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Br To SPKC AL ¿ Bla MAJESTY ARROINTUBM AND H.R.H. THE PBINCIS9 OF WALES. MESSRS BROWN & QO., M E K C E R 8, CHESTER. gTOCK-TAKING SALE WILL COMMRNCE ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, And Continue the following Week. GREAT RE TOWNS IN PRICES os qUIPLUS STOCKS OF MANTLE, MILLINERY, JACKETS, DRESS FABRICS. SILKS, BLOUSES, &o. A STOCK OF SOILIW TABLE LINEN, SHEETING, AND CURTAINS. 9817jjj Scholastic MOUNT* HOISE SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, UPPER BANGOR. PRINCIPAL MRS E. HURREN HARDING (Assisted by 6 Resident and 5 visiting Teachera). THIS SCHOOL offers a Thorough and All-ronnd J. Education to Girls and Junior Boys. Modern Methods. Certificated Teachers (three honours). Gvmnusium. Tennis. School Library. Successes in-1894 in Oxford, Cambridge, Trinity College,London, and Sooth Kensington examinations. KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT under a fully CERTIFICATED (Froebel) MISTRESS. Next Term will commence JASOART 18th. Prca pectue on Application. 9019fw MF flUOR G. GRERETON (ASSISTANT TO MR WKSTLAKE-MOROAN AT BANG JK CATHEDRAL) IS OPEN TO RECEIVE POPILS IN SINGING, PIANOFORTE, AlqD ThEORY OF MUSIC. Preparation for Local Examinations. Terms Moderate. Address—CAELLKPA, BANOOB. 11377a s. "WINIFREDS BOARDING SCIIOOJ-), BANGOR. FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF CLERGY, GENTRY OF SMALL MEANS, AND OTHERS. VISITOR: LORD BISHOP OF BANUOR. PROVOST REV. H. MF.YNELL, M.A. I BON. CHAPLAIN, PRO. TEM. ) VERY REV. THE DEAN OF BANGOR: THIS School is conducted by Ladies of expe- rience, and offers an education preparatory to University Certificates, with detinite Chuvoh teach- ing. Terms, L30 per annum. ) For prospectus, apply to Miss Lows, S. Wid-I fred's, Bangor. 104581 MISS NIXON (Member of the Incorporated Society of Musicians), NIVKS LESSORS IN PIANO, SINGING, AND THEORY And prepares Candidates for the Local Examinations. L LANDUDNO and the Neighbourhood Visited. Bryn Hvdd, 11169r Upper Bangor. 11169r V IOL IN LESSONS. Mum ISABEL HEWITT, who has studied M. under MR THEODORR LAWSON and HKRB F,LLX?.RRGRR (Pupil of JOACHIM), and MISS MARGARET HEWITT (^ LAWSON Md JOHN SACNDSBB) give LESSONS at Own or Pnpil'o Hesideuoe. COMMT.. AT H.? AC. OPEN TO ENGAGEMENTS FOB CONCERTS, AT „ H.MES A.O. Boàafon. Uppør OBDL:Or, 9782L LLAKBUBNO. LANSDOWNE HOUSE SCHOOL. Principal. MI«6K MATTHEWS AMD STANDRING. Assisted .y ? Emoi?t St? of Reeid?ut ?d Certificated Teaohers and Visiting Masters. PUPILS aro very successfully prepared for the Cambridge, K. A.M., and other Local Eiami- nations. Adjoining the nbove in York-road new premises have been built for the LLANDUDNO KINDERGARTEN, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS, AND SWEDISH GYMNASIUM. 9541-9440 TRINITY HOU SE SCHOOL, Colwyn Bay. THE REV. J. H. ASTLEY. M.A., EMMANUEL COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, BECEIVES BOYS from 7 Years of Age to PRE- P AHE for the Public Sohools, &c. For Prospectus, References to looal and other parents "t pupils, Ac., apply to the PRINCIPAL NEXT TERM commences JANOABT 25th. 11281—3928a LLANDUDNO. C 0 1, T, F? (-+ A'- 'S cHooh. POXIIJEGIATB ^CHOOLI- PaiNcTPAL -MR W. A. WHISTON. BCCOESSES this Year in London University, Oxford Local, aud South Kensington Soience auri Art Exams. 