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j TORPID MVEB. HEADACHE. CHARTER'S IT ITTLE IT IYEB MRHLY VEGETABLE. U OAR COATED. PILLS. Sm&U Pill. Small Dose. Small Pnee. AU Cbemittt. Is. I id. RECKITT'S See that yoM get it! T* ?TjTTAEJ Aa bad makes are often sold. ??—i ?? "ROLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT. THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. THE PILLS THE BLOOD, CORRECT ALL DISORDERS OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS. Md Me invsluablslin tU eomplMnts incidental to Femal. THE OINTMENT h mo<t MU<A!e remedy for Ohettt Md Throat ACfeeMMM, Goat, BtManMMem, dtMf Joht*. WoMtd*. Sorae. U)oaM, and *!) 8Mn DiMMM. Manufactured enty tt 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LOM)ON. ;TtM MM 01 the "OARDNNNtS' OHRONMLB" is now,THREN IL Mrtt to OM hMtd CMne tht home JtmmfJ*, funong wMoh the ably condMted GaWkxml 0, <MtthitT hoM* the lead, M it hM now done tor more thtm a gencration.The JeMftMt <)/ Fof«t)T;. EDeraetic, yet MMMTtttTe, the OMdaaeM' Chronicle' hM become ueeM mdpopulM eYerywhfM." Hon. MAMHAU. Wnn. Boston. U.S. Iroove me ill pty a COtnpMnMmt to the way tha' Otu'o'MCM M edited. It M *My Mtd well mM)tged/ ÅD Orchidist. THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE ("THE TIMES OF HORTICULTURE "}. A WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL, (EMABUMM IMI.) ?<? ?t<<?? 7%r«'p?t<w; jM? /r«', 2t?<!<y«M<-A9?«txy. < mBE GARDENERS' CHRONIC t,E" hM bt)en for neM)y Hfty ye<M the !e<din?[ joumt! of tts c!tM Ht hM Mhieved thit pMttion because ?Mte epeci?iy devotiBg tteelf to Mpp!y)ng the dtHy M<jj)Hre. tMnttofttMd&neMofeiiclMMe, mucho. eMtormttion furnished ie ofBuch geneMi Md j?MMO? SM thtt the GMdeneM' Ohi emete iB tooled up to M the t<<MM<<M-<< <m(?oh? om the Mbject?on which C?COLATION: Ita telttiont with MXtteut Md profeMiontt gMdenem. Md with the HMticu tMM Tttdeof?counttiM.MeoftspecitHyexteMtvechMM?r. CONTRIBUTORS: Ite contnbutoM tompnae the tetdmg B_n.ti.eh „GMd_eneM Md mmy of the mo« "*Iwt men of scionoo at home and abroad. **SLDSTRATtONS The "GAMKttttM' CH?ONtCL? hM obtained an intenmHontt! fapntttioc for the mMnMCv pennMent utility, Md Mtistic etTect of its tUuetratieM of phnts. Theae iUMtrttiont. together ?Sthhe orifnntJ MtiOee <nd monographs, render the 0MdeneK' CMocieto M mdMpMatbIe werk o{ tt?mce imtt fCMden MftdtnK-reoma Md bot?nic? !ibr*nee. ???PLEMENTS: DoaMe.ptf;e En?vinga, L:thosrtpho, Md othet IncBHtATtOM ? L*M)t Sm, Mt rnaaeDtly giVeD a. onto without extra  RCE.-The United Kingdom: Twelve jgoiitbo, TL? ?S%&??!rT?ON? FA?ABLE ?N ADVANCE.