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THE QUEENS VISIT TO PENRllYN CASTLE. By the time this paper reaches the eye of many of our distant rea lers, all event, the anticipation of which has again excited the enthusiastic loyalty of this truly loyal neighbourhood, will have been accomplished Her Ma- jesty will have once more honoured this p,?rtof the it;.ci lilt)' a, tl;n:e. i I':II;" ',III;" 'It s I ,I, guest of the Hon Col. Pennant, the member fur the county, at his baronial residence Penrhyn Castle." Never wtre preparations for her Majesty's receptiou more worthily alld liberally uudertakell never, we 11'111 be bound to say, could they be more satisfactorily completed. The Queen is evidently pleased with the country; the people love and honour her; and the inhabitants of Bangor appreciate the compliment which her M.jtsty has paid their respected and munilicent neighbour. Her Majesty is expected to leave Edinburgh this morning about 8 o'clock, aIII." and to arrive at Chester station at 4.1 p.m., where an immense olllpany will be assembled to greet her, alld addresses will be presented by the Town Council, the Lord Bishop, Src., the station being gaily decorated; after II'lnch tile royal train will again be set in motion, and D V, her M ijesiy will reach Bangor about 5 40 p.m. Here she will be received bv the Lord Lieutellallt of the County, the !JOII. Color,1 Pennant, General Cartwright, the Lord ISishop, and Other distinguished personalis, and a guard of honour, we believe a detachment bom the 96th regiment with their very splendid hand, who will follow the loyal Carriage through the town to the Penrhyn Park Gates. A detachment of the I >enbighshire Yeomanry Cavalry will also be in attendance oil lier Majesty and also the staff of the Royal Carnarvonshire Rifles.— Her Majesty and party will occupy the Keep during her «tav, and many distinguished pVlsl)lIages will be assem- bled there to receive them, including Lady Louisa Pen- nallt and family. Nothing is knowlJ liS to the Queen's intentions, beyond that of IJer Majesty's de*;re to Stay in p'ivaey at Penrhyn until -Monday, "lid to go to the private "hapd on Sunday, (the Bishop preaching) and not t" the Cathedral. a' reported in some papers. Probably Her Majesty will visit the celebrated Slate quarries, and not return to Windsor till Tuesday; but tve do not think she will go to the Great Eastern at Holyhead. The following is a list of the distinguished personages expected at the Castle to-day — Her Majesty, tbe Prince Consoit, Prince Arthur, Princess Helena, Princess Alee, and Princess LOllisa; Eilrl and ('ountess of Dei by, and Lady Emma Stanley, Earl and Countess ffingham, and Lady Maria Howard Dowager Coun- tiss of Nlortoji Lady Alice Douglas, and Lady (ier- (rude Doulas; Earl, and Countess of Euston; Lord Chailes Fi zroy; Lord Newborougb; Sir Hiehard B. Williains-Bulkeley, Bart" Lord- Licu:enant; Major General Grey Colonel Ponsonby; Sir George Sey- mour; C(,Iuli?-1, and Hwg; Capt, Altbur Dou- glas, R. N. Capt. Pellllant; the Minister of the day, (Duke of Newcastle); the Ladies in Wailing, and the Maids of flo iotir. The dinner party to-day will con- gist of abnut '10 of the above distinguished guests. The Pciirhyn tenants and quarryinen, with their wives, meet at the Llandcgai Lodge, on Saturday the 15tb, at four o'clock, under the direction of Ilr. Francis and others, and will be admitted ill to the Park by ticket, to take the positions appointed for tlietii. Every pre- caution will be adopted to prevent the admission of any persons without ti,kt. aii ? riie children of the sewral schools beloning to the parish of Llandegai, will also assemble at the Poi?t t.cli,e at tbe same time, and will occupy the stages erected for them oil each side of the lodge. The road on each side from the Port Lodge to the top of the hill at the Penrhyn Arms, will be lined by members of the Benefit Citibi an this road will be stiictly guarded to pi event any persons occupying it but those appointed. Each side of the road on the pathway from the Sta- tion will be lined by the inhabitants of Bangor an 1 Others, with a good mixture of special constables and parties of tb(? different clubs or benefit societies, distri- bated at certain distances. There has been a strong police force provided to keep the roadway clear alollg the line, and to pieserve order throughout the town, in which they will be assisted by 200 constables specially sworn in. At four p.m the Line will be formed, when the road will be cleared and all ordinary traffic will be stopped. Aft.r half-past four, no person will be allowed upon the carriage road except those on duty; and no carriages except those on (Itity ikii(I no carriages but those to await the arrival of Her Majesty. All peisons are earnestly cautioned for their own security, not to break tbe line until the whole of the carriages have passed, which will be notified to them by the police. Tbe Clubs, which kindly give tlie.r assistance in the preservation of order, are- The Rechabites' Society, the (Jnion Society, the Llanciau Eryri Society, the Venedocian Society, the Foresters' Society, the Odd- Fel1ows' Society, the Talybont Society and the Glan Og- well Society. They are expected to be in their places at three o'clock, and will be stationed as follows — Recha- bites, from their Hall to the Vaynol Arms Police Llanciau Eryri, from