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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS IN THESE COLUMNS. 8 WORM .?nnsoB raM^i? INSERTION .8IXI'DOIII MX ^S|uSigBnl TI0W8 .iüg: CLKtUCAl. MDiÙ;iJH\DÕ. -'M. M?tember 1-4 a CKXT?FiOilHO M?IH? IhO!fMU?rbiwM'xed,?chwi, kW%rykilO Kwith ?i%or $"ter to atteo? to n*.ale»ork ?d pii??it twher0o riv'T^Pl^' wcl?i.?Z twtlmuu!*U. oa or b? f,)m &4?t l: to tw !r:r,'¥11fity WANTttD by kibfrH («)ctiemtn. ?TirLH for t)" T UtMittf ordm?tMn.—A?drtM liph., RjJh.'?. D.Ygyfy 'h4 c?.Y, North wl.. U,.o.lh.¡d, WANTED lWmdlately, ?!?I'' Et-fOTI& TKACHiR.-a.,ply to Mr. K. Lewis, Bima Brttiih M'ooi. Newpen. M<? 10 WANTKD, a MDRSKR* G0VBUN838 to take •ntire h. ,t Sve chttdtm. '"d ttten? to th.ir ?.*d, M* fcuie ?h.t Mt?y rq.ird -Apply «'?"' l«B«r, PrutM of Wal" HcUl, Blaenaroo. 470 inL?TD7?Y.?i? "NUMitB? W bh.??N; one axu»tomcd to ch?M'0''arch- womM pMfett?.-AddKM M. A. W. 3, Rook-houwa, T-by. 138 A-t2?£It:,fK;N :lIdB't.. mtd»URi?ES«AttltMKKX a. UOVaiMM.- .&ddree J.. PC'8t01k. TnforM*. Glamorganshire, 158 A- U!J¥ t.t?tt?b '.u h??AUtfittt?T ttMUTt? A"Nb" to JOOOff (?hildmn m a pntleman a family Sft?'?.?? ?d liu% blakLol"-keetv bri&iw. 40t A-1IUVÚL'Ä;y;j¡';í-1iÇ-dM' Station M (40?'EliNLSM to 3 g ohiIdre.Ad ttoMrn Unvu. C.Ith-. û3 DOMESTIC SFRVANTS WANTRD. ViJ £ W ZKaLAND.—TH& GOVKKSMttHT Of KBW .1. ZEALAND Graut tfiiBiC FAStiAU'od to DAIHY WOMEN anil IX^Mh^TIC dEKVANTd. The Jtmigrants are placed, during the P"8. ia charge of Matrons, and en armal tb, are maintained, at the Emigration PA-k% -W they mbet -th euffawmeuta. Com- =kS' 'o= wmfortable ituatim. at good Apply t"nocally or by letter to the AgenV GeDeml for New d '7-Wat?W??W?ba% ,Vi,wi'.t-t. London, Si?. London, Julr 19th, 117S. 335 W ANTED, .t.id ?6.d p- -Worit?g HOU"& W Á:J:b. I:d "oo:: OOlt rIB, pud muat product" tiiat-claai referenoee.—Apply to John Kvans, srooex, Khjibney. 141 WANTED, W 0 a G HOUSBKBEPREL for a business house, Age not under 40.—Address M. B., Post^offioe, 8wans»a. 780 ?tOOK WAKXMD. Wg? to wmmenw at ?! pw COO:¡: ::D toh&di:. ";IIS 808W" to Madi?l IIDpulntoadaAt. Jowi Oouati ?syl"? C-wtben. 386 W Al'tIihD, ¡n a (:hliW81l.0'1I .If'IUXlHy. an upenollcad ▼ f OOOK, who underttauus Dairy atd bakiog; not ""iNd:ikbrU: =f,e uneer M; g"- w.g?k-Apply to Um V..gh?.. P.hiu. Haverfordwest. 51 WANTBD immediately, a crood PLAIN COOK. One wbo would make her»eif generally useful. AgoA eharecter indupeasable. -Apply, by letter or p«rsonauy, 0. M.. U. 2dir. d.. A, 1. 42 W AbTbL), a goW VOVL-ÁpplJ at Aopa's iiote4 W OMti?. 60 A»TIBD7 a good PLAIN OOOK in a Qentlemaa's F..ily ia H..pbir. and to manage a smtU DWry.-Apply to III" Long, L-god4l, Manor, KOD' .th..71 \\J AJ>iKI>t au experienced OOOK, for Hopkins's Yf Dining Rcoms,—Apply to A. E; S. Keates, Wind- ktoeet, Swansea. 509 W AMTSD immedist?ly, a good OOOK, a NU "8 to W ..ftD\t=!J,O'1" t a •BOOM b,. to nde and d,i,. ?,dl, Only applications .t.ti.g W, we., and f. and addressed Bjx post oflioe, Meithyr, will be attended to. 499 w ANTED, a thoroughly good plain OOOK for a small family; mnstbeable to wash, iron, and bake. eeod wages, and all found. None need apply whooannot prednoe a good personal character from Uuit plaoe. Apply to Hi*, Morgan. Gatth-house, TalTs>WeUc uaax Cardia. 10J GOOD PLAIN COOL-No nottoe taken of applications uaiees accompanied by a referenoe.—Apply to hi- Probort, Femoeebacn, Meitayr. 4td g OOD OM]i. IC. ''dpl?-ti- -t-nded to unle" Vl -.i,d iUL ,Appy to KrL 11-.Y W, U-.4 ol..6r M. Ll- i1-Y, e llJ W] AATMD, NVBØ, aboat 15, f-0-bWd; Yf MOthM my-S kepL-App4poe.Uytoxm e. Toralh, :!8J, Bute-street, Cardiff. 100 mi J aNTAD, th'.udt' gd OUAMdtfHMAlD.— W .u¡;:J'.tb¡ur:n l.:t:'dÁic W &roiiisD "ï;;¡i:OIl lJAlÄ ÿ íi..lï NV not -do, 25 y- of age. A-Ut- gi,. ia cUkIq :II "tI.aa!ooeli;to eompeteat person. — Address IW- ,.V rww. SSS?TeM H&vM'tordwMt 718 U: .&NTiD GKNF:IÙí, 8ERVAKT, 16 or 17 ,ean 01 t<t—Apt? tt No. 2, Berb6r.troet.. 147 at W'tfiöv&î=APP G ^MLsL oldiiVA^X WaM'SU; must understand pjftyi ocokii>g, and give good reffeieaoe. —Apply at 8i, Oxferd-btxeet, 1S.naea. 53j \AJ AM'iKD, ,I- Ob?N KRAL BBBYANT tbst do Vf p1ai" <*>Jmg. Goc?d Fhamtar. Wages, £ 10.— &?d4?A?.Z .Offi..h Wd?ff. M WAHTBD, at one* foci UNNEBAL asavARr.- WAZ%»to"l:mNie' port, lion. *L w t,. g GIUL to uit g..or. servant.—Apply at 5, Xempl^street, Swansea. 473 W :i;;g Yïfos,, tU A SM916 If gtatleaait; age from 30 to 40; a bor kept.-?Lddim. =:ued. &0" Mr. o.ks. Kinrou. B I Port, pc? W?jM. ?? ? 159 WjjllBil, a good, active ^BNBttAL bBHVANT.— W A A. to H, here, Bt?'h O?tttfM. Peatrth. 61 «&; ANTAI). Two OBNEHAL,d W Ái-ö!¥JJ:Jto: roù, 0*K''B. _?._ 45 a thu",bJ, good Do-t?. SB RVAN! j must be well recommended.—Apply Oakfleld- h.,M W,ldw, ..t-t, R?th, Owrdiff. 710 ¡rBi" ilRóoirW¡¡ "SERT ANrnQMI MaHTaY. lun""ox e«w HiU (oppMitt the Inirmarr^, hmport, Moo. 10w DOMEBTIO 8KBYANTB WANf VLACBS. WANTED, by a respectablo iE:ä" W a SITUATION ? EuL'?t Ki?JCPglt, to a tingK gentleman or id. no bjecuQn to t,d. a?tMMt.etmenMt.-Ad Ft Off-, 8,.n. 16d CIOOK WANTS a ffit?tim in a (4antle?'. family. Preach and English r6oh6roh £ dinners. Baking aud dairy, if rqui.,?d.-Addr- l? S., 18, B"w2!=4 son. 979 SITUATIONS VACANT, a MATETTR AUTHORS -y Ootib.to te a MentutT A. MagwLe. July nmbw. with 1ÙIU'I, ae,en .t-pc Adam Mt.. T4 Wa.? g:1??wdien 331 My|A2<A(iKK for BLAST PORNAUiiJ.—WAMTBO a JKL th.ghly -.ptnt MAN, to take the entire .k.g. of HiA.k FOUMAOBS. He ?,11 b. required to give tift?,y rcferenoes t. hi. practical expuneuce = :tï:;U:w' Wf't<n '¡o7á;P:: 1Wl  a toIB1"tWr-'1àte'ô A t. w.,k. UEyUI "KS PUPIT,Add.. K. 0, ofHN-tllw't, .i -.t,.t. N.wprt. +W AW. — WAN Pivi7"a COCATY úOu,u OLani? Kn?l?t?:e i i elsh indispensable. lt3famum. and _aril, reQuiftd.-Aaar. v., IU. !Wb.L K. 1.\ Cl>aaoer"ÙUI8, L'Id". W C- 457 nW ANTED, a quick and intelligent BHOhTHAND WRITER.-Apply to but. Peeks, Oardiff. 118 tjt.'?NltD, Dou&le oUry BOOKKKBPER <ad Go.. A:J d=.ll\n to U.. ti.. vr.t- M&W* (MBee. Cardiff 312 W- ANTBI), Mi-t BODERSEPBR; perfect .w.;r.. of Ymuh iadupecMbte.-ApptT to "Id L. Owen, Docks, Cardiff, 150 ANTBD, PKEWOR t. ??d?,t.Lk. the OHABTBR- WB¡O:Nr. Q-=: &11' Broker'IUmoo I tt.. r) ..I..td ..d rW- -AddreM J. and (b. Post offloe, Newport, Mob. AHTBD, on an estate in Glamorgawhire, a OoWery 0LBBK, to keep -u.t. and .k. himself g?.- rally -t.l. H. muat Ilt? good hand, If¡e MtlOf- ??*'oM. MfT n?d ??ity (or .e?. One ?h. oaa survey preferred. Salary, klio per anaam.-Address L Il, Post^oftoe, Neath. 519 no OW¡¡LL Md 00., t?e Odiff DMpo-t. h?x VAO?N. Jl CIKSfwtbLrm JUNIOR OLM tIrSN h, VAU&S. W ANIKD immediately, in an I- Merchant's Offloe, W a tMpe?ttb?e YOUTH, ,b.,?t 15, fl?? to -k* lmuelt generally .-Apply p?nally to 0aD1eU Joe. 0- Wharf, ??wp??? I2- 1on. 497 W-iitl¡;;1J-1iM&dïnóïii <ot I IW works in Swan?; must write *?d.peU?.11. The p,- ..t haTe Ailed "!Ii,lar ,ituM!). Addms Storekeeper, •• v. ("taru MaU' Qgoe, Swaasea 5;S CCRATlVa" APPOINTMENT.