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KING ARTHUR'S WELL, LLANDDEIXIOLI-N, NEAR CAERNARVON. A CHALYBEATE 3PKING, equal to any of the German ¡'H\<:1 ",ih direction? for its n«c. AUo, a descripton of 1rlthh pruidic;:l Remains, and othrr ob ects of interest in the 'I,I.i'¡" 1' :ill£itÜ; D :E'y:; J vrv n. A r.*Mv publication, price 2>. tid., with an engraving of A N,?'i be I ad the Author, p»st f,? and It b »• or* THE SOCIAL EVIL, To be published 21th July, Sl-TON"f) and Aun-nded E,Ii?i of Gill IlIAU TYNER .T VER'TIKI) 1 EVA I NO CYMIUY' ar bwr.c tra phwwig. i; ,•! I' oN'KiiDicFs. Cyfuithiedig i'r Gvmracg gin AARON 1U>- 'FI:Tj. 1! \.0 G'deg yr Iesu, Rh\dychiin. Carnarvon —Printed tor the Publisher by J. Williams, Bout fr:d. Price hI. 9d. IWI" dozen per hundred. THE~BISHOTOF OXFORD f- to Privh a SERMON in the on t" DAY. Any,ibt Sth. Service begins at 11-30 a.m. TUITION ON THE SEA COAST. THE KEY. EVAN Lewis, fncurnbent ,?f St Oa((ierin»v, Oolwyn, TII ;:rEII;ÿ .'s ItlmJ)in::n: a i;iï''uV!:č I i'lTli. TO SCHOOLMASTERS. w 11", i.1r" 1); for the National School at Llanolidan, near Uuth'm. A;>pf> to the Kev. D. lnl:F.RT"¡, Rector. WANTED, FOR A LADY, 4 M IDDLE-AGEl) Frole.-t.int Porson us CO?IPANTON, Hot xi requiring -alary. Address-—E. J-, Post-Offioe, Bangor. A WIDOW L\DY, of respectability, is deairous of an EN- A w, I- to a Lady, or to Superinten the domestic affair* of a Gentleman. Apply to 11. 1. )/onh Vales ChTonicW < thee, Bangor. lir\\ |TI>. for the NORTH W,u.I:S CHUOVII'LI; PHI NT i N <» W or; n r. K.vgor, a COM PE 'i\ JR' t.l.I:-tll: an ii.tciiivent COM POSITOU. Appl> to A. H. MARTIN. \1.\DY, \\bo-e term wi'd shortly expire in a Clergyman's family, ni.l he 11;1 )}} re-appointment. She ;}tlrl Mu-ir, Draw ng (from nature rudiments of Latin, French, Irtish Globes, Natnnl Sciences, &c. Aye, 2t Experience, 6 ;<;ir«. salarj, iM(> or JL'35 in a Clergyman's family. Unexeep- ti-naMe tcatiinon .ds. A<!d»e<* — M iss Sii krRI Nfj, Vicarge, Bettws, Abergele, TO qUARRY^EN! i 1) \II'I' 11-1 are invit <1 to s,- il Tenders fur making r.'re< n and P>lne Mate in the Tyn-y. W». -rgiodd Quarries, Nantlle Vale, of 1st n-t 2nd (Jualit es, Nags, Tally, and Mo-s, at a price per Ten or Thousand, delivered at Carnatvori Quay. TnUiS to he addressed to Mr. UUILVIK, 1, Cushion Court, Old Lf,t, :t. WANTED, A SMALL DETACH Kl> COTTAGE ( urni>hed or unfurnished ) for >ix months, or a longer pe> iod. ti f y Station on the Railway b« twixt Bangor ami Chester. d ¡;. iII1 ¡:lti:L:\ :I;t/Ja}f;E,a.( t:vf I r. M MJ; \s, Tobacconist, l<hyl. MENAI REGATTA, 1858. I V proj o*M to hold I' "r 1'.? f,)r ard Menai Bridge, on the 27 th Jay of Angus: next, of u fiicii fur- t.»i'r parricnlars wi'l shortly he announce' In th, n»eant i «n' :}},I:'?;iii¡tU()fij,¡;ff:i:2{1'J!t{:I.: w;:i h- n-«-i\<d by Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, solicitor, jjeauinarU. BANGOR CLERGY MEETING. X 0 TIC E IS II E It E BiG I V EN, HMI \T the General Annual Meeting ot the Subscribers of thi, I r:i;nitv w ill t-ske pi ice ut toe NATIONAL School UOJM.OII W KUSSSD \y. the 4lh of \llgHt, 18,, 1; it: r. July 30th, |K,>.S. BASGOA DIOCESAN CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY. rilllll \NN l" A: GENEliAL M METI N(* of this Y, will 1 !:»• in the CHAPTER HDOM, on Wi.DNESDAY, the Itli o. A' v:M. at half eleven h'dod,. Th" ( oiniiattpe of this Socieiy will meet at the same place, III Tui:S»)AY, the Jrd, at 30'('10(.'1" l.(:r:i, July :.?Uth. HRNHY OWEN, Hon. Secretary. l/ancf July 2(-'th. BANGOR DIOCESAN BOARD OF EDUCATION. T rl:" GENEIIAL lcl;I¡I;)In board will take CI411; .1 ih»» NATIONAL Sl'HOOL-ROOM, on WKDNFSDAY, the -1th iy (,f A'e/ust, ¡mn e,!|;itt ly after the Meeting -f the Society for a, "Ln:: Christian K* wkdi;e. 1 tp r,.n:ii iitee will inpit on Tucj-Jay, the 3rd, 111 the Vtlaptcr Koom, at i o'clock. J V. VINCENT, Secretary. BANGOR DIOCESAN TRACT SOCIETY, V'lh t.l Ni i;\L M i; 11 r INC of t hi -4 Society will bo I.eld at the 1'! ati ON \i m'IUhh.-Uoom on Wv.i>NRSi>\Y,the4lh of August. itf- j ¡t!¡.r tii- hu^iie^ of the Widows and Orphans' • u t} s hai. have been completed. t;t f IIENUY WYNNE JONES, Secretary. I jn* :dter,danrp of Members and the Clergy in general is par- t:tn\ n> dd, J u'.V 2 Ut, IS'tS. CONVOCATION AND LAY CO-OPERATION. I Ni; Hill U: held Oil "F¡)I>lH.Y. the 1th of Anzut. h N >.ti<>NaL S<'iun>T,-lU>oM, liansjur, imjinniiately ^•'Ttlie Anr:»ial Diocesan Meeting, when IIENUY llOAUE, { h:iirma') of the (. 'onvoc-atiou Society, will address the t.t-rtry, and others present, on the above important sub ect. A \1n:lr Mi-ttin? will lake place at Llandudno on the 1mh of Au^ast. I'aitictdaro will be g ven in rurnest. JAMES V. VINCENT, One üf till: Proctors tür the Diocese of lian^or. J 11! 11. ,-), MENAT BRIDGE NEW CHURCH, ANGLESEY. THN 'IICNCU U.'d be (MN^KCUa VEI) ?1) N') T ,1,' rr'v the nth Oi Am; i'ST, IJ S S bv the LORD < 'I IIE DIOCF-sE..Mornin? Service to commence fit II u r <>(/ U A. M and an Etcnin<j Service (Welsh) at 5 o'clock, i- :i.X.(;i::1i,f:2;:(tikf;t.iS K D. D Vicar of Whitfor-i, Flintshire. I 1;, r:" a deficiency in the fund-of £ *130; towards which a HON W »U be made alter each service, » •- Ci-r.-y aro requested to appear ir. surplice?. THOS. Jones ".ILf.LDh. M.A., Kector. J'i :• O't-h, 1, SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. T L ,or Diocesan Cotnuuttee, ac'.iu^ uud'-r the Society for ■ orU Christian K o« 1. d/e, int"ud holdirsr their Annual -it NATIONAL h'Uooi.