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BUSINESS ON THE NEW LINEa. CHOICE AUTUMN GOODS AT (J. BOWEN'S, 237, High St., BANGOR. EXTEUOBDINAKI VAUJB IN MILLINERY, MANTLES, DRB98 MATERIALS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, UIA>«acu>THixo, COBISTS, CBILDMN'S PILIBMB, TUNICS, BONNETS, A UMBRELLAS, ALSO IN CALICOES, FLANNELS, LINENS, CURTAINS, ETC. •WBKT&VS& YOU May REQUIBB in-OHOIOB "4 OHJRAP DRAPERY. i4-KAN<^& FASHIONABLE ARTICLES. a-USEFUL and UNCOMMON GOODS Ton eaaaot do better than TRY C. BOWEN'S, 237, High-st. EVERYTHING NEW AND NOVEL, EVERYTHING LATEST AND LEADING, EVERYTHING GOOD and CHEAP, FOR CASH ONLY AT c. BOWEN'S, 237, High St., BANSQB. 6967td Oymru Lan Gwlad y Gan. THE NORTH WALES MUSIC COMPANY, LIMITED. CASTLE HILL. BANGOR; -9, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON. V THE LARGEST MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ESTABLISHMENT is NORTH WALES. PIANOS BY BROADWOOD AND SON'S, COLLARD AND OOLLARD IBACH & SON, JU8TIN BROWN RALPH ALLISON, BORD, to., &c. ORGANS BY MASON A HAMLIN, BELL & CO. ESTEY ORGAN CO. HARMONIUMS BY ALEXANDRE, DEBAIN, G. L. BAUER, Ao., cto. Instruments by the above aDd several other snafcers offered at the Lowest Possible Prices for Cash, or on the Hire Purchase System. NOr8 o:.¿ 10s PER MONTH, ORGANS noli 6e PER MONTH, HARMONIUMS raom 51 PER MONTH ORGANS and HARMONIUMS for CHURCHES, CHAPELS, and SCHOOLS SUPPLIED at TRADE PRICES. THE NORTH WALES MUSIC Co.. LTD., Is the J. Only Establishment in North Wales that Keen Tbofoogb Practical, Trustworthy, and Reliable Tuners and Repairers. Oontraota for Tunings in all Parts ot the Country, also a Chnroh Pipe Organ Tuner kept. Violins, Goitars, B%ujoe, and all kinds ot Small Instruments always in Stock. Sbeet Mnsio, English and Welsh, in great Variety. Colleges and Private Schools supplied with Paroela. THE NORTa WALES MUSIC COMPANY, LIMITED, BANGOR AND CARNARVON. 6544m E. D. WILLIAMS. R.A.M.. Manager. AMERICA. CUNARD LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM LIVERPOOL vu QUEENSTOWN. To New Yogi. 1 To BonoM. fiervia Sat. D*o. 31 1 Pavonia Thur. DSQ. 29 "is Copbalools.Thar. Jan. 12 AMMit.8&t. J*c. 14 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for FIRST and SECOND Class Passengers; also through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEA- LAND, and ATJSTRALIA. STEERAGE.—Certain description of Steerage Passengers will be carried. For partioulars apply to Local Agents. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, 8, Water-street, Liverpool. or to their agent, Riohard Roberta, Old Post-offloe, Bethesda. 4738a AM KR1 CAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELBHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. —, XJIIRST-OLASS, FULL JJ POWERED IRON 8TEAM SHIPS. Accommodation for Passengers equal to any European Line. Paeeeogers and goods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This Is the Shortest and Best Route to th Wee. ?pty to RICHARDSON. SPENOR. & Co., IS and 22, WATM-STOUT, LrvaaroOL, or RICHARD ROBERTS, BETHESDA. H. 3. WILLIAMS, 70, Vtxmrs, BSTHSMM. 4, ■ INMAN LINE. solIAL tilL ITtiVStl TO IIIIW TOM. NMAN AND INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. Fun LIVERPOOL itui WEDNESDAY. Calling at QneeMtown every Thursday. :œ ai8::O-:Da: Second Cabin Steerage Fare as low as by any other First Class Line. Through Bookings to any part of the STATES or CANADA, including Manitoba and North and South West Territory. Apply to RioBAasaoa, Snaoa and Co., 22, Water- street, Liverpool; or to Edward Jones, 173, High- atreet, Bangor; Hugh Hughes, 8, Market-row. Am- lwch H. J. Williams, 50. High-street, Bethesda; Hy. J. Williams, 66. Bryngwenith, Caellwypgrydd; J. R. Sratin, Station-road, Colwyn Bay ;JW. Jones, Rose llill-street, Conway; Wm. Robert*, Station- master, Tregartb; O. Jones, Old Poet Offioe, Peny- 60 DR. JONES, D.D.S. (AM.), SURGEON DENTIST Opposite the Market, Bansfor. DR. J 0 N E a ywis LLARGEMI every DTIIU Ay, as UedwigM roM. AMLWCH with Mi Ham, Stationer, 7, Market-now, TUES- DATB. jM?ry? 3U% Y4woM 1hM 88U., April 85th. BK)BMM Md .TUB8D.