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TORPID LIVER. HEADACHE. c ARTEIVS tittle I'UBl'LY VB.EUBLE. JIVER prmw.7 VEGETABLE. tfOAB COATED. pILLS.1 Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. AU Chemists, Is. lid. RECKITTS See that you get it! As bad makes are often sold.. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT. THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. THE PILLS jTf WBIFY THE BLOOD, CORRECT ALL DISORDERS OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS, and E are invaluablein all oomplaints incidental to Females. THE OINTMENT II most reliable remedy for Cheat and Throat Affeotiona, Gont, Rheumatism, dtiff Joints, Wonndt, Sorea. Uloers, and all Skin Diseases. Manafactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. The Prioe of the GARDENERS' CHBONICLE is now THHEEPENCE. First to our hand oome the home journals, among which the ably oonduoted Qardenert' Chron worthily holds the lead, as it has now done for more than a gbicration.The Journal of Foreitry. "Energetic, yet conservative, the I Gardeners' Chronicle' has become useful and popular everywhere." Hon. MABSHAIX WILBBB, Boston, U.S. Forgive me if I pay a compliment to the way the I Chro-iicio- is edited. It is ably and well managed.' An Orchidist. THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE ("THE TIMES OF HORTICULTURE "), A WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL, (ESTABLISHW) 1841,) Every Friday Threepence; pott free, Threepence-halfpenny. THB GARDENERS' CHRONICLE" hfoB been for nenly fifty years the leading journal of its class It has achieved this po6ition because «Mle specially devoting itaelf to supplying the daily require- WMntt of gardeners of all classes, much o. e information furnished is of such general and permancn SMJM that the" Gardeners' Olu wicle" is looked up to as the ttandard authority on the subjects on which It treats. CIRCULATION: Its relations with amateur and professional gardeners, and with the Horticu tura Trade *f all countries, are of a specially extensive character. CONTRIBUTORS: Its contributors comprise the leading British Gardeners and many of the most solimt men of scienoe at home and abroad. ILLUSTGATIONS The "GABDFNERS' ClIRONICLP." has obtained an international reputation for the aecuraoy, permanent utility, and artistic effect of its illustrations of plants. These illustrations, together with ha original articles and monographs, render the Oardeners' Chmnicia an indispensable work of Igeream in all garden reading-reams and botanical libraries. SUPPLEMENTS: DoaMe-p?e En<{rtving<, Litho?ttphe, and other ILLusTPATwxs et LiMt 6!M,Me beaaeatlv given as Supplements without extra oharge. United Kingdom: Twelve Months, TLL 8l4f3 PAYABLE IN l.??NOE.