-HODM, in this City, on Wed. io»- Lh day ot August. lN> at half-pa-t Eleven o'clock »>'» :->'oa, J ur the purpose ot Auditing the Accounts for the T Ai.cm d Subscriptions 1111 t the I'arent Society, and the •• t ;I:rl;ls and Subscriptions, will be received on th Ir -• J r (he accounts due for Ho.jhs. IId -r.o<, rij.tion^ due 011 th t day. -• j -'h, 1S-H. J. JI. CO I Secretary. BARMOUTH, MERIONETHSHIRE. J 11KUI. will be a l'-AZ\\K held in tfW NATIONAL SCIIOOL- A under the Uulowing patronage — be LORD LI L I'lTlN A NT of the Countv. 1 DM t'N I) 1;¡.l'I\U;Y, Eiii. u w. E. WYNNE. E,o.. M.I\ M„»T\ N 1,I y^ iLMAMs i? .i r, V<- KVH-IN, iy, !?>»•> Tool). 1'ut.r AM). N:7, ^ilanydon. }t( .I;\t1.. LI(1)d Mo.f\S NI,W Mrs. J. R. OKMSBY CORE. 1r KFVHLVY. lr. JON i:s, (Jl mdwr. Mrs. PARRY 0\\ ILS. Miss HICKET.lS. Mrs. Ciu-KN. L"TH and LLUI C»R AUGUST, LN aid >>f the tunds for the RE- 1 M V N"1' by he RV V O. L l. R TIM: I>MVA1, WEI.SH TAdITt LI B HKCATTA c A n x A R O x. MONDAY, AUGUST 2ND, 1858. :•): r- si HCNT, COM M TVPOI: 1:, 1 MOM AS A^SIILION -M ITU, Esy. 1\ K-COMMOLORI'. iill. col.ON i;|, PENNANT M.l'. Rl U Ot; M M o | ").?.\ !t ):s?. THE LIST OF PRIZES. '11 ( 1 I' r- II)! sitvor Tea Kettl*\ Y '.V :• s « r- • *1"-cv-uv per ton allowed. tiiU ■' 'i if t VU 11 CC P.— A Silver Salver, ^JVK' l:">«c, b{'tiZSZ'r'V ? v t.T x V t "J- 1 A !'1' "s'' uSox-crci^ns N1 Vl v ILIA V N V K J> KMI i: AM \TM !,>• »■• R N I; o N \VAIKI;MI;NN i;I 'i??? R R 7'^ I Hi: 'AM ?'??'rh??, IT N R U \cn. A IM N I R \CE, One Soverei >n >ci I.LI.U'S UACE. n A DI CK IU NT. A Lett, r- should b addressed p o- p.,ti ■' «- W.-Uh v. I.: t-„, l n„ l '„ V "r v •=•« at II .if.F4,t IVt, ..vto.k a.m. P-W.VW,1I.8. tu A GRAND FETE IN THE CASTLE. If"l ]L:tllWl' nr<d vr- ri, Work,, .u, [ the A«c-'n 01 iiullouii. Tin; KI.Vll, Wi;i,-ll VACUT Cl.ri! Regatta BALL NWil 'l-u.i,,1r5r, 3 I.-OiY I'ATkuNEvNl. l'ue LHh I.euU.i f'cu.ant 'I h- Lad, >r.di Hav Williams.  I..Kiy'WiliouaUby de Bwke. Wr>. H' I i- y Hughes. lh:'(;!))P:WI0: 'i- A~- i»-tori >mith, C. A. DFCLMAH, HON SEC, U.W.Y.C, NOTICE—SALE PO STr ONED. TlIE Sale of the M^chiru iy, &■«.. advertise take pi ice af T" Slab Works, ue.r ??..1? the Jnd of I T,l:I;:I¡¡..J"it}.5:f:I,X:i¡;e¡:Ia/1 } I HOT, COLD, & SHOWER BATHS, AT VIVK MINUTHS' XOTtCH. AT No. 2, BANK PLACE, BANGOR. ALSO, II \N D^O.M E AND COMMODlOCS AP.ltT\II.T" IN CO ME WITHOUT RISK. PERSONS having a little spare time are apprised that the East India Tea Company continue to appoint AGENTS for the side of their celebrated Teas 111 any town and village i i the kingdom. These Teas are pacKed, to suit all purchasers, ill leaden Canisters, from one ounce to one pound. Applications to he ad(tre,.d to the Company, at their Offices, 9, G,t St. Helen's, Uishops?ate, London. GL E N F I ELD P A TENT STARCH. rSKI) IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. rpHE LADIES are re^nectfully in that thisSrvucii ?s III ::ld( i'J¡,¡E r:[: ,i'f'i\: :\II'ltt,;1¥ AndllER MAJESTY'S L.\LNI)RE<s says, that although s h e has TRIED WHEATEN, RHR. AND OTHER POVVDRR STARCHES, She has found none of them equal to the GLBN'T'IKLD, which is i'? I 'it u?l NEI IX i(Cil SHK EVER USED. WOTHERSPOON & CO. GLASGOW A-<? :,H?,ox. OT "POON & CO. "ELLIS'S RUTHIN SODA WATER." ELLIS Jc be«j respectfully to inform the Public that H • their SODA. l'O I'ASS, wnd SELTZER WA TERS, and CH M .t:-i,and rivalled pntity, may be obtained from all respectable Uetaileis of Mineral Waters in the United Kingdom. Importers of German Seltzer Water. ¡a.T 111: NOR I'D WALES. VI. COLLINSON & SON, FAMILY HOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, 124, (top of) Bold-street, Liverpool, THE lar/est assortment in the Kingdom of Ladi.V, Gentlemen's and Children's Roots and Shoes ol e\ery quality y,y Can have, at any tinJc, a Parcel or Hamper of Goods SENT os ArFl.lCATlON. J (1"01' OF) BOLD-STREET, J. BARKER, WINE AND S P I It I T ,I E R C II A NT. 1)1 RTON, BiUer, and Mdd Ak.s. Sole Aijent for JLHc!ar and U Perkin's Bottled Stout. F A M 11. Y <1 U O C E R A N I> IT A 1.1 A N \V A U E HO U S E M A N. S'uLi dinger Detr, (lnd Lemonade. 22, CASTLE STREET, BEAUMARIS W. A. PARRY, B o 0 K B I N 1) E K, MA 11 K K T-P LAC F, LLANHWST, n I't;1 t1 return :It\\ respectful acknowledfrments to the Gentry Tl ) and the Inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood gene- rally. for their kind patronage during the ninejears he hasrided and done business :Hn{)IIt tlimi, and lespecttuily sulicits a con- tinuance 01 their patronage and support. er. N.M.—liindin? in all its t bva .ehes, plain and extra style, ex- ecuted on the shortest notice, an i the most reasonable t itus. He is also A'^ent for Rhtkic and Son, Publishers, Glasgow, TO BE LET, BY T II I, M O N I' H 0 1: YEAR, A COTTAGE, completely l'urni?hed, capableof ;iceoinmo<latin<r A c, p?"' ify. I I i, beautifully situated, d- iug tine mountain and e'. v iews, and h\cs every ¡HhanLte in situation and convenience that call lJe required. Large Garden, t'tlach-houst>. and Stables, Apply to Nir. MAe LEAS. Pentrefelin, near Criccieth. TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED, AT MENAI BRIDGE, C -1;, .mH.M I IIUON V MK.N'AI (lately tV i» Ui e nocnj.v.t nn o f '.Joctnr Williams) commanding views 1 4'! !pth nrj':l< :lll!l tl¡e (\\rllan('Il.h¡n Mountains, and contain- ing wr iw .