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HARP AND PIANO-FORTE WAREHOUSE, ABBEY STREET, CHESTER. BOUCHER anil CO. hwe always on hand an ?tc?sive Selection of New and Sec..nd-hand INSTRU- D MKNTS of the bcst character, for SALE and H IRE, on the most moderate terms. H A't.httoaa) S'"cks );ept hy their various ALents in Wa)f TUN I N G AND REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. MESSRS. T. HUGHES AND CO, I NVITE tht attention of Partie-, about to Funiish to tt.cir ex?ns've STOCK of FUHNITURE. where will he f"nnl the newest designs in Drawing and ])inu?-r.u Ci?irs, Canines, Loo Tables, Card Tab!?. Wardrobes, and even' other requisite. For the co veniHrceo?he)r:'?tr?na, T. U.an.) Co. have M,.p,.opr!at? an extensive SHOW ROOM in th.r?t? ..x.nt.?rthccxrtus.vedi??y of BEDSTEADS, BKDIMXG, :wd CHAMBER FUKXi TUiti?, a ,d (;vo-y_tt..rt will be made to supply such a class of GOOd8 in this department as will ensure thr confii d» ence of the P,b T. IIUCIIKS and Co. inanufae ure every article thev sell, nil 'I are thus enabled to offer a combination 01 "SleRance, economy, and superiority of manufacture rarelv to he met with. A largo ais utiuent of I nox BE DSTE AI )S, wit.) appropriate Bedding, constantly on h ind. T. IlCGHES AND CO., CABINKT-MAKEUS, UPHOLSTMtt?ts. AND DKCORATO?S, 1.> ?/ )7. ??/?'.77<A'?? Ll1rERPOOL. I Wa()LESAI,E.IA*\LTFA("11,)ttll-'S,?-Tl.\Iiil-ttY.Ilt[)S:SLIEL.s,riti.E'PANI)FI,EET-s,rREr,'P.? LIVERPOOL. FRISIJY, 1) fKE and CO., arc dcsimus ofc,dlint.r attention to the nrrango neut.s thrv have made for tF he Spring of to otTer to the Puidio a very I irge .Aas"t.mellt -d the newest, most .shionuhl. and <ttt Goods for the Season; and thev invite pper;al notic?- t- ?tn ,n,, .I I Lot, of FRENCH PRINTED CAM IIU ICS, of superior q?'t'ity?x) styfe, and warranted fast colours thes«\ with Pieces of FRENCH and BRITISH BONNET KIB- DOXS, have been purchased niiicli under their ordi- nary valu<\ and am now ready tor inspection. FRISB^ I)\ IvE, ami CO.'S Plain ]Jepart'^eTits, such as Linens, Sheetings, Bankets, Quiirs. Cn!i.N»HS, &c., will be well supplied with the host manufactured Goods only, so ai to insure durability. A LARGE STOCK of FAMILY MOURNINGS. F/irerak Furnished U'ith LIST OF DEPARTMENTS. SJLKS, RIBBONS, V KLVHTS, SHAWLS, FANCY TIES, M\NTU;S, LICKS, FRENCH MBUINOES, SF.WKD MUSLINS, CoBouuas, HOSIERY, FAM v DRESSES, GLOVKS, CALICOES, Bo NECKlmCIIIEFS, PRINTS, UMBRELLAS, LINENS. PARASOLS, CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS BERLIN WOOLS, SHEETINGS, 11 A IS E R O A K I I E R Y, BLANKETS, TRIMMINGS, FLANNELS, STAYS, COUNTERPANES, PERFUMERY, BOOTS AND SllOES. STRAW BONNETS, S1'ltAW llONl'óE1'.<, OUTFITTING. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, CfJLI,\R-, GLOVES. NECKEUCUIKFS, IIAKDANNAS, STOCKS, UMBRELLAS, WATERPROOF COATS, RAILWAY WRAPPERS. PREDICTED EVENTS COMING UPON THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH: A   ?' T'o "T""1 Y<.a? ?ince, hI' Ole Oner Cromwell and the Houses of rA I ailianie.it, on ?' ?st Day, hy JOliN OWF.K. )),1> des(?rip,i%,e otind p"inlinl( tu E'F\'II ,l.y JOHN OWF.n. D.I). deseripive of and pointing to IP?P ?''?'? 7?. '?" RLF ° |s"Fthe W0lld- To which is mlde't, A MOST GLORIOUS H ?? Tu??! ? ? ? w .d C,,8,STO»'E* Nue4; c ettily how it ,h. b. with the Church of London: Published by HOCLSTON & STONEKAN, Paternoster Row G J. and R. BANKS, Ncw Road, and all Booksellers. In One handsome Octavo Volume, price 2s. 6d., with PORTRAIT, THE AWFUL DISCLOSURES OF MARIA MONK, AS EXHIBITED IN A FAITHFUL NARRATIVE OF HER SUFFERINGS Durin:; a Ktftltnce of Seocn yeQts in a Xunnen/. T"?'F???J??'"?.??'?? ?'ar.?M.uks \<rr:ri?i.tu'typr..v?;an.tthH H.?e..? \.?.?t' I find Fapts' tjierev!i°Maria .1..nk h Narrative is t'ully proved and the Hideous Nature of .? ? ?.'? ??'? ??'- "?? y ? ?P?.d. Be careful t..rd.r'-Huu?TON & Sru?MAN's EDITION, ?TH N<)TS- L.)ntioii IIOUI STON & STOXEMAN, Paternoster Row; G. J. & R. BANKS, Bermondsey New itoad and may bo had of any Bookseller. AN ENTIRELY NEW WORK OF GREAT INTEREST, AND BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATION. Just Published, Price One Shilling, Beautifully Printed in Post 8vo. 96 pp., "rIIE COMING TIME OF TROUBLE," VIEWED 11 CONECTlON WITH THE LQ I ESTION; AND THE RESTOR VTION OF THE JEWS. ? = P?h??'??.?? R.,?;t?).eh:.dot?ii?..k..eH.'rs. Y ?'? ?S B.r.d?' „ ?f.v to he lu;d of all booksellers. 'T'' „ sa's— Amid "'?' of ?''? now issl/in the present tulnlment of I ?..h. tliis^ oneto may he read with s?'?y and to pr ,tif. h, author is evidently a ?,tt.n,?. a ? ?.,? ?a .?).?.'?.?. ?' Lnl'sorene.1 persons wi.l be delighted this and scripturally- t. rHO i ictiou of a mind lah "II'in purely for the gi.r, of Go TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE PRIN( [PTVLIL Y/ AND ALL PERSONS ABOUT TO FURNISH. S^,UE' CyTT,?R. ?- BI,LD @T[trr.T, to itititn:ite to the Public and his Customers 6:-) :renet'allv, t"at hh extellsive CAB!,E' and UPHOLSTERY S IOW.ROOMS are rcp?? with e?? V l^I ''A'1fi '°""w,n- R"ouis in th mO<1 ec,? ?,ical .md substantial manner, viz. t)KA_ VlNG){OO?iS)))ROS);<)))),VAL\Ul' DINJNG ROOMS in ?.?HOGANY or OAK BREAKFAST ROOMS "r PARLOURS ia Ditto Ditto. LIBRARY or STUDY—FURNITURE PL\IN DEAL KITCHEN FURNITURE. PAINTED BEDROOM FU I! MTU III:. PO..ISHED AMERICAN BIRCi! FURNITURE. ?i I*' AT1IER ??'??' "??'??''??''?. BOLSTERS, and PILLOWS, and other BEDDING ready i'tl' irnll/f..d;:rc: .v.- CHIMNEY-GLASSES, ?S'?-GLASSES. LOOKING GLASSES, and CHEVAL-GLASSES, in -erV HI'dj'lar\ ¡7.. "rhe GENERAL STOCK, as enumerated in my FURNISHING CUinR, is varied ?itli ?-ery c)a<s of ?- al.tides "?'