—The United Kingdom: Twelve Montbs, 111; Six Montha, 7a 6d Three Months, 3s 9d; Post Free. Foreign Subscriptions (excepting India and 0!uM?: iminding Postage, 17a 6d for Twelve Months. Indi)nmdChum,19a6d. .O.O. to be made ppbla at the Post Office, 42, DausT LAMS, LONDON, to W. R10sams. Cheques should Do crossed DBVKMOHD." Telegra-hio Address: GASDCHISOK, LOHDOK. OFFICE: 41, WHJJNOTOS gTBaar, STBAND, LONDON, W.O. Corn nencement of a New Volume First Week in January; POULTRY, PIGEONS, GAGE BIRDS, RABBLTS. WMJSKLT-ONS PBNNr. & Weekly Periodical devoted ¡ UN 8DOOaragtmea' the POULTRY, PIGEON, CAGE BIRD, and RABBIT FANCY. P«bKri>ad every Friday. To be adol all Booksellers. AnMftl Subscription S. Sd, post free, QwMtioM awwo red and Advice qo throu& i. oolawns. The JOURNAL of HORTICULTURE COTTAGE GARDENER, and HOME FARMER, Conducted by ROBERT HOGG, LL.D., F.L.S. ESTABLISHED 1848. GARDENING in all ita aspects is treated exhaustively by the most practical and aoooaasful Cultivators of the day. THE HOME FARM.-This department oontains sound and seasonable advioe on profitable Cropping, Stock Management, Manures and their application, and the most approved modea of Dairy Farming. BEES.—The moat advanced Apiadwu and the most onoomdal Bee-?peM In Great Britain are contributors to this seotioo of this long established and increasingly popalar publication. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Price 3d, poet ffte 3Jd. Terms of Babnoription:-One Quarter, So 9d. Half Year 7a 6d One YOU,155. GARDEN WORK Published every Wednesday, PRICE ONE PENNY. Whioh should be obtained by a who take pleasure in hav ing good supply of FLOWERS, FRUIT j UD VEGETABLES The moat Praotioal and Dsefnl Penny Illustrated Gardening Paper GARDEN WORK may be obtained from any Bookadler, Stationer, r::ny of Ü1=ý Bookot&Ue' Annaal Subse On &) 6d post =. Poat Offloa Orden to be made payable to EDWMU) H. MAY I OFFICE 171. FLEET-STRE-ET, LONDON. E.C I DR. J. COLLIS BROWNED j I z -? ?, ?1 4 1 v l: "J;rtf. J{/i::jgr"41"t -tl- .=:.1ti")  -.1 CHLORODYNE I ?J ?tM«. ? AMtm?_ j fWTOHS, Li I S N- vmd by AaaMJi (omnia aJbalMMM dimfr Calfcod rfno i S!fcS Scot that inrTCmwTtTifliiBM » oi«uMTOid> idanttotl with UtJ ■rownrtOtooAratfflNiiilf^NLl THTE OWIAITIMEINIIY.MMN !*• J. COLLI* liovii A *'1;_t"' W. t  tWO ? tt*tt< t? LT M TRE :1 .o vom fflOTiTOj STOraiTJ [  ?B?g?SSa?? Jim Brum Oa, nuMMUlM 0% 5StiiaS.A»K5iSi2aT<S»li3tSSr S?SSXi????E' S?SS?S- r?-SM?'s.?? ..3.=-=-u:: E§E5?"??*?S?Sl ??s???? aIib.- W. 1Ir. faüIo. 8"( uTTk*. eAUHlKOWVOFf '.II"U.OobmninfB TW^RO^AJ^GIA. »OUT. QJUROBM. ATUX "own'Î lM i"VoJaU npiim t>» gauw agh^ibi nmoosATxa -1IIJur.uW. ftt t flotiin nomi I' °%SKE^2*3Wr "*• ? '???tT??Xf.B-fXTMHA. o 'I' .17IO.Tào R??Ei?S&E? = :0 Sold in ertry part ^of Wales, and in Liverpool, Manchester, London, Chester, 6te-, by over 600 Agents. "Gf ALIA," HIGH-CLASS PAPErl IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE. hAW la a newspaper designed to meet the requirements of every section of the Welsh oommc. i to oontents being carefully oompiled, and embraoing contributions by able Writers. Authendo reports are SWM in all Political, Pooial, and Religious Movements throughout the kingdom. TA. WAstma, XHADS, AND AQBICULTURAL REPOBTS, form a special feature in the paper; and oolustat jn respectively devoted to Moatcal, Literary, and Antiquarian Noteo. EVERY TUESDAY FOR WEDNESDAY. PRICE ONE PENNY Pra POUT roB SIX MOUTHS (KMPAID On YIAB 6/6. Publishing Offioe i Caxton House, Bangor A WONDERFUL MKD 1 O L J* B zimciaam,s PILLS, B EECTFA a PILLS, B EBOHAM'S