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THE DRAXNAGEOP LLANDUDNO. I [TO TBII EDITOR.] SIR,—Onr attention has only ist bean oalled to a raoapb in your issue of tbe 10,h i(Jst., nnder the E:%ding of Llandndno Occasional Notee." in which reforsucci is made to statements made in conversa- tion with Dr. James Nicol by an eminent engineer from London." It is to be regretted that Dr. Nicol has not, Riven the name ot his authority, and that he should have circulated statements of this natart on the authority of one who appears to have been a stranger to him. The publio will do well to await the name of the eminent engineer" before attaching the importance to his statement Dr. Nicol appears to I do. As to the partiontar statement that in several places where the pneumatto system bas been oarried out it has had eventually to be discontinued by reason of the pollution of tbe atmosphere," <&c. The following is a list of the towns where the Shone System has been adopted and is in operation: -East bourne, Warrington, Southampton, Mex- borongb, Kenton, Staffs., Henley-on-Thames, Beaumaris, Campos, Brazil, Darlaston, Btaffs., Wednesbury, do, Lowestoft, Aldershot, Heston and Itlewortb, Rangoon, Burma, Haverhill, Hampton Wick, Town of Lake, Chicago, Shirley and Free- mantle, Southampton, Rogers Park, Chicago, Teddington, Preston, Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro, Wallingford, Winona, Minnesota, Hastings, and works are now in progreasin a number or other towns, inclading LlanNirfeohan. The system is also in use in a large Dumber of buildir.118 such as the Houses ot Parliament and National Liberal Club, in London the Slaughter Houses, Moscow Chamber of Commeroe, Chioago and many others, both at home aud abroad. We have given the above list of plaoes where the system is in operation in order tllat" eminentengin eer," or anybody elBe, may say in which of tbem tbe sy' stem has had to be discontinued. Similar assertions were made by Mr Baldwin Latham some time ago to the Bombay Municipality, and among others to Mr S. B. Doig, the sanitary engineer to tbe Bonibay Presidency, who was deputed by tbe Government to investigate the truth of these statements. The result of Mr Doig's investigation Is given in the accompanying reenmi of his report which appeared in the Sanitary Record of December let. In this Mr Doig states that tbe prinoipal objections nrged by Mr B. Latham against the system were (a) That the smell of the exhaust air from tbe ejeotors was most offensive in consequence of its contaot with the sewage while under pressure. (b) That the noise made by the ejectors, when dis- charging, was liable to frighten horses passing in tbe street, and thus might be the cause of serious acoidents. (e) Tbat, owing to the faulty design of tbe ejectors, they were not reliable, and tbat sewage and air were as likely as not to escape the wrong way, and cause serious damage to tbe gravitating sewers, (d) That the initial oost was enormous. (e) That the annual ooet of mainten- ance was also excessive. As regards the first objection, Mr Doig states that on plaotng his head almost inside the manhole dur- ing successive discharges of the exhaust, the smell was not offensively bad. As regards the seoond objection, be states that he found the ejeotors work. ing practically, and in summing up the result, be 8 11 all praotioally none" noiselessly. With reference to the third objeotion, he atatas th at tbe e jwtors bave \,ror perfectly reliable fbere bave bMo 26 daily IU work during the )<nt two years, and they have never given the slightest trouble." The other objections he dispogenot equally satisfactorily, and he adds: As to the final result of my inspec- tion, I have no hesitation in Baying that I consider the Shone drainage system, when oombined with effioient house oonnections, to be as near perfection as possible from a sanitary point of view, and that it is diffloult to conoeive how a more simple, reli- able, and sanitary arrangement for tbe quick dis- posal of sewage oan be proposed than the Shone ejector." As to the "deterioration of public health," in the municipal report of Rangoon for 1891-92, under the bead of Health, vaccination, sanitation, and hospital," the follo.IDIC appar8 :It i. Bltlef.olory to be able at last to report that the health of Ran- goon, which had been steadily getting worse year by year, has improved, and Is still improving. The death-rate for the offloial year 1891-92, waB.3550 par mills per annum, as against 40'25 per mille per aoanm ID 1890-91;" and "Tbe extension of the bone system to Pazoondoung, near tbe Seven Tanks, enables the committee to undertake scaveng- ing operations in this oirols, with the result that the death-rate decreased from 38*23 to 3062 per mille per aonum." The Governor in Gonncil has recorded the follow. iog resolution" The Goveroorin Connoil has read Mr Doig's valuable and oomprehensive report with great iatareet, and considers that it will be of get Msintanoe to all bodiee and professional persons desirous ot studying the drainage question in cities aud Omms. 'I To every impartial mind Mr Doig's report will oarry oonviotion, and we wonld recommend those of your reader* who are interested to the report itself, whioh, it wiU be found, oonclosively dE of the statements made by Dr. Niooi's newly found etudnMrinil friondL-We are, &0.. HtTGR. AND LANCASTER; I


