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LLANDUDNO UEBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. "THE PROPOSED HEWER TO ORAIGYDON. The nnomitihly meeting was held on Wednesday, Mr John Oweini (chairman) presiding. There were also present: Messrs Wim. Bevam, T. W. Griffith, R. Conway, JoQS. Hughes, Blias Jones, W. H. Jones, J. O. Thomas, W. O. Williams, Wm. Williams, John Ovrm (Ty'nffrith), Thomas Rowland, Robert Roberts (Great Orane), Robert Roberts (MoetyiD-street), R. J. Williams, and T. T. Marks, 0. E., with the clerk (Mr A. Coo- oily), and. the surveyor (Mr E. Paley Stephen- eon, C. E. ). FINANCE COMMITTEE. This committee recoarumended that the atten- tion of the Works Committee be dirawn to the large sums which wilb have to be provided out of m?eat year's mto to inek?t the damages and cost in Warburton's ease, and that the committed be asked to be especially vigilant and avoid incur- ring any cxpens-e which was not absolutely ne1- oeesary during the remainder of the current finan- cial year.—A letter was read, suggesting that the Council should endeavour to induce the Railway Company to reissue week end (Saturday) cheap bookings from Chester to Uaavdudino during the win-ter momtJtf). 'F)ie clerk was instructed to write to the Railway Company in the matter, also suggesting that similar tickets should bo issued from Llandxidno to Oheeter. Mr Conway called attention to an item! ,in the Finance Committee's minutes: R20 expenses of Mir T. T. Marks to London in the Warburtcm case. Did Mr Marks give evidence 7 Mr W. O. Williams Raid that Mr Marks was asked to go to London by th,,1 Council's solicdtcws to give evidence. He did not give evidence, t ut was there to do so if wanted, and was therefore entitled to his expenses. The Clerk further- explained that Mr Miarks made an affidavit, and it was thought he should be there to support it. With regard to the minute cautioning the Works Com.mittee to keep down expenditure, Mr W. H. Jones thought all the other commit- tees should Lw, also cautioned (hear, hear). THE WORKS COMMITTEE: THE SEWAGE I OUTFALL. The following tenders for extension of sewage owall works were received1, namely J. and T. Binins, Croydon, £5000 3s; Samuel Wood, Northampton, L2482 3s 7d. The consideration of the tenders was deferred.—The committee re- ooummended the Council to accept the tender of Miit W. Davies for the removal of house refuse, etc., throughout the whale of the, district for the mrm of 9780, the work to bo comimenced on the 1st day of January, 1900.—The tenders for ex- tension of the sewer outfall were again under consideration. The committee felt that the ten- ders submitted were not satisfactory and dis- cussed the, advisaMaty of retoniimeaidting the Council to do the work. The Surveyor expressed fin apanaan against the work being undertaken by the Council, and stated it would be) a, very diffi- cult job, requiring additional assistance extend- ing over a. period of two years. He felt that he ought not be called upon to undertake the work unless he had a free hand in the supervision. The committee recommended the Council to undertake the work of constructing th9 exten- sion of the sewer outfall; that the work bo car- ried out under the supervision of the surveyor, who shall have full and entire, control thereof; and that the Council grant the surveyor such reasonable remuneration as may hereafter be de- cided upon.—A letter was read from Mr D. G. Roberts asking for the use of the Council field for the military trillirniil1,&" of the Denbighshire Yeo- manry during the. early part of May 1900. Con- sideration was deferred until information is re- ceived from Lord Mostyn in respect to the terms for the future re-letting of the field. Mr W. H. Jones, in moving the confirmation of the minutes, said that after mature considera- tion the committee had, decided to let the work of refuse-removing by OOIlh"lIcl, This would ensure considerable saving of money as com- pared with the moiie of earning out the work by their own Jtaff, namely CZ55 a year. Some of them were of opinion that the work would be done more efficiently as the contractor would be able to give more thorough attention than the staff of the Council were able to do. With re- ference to the sewer outfall thej work would ex- tend: over a period of two years, so they recomr mended that the surveyor and their own staff should carry it out. At this stage the Clerk read a letter from the contractor for refuse-removing, raising his tender to JS958 18s, as he had discovered that, there were portions of the t'lwn to be worked which he was not aware of before. Mr J., O. Thomas moved that they refer that matter hlloOk to the committee. 