—An e.,?blibd and w.1l.ko?. Fi,. -f Bankruptcy  Liq?,id?t. A.om'.to, Law, aud ?,,f taniouai oKou l a, icq uu o a mn'rVl!h;o.n to wndwt a Bruch Offim; utim*ted in?me. jOi?0; eapital aeoesssry about £ AQ -State qualiSeations by letter to Alpha, 8, Surrey-square, London, S.B. 160 A GENT WASTED, for Oardiff aid District, withooa- aeotioo amoegst manuf^c uiers Ac for valuable new so8position ror covering boikn, &0. 1.&rlle commissioiL. (Rood references it dispensable.—Address U, li9, oare of 8, Gr.wnNI. ad»erti*ing sgent, Liverpool. Sf8 IjfcKMANkNT~hMPLO11 fcAiT, — Active, intelligent MEN cam e&in £ 5 weekly ia taking ?m for oar novelties — something new bought by all Hare oppntnDity. No p.,i. k- Idg. re- ,allec1.-AdùN88 O. kL Ba.. d Co.. 1 St,d, Loadoe. 1^ W' ANTED ¡III;: A.&N'ld i., J?wn.y -d W Fancy Go ds; send addressed envelope Ut prioe tUt to Jamce Simmous, manufaoturing jeweller, 28, Ild,b..to.t,rett. 45 GENTs"WANTE D f., Bi-i.gt?.. G.J. and A Jewelry. 8<.toa)<.d?. I)ta<tMt<dpri<)tUtt, eue stamp; samples of Jewell-ry six <xtra.—Apply to 8-'ki-y. and c: ;í j;ïP.:u Beath.tmd, Birmingham. 703 Ki)lCAL.— WANlKD iramadiaily, an ASSMTANT .1'.1. tov,4t. di,p d U..l .?dwif??y. Ma't be flperlenoen, aM of .trleU, mmiLihbit.Addmo MWI *M,"WM'?mMtU"0<Eco.PoDttpndd.' 1007 W) (ta.:n¡,tigl;i\:oio" VT ttrMt.?wMM?. h.. VAOANO? for Two well- O(d 'Youth. '¡iKSTWKS, AN APPBKNTIOB UIRSD by J. C, OTJowi AbT'rIf:tip Small < < 307 EAbMsIu WA>Tki>, at Ut^iievue Vaults, Aferthyr.— )I Apply, persooally, with ..Ioteo_. A t.owledge W.lsh Uldi*Pe?ubl% This ulikbi"m,nt doom oa '<*)". ? T?"' WANTED, ? fMond WMTftBj? .-ex: ?' perieaced need pp" -APP'y to (4- HoM. 1I.rt. Mon n_ -0 I:!l' 1 \WiFJtKY. W\N'1KU, aD .noeoi -yuû.:o¡Ii 1)''??'.?!??'?'' W?"?M?? Ap.17 to J. M. ThonisH. O^mhTi-^n Honiwi, l.lAnwU^, HO f|H( UBAfKHJS.— WiVlKD iminwlnteli, ."juNIOtt ,,616TANT.- Apply to 'H*. ?.uH, Clath.h»)l' Ab-ld-e. 87 DBAPBBY.-WAUTKn IMMBDIiTKLY, Yonmr Jr-%ELAPRRY. IMPROVER; t:M JUNIOR H?D. -Appy to lktl- Joseph Th.? ig..th: 4'4 1 b' M.pWoib.r lit, C*obi- I I porifDO«i YUDNt) L&I)IBd (or P.noy D»p»rti«Qt Fbewroom S.0t».-Appljr to M. Fukiix, U. Oifjrd. 8WMMM. 455 r1 .^o I'A'I?<T&KT8.—WAHTR' a l,u?birg JUN Ott H&N D -Apply. with f»U p irti- ,h,n, to W. J.LeWI",Lo"40D'I!d_ 101 DRArKBY.—WANXKD. a good pushing JUMIOI UA.Nl ?MTwoI?PMO?HM*nd MAPPSHS- 1,Al,ply to D, Be?,oo, Oo,tre/alllea, 531 X1 J BA p>:h VT-WANXK dT«YOPS> m\» ot go 3d oi- puienc. and ability, aud thoroughly trutworthy. ?pt'?° H. Or?mttcU, H. IX, Md li? Uigh^triMt, Kew- pcrt, MOD, 6i8 DKAFdliv.WAATSt', a >t«ady ¥OU»(i MAM for t (i.ueral Drap«ty. WeJ.h indUpmabla —Apply, .?th particular•, to G, Ctoorg^ .If.W.. Abudai^ BAPBBY.-WAStTltu, a w<U d,td TOOTH M ][)ILAFBILY tm Ap ?y to Henry D.,i?., Stepney Hou»e, LlaneUy, 1M DRAPERS.~TTANTKD at onoe, a good ttetdy X HARD. Welsh ludlspeuable,—Apply to Ihomas Lewia. ox!old,atro.t, 8..0. 13:1 )RAPDR& WATKD, Pri d YOOfG ] [ MAN for the OatMttin#, and experienced 8U..E WOMAN; .1, -P.,l MILLIBBIL. who Mtw; Md APPJMmnOH.-App? to T. YomU4 411 'IMJ UB&PKB4.—W.« R. Darie^lOloth Hall, Uanellyii X ..i.WARTof-e. HAND j Welih M- '«Mry tM rr o D1-APSR8.-WAHTBD laimediaUly, ti»0 good JL JUNMR iAND&-Apply to 0. M.WUluunt, H«w D-aperv !)<ttbh?mMt. Ab-ry.twith, 1M WahibB, ?hctiy MbM.iBtc?trioMYOnNO MAN W M DrapM't AMi<t)mt. Appty to Mr. B. M. Krr'lI. QulldbtJl-.qnare, CarlJlarthen. 123 WAflTKD, M cxperienoed UMp?'t ASMaTANT, who ean ipeak bt tb low- Apply to Th.. PhiVipt, mtUt Ahop. im- *S?'"APP T ? ])'r:1C Afr:er Mp<?ie*eed HAB? DABHHR. Al.. ImproTet -d App..ti. to the O..ridDrapery.-ApW,WT.YorstbL.19w?. 1169 '110 DBAPHB8.—WAMTBO medl&&ely two good X JUS SOU HANDS, alw an APP*MNXI0B.-Auply b. W. )L Jo..6 t% W P to W. B. Joaea, Oloth Hall, uw PM41ridd. 519 WANTBD Immediatel,: aa experleaoed -YOnïiiw;. w.DRHM W MA?TLJX-MS?.-Appiy.et?Uttg age, Ac., to Morgan J?, Dmpair, Oarmarthnn. 371 W~ASTKd7in in-door APERKSTIOB to the D?- "iLking;abooneocit-d?toUeDream &ad Mmi..ry.-Apply to Ww.w. Clarke, PatU Ho t?. rl.? ;,t. U. 331 DLL. BEBfl, 0-th.N hM 7AOANOY f.r a D.IIî.ro=e==¿ÜN"EhO;b1: of setYiLg co>toman. 454 WASTED, a YouOTm WpBOtMT"«irl WAIBTOUAT HAND. -Apply t 14, Cardin. i ■ U TAlLOttdT -WA14TID I a WUIIKANI. 'iU!i;t:D;i;f; Maeateg, 31 fjru TAiLUKt? WA?iMU tmm<dttteiy. ihreet!ood Ia AApply to D. 8. WiUiium, MtndMater-houM. P..I?wdd. a- ZW?. BOOT TKADK. — WAN lxKD imm»luin«y, gjoi HpL:cf;:¿ÅP:1Y ""ij BroomSeld.. 44, WeUiii||tou-«treet, Canton, Cudifl. 59 B OUT AND WHOM THADS.-WANTHD immediately, .U?wo?tcod Aa''Ia'rAt)T?. Perootmt application preferred.—Apply at 30, Ciwtlo-Btreet, Swansea. 379_ BOOT AND BHJB TBADB.—WANTBD immediately, a ?yo?g MiNaa A9dlSTAN"i', moat have filled a .imilmait"Uo"' Al.. Vouug iady a» 8aløowomao.- Apply to W. 0. PMMM, itcyi?AKMie?O?rdtt:. IHO ANTKD,an experienced8Alil £ BMAN totheCUbinat, Carpet, and Oenoral Furaiihing tr Good character axd rtfbroncoe required.—Apply to t i. Moa98 and Seni, 7, Hih..t.root, (jwaceea. *°» BOOKRY^WANTKD, by the }I-tag Qo.operati,e ?J ociety, a 't'.e XouB? MM towative G, T. Age about 18. oi.u inpea?bi? Applicatiou, atDtu. experience, eahory, tdo" tuti.i" to be sent in at ouce.-Apj.ly to IL David, iTor-streot, l173 GKOChKii and Proriaioo Asaiatant.—WANIUli im- mediately, an experienced Young MAS well ap in the above trade. Apply to K. Morgans, Carmarthen. rT>0 OHOUKRB' AfiSlSTANTS.—WANTKD, a To..g j,A,i? -b. 11, ?h. h. had th- or four y. eIDeri.nce behmd the OoonWl.-App17 to Uwrge Wil. liams, Grocer, Poutnewjdd. 131 GROCERY. — WA14TED tmmeditMy, JUNIOR Ur ASSISTANT.—Apply, stating age, salary, Md r» GROACTESRISYTi. iA!?NTp -)L4 To-ypomu Pot_.tn.. near PoBtypriiid.? GUO(<ivRtj.-WAM'iKD immediately, a good eeoonl ,T-E..AN.-A,,Iy to uw. !D. otl? TO U..R:t:'¡id= Ry.-g N- -.at to Prorisious.—Address, .met, Swan, 471 with Ipaiticu ais, T. J. U. = e. Goide. Key, Ne»U^ BOOEBS* ASSISTANTS.—W AN TED immediately, a oompetent Young MAN.—AppJy to John Williams, G M" = :t YZ",m A A 153 GROOERY.-WANTBO, an MpehenMd nUtD. Good ?JT retMeitMf.-Appiy to &II:'l High..t,.t Aberdare. 179 \\i ANTH.D. a strong, aati.eyoung man aa IMPKO'lsIR WA:å<:ë::yl,o;v:'lU1.fiad:píy" Lewia DtTi?. NMtTt'o. ? ? ls8 WAfi'lB^ immertiateiy, an experienced PSAS JN in W ttte'oSSit?YMt) PtmvistONTR?eiC.t?t fm3u 26 to 30 ¡ mwt particularly how bookkeeping, he will bechietiyw nr ?ul mi no w bookk?ping, as he will be chiefly engaged at it—Apply, with rf?..3N to Jwn Pb,Uips, Tredegw, Mon. n \H/?tt'rKi? TuNIOR AMIaTANT, tw tm "W-Â;o::B¡:p:A.T:i, b.i.em Wdb.-Apply to J. Morg?, Cirole, Trede^u. 5W r|X) GhoodBw A86ISfANT,4.-Wa TEL), JUXlOS X HAND; W?dib.-Apply. with fu pticl.. 'to Gregory and Phillips, Ntath. 75 AN1ED Immediately, a strong actiTe YOUTH a« an aPPBX&TIOB to the Grocety.