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TO Dll EDGE MEN. t| '.N'ED..>r 3D BOATS t" Dr..dge Oysteis. » V *eral Wo^cs will he given. APPU TO Mr. RR SSPLL. Oorert-v-Kyd. Bangor. AITANTKD, a, Indoor Servant, a -steady (:\H. \Y KIEO MAN, who perfectly tinderswn Is 111 lev IIIES :¡¡plf to Major WM.KF.II, Hcndregalrc Id, i ■ T e uad-c. lit MP11REY OKI ['Ft'I'll. • I:NKKU. AmutsRR. ACCOUNT, AMI GKNV H AT. C O I S H I O J. O F I T, P w I. I. H t: i. ;,t. communications punctually attended to, :!wl ''t:LI!:l. 1 ,iï.(-¡' To"w Hid H iiso, Wine & 3pirit Vaults. 'jT.pt r '1'irij'ir, respectfully solicits a f-h «.!•<• o;,)oIhIJr patronage Agent for the genuine \r'¡:1O anti Burton Vie- T 0 BE LET. | rjPiiE XKW W;W building nt LIingetYii, I *ith a g.H»d EARN! ftti <ched. For particulars 'i. v t<i Mi. 1.r:'1 Boiii"riarE i ;• kv N s H K I) 1101!"1 I" O ) hi, M M'KR L-STHEKT, I .» RM.U VI ■"ION STTl >' G t.f iwo l*ailout*, m\ Bru-romw. Sitti.i >-ro >111, A'tics, Kit: h io> ac d V el ar. ■- T unis -.LU ll' -ritp.— A pjo y ,U Miis WILL-SMS, N 1, -1 'e k ei■ ■ i r'e t, Carnarvon. i• • LET, j'HE Fan) 0fmn',ï;'II:ïx: One mile from v As»ph, on the Denbigh Road, and containing ),.tIt. 1 50 seres, a thir,l :>t' which is excellent Meadow ,d. Apply to Mr. JONIS, Llanneich Park, :1. pb, or by letter to IVFIITEII 11.1. Em., lin a ii r» P, f'4:vuy. 4 TU HE LET, 1 l NTS IIE1J, 4 HOUSE. "pac C"lwn ."souion, called BOD 'El UIN, containing J/rawíns: Room (:7 feet by V- i in h ili.ii.it ) Kirt Bedrooms, a ) )rpln Room, :t;.t. ad 1'u:il-h()\s. WiÎ1 3erV;\tH. ROÙJl1 ov.-r. The House is ithiii halt' a mi'.? .r t'le sen, where Warm Baths mar bi" Ita I. A s:t,ali ( ;\e My of bwl van ltc attached if required. \pply u Mr. Uruit H oiti' F.ryninvniien, LEn- i.tri. fl' aid, Conway, or pe< son illy i'.i Riyn Din;rtfc,I I(.\or < V>lw\n Statiou. U_U- Ti"> BE I KT, TV-OWYN HOC.'SE, WJ ITH F>'rty .e of e<, >d Ln'i, situate about :1' t NO 1Ht¡e tivm lbUhil1, atui ix f")!n Denbigh. :fi u»e consists of ev» ry aCdmn\t)dation fir a tei I iir iljr, veit'i an Garden. Tht. yard! •. Dijt-olliccs are Hh3t ro-iveriieut, with a j, -tant -npyily oi '*nter rl1n\n through Apoiv I.. Mi. THOMAS .:IKI. P:as,},w:\rd, ;-TITIï:[w¡;'¡."f.7š \vjSïIG'(¡-¡):TFT; >.2iKiiT. t't:.I;¡f)SS,¡'I;D" PILLOWS, ,'t.,tt4:,t! :1, I and •> iuaitrant, l.iioe stretfl, Li- ■ ri-ot, K) XI II a:iu British Wove ¡ ] A L.>, C<hn, I vape Squares. VVo )1 Shaw in rl\Pf'.i1 Baysdcre, Tiievds, and Clan F'itlSUY. D YK ..I.i '0.. L.rli-strûct, L .erp iYdTm¡¡ï,N'E\V,A:>.I> lŒAD1(TliÖÎ;).. l) M \l"I'i Stationery Est-\blhhrneat, Caxtoi ;m« iiattk Place, 11. street. lUngitr. DiSMORB, Siiveiimith and .Jeweller to tht Queen, 1.1 Ooru»r ot Rold-street, Liverpool, K-rst-class goo. at very moderate prices, ÏÎ1l: 1ï-f;i:X' S' :¡;PRÕ;P-:Í'Q(ÜS ¡ O, anJ TAL^FAS are the taost fashionable Gar- frit, hi use. !,< i'as;le ,f.reet, 1 sad 2. Qv.nrm'M, Lime-strret. 's-eifooi. __0-4- Slhi in "d<l.l", Moir* Ånti.j'¡' aoa !{ich Bro, cn 'ed llo:.fo's. Ni-»'Checked, Sti'ipc', and Barred tla«", llhc-" l)nc%pp«, Suti" Satbet!"s, SílkK Vei^i, Dnsiifis, IInd Terrys -FHlSHY, DYKE, *,rA C*t L w.i sfoot, Jj i To TOURISrrS. ftttent'Oit «>f Tourists i« specialiy r^que^tod t<> j « Uru« &36i>rtfnoiAt of PKINTS, N(. 1 K PAPKK, Ac rompi isin. aii tho Views in "VValo^, NV,-Isii Cos- ':i';vvr and oth»r Illusf.rationH ot th<- Country, and IIIb¡¡:I,H a*: i ens'orrfe of the people, (,c'I1Sl<1nr.ly on Sate •••■ Staiiurury Kstablishmt nt, Bai?k Place, H'rfH-Vti>vt, Bin^r.r. i n condition, Twentv Seven Vols ) '2t¡: Ii!'i.,i'I;nit¿o, O V A< I» t::t 7iuay Lo had fox- t7 7,?. ii, Apply to £.-¡-=:tat.ioI.Jl,n(\r T>Y KI., and ( L^rd-strtvt, J)vNp.)oi, L I"f.ctfuHj' AWMtiee that, hy nve r.<.iw prepared t > *i*aw a. large As5 >?(m-jut of attJUlt1 Novelties, in (hfii various departments. A un n NIIN, 'I'd BE :ir,D. v KR Y prmn-rijug n«'.v t; I on a frhh auu most V tfuaod. Tho present 0'«i\erx, Lein^ \\u» n:¡(' :o work if in the proper ruannor, are disposed to ,1 a certain number ..f shares, or the wfcoit; of it, for wh;ch (hey ,'0 n()t e"l''t an extravagant sum. 1" che npp:y to C. D" po".omct>, 1 daar vst, )t t.Siy;h>ii>irf. Lx l-AZKNBY AND SON'S I ^SENGE of AX- .Ij» CHOVJKS I. still prepared u itb peculiar t'are, and heWj in the highest estlmution as Sauro for crery ^escnptton of FLh. Ma;¡umc"urf.,1 solely at their d.1 6UaUiished Warel.ouie. 6, ildwards-strett, Foitra-'a- j S\;v. at, Lor.don. j r ■ iiiS'Tl.FMY.y T SEARCH \>V OOVjiRV- 11: !T A Pl'(;ll'M io'STS. '|V;K <:r-'lL SERYIU'; (JAZKTTK, published A everv 'lurd!}y pnee i»d » a journal uov I?K' u» 'he Ht:: ?, i all Government üm(;i!, each i week at!!?, var^■u^ Vacant Ap-*u||*Uier,ts,— jj 1^'aiherine street, Si^nu', I \A\fi'SON'S UIL\ (Old(l"Port .ok "Id Ll'¡;¡" 3 J hle. t'^ualIk tdupifa fnr ttif Hnr»d and th In&tru- .cnt. (/Vn-ert Vt'.sions of vhe i]\efer Hall T'urform ■'M»C*;3 -1 hr> ,k M oi-bia h 7?, 0<i,; 44 S^rs^oti. Judui Matcahavis," f), tij. w Tlu Cre:itiorJ" in dle p('f!I. \1, thi' p.jp\!ar Orutorio^ 1t) ,n\lW, "Ul\\Ïc'SO'.1, Voter's iliH, near -:ir. l'au) R. "uÜ 2\), Row, ) orooti, •" W'knarir, by lr. T. in Rhyl. b) 1 '• 'l A Ut.d «>ti *»r«I by nil Bn("'tIitCI'8. To PARI.MS ANO (;I? \It! IA, rrHO' vvh; wi-h to "< "oed "LOT¡¡;G ia a e I r'jeaptsf rat" >U!d -r-wollJi. >I' L P, JO.N S {" tri K^*aidi«h.nent, • PA UAOISTS IK EL !)VElU5OOL. He hh now n S' ^fk ùl and Portsmouth Pilot <t1.; "I" tI, Ntiwt-at PLttt"tlls;n T,ou"crings '»nd ViMti \^a. 1,. sfcure g.)od fittinc, he h,, engager) ihu seiyj-e.s \pia»,ticai ánd mo'.t shUsh Cutter. (•' 1'1," lilNG S .,¡¡¡¡d,le to all pa,t of ue Ind.1, VI N TO SI S Watt-r]i:.)ot CJab. Leggings, ice _-4_ i- ) ¥ h 11 ANX II M KOli 10'. 