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A WONDERFUL MMTTCIK*. EECHg'S PI LLS Are MttverMhy <?.t?'' ',0 b< "o?h a CWn" ?M for BUious Dnd ?er-? I)isordm, Inch a, Wine, Md Pain in the I:!(u¡n, Sick Headache, Giddinew, VdbuM, and Swells':s ;,£ter Meals, Dizziness and iBreweaese. Cold, Flushing of Heat, Loss of AppIite Shortncw o! lii atb, Cogtivenew, Scurvy hes on the Disturbed Sleep, Frightful and all 'W"fJ1;< unli Trembling kensutiona, ete The first dose wIn 4ive relief in twelve minuteK. Xtii is no fiction, for ihsy have done it in counties* Comm =r suffemr is -arncatiy invited to try one &1; of .??e Fills, .u;? ?Ley will be ackDOWledged to be WORTH A A BOX ORTH A till!N).;A A box. \V.. 'd' > A B.,5 vv ? t??a?A A B.?? -for female of aii "> iliey arc inii-aluable. No < £ eaule should be withc-ut ttiert,. fitere 18 not a medi- ans to be found equnl *■ tfiou lor removing any ob- ttHMtma or irregularity »t 1 o .tyft<m. H t?en *c- ocwdiQg to the diret'.i jus jiveu with each box. they wil noon restote f..œa!ci ■>: > 11 ages to sound and ro- bwft health. Ttiu fun been p.o\ed by thouaanda wb) Iwva hied them ami ¡"J ,:lE 'wat benefit whicb are (inacred by thdr ame, j t lLC IIA ivi c* i* i LL-. 11 i.t:ha_V>'>- i'iT.U, j > l ^CRAM'S PIUP t' for a Weak fitomaii )III.I Ingestion, and the TBiaorden of tint ..ive-r, they net like "MAGIC," and a few do sea wil) be found to work wonders on the Most important organ" in t;v human machine. They etnagthen the whole iuua-uiur ii?stem, nbtre the =.?st complt xiop, r; i.i, back the keen edge of &P"dto and Moutk i: to "?tinn. with the ROSE BUD ol health, the T-bote physical eDrgy of the buman kIØIA These arc ''F \CI S" testified continually by Members of all clul!£; moiety, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervi.ua iond Debilitated is BEECH AM'S PILLS, Imv" the largest sale of any Patent Medicine in the WorM. BEECHAM'S CUunH PILLS. Persons suffering .'r. im Ceutibs and kindred troubles -will can them unless it !>-• n the form of a lozenge oi taken as a liquid. i.X I l-.ai try Beecham's Cough PilU, and they will aaver rgr(1t it. These Pills are made from a formula differing entirely from tbat which guides the tn.« nefarture of Beecham's Pilli (Yellow Lwb. I), but lilt*: f'uem will be found reliable. On the first symptoms >i < "<1-J or Chill a timely dose of Beecham's Couh T"ii 1 • j will invariably ward off all d"irerous feture8. F,?; years manv f amilies have wed no other Cough Medicine. E?,?rv householder md traveller shoulii t ii themselves of this good, Mfo, and simple remedy for Cough" in general, I Axttjua, Bronchial Affections. Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, lightness and Oppression of the Cheat, Wheesing, etc. Each b..x bears GREEN libel. Prepared only by :i, Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helton, Lancashire, and by all Druggists and Patent Med'eine Dealers everywhere. Boxes -9it. la lid, and 2a 9d Each. DIREUNONS ARI- GIVEN WITH EACH BOX. "PUNTINS SEASON. HARDILY-GROWN Forest, Fruit, & All other Trees & Plants Evergreens, Roses, &e. Stocks quite Unequalled for "QUALITY," "VARIETY," & "EXTENT." Wesd Catalo;uos Poet Freo. DICK?OHS CHESTER. SMOKE NICHOLLSP j UNION JACK (SMAGO). I (Baoao Goreu). 