& Pay- fay. Bwnm etw? day -lot Tuesdays and ksndayt. 10 BANGOR CATHEDRAL. CAROL SERVICE ON TUESDAY NEX -T AT 8 O'CLOCK. BOOK OF WORDS PROVIDED. N. B-Tbis CAROL SERVICE is set forth in four parts in the form of a musical exposition of the Saored CHRISTMAS STORY and is intended as an ACT OF WORSHIP. It is hoped that many will come and enter devoutly into the spirit of it. 7847rj HAN CHSSTKR FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1824. CAPITAL £1,500,000, T. BARHAM FOSTER. ESQ., CHAIUUN. 0. W. FURBRIDGE, ESQ., Daron CHAIRMAN. CHBT Omci-98, KIBO-STBMT, MIHCHXSTIB.—J. B. MOFFATT, MANAOU and SaommAity. BBANOH Orrici MANOHBSTBR CHAMBSM, 28, Regent-street, Wrezbam. M. PENNANT JONES, KASN»sT SXCBBTABY. THE OOMPANY transmits Fire Business only J. and all Resources and Funds are available for Fire Claims. Surveys are made and rates quoted tor all descrip- tions of risks free of charge. The Company invitee applications for agencies. 7859rj ESTABLISHED IN 1836 FOR THE PBOTEOTION OF TRADE. STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES (Trade Auxiliary Company Limited), 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.O. suascauns, BY OBTAININO ToaLY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. EVIIIIE TBAEXB SHOULD BEAD STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, With which is issued a Supplement containing LISTS OF CREDITORS TOPIS ALL THR IMPORTANT FALTXRXN. The Commercial Registers contain more than ty SEVEN MILLION Entries. DEBTS RECOVERED PROMPTLY AND HANDED OVER TO SUBSCRIBERS TWICE A WEEK. BRANCHES at Charles-street Chambers, Car- D diff, Birmingham, Bradford, Brighton, Bris. tol, Belfast, Cork, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sheffield, and 53, Conduit Street, London, W. Ovio OmoBs.—42, Castle Street, Swansea, Blaokborn, Cambridge, Derby, Exasor Glouoemr, Grimsby, Hanley, Hoddersfield, Hull, lpawioh, Leicester, Limeriok, Londonderry, Middlaeb,)rol, Newport (Mon.), Northampton, Oxford, Preston, Reading, Southampton, Stookton-on-Tees, Sunder. land, Walsall, Waterford, Wolverhampton, Wor- cester, York. TIBXB— £ 1 la, t3 2a, t3 3s, S5 Sa, aocording to requirements. PaoarxoTDS forwarded on application to any of the above Offioee. RuSSELL'S GOLD INDOIL-VER WATCHES, their own pore English mtiiflUctan, with all Howell's lateo, palentod improvements, range In price from As 10 £235. They are handsome, Ptiong, and perfect tlmekeep<as represent the UrgesHtock end best value !D England, there boinst no Intermediate profit between the mannfeclurer and th. wearer. &n 1'<'e everywhere at Russell's risk and cost on receipt of dr ft or post order. Illttfetrated Pamphlet sent free on application. WATCH BBPAIBS PROMPT ANDPERFECT. Wrtimatwi gina 8114 coat of cairlaf • taken. THE LARGEST STOCK OF DIAMOND, GEM ENGAGEMENT, AND WEDDING RINGS, Tioier-aize Card unt hIM on appUeatioD. ONtTBtrr DIAMONDS tnthopt tht hl. a good north-wsat upect; Jau can form no judgment about quality or valae in any other light "Not. pnnnt Prices _8 Plain SUm Spoons and Porb. 5/0 per 0. PRESENTATIONS" I am prepirtd to qaote fzosptional pricct for Goodi of Guarantssd Qualitf. RUSSELL'S. T. R. RUSSELL, MIKBBTO THB Qcbbm, CATBBDBAI, Woass, 18, CBUBca-ei., LIVWOOL. 