coiniueiciul Bote), JL a few minatee' wtua from Yaie of Scatk and T?; ?IROWN?K 28. "¡gh 8tr-J, DAVIES J SfleApti t .nM'rti;r O:NCld to th i?,i, Co)lNlo1al Al-s Tr« < f ntlmort 11\8. 5ft fiifl* U ii CA t A b Hotel. Ji. Cl<ui&Ld-eticet, &:crtii>r. nLXiAsA UAio.-i hopr .tor. 11. 1. il;\ IV TKV/rM- V! i .t-?-? H. CI IBM. KtM. ."♦ l d A lSc|;p t Ah? V L &• r'J¡f:}p:;i' Wi L Ll, ?,? P,.i,,i?,t, *■ ttratpniitc f cfh.br«tMi Hton». W j ',«». spirit, c. -c-* #>LOhK i«7, H»«n stio t* — •) OU V G V JLLIAVS, CfiWT in t>- tt. »i: •• ales, and Lciidon aid Dubuu .toutA. .1..1111 throi oututrs* wkIk of Hf V :i'w-y 'tHI..1l14 hV Ii li I. U A ti •( 1JLACK LM»r» i thinly t?ttCc!. mcrcial Bou.' Pcrtus tw?d ev?:ty tr AhTHl K J()"h. p,"pir;.cr. ,).I V\ bHiL»UJi ^.hiUvS, ali 'J fcOY.aL >Xr:HANGh, !JIJ,.t A. 0, 'O UI Ales and Bed Bcntt hum. LhW 1 j 'Ywr. t tiAHD'hl?' C!A>TLh asscinb!* i and Commercial iuM>ms. Caroitf and ^>UA>etr(< near Taff Vale iStatWD.-1J. ttiCKe>, PruprLetGr.} "'031 Jrihi«'-Iïl:'w1(f't, •. minute from 1-ailway tations. Heroes aua on Hire, bDWAhl) IHÜ<'OU. I'rop"etor. 1 rJ| L IlK CKOWiS, tommui'ial itouso. Th\ n!irak'ro Wu.Ct: JA{' CommiNion ud ? miirnti? A"fl t. fropriotor. >I; W-' lLiT¡¡lU:ï,tv crK"MtotPo:. < ▼ w at Muthjr), b. w? to iut m t"i tr.II'8 .,1 Ue public that he baa takm the Si aR AID RAL,WAYINS, Urap-toad, Alxrd»iu b<t«v*u ti, b.,n..t >'au:iou -d Abeidare), ond hopes to .ur. teir p&koD&¡¡I), WiD" and spirits r-f th b«*a | rnnDty bI)oj ANuh" ULU CilUiiCa. J3L AUfi-KDAKK WILLIAM PHILLIPS (IRto of B'ui.wudl HIUI commenced Business at the ..1> old-establishca 14rJullfJ. F ire Alf* CIU a»«a<?ht and 1ft b<1tt' 19c> SWAKA. n1H.b OXFOhU INN. OXF RlI,SmEET, 'bWANbkA.-A. 0. NOBR1S, Proprietor. The above Inu is LuW uuder De. m&Laccmcnt, and the Pioprietor wiskes to C.U1 Uo atten- O". tt? MMI?G tv fw&nsea. Firet-r's^ aoccn. modatio. for visivors aDd <:Icuniuahto. Ale., wineo, and !tTit8 of the beet bra< d. ?'0 1>H FawTlY -d ioMUKkCIAI B l R¿;tb:ihd J61 c? the OI'" Bailway fetation. Blgl. street, Swanuea. Jnt r'UTa::od 11,.1.II, and ro decorated. Accommodation for wDri" l'i, kt ix rt". 9M o l> to'> i'A> 1 A U • *i< OM 8, H 47. H ":It.iRE};,I t1VR¡. b.. Kstablishmect i. situated withia a t,.rt di^uo) 0. tkeDccks and Railway ttatiuns, w hme visitors Md e cursionuts will imd every comfort. Hot dinners, (food teds, moderate ohar#e«i.