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DO YOU SUFFER FROM HE&RT 8uaN, pMWMNK?a. OR ACIDITY m Ta. BTOttACBaMtNI, FBO.TKY GWILYM EVANS* BITTERS. GWlLYH EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVAN8' BITTERS. vtow the ame caue fcriM Biljomowi Mid Htadaclis. By easeful diet, moderate and the WIlt 01 QUININE BITTERS The most dlffleuU -4 obstinate rassa of Iadigsstton in it4 wont forma hare beø. cured. ?t <t? _u-Ho wa, to ksep o»n«MSp0"* by taw-it .go?d -d .tbl. T..I.oh a. IOWILYN EVANS' QUININE. BITTERS. GWILY. EVANS- QOININE BITTERS. GWILUI EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Th. 'MMt et th. MMtM fbi. '? Melicin* TtoDaraUen i. that it *<"< ?' dig.ti?. rR. =I.=.d to thir I h<?thy -.ditin. OWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. OWILYM EVANS' BITTBRS. sod the following wonderful testimony of FitlalSe Silffarlois relieve* t TJWILYM EVANS' quinine BITTERS I 11NDIGEB t TION. f GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERB BOB INDIGES- TION. Hope Hall, ..tll,"e,  Carn*TTOD«Wr«. Nir. I '«! that I *m aad<r<rMt per?M) obligatim-s to JOU m the <ti»coT«*r or the ?<n?rtdKtot.?ed?ot?!"KB[T<[?f<. To it I owe rMtor*tto<. "I bo.lUy h?t" and Itr'n¡th when all oth.rrem.di.a .d doctor# b.4 t.il d to *We me any La.Un¡ Bn,fit. 'ew men have lutr. mON tban I line d?°?d??)yt'MC<tbtb«tt«euM <)uo? w 14 onm)Mf<t o- hOp.1 ,à :i'd foild;;i yoartnttfutMe? tM.?T. Iw..c..p.)?' to be v' rJ <-?' to -htt food I p*.t ok -VI '??'T thiet 1 ate R^eo>« t?-Mt P*'r'- ? "<Mh; waa (tisWT.'ied wfch wiud, pressed "pon 'he other xiwt orgMt o.yt tht bo?-?M?M 6e ?D){.. 'i'M..nd hrt, "poo the <u'a)ti .< of ?h(- -e prop.r b.ditv h?'th. co?'n't. atreoglh rMM- ..ht/ O.P.Bd.. So tM*tw" this > isteodon | at timM Ibat I oMen 'e'red 07 h?rt ?..Id I.? b.?.to.r. IMt -?' di.- kf. .d 1'?? "P8Ù a wotd tu pHbHc. fd I felt I m'gM at anr moment fall d d. Mr b?'h<"t eu?t fpid. and w?k while '?" -T h?rt b?t ?) I.dl7 1h.t .?pi. wi eat ?'° th..ith me could plainly h., it M, )ife w.«t harden to me Md troabtt ,f Mtitty t. other* In ibis unhappy oon- d'tiou I -M pmutOtd to trT your QUININE Btrr.M. th B«h from ai' ,xp",i-C" .1 b?r r-mfd'M. wWrh I h«d t:i«l i'?*l°? WvH'tt.Mthtntht. ?""dy. I rld a 94 bit[ I hd d-l-hd t.kin thhIfett?xA d.id?d ?h.,?g- for tb?, b.?,?r Ib.tl r?dily.bt .nother 41 W b?K ?h ? m-?' ?*? S,"?tt?y Now I •Iron* and he*itliT—perfectly healthy ma MY. been M "ntti no .ttonf.r in mInd .n"'in bod, th.n I have b*en f? Y. prevjoaBly, »o<l 'bit at a otont?toM. i)inMt?h<n I b. mtn?ed it tu dar?* o' otb.m. *ad I bave n-*er ?'t i7.i,. l.,i, trial -w?ttib..t..dt !ot ? ?.,Atd 'b .ri t -d p?tMU? satiBled witloi+- E.W.J.?. GWILYN EVANS' BITTERS. "WILDt EVANS' BITTERS. 1IUIDLt. of imell iwtetoie of the»e Bitten thTonghnut \be emmuy ia one 0' the of their Ürtoe, lmit. lb. 18 the 8lnCt'reø form 01 .to"N 1)0 not be penoaded to tall. Py bt ü- Imltat{, III, are oœ.red under but wblch are IDûrdY 01 th, thil _ow.eII Mpmtion. pwrnYTtviSS- QUININE BITTERS. BE CAREFUL. 