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AMERICA. ODNARD LIE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM LIVERPOOL viA QUEENSTOWN. To NEW YoM. 1 G.Ilis St. Fb. I Anrania 'Slt. Feb. ?I Etruriik .St. Feb. 18 To BOSTON. I 1 Samaria..Thur. Feb. 2 P?oni&Thor.Feb.9 1 [ 8oythitt..Thar.Feb.M SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderaU fares tor FIRST and SECOND Class Passengers; also through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEA- LASD, and AUSTRALIA. STEERAGE.—Certain description of Steerage Passengers will be carried. For particulars apply to Local Agents. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, 8, Water-street, Liverpool. or to their agent, Richard Roberts, Old Post-offioe, Bethesda. 4738a AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. TT1IRST-CLASS, FULL -???- ???t J? POWERED IRON STEAM att&?S S tB?I ? SHIPS. Accommodation O^flSfiHSESlRr (or Passengers equal to any European Line. Second Cabin from X6 6s. Passengers and goods landed at Philadelphia on The Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This is the Shortest and Best Roots to the West. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, 4 Co4 19 and 22, WITIB-STBEIT, LIVERPOOL, or RICHARD ROBERTS, BETHESDA. H. J. WILLIAMS, 70, PBNYBBYN, RKTBIBDI. 4, INMAN LINE. ROYAL HAIL STEAMERS TO NEW YORK. ? TK?A?AND'?TER?ATIONAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. LIMITED. Fuoia LIVERPOOL EVBBY WEDNESDAY. Calling at Queenstown every Thursday. Moderate Saloon and Second Cabin Fare. Steerage Fare as low as by any other First Class Line. Through Booking to any part of the 8TA.TES or ,CANADA. including Manitoba and North and Sonth West Territory. Apply to RICHARDSON, RPKNCE and Co., 22, Water- street, Liverpool; or to Edward Jones, 173, High- street, Bangor; Hugh Hughes, 8, Market-row. Am. lwch H. J. Williams, 50, High-street, Bethesda; Hy. J. Williams, 66, Bryngwenith, Caellwvngrydd; J. R.Statin, Station-roadj Colwyn Bay W. Jones, Rose Ilill-street, Conway; Wm. Roberts, Station- master, Tregarth; 0. Jones, Old Post Office, Peny- groes. 60 LIFE! LIFE LIFE I Save Your Children from Death BY THAT TERRIBLE DISEASE CROUP. MANY THOUSANDS DIE ANNUALLY. ALL MAY BE SAVED BY GIVING THEM Mortimer's CROUP & COUGH MIXTURE In Time. Also a Valuable Remedy for WHOOPING COUGH, Coughs, Measles, Colds, Influenza. Sore Throats, Hoarseness, Diphtheria, Fever, and all Affections of the Chest and Lungs. PATRONISED by the Poblio for over 60 years. The following are a few from among THOUSANDS OF GENUINE TESTIMONIALS. The oiiginals may be seen at the Proprietor's any one doubtingtbeir genuineness may write to addresses given. From the-Rigbi Rev. the Lord Bishop of Swansea. DEAR SIB, Cur children frequently suffer from attaoks of Croop, and we have always found Morti- mer's Mixture a sure and safe remedy. My wife fays ehe would not for anything be without it in the huuse, Ilaviug bad experience of its beneficial -affects upon our ohildren, we gladly take every opportunity of recommending it to our friends.- Tours very trcly, J. SWANSM. iPenrhos, Newbam Road, Bedford. -SIB,—I received the thr..e bottles of Mortimer's Croup and Whooping Cough Mixture. Please send ine twelve more bottles, as my children have all 9A the Whooping Cough. I fDd it does 1,?em so miioh male good than nything else; in faot, I have cevor known it fail in Croup or Whooping Congh. Kiadiy send hy wtnin, and oblige, yours traly, A. RBzs, In IKXTTIEA, IS UD-AAD ,2s 9d e»<& sent by post to anv address. Prepared only by MORTIMER LIMITED, CARMARTHEN, SOUTH WALES. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendoea. Wholesale Agents W. BTITON &' Co., London. 