Welsh Newspapers

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WI'-G- -S-YgieniC' r TT J vJO èrewed in any style, fit gaaran- j teed. Finest vorimanship. Detection impossible. T7 0 "I "\T L1 Q ma?o on the premises -r jL??-?tjri'?' in aQ shades of curled bair, which vik stand aU c!imatew.and wet weather. Guaranteed taremaiain curl. From 7/6. r11 1 Tf O of Pure Human Hair. Extra TAILS Bne quality from 2/ COMBINGS o-u"de up at 21- per PRIVATE SAWON FOR LADIES' HAIRDRESS. INQAND SHAMPOOING. I Prices on applioation to R. B. WATSON, Or?onite The Catliedrsi. 17977 BAN G 0 R. A DAIRI MILK, FOR THE SALE OF I MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, CHEESE, I EGGS, &c., &c., I HA* ajEEN OPENED AT 253, High Street (Lo'e) Bangor: under ihe ilaoagtmenfc of MISS MARY EYTON LLOYD, N.D.D.. of the Brookliouse Dairy Farm, Denbigii. Every possible care has been taken to sipply Milk from Cattle that have been tested, examined and pronounced1 free from Tuberculosis. Appended is & copy if a certificate recently re- September let, 1899. Tan y Graig, Denbigh. I certify that I have tested with tuberculin the Dairy Cows at Brook House Farm, and in my opinion they are free from tuberculosis and diseases of the udder. 18915 J. H. WYNNE, M.R-C.V S.L. J I Important to Advertisers. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN WALES. The combi-ied cleulation of these Journals is such as to ensur- the most extensive publicity fo- all announcements throughout Wales, amongst English &Tns having businew relations with the Pri alit Y, and amongst Welshmen generally th. ?. ut the United Kingdom. J Established 1807. "THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE-' And Advertiser for the Principality. The Oidwt Established Newspaper in North Wales, and extensively circulated every SATURDAY MORNING throughout Wales, and amongst Welsh- men in England, Ireland, and Scotland. Advertise- ments for insertion in the "North Wales Chronicle" should reach the Office not later than FRIDAY MORNING. Price,One Penny. Free by post lor a Year, 6/6; and 7/6 on credit. It circulates among the upper and middle classes throughout Wales, I those who possess purchasing power, and is con- tly justly esteemed a test-rate paper lor a V=?9emento of real property, whether for sale by public auction or private treaty; while in re- spect of letting estates, mansions, houses, farms, etc., it is considered by the principal auctioneers and land agents one of ? tL best papers in thèPrinCÎ- pality. Established 1854. THE ORIGINAL LLANDUDNO DIRECTORY AND VISITOR, Containing List of VISITORS for Llandudno and District. The "Directory" can be obtained in Llandudno at the Publishing Oifioe, Caxton House, 133, Mostyn- sveet. Splendid medium for Advertisements, which should be received at the Offices in Bangor, or in Llandudno, early on Wednesdays. Free by Post for a Year, 6s 6d; and 7s 6d on credit. Established 1881. G W A L I A. A Hightdass Welsh Newspaper, price Id. Eight Pages, 56 columns. Every Monday Evening. Sold regularly in every Town and Village throughout Wales, and in Liverpool, Manchester, etc., by over 500 Agents. The contents of the Paper are particu- larly directed to the landed gentry and farmers, the industrial and general working classes, the literaiy classes, especially Clergy and Ministers. Publisher^—The North Wales Chronicle Co., Ltd., Caxtou Ukum1, Bangor. SCALE OF CHARGES. "Xorth W'cs Chvor.ide,' "Original Llandudno Directory," ur.'l' "Gwalia" (Welsh). Per L:ne Per Inch I s. d. s. d. 3>ir!iament.iry ^oti-cs. Election Addresss 1 0 10 0 3\-o'j>ccti!*cs Lr Pttb1:1> G')!11paniee a:id Uovu-ll"m and Chancery Notices 0 9 7 6 Le^al ar;d Public Notices. Sales of Real Property,and Miscellaneous 0 6 5 0 Publications, Laval Concerts, En- tertainments, etc., 0 3 Z 6 The above Advertisements are Scaled by Type Measure, the actuaJ: print lines not being counted. When Advertisements are inserted in more than one paper, a. deduction of 50 per cent. off Scale Price is made ("r each extra prtper. TRAOE ADDRESSES.