?'c'-a< Furn?hing, warranted m?'le of dry materials :md good workmanship, at prices t:Xcendingh" t'cun(J(}iÏcal. P'jr' ishintf Guide' will he forwarded on receipt 2 Postag"e S'<.n?. r?E GENERAL CABINET, UPHOLSTERY. A"D B?nOLNO WAREHOU-E NO. lit, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. S. CUTTER, Pro p r i ?. CUTTER, Proprietor. '? ELLIPTIC C O L L A K, E L LIPTlT CCLL?R. T(» FAST ION' AT Till; BACK, | 'o TO FASl'K^ IN FRONT, L?_j 00 WITH PAri'.?T PLASTIC ? /??\ WITH P\i'E\t' ?ASTIC FASTENING. ??/!r———?\\? FASTEMNG. ——— ?' J pHE COROEr r<n)nn..s nf.v?tY  THECORCET lL ? Dt?c?o? for AJenaurement. nhHE pe, ft,(!tion of iit THE CORO1. ltoiin(i the to toi (,i, the J with perfection of tit i» ai'liiiow e d iftd #rr | l byn?t..h?ti)3P.t<i<'s'<i!th?Shirty.t?/ PATENT V?'??"?'?'"r'- made, and, by a simple internum of the Vi 15. Round the N,(-k, f Throal. Patentees ad j usts itself to all movements ct the buo y either walfciu'j- siifine, or fij /SELF ADJUSTING! 4. Hound the Wrist. ■ 5, Len!1th of ('0"1 Sleeve, from centre fl qniny I of flack down beam of Sleeve, to boll 0 111 of Cutf. *2 4- the ha -di.zp]i. 6. Length of Shirt III hack. The ELLIPTIC H-fold COLLAR, The first f.»ur me.isures must be taken qnite unique, in j I ha p es, with PA- titjht. *I*U,N'I' 1,A?',ri,' ,N 11; (; '12,, S?,y ifth,. 1,1,i rt?. thc do?.e'i. The PATENT T.LASliC 'p nirtj"rtoaraea upon Say if the Shirts are to open back or front COLI, A R I-A S I'E N I N ilost ?ccOrdct- If with ('0\1"" attached (:i?. the halt- ed ro yiiv Co lar, )en n<t b.k ,r C, d. d.,?z,;n Six.t.p?thy f'" lis. Gd, If ;1;:I';n(:)'tud< in Front, ts if B. t onii or Studs at Wrist. I'VIT. XTKF.S.—C O O I' I j 11 AN 1) F R Y E R, NEXT 1)00 It TO THE IIY AM AKKKT T HEAT HE. ) AGENTS APPOl\TEO-(LONi)ON REFERENCE REQUIRED.) Now Ready, Bound in Hmdsome Fanny Covers, price Eightpenc, '?HK Thi°)' Volume ot < ?i':?tXC W?!!)S .I FOR SEEKING SOULS, of "hie" tw il1g is & p;¡rtîun 0" f!ie in'erestin^ Clontents; J0'10 Newton's A count ()•' Good Old 1):, ?e Cross—The Wilderness Typic I of the Wav to Heaven — T >e Holy Ecsta' ies of Jatieway -OIJ Fa her Siv'. s — Heaven ..n Earth -Co-erlna Woi, s from the MadHi Dur.^eon—The Mere.v-seat. a Tvee of one cm s ive me but Jesus" -pIt.or R.Pr's Wif — Rutherford's Letter—The R\nson"d Pcdijal — Dr. W alts' DeseripM >n ot Longings for Heaven — Dialogue between a learned r>iviim an a iieggar -The Parab'p of ih" Wi.-e »nd Fooli-ih V\r- pns Oaencd—Tlie Well wliicli L'»rd spn.k»' o*' to — Life and Deith o !)»ni*d Her^e't— Susi 'av ttead'njfs —Tho Brea -lji*'c and Death of John Kent—An American J^'oaelit-r of Chris*;—Too vo!deiuan\ Son — L«*tt«>r written by Lady Jaof* Grey inevi' ^s to her Lxc -utioti — (Jo id o)d Rowlan<ls, the W-ldi Missionary—Chee»inj Words on the Scaffold -Tnc M n-tynloiM cf I.a Iv >rev—Che*'rin/ Worl;» t oni 111.11\11"(101}\ E-X^rcis- s —Zi-Mi's ii IVCI — hal ran hai'Mi th Chri-tian? — Lif** *>l Ja- WclU*r — Mid- night 1).cam ■ Martin Lnth..r in t'ae S Jordan The J 111"hrtlld Conv rted, fitc.&u. .1 Volume fittl of interv^lm'y matter. Krabossed Cloth, /f-?'?.p'?' CHILD OK LIGHT W AL.KLN(I IN I>^IUV- AN S; ,?, '11.i?(,, ti, and the KivU fur wh c? God leives 1 i Chil- dren to Distress of Conscience. r wIth Drec- tic- >S how to Walk «s«> -a-, to cihiie fo'th nf snch <'o*!dtfion. By THOMAS G'.OUWIN, ]>. D. Wi-h a Becnnmend itorj' IVefuuv, I" KOBKUT MAVVKKI^ D.D. Embossed Ctoth, p>U s>de and Three S/ti'lint/s. nUlK LIKE, WKITINGS, AND FALLING ASL,F,i,,P OF TH, St 1,1?"NT 111, Volume cot) ai >s 41 The Solent rreacher; a Sf^s *fi' Scripture ;\1. dila'j,II' eoniiec »"j with Cbrie iati Exp rieuce," [m»U1 "p"ly a 2-. (;,1.] and to U don in Lite Seoar i.rion in Death a G«a e- fit Trib »te in Memory of 44 The iSih nt Frcaelie the itta Mrs. C. W. HANKS, [ ells separately at I\.(, J L, PuMihhed hv HOULSTON & SToIN EI \N, 6-0paternoaterRow. May ijehad of any iiuokseiler. ELLIS'S B^uihiii Noila and I'atass Wa'ers. f pi!F. bi^h pub'ic estimation in which thetfe CELE- I lHtVTEl) WATEHS nre held, and so strongly recommend-d b, the uiiMly>es of Dr. Ur? nd Lewis Thompson, rentiers pulouo; quite 8UlwrtiUnU. Tlee (»en leineii tern-irk, 4C I'ht the W-iter in itself ¡oil dbso- Itlt ly piliP, hat; no biut of organic mutter, tutl i* not Ihble to allt'1 ali"n or decompoaiti III by being kept any length of time IS'S EFFERVKs(:[\(i CHAMPAGNE LE- MON \DK, a most ple?t«>u»t and deliirhtfol beverjige, may "Is" b, 1,.d from all the respectable Ch"misls in tlwpriur':p »Ii»y FOUTUNE! FO fi TUNE FORTUNE! PRIN Particular*, uivin^ b.ih positi?,? 'tO(I' tu secure a certain ni nediate independ- e.t ,I If ANY AMOUNT, a? the raW of E2 His. 3d.; t" be increased in six to JJii per y ,Ir, and paid retfulady even quarter for erer!1 five shillings. Th!» stat' inetit is s'rictly true, although "stlll.i.hing. Seoul i y < onnertud with Goveromeut. Enclose t o stumps to WM. THOMPSON, Esq, Ci iytolt -street, K uHingt<tll, London <(ile..liii'l4l a ate-it -naiidi, (Ues<l in Her Majesty's L?))d.) and WOl'HERSPOONS' Mae'dne-made C.?.tecion- cry M i1* nal i In. J.nn-t, J.he., & (which May be had of all Gr-<e»*rs; Wholesale of WOTHKK- SPOON, MACKAY, and Co., (j(j, Queen-street, Chenpside, Loudon., (;IT \No IIY BRADBURY'S GUANO SUBSTITUTE, i £ S. BRADHURY, of WinsVrd Bone Works F h t»etJS to acquaint Landed l>roprietors and A^- i ic«ilturi.to, that, he has stlC <>eded in liro hieing a com- pOo tiu" which. tVom exprriuieors made ill Cheshire Inst suinnior, is pn-ved to be qinte equal in it- present- ",(feet" and uiueh more durable than the best Peruvian Guano. Bcm. anxious to place so excellent an article within the reach of Agriculturists i» th« iieighb<Mirho«.d ot Chosterfhe