7835c OWEN'S i "PH ERIN E." BECMTMMtD. THE MOST POWERFUL OF TOMCB PKERINE JL FOR NEEVOaaKESa. pHERINE X FOR OVER-TAXED BKAfV, PHERINE J. FOR DEBILITY. PHEiRlNE X FOR LOBS OF APPETITE, PHERJNE iT FOR LOSS OF ENERGY. PHERJNE JL FOR NEUBALQIA, PHERINE A FOR GENERAL WEAKNESS. J. BotÙN It lid and 20 9d eaih. If taken regularly according to directions it will -store the whole nervous system, bring back the lost vigour and poergy and restore the general health to its former condition, thus oausing life to be a pleasure instead of a burden. BioommnxD BY MEDICAL MEN. Try a bottle and prove its efficacy for yourselves. Bold by NEWBEET A SONS, and Stnoxa St SONS, London of all Chemists or by post (3d extra) from the proprietor, G. C. OWEN, 72, ARCHWAY ROAt), LONDON, N, Bewue of fraudulent imitations. I NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK LIMITED. BALANCE SHEET AT 31ST DECEMBER, 1892. LIABILITIES. z 0. D. Deposits, Current Account Bal- ances, &0. T, 420,005 17 8 Notss in Ciroulation 39,260 0 0 Drafts not exceeding 21 days' data 11,471 15 5 Acceptances and Credita under issue 148,280 12 4 Other items 73,755 11 9 Total liabilities to Pablic.. 7,632,773 17 2 NoTx.-This statement does not include the Bank's liability under the Baring guarantee. CAMTAL € B. P. Total subsoribed 2,400,000 0 0 Of which in reserve liability 1,800,000 0 0 paid up 600,000 0 0 RXSSBTK FCHD 400,000 0 0 UNDIVIDED PROMTS 20,102 7 7 1,020,102 7 7 ;EB,712,876 4 9 ASSETS. 9 S. D. Cash in band, at call or three days' notice 1,936,725 9 0 £ 888,152 8s lOd, 2i per cent. Con- sols ni 95. 843,744 16 5 India Stock at 95 and Preferetice Stocks of first-class English Railways at coat .» 430,976 6 6 Bills of Exchange 1,928,790 5 5 Advances to Customers, tainoortry Loans on Railway and other Shares, <Src 3,122,803 8 6 Aooeptanoes and Credits nnacoep- ted per contra 148,280 12 4 Bank Buildings-Head Office and branches. 132,413 7 7 Sums in transitu with Branches and Agents, and other items 169,141 19 0 EB,712,876 4 9 JOSEPH BEAUSIRE,") JOHN BIBBT, VDIRECTORS. R. MEREDITH JONES, HUGH B. PRICE, J R. MEREDITH JONES, LITEEPOOL MANAGER. We certify that the above Balance Sheet, in our opinion, is a full and fair Balaice Sheet, properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Company's aSaira, as shown by the Books of the Company, and that the Profits, as stated in the Profit and Loss Acoonnt, have been folly and fairly earned. HARMOOD BANNER & SON, 7986rj CEARTIBED ACCOUNTANTS. SALE! SALE! I SAL! THOMAS'S, LONDON HOUSE, BANGOR. THE GREAT YEARLY SALE COMMENCED ON FRIDAY. JANUARY 13,1893, AND WILL BE CONTINUED FOR A FEW DAYS. ENORMOUS SUCCESS. THE WHOLE OF THE WINTER STOCK WILL BE CLEARED AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. 7941a SPECIAL NOTICE. MESSRS BROWN, HOLMES & Co. gEG to announoe that from MONDAY, the 9th inst., uutil the end of January a Reduction of 3/- in the X will be made on all their WINTER STOCK of made-up MILLINERY, MANTLES, JACKETS (except Sealskins), COSTUMES. SKIRTS, DRESSING GOWNS, JERSEYS, FUR CAPES, and BOAS. A large number of UNMADE COMBINATION ROBES, in Silk and various materials, will be snbjeot to the same concession. This large reduction is made in order to reduoa their Stock previous io Stock-taking, which takes place on the 31st inst. MARRIAGE TROUSSEAUX AND OUTFITS. FUNERALS ECONOMICALLY ARRANGED. CHEIMIER, January 6tb, 1893. 7SJ TEA! TEA!! TEA! IN PERFECTION, WITHOUT DOUBT THE TEA OF THE DAY IS MATTA LOO LOO, FOR QUALITY, STRENGTH & PRICE, THIS TEA IS UNRIVALLED. MATTA LOO LOO 18 SOLD IN P Ac K E T S- No. I.-lbs., 1/7; Jibs., 9jd; J-lbs. 5d. No. 2.