—The United Kingdom: Twelve MoBtho. ??.Rtx Month* 7<6d; ThMeMontha,:<9d; Poat Free. Foreign SnbaoriptioM (excepting In<m Md fSo? Including Poett?e. 17a 6d (ot Twe?e Montha. India Md Chintt, 198 6d. P.0.0. to be mtd. 4b I a.t the PuetOmce.42. DMMLANB. LoNMtt, to W. RiMMM. Oheqneaahonid be cKMed .0110." Tetef?"hie AddreM: atMOBtow. LoNDotf. OFFICE: 41, WxLuxoTox STMtT. STfMttC, LottCON. W.O. Commencement of a New Volume First Week in Jamuajy; POULTRY, PIGEONS, CAGE BIRDS, RABBITS. waximr-ONX MHMry. A WeeUy Poficdiott devoted to the onoouapmest the POULTRY. PIGEON. OAOB BIRD. Md RABBIT FANCY. PahK<hed everT Pridty. Te be PaIaKf .:ü1o', !1'o I» AnnMt BabM?pthM 6e M, pod hee. ed Advioe I Q??Mt?oM MtweMd Mid Advice The JOURNAL, of HORTICULTURE COTTAGE GARDENER, Md HOME FARMER. C<Mt<hteM<t6y ROBERT HCGG, LL.D., F.L.8. ESTABLISHED IMS. GARDENING inaUittMpeet* it treated exhaustively by the moat pfMtKxJ and MooeMtot OntMvttore of the dtty. C&o8e FARM.—ThiB deptortmeut ooDtain8 BOund and asawnable &Avios on proft'able Cfopping, Btook MfmMememt, Manures and their Appll=: ?md the moat approved modM of Dttry FMming. BEEB.—The moat tdvMced AplariaDa and the mOBt 8uooeøafU: Bee-keeper* in Great Britain are CMitribatcM tothMaeotion ofthM long ettabUehed and lncressivgly publication. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Price M, poet free 3id. Termt of SabMription :—OM Qaarter. 3e 9d. Hatf Year 7< 6d; One Yea)r.l5x. GARDEN WORE Published every Wedneadty, PRICE ONE PENNY. Which ehouH be obtained by a who take pleasure in having good eapp!y of FLOWERS, FRUIT M)B VEGETABLES The moot PrMtMtJ Md Deein! Penny IUUluateclGardeoiug Paper GARDEN WORK may be obttined from My BcotNeUer, Bttttenef, oz My o! the B?wty Bookstalls. AnnutJ 8nbeor!ption 60 6d pMt Pott ONe* Ofden to bemadepaiabJe to EowmB H. MAY OFFICE 171, FDSET-STREET. LONDON E.C DR.J. COLLIS BROWNES I Z 3    I w ( 7?_4# _I, .II l I ):- q,? !CHLORODYNE I ??J toeanM. ?M? I A??———U? t)*o&jSs???*ts?y? OZL M T= oalgm M* OBtOMBUL XAMAN43A. BTMWTMT. A I Lee& ??W?NT?EM&SSS? SX?SSX%[????'<*Mt ?.??'?!J!&?S*S E ?????s Bs'?a&9%?N&*a? aatn???!?fN?M?! r?.sM&si?M: ?rw**w<t<rE<M«<ttttoe*<t<t? t StSfs?s????? f S t M! efmfmetjB?tht E ? XS!t&S&SK?!?K "W.llr, tat. f '9?!??6??'tt<twtmn ???MNS?A?"? 1M ?W]MHm?<MM,CMMM. r MMntMajMC?ntATItIt. ..s 7 wSE' ? ?naRnr?t?wwww  jUr<an?Mmwt? '?' K'?AMSM'tH'.irrWtMMA. SeM in tvay pMt of wat., and in Liverpoot, Mmchetfter, London, Chobter, t.te., byoTM'600Agent<. G W A L lAv" HIGH-CLASS PAPEA IN THB WELSH UMGU,&GL a?MM h Mwm?BM d<?