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ONLY A FIDDLER. I LBY B- 0-1 "Why Hut-m climb th. Alyiie 1D08O'&I. sides To Bad tha seat wken liu-moay r"¡ M' Why loach ws Dot soft the i I., lute, Tbø ehsartul hintboy, aDd the mellow fit.? 'lis Dot th' Italian clime Iniprsves thn noanit. Bat there the pstrjos of her nuu aN foaad." The people of Anglesey are Dot credited with muob idea ot mosio; they are indeed looked down npon for the want of anything like discriminating taste in their selecticn, as well as ability iu render- ing oorreotly tbe ver,y limited number of tunes sang among them This imay be accounted for when we consider the very few centres that oould be pos- sibly fixed apon for practiainc, and tbe absence of any works calculated to bring together a large and settled population in one place snob u are met with in the quarry distriote of the opposite County of Carnarvon. Were it not for these drawbaoks to a display of their bent jast at the present, tbe national liking for music throughout Wales is muoh the same-lu Anglesey aij everywhere else. There may be other infiaenoes, or more cotreotly, other influences may have contributed to the outward show of their pataion for mosio in the past, which, however, have long sinoe subsided, as formerly almost every village or district had its bu!'8 band, and its family of harpers or fiddlers. And it was no uncommon thing to see the oroheatra perohed high above the heals of the congregation in a oorner of the pariih churoh, from whenoe they led the siug- ing with their Addles, bass-viols, and clarionets; or, where there was a gallery, oocupyipg a prominent place amoog the oboir. They were generally the same who played at the wakes and parish festivals, and marched proadly behind their brazen pipes in front of (he annual procession of tbe more modern olub- strapping young men whose bow-stroke from sheer strength of wrist was appalling in its intensity, and whose langa preoladed the possibility of anything like an uncertain sound. Muio runs in families." Some maintain that this truism, like many an other old times' saying, is no longer tros—That the orava for higher edaoation, and a kuowledge of the whole cirale of the sciences, has swept away all saob oli-fashioued notions. Bat eltboagh no yoang girl's edacation is now-a- days considered finished, without, at IlIat, a quarter on tbe piano"—reducing all to one dead level otattaiumeuse-theoretioally still, in prac- tice, it will always be the same-" music runs iu families." And in oar Welsh towns some families were fonder of iascramsntal masio, whils otbers were all pro- ficient vocalists; it was seldom that both went together. And the former very often made their J own instruments. There was a family in Radnor- shire who made their own ciarionets. There were several brothers of them, and all played oil bnt the sweet, mellow sonud of their pipes was attri- buted as muob to the nice adjustment of tbe reed as to their skill as players. Another fam,ly, of harpists, living among tbe Berwyn mountains, also made their instruments. Their last harp was never oomplflted. Tbe old home was broken up, the different members of the family were soattered here aud there over the country, and in moving oat, one of the sons oarried the half finished harp away with him. But besides these hearth choirs, and village bands, whose liking for mnsio was merely a giving way to tbeirnalooal bent,and was praotiaed for amusement, and to fill up time that otherwise might hang heavily on their hands, there was another kind of musician who went about playing at fairs and parish wakes, or any other merry-making that night be on at the tian. The wedding was always provided with one or more of these strolling nasioians, according to the popularity of the house -where it was held and sometimes they formed Ian imposing orohsstra of fiddlers and harpists, and all each gatherings were rounded off witb a dance. It may appear strange that the love of a fling had such hold on tbe Welsh that long after religious revivals had'set in, and open-air preaching meetings brought people from all parts together, even the most eloquent address oould not restrain the younger peiplrt, if they bad a chanoe, from extem- porising a danoe. There are those now living who have helped to form a set, or have whirled through the mazes of a country danoe in one part of the Held, wbile the m re sober-minded and staid listened witb wrapt attention to the oreaoher ia the other- aDd thought it no barm. While part of the com- pany danoed the others produced the masio, tbe