4 N"V \\rg')h 'losuo is r,f "('OnHn p pois.sei seu of th, j ab • n:i;n>; d Annual l:n: me, is requested to make ;.l iin«»ediate applieatioii, enebin.ag a I)Osfage stamp, ''M Middle Row, iliifii Hoi- t Mr..1 \Mv i -\Ni>i;ies .IN, h" Loiidnn, who ill ft,l'tJ'iL dH' flukt partkulars b;.e'?n..)f'?t. X. R — N" applirfitiou < an be received after the 17'h. ..u_- ?t'AX'rL.b'.?.- Thu '1'alr.a, in Genoa, Lyons, and i\ I. OntisU A'elTets. Toe Ct rtni le, Maude. Ophelia Veni-je \'t"!a, Spanish, an l rdiiiai, in cloths vari- .?''? ?ttn??t.'??. M?ftting M?t.?s.—t'Kfs?Y, .'<KM. ?<'U., Lf ip-atre- t, Liverpvo fj ;;V, ;)CiJ5.1X Qt.\m{!LH:,w«h?nt<;rur.tt<- I ured en^iavia? of tb-? Exhibition Buildiug. i'Jie EUii.bci'i?!. ttnsdi'iUe," with Four vi £ \vs 1ft" £ iiii burgh, beautifully prilted in voloun d f.i'l '^nphy, • i, "The People's Palaee Qnailsilte, «v.tli ertfi! view of ih» ^jdenharn Palace, I. l'ite (■rr;t Eihibitioii Quadrille," "jth "iew of ti, H.V'1" i'aik Huildin?, (id. The Moora's Melodies <.Iu,"<lril1. witti pirtrait of the Poet, 3d. 1, The Dame-l'urden ".L. loWe," eouiaining exclusively Ule\Vit8 fast popular ?:?)?.3J. All in DAVIDSON'S Ml'SH-'Al, TREAS17UT. published at l't-tir'n llill, near St. PaoP», an I 0, Paternoster How where Catalogues may be i.j ciatis, of oil the popular Ualóce Musi., in 3,1. Sheets. :jJ In Jhngoor by Mr T. CATHKRALI. inlthyl, by M:. ).„ SuiKV and on order by all BojkBellert. r HE B,A N G QUIA N PElt F U f E, I OR ROYAL WELSH BOUQUET. VYERY superior and durable PERFUME. Pre- .A pared exprpssly to conimemorate Her Majesty Queen Vid"rin' Viit to liangor, October 13tb, It; -2, by T. L E W fS, Chemist, &e., Bangor, la glass 1..ppereJ Bottles at is, fid,, and 21. f,, MR. GEORGE NORTHCIWFT, StTEVEYOR, HOUSE and ESTATE AGENT, UPPER r.ANGOR, \Oli'NT for the Sale and parobftse of i.nnd and Household TVoperiy, Hail way, Mining and other Shares. To builders, PARTIES williag to Te(?dpr ?or the ?evcral Works required in the E' u.:tiou of a MARINE COT- TAG E ,t Hhvl, may see tho Plana "nd Speitications a my office, in Chester, any day after the 20th inst. Tenders t be delivered in before L! o'clock on the 1 it day of November next, endorse I, '• Tender for Marine Cottage at Rhyl." THOS. M. PENSON, Architect, Th? };?s. (kt. Il!h¡ la.I: 4,hu cell Lty t I iota. rP U ? nex: M eetin. for the Deanery of Arlieohwedd, 1 will take piaiai at. t'LASOOWEN, Lla illeehid, on i'ui.ttfriAY, the :W:h i, St., at 10 a.m., aad ,t 2 p, tH. Tie re wdl',e a Sen';ce an i S. rinou at (i p.m. Also, í1 dw previous Evening, at (i p.io  Lectures will be delivered on subjects interesiinji to thu S iciufcv. ROBEUT ROBERTS, et,ry, { Giitn?gwtn, Oct. 11, 1I153. t'LEASrRH BOAT FOK SAT?r" I 'PHK MUSQl'lTO, built in Liverpool, foe the | L Birkouhead Model Yacht Club, ov er 5 tons, when y r' vry bst and safe, with all materials com- lete—metal ballast-galvanise 1 ctnin, and anchor, For partictiars apply to Mr. J. JACKSON, Harbour i Oiiice, Carnarvon. Also, a Flagstaff, Rigging, Topn.ast, and Gaff, complete. G< LEVDiXIXG and WiLSON, Soap ami Candle rManuf-ctureis, 45, Xaj lor-strect, 9, Jame.tleet. and IS, .¡ ill str"et, s'He Agents in Liverpool for the Sale of the justly-celebrated Candles Manufaclured by PRICE'S PATENT CAN OLE COMPANY, London, Wholesale, Export, and Familr Orders punctually a;- |i tended t<\ 4 VTFMNAL FAl:ilnOS in MtLLI^iERyi /-l.. comprising Glace, Satin, Terry with ttio ne-v Bonnet a la Eugenie. Caps and Head 1.)¡8sse. ot every description.—FRlSBTt, DYKE, at.d CO. Lord Btieet, Liverpool. UN SALE, ? ) :)EDar.<t WHITE HERRINGS, in BMreI.? and Half BaireU. RAY«j?«, Lu.'TON & Co., 20, King-street. L'fcrp'pL i'THB NEW EDITION of the CATriKDRAL, AIN BO()R,, price-?..m.ty bo had ?t' A M vnu^ Stationery Establishment, Bank Place, Bangor. DRESSES, i'l Uavadere and Emhfoidered H<lbrs, D Fancy, Spun, and Wool Tartans, French Merinoes blld D"¡"iues. Austrnli¡n CI'ape, Cohurgs, Circas- sbn CIOlh, Ohlllli8, &c, -FH ISH Y DVKH' aod C.? Lord-street, CHURCH SERVICES,—Tlie .?hJ?hMicf'url?. or lid,Ail i.ne Voice Part. am! Accompaniments i lor Organ, Piano, Straphiiu, &c. Nares's Morning ,,n,t E,iig i. F, l? in A, 6d. Gibb')Ht EH:Jing in I', 6.1.; J3cksoU'3 .Morning and E^euin^ iri F" Is. Jackson's fotning arid Evening in S Plat, h., King's Morning and Evening in F, 18. Yallia in 1". 10, The Ev¡)in¡; saparatcly, Od.; or toe whol e of the above, in a. handsome Folío Vol. i 8t:-jn;'y bour,d, for iis.—Davidson, Peter' Hill, Lon- don. Soid in Bangor, by Mr. T. CATHKHALL in Rhyl, i fjU' RS.— Martin ?bic, French Sable, Mink, Er- Jj mine Chinchill1, Kolensky, Musquash, Squirrel, !and S?tn Down.—FUMBy. DYKE, and CO., j Lo-d-atre'i', Liverpool. 0.  VERY DESCRIPTION OF LETTER-PRESS, ii COi'l'ER-lLATH aud HTHOGRArHIC }??TJ?