PILLS, Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and pain in the stDm^oh,Bick Headache, Giddiues4 MneM and Swening ?M Meals, DiMMeaa and Drowsiness, Cold Chm?; Flushinp of Beat, low of Appetite, Shoituess of Breath, Coativeneea, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first dose wiD give relief in twol? minutes. This is no iicuou, for they have done it in eountless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills,and they will be acknowleuged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. < WORTH A GUINEA A BOX T^ORTH A GUINEA A BOX. th ar 0 ivj-ble. For femaiM of all ages they are invaluable. (emate should be withoct them. There M not a medicine to be found equal to them for remov log an], batrucuon or irregularity of the Ystom. 1, take, jocording to the directions given with esch box, they wU! soon restore females of all ages to saud and robusthealth. This has been proved by thousand who have tried them and follDdtbe benefits which are ensured by their use. B EECHAM'S PILLS. B EECHAM'S PILLS. B BECEIAM'S PILLS For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and the Disorders of the Liver, they act like MAG Ie," and a few doses will be found to work wondjra on the mo. t important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE BUD: of health, the whole physical energy of the hum,in frame. These are FACTS testified continuaUj by members of all classes of lociety and one of the hest guarantees to the Nervous and Pebilitated is PILLS haw the Largett Salt gf any Patent Medioiju i. the vorld. IB BROHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B EECHANIS MAGIC COUGH PILLS B EEOHAM'S MAGIO COUCH PILLS As a reredy for Coughs in general, Asthma,Bronchi a) tffections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, toe., these Pills stand un Mvkllafl IHav Mo thA hARt. AVAr nffArM to the Dllblifl and will speedily remove that sense of oppression anc difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, .1 the most violent oough wi! n a short time-be removed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholeeale and Retail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lanca- shire, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. IN Boxes 91d, Is lid and 2s 9i IAOH. FuLL DiBaorroaa AU GIVBH WITH mich Box. By Special fllnUff* To Her Majesty Appointment The Queen. f?E??? ASK FOR ?t?D ps?  t mtrim&hm OF STERUM vS.L A lit Ito D us?r l ln:L d T«t3momSnr^ 4 P. i-cludwg Her Miostirs?.Boysi Bacim. paism MOEMT tJUUmTION howotoi. K FOR BRIGHT. SILVERY, QUICK POLISH FOASTIVES & MKM, Mian STOVE POLISH. Always Bright & Beantlfnl. In Lane Paeketsi Id. ft Sd. each. I'M OULJ ?M "-dry ftt?MM. p?uc? "? ?hHtXEY'8 BsKsgS'BLUE SQUARE"BL ???. ? 2!?!"  ??i?. ??. Ci? ntMM!T-MM-H""H)T. Of aU ago= "d 011-: or "to to 3& t<So SQUAD& DMmOf. itwOE!?!Jj tlto* KtilVKti, JS'OttK->, HKAa&<* 8XLEL WORK, to.. Ao. Won't wear the Blades like Othera, 6d. and Is. Tins. NIXETS "CERVUS" KNIFE POLISH- Of all STOREKEEPERS EVERYWHERE. Wholesale W G. NIIBT. London, England. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B41 PILLS is warranted to cars all discharges from the Urinary organB, in either øex (aoqoired or consti. tutional) Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Guaranteed free from Meronry. Sold in Boxes 4s 6d eaoh, by all Chemists and Patent Medioine Vendors throughout the World; ar sent to any address for sixty stamp" by the Makers, Tiss LLMOOLH A" MLSLAKD COOMIIIS Dallas Co UP ANT LINCOLN. Important Notice to the Public TBB IORIGINAli LLANDUDNO DIRECTORY AND VISITOR' AS AS ADVERT IS IN (T MEDIUM. THE Proprietors of the Llandudno Directory and Vi8itor (established 1854) desire to impress upon the Tradespeople, Hotel Proprie- ors, Auctioneers, &c., the great and ino"aoiug value of their journal as a medium to bring advertisements before the public of Liao. auuno anp. mo mure ummra irequentecl by tourists in the summer. Since the price of the Directory was reduced from 2d to Id in Janu- ary, 1888, Its circulation in the winter bus reached 1500 per week, and in the summer 6000 per week in Llandudno and other resorts. TRADESMEN shonld bear in mind that the Directory is the visitors' guide to shop. keepers of all kinds. HOTEL KEEPERS would do well to remember that the eurimer the Directory ia sent broadcast by Visitors to their friends all over the kingdom LODGING HOUSE KEEPERS do not realise the value of the Directory to advertise vacant apartments in, or they would advertise in mochlarger numbers. Infact, the Directory is the only really good advertising medium in Llandudno to reach both residents and Visitors. Attempts have been made to rival the Directory, but they have all biêd, and the Original more than main tains is suprnmaoy. For advertising terms apply at the Offices MOSTYN STREET, TLANDUDNO. A If "EXCELLENT GOOD TIlING H for ACEMS and PAINS.- ELUMAN'S A Universal Embrocation. ACHES aud PAINS.— ELLIMAN'S Universal Embrocation ACHES AND PAINS.- ELUMAN'8 A Universal Embrocation. ACHES and PAINS.— ELLIMAN'S Univers»l Embrocation. ELLIMANft ACHES and PAINS. ELLIMAN'8 Universal Embrocation. ACHEiI and PAINS.— ELLIMAN S Universal Embrocation. FOOIROA LL. Forfar Atblelio Football Club, Given entire satisfaction to all who have used it.- &rRL'ZfGTHEN TEIE: MUSCLES. From Victorina." The strongest UUy in the World. It not ouly relieves pain, but it strengthens the musclos." E LLIMANS for Rheumatism. E LLIMAN'S for Lumbago. B LLIMAN'S for Spnins. J^LLIMAN'S for Cuts. E LI.TMAN'S for Bruises. E LLIMAN'S for Sore Throat from Cold. E LLIMANIS for Chest Colds, Bronchitis, E LLIMANIS for Stiffnws,. Cramp. ACHES, SPRAINS AND 8TIFFNE-S. A. F. Gardener, Esq. (A.A.A L.AU..Sp<utM Harrien Official Handim per ) writes H After ir:t.¡;l ro:røiog ItUrness and aches. No athlete or crom country ruoner should be without it.- BRONCHITIS. MrR. J. Callis, Bendop., write-, January 56th, 1891:- My I wo children (two and fonr yenrs old) were tacked last November wiih broncbitis. They are both well now, and I have no hesitation in saying through lifting your splendid Rmbrocation." ACHK3 and PAINS, ELLIMAN'S Universal Embrocation ACHES AND PAINS.- ELLIMAM'S Universtl Embrocation. ACHES and PAINS.