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t?w?t\ Imprnvri! Ve?ctaM<* toule inn*. "'HESE PiU- are p.e).and in accordance with '?F<hm??of<h?tc?b..iMdFhy?<.iMi.l.'r.Abe,- nethy, and Me h'?''Y recommended tor en klJl,"s ot J> 't .it,ti(", of we the stomach rervùU5 c«mp]ji..t.. p&tuu.,n of u.e tstt £ tss&!Pr& Md ()JtH:"8 ('1' ¡h" '?'? "CC?'unoJ hy )<u?md cu- .n.Utk.i.ofthe bW!. .uHer under the ?ov? 'l!T? only be wliiscd to make a iinrtm) of' these (?f.l,iving i-t,lie f will bc ? cn? c t.tished. ?<t the ?.ndm?tso sp?hiv M?c<t<-eJt"'hep'"i-nt,.r.?tb.. the best proot 8",J inducement for perse'cr'ng n tht?r U"t. In }.xfi).?.<.<<?'<'?'?'?'?"'?'?- r, Ihe above are prepared and sold by 1. L I" 1 Ghcmist, Bangor. A Box may be sent to M)y part of tht: kingdom on receipt of 2n postage stamps. Hue.:IVS BillOG K SIGHS, w ith Music, exclusively in DAVIDSON'S MUSICAL TREASURY. A» Cantata, 6d. as Glee f., 3 or 4 voices, (id. Pub- at licter'e Itill, Tie.tr ?-t. an(i 20, Pater- noster Bow where may be hud, gratis, Iists of aùo" 200 popular Glees, Ducts, Tun Songs, &c, in ¡d, Sheets. Locke's Music I" Macbeth entire f0r 1;with SjilemiiO Shak"pe"fcn illmt..aticon". :;o!dhiHanKM)')Mr'. T. C'ATIU:HAI,L in Rhyl, i,y Mr. 1 t- iiarp and on order by alt Booksellers. tiy Mev .TJajesi^'x iiojal lUetti'rs Patent. FU'l'VOYE'S KOTAUY CIRCULAR GAME. 1 !').p"<'ab)ct? the I?"in?.Y[?htu)g, Hunting, (,b\, ("(jt, tHI4t Olympian Games capable of bcin \)layed by I we) oe any greater number of persons. The ne ivswly ol using ,L>ice n ay be dispensed with. It can ot- I':A),1 in lour different ways, namely, with one or ti;ot-c revolution), or by stopping the revolutions and UMiiitji a (>:ite, Post., Rait, and Ihfch, a ^t tcple Chase can b( i'o'pt.'d. l\'r-o\ r, Manutactnro arid PatcnteOj JLoiidoii bold at. all respectable Fancy R ipositorics tbrcuirh- <.in '.he l.iii.oioiii. t. tU. u «k«io\V ofTTIiVruAiatv liu It'I 'i.ijesi'/s hoyal Letters l'fi'i'iii. j VM'r. U> T'nteiit \ciitiiated I)<>nUle r.iid Single $J Route.! N v itc apart;oet,ts fur convenience of iatnilies \.11' parties, Lin. tool l'l1J ming « second floor for stowing a\ Í1 gnuds. Ac. 'Pie Hilly complete canvas home yet iruented, and >c,to»ij;lily .ui p etvioi.s t., net. May bo had en appli- i'i, to t'lc Pat. H. L A "1 1:11. RT, t-ioiee Phïl:as. (jeo1'wt nOC{, L"e'1H},:d. I. AM BI'RT'S Registered GOLD-SII'TKK, K;ni- grant's Ir. ii l'oh1ing f'hairs .nti Badsteads in everf. i variety i>e<is, Ula.,¡.>¡c,¡, Hug-s, Poitahle Conine TJut [Ill! el( ) :d{Íck required I,y the Emigrant. Intending (lL,,nants can obtai.i eveiy ir.fulma!i"J} of t-Uaigr ) r.vpectinit the Sailing of A;}t\'ui¡;,n i- i 'ip?, ar,. in t el' V' ij,o Money, Dietiry Susies, kt. le d b:n e p#'» wan' by np f iinz 1" Mr. I \R. MA e /< AY'S SOXCS,—With Muiie by ? L.1\ lies. LtiGiv('Jy in "1):llJ50:6 ?.?.A? THV v?i:iiY' -'1 'he I'xile. 3d. Q'h? Gin 1 ieu.i, t> "L",l b a M iu le-" than a Man. Gd. L!te I'o'in urd (;'e:it <>IKV, Ro»iprn&tion, 3d.; The Svi.