—A. R. So KKATati,Proprietor.V0I DHL P H 1 Uo T E L, 2i. WINE AND SPIRrr VAULTS, MWAASSA. li. P, AlKl^'S, Pnt>PHiSiHiH. WELL AIRfcD BKL&. Vi¡OU BILLIARD AND SMuO ROOMS. Notim. Chop.. Wke' &c'at tbe Shortest Notice. H.B.— The Loyal Grove LoO^e of G.C.O. of Oddfallow. t'1t>It1 her# every altera^te Tuesday. 67 A & T If ? 0 e h H 0  T E L. ?L WINE ANU 8:;R nJ:A T 111 L. 9, HIGH-STREET, BWAHSKA. D. REK6, PnopKiVTom. Commercial and Smoke rooms, well aired Beds, Bot ant Cold IDintcrp, at tbe ehoitett aohce. Largo room and aceommodaticn lor excul'1'iúu"tø, k, Whit Monday. N.B.-Court Prince of Wales >'0. 3,J26 of the AadeaJ O'der of Foresters held ten- a\*e* n»t.e Mondays* 33d FOREST OF DEAN. K E O H hOlUk HOTEL, S t a'i::t th i1"'t t'1 .u!. L. ngl.d. N??lyr?2ltd. PI"u", parties will 8"1 .y comfort at .d?.t. b.g.. Oruquet, Archery. atd Crickct g,ouud., Luncht?n. and di=m on tbe shortest nollce-J, W. RoY'J! Prop-ietor. JoiENIIAM, GLOUCH^TERSHIBE. YICIOKIA BoTkL. Family, Commercial, and Posting Hcute. Good iiuaaid room. Omni- lb? mœle wl tr.i" This Botella most oonvenlent foc gentJcmen visiting Forest of ik.. .r neighiwurhood. YSTRAD. b i i I yST h A D, u. I, ) A YALLET. BE IDG END HOTEL, Close to 1Iail..ay Station. BILLIABDS AHD P » 8 T I J ft. 1::0 AT, PitrD PRIOE. PKor^iinoB. amLTH WKLLX. fjHIiMfRb&NUR ttOUt? JOIIE.% Pmpr;xt". LLANWRTYD WEL S. OELCOhD bt U.-lt.- J his Bottl, recentlj ewwoed. is elogautly famleb-d -?d replete wita e.or¡ oonnnirnce. ??itu?ited on the bantstthe Bi,. Irvon (a treat stream) near tho minend sprinTS, whilk are within the hotel grcuuds, and free I4ri"1<>rl, Baths. Good stabling. Omnibus mtets every Jones, Proprietor. I LLANDftlNDOD "IH.9. f|)BB PUMP ~HOUSE SfuTEL. MR. AND MRS. MORGAN Beg te return thanks for the patronage and rapport corded during the past eight years, and beg to -Y the# they are now preparwl to afford extra aooommod&tIon. PRIVATE APARTMENTS ARE AVAILABLKs Botttt ttt out on Private Lake. Good ttable and ItfCE»a> Coachhonse. Omuibus meete all Trains. TW:X3HJ üN .6 ClOLEMAN'? HUTKL A?UcUMMifRCtAt- ? BOARDtNa HOCSB Is new ready for the reception of TttitoM, with.every oon.enience.od oomfort, and moderate cf^arges. WithiÆ three mirutes* ralk of the Kaiiway citation, the oweorau* MinenU Waters, and the New Church. I'IUVA'rB APAIHMl>r,1':i. 1»03TIS<3 ASD BAbDLa. HORtik^, For f?. particulars apply to the Proprletor, m h.wln CJL?.M&'R.