-Apply to John Thomas and Bon, grooew, L1ane11y. 71 r«io GROOBB&-WANTBD an -pat..d Hi??.D, T. &Uo. a=?UNI,)fL- ? pg. ly, stating ttge. refe? feresoe, and salaiy, to P. Jo?, ukend, Lyd.?y. 65 B"- -AKBI'W UITBD- immediately, a sobar young Bbian M BKOONDBANDm Bt?eheuee. Mdtad? yer bmdwithhorsoind %?rt.pply to W.. P DA,i. (ttMer. MM)t6t-'tTMt. _?outt y?,.o1l?. M firO CO!* KBCDIONIHS.—WANTBD at onoe, a SECOND Apply H" ,)!C7MS.-WANI'BD roe, a SHCOND !P, t,r 't .h. to 3A. ?: tiomr, 51, N.W"Ort. Arf)H JOBBi,%tJ.-Tw- -tl;l MEN WANTED; W couetant woA-Appty by lvtwr, with nferoao, to Mmund Weight, G, Merthtf. rï'1v-W'Iç.ü.-JU-BI!¡';R.WAÑTID¡;£ I X fire?oldge WOR?KAIAN.-Apply. ,kUng age, to J. Bood Wmlaw" Go',?l,mith.'Hxb? UaterfonliMt. 121 fl'0 PARENTS AND GUABBIANS.—WANTBD, an iu?Ligent ud ?tilre YOUTH u ? ot)t-d" Apprentice to tt?? elk ..d Watch Mki.gB..i. :Dcewm e ;:b\ 1ifn:un:é abof. and allO of Jewellery. A .mall premium required, whkh will be returned in wafles during appr?,?ti?.tip- Add- A. B., Western Mail" odi.. Owi:1'. 8, WUTiD';b;bí;-YOUTH 'U' Apprentioe to the PH()TOGRAVIIING. to T. L, How 8, Duke-.t-t, C.,dig, 1W mo PAINTBRS —WANTBD, two or th- 9-1 T:Ii;J:-f.'DA. U:=9t Llanelly. WANTED immediately, a -d HO USB PAlNTKti; W A;>IIm=J:t¡'bJ:=-ŽTJ: M. L.?. bild. A. Uk. 4H AN1KE>, MAN in the Body-making DJportmont, ard that turn !WI hand bbig. App ?y to B. Bnrchell, Coachbuiider, Pembroke. 1& I SAE,NJK: a stead. Young M&N aojua- t.d to g.l h, _Ayp James How.. ,addler. MODwouth, 164 WANTKD, agoodBMllHand UBiiLHANaBR 000' .t..t work to"te"y mu.-AppJ1toJ.M. L.. builder, Ac., Usk. 4075 in?ffil. ?wo good mlmig?t SKiYff$ and One WHBELWR1GHT, immediately; -.t-t.. Piy. .L Apply to T. Id.rWy. WWork.. Oardiff. 117 Af¡iIJrTïit,N=:i.p"¿' CX. ANCHOR SMITHS, to make small situs up t. four ??t -Apply to Mr, J. W. Morgan, general manager, Garth Work., TLfl,. Well, near Ordift. *51 rillNWORKi.—WANTED, an experienced and t??dy X MAN ROLL TU BNB% lo take charge of two mills; a competent MILLWRIGHT and PATTERN MAKER ==ltr-:11:"Ka Brc." Po.trhydymn, N.wpot. *1 ANTED, T tHMPLATB WORKBB. Constant a.- WA TL:n,A\ WilliaiLs, 51, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 178 WANTED, MOULDERS. Higb?.twW Apply to H. W. T., Wood4iae Fo=e Sauuden- ?ot. 541 VVIS-1 y I" at good MOULDIR.- Apl'? to T??.Wtk,?,dry. Mountain AA. 1:0 ANTED, a :1 EKm" MAChTnB It ,V 'L for lb i-9 ..&.t..d his b..i.Add,aD., Wtr. MaU" OM,,?N Newport. n J mX OBHBVVKBS,—Practioal liUKWlsa (long experienoo) is open to an ENGAGEMENT. Can brew London otanI, stock; and mild Barton Ales. Good ref.lOO8.- Address J. 11., 13, Wyndham-oretosnt, Canton, Cardiff. lint W ANTED, a MAN, at the Oopper House Inn, Owm- ?. Tibob. to BBBW and make himielf p.awlyumful K..wlWpof brewing not nooomiry. 149 Soda -WATBRW&NTED..YOUNG MA« SOtR6WP;1:r k-t. N.wprt, Mon. *08 ANTED, a strong, active YOUTH to assist in the _.b4, 9..rally useful. -App11 a' OLM.. Bod wd Oom Stores,  4,5 A PORTER, to k a spring cart, WANFN 3 immo. A ::nt"k:f:fe.tth _IÃp; to th. t!"auea l?. O..P-Y. IP61 WAN1BD immediately, a PORTER for general work, W ;¿m.,ati:Jgafr,r;!l,r: ghepbord, ckip-chandler, IJ- 445 W I,tp=8:: LAD for a Printing O,. .4p, ud Browu, Swansea. W8 W ANTED, a fltronff, -tl,* LAD.-Apply 9 W¡::o:.ttõ' &.&8;i: ::iŒ: 4i XnTBD, a strong LAD, from 15 to 13, to íak charge of a bo- md make himelf generally ooefn1-=: :h :I:nr:;r11 WANTBD, a single MAB, w*,kig FAR!A H&[LlFkl. W A.1,TBII. = d.r Z.t priuotpal. Oae capable f:tt:.nII!'b;I:rrM; APPIYi,¡.b1 1,?t t. to Agricola, P?r-oMM Newport7. ? on..?34 aMED, a married GROOM ..d GAR W .ih ==o: :ab-:t to Dr. P-b!,t, Pencaebacb-koase, Methyr TJdfil. 411 W ANTED, an INDOOR MABI SERVANT; garden to b* ,ad.d .t ,,? "r11,11, 11 ful references repuired.—For partiaulan appl1 at tho M W..tern Mail" Office, Swanses. *80 W AiTtkD, a Younff Man about 17, to make himself geaerally in the garde*, aad attending oa pory, cow, pfgs, aad ponltry, at a small country hoase.— Ad, t.tig W.R(l? "ith ana witb,.t .d-d Ictelntr, O. 0 C..Po.t.o?t?',RridgAnd. 138 aiXUATlUNd WANTED. WAt'MD& to APPBBBTIOB a gkoag LAD, wed 15, 10 the &n,ia-uar ,PitUAg. wh- good uperi. enoeœD be acquired. 0ardiJ! prift,.d.-AAd,- T ;? 3?. I" M.,Y..tlz di 300 A COMMISSION AGSZIT doing bnsineu with Devon- shire Farmers II de. ireD' 01 adding one or two Bc<d extra commissions,—Address Z. Q.. *'Weitern li. Offioe, Swansea, 505 GENTLEMAN who h-kutb. Diplo?.otA-i.to A of the Royal Schoelof Mines, is open t.-EN(IAGW Msr;oi 'it"' I Chemist orll=-, °rnalOe:.r:o?:; Metallurgical o,k.Ad&- Beta, Western M.al" mnp.ul.ea. 457 W AII11 llliy 'IOU uuu* v«rtant ia the Koalish, French, Germsa, and Dlt" lananagef, and having some knowledge ofofnoo .?TU- Ai. in bhip Ok. 0 may Impreve himself.-Apply to EL Jooker, Oonsulate Chambers, OardiS, "p EQTJIRim, a AIl'.f:ba'r.'t:oa(¡)t1;: JL% 17 y, f ?g,% i.. kipb,.k, M. por. ofli-Add,,m & T. &, W-tu- HaU" 09tM. perter's offlee.-Addr«M a T. B., 1L Cardiff. l AS CHARTERING OLBRK ia t Meroliait's or Ship- broker's uflice; aptdttJ; good106 B. Z.. F-t-Ak-.h Cardiff. 1116 W ANTED, a BlTUATION of TRURT, by. Yonng W Man. Bu bad 10 experieaos in a merchants offioe. kxoellent refwencea.—Addresl O. J, J" 4S, Mount StnaiViquare, OaiditS. 140 LKBK or BOOK-KKEPBR^—WANTBD, SITOATIOll 88 above by weli-eduoatci young man, W 24 who has bsd several years' expenenoe in a olft Exoelleat t.ti-W.I.Addr." M. N., Hfestorn Mail" Offie., Oardiff. VllUAiToN W?THU. Wettfhm "t  't « 0 1'o:II;Åd:D'M" ?l erb. UMance-atrfet. F?typoot. 132 W AtilKD by a young man, an W ?p? w 10 tni. "= =p: MINT in nmMot ep tradeemeu's boofk.s, sending < ao«fuits? ^-2aZ. T. D„ "WMMm U" V?N NrdiffW9 ,\MV Axjko, by a welt-educated kouug Mae, a SAl'U A- W ?N''??'0????'?''?'- -Addr.. T. W" ,Jarmartben 79 1^0 iLLLLaxa, il7iti?A A 'fii::¥t who a =t.. waU MCM?i ?ith H-fod.hir. and n?hhonnne die- tStft. m OpeD to COMMUNION ? l. hboaa d i. wWl when the artiole is &rst~class.-Addrw«, trattog terms, Ao„ L. P. P., 99, rmt-ONW% Hereford. r?BciFDMSrt?.-? Ih,-4h p i-orlail 1. MAN cae take the ..tire M<m*gement of di.g for gentlemen or builders, with or w ? .t Arl?tWt. -Aoaress A. B., Mr. Joha Lewis, Boyal Arms, Oardigan, yardyssil. — — '?— a o tlÀhMAii),uPU¡ënøed. in an hol or vauiu. A' ('? ?tereM?*A?iM< E. M., Fott-oNoe, Weot- sirtet, Bristol. llS AYOCNG 1<AI>Y, of good address, wiu require a A RK-KNGAGKMENT as BAkMAID, in an Hotel or lkfmhmcnt Rooms 1 wal be disengaged the end of A?g???ddMt? Nii Dep.-d. "W.tr. iI! CM., Ca)d)B. "9 \jt: ANTliD, a bitmtt?n M SEUO^D-HAND MIL? LIN"; good lØfuenooa.-4ddteo. 1L J., P.1t? office, Nwth. 46iI ">0 DRAPERS, — t:WH r:? tA! 1. SITUATION M SAUtaWuM?N) tea years'ox- pOlieDce ¡ fu.t-clu rd?ms.-Addrm f. Ji. Po."Mo% ,?L J 77 A-¡it;¡'l,;lI1A6LIIO YuCNG LaUY Lï-;ïs A MUAGEMtNrMant-hMidMtH.'BNK. TiMrt' tzperieDoe.