h-is arranged to have a constant SUPPLY AT CHESTER during the Spring Months. The particulars <>f analysis, which has been made by a most eminent v lieinist, may be ha.1 on application at t e Works, together wi ll testimonials iroin parties who have used the Substitute last year, or to MIL CIlI- VAS, SUEDSMAN, the SOLE AOENT AT CHESTER, Y ATE SAN D H E S S, ENGRAVER, LITHOGRAPHERS, & DIE- I SINKERS TO H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT, 33, LORD STREET, LIVERPOOL. SEDDON AND MACBRIDE, SCULPTORS, Bust, Classical, and Monumental, No. 9, RUSSKLL STUKET, LIVFILIIOOL, Chimney Pieces, Tombs, Fuuutaina, Fonts, Baths, Marble and Stone Work in general, Designed and Executed. Grand National Archery Meeting, iod<±. rHE ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY of this SOCIETY will be hold this year at Shrewsbury, on June 28th or July 12th, under the Patronage of the leading Nobility and Gentry of the town I1I:d county, together with those of the adjoining counties, ami up- wards of forty Archery Societies in the United King- dom. Upwards of 1:400 will be given in Prizes. A GRAND DRESS BA LL will take place on the evening of the second day, in the Mu ic Hall, Shrews- bury, when the successful Competitors will be de- clared. Subscriptions of RI ls.oriiii)re will ad-nit two per- sons to tin* inner enclosure on each day, for everv guinea subscribed. Each Shooter must subscribe his lIne Guinea, and I (izi. GcJ. entiance to the Target, the payment ot which will a'mit himself as aconpetitor at the Targets, as well as provide for the admission of two friends to the Ground to witness the Shoo.inj{. All Subscriptions must be paid to W. Butler Lloyd, Esq.. at Messrs. Burton, Lloyd, and Co.'s Rillk, Shrewsbury, or to Mr. Nightingale, High Street, Shre wsbury, either of whom will furnish further infor- if r,,q,.i,-ed. OCTAVIUS LUARD,) } „Hrtn* Secs- J. C. PI GOT, W. BUrmR LLOYD. L?M! Hon. Sec. TOLLS TO BE LET. •Sh, ewsbury and llolyliead Turnpike itoad. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Tolls arIsing ai the undermentioned Turnpike Gatds and Weighing Machines erected on the said Road, WILL BE LET UY AUCTION, To the highest Bidder or Bidders, at the respective times am places undermentioned, viz. on TUESDAY, the 18th dav of April next, at Twelve o'clock at noon, at the SHIP INN, in the town of Llangefni, in the county of Anglesey, will be Let by An-lion, the Tolls ot the following G ites, which Tolls produced the last year the different sums annexe! to each, over and ahove the exp- nse of c Meeting the same, viz. Stan ley Gate and C, Giiii(,g (;a, E27(; 0 0 Gwaluhmai Gtte (between 1st June, 1853 and 4th March, 1854 43 4 4 ant.Gato -1 277 0 0 Lta,.fairG.ite 271 0 0 Also, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of April next, as Twelve o'clock at noon, at CAPEL CURIG INN, in the county of Carnarvon, will be LET by AUCTION, the Tolls of the following Gates, which Tolls pro- duced the last year the different suns unlltxed to each, over and above the expense of collecting the same, viz. Lonisa Gate and Weighing Machine £ 480 0 0 Ty'ntwr Gate yj o 0 Py'n-y-lon Gate 122 0 0 Bett-vs Gate aud Hendreisa Gate 203 0 0 Cernioge Gate 93 (> 0 Druid Gate \qo 0 0 Corwen Gate, and Ty-isa Gate and Weighing Machine 489 0 0 Also, on FRIDAY, the 21st day of April next, at 'twelve o'cluck at noon, at the WVNNSTAY ARMS INN, in the town of Oswestry, in the county of Sa 'op, will be LHr by AUCTION, the Iods of the t?t.Pw? ing Gaies, which Tolls produced the last' ear the ditteleut sums annexed to each, over and above the expense of collecLing the same, viz, Llangollen Gale. ,oo £124 0 0 New Whitehursts Gate and Black Park and Belmont 209 0 0 Llwyn Gate 3690o Queen's Ht*ad Gate and Gallows Tree Balik G.,e 203 0 0 Wolf&head Gate 121; 0 0 Sheiton Gate and Montfoid Bridge Gate 500 0 0 And will be put lOp by Auction, to he let for one year, 1'1'001 the First Day ot June next, under such Covenants and Conditions as shall then be declared. Eich person at his first Bidding will be required to produce or name his Surety, which, if not saiisfac* ton his Bidding will not be taken and whoever hap pe;»s to be the best Bidder or Bidders, must at the same time give S curity with sulIiMnit Sureties for the due payment of *,i:e Rent, by monthly instalments, and also for the performance of such covenants and CUllditiulJ as shall be declared at the time of the Auction. JOHN PROVIS, ,Clerk to the Commissioners. Holyhead, March I lti,, 18-,4. UNDElt ROYAL PATRONAGE. PIUIFI-CT FKUEDOM FliOAl COUGH IN TEN MINUTES A FT EK Us »• AND A RAPII) CURE OF ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION, AND all Disorders of the BREA TH ami LUNGS is lit 1Irptl hv IT is not possible in il.e limits of ihi> Notice to give anv great number of the immense masBot Testimonials which are constantly received by the proprietor*. AXOTHER. CURE OF CONSUMPTIVE COUGH. From Mr. Thomas Deany 250, Scotland Road, Liverpool. Gputlt'ffiPI1,- I have yreat pleasure in eommunioa- 1 ting to you a case (among many) which came under I my own observation. A lady, who I (-aT, refer t), in her assiduous attendance upon her husband during 11 long anei talal ill"fS, caught cold, and not having t .ken eve of herself, it fettled upon her lungs. She was troubled with a dreadful cough and every syn p- tom of C(JI\SIIfr.pf¡on. She .