11r Robert Roberts seoooded, and, it was car- ried. Mr W. O. Williams said that in the matter of not accepting tenders for the sewer outfall the committee did not state their reasons for this action, so it -woiild be quite impossible for them to jud-zei vo to the value of those reasons. Mr T. W. Griffith said they should like to com- pare the estimate of the engineer with their lowest tender. Mr W. H. JoneS said it was very undesirable to go minutely into a, matter of that kind, and he should not at present publicly state the rea- son why the tenders were not accepted. Mr W. O. Williams moved that the matter be referred back to the committee. Mr R. J. Williams seconded. Some time ago they had settled the amount of the surveyor's salary. This would, he took it, necessitate more assistance to the surveyor's department. Mr T. W. Griffith said members outside the committee ought to be in full possession of the facts. He supported the ameaxlmeit. Mr Revan said that if thev were going to carry out the work they Mould do it as economically as possible. The surveyor's estimate was £2105. The least tender they could possibly accept was £5000. Even supposing they had to remunerate the surveyor five per cent, it would be a saving to the town. Mr W. O. Williams said they did not object to the recommendation of the committee, but they wanted more light. They wanted to Lnow what the wmount going to the surveyor was to be beifore they voted. On the face of it the wbeJe thin? was mysterious to sayi the least, M* J. O. Thomas said, he saw no reason why they should not defer it toQ a special meeting in •bout » week's time. Mir W. O. Williams's amendment was carried; aloo the rest of the minutes. THE WATER AND GAS COMMITTAL: T±tb NEW HOLDER. The engineer reported that since the accept- ance of Messrs R. Dempster and tender for erection of new gasholder, tanks, etc., he had had cn interview with Mr Rreadhead, ft director of the firm, and had gone thoroughly into the whole scheme. Mr Broadhead strongly advised that the height of the irasholder be raised as recommended by Messrs Dempster in their letter of the 15th November, previous to the opening of tl» tenders, and that the provision for a future third! left be dispensed with owing to the extreme difficulty there would be in the future in dkjieneing with the use of the holdler for the purposes of ita enlargement. He also advised that each lift be raiiem five feet and the dtifliirM^r of the tank lessened by two feet and deepmed bv five feot. andl that the columns be raised and all strengths increased proportionately. The wood framing for the support of holder would also have to be exted. The engineer recom- mended thai the work be done at an estimated cost of £1260. The engineer further advifed that the steel tank be lowered on to the hard oky. and that it be surrounded on the outside with one foot of ctar. the steel to be coated with pitch. The contractors had agreed to do the latter free of cost, provided the Conned will find the matetisl, whioih is on the works, that extra cost of this beting about E95. If too tank be lowered as suggested there would be & possible Maying in concrete of JM16. The cost of the work would be increased as follows: —Original amount of tender, 910,605; extra for enlargement of bolder tank and wood framing as above men- taoced, £1260; extra in excavation and puddle, 295 and deducting probable saving in concrete of £416, the total1 cost wouldl be 911,544. The Engineer pointed out that the capacity of the new holder, if constructed ih accordance with the above suggestions would be 536,990 cubic feet. The capacity of the original design was 429,940 cubic feet. Increased capacity 107,500, or about one fourth I&rger,md the oast per 1000 cubic feet would also be considerably reduced!.—The com- mittee recommended the adoption of the report and that an amended application be made to the Local Government Board for sanction to barrow an addition^} sum of £939 for the execution of oerfcaan work in the erection of a new two-lift telescopic gasholder., Mr Marks drew attention to the poor light yielded lately by the gas, and contended) that its iihimimting power could not be equal to 17 candle power. The minutes were eventually adopted. SANITARY COMMITTEE. The Medical Officer of Health reported that not a single case of infectious disease had been notified during the past month. He also stated that the death-rate was 7.6 per thousand of the ¡:opuhtbol1'A letter was read from the secre- tary of tho Biiningham Hospital Saturday Fund, stating that the committee had, decided to adopt the suggestion of the Sanitary Committee to build a mortuary -at the Ooiwalesoeiit Home, Ty'ny- coed, and that the building would be erected as ■early as practicable.—A letter was read from. Smiths Gore and Co., stating that the tenant of the sitedf the proposed burial ground adjoining St. Tudno's churchyard, had given notice to quit and enquiring whether the, Council desired to b- come tenants at a yearly rent of £6, pending com- pletion of the sale of the land. The clerk was instructed to reply stating that the committee did not think it necessary to become tenants as it was anticipated that the completion of the purchase of the land would be effected at an early date.