Castle Hotel to Waterloo Street; Police; Foresters from Wuterloo-street to Old Balik; Police Odd Fellows, from Old Bank to Dean-street; Police i Talybont to the Police; Glan Og- wen from the Fryars to the Slate Yard; Police; Union from the Hill to the furthest flag-staff at the Port. Hand bills have bepn posted up, cautioning all persons from using any fire arms, stjuibs, or other combustible, during Her Majesty's progress, and also from following or pressing upon Her Majesty's carriages and suite. Two extensive stages have been erected just at the Perk Gates, for tbe accommodation of the School Children and a large numher uf flags, staffs, and fes- toons, have been constructed, with a handsome trium- phal Arch. Blue and other coloured lihts will he burnt from hcnce at periods during the evening; and there will be a display of tire works in the Park. TIle Baud of the Ruyal Carnarvonshire Ritles will also play near the Castle. From the Railway Station down to the Penrhyn Arms Hotel, the decorative abilities of the inhabitants are, it appeal's, to be tested to their fullest extent; and at Peu, dre, near the Rechabite Hall, we perceive that one of the principal arches is being erected to welcome Her Majesty's first entry into the tOWII. It is a substantially built structure, skil nily designed, and conveniently ar- ranged for carriage drive and pedestrians. It will be brilliantly illuminated at night, which, with the spear- like projections from the top, suirounded by a crown, will give it a very imposing appearance. A short dis- tance lower down, on a natural eminence, is a gallery formed for the School children, from which they will be able to view the Royal Party immediately on their ar- rival from the Station. Opposite the Museum, is a fine Roijiiiik ut-cli, simple, but beautiful in its construction, erected at the expence of Nir. Hugh Pritchard, Vaynol Arms. Stretching itself across frol/l the furthest side of Lonypobty, to the other side of High-street, is an elegantly and skilfully constructed double arch, erected by Mr. Evans, of the City Vaults. Opposite the house of Mr. M. Roberts, is another arch spannirg the road, tastefully constructed, and of good height, at Mr. Roberts's sole expense. Near the Friars, and opposite Mr. Williams's coal yar l, is another struc- ture, erected under the superintendance of the arches committee of the town is raised, similar to the one des- cribed and a few yards further, in front of Plas- llwyd, the residence of Nlr. Samuel Roberts, is a heauti ful design ill ever-greens of a Suspension Bridge, surmounted with a crown, and to be lighted up by col- ou'L?d lamps. At Pe!llo!l slate yard, we notice a very ingenious model of the Tubular Bridge, with its massive pillars and a lion each side, carved of Malta stone, which re- minds the spectators of the now departed anli much- lamented genius who projected the original; and the whole is constructed at the expence of Messrs. Thomas and Co. A few y ir Is' distance, is another elegant model in evergreens and festoons 01 !lowers, of the Suspension Bridge, stretched across the highway, ill front of Tan- y cotll, the resilience of Mr. Pritchard. The ilium illations appear to he general throughout the town and nei-hb mrhood, to ennu.nerate which, with other numerous means in store for the reception of her Majes- ty, would be superfluous. Suffice it to sia.v, tlidt the people of Banvor are determined that the present demon- stration shall surpass in magnificence, even that which took place on the occasion of the last Royal visIt to this neighbourhood.. There is to be a handsome gas device exhibited from tbe Hardens of tbe Penrhyn Arms Hotel. The Fireworks we are assured, will he exquisite, as they will be supplied by Mr. AtK.ns of the Zoological Gardens, Liverpool; and as they will be discharged at Garth Hill, they will he seen from every part of the neighbourhood. The following is the Piogamme: ). Discharge of Cannon 2. 1):p!??y f light, 3. Ili..?,,atiot, of crimson fires. 4. Rockets discharging bright stars. 5. Shells of bright stars. 6. A large fixed piece, with a yellow centre ,crolll changing to vertical wheels of green and crimson hres, finishing with a display of iiiitrooiied. 7. Ascent of I'Orht, with falling golden rain. 8. Shells, with showers of golden rain. 9. A splenùid diamund piece, commencing with II double vertical wheel of varied colours, changing to a diamond figure in brilliant fire and revolving wheels of beautiful colours, finishing with a large radii of golden fire. 10. Rockets with variegated stars. 11. Shells ol meteor golden stars and rAin of fire. 12. Horizontal wheel, of rapid evolution, tlnowing crimson, green, and purple balls to a great height, and discharging numbers of rockets, and displaying a great variety of beautiful dlanges. 13 Tourbillons. 14. Rockets of large size, with golden stars. 15. Shells of golden comet stars. 16. Superb rainbow circle, displaying the most beautiful changing colour, forming nfterwards a splendid figure of revolving sunflowers, concluding with a brilliant cascade of chequered fire. 17. Tourbillons, 18. Rockets discharging fiery snakes. 19. Shells of brilliant colours. 20. A fixed piece, 20 feet in diameter, of elegant design forming II chain of brilliant Saxon 1"111'1'10, the richest colours for decoration, the centre wheel displaying the true lover's knot, concluding with showers of glitter- 1111( fire. 21. Rockets with golden rain. 22. Rockets with crimson stars. 