-Aùd1:- Advertistr, Vo.t-&iMoe, Pcnt1pndd. 1M 'l-u-ll- .ll-? GrtOOoiU d -fi;r.T'- :'i'j:a:b liplJ"i be di &.go the f-t -I ?. &pt?.b.Add- B" 67, lI..lt,mee\' fw. 167 ri vo MAbTER BAEKttd.—WANTED, by a youug man, X a 61luAlION pli. BREAD 13&Kig&-&ddrwa 0. s.. Mr. W. bheppard, Orou Inn Cottage, Rumney, neas Cardiff, 1>6 W AP'.7 .p?otb,. rD:rfv: as Sbl?TANT in a Cout?Uonur's ohop, or in spv other kind of light business.—Address A. i S.4 t? wP.,t. Mun. W3 ANTED, a Situation aa GROOM and OOAJBM AN w by. ,uried Man; noencumbiahoe. Add,. mP.. Pout-office, bkt,y" Sw- 470 IT UATIUN Wanted, as 4.?it-A r •vVAOil ^AN, O li::e:Jr;:h w.:f&t — ?' ?'' Hr. '*°?' '? °?'"°" Llaneily. I 501 WAMBD, a Sit?tionas GHOOK. or UNDaa  BOOTS. Good rt fer6um.-Add.. AlWr4 1 "Western Mail" Office, Newport. Mon. 429 GARDENER (HEAD), wuum ODO or -mJle '° Kept. Has a good pr.U,a kDowbdga of his wore in &11 ita branches, is well experienced iu tho early and late foicing of grapes, cuuwbare. melons, &0. Good r ftuenccs from ,.Out emi?103 or.. Ag 35; married, nj =¡rJrea:d:O) :wm.N Men. 4L7 WVV l AN TAD, a SITUATION as PLaIN GARDENtitt. | No objettioB to 110 horse or oow.—Addxesa J. Lee, Coagresbnry, mar Bristol- 93 WaMXI*, a alXUATlOJSi as UNOzStt GAttuaNaR. W Ak: DlJgt x: 23.-Add- Beaumont, Mr, Sheldon, postman, Wheatley, bear Ofod. 167 1- WANiED, a SHUATtOSM BOOT?bT a r?.pt?,b]. loung me who h. bd ..a experience both in eomujercial bu.ine.. ,,d ll*rwi, good nfemnoe.- .d- H &. Pot_.01., B,.=Wr. lö j PARTNERSHIPS. j ARTNEB PAR'JNERSHIPS. LLBIGX and I pÀtlf:8' 't\toTtÑl:8p: ? Mr. 8. J. N-. 1, The H?M, OMdie. I W ANTED, by a gentle- with about 22,OW, a PABT. r W A:mH:{.t1w-Süf;aetT practical brewer, would be willing to take the manage- .t. Addre. B. Ii., "WeaU'rn Mail" Office, r. diff. 67 W A,b;:g LiMrpoot Shipbrokm (in conseqnenoe Of failing health), au active, working PARTNER, fully acquainted with the business in u d,,tl. Capital "Ud small, -Y I 400 to ,5(V?-Add, "8?)pbra)fer/ cue of H. Gieenwood, Advertising Agent, Liverpool. 599 LOST. LOIIT, en the 6th of August, 111 ftoath-road, au Ut. .L LLL-Addiess beta, 1, 6stem Mail" Offloe, Cardiff. 119 LOIn, on feunday Jabt, on owansea E in bank meat, a Ij MEERSCHAUM PlPEincaee. Whoever will bring the same to the" Western MailM Offloe, Swansea, will Dd suitably rewarded. 17d OlEAYED from L?Mnh<m, Ttro fat COWS; I.t .,?. at the T? Acres Held, at H.-th. on bionday.-A? f.?..tion to be gi,?. to P,.drik Ward, butoher, J. street, Docks, (;,?dA 160 LOST or STOLEN, a Lemon and hit. dpt?e) f0? i. w,?k-. old.U Ib?to .t,g t, 14 B^h-stiett, Cord.tI, will W rewarded FOUND. P.IID small White FOX TERRIER DOG. Owner Jj m.1 bave Dame by paying Applytjh. Davie.. Ol.terwcuth ",Iw.y. bwansea. 53i IT' nJUNbTa RETRIEVER DOG.—Xhe owner om have It .I' b, pplyi.g to John Tho?, &nt¡ar", on pay?ug expenses. 149 STI&YED to C?-i Wince F. Pet,.t.. Mo., !? TÃi:ln r,r¡¡rmÚ ;e:ï before August 18th will be sold to defray expenses. 883 -v- APABTMENIB WANim ()A:f::th:dO':tetlfi:: ':tb\: J1 I d.i.g the d, wisiies to fiod a f.tbl. HOjIE, ?ith a lami] iD or near Boath; good referenoes.—For teimp, Ac., addreu oktholicu., "Western M.U,* Offloe, Cardn. 175 t^ABDli'— WANihiD, by t- k -g Mon, respeciab e (J and wmtotta'l. WU iUlU¡f.-¿ddreøa M, P., WMtern Mail" OBoe.?Mdtt 1*^ ABDIFF.-PTTTING~AND BEDROOM WANTED, by two 0,"timu, in .ptbl. I lity. Ott. t??.Add,t? B. P. H., Wœwn tLuT' 0<Boa, Cu.illI; ANTED, by a gentleman, a suite of oomfortable well  Fmntthed aPARTMbN^S, within t.. mUM of CMdia. Ood m?kig require& Addras B. Z, "Western Id"' OM., OMdit!. 17 ANTED b^ a LAL)Y, UNFURNIStlKD APART- MI. NT, i.. Ltigbbourhood ,f St. W..11. Addre.. X. Y., M' HtU?'t, tt?0-l. N-wP"t. 165 ArAjtTMNN'r? IV jUfl, ARD1FF,—TWb^IltTnG^ROOM8 and TWO BBD. lmus to LETst 29. Windor-pl?. OArdiff.-Apply on the Premises. lid CCARDIFF.-To be LILT, f..hhd. StmNC-B?OH ? and BEDROO. Terms med?te.-Apply 't«, Park- s treet. 1*6 ABDIKF.-To LET, a PaRLuUR aad BEDROOM.- Apply.t9,Wi.pl..A%Dk.. US ARDlFk.—Front PARLOUR and BEDROOM to LET, CARDiFIr.-FrmtPAHL#OUR-dBNDAOOMt.LkG'f, It, W.tb,,?,? OAiW.-iJ'URNI-nHnD ellTING aud B*DaOJM to .I." LET, OD moderate texms,—Audr^M L. 0. D, LET, on modtr?tti texw.-Audr,3tia L. oi71 ??A?bi.A.-y'ttt.oiMt ctifiNG-HOOM, BKDttOUM. O and DREkl?INL4-HOUX to LET (tMnhhef). ? 9, W.1t.r-d. T?-. moderate. 443 ?WAt<fttA.—T? be  Two HUOA.. W.-I-. :s W ::A.l:M¡;pi; t- 0.19- B-A-. 2, Water100.aheut, or Swanim Maiket. ^7 BuiLTH WBLLB. APARTMENTS m mod?t? H t.Add- Kana.ter H.?.. Mt aoM VVANIBD. ClAbDIPF.—WANTED, in TmdegttvUie ot Botth, J buUSB, ..t.i.i?g igbt or r. R?-t moderate.—Address Alpha, Poat-offioe, Pel!ar_ 131 >ABDlfc'F.-A ?.?ll dliOP WANTED for millinery C b.i- ist. m'ry"t"'t -,&-Adl,- It b-, "WMMrm IIU" ()za,?,. U3 CARDIFF or SUiBURBS.-OMALL HOUSE, or pMt ? of HOUSE, Mturniohed. wanted to RENT,— Add-. M. B., W.t. Mii" OM., O?rdiff. ?ABTib.to PORCHMZ.t DWM.UNG-HOUaa. .t. in the neighbourhood of the Dwks Add- B,??b.& 1-n Audioneer, LI-dLff, 11W9 WANTED to RENT, a BOOSE, cont?ini? tbMt.3 ssrvauts' s drawing, dining, and bath room.. w.c., ktcheQ. daIry, and ?imt offi??; cuthonaea for caw., poultry, eauetmded by 20 01 g-d p.t.r land; good .¡WbOll garden, near a good oouutr Wwu; BI.ecœ preferred; uu% moderaw.d A, D, h. :e0l teUtress, U-do,-ry. OarmartVnabtte. 0 FRKM1SJB8. *Oh LEI. pBIŒIS.1iJl:S. 'IQ LID'. C"^ARDIFF.—Tobe LET, a Btml.d"etäChed VILL&, 23, ) t?mde, T.dw- le PMtMnoa m? be had at Michaelmas.—Apply to the Wu-t. 00 ~TaNTON,-A HOUBE, 8BOp7MdBAKEaOOSB to be CJ LET, in Cowbriage-road. Bent moderate,—Apply to Mr. D. James, 13, Oowbridge-road. bi T?NAMit?-HOUaB  to YNr. nl-i-l?.d. No 9, phfn-J{;abtÎl, :;> Bate Docks, Cardiff. 1U LLANDAFF.-To be LET, So. 3, LLANBAFF-PLAdjf, Llandaff, ooatainiag three receptioll ro>nu, six bed- rooms, two kitobeas, cellan" a.ù aual l!iOOl, oefMk- h.?.0 wW stAbl.. Wltb servants' rooms, frou\, b.k, '.d kitchen gardens,-Apply to HW, H.Vki., aud 0,a J?B't.ct?tMnt. Carda. 91 TMVE FARMS to be L&T. from 60 to 300 acres. T?t. with t.1 ?ly t: 60 to 3,)0 re.. ted with .-Apply" 0. 3,- and &.4 Amtiwwro, HigbL. stmt, Newport. 87 ri-.O be LET, THSlhH AOKKtI of GROUND, caltitatod X all Market Garden, with nouae aud buildings, within miles ot Newport, near a fct.tion. Incoming at » valuation. Enclose stamp for particulars,—Apply to 0. Evsbi and Son, Auctioneers, Newport. 527 JIVJN TOTTaGB HOUSE to be LET, from Michaelmas N:¡ntV., ,ihr:mS¡: seven bedrooma. kitchens; Ac., sta"¡". ooaoh-house, garden, and lawn; a..en acres 01 good pasture landa1- joining II q.IL? -Appty to Mrs. Edward K.,ght. i?ott?eOMrt, Brid¡en 3M S wtrot' be LET, °2b;d.Aï:iJ.: 0 HOUBB <md aBOP, O?l l"ud.-Apply ?t the pi.bg..d Arms, Swansea. IM Merchants. Aa, requiring gentee. ijOLIOllOBS, (Wind-street) should apply to H race O OFFICES Cutting, auotioneor, valuer, and house agent, BwansM^ AR1SH OF LLANRHIDTAN HIGHER.