<*«! ?' meet th* reqairmMntt of evenr teetton of the Wehh eMnM t << tMttf? b<?t oM?Mlyeea'?ed, Md etnbr*eh? eMttrtMMomt by tNe WHttM. ABth<atte rtpertt <tM ?M ? ?M?ctt. Pc? m<t B.!MOM M.VMM)tt< thM<who.t ?t U?om. T«MtM)tM T<AM? A*MC?MLRMM?,bm*me<? _tun b& the pibpa; MaeetMNBt MW M?'atMy ??? tcMattMj. Ut«M7, Md AadqawtM NotM. EVERY TUEbDAY FOK WEDNESDAY. PRICK 0KB PENNY PM PoM': Mtt tttt M<Mn'n (MmMa' 0)a YUR.SA puww"g Oa!ce t CMtoa Heuø, Bawr A WONDERFUL MKU'iUir'm DMOHAM'8 PILLS, -DEEOHAM'S PILLS. I DEBOHAM'S PILLS. AM untvetMtUy admitted to be worth <t Outnea ?Box (OT BiUout Mid Nervoua Oiaorden), each M Wad Mtd pain tn the etOBMtch.Nich HetdMhe.CHddinate. FWao" Md SweJttint %fter Me&h, Dhdneee and Drowtineea, (Md Chuh, nuahingt o< Beat, Loea o' appetite. ShottaeM of Breath, Cottiveneee, Scarvy and BkXchee on the 8Un, Dhturbed Steep, Frwhtfw Dreams and aM Nervom Mid TrembUMSenmUoM, Ac. 'Ae eret doee wUtgive retiefin twe!v* rnhtatee. TM< i* no tctton. for they hope done it m counth" eaøeø. Every Mtterer ie eamesuy invited to try ene Box at theee PUIsAnd they wilt be Mkcowteuged to b) TtrORTH A GUINEA A BOX. VITOBTH A GUINEA A BOX I TT70RTH A GUINEA A BOX. Fot femttte* of all MM they are inTttlMhia. female ehould be without them. There M Mt a medictme to be found equal to them for remov t? m' betruction or trre?u?nty of the *y<tem. tt ttter Mcordic? to the directioM?eBWttbetchbo? they wiB eonn reetore fem&let ot aM effea to .Munj' Md tobnethentth. TMt hM been ptoved by thottaead who have tried them and toun'Mha t.,mAtit.. whicb Mt by their DEECHAM'8 PILLS. TDEECHAM'B PIM<8. T)EMBAM*B FILM For a Weak StomMh, Impaired Mgeetton, and MaordeM of the Liver, they act Hhe "MAGIC," M&e few d0888 will be found to work WOQd on the moe iNWrtent orpDs in the 1.1u- macblae, Tho,  th 8 who)e muwulr .ysœm, re.tore t tt?joet comptetuon, brtn? bMh the keen edge t? tMpetite, end MOUte into action, with the BOSK BC? o< hMtth, the whole phyticat eaMM o? ?e hum tfMNt. TteM aK PAt?S" teotMed continue b)t of all of wdety "l1e of the <t?)fMteet to the Nervout <*d PebUitt.ted i' MrB=18 tpIJ: ?M <t< Z?-?ft ? u/ <')ty f<t«? <f«tt<t)t<t«t<'<'o-M. BBliiQHAM'8 MAGIC COUGH PILLS. T)EECHAM'8 MAGIC OOUGH PILLS DEEUHAM'a MAGIO COUCH PILLS- At e. M?edy tor CoHjj;ho tn geneMi, A*thm*,BMBCh)et .eeoHoBB. tfoMMneM. ShortoetM) at Breath, Tightnee*. tttd Oc?Meeion of the Cheat, &c.. ttete PiUa stand un rit"°11 Cb :ei to the pdqf., Md wiH <pee<u? remove that aeMe <? oppreMion aao (Mcotty of breatbmg which ntthtty deprive th« pttieot of reet. Let aay peroM). gtve BERCH&MI& COOOH riLLS 1\ thai, Md the matt violent congh wit D a tie be removed. PrepMed onty. Md Sotd Wholesale fnid Retaii, by the. PfopneMf, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Holong, L&not- tMM. Md by all Drugpate aJMl Patent Medicine t)e*.tMB "verywhere. Itt Boxes 9il, Is 1-id Md 2a 9d MOH.  wrm utew Box. By Bpeond ?-.?am?? ?° ?? M??'V Appointment -<?SwNi)ES& The Qaeeo. PLEAMB ASK ptm AND UsB ONLR f Y'S SPECIALITIES OF STERLINO VALUE-F dMo. ine?' "°Her M?Mty'?BeT?BneMBthMm PotMC. a k A f0? M/c?r. s/??M? o«/e? /wi/s// -m?