-ile Surveyor submitted quotations for a covered cart for conveying infected clothing and bedding for disinfection, and the cammittee rewmanendied the acceptance of the quotata-V of Messrs John Roberts and Son at £19 10s. The Surveyor reported that the work of erection of slaughter-house waa proceeding in an unsatis- factory maimer, the time for completion, accord- ing to the contract, would expire on 15th Decem- ber next. With reprd to the proposed Oojwyn Bay &eweragd scheme refc-red by the Cbuncil to I this oamnnittee for consideration, the 8uiTeyox was instructed to report on the matter. The minutes were passed. THE BYE-LAWS COMMITTEE. I The Promenade Band Sub-Comimittee reported that they had instructed the clerk to write to Mr Underwood and request him to do his utmost to bring more experienced players and a more varied selection of music, also to suggest that he should select his orchestra and' music as early as possible so that the mien may practice with a view to greater efficiency, also that he should consider the question of providing the band) with a uni- form. The sub-committee also suggested that Mr Underwood ahould meet the committee pre- vious to commencing next season.—An applica- tion was made by the Llandudno Coaching and Carriage Company Limited, asking for an exten- sion of the privilege gran/ted by the Oouncil to nm omnibuses along the parade. The applica- tion was granted.—At the invitation Vf the com- mittee, the bathing machine proprietors, accom- panied by Professor Beaumont, attended and discussed with the cemiiiittee the advisability of making an alteration in the present arrangements for mixed bathing. After hearing both sides of the question the committee decided not to make any eteration. The clerk was requested to give the bathing milachine proprietors notice that licences far an increased) inwmber of bathing machines will not be granted as a. matter of. course, but only when the committee are satisfied that further acoommodat:cnl is required. The report was adbpted without discussion. ELECTION MATTERS. It was decided that no -alte(r&tion in the wards be made, but that the returning officer be re- quested to provide additional polling stations, particularly on tdoo O-reat Ommes Head1 and at Craigydon, and that the County Council be re- commended to order that the polling places in Llandudno shall be kept open iiroan tern a.m. until eight p.m. It was resolved that the County Council be recommended to order that in lieu of annual elections of councillors as at present, the election of Urban District councillors in Llan- dudino be held eivery three years, the whole of the Council retiring at the same time. On the motion of Mr Miarks, the minute refer- ring to triennial elections was deferred to the next meeting. THE CRAIGYDON SEWER QUESTION. The proposal to extend the relieving sewer to Craigydon had been again under consideration, when it was proposed in committee by Mr W. H. Jones, and seconded by Mr Joseph Hughes, that the extension of the relieving sewer to Oraigyckm be deferred.—An amendment was proposed by Mr W. Bevan, and seconded by Mr T. T. Marks, that the necessary steps be taken to carry out the proposed extension, The voting was even. The Ohairm8n, giving his casting vote in favour of the original motion, declared the samci to be carried. Mr Bevan said the Council had already brought the sewer up to a certain portion at the town's expense, why did they not continue it the whole extent so that the whole of Llandudno might benefit by it) He moved that steps be taken to extend the sewer to Craigydom The Craigy- don Land Company were prepared1 to pay a share when tho sewer come over their property. Mr Marks seconded. Mr Robert Roberts supported the recommen- dation of the Council in committee to defer the work. The land was now let for agricultural purposes at a very satisfactory rent. The pro- posed new tewer would add largely) to the value of the land, and it was reasonable to expect a contribution in some way proportionate to that of the ratepayers. Mr William Williams said that looking at the matter from a purely sanitary point of view, it waa a matter in which they should' be very care- fuJ. He did not know what the rating of the land had to do with them from a sanitary point of view. (Mr Robert Roberts: A lat.) If that land was sold1 for building, what would) be the consequences if ai plan came before the Works Ooonmittee 1 That committee oould, not refuse it) Did they really think it advisa.ble that pro- perty was to be erected at Llandudno with cess- poole 1 Mr W. H. Jones said that apart from the question of landowners he took his stand! on the fact that there was no immediate hurry for the extension of that drain. The sewer would have to be madte some time, but at present there was