- ELLIMAN'S Universal Embrocation. "AND IT WILL HAVE, OK I WILL HAVE NONE." E LLIMAN,G UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruiies, Cots, 8ore Throat from Cot i, Chest Colds. Stiffuess, &0. 11 Ijd and 28 fI4, Prepared oniy by ELLIMAN, SONS, and CO., Slough, England. |SEEI»S OF SELECT VEGETABLES, AIID CHOICE FLOWERS. PICKED SEEP POTATOS. Garden Tools, Sundries, do., tic. Delivered Free by Rail or Parcel Peat. iUoatratad Descriptive Catalogue 10. 418 ntS IV POaT ON AItPLIOATION. DlCKSONS SE«D CHESTER. DECORTICATED COTTONSEED CAKE "PH(ENIXPBRE" BRAND. FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES APPLY TO THE MAKERS, The PhcBnix Oil Mill Co. Limited, LIVERPOOL |11 FOR THE BLMB?S THE UFE." !C)?M%? ?E?S NB'??6LOOD PURtFtEt) Smnn RESTORER F., cleansing md eteAriof ibe blood from *fl im- poatok e, =œu8I1 an 1m. For SorofolAc Scurvy, Eosema, Pimples, Skin and Blood Diaeasea, and Sores of aU Jdaa., it it a never-failing ud permanent core. It Curee Old Boies. Cnree Ulcerated Soros on the Neck. Cures Ulm?-W Sore Legs. C- BtMMit?*, ot Pimplea OD tU raft Cores Sonrvj Sorel. Cores Canoeroos Uloers. Cores Blood acsl Skin Diseasaa. Cures Qlandahv Swelllnm. Clears the Blood from all Impure matter. From lUmr IrWIg. ,mis a real epeel&e I Go, and nontic ps" R:&:B':t Bow& Aa this mixtatt & p-t to th* -to, and w)tf tmMd ttttt &<m Mything iBJenoM to the moM SXSS.c?SEtKmat itbor "M. the ProprietM. MMttuS<tSton?tttritttottttiMvtlM. t*rs THOUSABD OF TESTIMONIALS From all Parts of the World. Bold in BeM*< Ia. M., and in eont*inhif[ & timMthteSnSty. lis. 'Mh-M'BeKnt w ?Mt tSSMMot:? iy thejn? mttoritT of toM tMd? SS^^ohbi^S^BWbdic^ VIN RS GHOUT TO We D. or w-4 torMormMmp* by tha Proprietors, T*i Lmeom Ki 00 D.. d.Mp?. LiMOtn. CAUTZ N- for Cl-ke. Bh)o<mixtart*nd ?..tb.p&MM to t?.?<-?.?. -1 KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES  MM, Commercial Ro?t. 11?kh? Jobr It, ISflft. "1 .11- at "p"'lllIS mr ftwlnM. bol I •boold like T» tbftnk R°U> Your IOMUMO hare done woamra te nUtfriax mj terrtble «Sufh. #Idm 1 m tha op*ratios «(• fnoha- :t'1f.W:=Ei:r==!r\ba:S anj lltt hlxn* Ood. i am :\gITal:;I¡r!!AI;t mo <me eouJd poiiiblf have bad a mora rlofent ecogfe: U was eo bad 11m.. that It UI'" ezbeuited mI. The maeaa» "hick Ten1 coploat aod hard, hat been eottesed, and I hare beea able to. rid «f w without ..Ity-l m, air, your* trmly, J. HILL. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. The abore apeaka fer Itself. From fttrlct Inquiry II appeart that The elm" Peak. for gtioXIs Coofh Lo?n. Is mwan benoot from uft all? teren one, aod wae performad br tae rbe op-ti.? no pW.W -d toa operatloD tbe only means of ffritef U the nee of theee Loaengea, 80 ?etu am th-Y OM a!Tordl Immedl.te _01, uHhoofk from \be utOrtl 0' the = = r." I tli.. I. tuteuao. WEIGHT IN GOLD. Under d.t.Pl. I.I. Mr. Hill -it.: I b..m I-S tine* b:l'¡f.t fo:JúrHl;:8i tMrmtieki inffold. I will ftladly and tel! ""IODI "he.. Iplendld eooA .i Zd, tb.,w l, !?dy .11 -Y-. g I -Pk,,did ..A reKmeeadty ing'* Losengea Om In thia.Ja. 1W. eaeh. The unrivalled 0,r. .HOARBEXBSB Tii]W:k TrUribvtg NOTE! HOW TO CURE PALPITATION, NOI8ES is THR HRAD, PAINS IlfTHI BACK, PIMPLES, LOSS op VIGOUR, DISTURBED REST, NERVOUS DEBILITY, INDIGESTION, LOW. NESS