young men whistling, and the girls humming and erooning the tune. Welshmen were noted for their sprightly appear- ance. their agility, and profioiency in all manly and athletic (parte, and Ortetius, writing from the Continent about the year 1560, alludes to the curious laol that at that time all the considerable eourts of Xarope had men of Celtic blood at the head of Hie different departments in their households, for that reason, as well as for their qniet and exclusive bearing towards their inferiors. An Anglesey min danced so euoerbly and with such grace as to capti- vate a queen. The stolid deportment of the Provinoals, who crowded the "ourt of her son, waned before the faaoiuating antics of the Dumb Welshman." He oapered on to the steps ot tbe throne which his grandson, Henry of Richmond, ascended, and which has been oooupied ever sinoe by his detoond-age. 11 While Owen, witb others, was dancing with Queen Catherine, his knee happened to touch ber. He tied a ribbon about his knee. I Why do you use that ribbon, sir?' Please yonr Grace, to avoid toaobing you.' Andsooom. menced an acquaintance of lifelong duration. A oon. temporary obronirle saya "The whiohe Oweyn badde privyly wedded the Qieen Katerine, and hadde iij or iiij chyldren be here unwetyng the oommon peple tyl that sohe were ded and beryed." And the fngoMsbv Logende.among the cogitations of the mooni-truok Mr David Pryoe has O'tr (ell and o'er feD, over mountain and glen, All blight in the moonshine his ryet roved, and then All tb. rose to his joul, and he thought UpoD Wl,, and hn (lories, ..d.11 h.'d be.. t..Sht 0 ur ??, b, ?f old, s. br. -d bid- 01 her O'rds with lent heard*, and harpi mounted in COld; Of King E 'ward the first, ot aemrij accurst And the tosodaiou. oaanaer in which he bebne.1, Killi.g poete b, doius, with ftiefr .-I.d Q() ullol, Of wb..m not one in ftftr had ever been ahoved- Of the Court b.11. t -I.ih by a luck, 'abh.p, 0_. l?,1. f.n 'n'" ,a.- K.th.ri. I.P; And b ,w M, Tuder luioeaafally woo'd her Till the Dovolmr pat on a new wedding ring. A%d m made hrn t»thn-lD-law to the atog. No wonder that the minstrel was always a wel- come guest among suoh a people. Even as he passed along the road at harvest time, a few atrokss of his bow could sot the reapers a-oapering. 01 a summer's evening, when they resorted to the village or croo-rod public-house to hear the Chapman's news of the doings abroad, and to talk of the market over their beer, or the yoanger men to join in the spcfrts-if tbe fiddler or harpist happened to be there, young and old were always ready for a romp, and they all danced away as long as the mafic lasted or the gathering darkness put a stop to their merriment. A few pence dropped into the hat carried round by one of tbe young men was the 0dL or's Day: and in this way these etllinj( players managed to piok up a living. At beat is was but a precarioai one and first from oboioe, then after- Wards from continually (Msmg from one EOSoe of mirth and gaiety to another, their liking for the We and associations begat a careless, happy-go- fccky disposition peculiar to the whole fraternity. Tbay lived all in the present, from band to mouth, and soareely ever thought of the morrow. The raes, however, have all died out long since in Anglesey, and some may think it a pity too, on aoeonnt of the healthy contrast tbey wonld present now to the feverish intensity and earnestness of everything associated with the life especially of the Working man. The last family of tb&w native minstrels was the Hoghraes of Uetty. The father, son. grandfather, and gmt-grandfather-tbay were all fiddlers. Their home was an old thatched house, Which has been polled down long ago. It stood a short distance from the road, on the risht-hand idde, and on the top of the batik, lead ng from the Mall hamlet of Sling to Llanfaes, end about three ailsa from Beaumaris. The cottage consisted of a large kitchen and "sbamber." The fire-plaoe fronted She door, and partook of the true character of pen tan II.L. massive beem of oak, above wbioh was the mantleahalf supported by squally massive posta, the wbole coming oat some yards into the loom, and forming a 001) nook to all ID. the sides ^nH furnished with seats for that purpose. This VU really the family beartb. There to a good old Walsh saying, and very ex ren[To as illustrating tfae intimate association of these structures with the bone life of ths lamily-" øpeak to the posts for tile health to bear" In this roeofe were bnog at Lletty several instruments indioative of the family calling wrapped up 10 pieoee of o!otb or flannel. Oae oM fiddle was especially oared for, being iadosod ia a chick greea baise biW. It was a fine-toned and peocllarly mellow instrument, and was only brought oat on state oooeowoo--a sort at heirloom—and valued more than all the rent put together. And on it* fete and that of Its owner ahop my t" Hugh Hughes-" the last of the bards was be. was a thiok-set, dark oompWxiuned little man. He was a flue player, and on that aooouut-, as well as for his amiable aud genial disposition he .