( BOUKMNDIXC. A1> MACHINE HULL'sG n'omptly executed at modcrate charges, by A. K. "IAKTI.V, Caxon Printing Otces, Bangor. -S:fiTLI=iwhL!:S BuperiM WATKRI'IIOOF RE tO. ?EKSIBLE COATS, whiuhtur style, tightness, and d li ability cannot be (.quailed.. ,1. Ca,st.!v-su,et, hud 2, Quadrant, Lime-street, 12'm | OTP.AW BONNr.TS,—Chenille and Velvet Mix- tu res, (' ')rdenette, whoie Straws, L?i?e, Devon, l.ustre Tn.ieiin, Lutons, Leghorns, Chips, Crinuline and Satin Straws, Ladiiis' i tn, Children's Stays.— FICIS3 Y, DYKE, aud Co., Lord-street, Liverpool,  ARTIN'S WEEK'S VVAN £ >EIUNGS IN ?t WALKS, pl?n, Is., iUn?.raM<t, ??., will be fou -d to be the most useful and the cheapest Guide to rh. beautiful scenery of Carnarvonsh re. Sold at Martin's Stationery Establishment, CK:.COO House, Baogof. .U- NEWToXfil ] OIl: HATTON's Ne"l 8ollg, J, •' Good bye, .vv-eet-heavt, good bye." ;,1J,A8' New "vng, \thJwfJ,i 1 were yon slver moonbeam MORI'S Xew Song, Twa8 011 a Sunday Morning." WALTER MAVNAKD's New Sor £ I- Let nobody know." WILI.,IAM 'iPAII.K*s Now S,)ng, Pn tty Lily." THOMAS BLAKEs New Songs, "Think on me," [¡uti" Hither come," • L: CRAMKB, BEALB & CO. Each, 2s. DAVIDSOX'S CHORAL BOOKS, each Sixpenny N?.. ?b,, containing two or tli.- entire Choruses all the Voice Parts and .Vccompaiii-nents in a Quarto size', alike adapted for the Hand arid the Instalment. Fiftoer. Numbers out, containing between ao and 40 of j Handel's most popular Choruse" Lists, gratis, of the Publishev, D*.iilsnn, Peter's llill, St, Paul's, and 20 Paternoster Row, London. Sold iu Bangor by Mr. T. CATHFRALL; in Ithyl. by Mr. L. SHAKI-, a:d on order by all Booksellers. Every llan his own Master, Or cel.. lftstructioM in 30 Businesses; ] XC L F 1) I" G the modern improved laundry. X French clear-starching, the present mode of Freat-n i polishing—realising three guineas per week, making excellent perfornery for sale and private use. Tho profitable borne business of a dyer and scourer— i restorer of oil paill!ill¡¡s-makin..i sherbet nectar, allu, all the excellent summer beverages, &C,-<O\1, ^reve matches-nks.-sw,.cts-muffius and crumpets Hnq uenty other easy money-making businesses. The whole in a packet f'nt free, price Is Id, or six- teen postage sumps.-EISHEIt AND SON, pub- isliers, Kingsiaud, London. Established WH, India rubber prooifng and spreading,, and to make ?<?<'up Al,o w to iink(,, ti?,! Isk? of Wight nuu?h nub now in such deinand, just added. jH¡i:l:(¡()i'8S{)GS-¡¡;1-bŸJi1' ? C< hrs?m.L, fxct;t,itt;;v in DAVIDSON'S MUS!- CAt. t?EASUKY -A Home in the Heart, &1; I'll P"" tt,, igf,t3 :]. '1*1,?-, Sl,i,it n?i I Stream, 3d.; Trouble yout Heads wiU) yu?? own Affi,t?. 3,1.i I' Alf-t, 3d, 'Lh? 01,1 3,1 Ol'i j King Time, 3d. The Old Mill Stream 3d.; The Rush- I;gl,t, 3d. 'rl,, ',I;i.,?, 3d,; Song for t h, Yacht (tubs, to M.,?i, ,f J'? Afloat, .td.  'ht Mottiei who hath a Child at Sea, 3 Where there's s j Will there's a Way, 3d. l'he Mouse and the Cake. 3d ¡'I h,' Blind Boy's been at pIa), MOlher, 3d. The Son" fthe 1)o, 3d. The Fisher Boy, 3d. God hath Voice, •"(). The Old Arm Chair, with full length Por- trait of the Authoress, and her Autograph, as delineated in her Receipt foi the Copyright, the whole being be. writing.—Davidson, and 2k) Paternoster- Row, Loudon. Sold in Bangor by Nlr, T. CATHERAT.I. in Khyl, h) j ;Vir. L. Sr.ARr ind on order by all Booksellus. MEDICAL PROFESSION. A PUPIL WANTED by a Surgeon in cxtensWe A practice, residing in a market town in North Wales. The pupil will be treatf(1 as one of the family, aud his professional education and moral conduct strictly attended to. Premium moderate. Apply by I,tter, prepaid, to"B. C.D.(.)&cc(;t'th9''X')rth. Wales Chronicle,' Bangor. NEWYDD EI GYIIOBDDI,— PUIS 3s. GC., NEU 4 TRWV'K POST, LYJ,R Y I'ROFFWYD F:SIIAIAII wecli a' .1 Gytieithu 0 tu-wydd, a'i drefnu (eyn agosed ag y diehoii) yn 01 yr Hebraeg, gan y Parch. T. Bttiscop., S.T.B., Is-Lywydd, ac Athraw Hynaf Coleg yr lesu, Rhydychaiu. Treffynnon -W. MORRIS, Swyddfa'r Cymro" &!I, liglwysydd'; IIuGUEs a BITTLER, St, 1\larti"'K,lo- grand, Llundain. MlS!c"FOii" THE MILLJO-N.-rilE CUBAP- j EST ELEMENTARY BOOKS. JOUSSE'S CATECHISM, greatly enlarged and improved, ,nd ?d.,ed ,n Price to 6ù.-S",mdero', in'llg Inhuc!ion, us used in hll his Classes, t& )'nJt('d.?vid'!onaVoeabn)?y of Musical T?<i<, in which the Pronunciations ra well as the Aleanlfi^s are lucidly explained. Price Peter s | Hill, near St. Paul's, and 20, Paternoster Row. Sold in Bangor by T. CATinaiALL in Rhyl, by Mr. L, Sn,iur and Oil order by all Booksellers. 'lëOSt:CRATIO OF GORSEDD <?m')? iF, f? THE PARISH OF WHITFOKD. IT is intended to Consecrate t nii Church on Tt/Ks- »AY -?l')ItNINO, 25th. Divin" Service to' commouce at Eleven o'clock. The Sermon will be preaehed by the LOKU BISHOP OF THE 1>IC:C1!SE, As the Church is small, it is roque»tod that those subscribers to the Building fund, who may wish to attend the Consecration, will bo plea.ed to apply t, the Rf!v/Dr. 'HmscuH,ofWhitf?,ue!\rHt)tywf.i), for tickds of admi"sion, which ?ill be available until the commencement Of Divine Service. The livening Service will be in Welsh, at Six o'clock the Sermon will be preached by tho Rev. RICHARD PUCHARDS Vicar oi' Meifo i. A Collection in aid of Gorsodd School will be made after each Service. Whitford, Holywell, Oct. 12, 1853. rLitTr.vs F m U SA'UCE?