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The Medical Profession are extensively recom- mcdintr the moderate use of Port Wine in all eases, of debility, especially after Influenza. Invalid Port of-exceptional quality, thoroughly matured and guaranteed by W. and A. Gilbey, can be obtained of their 3000 Agents at 2s 6i per bottle. 17914 CUT FLOWERS, BOUQUETS, WREATHS, U | OlCKSQNS CHESTER. | L DICKSONS CHESTER. VINOLIA SOAP (for Delicate Ski..), 4L- N.\oeB:li CREAM (for Itching, F- Spoia, &0.), 1/H, 1/8. j PQWSXR (fGC. BoafthnMS, A*.), 11..1& L-Ol a sum no m Mrs WOEL Bon GIIt8 frt » inCXKL. I ?"fAT« T*? Wires, aba a CftUX ud JA A 0BüII far MUUf I 4o««a pMkfefM of I r2N,A"UmmM ..Y. WI,V iMbSH aa» af Conatr. .u.t:. Blnlaa, port aaid. aa* a luptnahn Mat Haacav MACKINTOSH'S I EXTRA MEAM £ £ TDRtt m' T 0 o?F F E E "rz11N9 B. m A AGUTH .n In evwy Wwn snd .10. SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. INCOMPARABLY THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FORM OF NITROGEN AND AMMONIA. Produces LARGER Crops than are obtained from the use of any other form of Artificial Nitro- get. See l Reports of Experiments at Dalmeny ("Nine- teenth Century" for November. 1899). Produces Crops ° of HIGHER. FEEDING VALUE than are obtained by the use of any other Manure. Produces Roots and Tubem of conspicuously BETTER ° KEEPING QUALITY than are grown ?y any other nitrogenous manure. Produce BETTER QUAIITY °" OF MALTING BARLEY than is obtained from the use of any ether Manure tested at Rothamsted. For Pamphlets, aaidi other Information on the sub j ect, apply to— W. G. BLAGDEN, Chairman, SULPHATE OF AMMONLA COMMITTEE, 4, FENCHURCH AVENUE, LONDON, E.C. 19189 TO GARDENERS AND FLORISTS. IF you want a first-class Weekly Gardening pibpk. which contains only sound, practical, and useful information on all subjects connected with the Garden and its Management, and atlaur- rput Horticultural News, read I THE GARDENING WORLD, whioh is published every FRIDAY MORNING PRICE, Id. POST FREE, lid. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS. 17, CATHERINE-STREET, COVENT GARDEN. BO. ¡. EVAN DAVIES, BILL-POSTER and TOWN CRIER, 2, Hughenden Cottage, PORTMADOO, BEllS to inform th. Public that he Rents all the Principal Posting Stations in Portmadot and District 15640 AMERICAN LINE. I UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. SOUTHAMPTON—NEW YORK SERVICE. SOUTHAMPTON to NEW YORK SATURDAYS, at Noon. ffGHEST CLASS of Accommodation for Sal- LJL oon, Second Cabin, and Steerage PaMen- gem LIVERPOOL—PHILADELPHIA SERVICE. Every WEDNESDAY, LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, i Calling at Queenstown every Thursday. Passengers and Goods are landed at Philadel- phia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which has the Shortest and most Direct Route to all places in the Western States.