&s much rupeoted. It there was Mythini! to com- plain of, it was his too exacting demands for pay- ment. To keep him in good humour the hat had to be passed round pretty often. He was as well very niae in his ideas of propriety, and would stop playing direotly any roughness or rude bjbaviour was attempted. Another weakness-he was very frightened of the dark, and would never stay out late unless a bed were provided for him; nor would he tarn up if some of the young men who had to go his way did not promise to ssnd him bomo. But when pleased, and his fussy little fads were soothed down, no one oould produce sweeter or livelier music than old Hagh, and a fair or wedding, or wake, never went off well without him. Whitsun ales were dyiDg out. The last one celebrated in these parts was in the village ot LiandeRfan. The dancing was carried on at Ty'n Llan, in front of the publio house, and that is now about seventy years ago still there are many old people living who were present on the oooasion. Neither were the anniversaries of the several saints to whom the different parish ohnrobes were dedi- cated ob3erved as formerly, and weddings and baptisms were less convivial Katherings than those of earlier date. A change was oreepiug over the minds of the people, and leading their fancies to other things than the old customs which hud prescribed holidays and suggested their pastimes and sports. Between forty and fifty years ago the flow of the temperance tide, which afterwards swept over the land, began to be felt in Anglesey. Benefit clubs had long before attracted attention, and as a two- fold bleasing mat oaloulated to accrue from a sooiety formed on the lines of teetotalism, those who signed the pledge were enrolled also as members of the Reohabite Clubs. Halls ware built for the accommodation of members, to hold their meetings, so as to be out of the reach of the baBeful influence of the public-bouse. And evary means that oould be devised to make the scheme a success were taxed, in the shape of lectures and popular entertainmento, while all coanter attrac- tions were oried down and denonnotd.-The old Welsh ballads were sinful ribaldry; dancing, if possible, something vroroo while the fildle was proclaimed an instrument of the devil. Hugh Hughes, although BOW an old man, had not lost any of bis Lkill-his fingers bad not forgotten their cunning, while bis violin became sweeter toned and more mellow every day. Not all the lectnring and the most gloomy forecast of the end In certain misery oould restrain the younger people from now and again joining in a daco". And sinoe oonviction could not reach their tiokle minds, the Reohabites det-irmined to take away the means for indulging in their besetting sin. Tbey set about devising bow to obtain possession of the fiddle, and th B they pro- posed to do by offering its owner a donkey and cart in its stead. The old man was approached, and the bargain struck, Th-ir representations, and the oontinued diu of the erU of which be was the root, had begun to tell on bis mind. It was agreed that their part of the oontraot should be made good directly they became owners of the wioked, Bin- instigating old instrument. The oontraot was made in all faith on the part of tbe fHdler, especially M he had to deal with some of the leading man of the neighbourhood. The honesty of the innooent old man would not permit him to barboir any suspicion in the matter, anJ he delivered up the offending instrument. Directly these gentlemen got, the enemy into their hands they proclaimed a great burning to taka place on a certain day. The faggots were piled high, and the fiddle placed on the top. A light was then struck, and the whole pyre blazed up, and was oon- somed amid the shouts and mad execrations of the exoited crowd. They burnt the fiddle, and left the old man to starve. Their savage notions oould oily extend to the instrument. But when its owner asked them to fulfil their part of the agreement they laughed him to soorn as a oonfiding dolt, and an incorrigible old sinner who had been rightly punished,