-?T LTZEXB"7 ± All> SON deem it nece.,sry to reitemte lJejr Caution against spurious imitations of tbiS approved Smco. Every bottle of the GENUINE description bears the name of "WIHJAM LAKE?BY" on the back label, and the signature of 1, ELIZABETH 1 LAZENBY" on the front. ■ iiosTTjipoIrcAN7f SHl'LLEW ELL begs t? oall the attention Of! an,l ?'3,.fri?,g Men to his V U LCA N- It-?D?ATERPRUUF COATS, wbich wiU'et?pd the beat of any climate, and are nnaifocted by will ?,te r. Shipp"rg to hot climates will find thsc, goods superior to all others. 53, Castle-street, 1 and 2, Quadrant, Lime-street J:1' DAVIDSON'S HANDBOOK of PART MCSJC, for Singing Classes, Families, and Schools, in Six penny Numbers, each containing N or 9 entire Pieces, ,o. I. contains The Pit King," RUSSELL'S '• Let's iie Gay," and "A life on the Ocean Wave," "The! Student's elenadp," Up, Brothers, arouse," Ohv Happy Day,1' ''The Song of the Three Countries." The Sneezing Catch," Auld Lang Syne," and To all you Ladies now on Land." N.. IV conta'nS nine Sacred Pieces, including "The Hallelujah ChOTU:¡," I No. V. is seltcted especially f, Temperance Societies, —Davidson, Peter's Hill, aud 20, Paternoster Row, London. Sold in Bangor by Mr. T. CKTJERIIALL iu Rhyl by Mr. L. SHARP; and on order bj all Booksellers. r ACMS.—HoMMt), Valenciennes, Maltese, Thw$>\ I i and Limerick, Hahitshirl, Sleeves. Coll?Lva and La¡,pets, Lace Mantles, Jacket*, and Falls, Fiouno- ings. Edgings, Insertions, Sewed Muslins.—FRISBY. DYKE, anti Co" Lord-street, I.ive"pool, tAT?LY''?UBL?UMY??"Ar?''?lIHT?? ,.J Bangor, and may be had of all Bookstdlors, UOLBA?Uf.\ TOWER, -a Legend of Lhn- beri." by Ni7. ti, Price Is. (3d. BOOTS aad SHOES fot Ladies and Children, in Bevery variety and fashion suitable tor th(? 8el\OU, American Goloshes, Ladies, White and Black Satin Dress Shoes.—FRISBY, DYKE, nnd Co., Lord street, Liverpool.  HELLEWELL'S WATERPROOF RE- S. VERSIULE GARMENTS. ;1. Castle-street, 1 and 2, Quadrant, Lime-street Livevj/ool. -on_O.. 17 L. BUNCHARD'S SO,WS, with Music by E. HENRY It exelti?ively in I) AV I DF?ON'S ML SIC AL TREASURY, "The Gold Fiend, 6d. The Slave Mother," 3d. The Slave Auction," 3d. The Old Folks at Home," 3d. There's Room enough "TheWo.-)d i. on the Gd, Young King Cok". the briliiant offspring of Did King Coal, a Raihvay-Bnffer Extrava- ganza, just ready for a Trip ronnd the Globe," Gil.— Davidson, Peter's-Hill, near St, Paul's, and 20, Pater- uoster-llow, London, Sold iu Bangor by Mr. T. CATHKBALL in Rhyl,-by Mr. L. SHARI and on order by all Bookseller*. RIBBONS.—A hHge :lsortmont of Parisian and British novelties in Tartan Plaids aud Brocades, Gold and Silver Tinsels, Belt Ribbons, Fancy Ties and brooch Flowers.- Fltl SBY, DYKE, and Co,, Lord-street, Ltveipool, -_o 1A DIES' and Children's Hosiery in Cotton Merino, j and 1.tui bs Woo!. Ladies' and Children's under- clothing, PolktL ,he kitts, Gloves, &0., in great variety. DYKE, aud Co., Lord-street, Liverpool. PRINCE ALBERT, at Chobham, having recently patronized the SVaterproof Cloak, a,s made by 8. HELLE WELL, he solicits an inspection of the various qualities of his new TOGAS, TALMAS, PONCHOS, CAPES, and CLOAKS. Those grace- ful Garments, now u-ed by the principal Nobility in tho Kingdom, areequtdly adapted for Walking, Ritliug, or 1), ving ,:and can be worn either side out. 5:1, Castle-Breet, 1. and 2 Quadrant, Liue-f.treet, I.iv1qH)ol. VALB OF ctWYl). rp.O be LET, FI'UKISHBO O? UnFVR.NJSHED, i»d a.y TL, entered upon on the 1st ofDè"ember next, an elegant MANSION, called BHYNISFLT, n the county of Flint, distant three miles froA St. Asa])h» four from Denbigh, øn.J aevcn from Hhyl, tvhevs there is a first-class railway station. The House contains Entrance hall, Drawnsr-room, 27 feet by 17 feet G inches, opcniug with foluir;,?-doors to a Back Drawing-room, Breakfast-room, and Din- ing-room, 27 feet by 17 feet r; inches, Five best Bed- "oorns, n1hl Three Dressing-rooms, with Servants' Rooms over them, Tho Kitchen, Housekeeper's Room, Servants' Hall, Cellar, &e., aie well arranged The Outotflces. Laundry, Wa,;h-hot1<e, &f., which are connected with the Kitchen Department by a covered passage, and the Stabling, re most 00100",<1;- aue. an,1 in every jrespect complete. fhe G4fdeu i. very productive, and, as well as the House itielf, com- mands n lovely and extensive prospect. T'ie Tenant can be accommodated with Land, if required, at a mo-leiat-' rent, and also the exclusive right If Shooting over 900 acres. F0 further particulars apply to Mr. Tno.\us rhwo SOM, Stamp-oflice, St. Asaph. I Also to be LET, for a term of years, a ve-y compoct and desirable FARM, in excellent condition, situated in the parish of Trcmerctiion, in the county of FlirH, 1;* ,qt."t I. St. Asaph ttir- listant horn St.. Asaph le, from Denbigh four, and from Rhyl seven mile containing .170 Acres if good Pasture and Arable Land, now in the lOccti'.fiuon of he proprietor, who has recently put the premises into j lerfect order. The House, which is of moderate size, | .-otitains every accommodation suitable for r/fltCntlemini armer, The Outbuildings are encn.iv" ,'Tid con- I .ciiiciit, consisting <)1' a Coach-house, with MIl-8er- ants' Bed-room over; Dairy, Milk-rootn, BlIk¡¡use, 'oultry-yard, and other Oill?,? a Fo.r?..tall,d Slablo .n'd 'L'?'' Box Cnwhou"e, for 17 Cows, wi'h C?tf- attached, and all other requisite Farm Buildings, 'ossesjon of the Land may be had oil tbe 30th oi'Xov. mxt, and of the House and Farm Buildings on tie Ist day. 1834. For further particulars apply as above. 