\pp1Î(.d to her medical man, hut did nut obtain any relief; when upon the recom- mendation of a friend, she tried Dr. I,oc'ofk's 'Vrtfp,, which, from ihe Commencement, eased her cough and by continuing them she is perfectly cured. (Signed) THOMAS DEAN. CURE OF A 14 YEARS* A^TH MA TIC COUGH. I,Thos. Carter, Egiemont, Cheshire, hai an asthma- tic cough for fourteen years; nothin ever gave me re- lief until I commenced taking Dr, Locock's Pulmonic Wateis. Three boxes of which have entirely cur",1 me. (SIGNED) THOMAS OARTEK. Witness, Mr. Geo. Howell, Chemist,. Dale-st., Lifer- pool. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. From Me Rev. Owen r/iomas, lldifhead. Dear Si?,—Dr. Lncoi>k*s Water* do a great ileal of good TO my voice. I cot a hart cold from a damp hed ftbout 35 years ago. and my voice wa very bad ever giving 2fpat pa;n to foe when preaching or sin ing — and I am vtoy fonll of singing. I \JW many different medicines, and some 01 them did'<(«»»d for a little tim"; nt Dr. LornckV is tl,e best ofatf, in cleans rn" voire, and stops the couching instant y. I have never lonnd allythin yet to compare with it. all the Wenlevan Methodists in t e principuHtv know me; 20 years of which I have lived at Holyhead and I 1101 known personally to all the first rnt'I) flfthat body, many of whlttn have admired the the effect of the Waters in clearing the voice anfl stopping the cough — they never got such medicine before. My wife ev»»r s ince Clui..tlnft.,¡, ha been very well 1ftfT tHkín two I nm a witness of iheir power 10 sf.»p a frightful fit of coughing in Rn instant. L fI a W» sl»»yan preacher, call upon all preachers al1,1 Rtnpr"" of of every denomination tn take dH..e W d'ers for improving the voice ;"1(1 curing coughs. You mav publish my testimonial for the excelic-tit Wafers if yo i wi-h. I The particular- of v hllnrl,pd Tures may be Lat from every Agent thmnghou» the Kingdom, and on thp CqntÎn¡ n. TO SINGERS AND PUBUC SPFAKEItS. I Thov n'o valuable, HS in two hou'g 11»• v remove ali boa■penpsw)«ind inere kp thp power fUll) fl xibilitv of the Voice. They have a most pleasant taste. Pri, I-. HI., 2^. 9 1. and lis. ter box or «et)t, bv p .Rt tor Is. 3 I., 3- or IK. 6d by DA SILVA and Co., 1, Bii le-lane, PI et-<reet. London. :0 mav be hIt I, nR. LO(;OVI('S r:O"lETIC. A rlplighlhllly fragrant prep-iration, t »r Irnrlrnvillll and Beautifying the C,"nplexiIH1. rtJlldering the -kin e1i'a', soft, al'1 trunsparpiit, removing nil eruption*, vunhuro, tnn, pimples, and r'luhl1l:l'UI. ing gnat Mies, l1rllhp stings of inscct< generally. 1,? the pro/ ess of "MI WING, it alUvs ail ma'rting, an I ren "'r the skin ,,(,ft' smooth. Sold in hot dc-, at I. q I., 2s 9dM and 4s. 6d,, each. B'war,j nf cotjnterf it». Observe the name on the government stamp outside the wrapoer. Sold by all respectable chemists. Lewis's Celebrated Cough Mixture. IMMEDIATE relief is effected by th:,¡ highly praised Mixture, in all affections of the throat, chest, lungs, &c. In all cases of cough, hoarseness, sore throats, (for sore throats it is used also as an efficacious gargle in the proportions of one part to three of cold water,) wheezing, difficult breathing, &c., howevei- inveterate this very succes>ful remedy will be found the only medicine unon which entire reliance can be placed. Ic is an equally invaluable remedy for children in the febrile affections they are subjected to, and being sweet is easily administered. In Bottles at Is. qrl. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL FROM B. SEY- MOUR, ESQ., CRAIGMENAI. I certify having made several purchases of" Lewis's Cough Mixture" and I have always found it a speedy and an effectual cure. B. SEYMOUR, Craig lMenai, 3rd Nov., 1853. Prepared and sold by T. LEWIS, Mwlical Hall, Baiig(tr.-Agent fur Mr. Jeffrey's Respiiators. Popery and the Romish Controversy. TIIE of a Periodical collection of the nuine- rotii Facts and Documents bearing on the Pro- gress of Popery and the Controversy with Rome. I which appear in the Journals and Periodicals of the day, has long been felt by every earnest I' -o,est;.nt. To remedy this deficiency, the Proprietors of the BRITANNIA" Newspaper have arrang,d to issue from time to time a SUPPLEMENT .a ?;' 'd to iss,-e (Gi tATis ) ex- dus:vely devoted to the repul?l ?.ti n 01 this impor- tant and interesting matter, without editorial com- ment, and so arranged as to be capable of beillg bound up at the close of the year in a Convenient Quarto Volume, with a complete Index to its contents. The First Number will appear oil SATURDAY February 25th, and will cuntain Fei) 41 TJIE CENSUS OF ROMANISM." In inviting suggestiollsand contributions, especially from the Secretaries of Protestant Associations in all parts of the United Kingdom, the Proprietors must request that every document be fully authenticated with the Date and Page of the Journal or Periodical from which it is taken. The ••Britannia" Newspaper is published every Saturday Morning, Price Sixpence, at the Office, 141, Strand, London. CtOMMOX SENSE FOR SIXPENCE! A BOOK FOR Yo?". MEN. By ? PHYHCIAN for the Puhl1. good and the Suppression of Q jackery. Numerous and anatomical descriptive engraving", price 6 I. through all Booksellers, in a sealed Envelope, ur sent Po,t free for 10 Postage Stamps. SILENT illN IS on Certain Subjects; a Medical Mentor for the Million, containing numerous pri ser-.ptions and directions by which Empiricism and Quackery are defeated, and all usual remedies super- seded, By following very simple directions, all those complaints resulting from error are speedily removed, natural strength restored, and vigorous healt 1 im- parted, No young man should be without it."