&)??*it ?' ?' "?' ? ?j????? pmMBAaa" ??? STOVE POUSH. .? ? Alw?ya Brtght & Bt<mtUM. tm &Mge PttCkett) Id. & M. Mo! ")JM M ? '? r tt't[t i'!it)MM'. pM<t'? '<" '?" ?N!XEY'8? ? M ?"soM B)! MjE ???M? T)!:rMHT-K!t-t9!tttf[M. ? ?!??scMK"D)LuE. ja. e?ap eQUAM. MNDON. ztfOiLMn). Foa KNIVES. FORKS. BRASS A STEEL WORK.Ao.&o. I Won't we&r the Blades like Otbera. M. and la. Tint. NIXETS "CBRVU8" KNIFE p' 0 L I 8 H.I U< all STOREKEEPERS EVERYWHERE Whotemte: W G. NiMT. Lnndon. En<t"«<? ONE BOX OF CLARKE'8 B41 PILLS it wtmmted to cure all diaohMgea from the UrinMy organe, in either sex (Mquired or oonfti- tnMonft!) Gra,vei, a.nd Paina in the BMh. GnMM.ead free from MaFonry. 8o!din Boxe< <a M eMh, by tU Ohemiett) Md Patent Medtoine VendoM throuKhoat the Worid; or eeni to any ttddrem for eixty stfunp:' by the Maters. Tm LDlJIIOLJI A1CD MDlLUID DRUGS OoIlPUI Lt)MOM. Important Notice to the Public TH)t ORIGINAL. LLANDUDNO DIRECTORY AND VISITOR' AaAN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. npHE Proprietors of the Liandudno Dtr«,<<M-y -L a<t<!FtM<<M' (eBtabtiahed 1854) deaireto imprest upon the Tradespeople, Hocet Proprie- ora, Auctioneera, &o., the groat and in"asing vaioe of tbeif joarnat M a mediom to bring tdvertiMmente before the public of Daa- dadno and the entire dittrict frequented by tourists in the summer. Sinoe the price of the Dtr«!<<M'y wM rednced from 2d to td in JMU- ary,t888, tta oiroalation in the winter hM reached 1500 per week, and tn the anrnmer 6000 per week in Utmdudno and <*tber reeorttt. TRADESMEN ahoa!d be<r in mind that the Diredory ia the vMitore' guide to ahop keepereoffdtkinda. HOTEL KEEPERS would do well to remember that the auntoer the Directory M sent broadcMt by Visiton) to their Mend< all over the kingdom LODGING HOUSE KEEPERS do act FeaiiM the value of the Direct" to adverti<e TMtnt tptrtmenttt in, or they woutd advertiae im tnochtMger nomboM. InfMt, the Direetwy ia the only really good tdrfrtMrng medium in LiMdudno to MMh both _dents end VisitCM. Attempte htve bten ande to rival the jOM'<e<M-y, but they htye tdi iMed, and tte Originøl more thtm mtin ttda* ia <upremMy. Far <t<!vNftt<ii!f[ t<!T)tt*pp!y at the OBeM M09TYN 8TRRET, T,LANDUD,NO. tN "EXCELLENT GOOD THING* A fM A CHO M<) PA!NS.— ELUMAN8 A Ua'TerMt ZmbfOcaden.„, t CH<8 ? M1NS.— ZLLIMAN'S A Cntven? E<nbroottten tCHJBaMtdPAttfS.- BLU, MA.N_a„ A UntveMtt &n!aoetttton. t CHES M4 MINS.- aLI-IMAN'a UDIV Embrocatio-. tCBESt?fAI?S.- °* ELUMAN'B Univerml Embroo.tion. ACHBttm?r-A??* °*?