8M that the Btme. 'GW^ KTMi?aixino Bitten," i«c* 8oW by Ce»ht, 10 k»M« It to Vd doi?ble oi.e, U M, eDOtaiolng t, ree 6d  at 12. 01 p.' c-, .1. ,.ntcMTi?epMdfofthet?'<pnoot<. -y MMnM by the Pioprletara. QUININE BITTERS' MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOU T H WALES. American Depdt:—Mr R. D. WILLIAMS, Pbarmaoiet, Plymouth, Penn. 6804rj LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG ,LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG XUNG S A Vg YOVB LTVE8 BY TAKING OW BRIDGE S LUNG TONIC THE MIGHTY HEALER. It h? a pofr<"<t diw? hitherto an- ta "d AwVouuilW«»k-ohe»t»d. or..? to be c<'McmpHM. -ith J"M* touch of "jlh noW and tb.. ?''Mi??L M?.tn. T" Cou<h -d w'?'.M* "?' ?PP* "y m?ic.Md ?u ii, f.1 .?MM<thMd peooer you never had before. HAVE YOU A COUGH? A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. HAVE YOU A COLD ? A DOSE AT BEUTIME WILL REMOVE IT. Bronchitis and Aathma It reHevee inataotly. Tbo SM<mt of Cott<hh?, to dmdful ia Whcoti? CM' '??"' 1- each dOMOftbtmfdifM. do :?l.uff.d with a eo, b..d..db..t toM.??"?'?'?" with '? "08& I' D. and svmptoma ofL"o, oongvi- II io voh e liai loot ri?, and p.-I. ?'? the lUhteet .sel1ieD of th. chMt.nd thrM' X' ?Mt ?'B. I bd tn.d t-e cr theee-reoediee without .??.hen I f MM adTaitisement. I tried ?onr Lm)t :¡c,d; :¡'j: 1 wM Mtoc'?'ed tt the r'M't. Aft.,tW?bul. I e<P" reco'er d. r. W. nll.AX, ThMtMRe?.H'M", XMM tBth,MM" -p,d by W. T O?BMMt.Chtm'tt H?L Sold In B. M'M. 1' 1, 9- «.M i ii- by all Chemist 41 fnt Medicine Vend ro, Wholeea al ondoo Ii: Pro- vincial Uoueee. 7470p TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer. Not a temporary expe6lnt. but permanent restorer. The hair Is changed to Its natural colow and has all the luxuriance of youth. Restores the Youthful Colour. Quickly changes gray or white hair to its natural colour. A perfect hair drew Inge delicately perfumed. PRINTING! P R I N T I N G I POSTERS for Aootioneeri, Tradesmen, JL Bazaars. Was of Work, Leotores, Public Meetings, Conoert4, Tea Meetings, Balls, Ao., in ooe, two or three ooloore. Auctioneers' Catalogue! and Particulars of Sales, Tradesmen's Prioe Lilt., Ciroalare, Memorandums, Note Heads and Cards, Concert Programmes and Tiokets, Tickets of Admission to Bazaars, Sales of Work, Lectures, Entertainments, Pablio and Tea Meetings, Ball Programmes, Mens Cards, and every description of LETTERPRESS PRINTINC ■XaOCTID wrfu JFEATNBSS AND DESPATCH, tint AT TBI Lowest Possible Prices AT THS Llandudno Directory TRINTiNG ESTABLISHMENT. CAXTON HOUSE, MOSTYN STREET. LLANDUDNO A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED M ATRrMONIAr,-Iovaluable information sent JH. on reoaipl of stamped envelope; state age ant* »«»,—Address, W. Hinoo, Box 169, Nortb-straet, Hottiogban. 7011J





