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TAILORING & MANTLES. — ENORMOUS "PURCHASES :.I.í. \d.n l:: 1 ). a J F ,? '.rTFMN A?r Wi.\TER, ?894. # 1 .1 A Tailriig Dept \t' y ,ll/ :lI, A b LOWPIt lCES- We make all our Garments on the Pre- mises and {un ">cr<> foro S?.U'?'?TKK SATISFACTION. Our Staff of Experi- enced Workmen is the T.AItGKST employed Trale Jt; IN40. C, „   Y?? ??? t   ?'  Trad* Mark. Mantle Depi All ihe Lntcst Styles nnd Novelties, as pro- duccl, found in our l Showroom-. in La.li,'s and Cliili'i'-n n Oi.pes, Jai-.kc: McliitoBhco, &0. Outfitting Dept. lIIon s. Boys', and Youths' Suits, Hats, Melntoshcs, Hosiery, Gloves, &c-i &c. in North Wales. yALLANCE IIROS. yALLANCE JgHOS. yALLANCE JJROS, V ALLAXCE JjROS. yALLANCE 1) ROS. "yALLANCE BROS. VALLANCE BROS. A CALL OF INSPECTION WILL lIE ESTEEMED. 11375s I 300. HIGH-STREET, .BANGOR, AND AT BUl THESDA. LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG. LUNG LUNG LUNG < LONGi LUNG 11 LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG. LUNG 1 LUNU LUNG LUNG t LUNG i LUNG? tgg f LUNG LUNG « LUNG Cl LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG i LUNG,, LUNG SAVE YOVR LIVES 11Y TAKlXG fiwbridtje's Lun [Toylic "?'d?'?"?"? "'?°?u aTU a'n'?Wc?-chpat? or nclincd to be Consumptive, with ju!?t a ouch "f Cough now and t Trv this wonderful ?''?""?." The ?ut:h an? Weakness will disappear as f bv maKic. and you will fecI a strength ■Ml power von never had before. ,nil ''?'v,'?'?'? ?01?.'?' ?].OSFWI.?K'?'HJT. ?AV);YOUA'rn),n! DOSK A'l' liKDTlMK WILL RKMOVK IT. Bronchitis Asthma it relieves Instantly. The spasms pf Coughing 80 dreadful n Whoopinsr Cough beeorae loss with ■•acta dose of the medicine. I can bear -fe?ional testimony to he value of your Lung Tonic. As a latent oedieino it is unrivalled. I have in1I it to Mrs Forshaw for ievere sthtnn and bronchial affections, com ilwd with much ,)i?ghi.g, and it has r,mediately (jiven relief when all other' ?,l i,? h,, failed. I have long r,. juuiiended it for chest diseases." CHAS. F. FORSHAW, D.D.S., Bradford, Prepared bv W. T. OWHRII>GE, Chom- t, 'H?I'. "I,I in Bott)<M. ?sid. 2) Id. 6d, lis, bv aU Chemists and 'atent Medicine Vendors. Wholesale, 11 L union and Provincial Houses. \)tt:(.tSTHKKU.) lOSTSf TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TOKIO gg ) TONIC TONIC TONIC IONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC rON lC I roNr; ro?ic ro?ic rONIC] IONIC IONIC MNic TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIO) ro?ic' roNic TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC IONIC TONIC TONIC THE QRIGINAL QREAM SEPARATOR. ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS. ALPHA-LAVAL ALPHA-LAVAL ALPMA-LAVAL ALPHA-LAVAL CREAM-SEPARATOR?. CREAM-SEPARATORS CREAM-SEPARATORS. CREAM-SBPARATORS AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT EVERY COMPETITION j' (BUT ONE) IX GREAT BRITAIN. Every Machine is delivered CARRIAGE PAID, and is mid subject to FOUR GUARANTEES. I.-That all .iz.e wil: a,toally do the qosntities stated, aod BO separa'E qtliokr tbau (,th?, kinds. THEH??OHHSAVES TIME. II.-T!ki owiu to the slow sp-ed the cream will he of better consistency, froe from lumps and bub- bles, and of greater obnrnability than from other separators. BETTIiu CREAM AND BUTTER. III.—T!mt mcc'i less power is requiicd to work them than that t tl; n, any other [1 "chme 01 equal capacity. TFIEIiKl'OUE BAVIS LABOUR. IV.—That every nrichiue is apeifeot ekimtoer, and will skim clmmer ih"ii oihtr scp^rat^rs. THEUE- I'OKE M.OKK BITTER. Particular (.tt"i)t.0Q is drawn to the <• i pjTU.MilMING A SMALL SIZE AI.PUA-LAVAL SEPARATOR. SPECIAL } Eisy Driving, NoKoUry Handle. The FEATURES J Operator sits down and palls satrap. A CHILD CAN WORK IT. GUARANTEED to perfectly separate 15 gallons per hour. prie 99. Csrriuye Paid. Catalog Ie and full particulars of the Sola Agenti, Daiv Supply Coy Lmid. By SbecuU Appointmtn-. to Her Maje^tv the Q ieen, Museum street, London, W.C. 10524t, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS & ASTHMA. I will demo'istr»;*» t. th, whole worH, aud to suffarers fro.n U-sse U If)r \\11 ,p¡ f!l.t (tl1'¡. I' >W (,Ity cm be permwntlv cuwil. by an I ,I. ¡.) I of Tre .tme.it witiwt H ch uc "I fii. arn. Wri > with full outidsnoe to Mr Wiu.nsis. 11. Barwood Place, N)rfilLt rds;^n% t.oad.a. H, wIll senl y-ju Illll **J FREE TO MEN WUL-V voll lire tired of tiiki.iR nauseous and mysterious w"??'?'? ¡\ ;) I; \i,j' ;}:'¡:)Vll}l( I ')r.i on\yn:1Il voir ■ I i«e»l ive■ oreans, write tome and will mind ?? ?)'m,k"w'h.)'; ''i'??? '? QL?ICK ?'D CEITTAI. ?!e for lot 91 r+1 Ill wi«Hns weakness. &:(., from whatever cause ar ?,^ .NO STOMACH MEDICINE. -SO ELBCTKIC1TV. elJtjn Hiivrliiiv ou n-esipt of twostamps for postage. A. J. LE?C?d, 92-9p Great RDseell'8., LouUcr Wc, FOR VWDLIfc Ftr,Mc?" 4 3T' SOAP (i«r Delicto SkiEs), .;d., 2:!t CREAId (tor Itching, Face Spots, Ac.), 1/9. IPOWT. TT: <f- J?"ii!'l»:»K«. Xc. WIJjLIAM BUCKINGHAiVi, UILL-PO«TEK & TOWN CilIEK, FORT MADOO. BJioS to in<nrm th?t he RentJ II the pricoipa) Bh "?)!"tllll?* i^tatioui in Portmsdoo and- (lier.nt viz., ?t<"? b Mllil aruuul. N ()n uunctually attenSud to, and on ll"





IPresentation to Mrs Fincham…


[No title]




f Ths Chocs. -_____4_- _.-…

- - - - - - -Racing Fizturss.

Coursing -Fizt-urss.-

Welsh Markets.

-.English Markets.

Sunday Servicas in Bangor.…



-.- - - - - -__-_.-LONDON…