*'?' ELHMAN'a "'&lgel'8&l FOOTBALL. Forkr Athletic F all Club. Given entire Mtiahction to'ati who htve ased tt." STREN&tHENa THE MUSCLES. From YieMdB* The strong Latly in tttWorM.' tt not. oo!y MMev« ptin, btt*. h mtrepbons tbt pLLtMAK'S for Rbw.M-annatim, E LLIMANIS for Lum&Mo. pLUMAN'8 for Sprain& pLLMAN'S for Cutt. PLLIMAN'S for BruiMa, E LLIMAN'S for Soro Thtcttt from Cotd. ELLEMANIS for ChMt OoMt, BrontMti*. EI LLIMANIS for SMfMMt. Cmrnp. ACHES. SPKAtNS: AUD STtD'SE-a. A. Htmert OfEcitI tJM)die*pper ) wntet :— "After exoroise it ia toVtImMe for dlspersing -tiff-,Ate Ma MhM. No athlete or croM conotry Muner shotUd be wtthout !t. —— BRONCWMtS. Mr R. J. Catti'. Hendon, wttt* jMttMry 26th, lS9t My two chitdren (W '?' fo"r yf«r) old) were hM-ked I<nt. NoMmber fth tMMbjtit. They Me both we)t now. Md t b?e no hMtN on tn Mytng throaf;h usi.q your splendid F.mbrooatiolÍ," A CEPS and PAINS ELLIMAK'a A CniTerM! EaÜG!I A ,tCHE3andfAtN8.- ELLUIA'S UtuTerMi BmØooatiQD. A t CUES tnd PAINS.- KLLIMAN'S UniverMt Embneadm j A ND IT WILL HAVK. OK I WILL HAVS NOXE.' I .? ? LLIMAN'S UNIVEH8AL EMBKOCATIOM )Ju for ttheumatism. Latabago, ?praioit. Brui?et. CaK, Sore Threat !rom Coil, Viles' Colda. Stiffut?.a. &0, ?. 1< ?d *n< 2a 3d. Prepared on)y by f ELUMAN. 80N8. *nd CO.. StoaKh. En?tnd. ? ?S?E?EX?S ? SELECT VEGETABLES, D CHOICE FLOWERS.. i PICKED SEED POTATOS. ¡ Caf</en 7'oo/s, Suodties, dc" dc, DtUvered Free by Rt" e' P-P-i ''< nfattrattd C*«t)t<p<)M e<tt*'e<M 10.. D I O-K S SO-N SS CHESTER. Growers DECORTtCATED COTTONSEED CAKE PROIX PU'R)UD BRAND. FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES APPLY TO THE MAKERS, ThePhcsmOiIMiUCo.IMted, LIVERPOOL. KEATtNG'S COlf4 ? LOZENGES 9t. CommeTfi? RM<(, F.ckhMm. -M?' '?'j. fee t,,P, b.t I ?'S?'?'&t?S' tKXi'. ??'SN??'?U? ??' ???Q?I?N?<?'?''??'. ??,?r?"?? possibly h.ve htA %mom violent ?gk?ttvu w?1% no- thdat it Th milouo,wt libalk w? 1*1 ???'St?*???'??Thtm.??X? oIt, without tiUfil'l1t111-1. m.1?, J. HILL." ? UrrERL? UNRIVALLED. Thtt?< <t<t?t for t<tt)t Fn'm «r!ct <a<!t)try it tpM?tt)M  U. T. 1 .1 '41 I w? %rformad bi, 1. trom the mtu.?6, the nae tbe thmt trrU.aUon t.1otebll. ?"? WE)GH?r ? GOLD? 4" (/014. 1..111 1.dI1 NO Ind toil w" a .p1ottd14 ootJP MSS?'!?'o?'S?SX?!??Sa.M??*t'?BSS!? PLMDMSEMON. "AnnsilT MMOWK FOREST, FRUtT, # ALL Or" TREES & ?LANTS, EWEMRMMS, MSK, &c. NURSERIBS 400 ACRBa. Very BJttellalve Stock. In:pectloD Invited. PrlC&d Cat.IO"8 Gratia'" Poot Free. DI CI{sõÏi.s"IBB. (MMTrBD) Che8i¡er. BBAttca ) NEWTOWN-.MontgomeMyhire. I DOLGELLEY Merionethfhtre. NcM<BM?. j f W LL KLI.. OMMtvonBhire. ??hm*, Bronchitis, tnRuenM, Cotdt, Ceaght Md <tU Chest DistMes. CONGREVES Balsamic Elixir. Tlu Fine,,t Medicinl <? tho ;VffU. 1, Iottlea-l/U, 8/9, and 4/6. of <tU Chemi<t)t NOTEI HOW TO CURE PALPITATION. ttOMES M TM HKAD, PAMS mTM BACK, PIMPLES. LOSS o? VIQOt R, Dt?TCRBED BACK, tfEKVOUS DNBIIJTY, tNN(rE8T:ON. LOW. REM, NESaoF?P!R[rs', BLOTCHES SORtTHKO&Ta, UN- HEALTHY WOUNDS AMD D!8CHAKaK'<, and aUtorma of