1 Carnarvonshire and Infir- mary and Illspensai y. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pllAT the kI Meeting of the Governors of L the ob ive Institution will be held nt the BOARD ROOM, on TUESDAY, the 25th day of October instant, at 12 o'clock at, noon, for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the year, and other general business, atid ,)tice ¡; berehy rurther Given, that the said Meeting will be made special, for the purpose of appointing a Secretary to succeed the present ofifcer, who resigns in consequence of changing his residence. HUGH ROBERTS, Hon, Secretary. Bangor, Octubsr 12, 1853. It AND M MUd UNION. PORTE It WANTED. 'I" s ?If the Poor of the Bingor and T Baanm!lris Union, will meet at the Union Work- house, Bintror, on Wkuni:SDAY, the 26'h day of October, 1853, at 11 o'clock in the morning, to receive applications from persons for the situation of POR- TER t9 tbe \Vorkhomw. Applicants must be un- married, and not above fmvty-live years of age. Salary £ 20 pir year with hoard, lodging, and washing. For further particuljrg apply at the Clerk's Office, at the Union Workhouse, Bangor, where testimonial, of character must be left before 12 o'clock of Tuesdays the 25th day of October, 185:1. 11. WILLIAMS, Clerk to the Guardians. Union Offices, 13th Oct., 1853. FOTTsTLE b Y~ A uCTTONT Oft TUESDAY, TAR. 25TH INSI- rpnia Flit ATLAS, oak )"ilt, 135 tons reg\ster,! X formerly of LIverpool, with mast8 and trmdlng, rigging, cables, anchors, hawser, and winch-line. T<I: be seen on the blocks near to the Ship Tmi, llirael. ,_h SALE BY MR, R. YDWARDS, OAK AND OTHER TIMBER. '»'0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on WFDNESDAY, I 2(ith day of Octo,hr, 1853, by Mr, ROBIUIT EO- | WABDS, at a convenie'lt-'I "C near Llwynybrnm, Llaorug, a quantity of 0 AK, AS T AND OTHER TIMBER, cut down ,,i Llwynybram aforesaid. For further particulars apply to Mr. Jull" THO-! MAS, Estate Agent, Wellington Terrace, Carnarvon. SALES BY ME. LLOYD. w. VALE OF CI AVYD, NORTH WALES, 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTlO, by Mr. LLOYD, X at the CIL05 FOXES INN, Ruthin, on Tuesday, the 11th day of November, 1U53, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, (by direction of the survi"¡1Ig ¡ Trustee for sale under he will of Joseph Pee rs, late of Plasnewydd, E- deceased), all those TWO FREEHOLD FARMS, called TYDDY DED- WYDD and HENGOED, both situate in the parish of Manfwrog, ill the enmity of Denbigh. Tyddyn contains 59 acres, and has good substantial Buildings on it. Is distant from Ruthin about Two Miles. One Field of j acres and upwards, at a Iis- tance from the Homestead v.ll bo oifered separately, Hengoed contains 31 acres, and is situate near Tyddyn, about half-a-mile further from Ruthin,on the same road. Plans and particulars may be Qhtained:Fourteen Days previous to the Sale at the Exchange News- rooms, Liverpool and. Manchester; of the ACCTJONKER, at Ruthin, axl,l at the oliice oi Mr, PEERS, Solicitor, Ruthin, of whom further particulars may be obtained. BY MR. JAMES WILLIAMS. 1 Flintshire timber. fPO BE SOLD BY TICKET, at the BELL AND TAN,?:LOPE INN, in the town of Holywell, By Mr. JJA. MES WILLIAMS, on WKDNESDAY, the 9th of November, lU6is at 3 o'clock pi,c-ci,iely, the following JUEDGE ROW AND F1f:LD TIMBER, priucipaHý of large dimensions, and to Im ?c,ld in the F"Ijcwi.g or ??uch other Lots as bball be agreed upon at the tiuio of sali. the tlm" of DOWNING TIMBER. LOT I.—36 SYCAMOKE, beginning with Xo. I and 2 by Cottage on Merllyn Farm, Ysceifiog 3 and 4 Brynsnoue Farm by Cuenvys Brook 6 to 27 oil 1)dol and Felin (ionglog; 2H to Hj Bronla.dog Farm.—10 ELM, beginning with Ri). 1 to 0 ou Brynshone Farm, j by Caerwys Brook; 7 ou Felin Godglog Farm 8 to 10 in Froa Eiron Wood, near Bronfadog.—129 ASH, beginning with No. ) to 4 on Brynshone Farm, by Caerwys Brook; 5 to 109 on Ildolaud Felin Gonglog 110 to 1111 oil Bronfadog; 110 and 120 in Fron Eirion Wood, near ilroutadog 121 to 1211 on Bronfadog. TIMBER OF P. P. PEARSON, ESWJUE. LOT 1, -35 SYCAHORE, beginning with N (,. 1 to 21 Merllyn Farm Yard; 22 to 24 Pant-drwa-y n-y.gauad, 25 lo 29 Ddol bach 30 u> 35 Henevel Brook, Stc 40 A-SH, beginning with No. I and 2 FJ'ordd Tene- ment, near Gelli Loveday 3 to 24 Pant-drws-yil-y- gauad; 25 to 40 Ddol bach 1 ELM, Henevel Brook. LOT 2.—-22 SYCAMORE, beginning with No. 1 to 21 on Gaillys near Bagillt; 22 on Ffonld Tytod, Bagiilt; 3 ASH, on Gad1Y8. The above Timber are well situated for purchasers and are in eqery respect worthy of Notke. The whole of the Timber in the parishes of Ysceigllog and Caerwys will be shown by Mr, EDWIN HUOUES, Gamekeeper, or by application to the Tenants, and the Timber in Bigilit, will also be shown by Nir. ROOSE, Gadlys. Fu,th,r information may be had on application to tho Auctioneer, llr. JAMES WILLIAMS, Maes-y-dre, Holyw<,tl. Holywell, Oct 2nd. 1353, SALES BY MR. 0BMISI0JL Wigfair Periodical Males. FARM ING STOCK, BARREN AND IN-C VLF COWS AND HEIFERS, BULLOCKS, FAT SHEEP, VALUABLE HACK AND lialt- NE)'S HURSLS, PUÆTON, CAR, &c. 