-lbs., 1/4; i-lbs., 8d J-lbs., 4d. ASK FOR THESE TEAS. TAKE NONE OTHER. SEE IOU GET "MATTA LOO LOO." Sold by J. T. Huanits, Acrfair; R. ROBERTS, Belle Vne Stores, Barmouth JUlES OWEN, Grooer, Beaumarim; Jon WMJAMS and G. E. GRATTAN, Blaenau Festiniog THOMAS DAVIBS, Priory Stores, Csrnarvon; WALTER OWEN, Flint; JOHN WILWAHS, 11, Water-street, W. G. OWEN, 49, Thomas-street, and T. Fizis, London-road, Hoiyhead D. HUGHES, Utioa HOUSE Holywell; J. W. GSLTFIIH, Gloddaeth- atrllet, Llandudno J. O. JOHSS, Bulkeley-square, Llangefni R. DAJWN JONES. Menai Bridge; EBSNEZKB ROBEBTS, Porcmadoc, &c., &e. 7717m ANALYSIS OF ) MUNSTER SAUCE. Chemical Laboratory, Town Hall, Bolton. October 25th, 1892. I have carefully analysed and examined a Bample of 'BOATE'S MUNSTER SAUCE." I find that it camtains no mineral ingredient whatever, except a email .quantity of common table salt. Its vegetable constituent are all of a perfectly harmless char- acter, whilst some of them are of considerable medioai value as stomachics and tonics. The condiment possesses a highly agreeable flavour, which eeotlnws to be appreciated by the palate even after prdœnged use, owing to the faot that none of the ineredkuts dominate in any marked degree. th J¡T'BiÛS&mB1ûdCret be a valuable addition to the luxuries ot the table. F. E. ADAMS, M.D., Fallow of the Chemical Society, Public Analyst for the County Borough of Bolton. Agent, Roberts and Co., 30, Lord-street, Liverpool. Proprietor, K. p, BMte, Cork. 7509u J. R. JONES (SUCCESSOR TO E. D. JONES), Bill Poster and Town Crier 4J THOMAS-STREET, HOLYHEAD NOTE.—All Or&rø punctutXy attended to, and do]W = tbo =A mwuabls terms, etc. NOW RE ADY.—THE FEBRUARY PART OF THE YOUNG LADIES' JOURNAL, The BEST JOURNAL for LADIES and FAMILIES. (SPECIAL COLOURED PLATE of the Utest P»rU F.hi. ° and F..?y-B.'] D,,?.. fr Ldi,d Children. C.I..r?d Sheei Hanging Basket, )n Crochet for Ferns. A GIGANTIC SUPPLEMENT with ti great Variety ,f Wi.t?, F.,hi.. Illustration!, a.d ;Utstpreik* :C:Rtëualff,"8 OUF P?eMt ?d Dreii for Little Girl from Six to Ten Years of Age Tricot Pelisae for Child from One to Two Years of Ajfo. Design for Work-heg, and Diagrams for Wall-pocket. The Commencement of a New 6tory, entitled-. "ONE WOMAN'S WRONG." The Continuation ef "AGAINST THE WORLD." Four Complete Stories. Special Article on Home Decoration. Music. Pastimes. Cookerf. Gratis Answers to Cerrespond- dents, Ac. Pricc Od, rost free la. including all the Supplement*. London; E. Harriwo galisbury Court F* lwt Street; and all Booksellers everywhere. 7617r To Gardeners and Florists. IF yon want t aret-olMa weekly gardening paper which oontains ctuy noand, practical, and aselal information on all subjects conneoted witii the garden and its management, and all ourreni llortioultuPIÜ news, read THE GARDENING WORLD which ia pabliahed every Friday morning PRICE Id. POST FREE lid. BOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS 17, CATHERINE-STREET, OOVENT QABDBN, E.O. 44 DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILOR, CATHEDRAL BUILDING S, BANGOR, Respectfully invites the attention of Sportsmen and Tourists to his Present Choice Stock of Highland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths, Standard. Patterns, and Invisible Shades t so well-known to every Sportsman for TfiUside Qpver.for Moor and Biver, Knicker-bocker Stockings, Hand-knitted, In Plain Colonrs, Heather Mixtures and Gairloch Checks. Also the Clarence Hose, Registered Design Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Caps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, Waterproof Coats, Capes, and] Rugs, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. Bobe and Cap Maker "bylAppointment "lto the University College of North Wales- PATTERNS AND PRICE LIST FREE. 305!&, GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT OWEN OWEN AND Co. GRAND SHOW OF Useful Articles Suitable for Xmas Presents, and NEW YEAR GIFTS. HUNDREDS OF HAT BRUSHES TO BE GIVEN AWAY. CLOTHING CLUBS AND CHARITIES SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. OWEN OWEN & CO., GENERAL DRAPERS, BANGOR. 7834c VALLANCE BROTHERS, MERCHANT TAILORS, MANTLE WAREHOUSEMEN and YOUTHS' OUTFITTERS, 300, High Street, Bangor. TAILORING DEPARTMENT, UNDER IEXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Always in Stock to Select from, a. Varied and Complete Assortment of HIGH CLASS SCO^OH' WOOLLENS, SERGES, &o., in Newest Designs and Shades. COMfiRiaOS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. GENTLEMEN WAITED UPON ON RECEIPT OF POST CARD. M A N T L B 8 THE LATEST NOVELTIES FOR THIS SEASON'S WEAR. EVERY STYLE REPRESENTED. 