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03, MAMMA, WE'BE GOING INTO THE CASE!" The little girl stood on the seat of a first-class compartment on the London underground railway, lookmg oat of the window. The writer of them lines eat on the opposite seat watching the child, who was taking huge delight in what she eaw and heard at tbe sta ion wber she and her mother entered the coach. Presently the train started, pa8Pd through an open @pace or two, then ptae?ed into tbe tanael. As all out iiin ojoGe raniabod, and the window became a mirror in which ,be could see nothing but the dim liues of ber own tiweet face, th-i little one oaddled down to bar mother's side, and said, with a now of anxiety in her voioe, "Ok mamma, we're going i to the dark t I don't like the dark, do you 1" .e No, dear," answered the mother, ber words being accentuated by the mourning dress she ware; e, no, dear, nobady liles the dark, boit we shall sea tha light again at the next station." There's nothing in tb»t," do yoa say ? Possi- bly you have followed the aan aroand the etrth aed never been in the dark. It that is the oast, this trifling incident aboat the child in the ta uef has no significance for yoa. But It goes straight to the hearts of moat of its, for we are m'n and women who have known what it is to wiit long for a mornincr that has been slow, no <-1 >w, to come. I have before me a woman's letter, in which she te'ls the simple story of aa illness. •'Al my life," Ahe I have been subj -et to racking head- sbe and bilioaa sickness. Almost every week I aches and wonld have an attack, with a dreadful pain at the temples and a weight over the eye', so that I could scarce see. Multitudes o! women will und;r»tind this. These tormenting headaches, sccompaniMl aa they commonly sre, with great nervous prwtration and distress of mind, bave ofien driven good women to despair, and not i -frequently to 8l1iC;dt!l. 11 it going into the dark, indeed. She oinlitaes: At these timst I fell so dizzy tha I was obliged to lie on the ooaoh oonstantjy. and but for the necessity of caring for my family, should have been confined to my bed. In the morning in particular my mouth tasted bWJy-a disgusting metallic taste that often made ma ehiver with tho loathing I bad for it. With this there wool 1 be a tbick, tenacious phlegm or mascas which I rinsed out as well as I ooald with wow. t ate next to nothing, because I had no desire for food, no appetite. Still I took something, of course, to sustain life, yet even that often made 10" 80 sick that I threw it op again Now, the faot that this lady's experience is the experience of millions doesn't mak. it any easier to be ir in the case of an individnal, does" t Wh n yon burn yoar fingers at the fire tbe pain I n't a bit the le$3 beoause it is an e»ery.1ay occurrence with somebody. D-iatb comas to Me hamaii biing every second, yet death remains a terror to all, and will, until there is not a breath- ing man or woman in the world. Yoa admit this. Well, then. read the rest of the letter. At times," saya the wnter. c. I threw up a qnanity of green flaid. and had a he ivy, dull.sinking pain in the right side. Aft *r every nuicosaivj attack I telt still more "k, languid, and tired, and had an icoreaUng difficulty in g^ttin^ about. This in substance was my oondiriaa fyars, during which time I underwent mpdioal treatment aid also took many medicines that were r.C3M- mended to me but i:lr. worse in apite of all. "Oaed yinApn). 1893. I bapoet"d to read in a pamphlet of a case like my own having be-in cured by Mother Seigel's Syrup. All the avm ltoon ware 80 fully described that I felt, very nopefnl, and pmcared a bottle of the medic os from Mr John Beckett, the ohemiB", at Monkgate, and fter taking it but a short time, to my surprise 80j i -y tna headache and sickness left me, and I n ?ver felt to well. It wAs like ooming into lb- davl dl" tf-er a tedious night.—(Signed) ELIZI WARR, 65, Newborn' Street, York. April 23rd, 1891." The ailment which so long destroyed this wvoari'g hetlth and happiness was indieihin and dyspepsia, from which, sad to Say. v ry few of her sex are free. Imtgine the bulk or mast of suffering they endare, with its evil consd jiiencs psrvadiog all their relation s with others. Why mtv not the remedy wbioh oured her do tht eame for &I! her pain-str;ckeo sisterhood f It W ill, it will and i. d ing it daily. It belps tbem oot of the dark tu one! of disease into the brightness of health and natural uaefalneM and "lIj lymeet