—Apply to Rich- ardson, Spence and Co., Southampton or Liver- pool. or to Local Agents —Edward Jones, 173, High-street, Bangor; Hugh Hughes, 3, Market- row, Amlwch; H. J. Williams, 50, High-street, Bethesda; T. J. Williams, Meirion-terrace, lilaenau Feetiniog; J. R. Statin, Station-road, Cohryn Ilav; W. Jones, Rose HilPstreet, Con- way 0. Jones, Old Post-office, Penygroea; T. Evans and Co., Station Chambers, Rhyl 8136 ALLAN LIN F- b'.l'Jji A M K. hS. TO CANADA and the UNITED STATES- SAILINGS FROM LIVERPOOL. s.s. ASSYRIAN for Halifax and Philadelphia Jan. 30th a.s. NUMIDIAN for Portland direct Feb. 3rd s.s. CALIFORNIAN for Halifax and Port- land. Feb. gtli s.s. CARTHAGINIAN for Halifax and; Phil- adelphia Feb. 10th s.s. PARISIAN for Portland' (direct) Feb. 22nd SALOON FARE FROM L10. SECOND CABIN, £ 7; STEERAGE, .£5. Through Tickets to all points at special rates. CANADA.—Handbooks, Maps, Rates, and Ful. Particulars free on application la AILm Brothers and Co., 19, James-street, Liverpool; to M. Goldic, 217, High-street, Bangor; W. J. Parry, Coetmor kard. Bethesda; or to r. Mills, North Wales Art Studio, Garth, Bangor. 16402 Vegetable & Flower I Vegetable & Flower SEED P0TAT0S, O:; Garden Tools ??? Qualities AND ? v at most Sanddes, ???? Moderat, ?/cM. Ddlir*;WFrbe  by RAU M Parcel Post. Illustrated V Descriptive Catalogue, No. 5og, JM Pest Free m application. CHESTER. SHOULD BE USED IN EVERY DAIRY. I BUTTER POWDER. Removes unpleasant tastes of Turnips, Cakes, etc. Produces Uniform Butter at all seasons. Increases the yield, shortens labour of churning. Boxes 6d. Is, j 2s 6d, 7s 6d. BUTTER COLOUR. Purest, strongest, and best preparation for giving a. golden tint to Butter. Does not colour the Buttermilk. Bot- tles, 6d, Is, 2s 6d. Sold by Chemists, Grocers, Stores, ete. Only Addrees- TOMLINSON & CO., MINT STREET WORKS, LINCOLN. r- N 1 CLARKE'S B 41 PILL* are warranted to cure, in either sex, all acquired or constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 "ears. In boxes 4s 6d each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent for sixty stamps by the makers. The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. I I THE FARMER iJSD CHAMBER OF AGRICULTURE JOURNAL. EVERY MONDAY-ONE PENNY. t 1 HIS JOURNAL, in its 42nd year, is now pufc i hshed at ONE PENNY weekly, and is the largest, cheapest, and best Agricultural Paper. contains all the Agricultural News of the Week, the Latest Markets, and numerous original and interesting articles on Farming subjects by the leading Agricultural Writera of the day. SHOULD BE IN THE HANDS OF EVERt FARMER. May be ordered through any Newsagent, ax, the Railway Bookstalls, or will be supplied direct from the OFFICE, 291, STRAND, LONDON, W.O Subscription, poat free, 6e 6d per annam. OOLWYN BAY ANP DISTRICT ADVERTISING HiD BILLFOSTHiG CO. LTD BEING Owners of Private Stations in zzll thesv. fL) places, they can POST your Bills ut a much less cost than by giving the work into different bmaidiL-Apply for terms to J. R. MORRIS, Managing Director and &crol.