10834f PORTMADOC COUNTY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. BBAD MA"nlt J. RHYS EVANS, M.A. (Can tab.) B.A. (London). SCIENCE MASTER E. W, FULTON ENGLISH, M.A. (Cantab). MISTRESS ELLA MORGAN, B.A. (Londou). ASSISTANT MIOTRESS M. E. CARR. THE School was on opened on the 3RD SRPTEMBZR J- O/Tao Scholar Tickets from all StMioua in be d,c?'* F.; ther particulate apply to j> f P? MORRIS JONES, Solicitor, ? Oerk to the Go?ernor?. rortmadoo, September, 1M4. 10066n HIGH-CLASS TAILORING I AT REASONABLE PRICES MADE UP ON THE PREMISES IN LOFTY AND WELL VENTILATED WORK-ROOMS. Fit and Style Guaranteed. New Overcoatings New Suitings New Trouserings New Mackintoshes FOR AUTUMN and WINTER. AN IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. INSPECTION INVITED. BAYNE AND DARGIE, BRUNSWICK BUILDINGS, EsTABLISHED 1870. UPPER BANGOR. 12-9823.11374 S N 0 W D 0 N F L A K E FLOTJR. USED BY ALL WHO WISH FINE PASTRY AND BEST FLAVOURED BREAD. IRST PRIZE and GOLD MEDAL at Millers' and Bakers' Exhibition, London, 1892. THOMAS LEWIS & Co.. tA!ScEE™raasiLE CITY STEAM MILLS, BANGOR. Scholastic HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, PLAS MENAI, UPPER BANGOR. ESTABLISHED 1870. MRS KWAN, MMtedbv MISS SWAN (1st C!aM iM Honours, Higher Cambridge Locals) and residentOertificated Mistresses receives 12 Boarders, and 40 Day-pupils. Over 150 certificates have been obtained since 1881. A Special Class will be formed for candidates wisbing to prepare for the Entrance Scholarships of he University College, The following are the results of the Midsummer Examinations: — Higher Cambridge Women'sjin French A Arithmetic 2 Senior Oxford Looal (1st Div.). 1 Junior It (distinction in French). 2 Junior Trinity College (violin). 1 Primary „ „ It rirnary „ 11 (piano). Sohool will re-open on FRIDAY, JANOABT 25tb, at 2 p.m. 10775tw MR WESTLAKE MORGAN, ORGANIST OF BANGOR CATHEDRAL, Member of the Counoil and Examiner to the Incorporated Sooiety of Musicians Vioe-President and Sxaminer in Harmony and Organ-Playing to the Guild of Organist; Pnpil of Sir Walter Parratt (Organist to the Qaeen), Dr. Gladstone and Dr. Mann, Gives LESSONS in Singing; Intoning; Piano- forte Organ; & Harmony. SCHOOLS ATTENDED by special arrangement for Singing and Pianoforte. Evening Harmony Class. Text-bookii Goss, Stainer, Maofarren, and Trout. Pupils specially prepared for the Looal Examina- tions of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, the Associated Board, and Trinity College. PUPILS' RECENT SUCCESSES :—Two Open Scholar ships (Pianoforte), R C.1I.; I.S.M. Locals (only candidate with Pianoforte Honours in North Wales, July, 1894; IIouour., DTFCBMBRTR, 1894). Address :-TH£ CATHEDIIXL, BANOOR. 11021j PIANO & THEORY of MUSIC. MISS HEWITT (R.A.M. Senior Honours JYi. Pianoforte aDd Theory), Organist of Beau- maris Choroh, and late Music Governess at Mount House School, GIVES LESSONS at own or Pupils' Residence. Schools Visited. Popils Preparedfor Looal Examinations BODAFON, UPPER BASOOB. 11422n FRENCH, LATIN, AND GREEK. MONS. JACQUET, B.A. (2aris). Ex-Professor 1: of the University of France, prepares Private Pupils in the above Languages for the Public Ex- iminations, such as-London Matriculation, Dublin University, College of Preceptors, Oxfcrd and Cam. oridge Local, Preliminary Law, Medical and Phar- maceutical Examinations, Scholarships of the Uni. versity Colleges of Wales, etc. Schools attended. Terms and References on a plication to Mons: E. JAOQCIT, 9, Upper Garth-road, Bangor. BALA COUNTY SCHOOL. HEADMABTBB J. C EVANS, M. A., Formerly Powis Exhibitioner and Scholar of Jesue College, Oxford, AND late Assistant-master at Christ College, Brecon. Mathematical and Science Master: I A. H, SULLY, B.A. (Lond. and Oxon). (Late Open Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford.) Drawing, Book-keeping, &o. G. V. PKIDHAM (Formerly Art Master in Norfolk County School). NEW BUILDINGS admirably fitted with every convenience for Boarders. Preptira,ion for the Un,verBities, Civil Services, Preliniinarits of the Law ond Medicine, and the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, and a goed Commercial Course. Boys attend the place of worship selected by pmtnts, BOARD and TUITION (inclusive charge), S36 LFR annum. Recently Scholarships have been obtained DIRECT I from School ut the University Colleges, Lampeter College, ff Clifton Vollell": alo there have been several Martri. ulat»ODE, including Two tt London Utiiveisiiy (in lot Division). fcli-TINCTI'LKB IN OXFORD LOCAl. EXAMINATIONS. Among the SKNIORS 2 Certificates of Exemption from Responnionfl (tho First Kxamina- tiun at Oxford University ) 0 tin* 17th placo in all England inEngli.h, ? ,.t2nd<HMt60th' Kn?'s)? 33rd place Uoligioua Knowledge. Jrs'tOHa'? 7th, 13th and 24lh Greek. 7th, 17ih,30th and 58th in Latin. ? llth,36ti?132tl?,42??d&5$tl? Kn?tMh. 36h U.tl,,? ati(?. „ „ 24th & 26th „ Religious Knowl'dge. Bala if a Centre tor lb Oxtord Locul Examinth- tion 1895. For lurfcber particulaulIopply to the HIIDUASTRR. 1 DR. J ONES, D.D.S. (AM.), dCC- SURGEON DENTIST Opposite the Market, Bangor. DPV. JONES visits LLANQETNI every THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-road. LLANERCHYMRDD from 10 to 1, and AMLWCH from 2 to 5, with Mr HDOHKS, Stationer, 8, Market-street, TUESDAYS, January let, 29th, February 26th, March 26th, and April 23rd. EBENEZEB AND LLANBKHIS First TUESDAY after Pay-day. BETHESDA First TUESDAY after Pay-day. BANGOR every day exoept Tuesdays and Thurs- days. 10 "S. DA VIDS WEEKLY:" A New Church Paper for Wales And the border Dioceses of Liverpool, Chester, and Hereford, WILL >PPEAR ON* S. David's Day, March 1st, 1895, IN ENGLISH. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS WILL INCLUDE 1. Two Leading Articles weekly,dealingwiththeChuich in WRIag. 2. Special Reports of Church work and progress in each Diocese, Jrom oui Spcciul Correspondents, 3. History and Antiquities of the Cuthcdials, Abbeys, and Churches. 4, The Place of the Welsh in the History of Britain. (A Series of Articles by hof. Boyd-Dawkinp, f.A., F.R.S., Hon. Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford.) 5. Special Auiclea on Education as affecuog the ('l"uch, and aiao on Ch rch Musio. 6. The Wc!'h Church Pulpit. (Fir?t Sermon bv the D o?n 6. Tfe J::Æur.h l;t News in Genf?.r ?. th;. DJ:' rtspondence, &c. 9. Full Reports of Diocpsm and Ruridecanal Conferences and Chapter Meetings, kc, The first number will contain an article ou the Church from a Nonconformist peint of view by a Nou- conformist. ALL Communication* to be addressed to the Editor, A "S. David's Weekly" Office, Wright Street, (ireenheys, Manchester. Agents wanted. Published eVery Saturday at 8 a.m. Prce Id, by post l £ d. Quarterly Is M. Half-yeAi-ly 3s oct, Yearly 6s 8d. Piepaid. 11443E AEIISTIC & GENERAL PRINTING PROMPTLY and NEATLY EXECUTED ON REASONABLE TERMS AT THE North Wales Chromclo Commercial Printing Works, CAXTON ROUSE, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. 100 New Founts of Plain and Ornamental Type, Consisting of the Latest Faces have just been added to the JOBBING DEPARTMENT, which makes it now one of the LARGEST PRINTING PLANTS IN WALES. All the Machinery, Which is driven by a Powerful OTTO GAS ENGINE, was recently over- hauled, and has been adapted to run at the Quiokest Speed Possible. ALL 0B:>EK8 CAREFULLY ATTENDED To. Head Publishing Office Caxton House, High Street. BANGOR. Branch PUBLISHING Office: CAXTON HOUSE, UPPER MOSTTN STREET, LLANDUDNO. Postal Address "North Wales Chronicle" Office, Bangor. T.!ean;phí" Adilrws • "Chromed," IIANTFOR. 44 JTLTi USBANDS AND WIVE." by An JU.ObMrva.ntSi"natt.r (C. V, Cox). A booklet to be had from the printer, Tomkin?on, Dacdadco, price 6d, fost?se Id extra. 10035o DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOli, CATHEDRAL BUILDINGS, BANGOR, ReSfeMully invites the attention of Sportsmen and Tourists to bifi Present Choice Stock r of Bjghland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths, Standard Patterns, and Invisible- Shades so well-known to every Sportsman fot Hillside and Cover, for Moor and River,J Knicker-bocker Stockings, Hand-knitted, In Plain Colonrs, Heather Mixtures and Gairloch Checks. Also the Clarence Hose, Registered Design' Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, Waterproof Coats, Capes, and Rugs, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. ROBE AND CAP MAKER "BT APPOINTMENT TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES PATTERNS AND PRICE LIST FREE. ARE. OFFERING COAL VASES, LAMPS, OIL HEATING STOVES, SKATES, &c &c., y RETAIL GREATLY REDUCED <>y/ RETAIL PRICES ?? \V? M A" TO CLEAR FOR 4 S W H 0 L E S A L E SPRING GOODS. W < < MANUFACTURING IRONMONGERS, 159, 161, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. llllw J. E. PRTT CHARD, Corn Dealer, Ac., 137, HIGH STREET, BANGOR, AGENT FOR R. SIJCOoKS 'BONE MANURES. FATTENING CAKES, REDUCED PRICES n????f?E?ice. JE5 2"' PURE DISSOLVED BONE-?6 5a per ton. ? ?)?CATED COTTON CAY-?-.t3l7. 6d. BONK MANURE No. 3-?5 108 per ton ????A'TED I?to -?6 5?. BONE MANURE No. 1-£5 lOa per ton" ??N NC CAKE E5 10s Od. DISSOLVED BONE- £ 4 10. per too. ?A?NG? DAIRY CAKE.-Pnoe, £5 7a 6?. UNIVEKSAl?ANURE-.E3 12. 6d per ton. DAIRY MEAL.-Price, ?5 5s Od. VICTORIA DOG BISCUITS & POULTRY FOOD 15a PER CWT. 11130f, There's nothing like Leather." = DICK S THE PEOPLE'S BOOT PROVIDERS, ARE NOW SHOWING A SPLENDID VARIETY OF WINTER BOOTS AND SHOES SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING EVER STOCKED BEFORE. THE QUALITY, STYLE, AND PRICE BEAT EVERYTHING IN THE MARKET. BOOTS to Suit all Classes of Society FROM THE INFANT'S AT SIXPENCE, TO THE GENT'S HIGH-CLASS HAND-SEWN AT ONE GUINEA. —— A LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS SHOES. Football Boots —o— Goloshes, Gaiters, Gymnasium Shoes. Al kinds of Boot and 111 ackintoshcs Repaired at Low Pricest LOCAL BRANCHES— 217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. 7, Bridge-st. and 3, Palace-st., Carnarvon. 30, Market-street, Hothead. Hi,,Oli-street, Pwllheli. E LEA AND Obse,-ve Tha,t B17PPTATQ' Observe that the ? -? I t S 11-1 0 Signature < lJ 0 C y is now Printed in Blue Ink diagonally aoross the OUTSIDE WRAPPER of every Bottle of the ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE SoM Who!Ma)e by the Proprietors, Worcester Onwe 4 ■) OA TT /PI BiMkweU.Lta.. London; and Export:Oilmeu genel:.i"?e&SAtTC.v, Blaokwell. Ltd., London; and Export. £ 6 Jfi RETAIL EVERYWHBUE. 10124fw ) kJl/\ lL 1 \J U» JAEVIS & FOSTER. PRINTERS, STATIONERS, Lorre House, BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS. Bangor. 111901t THOMAS'S Annual Clearance SALE NOW ON. LONDON HOUSE, BANG-Olt. AGENT FOR E t bI' h I 0 70 '7 AGENT FOR .h..? ??. BstaHish? Over 70 ?'e?rs. EOSTUGK^ BOOTH M. A. CROOKS, HIGH CLASS fBOUT MAKERS, 222, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, Sole Agents for the K Make. GENTLEMEN'S DEPARTMENT: First-clats Walking, Shooting, Fishing, aad Dress Boots and Shosi. Huating, Riding, bal Livery Boots to Order. LADIES' DEPARTMENT Glace Kid, GloveJKid, French Calf, Calf Kid, and Pateat Calf Boots, Shoes and Slippers by the Leading Maker,. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Varifd Assortment of Walking and In-door Boots and Shoes. Besock9 ani Repairing Department under the maiiBgement of High-Class Workmen. 7350jtj ESTABLISHED 1851. W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS AND COMPANY, GENERAL AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS. 224, 226, 228, HIGH ST. (OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL) BANGOR, Are the SOLE APPOINTED AGENTS for BANGOR, BEAUMARIS & MENAI BRIDGE FOR THE '•WELSBACH" INCANDESCENT GASLIGHT which is the most perfect Light yet Invented. Clean, bteady, and most Brilliant. Gives Treble the Light and SAVES HALF YOUR GAS BILLS. GREAT REDUCTION in PRICES for the COMING WINTER SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND PARTICULARS. 9793fw HIGH CLASS TAILORING. -:0:- 213 HIGH-STBEET (near Market Hall), BANGOR. J. W. ROBERTS (Late Cutter at 1, Neville-street, Southport). -:0:- FIT, STYLE, ANr SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Satisfaction can undjis only given by very few Hooses in the Kingdom. Prioe List on Application Terms, READY CASU ONLY. J. W. ROBERTS will visit any part of North Wales on Receipt of Post Card. 11215fw COALS DIRECT FROM THE COLLIERY TO THE CONSUMER. INTERMEDIATE PROFITS SAVED!! The Direct Supply Coal Co., QOLLIERY OFFICES, B RY, OFFER COALS OF BEST VALUE AT FIR-T COST. IN TRUCK LOADS (5 to 10 Toss) TO ANY STATION. PLEASE WRITE FOR PRICES STATING REQUIREMENTS. 8977. EOYAL EXCHANGE ASBUKANCE CORPORATION (Established by Royal Charter, A.D. 1720). chief Office: Royal Exchange, London. Branch: 4, Rumford Street, Exchange, Liverfoo. run Accumulated FONDB NIABLY &4IOQO»QOI. FIRE. Policies issued free of expense. Losses occasioned by Lightning will be paid whether the property be set on fire or not. LIFE. The Corporation affords security of the highest rdar, and declares Bonuses exceeding the average istri1- 'tion of Assuraico oompanies. The Conditions of Assurance have been lately revised. A Prospectus, Table of Bonne, and Balanoe Sheet will be forwardod on application to Amlvich—Mr S. H. SMITH, Old Bank, Bllngor-Mr JAMES SMITH, Cnnarvon-Mr G. R. REES, Agenta. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. FIRE. [Established 1808.J LIFE. Head Office :-92. Cheapside, London. Liverpool Branch:—1, T tbebarn Street. Capital Snbmribed I Total AeMte neMtr ?1,200,000. ) jes.ooo.ood The Company bag Paid in Claims upwards of zCll,000,000 STERLING. AGENTS AT Banger Mr W, PUGHE, National Provincial Bank of England Beaumaris .Mr J. G. DAVLI;s do. Bet nesda Mr W. R, LL*'YD do. CONWAY .CMR H. OWEN do. UIANDNDNO lilr J. ADEY WELLS do. 7ILENAI BRIDGE.. MR J. JONES DO. HOLYHEAD MR J. E.WILLIAMS do. Amlwcb Mr 0. L. HUGHES, Cemsel 20