'PiiE next )f tbese Sales for the disposal of Miscel- X laneous Stock will be held in the Farm Yard at W] C? FA III ISA, near St. Asaph, on THURSDAY, the 20th October, 1,?5?3, when the following and other Stock will be lItfered to Public Competition :-The CA'i'TLE j comprise 4 in,calf Cows, (one to calve iu No.e,uber), 5 fresh Barrens, 6t?.? yo?t?-?id Wdsh Hc!fiJrs, 2 three-year-old Ayrshire Heifers, 7 capital 3 and 4, year-old Bullocks, excellfja pure bred Alderney Cow (smoky fawn colour, recently imported from the Island, and giving a great quantity of very deh milk) and C,M, and an Alderney Calf two months (jidg red and white two-year-old Short-bom Bull. HORSES. A very valuable four-year-old Bay Filly, sixteen bands high, well bred, 1>lId possessing plenty of bone, a capital jumper, and very fast; a powerful Bay Car- | riage Horse, it; hand* high, rising five-year-old, black lege, mane, and tail, quiet to ride and drive; a strong well bred Bay Coo Marc, five-yeai-old, 14 hands blgh, goes In harness or saddle; a very promlsiug ILck Mare, Gipsey," four-year-old a very hand- some g Id Bay Horse, 15} )i?nds high, possessed ,f great power and symmetry a superior Bay "dr1!" aud Harness Mare, rising five-year-old; a valuable active Bay (:U' Horsc, 7"years old, H\ bands high, and a powerful iron-grey Cart Mare, I) years old, 10 hands high—both accustomed to tciarn work particu- larly handsome Grey Filly, ,mltllbl" for a lady,-15 hamh high, Ihlng 5 years old, and perfectly quiet a be:mtl!,¡] "ell b,od Bay FIlly, ab,mt. 15 hands high, rising 3 years old,—black legs, rt)oli temper, and pro- mises to be very fast; a servlceahll! 111\11 handsome Bay Foney, about M hands high, rising 3 years old, -b¡k legs i a capmll Bay Cob, with black t?gs? 14? hands hIgh, rlsmg 5 years "Id-"ud tempered and huwls"rue; a ,,I able Brown Cairia^e Horse, J ye??r?i old, 16 hands high. Nearly all these hore are ot a higii class, have never been ou of the breed- er's hands, and arc well worthy the attention of genile- ameli, dealers, and others. The Sheep and pigs include 4 valuable South-down Rams 20 prime fat half-bred Leicester Ewoo, 190 fat Wethers, il ditto South-down Ewes, 20 ditto Welsh dltuo; strong pure bred Berkshire Boar, 8 months old, and 3 strong Porkers. Also, a very useful Inside Car, and a serviceable under-duty Phaeton, with turn over seat. Other Stock, of which particulars have not been furnished, will also be offered. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock punctually. JOHN ORMISTON, Auctioneer, igfair, St. Asapb, October öth, 1853. j lOtnhrucation fur 0Il" 1\jiJt'e, rpHIS preparation is now used Rnd I highly appreciated by mothers, who would the, wise have to sufter most oxcruClatlug pains in giving siickle to their infanta. If used when the nipples are even apparently healthy it will act as a sure preventa- tive, and when tin-y are actually cracked and very sore, by persevering in its use it will prove a eutain and the only certain remedy known in the most 1!)'j veterate cases, It may be applied as often a* con venient, and will not require to be washed off when I the child is put to the breast, as it contailJs nothing injurious, but to the contrary will prove benefits! when the child's mouth is fonl, or anyway had, which so also a superiority peculiar to tilL; article over al thors. In Bottles at Is. each. The above f stablished Preparation is sold by T. LEWIS, Chemist, Bangor. HOLYHEAJJ UNION. JlII E Board of Guard ians Itl,, Poor ?fth, Holy- I head Union Hreby Give Notice, that at their Meeting to be held at the VAI.LI'V HOTIn., on TNR.S- iity, the 25th day of October instant, they will elect aOFFICElt and PUBi.iC VACC1- I XATOR for the AberfTraw District of the s,id Umon. Th?-, D¡.tnrt comprises the several parish-is of Abcrffmw. Bodwrog, Uerdgceinwen, Ceiichiog, Hen- eglwys, Llanbeulnn, Llandrygarn, Llaufaelog, Lhn- gwyfan, Llechylched, and Trewalchmai..Salary, £ Oo pH annnm, with the addidonal J'Ves prescribed IF th. General Order of the Poor Law Board and t,?, Vaccination Extension Act. Candidates must be pos- sIOsse<l of one of the qualifications specified in Article [G,; of the said General Order. Sealed tenders, stating qualifications, &e,, to be ad- dressed to me oil or before the 24th instant. By order ot the Board, ROBERT PRTCHARD, Clerk to the Guardians. Llangefni, lltli Oct., 11103. Pop GOES THE W L\ZEL, as Polka aud March ]'_)(?P (iOl?,8 'rl E NN'E,kZFI,, as Polka and -\I.h pence, in Davidson's Musical Treasury, No, 671. The celebrated "PopGoe-the Wefistel" Dance, La Tempete, and 1\ other Dances, ali for Tineqll'1lCe, in Davidson's Musical Treasury, No. 1)50, which also contains bun- dreds of Polkas, Quadrilles, VVallxes, Sebottisches, ate., al! in Threepenny Slieetti, -19, Peter's Hill, near St. Paul's, London, and 20, Paternoster-Row. Sold in Bangor by Ilr. T. CATHBHALL in HJ.-j l, by 1I1.r. J" SMART and ou orde- by ail Booksellers. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF I ADVERTISEMENTS. rll E L I V E R P O O L .1 O U R N A L j A D S V 1» P I, E >F G T, rRICI: din,, Is pnblisUi d every SATURDAY MOHSISO, in tinw for despatch by the Early J\hih, AT Tiir, On-ICE, 18, CASTLE STREET. The JOURNAL possesses the largest circulation of any weekly paper in Liverpool, and its columns present, to Advertisers the most eligible medium for giving the greatest publicity to all classes of an- nouncements. In addition to its great circulation in Liverpool and the neighbourhood, the ,1 ovx\ a. is read most extensively not only in Lancashire and the adjacent counties, but alw througlout the North of England, the Midland Counties, North and South Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The charge for Advertisements in the Journal is— FOUR LlE, ,-SIXPECE ¡¡: :jL I 7 or S i e, (id. 9 or 10 lines 'Is. of). Every additional two lines-(id. Small Advertisements must b e pail! for at the time of insertion, as it, will be impossible toopen accounts for such trifling amounts. A copy sent free by post for Five Stamps. Liverpool Ioiiriial-othre.  A DAILY NEWSPAPER IN "LANCASHIRE! nnHE NORTHERN DAILY TIMES, Liverpool and Manchester Comin??eial P(?titic?il, and G,me-I ral Newspaper, is Publisned every Morning at 19, South John Street, Liverpool: and 9, Princess Street, Manchester. Annual Subscriptions in Advance 1:3 10 0 Half-Yearly dc, I l f) Quarterly do. do. 0 19 6 Singles Copies, Threepence, TO ADVERTISERS of every class it affords the very best medium for the publication oftlieiranounre- merits, as it is most extensively read by the Monied and Trading Classes of Liverpool, Manchester and London, and already comrnsnds an extensive eircula- tion in the 1ix Northern r)\.1otiE"R ûf England, and J throughout North Wales. SCALE OFJrLt lWES FOR PREPAID A15VRRISEMEN rs. Senants A,lvertisemel1t;, (not exceeding Twc Lins) Sixpence, S, D, I 1) 1, Z, or 3 lines 1 0[18 or n lines 5 0 4 or fi I d.20 or 2i. „ r. (; Ii or 720,21, 23 or 24 „ (i 0 8 or !126?2c), 21;, or 27,, 6 10 or 1130'23, 29, or 30 „ Ü 12 or 13 „ • 3 P-3L 32, or i?3 0 1 -1 1.41)?3t7 35, or36 „ SI 0 Hi )74(;137, 38, or 39 „ 3 And Sixpence for every additional Two Lines. A discount, of from 25 to 5'J per c,,?i., is ii:?d? 'or a "e1 of insertions. SI.1bscdberr;' names and Advertisements t.) ÍJ addressed to the Publishers, CHARLES WILLMER, 11), South John Street, Liverpool. Flintshire Turnpike Tolls. FLIXT. HOLYWELL, AND MOSTY TURN. PIKE DISTRICTS. NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN, fpHAT the Tolls :triing and to be co!ierted at the I several Turnpike Gat/ comprising the Flint, Holywell, and Mostvn Turnpike Districts of Roads in the County of Flint wil! be LET BY AUCTION, to the highest bidder, at the house of Mr. John Mars- den, the Royal and White Horse Motel, in the town1 of Holywell, on \VEDNESD\Y, 23rd November, 1853, 1 between the hours of Eleven and Three o'clock, in the manner directed by the Acts passed in the third and fourth years of tho reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, For regulating Turnpike Roads, which Tolls produced the last year the fol- lowing sums, over and above the cxpences of collecting the same vi, :— FLINT 1>18'1'1:ICT. a. *•. n. Jiagillt, Boot, Brociialb, C<JI,,bill, Green- Held, Northop Church Yard, and Wn'- wen Gates, and all the Side Gates tbre- unto belonging us'et for the year I.U;.3 1335 0 (I HOLYWELL ])]STH1CT, IJrynford Hill, Lygan-y-laii.Lygan-y-wer.j and Chain, I.lwyncgryn, Northop, Stllm- forrl.Sollght(JnSprillgtit:d and Vawnog GutA, and ail the Side (iaies thereunto belonging; liS collected for the year ending December 31, 1852 75i J MOSTYN DISTRICT Bricl.hill, Bryn-y-gaseg, Creavol, Gwíb- nam, LLtty, Llmeijar, Lli(lia,t Cercig, j.l:H'¡'HJ Caerwys, Newmarket, P(nraUt, lihewl Mostyn, and Flusucha Oates, aud all the Side GilleS thereunto he, longing; as collected for the v,?ar ending Dee. 31. 1852 647 :1 H Thl.ael :)- Let f, n' 'y'e'a; (;;r:I()r:'t!g 'Lt; 1st, 18M. the 'J'r??,ervin to themselves the p.??'reach District in one or more Lots as may b, deemed expedient. Whoever happens to be the highpst Bidder, 11i1It then and there give Sticui-ity, with sufficient Sureties to tin satisfaction of the Trustees, for the payment of the rent monthly, or in such other manner and p<-o- I portions as shall be directed and no second lii ldiiv. ?ill be rea?,ived unless the Bidder shall deposit One Hundred Pounds ,? the h'm,s "t tho Clerk, under Cow11tlOns then to be declared, one ,f .ch conditions being (should the Trustees require it I an Agreement on the part ot the Takers to1100 deposit mon"y in tb" hands ,I the '1,,u,,ees part of pa'y- ment of the rent, at which th., Tolls rn. v be let, EDWARD JONES, Clerk to tlie said Trustee^. 1 UúlyweU, ,O. ctooer J lib, 1»53, To the Overaerrs other O^.cen efp'ovid tft Karryiity Hie Late* for the Relief <if the mta execution, in fill or any of the i'aruthet, 'I nnnuMfx or fop t'II! undermentioned l/titoru. L « ILL1AM PRII'CHARD LHUYD, Auditor I 1, ..f tiie North W?M Audit Dittrin. l^HREBBY GIVE NOTICE, T?t I ) f?:?e'll 3 >»ys and Places w !-?"i'"?Mtix.f "'«h C nions, ?hh t,h.M Ft. lri«h«  "r Pb.?. C"mj)ri"O "is: PV' 'o/" ifr'I /T [ t?)OK-.A. ,he B<? Room, it. «■. w "?' Mo??. 'h u?t. ??."?' ? H).:AUM.\MS ??U?-At the MHAN?OH & a, on ?? ??" '???' ? Bari' ror, 'on Mo*- 3 1 t "'s" '?'OLYHH\D U\I('FB?? 4th Kov AN?UMHY rxu)?.-??'? ??