¡I Reotn, one Dining Room, two l'arillurs, six 1', ;■ '■ ud Kitche.t, lower d aud Cellars. a; all(1 stable, &c., and n excellent Garden. I ;111' 'H ;• on may be II d. Rent, £ .J2 per annum. Apply to Mr. TIMOTIIY, Menai IJridge. TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED, FROM YI: It TO YEAR, TIt !iI\ HOUSE and itI::{:.ti\I,?e 1' ::)t This delightful Residence is situated within one mile of tl?? Market Town of Llanrwst, 011 an tmiucnce commanding- most extensive and iszl,ti,?l views of the surrounding Country, and adjoining ^ood road-i, replete with every convenience. Possession of the land can be had on the 30lh of November ¡'txt. ai d the Mansion House and Out-buildings on the ht of Mar, 1859. The Demesne I.anr1, "bkh conhins ill statute measure !)lJ Acres, or thereabouts, will tJe let cither with or Without the .Mall:inT1 House. For further par\1cn.hr3 and tPflIS apply to 1r, J. n. Gn I FFIT II Sol1t itür, Llaniwst. T O li E L E T, W I T II I M M E D I A T E P O S S E S S I O N, X^TOODFIELU HOUSE, a commodious and convenient It- "r :(I i t8;tt'a  1l'Ii; I ¡}Ii(a:; l:¡¡ i\;a\l:li on th Bank of the Hi\'er Dee. two miles and a hail from I'l t (. mail station on the Chester and lIolyhead Railway), and one mile from church, and from all intended new station near Quay, upon a good road. The 11::l.ac7.1(iaillin Iteom 22ft. by 15ft. (jin.; Drawing Room 2lft. Sin. by 1art. Gin" with a loom oer the latter, of equal size, which may either rwnain as a sitting room, or be wade illto two bedrooms; ¡, other Bedrooms, \"uter.clo:ct, Kitchens. Pantries, Cellars, and all other conveniences. A Groom's Cottage in the outer yarU, a pair-horse Stable, Coach-house, Shippou, ¿;;C. &<\ The (foHse 8titnd Oil a slight eminence, having a commanding view of the Dee and the Cheshire shore, and in a paddock or lawn of ()f tI .f'"l td, more land .?y be had if required. For further particulars apply to Ir. BATE, KelsteVtOll, Flint. PURSUANT to an Order of the Right Honourable the Lord-* p t:;t; tte ao)rrt¡JI'r A)IJ1!r i,? ?;ni:'t;(I';7 teeHTI'lo(: I ot Julv, I<CW, and made in the MATTER of JOHN 'VYE. it person of un-ound mind, the CREDITORS of JOHN WYNNE, of ?ilio, in I county of Denbigh. E. tiir<\ formerly a lieutenant alld adjutant in her bjcst) 's :!3rù Regiment Gf Welsh Fusil ers, afterwar 8 of Hastings in tht: county of Sus»ex,of Boulogne, in the empire of France, of St. John's-wood, in the county of MiddleH'x, of Brighton, in t ?o,?,?t" of Sussex, of Leamington, in the county of Waiwiek, and now of Moorcrofl hotise, HilHiigdo:), in the said county or a person of 111J;,ó:otllld mind, are forth" ith, by their solicitors, to come in and prove their debts bef >re the Masters in Lunacy, at thdr ofiice, :\0. -no l.il1eolll'illn-Helds, in tlw said county of M iddlese*, or in tlet mlt thereof ther will be l'xduded from the benefit of the in- quiry now penaiug relative thereto. FUTVOYE, SAWTELL, and LIGHTFOOT, Jolui-stveet, Bedford-row, London. L L A N It W S T, NOR T H W A L E S, N, the Conway Station of th" ¡,Ui/dOIl and Xorth Western llaihrat/. THE VICTORIA HOTEL, 1"\KI.IGHTI-TI.Y *Unatvd on the banks of tho Uivcr Co: way. is now replete with every ennvenionee, and offers to the Touflt or the CommpccÎal Traveller all the comforts of a home, together with the tlegaut accommodation of a Ur;t.cb Bold. The Propri(>lor, grateful for the liberal support lte lias already received, assures his patrons it will be his constant study to merit a continuance ot that distinguished patronage so liberally bestowed on JIÎ neav relative, Mr. Win. Mathew, bte Proprietor, Royal Victoria Hotel, 1 lanberis. Hot and Cold liaths,—Posting in all its bralldles. II. GHE-\fOHEX. PROPRIETOR COltlil," Ir AKMS llOTLL. ABllRUOYfcY. ROBERT PRITCHARD > i.n< the I'uhlii- 'rnera lv, that he has taken the above Hotel 11E(iS respeetfuLy to acquaint Tourists, Commercial Travellers tor se\err.i jears Kept by Mr. h. Mdwanls, which is Still replete with ever y com ort, and trusts bj i j .iM- t.7 together ilh moderate charges, to merit a coutiuuuuce of that P:l:t: !e{iiIt;,io'Ij 'ir;ar;j'\1:,I"¡or it mildnrss Abet dm ey is considered the Torquay of Wales for its mildness and salubrious air. The scenery is beautilul and interesting. The sands ->re considered p:J:: f[ In the Principality. Bathing machines on the beach opposite the Hotel. The acccuminouation will be found q ual, if not su p er or, to any Hotel in Wa es, and the comfort and convenience ot visitors will be studied mi 1 a.:( tended to with th" utmost prop¡kly. plI:.dq:d,ty, and l'cullumy. Wii.cs and Spirits of tb"; best quality. Porting in all its branches. Aberdove y t; June, i :S. SMALLWUUIL CIDER, PERRY. liloOD HOOP, AND OAK HURDLE MERCHANT," Xo. 13, KING Al.I'ltED'S I'LAC):, Opposite the princijia! <'n(r<niee to lit" ('att'c Show, BINGLEY HALL, BIRMINGHAM, OFFERS tor >A L i. u. l- ,»m»<i Guu ei<, R <• Contractors and others, anv quantity «> f tlie ciieape-t ai. d best OAK FLA K II- or what are eoniiiionlv known here as 111'liDLES. T noj Fl .kes or Hurdles are s.