—Globe. i( Just the thing that was wanted." — Politician Address Mr. LAwg., Medical Publisher, 2, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. The most Certain Prevention of Cholera yet Discovered Farther great Reduction in Price. CREWS'S DISINFECTING FLUID is the best and (?h?.pe,t for the Purification of Dwelling- houses,Stables, Dog Kennels, Ships' Holds, Cesspools, Drains, Water Cl"sct", &c. the Disinfection ot Sick Rooms, Clothing, Linen, and lor the Prevention of Contagion. The extraordinary power of this Disinfecting and Purifying Agent, is now acknowledged, and its use recommended by the College of Physicians. Unlike the action of niauy other Disinfectants, it destroys all noxious smells, and is itself s- entless. The manufac- turer, having destroyed a monopoly fostered by the false assumption of the title of a patent, has to warn the public against all spurious imitations. Each Bottle of Crew's Disinfecting Fluid conrains a densel)' I concentrated solution of Chloride of Zinc which may be diluted for use with 200 times its bulk of water. Vide instructions accompanying each bottle. It is sold by all Chemists and Snipping Agents in the United Kingdom, in Imperial quarts ai 2s., in pints, at Is. half pints, at Od. and in larger vessels at 5s. per gallon. Manufactured at H. G. Gtay's, Commercial Wharf Mile Enl, London. Beautiful Hair, Whiskers, Eyebrows, &c. X] OT WITHSTANDING the numerous oily, 1 highly c,?td, And ?,,?t injuri u- i nita'ions A-hioh eve been put forth, ROSALIE COUPELLE's CRINUTRIA is guaranteed as the only preparation to be depended on for the gtowth of Hair, Whiskers as also cuiling, nourishing, heautifyin1 and stiength- l1ill the hri,, an i clu cking greyness. It is a mo-t unique and eleant compound, Hnd hHs never been known to foil. Price 2, through all Chemists all,1 Perlumers, or sent free on receipt of 24 P »«tagc Slamp., by Husalie Cuupelle, 53, Ely Place, Holburn Hill, Lonnon. Mr. Williams, 8, Lowtner Street, Liverpool. I now show as fine a head of hair, as any person, solely from using your Crillutria." Serjeant Cmven, Lln¡¡fllfd and Bnrr ,cks, Ire7i1nd- Through using your Criuutria, I have an excellent .Moustache* which I bad before despaired ot." Mr. IIalley, Cumbernauld-" It surpasses every thing of the kind." Airs Carter, Panghournc 0 :Iy head, which was quite bald, is now covered with new hair: M r. Laue, Golden Linn, Macclesfield-street, City Road, 1.ond"n-" A fiiend of mine, Mr. Harris, de- scribes it-* effects as truly astonishing." Mr. Yates, Hair Dresser, Mtlfron—•• The young man has now a goo pair of Whiskers. I want two or other customers." Sold by lr, Lewis, chemist, &c., Bangor; Roberts' chemist, CO!1way; Griffiths, <heoii«t, Carnarvon Edwards, chemist, High-street, Denbigh: Hughes^ chemist, Holyheadj and obtainable through al chemi t. and perfumers. Itledical Advice ON tbo varied class of disease that affect youth and manhood, by Dr .JOHN A. LEWIS, Surgeon, &c., 44, Nelson street, Great G-urge's*square, Liverpool, author of sevcal Medical Works on rwtura' and ac- quired diseases. "The Control of the Passions" treats exclusively oil these subjects, and must be of paramount importance to all. This valuable work has run through twenty editions, and has een th,. means of informing and enlightening thousands on subjects they were en- tirely ignorant of, thus preventing in .y from pursu- ing a course contrary to nature. Dr. Lewis may be consulted from 10 to 2, and from 4 to 9 Sundays till I o'clock, at his lehideuce, 44, Nelson-street, Great, Georg-'s-square, Liverpool. Dr. Lewis particularly requests country patients and correspondents, to be as mii.ute as p ssibit- in describing their CltSe, mode of living, and geneial occupation. The usutl fee of it is expected for advice and medicine, without which no attention can he paid to the coinmunica ion. When convenient,, one personal interview is advisable in al- most all C" The above book, Control of the I'as- sions," price Is., may be had r. 0111 Kelly & Slater (late U. W .;tmor..), IltI, Maiket-street, and John Hey. wood, 170, Deansgate, \la ichest*r; T. Newton, 29. .Church-street, Liverpool, or from the Author's resi- dence, 44, Nel»on street, Great George's- (jaare, Liter- pool, by "nC osiog 18 P« stage-stumps. D R. iillODIE, 72, RODSEY STREET, LIVERPOOL, Member of the Royal Callege ot Surgeons, London and Paris, author ot The GU:1rdlan ot Health," Secret Companion," nnd several other medical works "V I AY he Consulted daily, at his Residence, ,>1 fr m 10 till 3, and 5 till 9; and Sunla\ s from 10 till 2, on the Decay ot Natural Vigour, Ner- vous Debiliiy, Involuntary Blushing, Delusions 01 'the Mii.d, all,1 ail Nervous and other pernicious (ii, & whether produced by »edent iiy employ- me 1. residence in the tro, ic*, or otherwise. Dr. UItODII" ,el!ualt'd Cordi..l B"lm 01 Z"yl"ní" sold at lis. and 33s. per bottle, is the best Medicine ever discovere d tor all cases of Mental and Bodily Pr xdratton, and f >r invigorating the Nervovs System. Tite Purifying Vegetable Pills, price 2s. 6d., 4'. 6 1., and 1 Is. a Box, per form a perfect and speedy cure 111 Scorbutic, Skm, and other diseases. C -iti rv P t)v torw,tr(lit%g Rl. ,i(ldres-c(i T)r Ron RUT BKODIK, 72, It 1, ill receive Advice and Medicine, which will effect a cure in most ca^es. Minute detail ot ca-cs i necessary. T,, UIIII".t secresy may be relied on. O ie peis ui d application IS "dvl.,ble in all cases. A'! lettcis punc- tually attended to. O »serve -72, RODNEY STREET, LIVERPOOL, where ltfie Doctor Inri) be CIIIISUItI,d. H:o. u!oiu,d. Private en- trance to the Surgei y, 43, Kuight-strtet, neai Berry-street. Tne above valuabe Work, "Ttie Guardian of Health," treats on the above diseases, may be had ot E. Howell, and T. Newton, Booksellers, Church- eneef, Liverpool; A. A lilner, Guardian-office, Lan- cister T. Thompson, chemist, 53, Fisheigate, Preston; G. Humphreys, B lokseller, High-street, Bangor and also at the Author's Residence.