—To be LBT, ± at Michaetmu aett, t FASM. (XMit<ia)«? about 170 acres in a good stato of onltivation.—Apply to George IV?t.ontt, Hbpan fawr, nw Penclawdd. ,?q0 Flu b. LhT, i. the V.1? of Ay Oarditfausai e, l. ?S? 'ê)J. K,I ot:¡nu:iij i I..d. AL ".y to Herbert ..gh-, Mq. Hrya" alun, a.8.o. 266 HOT7HB8. lAND, &C.. KOJi 8ALh. 1>ONi Lo'll UI.-Äï'"y l"UVl'¡:;lj- i F1TB MOU9t&. ta PoaUoMya.-Appty' to Mrs, Berry, 17, Yard-row, Rhjmney, ? nrr A5D S. FFBN, House ftnd Oommls%ion Affents, w. AcoouB+eutU, Ao.; Agene tto the Edinburgh Lite and Manchester Fire Offices CAikOJ^F.-IO be bULD. Two HOUUSS in rLoweff Cathedral road, well baiit, in good repair, let at 110001 retits to first olasa teu.tI.-AplI.7 to W. and S. Heru, 8, TO be LET or SOLD, the Taff Vole SOAP WOBES, situate OIl tke Glamorganshire Canal, two miiea bom Cardiff,-Apply to W, and & ttarn, Ij, Werking- ^t^LOTLANDS, CARDIFF. TO LIT, fl,-WWA B?Of, BaKbBOU B, .?d fRIVISR4. wita GitJOAdY and BA KING BUtJiNEtS, with or without &took an :I'to":¡ :.I':t:, 'or1 lLfi-street WABTBD t6 purcku% Pow- or Eft HOU3B3, i,?swi pMt c( to.. or .?b?,),Apply to W. \IA e, Working-street, Oaidiff. CABDiFY.—Sevsral HOU8S8 for Immediate 8ALB, ? tituttt in tMtth, tUaettpteted )m? well tenanted.— Appi? at the efloee of Mr. W. H. Bkgood, AMttimeef, AIcad&oehamben" O..M W1 Oll bAL&-Two wellobum <mb.t<mt? noudv% Faituate I. Clifton-.Uvet, Botth.-FM plrtioulus and prietk apply to Herbert Eetoe, Auctiooeer, LUndaff. 746 S' WANSBAs—For Sale, Two NEW ti.JUjBS i. H.th. flld.pi% b- Every mlyenionoo. I, M J." ¡ pr\08 IM.-Apply to A. Ho-dy. Swansea. 410 SWANBRA.-For SALE, by Printe Contract. Threa or (J Four ^OllAGEs, situate near the HmpitA.- Apply to Thomas Harris, Oxierd Chambers, Swansea. • 5o7 OR BALM T BITUMINOUS ?JOLUBRT. nmr }'10:0: work; ars.? 54 scr? For u:: I. .;?ply to X.ry and e-d. 4, B-n.O& 479 BUBIN8 DiBJPOaAJL C1AKTON.- To be DIPOI!KD OF, the GOODWILL, > FUtHnCBa. FIXiURKS, Ao., of a dmblo- licensed House, doitg a good bmians.-For terms, to, apply to Herbert Reece, auctioneer, Llandaff. 484 a'bbYffT-CHKMIST'S Bnai?BSSL'n -t2 ? tio.. P't.0200.-Alply teMf. JohaJouli" 20, High-rtreet, Caxditt, 84 1ANTON HOi'BL TAVERN, LbASDAFF-RJAO, > OAaTON.—This wt?h.wnd?ctod aud loug?t&tjiiiaed Double-licensed HOUSE to LET an Lease, for a term ex- .i.g at'. ye.0 from Sep?mbar )Nth. 1873, at the few Y,Iy rental f 045. The wh.l. of ti?? fii.ures, fittings, utensils, furniture stables, aud premres m »y be seeu on application thereat any day from 11 a.m. to 8 p,m. N.B.—' j 1'k, ?hi.h is erJ BmiUl, t j b. t,ki. m pi-App?y the to Air. b J. Da.,eB_ O.Miff. I ALaMoDOHa,—To b. D16VO.AiJ Od, the .!V.I". WILL, Ao., of a Firt?lut Hotel, doin^ a good bufainess, batirtactory leasous given for leaviug,—For terms, Ao., apply to Herbert Reeoa, Auctioneer, loss OR fAL?. t PORK BUTCHER'S BUSINESS; doi.g firut c'afls t,.d?; in a g..d neighbourhood; reut I..y low iurcm.iip moderate; satufaotcry reason. tor !t?)n?-App? to Mr. W. H. Bidgocd, ArmdoD-chAmbor 0.,d. *'M 1^0 fUBUOABS AND MtIEBS.-M Llr (by Fender ) ± an old Established WIflK ;?J1fb ¡eJ': with BRKWKRY attached, at Aberdare, and known as the" O.d Mill brewery," and duing a large and profitable Trade, and mpable 01 wnsiderablo extendi jn, In. form r Ic?nt bavag made a large fortune i.. f.. years. :'i"t.. "te 2tpen:ta ';NØR t' tm dent to Mr. 1:1. P. Thomas, Popular Cottage, 4 or- thyr, who will not binli himveit to accept the low.. or hi^best lender..520 I'O BREWKRH, PC B HO AN«», A OT i B B A. For S A U tf, a Fr? DLbl. Li.?d PUBLIC-HOUSE, d.?.g el00Ueut business, situate in close proximity to Iron Works, Collieries, Ao,—Apply to Beynon and 1iu1¡" Hi use and K&tate Agents, ua tle-xquare, -Swansea. 413 IJfcUtWKAS, Publicans, aad Hotel Keepers harm* H MM?attMa 'S' bl?)bit0? :á'd' a:;i M noracd h. Cutting, t1wane. who has upwards 01 Lhtrtl Clients, with from £50 to £ 1,000 omtt. 50i oWA^bKA MARKET.- £ 60 ,iU P-h.1- Interest 10 O a -p??t-bl? PuMio-house ..? the abaTe.-Horace Cutting, Auctioneer and Valaw, bwanwi6 469 SWANSEA.—To be LET, a genuine Doublelioensed JO cUsz. I..Dh i, 'Iitt" Fixtures, ?dtrade Ctensils, 9180. Satwfwt,?ry reaeona for leaving. -AppJl cn the p,e.i, bhipping (J-tt. I. atr*nu, 8wanst'& 539 D RaP&RY.-To be DI^POSAD t'lf, a g.,d reviy- Dl\ YHüfblt,Rt:tn:e:.u:OIt:: hood la the Rkondda Valtey. t..k ..t?,?,ly new; o*n h.A =tb'd to ?CO or tUti-f-3t**y reafcous for leading. — Addiess M. D., Post-office, Panty- pndd, bt.,e the loth of thi.th. 1' ABEKAYtiON.—family and Commercial HOTEL and POI:ITINti HOtJt!B, with ¡.w ItUO!Imwod,tlJo .t J aores, kDown 18 the Feather's HOlU!. Aberayron, Oa.r diganbhire.—To be LET, at Mionaolmas next, the above oommodlOWl and well-arranged Hotel, whioh ia situated in the above town aud watering-place. The Hotel is one of the blot in the southern put uf Wales, and to oapible of great ecoommodatior) for the reoeptioa ot visitors to tbis pretty P" "1-. oonsists of 135 agres 0f bihl),pre>duct¡'e meado", pasture, and L,, d.- For ..t and further particulars apply to Mr. Oar id L.4 Ap.t.,U ? to Mr. 0."d $,I BNiRAL IiRAPfchY and MlLLINMRlf KariB- L18HMBNT for immediate bIS £ 'Od\I<, thi owner g,i.6 abroad. An exoelleDt ,itU.tIOD. Shop witb d,ubi.. plate glass front-Apply to Mn. W. Evans, Blup.«u-e»t, Hrfcon. 4 a tiaKifARlHKN.—To L f f. a GUOOBRK BJ-iAtM-. 1 doirg a genuine t, d? with good pirit.; incoming ,.y.-A;I; to & Jo.?..d 00., 2, LPA-. C.trmarthen. 151 B BI8TOU—For DISeO?AL4 well dttd ;d hand. B B:h:I:P%V :¿¡Ddol h: I.i"g .eM ..Iy.p.P..i.g for 10uag beginners. 4100 thM BKKKHOU. K, mar k.Ppl-9 ?t?. im- WtD'. thomughhue. _A pply to .r. oek.. 1, hid btreet, BriitcL 41 BRLvioL.-ie be Lh. a URiAIKttlf ULfsl^il S Uhl??L.-K be Lhl', t?K?tft? UJa?ii.ft to W. OouurW¡¡e, 9. odord.st. Totterdown, Bristol. 65 BBTON-BUPRR-MABB. — rOY, arAT?O?BtY. and F4&UY BU.?INBS 3. in be.t part ot H?il- street, W, to. "up?adv? luwwing about illO AU I..t.u be mdt) by lotting.-W-.b.gh 6;O super-Bare. 8d ROBSEB, CARRIAÜ Li V" STOOK, *0. UúNY, TRAP, and BABNKUS for b.LEL-Apply to ar, Thomu Owen, UaLsamlet, near t!w. 4" Ij' 'OR BAL PONY, TR4P, and HARN&Q; ery F..f"B luzu out.-Apply to B"Y"" -d H.i Anctionwri", Ca.tle-iqnare, bwar fpa. 4i)7 utüi(¡,ï.w '¡';ü'- X R? )ight LANDAU for one or t"o horses, (Or f outh Wa!Mduttiot, aJao, t?codFjur wheel DOH-OA11C; no _.our .J, -d ?t,.t..0?.t pri. f.? b t. th,, Proprietor, Royal Hotel, Cardill. 157 XAN J O"B:(!8 6LYTHA 6inRikiii 1? Wo"K Olareaoe-pUoe, Newport r-n-oarly new NOW BALE, 1I I Ill i = t) 1 2 5 W e y "h..t (with closed hind seat), prioe £ &, • new i'ouy W hit?Ampt4 prim s17 t". USW ?g-CMU, prl? tJo each ¡ seceud-nasd dog out, prioe £ i5; n** suootia# .art, price .4¡ new miller's (or gruoot's) ?rt, priw £18, new pony cart, price ill; (nearly new) pur* p..to?4 pt. AM; -?d.b..d ph""wa, p,i. 1J ¡ !? t-, k .1., bw *°?t. ?tM ø. IW ft? eO?TKMttO?aBifa?