o, RPIRITS, BLOTCHES SORR THROATS, UN- HEALTH V WOUNDS AND DISCHARGES, and all fors of Blood and Skin Disease—see the Miiffic Mirror, price is envelope, 4 stamps. Book of Testimonials and Advice to Country Patients, free. All letters confi- dential. Special Mixture—by post, 4s 9d per case. People who have worn Electric Belts, and have failed to get a Cure, should write to U8, Address all letters -Meam WILKINSON, A and 4, FiUallan-squsre, Sheffield, light useful prescriptions free. &ti&bU&hed 40 vnm 7348rj MONEr LENT WITH0DT 8UEBTIE8 by ths N. CHARtNO ('rOln!1:), bY. BEOFMDaiBMiT. CHARING CBO?"*L?ONMnf)t?t &t.bH.h«!!STO. C?'?M)M.eo<\ FUDd &10o.eoo. Ad,-?..d. tpfW' P""?? DOI8O f-Wwg: Ad-. AM-? mMtMy mpam6nts 01 Al 10 t 11 00 tt ''t 0, O.O..t. th. In proporrJoo. ADVANCES of XSO to £ 2000 gnnted at aw honrf notloe !a town or <UBt!y. m.t? or ftm.)t. on ="?S*°"?' &.d? .d r- .1,?k p?t.e?p.. Ac., na)oval! aud to tM?t p<TMn. Into b?'i aUo on ?'?"3"*?'' ?d ,?.X..t 6 p.f c?t. for ''nc menth to ? Y- Dbttn?noobj?t. Bu, rep&'ØI" Strtct?p.t" ?MM cr ?rit. Cr ?CZ.-B.for..pp)? '"<?? AaetI?MT. & i?, B?Mdof W? ki,o?t.g tbi. B 1-k. and ym wm at MM Na.t .,?t ynu *M t-ti-K with ld tb. ?t-h.d ( 870) Mf..nd ? /:? Bank. B?tng j"SESJad. we do hu.(ntM<be.pfth.? u'hM<. No?M'<t<M"M? nt.aM? CURRENT ^CCOUNT^op'Unci-or iiog to the 01001 practice :t: boi"'pe°C::IIg:,r:1 g accoaow. Interest at the mv of a P., Mnt. tUow.d on th< minimum modwy Deposit! of Alo and up..rdl r?ivad at 4 per et. pr a..?. p,y.bi. at 14 d-Y., uotioe.. Subject to 3 mcalhl' notice of withd,.?al 05 per ?UL t „ » .f 12 'I  Intereat paH qutrterlr tree'of Incom* TM. M.B. Th. och Btn? ?h..M Dcpo»lt,.rs cm h.. f"' P,^pa! and !nt.r<.t paid out quart<,rb. ??., ??. flT83 &. WILLI .No, jpUMTfwFsEftSOWri habixi.V-wbw K FOREST, FRUIT, I A AU. OTHCN TREES & ° PLANTS, } EWMER?EKS?MSES, Lc, ? I NUB EIL  '•aKrasisr Priced CatatoRuea GN,tla &. Pod Free. DiCKSONS .uR?i.s. !| j (LnnTBD) dieatey. |{| HM?CH I NIS W I'U WN.. Moutsomersyhire. DOLO LLE Y Mehonethabire. NoM'MM. J f?LLdELI..CMntrvonahire. A8thma, Bronchitis, Inlfuenza, Colds, COG& and all Chest Dise"e& CONGREVE3 Balsamic in Elixir, M Fin"t ?'?t'« in <? ??-M. I t?tlM-1/lt. 2/9, and 4/6, of all iL;Igi?  3u" P::d:o;Inl Men, X X jMt PI blib.d, H-k for Y.-ng Men, x By Da. J. A. BARNES, M.D. iTT.8.), entitled » HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH," ON th* LAWS GOVERNI?o LIFF, and the CAUSES, ON Shp:: tndTBEATfEUT of <)?.M' c:: ing on Eihaosiion of Ni-r>ons Vitality, auch aa Nervona lleblllty, Mantnl and Physical Depression, Palpitation of ihe Heart, Noises in the Head and Kara, iDrteciaion, Impaired Slvht and Memory, Inligestion, Prostration, Igaaitnae, Depression of Spirits, Lou of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back, Ac., Sent poat fwe for 9 stamps; or br letter pOli 3 itamp* THE FEMALES' FRIEND AND ADVISER," Will be act to any address on recdpl of Two Stampa. Address-Da. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, London, W. 7698 T O m L 1 NI S 0 N C C?? r.roOTTERA I k Æ:fi.Ti1 ::Dd:J.18h W"I,FNJS,KT!THATWABD, LINCOLN. TOMLIN SON & C c?s BUTTER COLOUR than h. ret. A:telJ' Pun. tOec¡on.:)IlnL more ..Uer Bottle* .