-K;r>a ltiiii 1, !t'i. Soim* lc-ve to lloain, Ud St.t.?tL. for '):'tub.) (\!n,t; 'Vhy h-'uM bowi.il the »nl. Ii.tiniludo ot M'-it-v, »itf. .-rti L< f fiierc be (uJ. 'i'he j O', -1 (j i Ju-iv s ;i Oood T»no (. 'omiu g u'n) ii ii' :sV The Sucred SOTjr" corn. } :"(( in :i -i I' — I).nid^on, Pctoi s-l!ill, Pai ;r.<i Tut* r;u vtcv-U"w, J.<M:dun. l y Mr. T. ( Ai iu r Ji>!4bv Ms. L. « .u ? oil. i- b> T 11 ) L /• s r A 1'1: U. 1 i'.1! |'toj.jit I'.j s ''u* i' i A lia\ t.* dttt vau;"i .■(! Up01: a,{upi.il);t. a now a«irt iv.orr striking modr' í :)I'sL,'Jill 1b' ONtpni'ivc and uuprecedpntt-d "'PP¡.t v i'iI iiittho\ Imvt? be"1I honoured, and tJJt' b:dit U! 11, f'oJL\wj:Jf{ scht'nie wi?J be highly ,t'ac((,ry !o the Pub'ie, both from its greater sim- • •'iei'y hnt the i> liiium.l ad'u1tag:_ which it .itii r;. The EI: (;;¡T, wi;] f'.?ut'j ?cutubhtc.i sc 10 eo.istitute i> uni; monstki: or.i:r.v Dc^ruim'TiON, i' l'.u1 e,wl !>e;:ig OSTIN.ii.V on tI o ntiiiilio* of V,, notili-^ v. -lived, it hili k miidc c in; "t a i n t-.r the nuiourit lien stat -■ > In future, o.i 11,1' I "u()nt of Tai-aty-SIX SIIIL- ..INUS. Parties will he supplied with Tin- lie. i Nf.WS- i- \i'eu fin O I: YIIAR f: 1m the datc or :n[¡riptiull, for whicii a Hfceipt will bn jjieen, specifying the \bor of thfir Ounce in tb.; ERA 'JJK'UBY i tiii-' l'N OK 1851, which will positively be distributed u Nn'd'iig io the following Scale, and (iuile indepen- dent o! the Xumhcr of Subscriber.' received :— first Second Horse ,• £ ») Every other Starter £ 5each. £ l,o'tu HWI-. AJ.nr.NV BF. GIVKS Away j'eitici'hirs oi'which 'an be seen at the ERA Olliee. 2U. for Ihi- .1bore Chum:. and Jl;e<r a Xi'ics/iaper fur O-ie THE ERA NEWSPAPER, Established 1*57, is1 tk, best Political. Social. Sporting, 'i'lie-arieal, Lit:- I rary, Conimereial, and General FalJJily I published, an d Containmure orij?in. mattei t'lau any other VVeekly papei. It is tlie Country (;llel;¡an'8 < ft'/c tumult, and the oiilyaekno.vled^ed A'oekly ()r¡.:¡¡u of the Freemasons, Licenstal Victual u Fellows, and Foresters. Ail P<.si-nttiee Ord er> to Vie nii'-de nayable to LEOGEI' E.iv Oibce, Catluirine-stteet, Strand, London. 111HI. WIDE WIDE WOULD, popular song, iid | The S¡, Auclioo," b3 H, Hr;¿L!" 3d.; "The h}thfq," :1.; rh 81:6ve Ship,"> by H. lilsstn., 6¡; the \\oild 1:) Corne," tie-* i ,(t r>. 'noivil S< ere I .rung of the day, fid. m DAVID- s "I t I k-, 1, 1 t I ifty. h.-jveii Pieces, Vontl and ]!¡.trument;,1t il ustrnli.e Ilf II tI¡(:it with sp!entl;.| itfwgrarbic iiontisipi e.i eovt-r un, 1'e !;d. FubL,;hrÚ ht l'ett'l" Hill, UC:<\f L I);\ur1 '(ml 20 I'ate)i"ter lioiv, 1. :re.ioic. BOLD iu HantfO" HY Mr. T. ('T:LHALt.; IO It!y¡, L: ?t:A?'F, ??.. .t.!t? n} i.'l ltooksellers. C1IIE lie II OF ENGLAND LIFE AN D I IRE J AS5L-KANCE INSJ'ITUTIO.N. Hi A;I 01FICP. — 5, LfJ1J1'UHY, LONDON. Emp("!