—For b&L.?. Uo?r- X 0AItT, F:5N; :AN CMt beta aMd. gent pmy and ctMp.-Ap?)? to William Richards, fiigh-street, Swansea. OS C^tOW atid CAI.F.~For 8tav:;tB::tf:\e c OOW J ..d CALF, pl.did ilk ?r? P, sty. hl. Vsl?bl? for printo ttmUy.-Appty to wial.. Biohards, 161, Biah-airaet, bwaasea. 53) 1:00- BALli', eight ton PIGS riing U we<?. Moe. .I' &0" ShortLa?ds r? Po, thmwi. 110 ttOB<St.TS, dKiti-jlHtKi', HAVJillroRD- W "ll111?Apw White 'Bntt TBRHIBH, in pup M W B 1 Bi,.I.gham dog, tOs. b?, OJInh Wue HMr TMnert, 60s. per brv.ee. 74 Oh'i'inRa.-To be-OLD, BilOktNi. wouth. o old, about half broken in; very "oU bred. -Addm 1). P., PottoKce, 'ih. t. It, RIZB FOX TEBMB& POPPIES I FOB 8ALB, I>BJ;OGJ¡:J'Jltite hrst P, ill at F.tt4 Th-.d-y 1 ,'I. Also p?opt-? .1 the bl.d "Dd "qllUl gwd. b..ire uf all the.. pnppies is the Rev. J. T. M llor's prize dog, "Napptr," (ist at Carmarthen, Garth, and ma uy other placea ) |out, { ot;'priztr-bred bitches, £ ok ago and pnoe, lipply to hr. Ltolr. Tenby. 646 TO be SOLD, anIrish SBTTER, three ,em, 27.- TAdd,?.? Mr. WulUnU, B-k Ohm?m,Newp",t. Xiisr54LKrTBDiiraZdir»ori»TwiJi^gS7^^ JP O:Prd :JN i, lu, Pt.k-ttrtet.SttM? ? SM Ij^OR tALU, a thurvugh-bied bDLil. iBRRll^u u,* I' "capltoù ,ard dog.2A 16. Post-ofiioa, ^waDre.. iIj! iOB Al.JI; lIix ""uple ot IIIU,HI.& POfLuhii'-i .P P.?. bred. Pi.. tc, apply to AM.1 L.. Penraftlrain, Olyn-Nettb. 8t Puizt BRIW POOtl'itY, I., L),rLg. Bpiuish, Li..b.rg.?d ?oi,.a =.S. with tmp, to J. A oo?eu, Brim E[mld, Benford. TIOOLTRY FOB bALB.-1 Ooohi. Urn, prfM?nia. X 7,. lid" 3 dark Br.hm. Bens. 5s eaoh; 8 O,hm. Dorking Hens, fl. each; all laying and in good condition. Aho t f.? d.k Brahma Cockerels at b,6 w4l6-Apply at 5, Wetbou.p! 'Adff?. bTkINTrD ED WAR OS, Barn, Bridgend, hu ijOJ L..d .S f t t b..t b.4. .r 8&LS at m?Mt-te pricet-Htmbur?t. Brahmas, BondaD" d fr.. 3. a..b. a.di.g to 0,.4 8\d Jle, Early svplicJlinn aeoe»»«ry. <59 L w.;t !i:k:.O:eJfõ: lie's and Two Cok.. Priie taaer. t C..p,t.. and ?<dt.?t fhows. Bred from T. A. Nan r?tl?t strwin.—For price and to view, appll to Mr. D»nwll, 8, ,d, ,,d., 9.?prt? 31& ?LsOtit?.??'S SAL?. IpOB @ALE, ? yo.?g BH?a, tbftattjatMMtM ¡t!. I:' For furlhor particulars apply ou board the Not. wcgian barque Niord, doutn Dock, ow jusea^ FOR BALB, a ?r);9 81 .X BO.mD.-Fdf triM and -P ptrtioutMt. app!y to Mr. W. N. ?Juhus. ?entMB Mall" "ilih.g úmoe, 00=mi I-mtrftt. Newport, luk SUR&TS. T Horse e Uw' 0irt dw g Oarers, an ererr descrip- tion o9f nW,hterprocl Olotus made to da.-Apply to J. Mathias, ?6. Uhr ttn.M?M«t, oLdttt. ?7 J. HAi.Mur.luii tor iu.. oa. yer MuNia u. A POL With a out 0-m Pri-iit tree.— Ihompaoa and flhankell, 4, OnMo-ftrai, am. jMiJj OulMhsU-eqnare, Oex- tben. 5M L'OK 6AL?t 0. F. BREBOHLOMJKR, in ar.t.Mt. 110,_1 .II.A.Li% b, o? .I-k..Wn Londoa mkk'Jr.-App to 3. V. Tho?t? mond ttMM, UtadyMU. t?M Walee. 117 BABGaINH FOR SPORTSMEN (o?w going abroad). jD-IdouMeO.F.UCNiNtMthetMM t'U.L daub:. M.L.aUt<mm.ho<MyoM<t.?;tStL!tO)f R')?jEt, m)bMCt)Ht.ao?uLB.?s,i7tbR'.ui?s?"?' "!d' (,O,,d,POIN f" eM9t)e* "mMd.ot.??Otk, £ 4i 1 I.. I" ]?, q.i.k oerert, ;if:fi¿,Il?:i:.k .:1Jr:er) Facto, L1aadUo. J Ti^OB T-ALIL b.d.?. Feoond hand DBAWISD J RC M U¡rB, in Wal nt ..d GfMn. K?ntto new.- Apply to W, J. DaTiu. Upholsterer, jIQ, The Uayes, Cardif.  kiAL# it IIHOBLhii eUTl aud It 1? PMm BK4KALB PUTI -Addm G. G. 0, P-,t- ofFpp, Porihcawl. 111 C^EMENT.> ana P?A?T?R of PAat? WhotM?ta Md ? B?W -Afp)y to A. 11-dy, H.Mold Timber Ysrd, Swanna. <  CEMENT DEALERS AND OONTRAOTOR\-A r O-G.p?.,?d daily. di,.t f.. tb W.Ik. of MfMrt. J. B. Wbile aD Brutb-. Mili :k-. London.—^pply atthfir repot, Peauth-roAd eutraoce, t;?di'i?'' T' !T.? MM'?Mr? °  LUREbRiOK.^ or tlUEDLAY rOR SALE.-Apply tj J Mfssss. T. Williams and Co. Biggla Brick Wnrk., 1..)=?)? 4g i~TDDKLL'S LitYfLS Md TUa?_ .?'?" L t t?t?). do. M..n;M'ory H. ?" ;-111. ?. b?,gb? Het?? from Iro. moM. ?"M. Li '?U. Oitidin and Level Maker, Adinbnrgh, 337 f1 t 0 BUItDT5R8 AND CKNTUAO^OR9,-POB S'H 'I 0 ..n;8otói'1'cr¡.o:?,:p to ¡.mea Banord L%» e-end, Cohf .rd, <llouowtershire H rj^YMiAL_3liou7AND^tfACK5~or^iWDUs7~S O SelE.— For price, Ac., aj ply to W. Randall, Bart, }«W:OD, and E.) LV- Woru -d &wm 1. K?w.? D.k.  &119 A. OiluE.—ANDBBaOJf, AbBOTf, -d ANiidRiO-v, A M and 17, U<Mtit.ttK<t,!?tmet. Work., Li. hOD.I::faaK-mïB':I"Gffl PhbCHA, and OIL SKIN 00008, India Kab""r Floor Goths, India Bobber Door Mat., will wear for years, India Bobber F1*hing tookin¡¡.. Ao, Ao. IMPORTANT ANNOUNOEiAENT. p kg I m ir 1 J- Pt)&<S. to print din. by 7in,v inoludiug Alb, of Type, '1)': Ink, :Q:t:" T let, aDd Leads, &1l oomplete. Priœ, £ 1 5a. lustructioos ..t with pit as. Th- p?.- U'8 ,l!ikb1e for tmtttnrprtntott, memttmtt.dNMim), md trtMiMmaa, wbo !t<taiM biUht*?. eiroUMt ttbM, OMdt, Mftlt<p«, Ao. )irst-atau refereuets aad evenr information can be o b tained on application to W. Wightmaa, 27, Bw?-m<*«mt. t?edf. 31 ALL person* wishing to, save time, trouble, and A ,,=.:r' '¿Dd,=,h,å IPG MACHINE. Warranted to last &Iifetim9 without getting ot of order, and eo wash better tbao a mo -h?'. No family -b%dld be t t- Pri"" Mm. Slete, 81s.—Agent, rwig.. 4. Biw..øad.tetraue. )tRwdPft. Newport. Mtm. R/uR dAIaE,uneap, a olUOULAR "AWI.. lAtiwC,; J; .wi6pulity md.trup3mmpl?U.-W.B.Jm? 7, CMUe. eqaMe. i<wt! 4U cm A for "OU 3 W ""IL,% FOUR fiPHI?G?, Vv and GUIDE oomplete. Springs nearly ne". weight taMbt.-Appty ú the Ph.tii.phl. Dpot. Maesteg. 603 FOR 8ALH, m oonseqnenoe of the erection of large .B Kngine ana Bailer, a 10-Horse BEAM ENGINE aud fcO-Borso BOILER (the latter lately pat in thoroagh re- pair by Savory and lion, "I Glol1C84terl. WIth. Pump anJ .U Fittip,pkt?. Can be a\ work. -A pli to Edw.d M.?.; WWfd St-. Sw M,11. -d'W .d TtJ fit" rompanr. Limited, koss, Herefordshire. 8:9 PutilAbLei b!\lH d.. seooud-n»u>, 1U go'xi oMur, .r Ot.p. °' 5,6, 8, and 10 h? p.-FMdm<" and Plat, !o "ldneeT', loumter. HI I^WO BGG-FNDED BOILERS, 32ft. loug b? á,.2 M. ..t.id. dii.?t, 4-in. pl.l. ?ith strain d.i, one pair d-b?. I.ty -I,. to -h b >i¡.q will b? p,?d to IO. w.tr p,mm-Apply t? Ch.. zh?p.,d, Bridgend. 5-1) fc Oil ALM, two taifbe?t BOIL WeiRht of bath .b. t5 tons, 7 fe,t 3 inchm ia diameter m four, ?d 6 fX 6 Inoh.. bak nd. WIU be ."Id for old iron pri.A,Ply to Mr. J. 8. J,?ffny. Udiff mgi.. WorD, linre rcoK. Ord?ff. H5? U OILEH! TaNK^, -d CISTERNS ef various B" .1..Y. tk at "h. NilI., Lond m T-1 Works, West Side, West Bute Douk Cudiff. Iron girders made to order. Prioe List p -st frea. 001 MOEiAik KI.LLb *A L?t WUU??iuu, ww PORT* ,l ABLE KNOINm!. FoS'?SI??'MiU-hm !¡;ltlri"- rq!nft. I U SBlPMAbi'ciSkS ANL> O* totta.—svr iA-A, a Bargain, two 7-inch fUMPJ, 2o feet lou<, with brass chamber and 6 brass bueke{s. 2 fly whoe; aad pair ef ovanks, D.r1,. new oDe ftiDuiar 1)JtL:¡¡, nearly new, teet long 6 feet diamflfetr, with t-yo tubas 2 feet 3 inches, fire d 1111 plate, ??.ry plate t:J. 