4927B OW'EN'S "PHERINE." BBGIBTSRIM. THE MOST POWERFUL OF TONICS. PHERINE I. FOR NZRVOUBNI3% PHERINE 1. FOR OVER-TAXED BRAIN, PHERINE J. FOR DEBILITY. PHERINE JL FOR LOBI OF APPBTHB, PHERINE FOR LOW OF OKSOY, PHERINE JL FOR NEURALGIA, PHERINE FOR GENERAL WEAKNESS. In Botilet It lid and S. 9d each. If taken regularly according to directions it will teste re the wbole nervous system, bring back the lost vigour and energy, and restore the general health to its former condition, thus causing life to be a pleasure instead of a burden. BaooxiaKMD by lfasicuti itnt. TIT a bottle and prove its efficacy for YOURSELF* Sold by NSWBSST & Boss, and Simaa ? Bo!tø; London of all Cbemisto or by post (3d extra) from the proprietor, G. C., OWEN, 72, ARCHWAY ROAD, LONDON, N. Beware of fraudulent imitations. -rsaror ANALTSIS OF MUNSTER SAUCE. Chemical Laboratory, Town Hall, Bolton. Ootober 25th, 1892. I have cardally ans! nd and examined «nnpte of BOATE'S *UNBIBR SAUCE. I and that it contains no mineral in?cedient whatever, except a small quantity of common table salt. Its vegetable constituents are all of a perfectly harmless char- acter, whilst some of them are of considerable medical value as stomachics and tonics. The condiment possesses a highly agreeable flavour, wbioh continues to be spprsciated by the palate even after prolonged use, owing to the faot that none of the ingredients predominate in any marked degree. I oonsider BOATE'8 MUNSTER SAUCE to be a valuable addition to the luxuries ot the table, F. E. ADAMS, M.D., Fellow of the Chemioal Sooiety, Public Analyst for the County Borougb of Bolton. o Agent, Roberts and Co., 30, Lord-street, Liverpool. Proprietor, M. P. Boate, Cork. 750ft C U T T E R' S GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF TpURNITURE WILL BE CONTINUED FOR A FEW WEEKS LONGER. THUS GIVING AN OPPORTUNITY TO THOSE DESIRING TO PURCHASE REALLY RELIABLE AND A RTISTIC FURNITURE AT REDUCTIONS OF FROM 20T0 60 PER CENT. CUTTER'S FURNITURE gALE DINING-ROOM FUBNITURE.eonmtiM et Ch.i" .,I??tio,? f Sid.b.ds. Diig TbJ?., "I" W'IOD., a04 Dialnr-rooru Bultn, in rinbI7-lIgu.d Brown 0*k, ..igtd Oak, Ame?S' Walnut, Dark Mttm?My, &c„ k c UTTER'S F URNITURE SALE. DRAWING-ROOM FURNITURE, consisting of a wide range of Cabinets Overmantels, Occasional Cbaire, Tables, <trc., inlaid Boaewood, Chippendale Maliogaoy, &0. Àl1la\ellt Artlatie Designs. CUTTER 's JjlDENITURE SALE. LIBRARY FURNITURE. oonsistlnf of Book- wiLh Secretaire Drawers, Owad Bo"k08.88, BeroWing Bookcases, AlllerlceD Writing '1'al>I. with devolving Front, Library Tables tn Wa/Dut. Matiofaoy Fumigated Où,aad a cboioe ..Ioolio. In *t?I JUE OAK. CUTIER's F URNITURE SALE. BEDROOM FURNITURE, consisting of a Rreat T*rietT of in Amerioan Walout, CircasUu Asb, ?ic;ily-fl«urBd Brown Oak,Maho- pn7. Ac., Ac., aDd" Uige Stock or Brus Bed- steads, also Brass and Iron Bedsteads and Bodding. CUTTER'S 'U HNITURB gALE. HALL FRNITURA -ISU.g of g.t?tud., Ball Tables, Hsll Setf«*8. Rtll Cbairi, io., to- pther with a Gmt V.At'tY f Miwllauwns Good., umboo Ttlo,, St..?ts, ;'¿ie:f r:a: suitable for Xaaa presents. c UTTER 's FuRNlTUBE jgUSINESS Ha. been Established HALF A CENTURY and da""i this period tbejr have belit a hl¡b- class reputation to! !,Ppy g .Ily good ad soundly oonstra&?l Farnl,nre. Nor*.—To effect an Ear" Cle»r»noa Uirriife Paid to all parts of the Country. SAMUEL CUTTER, 17 & 19, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL; EOTIBUSMD HALF A CIMTCBI. 