1 A perfect Smoke and Chew. I 3 nuutactvtd by- | f THOS. NIOHOLL8 A Co., V | Tobacco Maaufnoturars, CHESTER. CoitfEC TIOMER r and TOFFEE I TOFFEE I f TOFFEE111 Ue Im nU Conf?U,,nery t It ?. W7it« by nt? 01 p*Alw •Ample end price of )ttCMt<TOeH'S"*?X?y'°!fBt)t "V"B Im ataaU 'h"¡It: e^UlnK f:.f'¡ to«.. at a¡:l1tnin'{ .Pt'lf. AdlIowSedl('8d bT aU who h*re &MW i4> d«lx^ou« iuv..nr %•> » ruAl tr«et, Confftctionejry of *n .rl'¡I'I at t-p fr-h. :=vo.n Apply J. MA,?KINTOSH, LI.Ited, The Toffee MII18, The King of mil Tott—m, HALliAX. For ü. 11. the Life." Olarke's Blood I Mixture I THE WORLMMID BLOOD PURIFIER. I is warranted to Cleanae the Blood from all E g impurities from whatever cause &rising. E S! For Scrofula, Scurry, Eczema, Bad Lt t Ulcers, Glandular wewup, Skin and E I = DiI-, BtMUMtdt, Pimples and = Sores of &J1 kinds, its d80åI are marvello. f Thousands of Testimonials of wonderful £ cum havo been received from all puts of §= the world. E The Editor of the "FAMILY DOCTOR" f n e have seen boau of letters §= beVing testimony to the truly wou''fu1 cum .ffected by Clarke's Blood Mixture. E It is the Sueet Blood PU?er that Science and Medical Skill have brought to light, E and we can with the utmost confidence B] recommend it to our subscribers and the 5 public generally. w puc te:em;e is plcant to tbe tz'to and warranted free from anything injurious I to the most delicate constitution of either fc vaj, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to teat its E value. Sold b) Chemists everywhere. F£ Aek for Clarke's I Blood 1 | Mixture I ? <N?< A JS. M M. A <0 \i"1'; ,:4r'¡: ,ÜÎi::itJID MONEY LENT PRIVATELY FRom gio UPWARDS On Borrower'; own PROMISSORY NOTE. The Undersigned ha been established for nearly 30 i years And h:.? always conducted business under soWN NAME. He has always nuleavoured to act in a fair and -ttftughMorwatd mincer and has received MANY V?D,RF,a OF LETTERS OF APPRECIATION AND THANKS from those who have dealt with hitt. NO PRELIMINARY tEES CHARGED. NO HILLS OF SALE TAKEN. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ENQUIRIES. Proepi'W'tU8l.'j"'fUlS for Advances, or any informa- tion desired, » • supplied FREE OF CHARGE, on ap?lic»t ciih»r jwrsoi.ally or by letter to i K t > R G E PAYNE, Accountant, -18168 3. Orescent-road, Rhyl. '1 INFLUENZA, INFLUENZA. INFLUENZA. TH S DOCTORS SAY GV.'ILYM EVANS' QUININii BITTERS GVILYM EVASS QUININE BITTERS QUININE BITiKIH; IS THE BEST REMEDY FOR INFLUENZA, WEAKNESS, CHEST AFFECTIONS, SLEEPLESSNESS, INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS. INFLUENZA INCREASING. INFLUENZA INCREASING. INFLUENZA INCREASING. iTlie Epidemic is again lIlireading over the Country, in the North, the Eastern Coun- ties, and in Wales. The visitation is of a very prostratng nature, and is certainly on the increase. THE BEST,REMEDY. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM QUININE BITTERS. (37-,ILY.11 EVANS QUININE BITTERS. As a preventative we know of nothing equul to Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. A few strong doses taken in time hove often proved effectual in warding off at- t.iks of Inlluenza, and always succeed in nrn^utinft their severity when a Patient is wider their influence. AFTER THE INFLUENZA. AFTER THE INFLUENZA. AFTEEl THE INFLUENZA. It can hardly be doubted that the pre- valence of Chest and C* mpwnts mnst be o.ribtd to t /e baneful iufl-ce of Influenza, T ?ill 11 ;,a?f/l?,r-effects so frequentiv take t., form. tt. 8 eveiywhere a(?