{., < hy Special Act 0. 4 and 5 Cop. XOII. "L,\<'i\U1EJ) CATITAI., OE :\I1LLt;)S. A Km j the Vmpthttts jwriodiatt't,- Unrolled in the .11 igh ?C/iaM?v. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Thit iiiititotion adopts both the Proprietary and Mutual systems of life A^orauee, arn' Oie Policy- holders in both branches are fully pietected by the !<irac Subset ibid Capital of tho. Company. \j>. the l'roptictary Branch, Assiirances are grr.n'ed .lit I, lowest Hate. üf consisient with the se- curilv of the Estiiblishmetit. Such assurances, ir.r.y be <>tfeete,! in a i!l'eat ,'alie')' of ways, to suit the ciicimi- stances nnd convenience of the Assured. Among others, wh-re the Policy U made payable 11 0. the Assured t- ainin .ty years ,f g, :r ?t DUttbt if that cnmt attention «>ioul(i hapin u previously," is paiticularly de«erviiig of In the Miitmd Iji-i.e-h ,;f this Institution, the Policy- Yvh.ieh are 1'¡'¡\fÜ at the expiration of every fifth year. bolden; are et:. it:t> to thtEu1ire Pndih üf the nnPlch. These p.oHts rimy be applied either in Reduction ofthe l,'eai]3 urtil the ensuing period of division, or i,? tl)e A,r?,1. Prospective Allowances are at each division, set :.11'.11'1 frem those Pohcy 1.01<10£8 who are not immedi- :.It..1y entitled to 1"lJlifi¡,ate ill the profi's, but who will have raid five yearly pieniinm* belore the next eusuing division; thus affording to the AsslIrcÜ all the udMiu- tages of an Annual Division of Profits. "$"pTcnneiisrol lhi: tliiiTioiis already made to Munis A. 1, at Parlicipalitiir Hates of Premium. ?M. ) A, j ?'?? !Add?n, '?;? j (! l: 8fuTed Å:1:mft'd Jui\, »«io7 i' £ 5000 iiiiw. "iioTii Apiil, Hill. 3;' ?W '?''0 -.90 July, j I moo M() 1200 1 41),(,4 2:.t6 I ."lalc<1g1: ..°«\' )t)Oi) :;(14 ':16<¡  D?.!?? ,5(; J 200? 264 2?? • K*c'a«i»«< 0t'ull»wa»ce» un Premiains amaunting to «H6 •-•». tid' EIRE DEPARTMENT. Premiums tor Assurance nguint;t Fire are charged at ilic ujoal moderate rates, with a retlnc¡jul1 of £ 10 per cent, cat the Residences aud Furniture vf ClciRynien, an the IJiiiluings and Contents of Churches and Church Scheols. Prospectuses, the necessary Forms, At1ll every re- quislt llforn1ati(j1l fur effecting Assurances, may be obtained on application 8t. tl1c Head Office, as aùoye, or to tinv ofthe nndermctioned Agents of the Companv. WM. Paikrt. Id Terrace. HolyweT Mr. O. Littlewood, Strand Cottage. Agency Offiee, Record- (.treet. TS'rexl.aiii, E. Edge/i rfh, ESIJ Solicitor. Ail pppiicaiions h 1- Agencies i. ti,.S? places where the C. >iupanv Irne not yet appointed Agents to fce addressed to the Secretary.

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Family Notices