-me of the be>t in this et.unt y ar very stroi %j eiyht feet long, four feet seven inehes hiirh, anu iron eli. -ped, and arc all made ot Cleft English Oak. Tin are p r ieularlv adapted for Fencing out Fields, Roads, &■:„ and are easily pul dowu und taken up, and wili endure main A Stock alwp.y« on hand, which R. Sm illwood «ill engage to deliver »«» any of the fo.lowing places at Us. per hurdle, orolii. j»tr uozin. 'ihe lowest price for cash on .— Qutensterry, Mohl. Fiint, Rhyl, Holy well, Abergele, Conway, B-\u«or, Ilolj head, Carnarvon. II- s. be-s to call the attention of Famers. Graziers, Contrac- 'OS's, and others, to the advantage they will deove by purchasing Hurd es fr«>m him over those made of Sawu Timber, as the bil- lowin g statement will suib.'iently exemplify:— „ '.XAM\?'? .t: S.I). :¡?t)!f:rti;{if!t:t,{; r Iwt' is C' u!'icl' nl :l°- IH'r Il m-'i f I'. 0) 0 () 1. !>-0 leu. at 4i. 1-Cf IIuntie, or 4'd. pcr fou!j is. ° 0 0 Being a Having of TT7, N. J-Ci\e:rI:II: t;il;d'I;tii' ;¿ ;uv worth at least one third more than Sawn one« thus i\I, ,ltl;j)(tt1nrlo ;:tI;lllaI; :3 and adding to the sum above saved i-riuiu, 5 0 0 p A saving of i. the pound lU-U W.MMScy'.?'J?.'??n'???.'s'h'??m i th?e Hurdles, uin.up.u ?' <? .n.'y.?oh??? ?'?.'J I THOMAS CATHEEALL,  it, nt>ihholJrl;Y)cI     "P-11 thl B firin?,rly c,irried ori by ,Ir. %V. HU'1.. m&a»sx 'sakc" in,°"r:-j-viE8 «b;Lh"i?.f«  ?-f Le, Yean. 'n(1 11 y JU" th. Bna.i.ss will in future be ????n?t?th??'of"???I?A???!X?'?? '°" '"?.tf.th. B.i.? wiU i.. future be CATH ERALLr&~N IXON, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BOOKBINDERS, MUSIC-SELLEES AND ARTISTS' COLOURME-1, BANK PLACE, B A N G 0 R, ■ In rntrrincr on the above Partnership, respectfully solicit a continuance of that '^atrom^p »i.inh u »., he?towed ?',i CA riiPItALL. ati(? ?r? I)g,!11.1 ?ly !1,t 1!^ I!U be-heir istauIt i study, by 15lduous attention and moderate charges, to merit their confidence and st?pport. July 1st, I80S. SAINT ASAPH UNION. —— TO L.A.N"D S-U-?.?B?-Q?SAM-D V ALUEBS. THli,?iareaon!,hfph'i$ U.i.. are prepftre(i to r i,,? I' .1?p) Of the Parish of Saint Asaph, T" th fl b i,l, i? 10380 ,Cr e9, or thenahuul:;o. Y to he !"Paled s,b •• •*•'«' 'r?,?d?r for the V.1uati of the Parish of sa^inot t Asaph." and sent in to me, UH> iindZer, juneil. on or ùdurp We.lP neso.jy, the lith Ja 01 August next It is to he pr?,,i for in the Contrnet to be entered into that such YaluatU*- ;baU b? -Plt.d within i. calendar mnntlic' from the day of the date of the execution thereof, and it will also contlun the fol1u\fing ehedI11e:- I 3 3 4 5 6 r | 8   9 —— 10 ———— •s .S O "3*3 1 Õ I u £ 6 3" w S x, is c 2^ flj g o« c ? i p to I 1! t. I!H I t if! ¡fi] i!! itt .¡ 2 .'ô I |.S -.= =«= E 1: :ë 5 s 'ë¿ d f s !L% « II t'% 15 ,1000 p:; I "1 g & ljlJltJ ^°* £ '2 H?rd Hoam, St. Asaph, July 13th, 18,?18. By Order of the Ronrd ROB. EDWD. WILLIAMS, Clerk.   A I\T I\T Tff U- S AE RIOAN" FE OA N" N"UTS=, A DESERT FRUIT. TIOMAS BIRIETT, GROCER, AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, BANGOR. KSTABLISIIKI) UPWARDS OF 17 YEARS. TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE PRINCIPALITY AND BUYEUS OF CABINET FURNITURE. SAM U E Leu T T E R U HI, BOLD-STREET, CABINETMAKER, UPHOI-STERER BEDSTEAD, BEDDING. I.OOKIN<J.G LASS AND OH M N I'.Y-GL, ASS MANUFACTURER. S. C U 1 1 h R & SHOWROOMS Contain a most extensive variety of all the necpssary Uticics for C 0 M P L E T E  J'I ?)?V"?E F U R N I S II I N G on nppplirtion :¡t l?), B 0 L D S T R E E T LIVERPOOL. FCKNITUttE PACKKD FIIEK OF OHAUGK, AN D SKNT V.\ Y DISTANCE (AU, Goons H.1UKEI1 IN PLAIN FrOUHE:) general FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. « a I F W IT II D A V, I IP, S HIGH-STREET, BANG01t. CAR P E l' SIN VEL VET P I L E, B R U SSE L S, TAPESTRY KIDDERMINSTER, FELT, DUTCH AND VENETIAN i TABLE LINENS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES, WASHING AND OTHER DAMASKS, CHINTZES, DIMITIES AND TABLE COVERS, IMPORTER OF SWISS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS, PAPEll AID DECO It,WION. FIRST CLASS GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. ri-UIE great encouragement which has attended my .xcrtions to ensure puUic patronage, induces me agaill to dean altenthn to J. the scale of pnces, winch combines A SUPERIOR ARTICLE, WARRANTED, ON TIIE MOST REASONABLE TERMS SHOOTING SUITS OF SCOTCH, WELSH, OR IRISH TWEED' From 50s. WATEIII'KOOF TWJEJEIB TALMAS, From 3s. TWEEli TSIC&WSERS, From 18s. DRESS OOAT, From 50s. 15 Si A CSC -I>MESS 'IBO WSER§, Froin 2s. J@HM AROHSOH. BANK PLACE, BANGOR N ORTH WALES. IIATS, MIAI#§ACMS, P()HTMANTEAUS, AND EYERY DESOIUPriOX Of G HOSIERY. A SUIT OF CLOTHES AT EIGHT HOURS' NOTICE.    Lf  ? ? '?-? DENTAL HMENT5 LlnmpOOL-No. 131, DUKE-STltEET, (DIRECTLY OPPOSITE BERRY-STUEET), LONDON-No. 33, I.UDGAIE HILL. Parties living at a distance may obtain every information relative to the Teeth by sending for MESSRS. GABRI EL'S rrHEATISE ON THE TEETH. Post free on receipt of a slamped envelope. None ?boill remain wi:hont proper atten iun to the<e ?ry important members of i,,? human frame, as Most of tht: il1s tW flesh is lieir to" may be traced t niiperfe-t mastication, or a diseased state of the sums. 7V?'7' tl,, 0 1'1 1,91ablis,ied Dentists, supply their celebrated ARTIFICIAL TEETH with //?' lalesl scientific improvements. No springs or wires, no fJ'/?ac/MM of roots, or ?M? ;M;?? op?ah'on from :3s. nd. per tooth Sets XJ1 ).S. ivarrantcd. Complete, sets made in one day, and only one visit re (1wired Mastication anil arhpHlni>o>* «<ct,, mid-it. i^uon.ueu jNui.