- |~iLANEBOH HOTN? I LANERCH  LEWIS EVANS, cf Abcrjscwith, begs to inform in- tending visitors to Llanurindcd that he hiis taa^n tilt Llancrch Hotel, lately occupied by Kr, Dawson, aud » now reudy to receive L, ir r.at.onø¡¡e. Good Stabling and lock«up Coachhouse* t4S EST- ENDH^OUS E, KORTuN-TEEEACB. KR, and MRS. JAMES, eon., Respectfully inform theirFriends and the ruol'^ iffensrauy that tkey have taken tho late residence of M oor wniy Moyd, where they will be enabled to let suiutle duita 01 Rocms, iÙ1 every 800llmmodatJon" Croquet, Goed Jj"Oe"K H^O USE HOTEL. P. JAMES and SON hform tMt n.mc?M '?trru. ?.tt ?td is replete with every oomuni. nee for the sea. jo. Pubho and Privte nooms, li, Uriue!, C.oq\wt, &.¡; @ E T H E L H Q~ USE. SELECT BOABDISG AND LODGING HOUSK. Within three minutes of the Railway Station, the WelIt, and We Church. For terms i't T'J to HB8. LATTOF. rr;, WESTERN J.Il. CAKJOIST^ BCTLDEB AN'J HuUSK DBOOBAT'IL F. 8. tCCK, J^eetg3te-ftreet. —OAB'AND MOBRSiKH eaACB I' "t. D. 3. R.,)d.h.CWI. f ccNTKA' 10B k HdRriCULTUKAL BCILDKR. V.M. SKAC-KB, John.ftrrft, Bute.tcet. H. B. BOPLTtM.cnt.? of .Lh:;leMt, t' PCMMKR B?.V.h.hAChS. LEMON KALI, h'tBET, FBA>RS, Vholetale Conloctioner, titul\rt._U: ?'' OT KK?Yc?YHOMMin!??'-??- uC rrcpnetor of XenuA't paL4 Wona ?-?? *? D^i>dolion Co/Tea. "uSijKBTAKEh, 'HM'?'r<rcOAOH fBC"aiB' ?t 0. A. SM.N%? I Mtd I ? Wotki??-ttrcct.  BKISTOlu. OOAaB BUiLDBiU). W. Boams u4 00.. Bt. O.We,Oc LLAHWUTYD WESiViS HoIrm EBBPBB. BBNJAIHH JONBS. Doleoeed Home. KERTHYIL -Ãi."Dï'HOTOOlW'IiJ>,¡: nariHia mi COMI-A7T, 88, ¡ugh..1rœt '¡.'JII. Ii ynloan). L ——— J  CAKVmM. elLDt-B-t, tc. tt/.<t;Fj?T?S? HABB18 and CO., S?, KUh-strfw iqi- jiV-3 ■ M??wpopT ARTISTS AND Pi3M-)GRAPHF&S. HARRfB and CO.. Kojsl Arcade stuou. Printtd for the Proprietors by Henry L?cELL  CARB, and pnbhphed by him at thoO:?" ? the W<-si? Mai4 Saint ?y.strMt. C.whft. u t Connty of GItmor?t-n; at the (Jog?AS ETAN8, NewM?nt. in the P.ri-h of ?t. John ts« E,ongehst, in the Borough of Br" t t' Shop of DAVID Wiluamh. Bockse'M m?' Pri,h of St. MMy.m th, B?c?h of ?Irdi in the Shop of M? J?-1, Stationer, Br"I1!' etreet, in the Baroa?h and County of Œ\Vcrf: WMt; in the Shop of Bbkkarz) Rs?. t?,?k?e:l", in the Town of L!an?:y. in tM ('), ? -Of m&rtben in tbo Shop cf TR,!aAV Bookel1r. F(ruhrç.ko D.?k. in t'O Pembroke; M.) hy ?. N. John- '?  n'frci?t.etttft, Kewpcrt. in theCca?ty ( ^,s. month. SATUBlJAT, AUCU&T 0^, 1673.