- AnJ I rwjn.e? pers-?.t w? .t? have h? mm. mitted to their charge, received, beid.or e- peudedan* money, books deeds, papers, goods of cha- ls,as„esg. eil, opp ic:ib, or relating to the poor rate, or the Relief of the Poor, in I,- belonjtiag t the said Union, or to any Parishes, Townships, (.1' plicus, to a tend aud p"o!u", -o me at such Audit to w: icb te same may rciate, all books, deeds, papers, p. cocnts and vouch' i s in tbeir custody or powr, 6"; relaunjr !the P lor-rnte or II. liof of the I'?' ? "< Given under my hand this 12th day of > >otob«r' IRMJ. W r. L i L i YD —— STEAMERS. Winler 1' HE C?? of l'?i!u'. <?'y's fav.viritf J. "?n See.,) r, Pill OP W A 1, K (Of 4O0 Burdell, "nd MO i,,r, Power) Sails as uttaer: — Frmo M EN* AI BRIDGE MON- DAYS, and FRIDAYS. From PRINCE'S PjElt HEAn, LIVERPOOL—WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 'Ten o'clock, A.M. each way. FA nEB Cabin, 4s. Deck, 2a tid. The 'Piinif- of Wales' will receive goods -,t Clarence Dock on Tuesdays in each week. C:ty of Dublin a Co.'s O.-fice, Menai Budge, loth Oct., -u _0_ Hcanmaris, Kunnor, and nellal Hrid&e, T!ie St.eamei WEN "\J SI. L Sail from the PKXKCE'S PIBK, Liverpool W= F" i).Ys'&it FRIDAYS, at Ek'e[l, M"nÜng', and th" Mfk.i I BHIIIOK on 'TURK, ÐAY, THI:IISDAYS, a id SATUKOAV g, it Tin, Morning. After the 15th OCTOBER, tiie MENAI will kavj the Mc/iai Bridge (1); I'ucnsOAt^ and Sav ftiUAV.s, tit 10 Morning, and rr,o"e' 1"111', Liverpool, oa 'I'cus- DAYS and FRIDAY at. Ton, Morning. PRICE and CASH. At Menai rl i lge, (''f ¡ to Jonx HnuiFs. EMIG-iiACIOii. "WHITS STAit" LINE OV A US T i t A LIA N PAt KETS, Landing I'Mcnger8 at the Whart free ofchaige. Ship Tons. C.Lnmanders Destination rri) Sail. TAYLEL-K, 3300, JANoble. dü, Hth Nù\ F11'Z.I\MTS 25'10, ilovt, j)o.in 1)"m'J(rc loiv.i 1700, Heed, !\fenJ!Jurl1e, to follow, BEN Nevis .25oO, HenH1, (.\0, t0f,i(.w. Those Packets are ud tii-tit-citss; fitte i upon the principle hitherto adopted in the Ships of this celebra- t,,d I.n?, and can epe?-ic.,cd surgeons.—Apply to PIUUNGTOX &WtL?!?°'' t,ner)?'. Ov '?D??- i?? Ag?i. ;i.uty<? CANADIAN STEAM NWIGATION COM PAN \T rpiIB first class Screw Steam .hips CLEOPATRA, J ONT ARIO, E'UI, HURON, and SARAH S ,m (chartered), these V "1. vill maintain .11 Jguiarooi.)- munication t)?tw(;<-n HVf?ii?OUL .?,i QL LB EC aud MONTREAL, ?aiUn?twtce? month dur'ng mmm)—, comtnciici/ig April, ItiiH; and between LIVERPOOL and PURTLAND, once a Mcnth during Winter, com- mencing in November next. SAUAU-SINDS, from Dock, Thurs, 17th Nov. 15th Dec. FROM PORT LAND. SAKU. SvnT/R S.r J ay. nth Dec. A,I:r, :,ti; t Y:: I .MIES Cabin (including fare by railway from Portland Mimtieal) Second Cabin (reserved berths 14 „ IHtto 12 „ Steerage 6 These rate include provisions. The above vessels sail in conjunction .vith the Rail- ways recently "1'fn(',1 from Portland |i Montreal, and this is the most direct route to the Upper and Lower Canadas, duung Ihe close of the !HIYi6atwlI of IhL St. Lawrence, a'id also the cheapest and best route to th Western States of Ameiica. Arrangements an in pro- grcsg for the eonvej ance of emigrants a, through rates toom Liverpool to tueii destination. Apply to ROBSAT CAUTER and Co., I' Lca ienhaiL street Loudon or M'KEAN, M'j.Aiav, and t o., Dir,. Lane, Water-street. Liverpool. T X F S C O t jr s A M E Ii 1 C A X PACKET CFr;r;r,S General Oliice, 35, Oldhall Street. Passenger Otbce, St, George's Buildings Itegnht Road, Lit:} pool. rpilE following lirot-cluss Packets will ?e despa?,b. JL ed °" "eir appointed days, AS under r— FOR YORK. Ship. Tons. T., sail. KoSSOTII, Bell 2250-lHtti Oct. CA.MBRi.v, 2:»->0—20th Cel. A. /S., Chandler — SHERIDAN, Poncr NEW HAMPSHIR F, Chase 11100— MOXGOLIA, f-pragm, 1800- — lilCHARD JIOR.SE, Dins more ..2000 — •ST. P A TRICK, Kinney .2000— — E. Z., dlaitshorne .1800 — UNDER WRITER Siipley -500— — ANDRE W P'ORSTEK, — SIDJ Briggs 18û[í,- — Cf.iXTlNEN I' — JSm. Coruiiiij lnrw) 3000— ROB EN A Bartieit WOO— — HOUGHTON, Doane 5W00— — KL'NNEUEC. Baooeider .D100— — JOHN HANCOCK, Gilchrist.I«W»— ROSICCS, R. W. Foster 2000— — COM liERCE, L0wed 2 1, — HEN, ADA IJS, J. iu" j— ARCTIC, J. Zerega ,WI)1)- WM. T APSCo TT, Cornii h (new i IIWO— CENTURION. Coouibs l«<X>- — EMMA FIELDS, Thompson — AN TAR ACT IC, A. H. Zeiega ..gV,0— For N EW ORLEANS. NORTHAMPTON, Reed ..2500 — CUE ? A t?A, !!?tuht tm 'Jo:M— And succaediiig 1's.cl.efs everv u,-e lavs. Foe PHILADELPHIA. TUSCARoRA, 'I iirlny t-??—i2(.h Oct TON A vV AN DA. Julius l.iOO 12th ?o?. SA[tANA('K, Itee. 12th Dee For BALTIMORE. lliOO FLORA M'DON A ED, Mirrel) 1800_ — The above Ships are of the largest class, and coin* uipin.ed by men of expei-ei ce, who win take eVfTY precauuoii to p, 1 mote tne health and. comfort of the passengers during the voyage Pnvat Rooms for E'luuilits, or per .-ens wao v ish to be more select, can at all limes be had, and de- posits of El each, to secure berths, "bool,loe remitted, w¡,iei! shaH have due attention. Surge.or.s can have free Cai 'n Passages by thrt above Ships, Dr"fts J,'xcliar;g(, any auiouut. at. 8igb¡ ,r, New "urk,p¡¡}ab¡, inany palt of tho Uti.ted Mat- « can at ail times bu furnished to those who prelei this safer mode of caking care of their funds. For further particolars apply, post-paid, to \V 1-0" Liverpool, vi. 1 A) SCO TTtv Co., 7, -E^en-quay, DoMiu. Agents for W. and J. Tai'SCOTT; New Yark. ) TAPSCOT T S E:\llGaAN1"8 GUIDK. 1.,ifth edition, can be had by lemi-tirg giif pi.swige s lamps.