7857/W. HOW TO SUCCEED. Birr RAPJIAxVa Auuwic TOR 1893. IT tells the farmer when to lOW his orope to ensure snooess, and bny and sell bit cattle and farm produce. It tells the gardener when to sow, plant, prone, transplant, or do anything else. It tells the youujf when to court and marry. It tells the sick the herbe to core them, and the exact day s and hours when to gather them. It tells the unemployed the ezaot days and hoars wben to seek work with mccett. It oootains Birthday Information for every day of tbe vnr, also tbe Fate of any Child born during K93, It tells when to set Fowls for successful rearing. It tells when to travel, remove, ask favors, deal with others, bay, sell, speculate, sign oontraots and hire servants, &c. The Horrors of Vivisection (illustrated). Theosophy. The late Duke of Clarence, &c..&o. It contains predictions of the events and the weather for the coming year, and namerous useful tables, It contains a large Hieroglyphic, and .112 pages, and is the largest nnd best Almanao published. Price 6d, post free 7d. RAPHAEL'S Book of Pate, Explains the Cards and tells the Fate of Anyone. 16, by post Is ld. RAPHAEL'S Book of Dreams, Is. The only true Interpreter of dreams. Insist on having RAPHAEL'S. RAPHAEL'S Key to Astrology will enable anyone to cast their own horoscope and read their own Planet. Price Is, post free Is Id. L U d g ate PoWsbam & Co., 4. Pilgriife|teeet, Ludgate Hill, B.C. Da vies or Ed. C*rcMvon Davi. Bangor; and all Statio r. and Book- sellers. 7562-935a J. B. MORRIS, Billposter, I OOLWYN BAY. (Under the Local Board), and appointed by the Denbighshire (Jounty Coancil.  PRIVATE STATIONS in CoIWYD Bay, ?U Col"JD, RbOl, MochdM, L!*n<!i<o, Uy& fasn, and Llanddnlas, amounting to 4000 feet. All work done on day of rocaipt at SO per cent, under old charges. DONALD CAMERON, MERCHANT TAILQR, CATHEDRAL BUILDINGS, BANGOR. Respectfully invite* the attention of Sportsmen and Tourists I to his Present Choice Stock of Highland Tweeds and Homespun Cloths, sta.nrn" t4y,1aible Shades "\t to iian-knowit 66 8port3ni8JX. hot ind Cover, for Moor and Kiver, Btnl^er-bocker Stockings, Hand-knitted, In Plain Coloota, Heather Mixtures and Gairloch Checks. Also the Clarence Hose, Registered Design Spats, Gaiters, Leggings, and Anklets, Shooting Gaps, Tweed Hats, and Helmets, Waders, Fishing Stockings and Brogues, Waterproof Coats, Capes, and Rugs, Leather Trunks, Portmanteaus, Bags and Straps. Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Pure Wool Manufactures. Bobe and Cap tfaker "by Appointment" to the University College of North Wales- PATTERNSTAND PRICE LIST FREE. WMaw GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT OWEN OWEN AND Co. GRAND SHOW OF Useful Articles Suitable for Xmas Presents and NEW YEAR qIFT6. latibimbs. OF HAT BRUSHES TO BE GIVEN AWAY. CLOTHING CLUBS AND CHARITIES SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. OWEN OWEN & CO., GENERAL DRAPERS, BANGOR. 7834c JOSIAH HUGHES, IBONMOHGER AND HARDWARE MERCHANT. 159 to 161, HIGH STREET, CASTLE HILL, BANGOR. 18 Now folly Established tnlus New Premises, and oan with Confidence invite all who are in want of HARDWARE of every Description to visit him. His Windows and Glass Cam are fell of the most Usefnl and Ornamental Articles in every Branch of the Trade, and have the great attraction of being New, and of the most Modern Construction. JOSIAH HUGHES prides himself upon having the most Convenient Premises, and most Attractive Stock in North Wales. ?CUTLER Y sDa ELF'CT V LAli lt D GOODS of the Beat CUTLERY aad ELtCTR4;PLAtED GOODS of tbe Ben OnaHtiee. ORNAMENTAL POLISHED BRASS and BKONZE OOOD8. FIELD and OPERA GA6USB. TELESCOPES, BBADING