— Price Is. Sent free to any part of the Kingdom for Is. 6d, in postage stamps. Jones's Sectoral Cough Ilalsarll, 1"1()R ClJugh, Hooj)tu?Cuughf., Asthma, Inilueuxa, FDifficulty of Breathing, Tightness in the Chest, Hoarseness, &c. Disorders of the Chest and Lung?, cimgealed Phlegm, Agrimony in the Fluids, and ob. struclions of the Glands, are gently atitt safely dis. charged, as it operates by dissolving the phlegm, cOIIe. quently causing a free expectoiation, &c. It never dis- agrees with the Stomach; a common Cold yields to its benign intluence in a few hours, and when res )tted to before the complaint is far advallccd all danger of Con- sumption is certainly prevented. Prepared (only) by ROBERT ISAAC JONES, Tre Madoc, and sold by all Agents of the Pii!«, iti iiottlcs, HieuisN JEmbrocation lor AOIe ipple. 'I^HIS v¡t!uahle preparatioll is now extensively used JL and high y appreciated as the best and only ccrt tin preventive and remedy for the ahove complaint. It is also all effectual cure for coaped bauds. J n bottles at Is. qd. Free by post for Is. 9d. Lcwi»S lsiiprovegi Vegetable Tonic Pill.s. 'PIIESE Pills are pi-ep?r- d in accordance WiLh 1 a Formula of that celebrated Physician, Dr. Aber- nethy, ami are highly recommended for weakness 01 The stijiijacii, nervous complaints, palpitation of the heart, spasms, alIll gellrltJ deb lity; also, for numbness and c< IdrietH of the iitnbs, occisioned by languid cir- culation of the blood. Those who unfortunately suffer under the above complaints need only be advised to make a fair trial ot ifiese Pills, their capability of giving relief will be at once established, ami tiie amenim-nt so speedily experienced bythe pati-iir. lIIu-t he the best proof and 111t.1ucemcnt for persevering in their use. In Boxes, Is. I !d.. 2.. !ld.. awl 4,; 6,1. Tu save Imf in convenience hev will be sent direct from the Establish- weut by post on receipt of their price in stamps. Both the aiove are prepare t by T. LEWIS, Medi- cal Hall, Bangor; and sold also wholesale by THOS. ROPICR and Co., Falcon-square, London; and R. SUM. NEll and Co., Lord-street, Liverpool, &c. On Nervousness, Debility, Fains in the Back, &c. Numerous coloured des ript «e Engravings on steel, iti a 8eltltll envelope, 2s. (hI., or :ellt post fret: for 42 Postage Stamps. A MEDICAL TREA TISE 0" the various fr?,? 01 l\ premature decay, arising from indiscretion f"l- lowed by Observations on Marriage; plain directions for the Prevention all,1 Removal 01 certain disqualifi- cations. Rules for self-trf atrnent &c., by a Medical Practtoner of great experience. The best book on the subject, in any language." — Mail. Should be read by every one, on entering life." hells Messenger. Address Mr. LVWES Publisher, 2, C'carle. Street Hatton Garden, London. M A RRIMONMAL I >i 1 I 1 t 1 1 Established 1846. Offices—12. John-street, Adelphi, London, and 18, Nassau-street, New York Bankers, —The Royal British Bank. J^HIS Institution has been e^ablished many years 1 (with great success) as a medium for the intro- duction of parties unknown to each other who are desirous of forming Matrimonial Adiances, but who, from ome cause or other, cannot find pa. tners in their own Ci1Ch" ot acquaintance, suitable in position &c., This Establishment is conductc on the same principle as adopted at the .r;<lu. instilutl""s ot the klllll in France, Holland, Germany, Russia, and America, and presents equal advantages • o ail classes 01 society. The st'iete&t honour and secrecy is maintained in cvery case, and nune but parties uf respe tabtlity treated with. Prospectuses, Application Forms, Rules, and every information sent free to any n one, ini' iais, or add'Css, fill re eipt of twelve postage stamps, by order of the director, LAURENCE CUTH BURT. 12, John-Street, Adelphi, L >u Ion. Read the work Oil Matrimonial Vlliances which is of peculiar interest to the unmarried. Sent tree on receipt of twelve postage stamps. Cvratis S Orath Gratips Seventy-fourth Thousand Library Edition, Sent free on receipt 01 4 Stauws to prepav postage, &c.v !ll\rI Ihr"lIgh all B""k-e;lers, pn"e 6r1. EVERYMAN HIS OWN DOCTOR; a popular 1 (Ttii? Heal'h, ad ires&ed to the Young, the ?, tlte Grave, the Gay. By Physician, Admirably adapted to nhghten the public mind in a species of knowledge to which every individual i» concerned." — Co. Chron. I- To the M .rriell and C- imarrie we particularly recommend this Work. It is calculated to afford just that very nRrea"y information, a is too tre. q'lernly sought in vain tioin other sources."—Atlas. •* Parents, Heads, of Families, Clergymen, Conduc- tors of S hooU, and all who are interested in the future weltheing ot others, »houtd possess this inva- lu bl? guide."—Meath Herald. '• It "ught to be placed in the hands of every youth." —A'M<<?M/-tw. -I;>er: .Iisiactorily proves, that in cer'ain I cac. medical knowledge may be popularised with satety." -Agr iculturisl. •4 Calculated to do more good than fifty sermons." — Plough. •' Tnose who have been too long the dupes of cun- ning quacks, should secuie ibis sar" and cheap vol." Bristol Examiner. Address—Mr. LAWUS, Publisher, 2, Charles Street, Hatton (Jar,1 n, London. Beware of a spurious and useless copy under a si- milar name. PATRONISED BY Tltt: FACULTY. WOOLLEY'S PECTORAL CANDY, For the instant relief and »peedy cure of ASTHMA; COUGHS; COLDS; and all pulmonic affections, has received the stamp 01 public approbation. r pHE triumphs 01 this remaikable Cough Lozenge £ 111 cases 01 A-thmav Hoarseness, L.oss uf VlHce. and Tightness 01 the L'h > t, become constantly tnoie and