—UDserve the Name antl Aiimuer MESSRS. GABRIEL, THE OLD ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, 131, DUKE STREET, Liverpool (diNrI1!/ opposite Berry-Street) and I.wlaate Hill I ondon ?.? ?? PATENT WHITE ENAMEL CEMENT, The oniy permanent Stopping fnr IVraye.l F/}It Teeth, \1¡;(;1t retains iw colour to the la«t (All Idlers receive immediate attention.) I \};ii:,i ¿Ie'I'i,;)r their Unnk/M th?ir P.tti?.M ?).?U.e Public ?orth Wales (al=o to the M..i^.i r5? l\_l lor their kind reeoinmeudation) and to state Til iT Mil. OVBltlKI. WII.L 1-ERSOXALLY ATXE\D EVERY PMLOotTtoli a»r i:h'eV,»!;iCrL?"bS m^n,unns to Ucnti. ry will b? per f ormed at the same moderate cl?rges as aUhe Loti(lori 12=;) Attendance in BANGOR, at Mr. R. ROBERTS, WATCHMAKER. HIGH ST^RFF''VP P,i?ate Honmsand Pnv?tc?ntrnncc.thR FIRST MONDAY IN EACH MONTH (throughout the jeai). t visit will b, ()N MONDAY, AUGUST Attendance in CARNARVON, at the UXBRIDGE AL?S IIOTKL, the FIR?T TV EACH MONTH (tJJI."nhont the year). Nc??t Visit will be -i? TO KSD Y AUG"SlM, l l e^r Attendanol' in PWLLHELI, at the CROWN HOTIX, tho FIRST WEDNESDAY IN EACH '?'' ?'?'?"??.<'xt?-.s,??i!? be on WEDNKSDAY, AUGUST the 4th r:Y MUXTH. CMWN HOTi.;L. th. FiRST WED???E-S-'?D-? '-Y 1I? N IE\ACf-Hn Next visit '?????l'Y? SECONi) MOXDAY IN EACH MONTH. ?- Attendance in RHYL every THURSDAY, 17, Water-street. All particulars may be had by post.- THE PRE P A It E D N I T E G U. T T A P E R C H A E N A ME I. "FOn STOPPING PIX'AYKD TEETH (WITHOUT I'AIN)- ay be had irum tile tolJowil,r appointed Aacnts R xtigor— Mr. (ir, tf, 11, (,'1 ¡: :iI\I: :i}; ;:H:¡;¡; t;t. t. Denbigh—Mr. Williaiu Kdwards, Chemist, ami Mr. | St. As.iph— .Mr. Charles Hughes, Ilriiiter. Abergele— M i. 'i. KcMvards, C'icn:i«t. I'ortmailoc— Mr. II Humphreys. Chemist. Pwllheli—Mr. Hushes and Mr. J. .1orris. Hildiicii, Chemist. t Mr. William :¡ (;; Il: t l': J1 i Corw'cn—Mr. Thomas Jones. U-.ithin—Mr. T. Bancroft, ?"'mi-t. WelUstreot, nnd Mr. U. Honse, Market-place,and Mr. R. Rouw, Clwyd.t. Conway—Mr. Uobnts. Chl'mlt, Pot-otHcc, Mold—Mr. Jtmes, Chemist. I Oswestry—Me>srs. Small and Son, Chemists. .11 r. RowJand, '?'"?'?''?' U??<'dr-M/ nohL'r?ri'm?i?: Chest('r-11'sr. Piatt and Sou (Chemists to the Queen. Doie?)ey—?Ir.R.(?R?,c!'?mi9t &?. DENTAL A T TEN DAN eEl N NOH. T H W ALE S. The lil.t Monday in each month, in "} luesday H CiJrnanon £ |nesday PwHhe1i as above, The second Mondal „ Denbigh V Ever)' '¡'hursday Rh).¡" I SALES BY MR. DEW.  jl,ky AT HA1 "0DTY' NEAR BEAUMARIS. TO BE SOL,? BY AUCTION, BY :\IIt TAM DEW' BY MR. WILlL t 1 t) cloe'.i pm. prompt On rt ESDAY, the 10th nf Al1!!IISt. IS3S T- ■. A miles to the Tomi at the frarm IIAFO Tl," withw. of Heauniiiri8— • 0 the Produce 7J ACKKS ol OATS, 5 ACUKS BARLEY. Ar I "X of 32 Acres of well-h rvest- d IIAY, i" St?', Thp whole wili be divided into Loti tn suit purchagert. ^oved credit will be given upon ;.if' security. MERIONETHSHIRE.-DOLGELLEY, &c. 3000 to 4000 Acres of Freehold Property. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WM, DEW, At the LION Hotel, Dol^ellev, on IJIL'HMJAY, September the 9th, 1838 (at J o'clock In the afternoon, in Lots, 8ubj:!ct to conditions then to be pioduced) — SHORT DESCRIPTION*. Is TIlE PARISH OF DOLGULu:y-1,ot 1. 2, 3, 4, r" 6, 7, t, 8. THE ,er"' Fanm called COEDCROKS, IJUYN'CASTKLL. I BRYNCOKDI VOlt, and extensive Planbtion9; a large FAC- TOHY, with abundant Water power. Mineral GroUII(t, and land adapted for BrÜlding Sites and aC\\)H)mOd4Üon. close to the Town of Dolgelley. IN THE PARISH or 9. The modern built IIOTl,;L," with its coo- venient and commodiolls Out-buildin^ tile far-famed Lake of Talyllyn, covering about One Hundred and Twenty Acres, abounding with fine Trout, together with several hundred Acres of Land, which kirts the Lake and its inlets. The whole form- ing features picturesque and beautiful in the extreme. IN THE PAIUSU OF TOWYN.—Lot 10. The old \fanjol1 of DOLEUGWYN, in the Vale ofTowyn,anc1 and its large fertle FA KM. with its capacious and well* placed homestead, together with the Water Corn (jrit MILL, and ample Water power for other purposes. There is on thi Farm an extenhc Vein of Blue Slate, partially opened, with indications of other valuable Minerals, and all wiihia a short distance of the Port of Aherdovey and Djsyni Harbour. Is TlIK PARISH OF LLANUWCHI.I.YN — Lot II & 12. Two Farm. called CAKLLWYD and FKOXWYDl). ext-mdin from ih t» Hl"er wi," and the Turnpike Road at brwsvnarn. a on £ the side of the Woodcock Covers 1. the preserved üråuslIlg Grounds of Dduallt, &c. Is THE PARISH oV TR.VWSFYNVDD — Lot 13. The Four exten.-ive Corn and Pasture Farm of IiltYNLLlN- MAWlt, BRYNLLINBACH, CWM II KSGAN, & ALLT-L Wy D. The Sheenwalks together on these Farms form very d.