'd fiDtI':lIb:r::t Mre J: -d t. one ejf end BOILER, 15 feet ioug 4 f.tii. meter, in good repair, witb fire doors and frame; DONtCSY bl!I, ia good wcrxing ord?r, 31 in.d 4-ia. titroite*' Price ?ll I CM aMaU &Yl+1. ¡I, t.. bamaoer principle, nominal 7-horse po-vor, 7-iuoU cylinder, ib-i '6 be p.t t. wor* immediately; one ?hd,, LATUR, 13- centres, bod 11 feet, In thorough working order, oharp and RoberU makers, very strong, with universal diDcks; one PUfiCtiiNG MaOHIl^E to ?,k ih,.r by strap or hand, ?ill h hjle i. | ?'?!?e rstnll t!ls IItgrf('îi !uieiio! u*e at i.. t.-dry, Apply to Mr. J. D.,i., Com- morciallron Works, East Side Docks, Newport, Mon. 121 *,i.Ai_i>u AAAbi^i-ivi>. WhO .r.. OU Uiy wvo ot U entering into this blinful tAte shoam PAY a VISIT to ShTH THOMAS'S FUaSMHINa GLASS Md CHINA WAREHOUSE, 1I and IB, HIGH-STREET, BRISTOL, See advertisement and prioe list in this paper, 16 PKBRfc and IDKI?6 in Bottle 0 k for SALE,— P¡¡;IY "d,,J'Od."er jj,\C HAtASiVAli CiGaRo 01 the ou-, orauas always in etock at J. Weaver's, Foreign Cigar Dep.\t, 4, Duke-streot. O,rliJf. 701 blOR f.Ai.ic, RYK BREAD -0 iXAi WriiU?l:m Apply to T, st- D? BlitMœd, Oardiff, and Victoria House, Penarth. W7 OiS' Bt?CUtTS and MEA.T GHaiVK?, louod ?d of capital quality, at -.4 t" P" JohiL D) er.&r: m pVh ,t?,3t, 1u" YOUU FUTURE: Sever years, six stamps; Lifetime, Youtwlle,F,!7,u=?? m yI-t- a' t. .loth rattnn,7. Prwt?ffi- D. ntry. ?669 Ci iIifF'S SVARCd.-Apply to Grooers, DroggisU, or 10:) Oilmen. ?TItfF h XTAB3N.„" STlfJI' a; !iTü:JH. TrA. Mark, 11 Q.- Re. KlCiUUh! iaiER T1A — Peurto's Ludia-rubour TRUSSES, reoommeaded by the leading Surgeons. i,.?y d-pti,, at T- adapted to the It ditlioult caou. Abdomwal Bandages, 8lutl. gkiilg% Opine SUPJIOtù,- ??e and n.. t?ter-tt'eet. Brt'tot. om! MiaflKLLANEOITH WANTHa 1 THACEKRAY and eA.YOB, btook and Share Broken, 1 33, West Bnte-ntreet, Ordiff. -W. are at present B.I. Bristol aad ixeter Ordinary, Rhymuey Prefer- e.o< (4_t Western Colliery bhares (old aud new), Cart iff ..d ^wause*, Ao,; and 'il- oe Ne*port, Aber- earn., roweU', Lantwit ColJier, Share", Oro"" Preserved M'n ffI..ci¡n: (y.mp"pP4t (1o1 Sharon Ai. 4fH 'j"U.ltJ:U.tIol,nu,!oJc"u.CI. ,\I.U.. ,i'A.I.:tU. ? ?-'MCMM 6. W., ijw No P;?t Man. 45J j II ANTKD, to POBOHA^B Secondhand Iron VV Circular Saw, Frame, 4h.1t. il%W?y., Ao., and Saw (18 i..h.) comttkte.-AtidMM G. M., 'PoMtMdH)*h, Lianelly. 58 WANTED to PURCHASE, old flat Wire MC ROPE TV 5 or 5 imhNt wId", for a?n.-tddraM X 2, WM tern Mall" Office, Cardiff, 61 i%- ANTED, about 100 yard. mou4-h..d FLANGE tI'UUl PIPI?S. 5m?h di'?lt.r, in good ,)!de,A ti?g °° &aA con '?" to T.1!.D. 2. Vuv^vtrvvr «'ro.r„„. 19 W jiuwM?thhOtU?ft Mid Htn<QJ compiete, adapte^Tfor came, In go >d oondition.—Address, t.ti.g prim.ndothcr particulars, to T..L. D,. 2 Mount street ""aol ea. 507 A/ft KB. bKKR, of 30, Oaroune-street, Cardiff, having an IVl uuhmited uemaud for "ft-OFR WBAMXO APPARhL, BEDS, and bEDUlSO,i*aaabled to give the utmost .øJue. PutIüo waited DPOU. or paroeIa forwarded. P.O.fJ. remitt^ per return 01 post, 104 tl1 HAT IS YOUR MONOGRAM I-, 13 uLaSS A 00^ Cardid, who will f.??.d 10U 12 "b.y of Dote paper and 12 envelopes, Camped in owow *ith My ene. two, 0, Um tftten. itdy't mme. U. tend for one of -Ainirg 18 different designv seat pod ho im U mump? ttTt qoint O' Mt?t snd 110 mTetuptt stamped in M} ""Iou «* &. if-YOUR CAR% SIR. Smd th M. In <h.mM to OM <md Oo? OMtiM, wh1 will engrave yoir plate with 10U nMne, and pttnt yoe 100 190tJ OMdt. <md ferwMd them poet free to My addresa.—To ttaf?Mtt, i'nwíuo-d ethers.—Glass's PateD\ .d*or?dft MMhtt?Bp'Tedwtthyo'fnM? ?MhMM. MMttdttMM, ?ea I&. 6d -YOUR NA.S. (UK f Ybar M!M 8IImned M a bm or 1.4 plt. f. yom noe? Ttom tt.-tHMt't :=: .=:ü. ItO&ialgcfnd name, 6d.11ní only. Is. od. Sentpo't heeM UJ MUrees Y.?.apt of t-p. to 31- -d IlapaflDo Dl80 km -4 (4..w p?i-10-4 Ott<M. MONEY, O OCCTH WALES ATLANTIC SXBAMSHIP COM- PA L4 .I Wo BB ARN8 f. BALE.—Apply to Mr. .trr \:11. A,)("\r'J\¡e'I". HtJrl¡-"t£wt", (11\tii.. "Ie >U-i.a Ai-A0i.au ^l:i.AJi:»UlP Ou'il- Pas .-T. be BOLD by PRIVATE CON PR ACT, "ne ERAS. III the favourate Fteamw (-4Lj4,KOkg()49.- Addrees M. Z., care of MwrA Hwann and Co., dwioitar., Ch. 7) ]L-b,id?. eaoa in uie iUUM4- 1 L>O a;,rl:Dbfro i to 'b: ..k':t. b I touth Devon Railway Company; with latere^ equil to A?5 IVs. &d. por i?mt. OD theami?t in?ted.-Pr?pwtunea ,?, "r, a" glffl., 7. 1õi"ner.Mtreet 8W. 315 W'TRICXL* i'iti?A?.-M?SMX AWYANOEO ou O "4)u. of b-d or Bills to t,.d.d others, fTom tie and npwaids.—Apply to Geerge Goodmsu: ?,.k? ¿O"f;=td:.yt1e-f. Hoath, Cardiff. 1156 £ « e A to £ II ready to be ADVANOED upon r) TI.M.= rt j hoase pro- perty, 5 per oent, py.bl. by in,t"t4 or oter. :r:II to 11- O. II.<1 110.. auctioneers, Newport, Mon. 7J MONEY to L ND -To borrowen lesldiag ia towa or oonntry! from £ 60 apwards, "L-Y*11, ia o,, sun, from one to five ]0&18, at 'd,. P" oent. itiwmt, on personal security; aloo "0 mortgage of t-h,)id or 1-0' held property, flO. tb,. per cout, Ir t,?,. 01 Yda" \0 be Igreed 'po" tio WMM6 'i'u.-Apply t) N. F. J'reitoi, &q., 1^9, Soothami tcn ro v, London, W.C. MONEY TO BE LENT, in ToWtt or Gouairy, tu Gentlemen* Farmers, Tradesmen, or otha% ?.. [fifty Founds Iz eamep ?.o..l Security, Interest, Five per oent. per annum, (rom o In seven fears. No oommisaion or chargee made. Aiso sam* lma One Tho?nd Pout& on mortgage, at thm and a tmXpet cent.. on Frekld or Leuehold Property. tor "Y term Mt Mceeding 'w*Bty-ooa yeMt.—Appty to Mf. 'i!.o='el=;&f.17 G:' ctrmq «'"1 qlAv 11, FuøtnÐ-IQU" Loudon. 83 ?ii??i?i ft?ItA?t. A?D UOJf?a.M'i'iAL—M )0 URDIA'1 CVH ADVANCES to BA.d-r. tradesmen, 2 .N 0- P.M ""d ,th?* Theabeve .an o= adywico m their t?it- t*" -d tfocte, from MI0 to aJO. without removal or incon- venience in any way I also, It reqoired. without publicity: Apply to L B -.tt (PrIvate House), Belmont lio??w Charles-street, car&iff. charge rm.teN 'he money It .A Uu.M'lUiiaili. IU& ij Ui-MijUaX OHMlsM L!?????M'T. JOB'N'.SO?AMdKB?'' BT. JOHN • STBiiKT, OARDIOT. MONY LKNT a fow h'M" ''ter applio»tlon. from 910 nd Dp"ard.. to r..pectablø Househ .Idem, Tradesmen, ?d oth, <? their tirntt?ro and M?tf.' without re- .oval, with-ut p?liotty. 0.?h ad,a?4 °!° ?)?i« ?Htf, ?w?ery. to. B. B, Lester, Ll'('rt.t;1'4 1 auBUl 101 IB MONET AflVAJUCKD U"II A BHORT NOTICB. ff?ere TTadwm% and thm my obtain 0A3H L?DVANic& trm lil?o jr, oop;.m notes of b&od Md m .t? tBmttMe, ?e? WMHOtT REMOVAL, in the .tr.cteot confidence, IWd wiiMol pablicity, npo.pble :usy iii £ t«lmenb9. ;U3J¡.lD Shwo -4 O..ty OMA ex-tiou paid .-t .a the hortt .ti.