- mit tl! 1. they ..I more depressed and miserable aft/an attack of Influenza than ■vrhiie itikier its influence, and more than tiny fed after an attack of any other ill- ness. NOW, WHAT IS THE REMEDY? GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS '■iVYH/VM EVAh' QUININE BITTERS (J WILYM QUININE BITTERS IS THE BEST REMEDY. We can strongly and confidently rowm- mend this Preparation, as it haa t4,mted severe CMe8 of Mu& enzal Heavy Colds, Ex- treme Weakness, and Langour with greater success than any other known remedy. A few doses taken in time will drive away the •sense of Extreme Helplessness and feeling (?f Misery an d Weakness which afflict Patiente ?fter a severe attack. Sold in Bottles, 2s 9d amd 4s 6d. Avoid Imita- tations. See the name Gwilym Evans" on Label, Stamp, and Bottle. SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 18826 ^Otf'T^bOUGIt-USE DON'T COUGH-USE DON'T COUGH-USE Tber. II ebeoluiAty ao remedy .0 .c, .D\t rrcetuaJ. Oue JLaieufce alone 5^ n kCQ by b..0., '?i-N ?EATING'S COUGH ?OZENGEsT' KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, KEATING 3 COU?K LOZENGES, It y.rt c.ia.int t »!rep K for cou^Mo*. oa# i J.l)2'fn Tn ft jou "15& Auy U ?f ? tH tti?on th? t?t "? *?*' XJTTEHI.T UI-TKXVAI.f.ED. UT'r.1U=t.T. UKS-IVAI.l.ED Xyr^nx-i UNRIVALLED. *JSKuyrAVx v-:vr; x';r. ?T ?A'???r:X???? E I — ORIGINAL W | CARBOLIC DISINFECTANTS, SOAPS, TOOTl POWDER, ETC, Have been awarded 100 Medals and Diplomas for Superior Excellence, and should be used in every Household to prevent Infectious Diseases. Illustraetd List poatfroa on appdoatioa. S 3flC I CALVERT'S I CARBOLIC 1 OINTMENT la it aatqaalletS ss a Remedy tor I BURNS, OUTa, MMS, THKOAT fl CO?Da, SCALDS, Z'CMt :%URAIMIC AND RHB"UM'A'Zl PJUIfB, RINGWORM and .JOB PAIN%LURNTS 'lis' W I Larre Pet.t "IM each, at Cieralils', itc,i H or pus, free for value. F.C. CALVERT&oo., Manoheeter. CONCREVES1 BALSAMIC < HAS STOOD THE TEST of MANY YEARL Modem Scientific methods haw not discovered any remedy SO general!y effi?im. The New Treatment of Consumption by Ope.-Air, Rest, and Overfeed i n g whust umful in many cases, d- "aan. the tï::tthjrin;nJ patients. MtdtoiMttRtqwtMdtodMtkthetprMd :P .?ular -.ad6-e-g n-pt- and to aid the h-Hni[ processes in the I-&. CONCREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR has been abundantly proved to produce these dr- whea regularly and peneveriozly takes. ASTHMA, II several varMles: BRONCHITIS, ■•yeclatly la tile chroalc term: COUGHS, and comnoa COLDS, ugs CONGREVE'S ELIXIR. Sold by all Chemists& Patent Medicine Vendors. NOTE. The numerous compooentsoflhi. medicine have Dever been discovered by chemical analysts. Do not be misled by certain false analy? of the Elixir that have been published by critics. MR. CONGREVE'S BOOK on CONSUMPTION and Chest Diseases may be had post free for One Shilling. Smaller Edition, 6d., from Coombe Lodce, Peckham. LoDdOD. S,E. e an? A(wI:Y' /sh for IJ40 V?il? ||i|fs!^ k EASy.p'JtlSHII! BEST i imi lilf: L A ?% j it yurs' wwB-wiK tzmxm ??tBt  BNMN!