—These are inserted at Reasonable hau?s, varying according to space taken up an4 number of =ions ordered; when the u ?er 0for 52 insertions, the price is 15 per inch Single Column, and 2e per inch Double Column. A considerable reduction is made when more thai) two inches are taken. PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS. Charged ct 6d per line SpeciaJ Positions at Is per line. CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Under the bead of "Wanted," "To Let," or "To be fioJd," One Insertion. In IniPap ra In 3 Paper One or 2 Insertions orSIncnion Paper. in One Paper, in One Papers ( Wor do. aa s d 8 d 18 10 19 .0I 24 16 2 6 30 32 2 0 3 3 40 48 30 4 0 50 Extr* Insertions charged Pro. Rata-Two Extr* IcsertioM to be addressed to the (rce. Remittances.—Cheques and P.O. Orders to be made payable to D. Wifliame.-Stamps not received for anooots exceeding Two Shillings and Sixpence. DAVID E. JON E S, HOUSE FURNISHER, etc., CASTLE HILL HOUSE, BANGOR. HIGH-CLASS BEDROOM SUITES. BEDSTEADS, BEDDING. MODERATE PRICES, 19147 Autumn and Winter. HIGH-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHED 1874), Tailor-made Garments built correct in Style and in Perfect Taste. Select Stock of Reliable Goods. Moderate" Prices. We 11Vantilated Large aud Commodious Cutting Workrooms. Fitting-on Roome. BAYNE AND-,DARGIE, CLOTHIERS, UPPER BANGOR. SOLE AGENTS in the City for the Nautilus Serges," Choice Qualities in Black, Blue. s Grey Shades. Warranted to stand the Sun and Sea Water. 87S5. t, ROBT. WILLIAMS & Co., IRONMONGERS, 224, 226, & 228, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR (OPPOSITE THE MARKE-il HALL). ELECTRIC LIGHT. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO GIVE ESTIMATES FOR, AND CARRY OUT ANY KIND OF ELBOTRIdAL WORK, HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS BY MESSBS DONNISON, BARBER & CO., OF MANCHESTER, LLANDUDNO, WAKEFIELD, NOTTINGHAM, AliDERLEY EDGE, DUBLIN, ETC., ETC., ONE OF THE BEST KNpWN FIRMS IN THE KINGDOM. ONLY SKILLED EkEOTKIOIANS ARE EMPLOYED, AND ALL WORK IS CARRIED OUT BY THIS OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. E S TIM ATE S F R E E. WE SHALL AT ALL TIMES BE PLEASED TO GIVE AN ESTIMATE FREE OF COST FOR ANY KIND OF ELECTRICAL WORK IN ANY PART OF THE CSLTY AND DIS- TRICT. LISTS OF COMPLETED WORK ON AP PLICATION. 17816 THIS DAY UNTIL 3rd FEBRUARY. STOCK- TAKING CLEAR ANCifl SALL; THIS DAY and until FEBRUARY 3rd. IMPORTANT REDUOTIONS in PRICES. il SALE AT IKE PIONEER Com plete FURNISHING STORES, 9 to 19, BOLD STREET, Liverpool. STOCK- TAKING CLEARANCE SALE. CARPETS MADE and LAID FREE LINOLEUMS LAID FREE. BLINDS MADE FREE. A bom-fide oppoftuiutj of securin g High- Cla-aa Furnishing Goods FAR BELOW Raw- iLAR PRICES. Ail Piwchaaea over 40a delivecroo free to any Railway Station in Great Britain. SEND FOR SALE CATALOGUE. I 19037 EVANS & ROBERTS, FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, 3 6 3, HIGH S T R EE T, BANGOR. "COPPER KETTLE" NATIONAL TELEPHONE, 75. E. & R. BEG TO DRAW THE ATT ENTTON OF THE INHABITANTS OF BANGOR AND DISTRICT TO THEIR LARGE AXD WELL-SMjEICTED STOCK OF SEASON GOODS. LAMPS IN GREAT VARIETY. CARRIAGE LAMPS FROM 129 PER PAIR, COAL VASES FROM 4e 6d EACH. Slow Combustive Stoves, Gas Stoves, and Gas Fittings. AGENTS FOR THE WELSBACH IICAHDESCENT LWfiT. A LARGE SELECTION OF SILVER AND |JLECTRO- PLATED GOODS SUITABLE FOR WEDDING AND XMAS PRESENTS. rD-o-N A TJ DCA MER 0 N TAILOR & CLOTHIER, CATHSDHAIj BUILDINGS, BANGOR, ReMMctfuliy iavites the attention of SPORTSMEN AND TOURISTS to a LARGE and SELECT STOCK of HIGHLAND TWEEDS AND HOME SPUNS. In carefully selected Patterns "known Shades, suitable for Hill Side and Oover, for Moor aagatifer; also a Choice Assortment of tCUSBXOftL AND YACHTING SERGES, CRJSCSKE'EING AND SHIRTING FLANNELS. TD, KNICKER-BOCKER STOCKINGS, ç,, HEATHER MIXTURES, AND PLAIN COLOURS; ,1fP LEGGINGS, AND ANKLETS, .fsaOGTlNQ CAPS, TWEED HATS, AND HELMETS, I L'WADKRS, ASHING STOCKINGS A" BROGUES, COATS, GAPES, AND RUGS, !Piu?s, PORTMANTEAUS, BAC?G, AND STRAPS. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures and Cellular Clothing Co. ROBE AND CAP MAXEBBY APPOINTMENT TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES. PATTERNS ON APPLICATION. (, ELECTRIC LIGHTING AT BANGOR. Messrs JOSIAH HUGHES AND CO. Beg to inform their numerous Friends and Pattens that they have secured the services of Mr, IP. GILBERTHORPE (late Manager for T. B."k"- W. Cockayne, Ltd., of Sheffield) to manage their Electrical Department. Mr Gilberthorpe will be pleased to call and explain any particulars respecting ELECTRIC LIGHTING. ELECTRIC LIFTS, MOTORS, TELEPHONES, BELLS, &c., upon application. ESTIMATES FREE s- ■ i\ ■ V ESTABLISHED 1813. M. A. CROOKS, BOOT & SHOE MAKER 222, HIGH STREET, BANGOR"' I ANI?_uXBRIGE SQUARE, MEXAI BRIDGE X A LARGE AND SPECIALLY SELECTED STOCK OF Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Children's DRESS SHOES. WAftmPROOF BOOTS AND SHOES Made by the Well-known "K" Makers. Rubber Goods. Repairs. 17:.50 LEA AND PERRINSJ Observe that the iguature t /?  -/?-    T t???" .?"?? ? ?s ??Tited in Blue Ink ?'?   ?" ? S??'? jLcro? the <r?'?lUtS WRAPPER '>t ». very1 ::JOf tie of the p' vIt 1QLr. A <W., -THBSHIRE AVOID..()PEP IMI (ATIOXS  SAUCE. AVOID CHEAP IMI !'ATIOXS ? n H t r? tJjLlUUJU, I riORNE HOUSE LIBRARY and READING ROOM. BANGOR. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, fl Is Od. 19018 AUTUMN & WINTER. Tailoring and Outfitting. GEN lip OVEBOOATDTGS, j AND DRESS SUITINGS. i LADIES' OOOTUMES, GLOVES, AND HOSIERY. Gents' Underwear and Mercery. FANCY I CARDIGAN VESTS, WOOL SHIRTS, SLEEPING SUITS, Ac. I NBWEST HANDKHRCHIEP TIES, WINTER GLOVlSb, TWTEED HATS AND APR. Rainproof Coats, lacintoshes, and Dmbrellas. GENTS' LEATHER PORTMANTEAUS, KIT AND GLADSTONE BAGS, GAITERS, AND TRAVELLING RUGS. LADIES' DRESS BASKETS, VISITING CASES, TRUNKS, AND HOLDALLS. All Ready for Inspection at 259, High Street. VALLANCE BROS. Also a very Choice Selection of High-class Capes & Jackets. TAILOR-MADE BRAIDED, AND FUR TRIMMED. FUR-LINED CAPES, MACINTOSHES, &c. LADIES' BOX COATS AND RAINPROOF COATS, MEN'S & BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING Stylish Fit and Well-made. Reliable Wear at 300, SHtyiligsllki"'FSit t., Vallance Brothers. Bangor. GREAT WINTER CLEARANCE SALE, AT THOMAS LONDON HOUSE, BANGO R, NOW ON. Great Reduction in all Departments. D I CKS THE GREAT BOOQ AND SHOE PROVIDERS, Grand and Unique Display of Winter Boots & Dress Shoes, In all the most improved styles, which are made for beauty, comfort, and durability. DICKS invite yon to inspect their Stock and to note the rcmaikably low prioos. The- guarantee the qnahty of their Goods to be the best :u the Principality. DICKS wari-ant every pair they sell to wear well. On rare occasions a faulty pair may t> t sold, but if they do and have not been worn an unrt'i Honable time, they will be made right free of charge or a new pair given instead. DICKS have a Sitle- d over ONE ^ILLIo:* PAIRS of Solid Lather Boots and Shoes annua.'y —a Sale which is steadily increasing. They arc content, with the smallest posni! it. profit on their enormous turnover. DICKS value the custom of all classes and lay themselves -it to meet everybody's t-tqc e. ments. DICKS is a honsehold word in Wales, and is a guarantee of Veiling quality and gf value. LOCAL BRANCHES 7— 217, HIOH STKEET. HAXGOR. 7, BRIDGE STREET, AND 3, PALACE STRE ET, CARNARVON. 17925 HIGH STREET, PWLLHELI. 30. I^AItKET STREET. HOLYBE,0,0. 71, 7923 William Evans & Sons, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, Fielir-h Polishlrs, and Undertakers, 155, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. W E. & SON BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT THEY ARE MANUFACTURING FURNITURE OF EVER DESCRIPTION ON THE PREMISES AT THE JIOST REASONABLE PRICES DINING ROOM SUITES, DRAWING ROOM SUITED, AND BEPR?OOM ?TTT?vq FEATHER BEDS, HAIR, WOOL, AND FIOOK MATfM.?E? ALL PUKXTCKD (LS AND SWEET MATERIALS. ■'  AND FLOCK MATTRESSES RE DRESSEU (EY PATENT M<- C?HINBRY), AND R.E:ÜDE EQUAL TO NEW. OLD FURNITURE REPAmM) A.ND I?CO\?ERED. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WINDOW BL?DS/OORNIO?? (.>tc MADE   BRASS AND IBON BEDSTEADS, SPRING MAT-TRE? Af^ At,: