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-=- COUNTY OF CARNARVON. REGISTRATION.  YATES, EsqairE, &rrlat.er.at.Law,  of VOTERS in the El,,osioti of Mt?mberio to serve in r.m«SL tha £ orthara uid Southern Divisions ol the Conutjr of afnanOD r.pel)ti,ly, tbe Lists Cotmty Bleowes &ad 'be [Asse of Parochial FIeot*rs, or won olbdf Barrister daly appointed in that Sar^SElewctoT r* a£ od *t? he Sr«S*S5« at ?.Mti?..dp?.Dd.?.?o.ed.th?.. tosay :— i D'?th.PMiehee of Ne?n.BcdTetn. Ceidio. (At the Town Hall, In the Town 01 Ne,iu, on  MODdlY, tbe3rd day of Septembt?r 10 o'clock iD the foreDOOD. ^SSSWiSSSr Lllnflbanpl.  00 Monday, the 3rd day Bacbellaetb, and Llanleatyn, of September nest, at IZ30o'clook in tbe alter. BacheButb, and Lioniestyu, inoon. 3 For the Parishes of Bot, Brynorm, L)au. At the Peurbyn ATM$ Ina, Barn Foilltayro, on deswoing, Llaiigwnadl, Msillteyrn, Penlleob, oda; the 3rd day of September next, at 3.30 aDd owei i ololwk In 'b..r.erDOOD. 4  ——————.————  on Toetday, tbe 4th faelrby., aDd Bbiw, ,.y .t Sepeemb6r nelt, 1.1 o'clock in the fore- DOOD. 5 Fcrth.P.?of?.? U.?g.n..nd   LI"ollln, 4rb day 01 September next, at 3 o'clock ia the HMjtien, afternoon. 6 F.r<heP.?.tP.?nn. ? _Pe_ n- Aitt >h« Town Ball, in the Town o! Pwllheli, on WedM8d,_ the 5 ?b day of Beptember D¡xt. at ??' 10 o'clock L the forenoon. 7 For the Parishes of ?U.MM.t? h?.m. .n? d Oarn- j AAt \tbe Bosrd Sohool, L!M*a)htitrn, on W edoerday. IIi "ob, the 5tb day of September n?t..t:.Mo'c)ock in ?""t', the afternoon. m*1 Tnfiye, and t w—«- (i^r;'KpS;T»^noo»^rf& tbe 6tb day of Sepmber next, at 10 M oolook M tb. forenoon. 9 For the ? PMi,'b? M of Criooieib and IJanJ.tum- At thtWMte Lion Hotel, in *be Town of Criooieth, ? Thnt?-y, th. Stb day of September next, at dwy, 2 o'clock in %be dtomoon. 10 For the P?.. of Ab?rcb. L.?n.o.. and At the Madryn Arms, Ohwilog, on Monday, the 10th day of September next, at 10.30 o'olock in L'H'?' tbe forenoon. 11 For the Parish of Dolbeamam, At the Railway Ion, Brynkir Station, on Monday, the 10th dlY of 8eptember out, at 2.15 o'clock in the ttMthOOB. 12 For tbe Parish of Clyncog, At tbe Railway !cD, PMttt'& onMond?tbe 10th day ot September next, at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon. 13 For the PariIb of Llanwnd.. At the Monnt Plesurt IDn, Honwndt, on Tuesday, the 11th day of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. 14 r„». ?dw?. ?d   .& s: Ilth day of September D.xt, as 1.30 0'0100k in the afternoon. 15 FFn^, th« nut nf th^ e Pariiah of LplaX nbeblie aa is At the Cbafpel Vestry Boom, W"nfawr, on Wed- comprised in w«f.wr PolliDl District, nesday the 12tb day of September DIXt, 10 tb. Parish of BeUw, Garem. and the pMt? o'otoch in the forenoon. of the PMMh of UMwnd* comprised in tbe I W"ntawr PolIiDg District, l 1& yFoor ?th" ?i.MMn ?Ot 'MtteaagM?en. | i At the Chapel Vestry, Bbyd.dda, on Wednesday, the 12th day 01 September next,at J.45 o olook in I the afternoon. MFoMhep.rtotthePMi.h of LlanbebliR as is f AtL^eOonntJ_HellI, taithe Town « MmpfM 10 the OamanoD Polling District, Tbnrsda" tbe 13th day September next, at and the Pari.b of i ] I 10.30 o'clock in ^thef,orenooa. 18 For 'be Parilh 01 LllDra" I I At the Board School-room, at Owmyglo,on Fr.dM, the 14th ?? of September next, at 10 o'clock h) | tbe forenoon. 19F.r?P.?.f?d?.  14tb day of September DU', at 11.30 c?olock in ) the forenoon. 20 For Sbe Parilb of Lba-ia, j ( At the Board School, LUnberis, on Friday, the 14tb ? For <he P? of L??  ?'' September next> a$ 1.30 ^yook in the 1 afternoon. 31 n.a.puu.rtLkXoM-u-»—.  16th day of September next, at 10 o'clock in tbe I forenoon. m 22 For the rpa„ru i, of LlaofaJriJper, j ? At the Half-way House, Portdinorwio, on Monday. the 17th day of September oext, at 10 o'olock in 1 the forenoon. 23 For the Pari. 01 BanROr, 'At tbe Mt?t'tMtaa' Room, In tbe City of Bangor, J on Monday, the 17tb a,y of September next, at ? 12.30 o'clock in tbe afternoon. 24FortheP?h..ofAher..ndL?rf..h.n. | At the Natiopal Sohool, Lltnfairfeohan,on Tuesday, tbe 18th day of September Dext| at 11 0>olook in ♦ the forenoon. 25 For the Pariah 01 Dwygyf)lobi. At the National Bobwl, PenmMDm?wr.on Tareda" ? ??? day ?? September next, at 2 o'clock in $be afternoon. MForth.P??.f?lwy.??L?dno?A? Police Court, Llandoduo, on Wednesday, the 19tb day of beptember next, It 10 o'clock In ) the forenoon. «r„M*. -o™ 8,«.. ?gw.. (*vaa».iaf z fanic, and Llauge)yniu, WednoKUy. the 19?b day of September next, at ttnin, Md L)Mte)yntn, ? ?jo?,? ,n the tttercoon. 28 For the P?b.. of E?, and L.y?. >At the 8ohool Room, Old Colwyn, on Thareday, the 20th day of September next, at 10.30 o'clock in ) the forenoon. ?For?.?.he.of ?hnn.Do.g?.  on Tbursday, tbe 20th day ot Sepeember nest, at DMbedrcemn, -4 3 o'olock in tbe afternoon. M For .« P.r? of B?.y.o?d. Eidd., and  BeUwe.y.coed. on 34 For the Parishes of Bettwa-y-oo 4 Bidda, and f Friday, $be 21st day of Sep tember next, at 10.30 ?<"y?. ? o'clock in tb. forenoon. on Friday, the 31 For the Parishes of Ab""y, i Llanrbyohwyo, t ( Be_tembet Trefriw, on Friday, tbe MMn.n. and TMfr.w. 21?t day of September next, at 3 o'clock in ahe 32 For tb. Parieb of Dblwyddelon, At the Natioaal Sohool, Dolwyddelen, on 8.tnrd*y. 3■U2 FFA or ,thL e TP> ari• sh V o« f IDVo.I lwyJdIdeIl„ eo, | (he 22Dd day of September nest, at 10 o'clock in ( tbe forenoon. 33 ^o^P^abl^T^abi^ or SrXtSSK'SSl'.Ya oM otber Parlebes, TO"08blpe PreoiDotl or tbe 22ad da) of Beptmber next, at 2 olcl= Places (if any) omitted in th?. Notioe, or for J '°? Mt"n'?°. which no other phoe is herein appointed for the Revision of tbe Lists of Voters for Mob ]I PnliliM Tnwnshi? or Places. V I __n_ Overserra of Parishes are required byAol of Parliament to attend the Courts to beholden forReTiaJng the Lisit relating to their reapeotlte Parishw, and to bring with them the Parish Rates BOOKA, the Original Notices of Claims and Objections, and all other Documents relating to the Registration. J. H. BODVEL-ROBERTS, Carnarvon, 20tb August, 1894, Clerk to the County Cennoil. THE ANGLESEY & CARNARVONSHIRE ARICULrURAL SOCIETY. INSTITDTBBD OCTOBER, 1851. IPNJMWIMT: 3. RICE ROBERTS, Etc.. Tounnkig, Pei)tr"th TMt-PMMMNT OWEN WILLIAMS, EeQ., Ty'nybuarth, LI an- fflewyn. THE FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING AND SHOW OF CATTLE will be held at LLANGEFNI, On Thursday, September 13th, 1894. LIlT of Prises and Forma of Entries may be JU bad on application to the Secretary. All Entries to be sent to the Secretary not later than Friday. August 31st, 1894. The Publio will be admitted into the Show Ground daring the judging on payment of Two Shillings; and at Twelve o'olock on payment of One Shilling. The Dinner will take place at 3.30 p.m. JOHN PRITCHABD, Bodhyfryd, B.ngor. Broretary. TUB TATiK Off CONWAY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. President: COUUOL HIaaon, PI.. Mad JO, Llanrwst. Ties-president: G. O. Jona, Esq., Merohlyn, Conway. TSE TWENTY-FOTTRTH ANNUAL SHOW WIll. held at LLANRWST in the PARK adjiin- ing the PiAturesque Grounds and Gardens of OwTDta Cistiii on TBtrBlDAY, AuousT 30TH, 1894. AU Stock will be on the Ground by 10 ?m. A PUBUC d'= :ill ,:usm broJ: fi:q on the $how Ground at 1 o'clock, CoCel Hit?n preeidin& Tloketa, 18 8d each. PAKADING OP PRIZE HORSES <k CATTLE bola .the Otand Stand atXK o'olook. THE JUMPING OVER HURDLES at 3 o'clock* PONY aTKi DONKKY RACKS immediately after. Entry 7.6 for the Jumping, 5. each; Pony RAm, 18 wwh; RmttMRMe. MM?; received up to 2 o clock on the 'NELT N W. Hallway Company WLL UMUge CRIAP The i? Day from Daub4gb. BooKWoa to UMrw« on the SeTD'X '?n D?'M?' Rhrl, BM?or. UMdudno. Pion u Ffeaunloe, Md !nter mtm9)S!en??or further ptrUcu!tr. C?..Ps? Bill& THE LLAWRWBT VOLUNTEER BAKU <byUna pem.i?ion of C?pt?A?Hy) wM  ?. tt.tMion to ?e FMM <M   SHIIXIMU. Kem/)fln tme.H.Gl'L!IC at II ooloottm. ?-???''??S!S?.M, f?ro"rim LiaorwaL JHM-tlw PENRHYN HALL, BANGOR, MOTOAT and t. TusaDiT, September 3rd and 4tb, Miss MAIKUI MOBTON'B renowned organisation in the sensational drama Of OUR NATIVE HOME." In sowe 4, the great Dredger Sensation. This saene is a reproduction ot an occurrence in real life. Another instance of truth stranger than fiction. A young lady passenger on board one of the Atlantio iers lying in the River Mersey fell over the side of the ship into the river and was saved in a most miraonlous manner through bar dress catching in one of the buckets of a Steam Dredger that was in operation olose by. The Captain of the Ship, from the bridge, saw the poor girl being drawn up by the Dredger, gallantly sprang to the retcue and too. oeeded in stopping the Machinery just in time to save the poor girl from a frightfol death.- Liver- pool Echo. Dredger made by Messrs Data HAuze and Co., Limited, Engineers, Liverpool and Now- castle. Doors open at 7.30, commenoe at 8 early door at 7 Sixpenoe extra to all parts. Prices :—Z<, la, and 6d. Motto Ths Past a Guarantee for the Future." 10748o OWEN OWEN & CO.'S SPECIALITIES. CHILDREN'S MILLINERY AND COSTUMES. luiwr NOVELTIES, STYLES, AND FASHIONS IN Millinery, Blouses, Mantles. LADIES' AND MAIDS' UNDERCLOTHING. Men's and Boys' Clothing. SPEOIAlTVALUE. BOYS' SAILOR SUITS. AT THE WELL KNOWN DRAPERY ,k T ESTABLISHMENT OWEN OWEN & CO., BANGOR. 9565 ESTABLISHED 1859. FRANCIS & SON, 105. HIQH STREET, BANGOR. NATURALISTS & ORNITHOLOGISTS. Geoloiloal Specimens, Sea Birds' Eggs in ,an')h,. tj) Stags' and Doers, Heads always in Stocs. Fishing T-ekle always in Stock. N. B. Will not be mpon-ible for GoodIIleft after three months. 10705t, Situations Vacant APPKEJSTICltS WANTED by a ""loCl.. A DreM m*kMr ct Llandudno. Apply for pMtica'*M to M.A.. "N?th Wab. CbronioU." Office. BUgor. 10663wh OgjfTS (Book) WANTED ev?yw?re. A,, Business Register," Account Book. Pf. manent emp'oym?t. 24 earned w?kty.-M??M H. Vamphilun, Congleton, Cheshire. 10662j ONFECTIONBRY.-WANTEP a EMALE APPRENTICE.—Apply Mf Hop<on?per NM?or. 10'13311 (IOOK, age over 50, rtquired to attend upon one j gentleman; II. little honeework alo required.- Address, A. B care of Mrs Jotej, Plas CiIoDol, FeD. rhyndendraeth, N. Wales. 10674w R BYL.-WANTED a GOOD WAITRESS, one who thoroughly understands her duties.- Apply Alexandra Hotel. 10734c WANTED Intelligent GIRL for the Packing W Room, also 2 or 3 Girls as Appranticet.- Tbe Bangor Steam Laundry, Beaob-road. ml0738 ANTED, a CURATE for Menai Bridge. YY Stipend, 120.-Apply to Recror, LWair P.G.. Anglesey. 3 WANTED in November a CERTIFICATED W MISTRESS for an Infant 80bool. Averse, 49. Ho<M<. 8.1ary from 970 to ;C&O;IAP .1y: Vicar, AbtKrob, Fwtlhet »10740   TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. PRINTING TRADE.-WANTED a eharp reapeo. P table OUTB as an APPRENTICE in an Old-Ebtablished Newspaper Office. Must be a good reader, and about 14 years of IIIge.-For partlcalare apply to the ofelaser, North Wales ChrOniole Office, Bangor. Utf i YERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES, BANGOR. DAY TRAINING DEPARTMENT. APPLICA1 IONS, to be sent to the Registrar not A I'M t) <n THURSDAY, 8M.TNMM MM RrO invited for the following iMtrootorthtpe: IN- STRUCTOR IN MUSIC, Salary, £25 INSTRUC- TOR IN DRAWING, NEEDLEWORK and DOMESTIC ECONOMY, £20. The appointments are for one year only, but successful applicants will be eligible tor re-appoin j- ment at the end of the first year when the salaries offered are likely to be inoreased in consideration of the inoreaee of work. Information as to the duties and conditions of each appointment may be obtained from the undersigned. JOHN EDWARD LLOYD, M.A., August 18th, 1894. Secretary and Rejllstrar. 10721jtj UNIVERSITY COLLEGE or NORTH WALES, BANGOR. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. AN ASSISTANT LECTURER IN AGRICUL- A TURE will shortly be appointed for one yeM at a salary of CIOO A lio tions muat be sent in on or before WEDNESDAY, BIFTMIBM 12th, 1894, to the undersigned, from whom information ss to conditions of appointment and duties may be obtaiued. Ability to leoture in Welsh mdispen- '*?'' **ble" JOHN EDWARD LLOYD, M.A., Secretary and Registrar. Bangor, July 24tb, 1894. 10688c BANGOR AND BEAUMARIS UNION. NURSE WANTED. ItHE Guardians will at their Meeting onFRIDA Y, I.L the 14th SWTMBM, 1894, proceed to the Election of a NURSE for the Workhouse Infirmary. Salary £20 per annum, together with board, lodg- ing and w& %hi n" The pereon I;?pointe4 malt be able to lpeak Welsh, and preference will be given to a Trained N orae. Applications in Candidates' own handwriting stating age, acoompanied by testimonials must bu delivered to me on or before WEDNESDAY, 12to Sznzjr,ons next. Candidates are required to appear before the Board on the day of election, but no expenses will be allowed. By Order, B. BENJAMIN EVANS, Olerk. Board-room, Bangor, 21st, August, 1894. 10748wh NORTH WALES ASYLUM, DENBIGH. THE Committee cf V"W;'ore invite Applications for the following a intments, viz:-A ECJÑD ASSISTANT :ï'lLuÓF;CE- dalot 2100, with Board, Washing, and Apartments. A CHIEF FEMALE ATTENDANT and HOUSE- KEEPER, to take obarge of Branch Establishment for Females, at Glanywern Hall. Salary f 40, with Board, Washing and Apartments. Three Female Attendants at a Salary commencing at 214 per annum, with Board, Lodging, Waihing and Uniform. A Married Couple (without encumbrance), to act as PORTER and COOK respectively. Joint Salary Al per week, with Board Lodging, Washing and Uniform. A SHOEMAKER ATTENDANT (single), at a salary commencing at 9. per week, with Board, Lodging, Washing and Uniform. No beer allowance is made, and no pensions will be given. Canvassing the visitors is strictly prohibi- ted. A knowledge of Welsh is essential. Appli. cations to be forwarded to the Undersigned not later than Birmun 12th, 1884. WILLIAM BARKER, clerk to the Visitors. Denbigh, August 20th, 1894. 10723L BETHESDA IMPROVEMENT COMMIS- SIONERS. APPOINTMENT OF COLLECTOR. SURVEYOR, AND INSPECTOR OF NUISANCE. THE BETHESDA IMPROVEMENT COMMIS- Jt. SIONERS will, at their Meeting to be held on Wedueeday, the 5th September, 1894. proceed to appoint a fit and proper person as COLLECTOR, SURVEYOR, and INSPECTOR OF NUISANCE. The Salary ae Collector and Surveyor will be £46 per annum, and as Inspector of Nuisance iE34 per annum. The person appointed will be reqaired to enter opon hi. dutiea immediahly, and approved security in the The appointment as Inspector of Ncisanee will be made subjsct to the approval of the Local Go. vernment Board. Applications, in the Candidates' own hand- writing, stating age, qualifications, accompanied by testimonials of recent date, to bo aent to me before NOON on TUESDAY, the 4th 8BPTSIIBSB ■next. By Order, B. BENJAMIN EVANS, Clerk to the Commissioners. Bron Arton, Llanlleobid, Near Bangor, 18th August, 1894. 10742r Wantí APARTMENTS PermMent of otherwuf.— A Gentlemen Preferred. Terms modenw.- Apply Mrs Parry, 4, Craigydon-terrMe, Upper Bangor. 10749a APARTMENTS WANTED at Conway, from A September 8th to l9th (Bedroom aad Sitting- room), by married man with one abild. -Stat? in- clusive terms to C. Harris, Times Offioe, Oxford. 10716i MANAGEMENT of small HOTEL or good = PUBLIC HOUSE required by thoroughly experienced energetio couple. Firet-class refer- enres. Two ydars with Barton firm.-Apply, Box I 10715, North Wales Chronicle 11 Office, Bangor, j To be Let fftO BE LET, a commodfoot WMehoete, Coaob- X boaM, Loft, and Stable, 6ontr?iniug three or four Stalla, situated at Frondes-street, Batigor.- Enquire at Corbri House, 8, St. George's-terraoe, Llanfairfeobau. 10719i J. R. JONBS (SUCCESSOR TO E. It, JONES), Bill Poster and Town Oriei 43 THOMAS-STREET, HOLYHEAD NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVRN that on the 18th day of Ooroau next, Application will be made to Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace assembled at Quarter Sessions, in and for the County ùf Carnar- von, at the County Hall, Carnarvon, for an Order for Stopping tip* Road or Highway, leading from tba Main Boad between Cosiway and Llanrnst, at CaeAun Lodge, to the Parish Church situate in the Parish of Caerbua, ib the County of Caroaryon, entirely as unnecessary, and that the Certificate of two Justices having viewed the same, and proof given to their satisfaction of tbe several roticse required by the statute having been pnbliabed, with the Plan of tbe Old Highway will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County, on the 18tb day of girnisnnen Dated this lOtb day of August, in the year of Oar Lord One Thooaend Bight Hundred and Ninety- four. JOSEPH JONES, 10677f Surveyor of the Parish of Caerbun. BOROUGH OF BANGOR. Tm DAIRIES, COW-SflEDS, AND MILK-SHOPS ORDER OF 1885. TO COWKEEPERSTDAIRYMEN, AND PURVEYORS OF MILK. W HEBBAR, by virtue tf the Contagious Diseases YV (Animals) Act, 1886, the Sanitary Authority for the Urban Sanitary District of Bangor are the Local Authority with whom all persons carrying on the trade of Cowkeepers, Dairymen, or Purveyors of Milk within IUCJb District are required by the Dairies, Cow-Sheds, and Milk-Shops Order ot 1885 to be registered and the said Authority keep a register of persona from time to time carrying on in their district any of the above-mentioned trades THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that Article 6 of the said Order, provides amongst other things that, it shall not be lawful for any person to csrry on In the district of any Local Authority the trade of Cewkeeper, Dairyman, or Purveyor of Milk unless he is registered such therein in accordance with this Article." And that under the provisions of an Order of the Local Government oard, dated the let November, 1886, any person who without law- ful authority or exeuse, proof whereof shall lie on him, does anything in oontravention of the Order of Council nbove-meationed, or of a Regulation of a Local Authority, shall for every suoh offenoe be liable to a PENALTY of FIVE POUNDS. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that Appli- cations for registration under the above-mentioned Older are to be made in writing, signed by the ap Il' "llt, fcddrMwd to tbe Local Authority, ..? Me to be delivered or sent t? them not later than FRIDAY, the 31 sr INSTANT, at the Office of the Sanitary Inspector, The Museum, Bangor, where printed forma may be obtained for the purpose of making *noh applications. making sucDh ated 17th A SVM. B. WORRALL, Dated 171h August, 1894, 10712fw Sanitary Inspector. NEW SHEEP FAIR AT TRAWSFYNYDD. THURSDAY previous toSeoond Tuesday in Sep- j. tember (vis., Thursday before Denbigh Fair). Dates of other Fairs17th Maroh, 20th April, 26th June, 7th Augnst, and 19th September. When falling on a Sunday all Fairs are held on previous day. (Signed) WM. EVANS 1 Oftneart. W. W. OWEN I Ovmeem 1072N TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TENDERS ARE INVITED for the Erection of a MILL at the New Harbour, Carnarvon. Drawings and Specifications may be seen at the offioe of Mr E. Evans, C.E., 8, Caatle-street, Car- natvon, to whom Tenders are to be sent on or before the 31st August 10689r TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for tbe Erection of NEW BOARD SCHOOLS and Master's HOUSE at Llanrwst. Accommodation provided for 500 children in Three Departments. Drawings, Specification, and Form of Tender may be inspected at my Office at Bangor. m Tendera to be delivered to RiooiaQ JAMM, Esq., Solicitor, Llanrwst, Clerk to the School Board, not later than FIVE pm. on FRIDAY, the 7th of SIP- ftJOID next The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tqndef. ROBERT GRIERBOY, Bangor, [Architect. August 23rd, 1894. 10747t I CAUTION. BAS SAND oOY- respectfully and earnestly request the Public TO INSIST ON SEEING THE LABEL WHEN "BASS" IS ORDERED, and to Communicate to them when Fraud is Suspeoted. When Ordering BASS in Bottle ASK FOR BASS AND INSIST ON r, SEEING THE LABEL. Inferior Beers are frequently Mtd as BASS. 10484f4815 A REMINDER! YOU CANNOT DO BETTER THAN GO TO NIXON & JARVIS, BANK PLACE, BANGOR, ioR .ALL CLASSES OT PRINTING AND STATIONERY. SOLE AGENTS FOB BANGOR & NEIGHBOUR- HOOD FOR Ross's Photographic Lenses, &c. 10446c For Sale 8 TO 10 PER CENT. FOR SALE, EQUITY in improving Freehold JL Property in Llandudno which will give the above return upon 91400.-For particulars, apply Messrs Pogh and Bone, solicitors; J. J. Marks, Esq., solicitor or to Mr T. T. Marks, O.E., all of Llllo- dudno. 15-10681. FOR IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL, consequent upon a Cbanoery Suit, a FREEHOLD FARM of 224 aores, including 98 Pasture, with Farmhouse, Buildings, and Two New Cottages Six Miles from Bedford. Cost £8300 fifteen years ago. Price £3700. Outgoings only 216 7, Gd.-Apply to tbel Trustee, Alfred Paine, Bedford. 4700t GARDEN SPADES, Forks, Rakes, Tiowels GROOS, Lawa Mower*, Garden Rollers Syringes, Water Pots, Garden Vases, Pea Protec- tors. Galvanised Arobee, Hose Pipe, Galvanised Wire Netting, Garden Seats and Chairs, &c.- Joeiah Hughes & Co., 159 and 161, Higb-street, Bangor. 98890 SAFE INVESTMENTS. SINGLE HOUSES ON SALE, situated in Gordon, Garfield and Gambier-terraoes, Bangor. Nioe little lois for small investors. Always command respectable tenants.—Full particulars, address Mr Benjamin J. Thomas, 11. Deane-road, Liverpool, 10413wh VALE OF CONWAY. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY, a CHARMING VIL1.A RESIDENCE with Stabling, Gardens, etc., Sab. tantially Built.Well AV lntO.f4aoitatfouP4irfeet.- For particulars,apply toT. T. Marks,C.E ,auctioneer, surveyot and valuer, LljWsfya Chambers. LUfldnrtno. IN35-4944L BIRKETT'S CASH PRICE LIST FOR CASH PAYMENTS. TERMS CASH WITH ORDER UN- TERMS. LESS there is CREDIT BALANCE on DEPOSIT. ADVANTAGES. attention to EACH order. Inspection of I 1= BE- FORE PUR. CHASE. Gro. Geri" ill CON- VENIENT QUANTITIES and AS RE- QUIRE D. NO fee for membership o r annnal SURBOBir TION. T>T>Tm?C CAREFUL COMPARISON PRICES. of the PRICES on THIS list with those charged by the FOREMOST LONDON 8 roBES PROVES that the priceo CBARGED at Bir- :r.: 1JfR for the same ARTICLE than the prices in LONDON. LIST POST FREE. BIRKETT'S STORES, BANGOR. ESTABLISHED 1828. 8933o Bf SnciiL 8 To AMOntTMtNT ".J't?E??B??t??BM? ? HMMAJMTT An H.RH. Tuit Puiscxsa or WALBS. MESSRS BROWN & CO., EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER, Beg to call attention to their STOCK ol Real Welsh Flannels lIIID Real Welsh Tweeds, (WYNBANTA BRAND). UNSHRINKABLE, As presented to H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES lIIID H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. PATTERNS SENT POST FREE. 4850b10553 DEPOT FOR ORDNANCE MAPS. JARVIS & FOSTER, Lome House, Bangor. MOSwh EARLIER FROM WALES ON AND AFTER lIlT SEPTEMBER. CONTRACT TICKETS, 25s. LIVERPOlJL AND NORTH WALES j_J I. 8. Co., Ltd. DAILY SAILINGS (Scniays excepted) by the Favourite Steamer "ST. T U D N O." I 10.46 a m. LUndodoo 1.0 p.m. „ 2.0 p.m. Arrive* Banlor and Mew Brid¡e 2.80 P.m. I LMVttBtntorMd I Menu Bridge 4.0 p.m. I Beaumaris. 4.90 p.m. Idandudøo a.3D p.m. Arrive* Liverpool 7.46 p.m. I BONNIE PRINCESS sail. 25th inst. from Liver- pool at Two p. m., and early from Wales on Monday. FARES AS BEFORE. FIRST SALOON BEASON TICKETS..254. REDUCED PARE8 FOB PASTIES OF BIX AND OTBB. Ham T. Coot and Son, Swan and Leach, limited, ur T. B. BARLOW, tooretary, 214, Water-street, Liverpool. EARLIER FROM WALES ON AND AFTER IBT SEPTEBEBEP. iolagri4lo

LLANNOR (Pwllheli). I

Family Notices

i ==-Welsh Markets.-.- -