=7, VICTOR-ROAD. *C(?LWY? BAY. Thmy it# roa*Ap 16m LIVER. ( CARTERIS ITTLE IVER PI LLS BSSBBfmABSOLUTELY CURE SICK HEADACHEL BBUBBKB BILIOUSNESS; %MOMR TORPID LIVER, INDIGESTION, Small Pill. CONSTIPATION, jC? JM Small Price. SALLOW SKIN, M 11 Small Dose. DIZZINESS, W FURRED TONGUE. ONE AT NIGHT. Be sure they are CARTER'S« MONA CYCLES. Mo- UYcLiuS. "I j I. I \,j 1- Ld.I. GENTS No. 1, i2 mg p DepoM; £12 12? LADrSNo.1^ Os ABKBTOTWWB. GENT'S No. 2. f ^^4^8 910 lo.,7 PIVLT,HETI, LADY'S No. 2, Dr. £11 Os Vv. THE WELSH CYCLE MAINU PA' TU G Co., j, J I' J.J. 4 ,T » LIMI TED, CARNA-RVOIST.     BENS0^!S#WATCHES BEST YALUE in THE MARKET, AT MAKER'S CASH PRICES. In Silver Cases.    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Uat<iuu!lm fey ariy olher Watru 801,( at th ¡,ri /I''l/.tidll. f" n"Ú/<'h, nr .1fW't: r1..t.r'"r 11, rf'('t,( "<it"f. ttjj OLD WA'i'C'IXKS A r.U'i;LJ.r.!i V IMilXlX .S\CilAy«jr. 'I' r'ú! a; uu¡- r,li "'J t:! P,?rt? ?f the ""o;'J;[ ,i- C;i, t{IT !')l Of; ('l',i<'r. {t??'?a?? /y a?a' ????<?'??T N, ff  ? R?S.???cLF?? //?v ?.???? -1.:>J T:; (ü;;}!8 \'V.I.T(':ji-:l:: \M\J? 7??? THE ??E?I l?CT?RY- M?M,?gs&T? kill, ?e?seM.. CLOCKS f. Prosenmtio-^ Church. Schao "d Public ¡;h:!Ié; PÅRTICCLAl:1 :>osr FILER. BOLLOWArs PILLS & ol THE BEST MEDICINES FOR }i'_Bi! t i 1 j:, L. 1 H E P i E L +S UI-IIFY THE BLOOD, CORRECT ALL DIEORDERt OP THE i are invaluable in all complaints ineideuta) u Feraui^F, T 1-t h; OINTMENT most reliable remedy tor Chest and Throat Affections, Goat, Rheumatism, stif. Wounds, Sores, Ulcere, and all Skin Diseases. Manufactured ut 78, NEW OXFORD ST ft MET. LONDON. THE OLDEST HORTKHT -VNTRA.L-NE\VSPAPER- 3d, The Gardeners' iss. WEEKLY. YBABLT. Postage p? ? Chronic) e fw (THE "TnlE." OF HARTICULTURE). FOR S XTY YLAlt 1HE LKAD?XG I' U DNAL .i.1 ..J { ) J.\ T .J d 1.t Its contributors ooinpiis<> the most Experienced British Gardeners. and many of the most Eminent 2/ien of Science at home and abroad. IT HAS AN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION FOR ITS ILLUSTRATIONS OF PLANTS. Speo1m':m Copy p<Jst fr0c ou to the Publisher, H. G. COVE, 41, WELLINGTON .S'iitEKT, tiTitAND, LONDON. May be ordered cf all Booksellere KIJ'I Nowsagcatc; and rot, the Bfcilway Bookstall?. THE LEADING PAPER FOR FANCi;o> A NEW VOLUME COMMENCES THE FIRST WEEK IN JANUARY, P <> U li T i; v ..J 5 A PIGEONS, CAGE BIRDS, RABBITS, AM) CAVIEO. WEEKLY—ONE PENNY. ILLUSTRATED BY WELL-KNOWN ARTISTS and containing Articles by the Best Tritert: with FULL REPORTS OF ALL PRINCI" M, SEOWS- Annual Subscription -68 6d. Sample Copy Free on receipt of Post Card. Office: 171. FLEET STREET, LONDON. -_n ESTABLI«nf»D 1848. THE Jouinal of Horticulture COTTAGE GARDENER AND HOME FARMER. Conducted by JOHX WRIGHT, F.R.H.S. Assisted by a Staff of the Best Writers on PRACTICAL GARDENING. WEEKLY, Price 3d; Post Free, 3kd. Terms of Sulscriptioii: One Quarter, 3ft 9d; Half Yellr. 78 63; One Year, 15s. Office: 171. YLKET STRKET. LONDON.,