GLASSES, &0. BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, aud CLOCKS a Choice Selection. GLOARSNSAEMS, ENTAL QggiSJL VASES and PEDESTALS, JAPANESE VASES. JUQS, ft, in tircat Vart ty, mid Greatly iMooed Prim. Ornamental Oak and Wgqhflt Cabinets, Inks, Coal Vawa, Hat and Umbrella Stands, &0. Sole Agent for the 11 NORTON DOOR CHECK and SPRING," whioh prevents slamming andelfeotuallyelolellcfoor The Best House in the City for WEDDING, CHRISTMAS, and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. Also-the best place far Agricultural Implements of all kinds. Kiiohen Ranges, Stoves, Gratis, Boilers, Fenders, Fire Irons, Bedstesds, Bedding, &o. A very extensive Stook of LAMPS, by all the Best Makers, in every variety of design, material, aud workmanship, consisting of Brass, Bronze and Bohemian Vases, Pillar, Bracket, Suspending, and Hall Lamps, all at greatly reduced prices. Gas Braokets, Pillars, Chandeliers, Pendants and Halt Lanterns. JOSUH Hoeata is also noted for the superiority of bis BURNIMG OILS, consiatidg of Water White, White RoM. Royat Daylight, Benzolene, &o. OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, &e. Sole Agent for Peacock and Patent Paint8; Sole Agent for R. D. Woolfall's Hqdid PaiaM Agent tor Aspinall'b and Blan"'a Enam6i Paints. anJOSIAH HUGHES'S Workshops and Smithy are constantly Employed npoa Special Work to Order, d General Re pairs. MTt 16M mnt Workmen in Every Branch. 1 ESTABLISHED 26 TEARS. 7760td TEA! TEA!! TEA! IN PERFECTION, WITHOUT DOUBT THE TEA OF THE DAY IS MATT A LOO LOO FOR QUALI Y, STRENGTH A PRICE, THIS TEA IS I UNRIVALLED. t MATTA LOO LOO 10 SOLD IN PACKETS- tlo. 1—lbs., 1/7 Jibs., 9 £ i; fibs., 5d. JJo. 2.-1bs., 1/4; i-lbs., 8d J-lbe., 4d. ASK FOR THESE TEAS. TAKE NONE OTHER. SEE YOU GET "MATTA LOO LOO." Sold by J. T. HMDM, Acrfair; R. ROBSBTS, Belle VIIS Stores, Barmouth JIMIS Owmt, Grooer, | Beanmarie; JOH. WUXUMS and G. E. GSATTAN, Btaenaa Festiniog; Tsoius DAVId. Priory Stores, Carnarvon; Wiiitt Owf, Flint; Joo WIWUK», 11, Water street, W. G. Own, 49, Thomas-streA, and T. EBIJS. Londas-roM, HolyiMd D. HBOBM. itioa Home, Holywell; 3. W. GBOTITH, Gloddaeth-1 atreet, Llandudno J. Q. Smau, Blllkeley-equare, Llangefni; R. Utitoa JOJlU, Menai Bridge; EB«NXZEB ROBOTS, PortmadM, Ac., M. 7717m E;)TABLLSHED 1849. ROBT,I- PRICHARD & SON, GENERAL EaONMONGERS & HARDWARE MERCHANTS, THE GOLDEN PADLOCK," BANGOR, LOWEST PRICES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF IRONMONGERY AND HARDWARE GOODS. 774a LEA AND PERRINS SAUCE. Purchasers eboold see that every Bottle of the Original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE I Bears the Signature-thus Sold WMaah 11 the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Bhclcwell, London; Retail Everywhere. I 249w HENRY WILLIAMS, 1, Arfon-terrace, Llandudno. -.r.- BILLPOSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR. ALL WO&K PBAARRIPY DONE, sa BREAKFAST-SUPPER. 1 E P P S'S I GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. C 0 C OA BOILMA W&TTTR OB MILE. JARVIS & FOSTER. PBINTBRS, STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS. LORNE HOUSE, BaOgOS. _-li LAMPS! LAMPS!! ;uJœ.s't;'i!(:'  RAVING &main r;???d a LARGE aDd SPLENDID COLLECTION of NBW LAMPS for"" 5OM?Ye ;4, S2fS22.?SSSi?S?5SiS of the PubHo 6* th^r Special Show of the LATEST and MOST IMPROVED JjAMP8?a..