Btood )md Skin t'iMMe—Ke the Magic Mirror, price in euTeiope, < stampa. Book of Titstimont&ie and Advice to Country Fttiente, ftee. A)i tett<M coua- dentisd. '-p'cit) Mixture—by poet, 4a Pd per cMe. P,ople the hwvt wora EiectDC Mtt, and htTe f& led to get Cure, thoutd write to ui'. AddreM all tatteK —MeMrtWimtMtox, a<n.td4, FitMUan aquMf. SbeaMd. Nght, meM preMrtptioM ftree. EataMMhed 60 yMM. V IMPOMANT NOTtO)t. X ?\ JnttPubUthtd.tBoe'tterYoun?KtB, ?y\ By Dt. J. A. BARNE8, M.D. ITI.S.), enticed HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH," rttf U" KWS GOVERNING t.!PK. Md t''t CAUSES, SYMPTOMS -d TREATMENT of all d'MMf dep,.d-  oi YhWmstion 01 N@r?,ous viulity, omh Nerv? nAntty, M*n<<! Md Phy«tott tiepMMtoB ? Pttottttioa ot tht Hetft, Ncit** in the HMd tn< ]tMt, ItXttc&toe, Io'p*)M<t OWbi *Ad, M*mcry, Indigesti?. Proo,110D, L_ltude, DtpKmioa of 8pMt? LoM of ?Btrg? Md App<Mtt, Ptin' i* (ht B'et, BeRt (lOll me for J or b, r peG I THE FEMALES' FRIBIQD AND ADVISER," WUI be owt ta set WM,,ma modo or Two ftmpl AddMM-D<. BABNB8. 48, LoMdttt BqatM, BMBtbery, ttoaaee, W. TCM MOMif !.BNt WITHOPT eCBBTIES by th* ,M°nr I.ENf WITROUT 8uaBTIES b1 MN BE8:OJBHi'N\ rtoON. &ttM'tMlNO. UtjUMtjMOO.MC. Reserve Wod AIOD,DK JtdtMem Mtd. epon tppw? promtMO? aoty M toUt. AdTtnet ?!t-i!f mMtMjr MWMCtt et ? t M 80 411 a !? 9 2 ADVAN LMtef! M''<"m?<MfM)nprope;'t''D. ADTANCM. OCto?MM M ?'T:"?? f. town m MMtty. m*t<' <" ?-'='?' < f fuviwm, nt, emps, f?S'??" tntd<M<t ftm ttoe?, P?" e"'P*. "? MdtoM.)?)?.. "tc bu.i. M.; ? o. ?' Md MMMh)? ? 6 P*' M' ? '°**? ? "?' Dt<tMMM.b<<et. ?.j'?peymmt.. SMct'yt?T*t.. ?O.!U. DO' writ., lytg k uy &Iiaftor, '"N"?6B.-B.tcM tpc?tnt t'MwhtM M)t MySoMMf. A..M..W *c.. ? ?& .<t .r W.)? 'o ? B'-?.? MO ?)) ttonee tad o"t you 'r* ttmUa< ?th M «M Mfb- MShtdtf WO) M<nt toM /M< BM". H?"'g ai:.rt1 <t.t.?oH..Mt chMptr thM o-het.. No eood :OM .M Mfefd. CMMNT ACCOUNT-'cp'pM.<J-tiB< to tt. cMtt ptMttet .tethMb..?. N.ehtwfLrk.t?ttMMa'M. I"t< th* ttte et t per t*nt. *Ho"ed ee !h* mi?mum mMM.? D<poejt< of ?iO ""< "pwtrdt reeetv«t tt t per eMtt. p<r a??u. p,y.bl. t U  "'?.K??'??To?'S ?M.'?" '? ? '?' ? 7 1:1 51 Intotft MM !j.tMt«)T tree of Income TM. Jf B Th. ontt BM? th"< Depo<'tcM eM h*r* thttt P?? ..d J?? p? .u. ????, ?.? 6793 A. WlLilkms, Man. 'MR THE JtLMD !S I.NE LIFEK" ?? ? ? ? T& LOOD PURtFtERt IAND RESTORER) fot e!«nMf)Mf Md e!e*rf? t? bb1,1?id ftm *!t im' MuS?Ct?ot be toolo w ZWg itt7rtbws o.mmand6d. y?r ScroM? ScTU-ry, Eczemt, Km?M.S? Bleea Di?M. and ?M of aJUmdt. iti..?T?Mmg and permanellt 0W'80 ? ?! S?SS's'?* c" ? ?'? It oCu"rI- cuAld := I=izeo Ot're' BhtCkhe?e. ot Ftmpte* en U? I"& eoreaBcartySoT?.? Chrm cs.,W" m-a. ?? S?? 8)fto DtMMtt. ??? ?3f?p?.=?'. :.rom .