& Apply by lotter or eerocanlly to s. BLAIBBRG, I, Bntv- len-Roe Avon Hoom. Charles-street, Cardiff I or 18, High- "root. Merth).d 67, Commereial-road, Newport, Urn. 165 BTABII-HHD 1831. CARTER AND CO., BODA WATBB WORKS. BRISTOL. This Bnaineas is the Osiaisu Wmt or ØIIar.1IfD Mabcpactoei, and the Works the largest and most QOIII. pie for producing theh:?h«t class and purest Mineral Waters, Tney are guira- 'eed by analysis, and protected by our traAe uk-dolphiu and anohor on gbield-witil. on which none Is genuiue, whatever oolour of label or cam. brandod 011 the b MM. Ask for OARIhB'a SODA WATtB, CARTERS LBMONADB CABIBR'S SHLTZB.t WATEB. OARTER'S TAT.IIA A POTASS WATEB9. OARTEWS TONIO QDIMMB WAIftR. Manufacturers of WITHY'S GINGBRADB. To be obtained from all roipeotabid Wine Merehaata, HotelkMpers, Chemists, or Wholesale from CABTEB AND COMPANY, WLLDE"ZltlHT BBISIOL. THE SPECIAI, PORESTERS' -1 (AUrHOR(Z"!rip ELITION OF TIIE WHJEKLT MilL" Is publithid on TtII-1 MOORISH, Auuujt kth 'tem- tains 'he ONLY FULI,,(I iMPL«,rie,aud A'Jl'lI3IilZS0 Rh 10HT of tit. I anlid Meeting, iaoludiag the lluiiuesi tiabsaoted on torciav. Oroira MOMTed at Lbe Oentral Gflw, St. MMjr.ttmt, OMdia'. PBITJ, !)).: PJUt POT, 2\11. cAKBIILANAROB,F,OLOGLL;ALSOCIETY. roLL RKPORT3 OF THE PBOCSBDISG3 ir Tin ANNUAL MEETING AT KNIGHTON, AUGUST 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, aad 8th. JDe!adiD the Kxcnrsion to Offi's Dyke; the 0. of Wirmore, Clun, Hoptan, and Oaati^cwm-Brea the Camp of Caraetaeus (Caradog.; British Camps near Llaadswy, and Brandon Camp, will APraan DAILY ut TU. "WESTERN M A I L" PRIOB ID, To be had of respectable News-Agents in Knighton; or di,,?t from tbe H?d utioe, Odif, by post, a' Thm ja?lf-P. PW -py. A full and complete Beport of the Knighton Meeting will be giveu iu the SECOND BDITIOII OF Till "WEEKLY MAIL." Published Saturday, August 9, PBIOII iD, Ite "Weekly Vail" will oe p?.t.1 to any addresv Th. t: CW? l Cgloi? O?,dill, St the rAW Of 2kL P? f, 8U M M K rt 8 N A, 8 () x 1873 0 MEaSKB.W.PmOBttjONS' FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR GBaNTLKdKN AND JUVENILES. NEW SAILOR SUITS. HEW PANTALBTIK SUITfl. NEW DANISH SUITS. RAW SOOTOR TWEED SUITS, BEW YACHTING JACKETS. FOR BOT8 A YOUTHS. NEW OOUBLE-BBBABTBD FitOOK COATS. NEW DOUBL&BELAidTAL) MORNING 4JOATIL NEW SINGLE-BREASTED WALKING COATS, NEW LIGHT THXTUR8 OVEiiCOATS. NEW TROUSERS ANB VESTS TO MATCH. FOR GENTLEMEN, ADDEM81 OARDIFF HOUSE, CARDIFF. 8i6 Establishxd 1860. "H 0 L I B A V T I M E 1:1." I'll away to the waters, But first, ere I fto With wife, sons, aDd daughters, l'U call upon I Nt). For a suit te my pleasure, To rove in at 8e. Or louoge ia ai ¡oil" Ktjoying the brecsj, For the Bovb 1*11 seleot ome z"pb,r.lille clothes, Where I ti ,<I tloo most pot (act, The Wardrobe of Yao'a. Then away to the waters. To bathe or to ro N, With wife, sons, ajnd daughters, Next week we will ¡¡o. SOl riUlfiUNALS OP COMMERCE, X COURTS OF RECONCILEMENT AAD OF ARBITRATION. PKHSONAL EXk»LAKATfOY. "WHAT IS THAT ASSOCIATION f" An Expose; or, An Address to the Royal Judicature Commissioners, and to the Four Present Members for the City of London. By FRANCIS LYNE, Esq., F R.G.S., Chairman 01 the London Tribunal 01 Ojamerce Association. TO THE PUBLia "WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN? AND WHAT HAVE IOU SUFFERED?" Qu.ue ipse miserima vi li, ht quorum pars magaa fat. ipply at the Offioe 01 tu* above named Association, nearer*'Hall, BdaioghaU-streec, London. Price One Shilling. TIaa late Lord Wbarnolffe to the Merchants, Bankers, and Trauers of Lonaoa. "I Tew the Ma jWt trOM & xosal point of iew." Z?rl Granville to Mr. Ljne. "The subject whioh, with muok bility, yoa have biought before the pnbllc." &c. The Duke of Argyll to Mr. Lint. MI am much alive to th. i po. of the ..bi.t to which your exertions are directed." Bariag Brothers and 00. to Mr. Lyne. It The less said the hotter." 1. 2-th lkq a M-h."k and a Diredor of the Bsnk of E.gl..d. to Mr. LYlo. MI mupider you to be ellût¡eà to "oat credit far the ..pt jou .kig.. The British Trader to Yr Lyne. "Kay 1 not live without ..t.ul ..d awe, I Kxoepting wLl the letter 01 the law he Jata Lord Brougham to Mr. LJne. M It is a matter of ooarse 1 am with yon." Harl of Demy to Mr. Lyne. "I thick some moro clear and detiiled evidraoe of injury produced by the existing state 01 thela" Aa. Sir John Bennett to IIr Lyne, at the Guildhall Meeting. M Ppeek out yen alone are responsive. The =Uh ::r;Pft' Mr, Lyne. p.lit?"wy I am mwt aniju. for tha -Inv.. and I am reaiy to ).. i. or out i f Parliament. aiu:L: Bagh b: ;i:caturo Commissioner, to Mr. Lyne, "Q. 1077—What is that Association P" J, B. Smith, Esq,M.P., t9 Mr. Iiyne. The day wili tOme when the public will aoknowiedge its obligation to yoa." For full statements and the copy of the Dake of Argyll s invaluable letter. al»o Baring Bros, and Oo. s iawnveaieat ietur, seethe Pamphlet. Tbo uUØltf..ct 10 oar oiviiiza- ticn is tkat Rcguee look upon 1a.eu III taoir best aad surest friends j' and t-bi II not now I ttm in a corner;" and I say, finally, "England, woulo that the fouiitain of your mind was elear agaia, that I might wateraues at it!" L YNB. R.B.-May be obtained bygiving the above adiress to any Bookseller. 338 BEATTIOH OLOTBI B13RATNICII OLOXH I BBATHCB A IRON AIA-TUBING, DODA&% TARPAULISMT RI3K OLOTH?, KAnn TO ART 81708 III rQ DATS' NOTIOB. LOOO. GRBA88. WUN aOPB GR^AStf (ran nox 101D), TRAM OILS AND GRUkdrfj. CELAIDIP, SAILS, AND COUPLINGS. 25 per Oest. Sarin, ot ooal BOILBB8 A PIPB9 OOVBHBO wirs PATENT BOX-CONDUO TIS(I COMPOdinON. SSYBBSV0Z8 TUiunSHaD FBOM Till LAA0S9T I woaxe Is wals3. GEO. J. MAY, GRERN, NIUTH. 125 A l'i:DB:¡ldll:ar:g öON. INDIi-RUBBKR MA14VYACTUagdi 1« & 17, OASTLH-SXRBltT, SifAdElah. POI: detailed advertisement, see paga 1, ool.7. 3il -|^|OUaE FORSflSHING. DEBKwHAM AND F2EEBODY Invite Gentlemen about Furnishing to inspect their stock of high-class BEOEPl'ION-ROOM A BEDROOM FURNITUBH, which is among the Larlru; ia the kingdom and is for the ..t pt -.(.t.d from their apøcj&1 ?A?,iga.. under the penonal ..pedt.?d.-m of their dig.s., Tllm Stock 01 OARPBTS includes every approved New Pattern of the best makers, M wellaa tlei.rown exclusive designs. Tile xl;eDtQr thdr premises, coveriug au arell of 20,0tfj square feet ia OWl block, EnAble, D. and F. to make each department as oom- plete as though it were a separate busineas, and no pains are spared to insure the satisfactory exeoationof orders in every detail. Competent assUUnts DNI always in attendance to supoly Estimates, and all information requiiod by Persoue Furnishing. DEBHNHAM AND PREBBODY, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, Carpet Factors, and General ¥fiUebou8men. OAVKNDlsH gous W. OUEIjiEBHAM. THIS DAY'S SERVICES, LEOTURES, AMUSEMKNra, Ac. OABDira Rotil.-Three Great Dramas. Vioroaix Boo.u.qraDd 00_ cur. tarI8 Mttartainmenta, ud dano- Ing,8. SWAHBKA Bihhs's Rotai MinioaiTHS, Quay- I p.r.d. 8. 8tu VAILILES.-Migo"neoUA Enter tainment, 8. ABIRDAM TnHPnaaaca Hut.—Diorama of Ireland, 8. TJlNBY HwTeninaos ikd TtriiOEi'3 O.BCva.- 2.30 and 730.



[No title]