{?t?.. Postlethwaite's Patent Duplex Lamps. SAFE, ECONOMICAL, ARTISTIC m DESIGN, AND UNRIVALLED iron BRILLIANCY o. LIGHT These Lamps have proved a Great Success, and are undoubtedly the best Duplex Burners ever invented. Hint's, Wright & Butler's, Rowatt's, Defries, The Wanzer," AND OTHER WELL-KNOWN MAKERS. RIPPINGILE'S PATENT WARMING OIL STOVES, in various Designs. METAL FIRE and FIRE CLAY BALL GAS STOVES supplied and fitted up by Practical Workmen. WICKS, CHIMNEYS, GLOBES of every Description for lamps, and also for Gal. The well-known Brand White Rose" Petroleum Oil, which is the beat refined Petroleum produced, betog Odourless, Colourless, and diffuses the most brilliant Light. WF W 4 COMPY. atM whbto call the &ttention of the deny and others to their OHUBOE W LAMPS of Wrought Iron and Copper, which are dclned by th?m at their own Om<x an* manufactnred bpecially for them by a Arm of Ornamental Wrought Iron Workers in Birmingham, Several Churches in the neighbourhood have already been supplied, which have been mnoh admired an& commented upon. Quotations accompanied with any of these designs will be sent on application. Prospectuses and Quotations also for Heating Cbutchea and other Public Buildings on Dg.awdwit Improved System, wbioh bas been a great suooess. NOTE THE ADDRESS:- The OLD IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT, Opposite the Market HaU. W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS & COMPANY, General and Furnishing Ironmongers, and Agricultural Implement Depot, 224, 226, 228, High-street, Bangor. fi366r HIGH CLASS TAILORING. -:0:- 21S, HIGH-STREET (near Market Hall), BANGOR. J. W. ROBERTS (Late Cutter at 1, Neville-street, Southport). -:0:- FIT, STYLE, AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Satisfaction can and is only given by very few Houses in the Kingdom. Price List on Applioatio*^ Terms, HEADY CASH ONLY. J. W. ROBERT3 will visit any part of North Wales on Receipt of Post Card. 7776tw — ~f THE ORIGINAL DICK'S OLD ESTMMISMM NEW AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. THOUSANDS OF PAIRS TO SELECT FROM. ALL GOOD LEATHER, AND GUARANTEED TO WEAR WELL. ONE FACT IS WORTH A THOUSAND A R G UMEN TS. Walking Boots, Shooting Boots, Workmen's Boots, School Boots, Ladies' & Gents' Shoes in all the Best Makes & Newest Styles. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CHILDREN'S AND NURSERY BOOTS FIRST-CLASS HAND-SEWN BOOTS-STERLING VALUE. SPECIAL GOODS MADE TO MEASURE. REPAIRS DONE ON THB PREMISES WITH BEST LEATHER AT LOW PHOTS. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE PRINCIPALITY. SHOPS IN ALL THE IMPORTANT TOWNS OF THB UNITED KINGDOM. AGENTS FOR DR. JAEGERS SANITARY BOOTS AND SHOES. LOCAL BRANOHK8- 217, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, i 91, Bridge-St. and 3 Palace-St., Carnarvon. 30, Market-street, Holyhead, High-street, Pwllheli. WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, French Polishers, and Undertakers. 155, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. WE. A S. BEG t? inform the PcBLM that they aM Kanufacturing PURNrMn EF MM ?V? JDBSMPTION on the Pwnm= at the mMt RBASOHABU PVOM,   9009 aOIMS, AND MDROOM SUnlg, MATHM MM HAI% WOOL, NI) 'tOCK  and B.t Mti" OLD Him WOOL AND  SS* (by P"  A? RIF,MADN 'QUAt TO NEW. OLD FURNITUM BEPURED AND RBoovyaZD. 8ver1 DeøcrI,tioD of WiAdow BIiDdI, Ac., .tc.. made to Ou. u4 INe Bodet"" gp?, MatU8lØ, &e? alway, ia STOOX. MS MRS U. T. CROOKS, HIGH-CLASS FAMILY BOOT MAKER, SSS, Hiaa-STBBBT. BANGOB, IS now Showing a Fashionable and Extensive Stook of N.. SEASON'S GOODS, I1ÙtaU. ht fM<o? we"- Work and R.?Wrs. ?<<-M/ ??<M?tt? ? ?t?j<'w? K?f? and ?<??. TMe D I N N E moo 4 y.10 A = DINNEFORD'b Mha, Goat &a me eel.. spaimi ON" c1— MAGNESIA. S? '?-'?-* SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD; CAurtax- am BtXNMrORU < 00. is on "Now Beau "d Wd