23. TOllrhillon of laree calibre. 24. Shells of golden raill. 25. A beautiful uiece, commencing with a coloured ver- tical wheel, changing to a large figure of a Scotch star, with innumerable diamond lights and Chinese flyers, finishing with a superb piece of Chinese che- quered work in brilliant fire, with reports, 8cc. 26. Rocket, with the floating stars changing to a great variety of colors while suspended at a great altitude. 27. Rockets with purple stars. 28. Tourbillons, ascending to a great height, forming pyramids of fire, 29. Shells of fiery snakes. 3,1. A splendid fixed piece, with myriads of Bengal lights and colored wheels, throwing jets of brilliant fire in every direction, finishing with a brilliant dis- play of fire ray onnent. 31. Rocket of very large calibre, with purple green and crimson stars. 32. Tourbillons of great size, :1:3. Monster shell with rain of glittering fires. 34. A piece of large extent, displaying every colour of the rainbow, crowded with wheels of Saxon fire., con- tinually chllllgillg eoluor anil design, concluding with a superb slIn of fifty radii. 35. Two It). rockets, discharging a dozen floating lights at one time, with continued changing colors, being suspended at a great altitude. (This firework has never been displayed by any other person ) 36. Double shells, fired from Sin, mortars-the shell, when at a great altitude, discharging golden rain, and throwing out also another shell at the same time with the richest colours. 37. Beautiful display of coloured rockets. 38. Splendid temple of fire, 30 feet in height and 60 feet in extent, with wreathe of laurel leaves, in green and brilliant fires, containing in the centre the trans- pirent device of the Royal Arms, surmounted by a beautiful crown of fire, and supported by hanncrs and tlll;:s, and surrounded bv the richest coloured designs. A grandfett dejoic will take place for thefinnle, dis- charge of cannon, bouquets, Roman candles, grand bom- bardment of sancisson serpents, &c., and flight of 100 rockets, with rich coloured stars. STREET OBSTRUCTIONS. We are glad to observe, that the Local Board of [Ie,1th are adopting precautionary measures for pre- venting unnecessary obstruction of the main street, as will be seen from the following notice posted through- out the town:—" Bangor Local Board uf Health.— Queen's Visit.—Notice is hereby Given,—That any person erecting platforms, stages, or other obstruction over the fon'paths in the main street, or hanging across the street flags or banners of a less height than Six- teen feet in the clear between the centre of the road a id the lowest portion of the fl ig or banner, will be proceeded against, according to the provisions of the Local Government Act, 18,">fi. By order of the Board. W. Y. Hardie, Engineer and Cleik to the Board. FOLICE REGULATIONS. The following notice has also been issued by the Chief Constable.—•' Police Notice.— Persons who shall fire off any Gun, or Pistol, or shall set fire to or let off or throw any Squib, Rocket, Serpent, or other Fire- work whatsoever, within fifty feet of any Carriageway or Cartway, within the TOWII of Bangor, on the occasion of Her Majesty beinsi in or near the Town, will be pro- ceeded against at a Penalty of not exceeding forty shill- ing. 5&G Will. 4, Cap. 50, Sec. 72. Signed, T. P. Wn.t.iAMs ELI.IS, Chief Constable." Chief Constable's Office, Carnarvon, Oct. 10th, 1858. It AII.WAV REGULATIONS. The General Manager of the London and North Western has issued printed instructions for the informa- tion of the servants of the company for facilitating her Majesty's journey from Edinburgh to Bangor. The Royal Train, it appears, will leave Lancaster at 2 12 p.m., and pass Preston Station at 2 45 p.m. It will arrive at Chester at 4 1., and is to depart at 4 6. The engine is to stop for five minutes at Prestatyn to take water, and at Bangor the train is expected to arrive at a 40, where it will run slowly through a new crossing on to the up-line, to enable the royal party to alight at the office side of the station. To avoid all chance of detention to the Royal Train, the line and stations will be kept perfectly clear, and no Train will be allowed to leave within half-an-hour be- fore the time named in the bill. At Stations where the Public are to be admitted, barriers nill be erected on the platform, at which the Royal Train is intended to be brought to a stand, in order to prevent any encroachment on the portion appropriated to the Royal Party. In case the public are admitted on the opposite side of the Station to that occupied by the Royal Train, barriers must also be erected to keep them within proper limits, and to prevent them straying upon the Line, or approaching the off side of the Royal Train. An adequate number of men will be on duty at such Stations to preserve order and ensure safety. The following is the appointed time for the Royal Train to pass through or depart from each station on the line from Chester to Bangor :-Chester, 4 6 p.m.; Queen's Ferry, 4 17; Flint, 4 25 Biigilit, 4 28; Holywell, 4 31; Mostyn, 4 30; Prestatyn, 4 50; Rhyl, 4 56; Abergele, 5 2; Colwyn, 5 12 Conway, 5 19; Penmaenmawr, 5 25; Aber, 5 31 and arrive at Bangor, 5 40.






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Family Notices