not a house at Chagydan which could not be drained into the present system. The only ob- ject to be obtained was to open up fresh land. Were they justified in spending £ 1200? It was all very well to talk from, a sanitary point of view. Such talk in that instance was out of place altogether. If their ooioot was to open, up land for the Mostyn Estate let them say so clearly, and not come there Mr Marks: I rise to a point of order. I have not a penn'orth of interest in the M'ostyn Estate. I resent these imputations. The Chairman: I don't think Mr Jonee men- tioned your name. Mr Marks: He said "gentlemen who came tal,om" W., H. Jones: I my that if the object in carrying out this sewer is the development of further building land of the Craigydon Land Com- pany and the Mostyn Estate, why not say it plainly? He went on to say that there were other works more important tMn the con- struction of the sewer wwrks which the scheme would hamper. Mr Joseph Hughes said he was very p-oasm to hear that the Land Company were prepared to attack the scheme themselves as eoon as they got it to their land. The Chairman said this was not quite correct. The company had offered to contribute 81 certain aimonnit of the cost. Mr Hughes said it rested with Lord Mostyn to follow the example of the Land Company. If his lordship did that the sewer would be made to the boundary of ()raigy&n. Was it um-6Mon- aMe that that CkMncH h.? aa? landowners to came forward and offer to pay a portion of that great expense 1 They would, get nwml Iflor tihoir outlay. Mr R. J. Williams would like the cRairman, oS the School Board to state whether tine present school was in a sanitary condition. He had: been told that the place was quite unfit for the children. If he had it in his mind that the im- provement was solely for the development of the company's land he should vote against it. He had no interest whatever in; the eompany. Mr W. 0. Williams was prepared to &bid<? by the opinion of the surv", who had said that tthhe e & q:? ze of Craigydon was in a fair oon&tixl It was better for the proep srity of Llandudno that for a few years building operations should be restrained as much as possible. Llandudno was quite large enough to cope with the number of vis,?tots they got in the &easom For the Tad good of Hamdudmo it was better IWt to extend it and develop it too. quiokly. He was thankful in that sense that they had Lord Mostyn to deal with. His lordship kept the town from develop- ing too quickly (hear, hear). Mr T. W. Griffith said that if the school at Graigj don was in such an insanitary condition the Education Department would not have allowed the Board to carry it on. Tlhere had been taJk in the local press about members representing particular parts of the town. Craigydon was in the district he had tlhe honour of representing, and) he felt he was voicing the feelings ef nine* tenths of the ratepayers there when he said they were not in favour of spending, the money. Mr Bevan said the childiren were only at the temporally school on sufferance. The inspector had distinctly stated, that the place was not suit- able for a school. They only got permission to use it for periods of six months -at a time, with a view to this seweT being extended to new schools. I Ir Marks: Members of the School Board ought to settle their differences at their own meetings (laughter). The voting was even, eight for the recom- mendation and eight for the amendment. The Chairman, who had voted for the former, gave his casting vote against proceeding with, the work at present. THE RATING BASIS. The Chairman moved that the Council, having considered the basis of tho oounty rate, instruct the clerk to send in formal notic., of objection to the basis of rate so far as it affects Llandudno. Mr Elias Jones seconded. The present rate- able value for poorlaw purposes was E67,6,)O. The new basis was 993,617. The resolution was earned. VOTE OF SYMPATHY. On the motion of Mr R. J. Williams a vote of sympathy was passed with Mr Daniel Phillips in his serious illness. PUBLIC BATHS. A communication was read from) Lord Mostyn referring to several1 matters, one of the items being with reference to public baths. His lord- ship was prepared to gmnt landon, two sites sug-I gested. The letter was referred to the various com- mittees interested. WRE LAW. Messrs Miarksi and Marks Wtrote that they should proceed1 with the action on behalf of the Cocoa House Company against the Couneil for obstructing the light to the Cocoa Housel Build- ings by tlio exection of the- Municipal Buildings, unless some satisfaction was giveit The matter was referred to the architect'. INSPECTOR OF NUISANCE. Mr William Little was reappointed] (for a year, the salary being £140. The Chairman wished the members, officials, and the Press, a happy Christmas. Mr Bevan reciprocated the chairman's kind sentiments.


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