-sirable r;ro\1sin;r Grounds, b ia nearly s irrnunde-1 by strictly preserve Lands and to meet these views, tiley will be put in oue or Ulore Lots a may be agreed upon, at th, time of Sale. Is TUP. PARISHES OF LLASDANWG AND LJ.AXFIU\tGEI. TUAETHAL (IIAHLLC tl ) Lots 14, 15, IfJ, 17, L8, 19, 20, 31, 22, 23, 21, 2j, 26, 27, 28, 29, & 30 The W'y ?'bli? ,(I 'd li,?i!tF;ily Hotel at Harlech, call"o "THK BLFK LION," with its extensive Stab- lin, Co;W!JhtH1St'" and other liecrssary OIRces. Thl Eplanade in front of the 1Iltd has the Majestic Catlc in the fon'ground, and commatids \j('w of hC.?ti, ot Criccieth l?,e c" shire Coast, C;lI"(lj1) 13a). and of fountain Scenlry of unrivalled beauty alld m^j. sty. For retirement, and for the Invalid this locality flail every attraction, a tine Sea Beach, Romantic Walks and most salubrious Air. This Hotel does and will always co II" mand buineis. London Letters received dai "y by a .4-horse Coach from Carnarvon at 10 o clock in the 1orlJin¡r. ANo, the compact Farm of GARTH M A Wli, ami several COT- TAGES, and Rich Pasture Lauds in and near the Town of H "r1ech. Full particulars and rars may be had at most of the Inns in the County, alltt on application of fr. O. JOSRS, Agent, Castle Squat e, CarnanulI ,\J r. W M. DEW. Auctioneer, British notl. Bangor; and Mr. W. GRIFFITH, Dolgellev, ?olicitor, who will zd, ?, i 1*?,,p,i,ti,?,, b, required. SALES BY MR. 0RMIST01T NORTH W A L E s7 Compact Freehold Estate, in the Parishes of Llan. fihaiigel- Glynmyfyr and Llangwm, nearly 300 Acres in extent. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Nllt. ORMISTON, At the Owns (;r.YSJ>WR IIOTKL, Corwen, on FRIDAY the 6th of August., 1858, at i O'd(H:k i,, tl,, afternoon, in :,uc.i lot or lots, and subject to tuch conditions as shall be determineü upon- A MOST desirable and compact FREEHOLD PROPERTY A lr\l:î:alT :1'11seC\ l¡tI: ( £?r rrI¡: known ä- FARM, OCCUPIER. ACRE\OH. A. II P. Tir Bantm Bach David Jenkins 7 0 23 Llwyn Lloiau John I.lovd 11 a ~8 Hemlre Ll>san .John Roberts 37 031 Tycurrig Llysan William Jones liO 2 36 liron :\iNI}:j¡;;IK;tiJ::t. 11 :1 Hafodty Llysan HnghDavies 30 0 10 Llysgain Jane St J::m. Williams 11 335 11522 An in substantial repair, and mMt respectably tenanted. The prop rty is situate between the village of Uettws-Gwerfil- ?,l tl,, gr,.t Holyhead roa d about 4fr. Corwen and is surrounded by the lands of Lord Dagot. J. P. William, Esq., Mr. John AV, Mr. Roberts, and others. Thete r;ntJJtII;!)I)i::n;J ilE!lebnci :Piri:t ;;t}: hounds ar\ xvithin a mile or two, and the river Alwen, whIch partly bounds the estate, affords excellent trout and salmon fishing. Lithographed Plans and Particulars ?'il i be ready a month prior to the )le, and may be had, as tvI as I", further inform- ation, In the meantime of r. NAPIER, Coed Coch, Abergele or Mr. J. PARRY JONES, Solicitor, Denbigh; orofthe \LCTION' BR' Wigfair, St Asaph, ON TIIE COAST OF NOJnH WALES. SALE OF VALUABLE FRHKIIOLD PROPERTY, Near the Village of Cohvyn, on the North Welsh Coast. MR. ORMISTON Has been fevoured with Instructions TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the nEg HOTEL, in ABERUELE. on SA URDAY, the 2ath AUGUST, 1S>S. at Four o'clock ill the Afernoon, in such Lot or L'1t, and subject to such conditions, as 8hall be determined upon, DESIRABLE FREEHOLD FARM, called TY-IIWNT- A Yll-AFON. 8i uate close to the village of Cohvyn, in the Pa- rih of Llanftntlo..yn-lthos, itl the Comuv of Carnarvon, contain- i;l?? 29 Acres or theieabouts, with the House and Outbuildings thereon, now in the occupation of Also several Pieces or t'arcels of LAND, adjoining the Mail noad.lcadill from Abeigele to Conway, and f.om Cohvyn to Llanrlian n spec ively, which will be divided into Lots suitable :)I1;11;a:I;' f;, );'u\i 11:.b:f 1:ii\C¡,t/;U:;Jt11 I further particulars will appear in future advertisements. The situation of this pml¡(rty is IIIhh advantageous bcin* contiguo!l to the prl'l t y M A ;i Station on t!w Ches- ter and Holyhearl K.n v > Bathing Beach- athl Irom th littl <- U \\11 the coast, at aU uitalJle for Building po = ]■ .-r-, 1'1: i. "J tlie market, flH op. portunity now oilVred is mo-t favourable. The locality is healthy and p i cturesijue, and tli.-o dy drawback to which" visitors have hitherto hem sub j t h is been the very limited house ac- COfTIIIHHl.11io1l alfor letl by the noiuhbourhood. P¡ttjeHlar; with Lithograi>lied Plans, are in course of prepara- tion, allll may lie had at tile place ùf Sue, or (with any tuvther iB- formatioll:, of Mr. NAPII-R. Cn"IICuch, AOergele; of Nir. J. PARRY JONES, Solicitor, Denbigh; or of the ACCTIONEER, Wigfair, St. ;aph, ON THE COAST OF OHTH WALES. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Near the ViiIage of CuIw; n. 011 the Noith Wtlsh coast. M It, o It M I S ton Ilns b, favoured with illtnlctiollS to H; L L by AUCTION, ^t the F. 11 Abfrg le, on SAIURDAY, the 2Sth Augu>t, I8.")8,at4 o'clock in the afternoon, in such Lot or L"ts, and sub j ect to such co iditions s shall be determ ni>d upoti- j:f(jifj;'¡;J(t:i{;;i!ij;!1;1;i Al'ON, situate close to the Vill.tgeof Coiwyu, in the Parish of Ll-indrilln-yn-Rhns, in the County nf Carnarvon, containin'r 12a. 2r IIp,, t)r thereabouts, wH11 the 110ue and Outbuildinge thereon, now ill the ocellpattOIl of Mis. Roberts. AI. all those Two Fields called "LLWYN COLI. l*CH. and "LLWYN COLL ISA," containing ox. lr. 38p., or there- abouts. AIo. all thoro Three Fields or Pices of Land, known a* 51 Cao o dan Ty newydd, Cae'r o ¡ I (or Eglwys}," and t Cae eitliin containing in the whole 111. 2r. lop., or tliereaboiits adioiniv* the turnpike road leading from Abergele to Conwav and 'lm, C" to 1,1 tii(?ii;tti re? I)e?.t i,Iy. TI. I nito tour Lot-* of Accommodation or BUILDING LW* D f'Jl which latter purpose they are well adapted. Also, tll(- (?ztrtteii t!H floneli Inn," in the Village of w.'dr^Mr;,a^frtage to tho u., bcin! eT allr\ I1I!iyhl'ud IbHway), anti an f'xcellent u,thil1g b,,>aeh: and CorltI::ïld\1 fo the prt'tty dh!l' of ('nl\11 (a ;,tatiol1 on th Clw" r» .tJ ( rt' td i is m.o>t f-AVovtrable. ;iDE i:; ;\oH f. £:'c\ ii p?c,ture?