<iPih:r.= iM lOMLINS^lJ^ 0HATVr4^ED"uficOI,ir. 01 Oh.mi.t. -d G- I CURE FITSI AND TO PROVE IT fk X will GIVE A BOTTLE of my Remey tfo* Nothing, *o that Suffemr. .tunity of testing th. truth of what I furlessly state," Because: otben have rail to cure Yu is no reason why you should ?ontinue to suffer. Send *t ?n?'h'???E?t???REE'BS'?r?E'?f?cdicint. hco? you nothing forttm).Md)TM)HCUMtAddreM: Mr. H. U. HOOT, 21;, Endsleigh Gardens, Euston Read, LONDON, N.W ESTABLISHED IN 1836 FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRAUB. STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES (Trade ?<u:?M<T< Company Limited), 42, GBESMaM STREET, LONDO,E.O. AUBBCMNRB, BY OBTAINTNO TIHaLT INFOIUUTION, "?'SA? AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. IVJBY TttiDM SHOULD BUD STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, With which is issued a Supplement oootaining LISTS OF CREDITORS OHSBRN ALL THB IMPORTANT IPAMORNS. The Commeroiai Begiateri contain more than er SEVEN MILLION Entries. DEBTS RECOVERED PROMPTLY AND HANDED OVER TO SUBSCRIBERS TWICE A. WEEK. BRANCHES at Charles-street Chambers, Car- t) diff, Birmiiifcham, Bradford, Brighton, Bris- tol, Belfast, Cork, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, NewMBtte, Norwioh, Nottingham, Plymouth, Partomonth, Sheffield, and 53, Conduit Street, London, W. SUB Omena.-42, Castle Street, Swansea, Blackburn, Cambridge, Derby, Exeter, Glouoester, Grimsby, Hanley, Hoddersfleld, Hull, Ipswioh, Leioester, Limeriok, Londonderry, Middleaboro', Newport (Mon.), Northampton, Oxford, Preston, Reading, Southampton, Stookton-on. Toes, Sunder- land, Walsall, Waterford, Wolverhampton, Wor- oester, York. XIBMS— £ 1 Is, £ 2 Ss, £ 3 3s, £ 5 5s, according to requirements. PaospaoTus forwarded on application to any of the above Offioea. Mr Llewelyn Jones, A.C.O., Late Assistant Organist Bangor Cathedral, VISITS LLAWDUPNO WEEKLY. LESSONS given in Organ, Piano, Harmony, Jjj) and Counterpoint. SPECIAL TERMS FOR SCHOOLS. Apply- .BELLE TUE VILLA, GLODDAETH STREET. 8 2784J HODGETTS & WEISSBECK PRACTICAL WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS, OPTICIANS, &o., Melbourne House, Opposite the NEWSROOM, Mostyn Street, at RESPECTFULLY call attention to their large .11 and recently increased 8tock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, AND OPTICAL GOODS, which they offer at Prioas comparing favourably i ith any house in the Kingdom. AN INSPECTION INVITED. JLII kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Optical nd Electrical Goods Repaired on the Premises. First-class Workmanship Guaranteed. Agents for the Waterbury Watch Repairing De- .attment. n Any repair not to exceed 2s 6d. ,&dies' Silver Watches from tl 0 0 ents' ditto •• » 1 1 0 English Lover Watches a 2 0 Boys'Watohes •• » 0 7 6 12350 PRINTING PRINTING I THE NorthWales Chronicle Co. Ld. ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OF: ARTISTIC AND GENERAL PRINTING. Auctioneers' Printing EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. PARTICULARS OF SALE WITH OR WITHOUT PLANS. 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