more astonishing. COIlIfUCIl1 c ugh, when no physical disdr aniz \tl(Jof} exists, Hod sore throat, irn. melhatdy yie d. to its healing influence. It stiengthens the lungs 10 resist the effect ot sud leu changes in the air, and it he.dthily braces and invigorates the chest No remedy can be resorted to that affords such reul ea>e unit comiort to the ches', wlnch so unclogs the I trigs, 01 so plplisalltly clears the vcice, as WOOL- LEY'S PECTORAL CANDY. For a;;uj persons it is invaluable and 110nl, whose lungs ate iu the least susceptible ot cold, ought to be without it. Although powerlul to conquer disease and exerting a decmedly I untying influence 0" the blood, these Lozenges dis- agree not with a delicate constitution; on the con- tiaty, their influence is proved by a very laige ex pen- erne to be uniformly salutary and strengthening. Full directions lor use accompany each box. The following are a tew of the many thousand cures yeany effected by WOOLLEY'S PECTORAL CA^DV. Plymouth Found, y, t'lymouth, Devon, ?.)..rch' 22, 18-50. Sir,—I think it a duty I owe to yourself and the public to inform you ot the great beneti: I have denv, ed t'unn your Pectoral Candy. I have been t-rou* led with a severe coug-h fUI tho st seven YIan., iiiti ill. though I have had the best medical advice, I could obtain no permanent relief, u:iU> I fortunattly t ieil your Candy, and after taking two 8U1ali t oxe», 1 tind myself free from Cough. You have Ino permission to give publicity to fus statement. I atn, Sir, yours, & To lr. Woolley. J. EDM ON D MARE. Chatham, April, 18th, 1850, Dear Sir,—Mrs. Chiseman, of Garden-si reei, Brmnp- ton, has been cared of a cou^b ot foui ye slant- ing, by taking one box of your Pectoral Candy, and is desirous ot t'xprp.il1: her gratitude, in old r that others similarly affli. ted may obtain the same beneti Ph ase send me thiee do2, n tit the large boxes or l,e- brother to take out to the Mautiiius with him next week. I can aLo add my testi 1 ony that, t'ruul thp many cases I have seen of ils >!cculed efficacy, I hili ptr..uadell it stands u-oivnlled us a general cuuh mel1icille. Yours truly, H. WATTS, Chemist, Chatham, To Mr. Wnolh y. Redditch, Worcestershire, March 17, 1851. Sir,-I have the pleasure of informing you ùt the ure <d a si-ter of mine, of asthma of tea vears' duia- tion, by your Pectoral Can Iv. I am, yours truly, JAS. DUGij INS, 'Temperance Hue!. N.B.—I could tell you ot another cure, hUI the per- >ti said he should wii'eto vou himself. 'This was the lJernf1 wh recommended it o my bister. CAUTION.-As a variety of Lozenges, Waicrs, and Tablets are ¡¡dvenispd (,1I1tainlng ¡nrerlÍt)nt..¡ uf an injurious nature, the puhlie ate pariicul rlv re- quested to ask fur WOOlXIvVji PHUTOKAL CANDY. Prepured by WOOLLEY, Chemist, Maidsione; ami old by all respectable Cnem¡sts and Medicine Dea- len throughout the world, I" boxes at h. I d. and 2s. 9d. each. COBS and T IJ R I BMR. HILLS  to caB the attention of A?.!ca)turi6M to L- D SUPER PHOSPHATE ?UME now in 6n 2i?l   for Turnips, "??" ?" and (;re?n Cp. Rate per Acre 3J Cwt. Price ?7 per Ton Also, A OMALIZED PMOSP??H?.n. prcp.d ?.j.y for Corn and tl.ycr;p?? r?embhng Prru"an Guano, and c<,nt.inin',h.? proportion of animal mut?r. Rate per acre 2 !l" i.; cwt., according to s"il, &c. Pri. p 1:8 p,r t.,n Directions for use and references to par(,M  have used it in all parts of the Cou try for the I seven years may be had on application. Alkali Works, Amlwch, Anglesey, February, 1854. Agents for Chester, Messrs. JAS. DICKSON & SONS, Seedsmen, &c., Easlgate Street Important to Homewtvea-Crews s Rinsing Liquid. t-, v.c. r'r i J in the !a?t. who is desirous of h;.? n. I j t .ie co.ours of all klnd of Fabrics mainlined tL..r ?a.??. ,h..?r. i.t?..t her .r?ant?nd i.?. i res* t? u.f C,.?, ?,? Liquid, it effectually nre- 2ncol"« '? ???'? "t „.«er.«l Mom riinuin* ,in was,hing, and secures brijhme-s and permanence to the most oidmarv material and fu° tJV'» coluul. The Proprietor is cei iain that when this artic:e is once used, washing will not be conducted witho ut lis cost IS trifling twenty drops ol the Liquid a~ sufficient lor "lie gallon "I rinsing water. The lIOU- ble and vexati n saved wi:l be very great. Articles need not be pi. ked to pieces bet.ire ben.g washed '"r the Liquid insures their drying dean and uiufrirnj in .nlotH under aU circumstances. o!d in Bottles at 6d. and 9 each, by all Chemise all(1 U.lmeJl in the LUlted Kingdom, Manufactory, Commercial Wtiarf, Miie Eiii1 London. IF your Hair is Grey or Red. use RO^ALIli t Of. t PLLLIVS PURE INSTANTANEOUS UQUIl) HAIR D\E, uni*eisa!iy acknowledged »» the only ;crlt>ct one and inntluelY superior to tIle num* r »us dis- graceful iuiitations which &tr.el» horribly, burn the h ijr and leave an unnatacal tinge. Piice 3s. 61. p«?r battle throuh all Cht"ruts, &e.t ur scut tree f.ec?n<-t,o? observation for o2 p'stage stamps. Mr. Whiv^ktr 22, L'argate, Siiellield—"Your Hair D»e "hlgh;y ?l', k,n ,f by .11 who h'e purchased it ot me. Mr.Pear6?KingStr(.t-t.?dt<.w—" Your Hair Dre has succeeded admirably, .1 gives buch a n??util (i,?ge." Mr. Pearson, 29, N -u, Hair Dye is excellent." Mr. Casey, 2, (ibis'ter Gteen, Oxford—" It £ iv;s thp greatest 1'>dufactí{)n." James Thompson, Esq., Midide on—il It answer tiie highest expectations. tf Mr. J. X. Ciaik, Killiuich, Wexfoid—" It is s mo.st excelh lit and immediate Dye for the Hair, far preferable to all others." Soid by .M,. LewIs, Chemist, &c., Bangor; n"bert8, chemist, Conway; Oritiiit.s, chemist, Cainai\on; Ldwards, cheuHSt, High-sire-1, Denbigh; Uugties, ch misl, H dybead and obtai"abic through ail chemist- and perfumers. ineip tur ano-ie Who need i*. Numerous Anatomical, Explanatory Co}our"rl, En. gravings. In Si\Languages. Fifty- third Edition* Price 2s. 6-1. in a sealed envelope through alt Book- sellers, or sent post free from the Author tor 42 Postage Stamps. THh MEDICAL ADVISER, ON nervousness an,1 general debility, followed by Observations on Marriage, remark-. »n the t c*t- ment pract std by the Author wit h such unvarying IOUC- cess, since his settlement in this country. Rule* for «elt-treatmenf & By WALTER DE ROOS, M.D., 3;, Ely Place, to, B Lewis, Medical Had; Pateinoster-row, London; Watt, II, Eiin H.H. & H.dbinon, 11, (j I eeno,¡Î(h.t., EdIlHjUrh; L »vt, Hq¡)k. s?nt'r. G)<t.