(Itte, anel ,lie 0"'y (Irawhack to l,ly 1.?altl,, h!th^ .rtn i" r- "t- Itas "oen the \'ery limited house aecomuiu- d?,ti.n aft,)rded hy ti??- neighbourhood. Particulars, with lithoraphed 1)lai?s, arc in course of prepaii- lH, and may be had at the place o! sale, or, with any further in.ormation, of Mr. NAPIER, Coed Coct :\berele; of Mr, J. 1A.HRY JONES, Soli6tor, Denbigh; or of the AUCTIONEER, St, Asaph, W ifffair, St. Asaph, July 29tb, 1808. [ SALE BY MESSES^BEABEL Ji SO^S. J :ORTH W A L EtT. III/p1rtallt Freehold Estate (If 024 "1('e'. situate five miles fr^m Machipilleth, ())I the turl/plke road /0 Dol- £ c/ with valuable Slate QI/llny, alld excellent Trout} ;s!tillg in the Hirer Defas. MESSRS. fcEADEL AD SONS ARE instructed toMSLL by AUCTION, atthe Mart, Paitholo- mew lirit' on TITS,) VY, Aue. 3, in One Lot, a verv desirable FREEHOLD PROPER ry, hown as the FRONFELAN* ES. lAl'K, admirably siniate on til River Delas, in one of the most roinan'ic parts of North Wales, five miles from Machynlleth* on the !iiL;h r.>ad to Dolgelly, and comprising a recently erected 1 a nily Uesideu e, in thorough repair, with ample <loutestic and out-door <>flices, lawn, garden and pleasure eroum), charmingly placed nn the side of the val.ey, and CtHIJlIlIiI),IiIJ!! d{>tihIHII views f the river and of the mountains 1 eyco.l, including the Mimuiitof distant about four miles. The h-m>e i-^ surroun d e d Cart 'rcs of Pasture, arable, and woo d h.i- c->mpri»« n- the Krn. 1" arm of li'» acres, the Kseair Ceil. l-'arin ot fni 16 Br-vn Liw>"d Farm of 600 acres, with their homestead, ,nd ay. b l,' f T"' «re. P ° ? '10' "V 1, ° cottapes, and upwards and w *»rkL «- e'PPli- ed with valuable Hrn J.lw)d tatc Quarry r"ct'0" aud »« \hOIOIl:1 Icpair. maehineiyof tlie newest f'r! valu;¡hh of I!oJ:! ,hicb. which has been worked to join tht lTcln of 9 j'1 u Jl which ha¡; been workct! to,JOtrl tht.. amnl»<>rk- runs under the Iirvn l.lwvd Mo.iKtum, 1 ',rn!' MaH?"Vt h rd hisher the valley, "'f lic line ot to. atid Ri»er l)nrpy Railway, which ie expecten ad M u hynlJeth this s-Jmme f will Aeh e this quarry ,hp poiutof aec, Th- Km ,r I). which Tn J tl.routfi. r.n d tlie T;i :t ;K-nt trout fishing, t' i*- "ir er E\{(i :> I{, 'il:lf2:¡;tj¡:¡f,i Dovey i«; ,j s-chcii. The «nod> on tnC estate ;,er game, an d several packs of '>> 1' ,t and particulars, %vit'a phl), 11;111. at lt1 u .> u leth at the Lion Hotel, Shrewsbury f; of Messrs. Ohverson, Lavie, and -d i 11- 'ick*place, Obi Jewry, L I1H!I; .It the Iart: and ot M^s»rs. ¡;Aj)EL and SONS, :.n, Giesliaiu street, Loudon, E. C SALE BY MR. GEORGE HILDITCH. A N GEES E Y. VALUABLE F HEEl/OLD PIt{) PEH.TY. IX TilE T(lI\ OP I\L\I:\I\IU" AI/d Accommodation Buildinq Laud in the vicinity of the Town. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. GKOUGK HILDITCH, Atthe BLLKFLHY ARMS HOTEL, BE\LI.\nJS, 0:1 the 27th cia, of Atc..t:T II xt, at fix o'clock. in the Afternoon, uul >s rre- viously disposed of It) Private L'uJltrad, of whicl due notice will h given, IOTi. All tho-e severa Messtr.ges or DweFing Hou es and > Shops, called the Arch Uou-es, with tho Appurtenances there* unto belonging, including a Building site; sjtmte III Castle- gtreet, ill the best part of the town of Beaumaris, in the County of Anglesey, in thl.tHral occupations of Thomas Stabled, l1ugIL Thomas, ::11,1 others. Thi Lot stands !Un..t favourable, either for business or sum- ti.er re>itU-MT^, having a front Ige to Castle-street, the sea. and tne thqrollhtarc leading to the pier. It tak;'1) in a fine view of the Menai Straits, Penrhyu Castle, and surroundin" -cener'v, t! L(I T- 2.—All that Messuage or Tenementc,tiled Bruid oa. and the U met Corn Crist Mill and Buil.!i«igs built thereon together h the ri s'a; pieces lf land called Llain.pen-v-< Vfnr LUia O\\ilym, iwd Llain-fadog; and aillhdt !tI(suat! or Tenement, and Pie Pi) or Parcels of Lauds called Tuldyn-v-bwlch, L1&ia Caer Bwich, and Lam C\nd¡¡d And an that Quillet or Piee of Arahle rani, caPed Llain- GLm.y.TnH:th. Eitllate respectively in the Parish of I.I:Uldft0Ua.. in the said Connt) o Anglesey, alaI within two or three miles of the Town of lleaumans, aU 10 the occupauùu of \lina,m Wil- Iiams. LO 1 3—All thoe Messuages or Tenements, Cottages and Land, called Tn)lolI, formerly Fliars Bactl, FÎtUttc in the Parish of Llaufaes, in the County ot Anglesey, iu the occupation of Thoma3 Williams, and other3. lor bllihhn sites, this Property is most eligible, being within a mile of the rising town IIf Bcaum IriS, and commanding beautiful and varied view3 of the Sea, the Grounds of Baron 11:11, and tlu. Mountain Scenery of Carnarvonshire. Further particular 111 a) be had of ".M..Tol!s. Eq" So- licitor, O, King's Arms Yard, London Mr. HUSKY OWEN, C. P Office, Beaumaris, and of the A U'TJCjEER, at Oswestrv. WRS rBRN LIFE ASSUUANCE socT ETY. T T 3, Parliamellt-s/" London instituted A.D 1842. DI UECTOltS. Henry Edzeworth Bitknell, Esq., 28, L'pper Bedford-place RUI. sell-square James Chadwick, Esq., Grosvenor-wharf, MiIli>ank. Thomas Somers Cocks, jtin., ESQ., Cbaring-Cross. George Henry Drew, Esq., Ilibernia-thambers