0 U T F I T T I iN G YOUTHS' AM) BOYS* SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. ONLY WELL KNOWN AND RELIABLE MAKES KEPT. 7942td 300, High Street, Bangor. JOSIAH HUGHES, IRONMONGER AND HARDWARE MERCHANT. 159 to 161, HIGH STREET, CASTLE HILL, BANGOR, IS Now fnliy Established in his New Premises, and can with Confidence invite all who are in want of HARDWARE of every Description to visit him. His Windows and Glass Cases are full of the most Useful and Ornamental Artioles in every Branch of the Trade, and have the great attraction of being New, and of the most Modcvn Construction. JOSIAH HUGHES pridiu himself upon having the most Convenient Premises, and most Attractive Stock in North Wales. CUTLERY ADD ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS of the Best Qualities. ORNAMENTAL POLISHED BRASS and BRONZE GOODS. FIELD and OPERA GLASSES. TELESCOPES, READING GLASSES, &0. BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, and CLOCKS a Choice Selection. GLOARSNSAEMS, ENTAL CFFINA VASES and PEDESTALS. JAPANESE VASES, JUGS, &o., in Great Variety, and Greatly Reduced Prices. Ornamental Oak and Waitat Cabinets, Inks, Coal Vases, Hat and Umbrella Stands, &0. Sole Agent for the NORTON DOOR CHECK and BfRING," which prevents slamming and effectually closes door The Best House In the City for WEDDING, CHRISTMAS, and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. Also-the beet place for Agricultural Implemputs of all kinds. Kiiohen Ranges, Stoves, Grates, Boilers, Fenders, Fire Irons, Bedsteads, Bedding, &O. A very extensive Stock of LAMPS, by all the Best Makers, in every variety of design, material, and workmanship, consisting of Brass, Bronze and Bohemian Vases, Pillar, Bracket, Suspending, and Hall Lamps, all at greatly reduced prices. Gas Brackets, Pillars, Chandeliers, Pendants and Hall Lanterns, Josua HUGHES is also noted for the superiority of his BURNING OILS, consisting of Water White, White Rose, Royal Daylight. Benzolene, &o. OILS, PAINTS, VARN) SEES, te. Sole Agent for Peacock and Buchan's Patent Paints; Sole Agent for R. D. Woolfall's Liquid Paints; Agent for Aspinall's and Blundell's Enamel Paints. JOSIAH HUGHES'S Workshops and Smithy are constantly Employed upon Speoial Work to Order, and General Repairs. Most Efficient Workmen in Every Branch. ESTABLISHED 26 YEARS. 7760td ESTABLISHED 1849. ROBT. PRICHARD & SON GENERAL IRONMONGERS & HARDWARE MERCHANTS, "JTHE GOLDEN PADLOCK," BANGOR. LOWEST PRICES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF IRONMONGERY AND HARDWARE GOODS. ? 7 o 774O LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE, Purehaaara should see that every Bottle of the Original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE Bears the Signature-thus < # I Sold Wholesah by th Proprietors, Worctster; Crosse and Blackwell, London; Retail Everywhere. 249w BREAKFAST-SLYPPER. E P P S'S GRATEFUL-COMPORTING. C 0 C 0 A BOILING WATER OR MILK. GRIFFITH DAVIES, PRINCIPAL BILLPOSTER kzid DISTRIBUTOR, 23, UNION-STREET (off High-street;, BANGOR. FSTING Station* in all the principal puts of 1. the City. JARVIS & FOSTER. PRINTERS, STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS. BOOKBINDERS. LORNE HOUSE, Bangor. 7682o WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, French Polishers, and Undertakers, w 155, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. WE. & S. BEG t- inform the PcBuc that they ?a Manu:ac:mng FURNITURE ot every W. DESCRIPTION on the PREMISES at the most REASONABLE PBICM. DINING ROOM SUITES, DRAWING ROOM SUITES, AND BEDROOM SUITES, I isATHER BEDS HAIF, WeOL, AND FLOCK MATTRESSES, all Puri?ed, Clean, a?(! Sweet Matenala. DINING ROO-U WOOL, AND FLOCK MATTRESSES RE-DRESSED (by PATANT MACHiNBM) AND OLD HAIR, WOOL RE-MADE FQUAL TO NEW. OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Every Description of Window Blinds, Cornices, &c., &c., made to ONDBR. Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, &c., always in STOCK. 6435 THE DRIGIHAL DIe K S ULD ESTABLISHED NEW AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. THOUSANDS OF PAIRS TO SELECT FROM. ALL GOOD LEATHER, AND GUARANTEED TO WEAR WELL. ONE FAOT IS WORTH A THOUSAND ARGUMENTS. I Walking Boots, Scooting Boots, Workmen's Boots, School Boots « Ladies' & Gents' Shoes in all the Best Makes & Newest Styles. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN S AND NURSERY BOOTS FIRST-CLASS HAND-SEWN BOOTS—STERLING VALUE. SPECIAL GOODS MADE TO MEASURE. REPAIRS DONE ON THE PREMISES WITH BEST LEATHER AT LOW PRIC23- THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE PRINCIPALITY. SHOPS IN ALL THE IMPORTANT TOWNS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AGENTS FOR BR, JAEGER'S SAMITARY BOOTS AND SHOES. AGENTS FOR DR, JAEGER':) SANITARY BOOTS AND SHOES. LOCAL BRANCHES— 217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, 7, Bridge-St. and 3 Palace-St., Carnarvon. 30, Market-street, Holyhead, High-street, Pwllheli. 403 HIGH CLASS TAILORING. -:0:- 213, HIGH-STREET (near Market Hall), BANGOR. J. W. ROBERTS (Late Cutter at 1, Neville-street, Southport). -:0:- FIT, STYLE, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Satisfaction can and is only given by very few Houses in the Kingdom. Prioa List on Application. Terms, READY CASH ONLY. J. W. ROBERTS will visit any part of North Wales on Receipt of PoEt Card. 7776fw LAMPS! LAMPS!! LAMPS! HAVING again purchased a LARGE and SPLENDID COLLECTION of NEW LAMPS for the H Season, W. F. W. & COMPY. have great pleisnre in drawing the attention of the Publio to their Special Show of the LATEST and MOST IMPROVED LAMPS manufactured. Postlethwaite's Patent Duplex Lamps. SAFE, ECONOMICAL, ARTISTIC is DESIGN, AND UNRIVALLED 1'011 BRILLIANCY op LIGHT These Lamps have proved a Great Success, and are undoubtedly the best Duplex Burners evtr invented. Hink's, Wright & Butler's, Rowa t's, Defries, The Wanzer," AND OTHER WELL-K'OWN MAKERS. RIPPINGILE'S PATENT WARMING OIL STOVES, in various Designs. METAL FIRE and FIRE CLAY BALL GAS STOVES supplied and fitted up by Practical Workmen. WICKS, CHIMNEYS, GLOBES of every Description for Lamps, and also for Gas. The well-known Brand White Rose" Petroleum Oil, which is the beet refined Petroleum produced, being Odourless, Colourless, and diffuses the most brilliant Light. WF. W. & COMPY. also wiahto call the attention of the Ciewy and others to their CHUHCH W. LAMPS of Wrought Iron aud Copper, which are dMi?ned by them at their own Office and manufactured epecially for them by a firm of Ornamental Wrought Iron Workers in Birmingham. Several Churches in the neighbourhood have "Ireariy been supplied, which have been muoh admired and oommented upon. Quotations accompanied with any of these designs will be sent on application. Prospectuses and Quotations also for Heating Churches and other Public Buildings on De.Riddee Improved System, whioh has been a great snooess. NOTE THE ADDRESS:- The OLD IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT, Opposite the Market Hall. W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS & COMPANY, General and Furnishing Ironmongers, and Agricultural Implement Depot, 224, 226, 228, High-street, Bangor. 6356t MRS M. A. CROOKS, HIGH-CLASS FAMILY BOOT MAKER, 222, HIGH-STREET, BAN GOB, IS now Showing a Fashionable and Extensive Stock of ew SEASON'S GOODS, suitable for present wear. Special Attention to Hand-sewn Work and Repairs. 7350 — — — — D I N N E F 0 R D' The beat ..edy for &old?! DINNEFORD'b ??a:?Jb.rn, H. ache, Gout and IndigeWon and saft apMient lot deumto Oonstt: A tations, LadiM, Children, mi MAGNESIA. Infants. I*AI"- Vhildren. ant BOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD: CAUTZOS-808 that DWHBFOBIi <• CO." ú fit Outit Bottle and Label 78S5