<o?:P?w?n. H, Westmoreland .street, Dublin and obtamabe by order 01 ad Baok»t!k-rs. REVIEWS, Decidelv the het an,1 m,t useful book ot the kind. J'ioneer. The informal on therein convened ts r^aiiy essential to those Who contemplate III iir. riage." Record. Dr. DE Roos, a8 the o ily qualified physician in this branch oi the profession, d-,n. it a duty to cajfon the Public aalllKt uui'ai ions lit his woi ksaTul tisements by self-sty ed 31.D « host HS- !O:lImd 'hloIhC""t o..th E,¡1"lih <t.nd FOielJ.:n, sef-llI1vased titles, slid pretended translation Of Llu.r .k i» nto se*eral languages are vile dtreputatue impostures From long experience in the treatment pu sued in the most celebrated iust\tut10IlS ot this counti y and the contim ot. he has had perhaps unusual tics of witnessing the VUIOljS stages at those serious complaints, tor which the to lowing meduines ext ;u- sively ot his own preparation, are recommendt-d. By these u'¡faili11:1 R¡;tn.dl!1. even the worst sy»npt< -us may be speedily r. moved without th ,.e oibtresjmg after t!9YluJ.ltorns resultllll( trom the u-e «»f M'ic<;rvf C¡\!Huba, 6tc. Tile necessity for sound judgment in such cases must he obvious, nence the inlerdlct: I at the gieaust amount of L-enetit may be RlOS( reasni.hly expected hi tne hands of those membeis ot tne po- fesston who have made these complains their particu- lar study, aud tothnse otuy who po-sess the requisite ql¡ahtit.tUl011 can co- ti tence be baU'iy exten led. The culpable neglect ot these diseases by IIIt-dlCal meii goae- rally, it has been tor many years the Author's purpose to rectify with what succe>s his present ex ensive practice sufficiently delUuUtHl8tes. Peisons at a Distance will forward a correct dMail of theit t'e b Ittet containing L 1» p"-t-tIJ. co der or otherwise, when Advice and Medicines will be-sni, securely I ucked trom observation or accident. P-»*t- "tliee Ordeis pavable at the Holborn OtK»e to Dr. Walter De Ro «s 3.5. Ely Plate, H db "II Hill. Lon- dOJl, where he may bo consulted daily from I) till 4 o'clock. Sundays excepted, THE ONCLN l'IL\TlW GUT IVE YTT.K for Vegetable Life })IOPtõ, a:e rtcommended to a.Hose who Afe suffering trom Nervousness, Weaki.is ) Lal1orlJ, Lnw Spll ils, Aversion (0 Society, Mudy or Bu-io»8-, Timldll), Ttemb-ing and bhl1kuu( ot the Hands alld Limhs, 1 udig< si ion, i'iaiui« ney, Short- n. ssof li,e ith, Cough, Astnma, Consumptive ila its, Dimness ot S'ght, OJ&Zloe.lOI, Paln in the H«-ful% &c. Price 4s. {U.. Us, oid 33s. per bottle, the latter contain'" foi. Il, (P1&IHities. The £ 5 Packages, by which a sating of El 12s. is effected, can only be had from the Establish- ment. THE CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS for all impurities. Price 1-. li I., 2,. 9d., h, 61., Us., and 33., per box. PalllJlola th.. lIaek. ravel, Lunabaxo, RHEUMATISM,UOCT, I.\DIGESTION, NER- VOUSNESS, DEBILI ll, & THE COMPOUND RENAL PILLS, as their name Renal, (qr the Kidneys) indicates, art" a most safe and ttftcaeious remedy t'f the above dangerous cClmplail ts. They agree wit the most d- iC'te I'tollp,ch, strengthen the digestive organs, ui«re.ise (ht" appetite, improve the geneial he:»J«h, èiu w:11 effect a cuie when othc. wie hemes Ila.e utt: v fitile f. Price Is, 1a..2-, 9, 6.1., 11-" afl\J :J, per Iln". thiough all Aledi-ine Vvinlois. C AUT« ON. — Sufierers must gu ,rd "lICa1liMt ti e re- eommendation of spurious or oTher auuies by Ull principled Vetidor-, who thereby obtain a tr^^t profit. To Pro ert the Public against Frautf Her Mi]e-ty-s HtlllOUtble L'I)IUm¡SI\1'( ]> IT.1e directed the words W Iter De R-<>s, Loodo" 10 be engraved in white ntteison a led giound on le Stamp affixed to the above, .?th.ut which nu;; "'6 .enuine, ami to imrate which Î felony. Sold by Mi. LEWIS, chemist, S;I'" M,d'cL Hal, Bangor H.olwlt" Chemi-t, Conway Gi llitn-, Chemist, Carnarvon; Edwards, t h« mist. High- tfeett Denbigh; Hugh«s. (Jiemisi, Iv'.yhead, i^eale. Chemist, High-street, Wrexnaai; Ward, Chemist, High-sffe*'t, Brecon PUtC Br' thei-, 1 ast Office, BmUend "Thomas, Chm8!. i.opposiic Aa- d), Meith\ r: Wfnte. Chemist, Guildhrtll-sq-jar-, II C irtiiai then '.Villiams C;lellllt, High-s-reei. C4>- fti"II; Davies, Chemist, 8ull Potur, Hera d O fie, 11""t>rtonjwet; Tree weeks, l ht1t11St. Peoil-roKe Evans, Chemist, High-s.iett, Swansea Watkut-, Ahergaveny; Moore, Chemist, Broad street New- town; Siephens. Chemist, llh street. Merihvr 1\-dvll; and obtainable thlouta aU Medn iiH' y(.er,,¡ ot" whom ma) h. bad the It The Medical A¡lv¡..eL" N.B —Should (litheulty arise in procuring any f the "hOVc, by sending the amount by P"-l-"tIJ e Order,or Sta mps, to 35, Ely Place, ilol'unn Hi I, London, they wdl be sent tree trom observation \o anv addres-f. THE NO a HI WALES CHiiONr LC, AND A DYE RUSH It FOR I'll B PRINCIPALirV I Saturday, April I, 1851. Printcd and Published by the dltor and Proprietor, I AUGUSTUS ROBEHT VIAHTIN, of the parish of Bang r, at his General Printing Office, in Castle-street Baagur.