London-bridge « ilham Freeman, LSq, Millbank-street, Westminster. Prancts Puller, Esq., Abingdou-strect, Westminster. Joseph Henry Goodhart, Esq., A1anor.JJOue, Upper-Tooting, I"hom:1; (JrisseJl. Eq., Norbury-park, Dorking, Surrey, Edmund Lucas, Esq., Millbank-street, Westminster. FrederÎk Boyd M.irsrn, Egq., Brauswick-place, egtnt\: park. Augustin Robinson. Esq., 67, Eaton-square, Pimlico. James Lys Seager, Esq., Millbank-row, WTestmiuater. JollIl Ba* ley White, Eq., Blackheath. Kent. Physici.I>-W, U, liasham, M.D., 17, Chester-street, Grosvenor Place. Bankers—Messrs Cock, Biddulph, and Co" Ch;nin-Cr(JS.. Solicitors-lcssril. Lethbridge & Mackrell, Abingdon-street* \etlllin8ter. Actuary—Arthur Scratch h')', Eq., M.A., F.RAS, Every variety of pohcies granted on an) number of h\.5 and to any amount. Attention is also invited tn the rates of annuity granteel to old lives, for which ample security is provided 11) the capital of the. Society. Example £ 100 cash paid down purch3"es- Au annuity of £ 10 4 0 to a male 11fe aged G'l a.1ong » •' 65 I Payab'e as long is 7 IZ. g) ab he is "h\e. Loans are r3.nted in connexion with life assurance. Applications for agencies are invited. AGENT. Bangor-—R. M. Griffith, Eq, National Provincial Bank ot England, Special advantages allowed to agents, which may be ascertained on aj%licatu»i to the Actuary. NEW CHEAP MUSIC! In }IU8icII1 l'reI/8/11'f¡¡O August, 1838. PllbUshed at HI, Peter's Hill, London, E.C., antlm;{y he had of A. R. M YRTIN, Bookseller, Bank Place Ban-or SONGS OF THE COLOURED Ol'EIiA TROUI'K, &c. F r I I) BELL, a beautiful liailad, with Harmonized C;: rr 4- embelhs ied with i^ithographic Portraits of the "Coloure d Opera. troupe/ iwtt.cy appear iu the- Costume af the time of George II.. Nos. 9r j-6, J'ricp 61. NAN OF Til E DALE, allot/ler Song of the above celebrated Company, with Hatmonized Chorus, Vih 1.77-S Pnce <i 1 GOOD NEWS l'KOM HOME, the popular lULad^on°- M SI1H at ai! the London Conceits, "0 iÚ, Price .id EM M V \"OW and C\\I I'JOW S lUGES, two or tbe ChriBt, 1'< ,•»-. Ni 071, Prlte 31. LI J \íILlLl. two Airs from thi5 Favourite Opera," T*AmO U"'Y" A )¡:II)'Î ('11;¡t:Ù;:1 P 1.mOrurte, Xo h8H« ot f D, .n. d1 M'ii s Pian forte Pieces. Price 31. II1E (iOLl)EN mYElt VAUaOVIAN A, b' v Carl Mil er 909 Price 3,1. New Editions, just ready, of Davidson's Oratorios, Exactly as performed at Exeter Hall, under tile Conduet<-r«liip 01 I. Costa. In Type as Jarg-c as ihe 15s. edití()lJ6 of CJlhvr PUb- lisliers. Bound ill cloth. THE MESSIAH. SAMSON JUDAS MACCAIl.ECS. Till; CREATION". Pricc 4s. each. IJAnIJSO:s ORATORIO HOOKS, sixju-nrc, c.r'i contain- ing. in addition to UJl entile :i i-r, Oratorio, on the plan of l);t\j r. 0 The Messiah," •• The Crea! Sam* son," Israel in Kgvpt." An- t- .I <, 'l •» CHRlVlT Ml-N-i UhL*' :-u\ ar. ELLEN UAY.NE, Son? and Chorus, by S. C. l-o-ter D> sunsr £:Xi:riil,;(r'! Xo. t'rí' t:.Si;J:n,oi:¡c::r 1.: Pi ice 3d. «u HyO.P DE DOODE" DOO Ihe only popnlar Edition, as sun £ at all th, London Concert Halls, with :\0. 918, una; WHERE MY Un-E LIE, DREAMING, Solo anet Chorus, s 'P1 by the Christy Minstrels, :\o. i;$-.t Pric lid. BE tC 11- L I. ST\H,hyJ \l. Sayles, and JEAME Wint THE I.Kilir HP.OWX H Al U, two S-,ni{«, vvitli C!wr»«e« u sung by the Chrijty M nstre s. No. 951. Price 3 I. HAl'.l) TIMES, COME AGU.V o MORE. on and Chorua by S C. Foster, as $ung b' the C!Jrl:) MiiistPeU, No 9!»* THE OI'HhR SID; OF JORDAN, Yanke" Sona and Chorus, an '111 b> the C!Jn..t IlnlIe¡s., No. 9 B. Pnl'c OH, lins. CARRY ME 'LONG, and RING [) E 1I\dO \:If/I!b¡'ï;lis3¡t?:s. C. Foster. as ulIg by the Christ; M.n ;-tTe f»V .\V.. 9'i.i rrice O:1: ,1; l;u I\ CI:'il:t;1 i 1;S 110(¡)t'î ¡I? ;.r. 11. EmhimJhlnenC Noy^, ■, Ia HOP DE D'K),)E.\ DOO QC vI) 1111 T ir E,¡lnh,lf, -.u Coloured K,nbelli,hme„t. No^SS P h\- F v WE ARE CO\JINO, SI Elt \l lLV «;» t, <n OF :¡¿;{':U;ti:,tl:A¿J:[ ;1: lii' 'r'"O O.S a:!p«^sziacsii;v,; Ns- U^Rl'l.VS PUIZ-; GLEES, .v •n Ihe T- oU,, ow. ing «re alrea.lv pul.dshed HI the Mu«iei! 'r-t-nry;— is-ne nit beantilul ? Pd1.e Glee, No*. 972-3-1 PrieUl. Adi.-u -wvet Peace. Priz> Glee, .Nos. 9>>.6, Pro e h i. ;i, :l i '(' ;11IJ,i.\ ;,t: 1:II' ;j'I fl; right;. 'VVo 1 ;i'"t- S ►■i g for Fonr V« d c.e<, .Nos. 911-^ Pr .-e 6 l. Now ihe G ddeu Mom, Prize (ilee, Nos. 913-1, Price C I. T ::Y:i,[:' ¿;t 1;'I' ;i;. J,I;, 'G;i().f. Price ülL "Sweet Minstrel of the Woods," Prize Glee, XOi. ')jl.t. Price GJ. 11 a,t(. Ye Soft Galea, 'ee,atul nlt, CUriO\iS, Thirty 1'1y." \Ia.Jdgal, Nos. 91J-00, Price G l. LA rUYVTATA, BY "lmiH All the best Me:o lies arrange.1 as a Pianoforte Pice. \hy 1* Rejr* 1f1;:(:i}/I 1lt *i0 of D ividsoo's Price I- witfti 1.11 hographic Fro7Itlplec", FA 10': I HE 10 W EI.L. to Addio Del \it:1 It dian anti i'.ngUSh \Vo-U, as used at Her Majesty's Th.-atre, :\0, 91)7 or D ivid- i' M i.> '-a rea»ur>. Price 3d. A11. WAS IT HE ? to* \11, Kors' E LId: with It:t11HI 1!1t1 En- dish Wo/ds. a ued at Her Majesty's Theatre, o. i»U3, Pric. 31. COM THEN, 011 SWEET O;E,' Parigi, 0 Cara,' Duet. with It tli II) and English Words, as u3cli in hcr Majestj's Theatre \0 :1; Price 3 1. No. 9-» REAL WELSH QUADRILLES :-CodiadyrHaul-Tro#* yarre-p Shenkjn—Jenny JtJU('Gj'1Jgla, Sail C)mru-AK" hvd v IH¡!Serch Hudol. (), LET THY STRAINS, nWEET MUSIC, New Son? te tke Music of the celebrated Air, LA MIA LE1TZIA' Vsnll. X o 9 Price 3;1,