&at- asue ?SE??M? 76-Va t C ox rftom the Dim& m?d Done. AA m to to and W.?, ft. '1n1.J:1I8 to = ?S?S?-?? .Ouoit 0.. w trln 16 a œ tiw = ??????? yecm <tU P*?w ef thw World. gWd m IWU*E SL 0&. md m am- emtw-im IÚ ???s?'??SSS M".Siori?7 of kmlllltalldlD« Permanent Cure Ain MSTS and PA. BNIT b??10ig Vl%g TBBOUGBO THE WGRLD. or ft= for 33 or be P, &,I. Tus L,Yoo X?I??'??S DM<?WAWT. t;;f:.OO" CAOTION.-Atk <0r0!)*rke'* Bh.t.itM?tMtM? <,Mtb.p*imtdtd te f? M <-?<? IF YOU THIS DOUBT M'——M—————g' M'?TpE.— )ME t!&tSttM? iSMNtt ? H?L? ?e ?M?- i'?a??M???'? ?ithH&tftheUtbour YOU c produce MORE POLISH with fs1NGnJ';it; 'Ii i with DOZEK Y L Penny Packets of l ordinary BlackJead. f?/f.?7-, ?/C?f?? C//???7'<6 5?7-. ?sm'?., JL?A). f'ou« S OiTM to Metal ArUetM of every Deserictton (GoM, Steel. &a., also Glass) BeaJShti ?St t S SiM SpeMtSt.?hi?lt?te SIX TIMES ?. LONG WITHOUT TABNI"HINGasother kinds. NO LABOUR. NO M)X)MQ. NO '8??CHE8. F«<t M BOUlJOlR, A'/rcrnM, SRARLH, SHOP, <h-. Polishes anythIng indoors or Contain. Starch Gloss. MACKS Borax, Gum, Wax. RfJquira8 NO Ba1'e" Time. Ab 5  Labour and Uncerta,nt, Pro?e? BZAUTIFCI. ?HITB GMMY UNZN. CHANCELLOR'S PLATE POWDER. Sam, a \nunense a$O!,nt 01 tímt and laoonT. üfid geA CI p<J1.&4 111(1.1. ft"lrthwfJ ds_. There U no ¡m¡wratim, Dj ttJhick 1U t'1D if) f9!Lt it f'c!It'nc'ENQUIt\E WiTHIN. Bample8õ! thel\bOveFouiirtlcle31}Ostfreefõ¡'-¡iîita.mps o of ny One for !s 4,! ,izkip?i ? t o covor postage). Name "i' P'pe' ? *0-" 14 g'g i&e. f?" 0. C?RANCELLOR & CO-? LONDON. E.C. TRY THEM AND SEE. ? E R A 'LWX(N ??TOM LIN SON & Cc?-s BUT TER POWDER im????d?? ?'?'?g??'?*' mo  e Wf, ?????."S''S''?.?'&?°'.?? ?M??AYWAM. MNC.LN. BUTTER COLOUR    BoWttiIft LTe, d.? Jr.0d? ?e4. !6IF T"  T01f:&l' 'WlTi'M't'rAto. TI)MLIN hg -P*l 8 M YI AAilD, Ll j r(;ol3. I CURE FITSI AND TO PROVE !T <? r wiU GIVE A BOTTLE of my Remedy <«f tfothtnt, i thtt StttfcrMs m? htve tn rt.ty fNthhg, Z tmth of what fMr)<M)ytt«tt. 8.:= "h.L- U?d cure you is no «M(.n whyyoe tho«)d toetmMtoMthr. Send at once for my TRgA 11Šl:d a FREE BOTTLE ofmediciae. It costs you potbjn ror atriAl, and IT WILL GUNN I Addrn; ? ? ?? ?? ????, 28. Endttetth GM<t*M, EOA::tldNDON, N.W OOPYRIGHT BBQI8TEBED. ? pRIOE ONE PENNY, THE BANGOR nOMMESClAL DIRECTORY, with CÅNDAr. & TIDE TABLE M< 18b, c OMBrNEiD with th< i BANGOK CITr Y1ENERAL DIRECTORY. TTSEFUL TO JTAVERYBODY. rTSEFUL TO VISITORS. ITTSEFUL TO RESIDENTS. u BBFU f, TO BUBINEa8.PEOPI<B. c ONJ.AINS 48 PAOE8 for ONE PMNNY. ? imULI< OF LOCAL INFORMATION. i' (Specialty CompHod.) MAY M M OF M* tt*UBLigBBR9 At TM NORTH WALEB CHRONICLE OFFIOM< B ANGOP, MB M <)n T'\IRECTORY An VISITOR OFHOEB' T LANDUDNO. U'<M& DISOOUNT AHMWM BOOMRLLNM PRINTING PRINTING) TUB NorthWaJes Chronicle Co. Ld. 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