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JOSIAH HUGHES & SON, IRONMONGERS, &c., BANGOR, HAVE still remaining on han4 many plendid LOTS unsold from the Clearance Sale, and which will he sold quite r ^ardless of cost and nltlnu^h the social sale i> practically over, a great number of articles in every 1.-Iiartule;.t will still be ol,i at any Reasonable off,re,i J. H, & SON'S object being 1 k) clear off Stock from o?ttyinc warehouses, ?'?.) to concentrate their attention upon the more m ><iem development# ci, the tra?'e. and bring all tbp most Useful Arti?les into smaller and more convenient coml)am. whICh they hope will, in course of a short time, make their Establishment most attractive and useful to their Customers. Please send for Catalogues with Marked Items, or kindly pay a visit of inspection and oblige.-Yours very respectfully. JOSIAH EUGHES & SON. 5810 THE DOLGELLEY GOLD MINES AND THE WELSH NATIONAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CO)lP' Y ONE of the greatest discoveries of the presp'" 1 *° know'hat .11 perst us wanting iID3 tili- -ruit and Yeje'able line, such as Apples, Or- i-oi. >u, On- ions. Pears. Cherries, Plums Goosetxn > i .il sort* of English and Foreign Krui»sinSe" < ..ocure them at prices never before att,pte,' men in Li, o()]. The Welsh National Fvr: u,u stable Company u established io supply a' want of informing per- sons in general where ». ^ouud Stuft in the best and cheapest uiar1 encourac" t^e Kraitc r ers.andttU persons starting in iineverv and in and «Vales a* *y to command the co- ion aud s- .1I ready-money customers. hv do we Kecause the question is oil n hy do your Fruit aud VegelablM from; .a persons in the same trade would satisfy s of theii competitors bv giving the uddre .rm thev get their s'uff of. for is it not a r v »ct hat there is always a great or less "Iousv in every business ? Hence our great .dver'isini the answer by saying Whenever yoa .y xaods in the Fruit aud Vegetable Line write for List. aud you will not get disappointed, to JOHN FITZPATRICK, FRUIT MERCHANT, CAZNEAl'-STREET, LIVERPOOL. Please name this Taper- 61—127R ALLIANCE A SSURANCE COMPANY. • BSTABLISHED 1824. CAPITAL £ 5.000.000- HEAD-OFFICE BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON. The Right Honble. LORD ROTHSCHILD, Chairman. ROBERT LEWIS, Chief Secretary. LIVERPOOL BRANCH: 30, EXCHANGE STREET, EAST. WREXHAM BRANCH: HIGH STREET. WM. ROBERTS, District Secretary. Prospectmes, Proposal Forms, and other papers may be had on application. 332t IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1836. X STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, Trade Auxiliary Company (Limiteo), 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. SUBSCRIBERS, BY OBTAINING TIMELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AGENCY, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE EVERY TRADER SHOULD READ STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE. Supplies Information Indispensable to Traders. 9&- The Registers of Stubbs and Co. contain more than Five Million entries. BRANCHES at 71, Lord-street, Liverpol; 14 J) Brown-street, Manchester; Dublin, Glasgow Birmingham, Bradfcrd, Bristol, Brighton, Bel. fast, Dundee, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Leeds, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Sheffield. SUB-OFFICEs.-6, St. John's square, Cardiff, 42 Castle-street, Swansea, Cambridge, Cork, Derby Exeter, Grimsby, Hull, Hauley, Huddersiield, Ipswich, Leicester, Maidstone, Middles "oro', New- port, Mon,, Northampton, Nottingham, Plymouth, Preston, Reading, Southampton, Stockton-on- Tees, Wolverhampton, Worcester, York. TzBmq-91 Is, £2 2s, JE3 3B, t5 5s, aooording to PRO,??PECTTO forwarded on application to any requirements. 7 of the above Offices. 7 POST FREE, ONE SHILLING—Bound in Green Cloth. MR.G. T. CONGREVE mon the 8ufce8-ful Treatment of CONSUMPTION. ? ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS,&c" With the NEW APPENDIX, containing 226 Cases of deep interst,sliov,ing the PERMANENCE OF CURE. COOMBK LODGE, PECKHAM, S,E. 296R Just Published for Two Stamps. By J. A. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.), a Treatise entitled "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH:" A most Valuable Book for Young Men. ON the LAWS GOVERNING Litp, and the CADSEB, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT, of all diseases depending on Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude. Ac. Sentpost free on receipt of Two Stamps.—Address— J. A. BARNES, M.D. (U.S.), 48, Lonsdale square, Thornhill-road, London, N 163k GOOD COMPLEXION MRS. LANGTRY writes:—" Since using GOOD COMPLEXION PEARS SOAP for the VJ hands and complexion GOOD COMPLEXION I have disoarded all L' others." (Signed) £ *_OOD QOMPLEXION LiLUE LAMTRy. GOOD /COMPLEXION FAIR WHITE HANDS. /? OOD COMPLEXION FAIR WmTK HAND3. a OOD /COMPLEXION COMPLEXION. J Son HEALTHFGL SKIN. GOOD COMPLEXION PEARS'SOAP T PEARS'SOAP /c OOD /COMPLEXION PURE C?LOOr? D (COMPLEXION ^FRESHING GOOD COMPLEXION FRAGRANT! GOOD O /COMPLEXION For Toilet and Nursery PEARS' SOAP CI OOD COMPLEXION specially prepared for J \J the delicate skin of GOOD /COMPLEXION ladi??? and children & J' \J others sentitive to the GOOD COMPLEXION weather, winter and vV summer. Roughness GOOD COMPLEXION Redness, Peervenejey vJ and Chapping. GOOD COMPLEXION VT \j PEARS' SOAP is GOOD COMPLEXION recommended by Sir V ERASMUS WILSON, late GOOD COMPLEXION President of the College ?Surgeonsofhngland V/C T OOD /COMPLEXION ofSurgeonsofEngland VJ W Sold Everywhere GOOD c OMPLEXION Large Soented Tablets (JT Is,Smaller (Unsented). (C OOP COMPLEXION 6d. 11 To Gardeners and Florists. IF von want a first-class weekly gardening pape which contains only sonnd, practical, and useful information on all subjects connected with the garden and its management, and all current borticulturgil news, read THE GARDENING WORLD, which is published every Friday morn.ng. PRICE Id. POST FREE LID. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS. 17, CATHERINE-STREET. COVEHT C|ABBEN, W.C 44 AVID ][)AVIES BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, No. 4, UmoN-KUIT, BAneox, JUBILEE JUBILEE JUBILEE OF THE GREAT WELSH REMEDY, THE CELEBRATED CAMBRIAN MEDICINE, JONES' (TREMADOC) VEGETABLE, TONIC, APERIENT AND ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. mI HE ?nera) test of HALF A CENTURY has _L now established the reputation of these Pills, composed ot rate and expensive Vegetable plepara- tions, combined with a valuable SNOWDONIAN HERB. nine a MILD, LAXATIVE, TONIC REMT nerior to all other preparations as a PRI VE AKD CURE FOB ALL DISEASES re •- • rom a Disordered State of the Stomach .r and Impurity of Blood, &c. The increasing, steady sale, and SENERAL use tlwe Pills is not the result of PUfrlNCx ADVERTISEMENTS, but have RESTED ON THEIR OWN MERITS for the long period of 50 YEAHS, and are now the Household Remedy of nine-teuthfl of the inhabitants of Great Britain, and also on the Continent. Sold by all the Wholesale Houses, and at the Ðepôt, Trema foc, North Wales, Retailed by all Medicine Vendors in every town in the United Kinodom and the Continent, in Boxes, at Is lid, 2s. 6d., and 4s. 6d. each. 855D KEA.'l'ING'S POWDER. Kills W«m. K«a». »—tU» TTEATING'S POWDFIH. KiKi Fi?.. B?. Mothi. ZWOO? ?EATINO's" POWDER.' aeeu. ?? K,Il? F!om, Ba?. Moth*, B." KE- ATfN- (Pii POWDFB. —— KiUs F).M. B.?, X.tb., BNUM, KEATING'S POWDEB. Kilte Moth«. B—tl—. this Powder so ceT«brtft«d, Is perfectly unrivjiUed iu dei'trorlni BUGS. FLKAS, MOTHS, BE TLES, .? LU lnseoU jwhiUt pS fectly hu mless tc all animal lite). All wooUwii -dl? iboakf b« well sprlnkloowUb the Powderberopla.oiqaw.7. Itt.iu.aJuabl, %o take to the Seattle. To avoid diaappoiHtment Insiit upon ha?iui 1 Keating's Powder. N..1h.r Powder J. efleotual. S.Id ..I, I. 6d:}_J6a ot tmtta.tton Don't be d??.i .1. WORMS IN CHILDREN,  WORMS IN CHILDREN, Are easily, B trel*, and wtth perfeot lafety cot rid of bjuatniXHAT- Am e?i im 1_,BLETS. ?,rly XII ?Vl? d?. auflfr from V orm i If euepeeted, do not wait, you oan with eaae oure %he eMW (haa ae •Beet iiMii ot fworma). fold all nhamitte, la Tlka. la. lid. T^PPG'Q I GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. (BRKAXFAST) — nr\nn MADE SIMPLY WITH OCOA. BOILING WATER OR MILK, c "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE? WORLD-FAMED laiilililflmiiliH THe GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. For cleauainsand clearinetne blood from 811 impuritieB, wbeiuer the result of Contaginu8 Di,ea?e, or foul matter of ll'y description, it cannot be too hihly, M,??,,d,,d. For Scrofula. 8curvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, Ec7.e-I and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent rnro It Cures Old gor a. Cures Ulcerated Sorea OD the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cure: Blackheads, or P?ples on Uls ram Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures BI,?d and Skin Di. Cures Glandular Swellinps. Clears the Blood from all Impure stter. From whatever cause ariBin. A. this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warrant-AD freo from anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test ts value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d., and in cases, containing six times the quantity, lis. ench-sufficicut to effect a per. rnnnent cure In the lreftt mujority of lone 8tanllln capes, BY ALL CHK.VISTS and PATKNT MKDICINR VKNDOitS throughout the world, or sent for 33 or 132 stamps by THB LIJ'COLK AICD MTNTAND COUNTIES DRue COMPAMT, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—BLOOD 3A I XTURS.") CAUTIOlNr. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture—see that yon pet the genuine article. Worthless imitations are some- times palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words Lincoln and ieOl( Drug Company, Lincoln, Bncland, are engraved on tho Government Stamp, ana Clarke World-fnraed Blood Mixture," blown in the Bottle, without which non are genuine. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary organs, in either sex (acquired or consti- tutional Gravel, and Pains in the Back Guarantee free from Mercury. Sold in Boxe 4s Gd each, by all Chemists atidpatent Medicine Vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Ma ler, THB LINCOLN ASD MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUGS COMPANJ LINCOLN. Wholesale Agents, BARCLAY AND SONS London, and all tbe Wholesale Houses. c WHY HAVE RANCID BUTTER? TOMLINSON & Co's. BUTTER POWDER, IF m(l when churning, prevents all bad and a' d tastes, keeps bntter sweet and firm in the hot weather, brings butter in a few minutes at all seasons. The Publio should try and obtain Butter from Dairies which use this Harmless Powder, as the Butter keeps much longer. Of Chemists and Grocers, 6d., Is., 2s. 6d., & 7s. Gd. A sample box of the three larger sizes post free for Sta^nps, if not obtainable. c TOMLINSON AND HAYWARD, LINCOLN. CUT FLOWERS, WREATHS, &c. DlCKSONS NURSERIES, CHESTER. GEORGE EVANS, PRINCIPAL BILL-POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, CARNARVON. LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GOLD MEDAL. HIGHKBT POSSIBLE AWARD. CONTRACTORS TO THE ADMIRALTY. JOHN MATHEWS AND CO VARNISH, PAINT, COLOUR, SOFT SOAP, AND GREASE MANUFACTURERS. )il and Manganese Merchants, and Desalt! ilATTON-GARDEN WORKS, LIVERPOOL. Price Lists and Samples upon applicatior 39 PRICE ONE SHILLING. TIAULED BACK: BT HIS WIFE, U-GO GONE-AWAY HUG-AWAY A PACHA OF MANY TALES. A MOST ATTRACTIVELY WRITTEN BOOR COMMANDING A LARGE SALE. PUBLISHED AT NORTH WALES CIIR ONICLE OFFICE, BANGOR. AN EMINENT MEDICAL SPECIALIST WHO IS A DULY QUALIFIED SURGEON. ON SOCIAL PURITY AND THE INFIRMI- TIES OF MAN. Addressed specially to yoang men, with advice on Health, and containing Recipes that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the full power of Manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Qacka. Send one stamp to prepay noatage.-AddusB, Secretary, Institute Anatomy Birmingham 49 DONALD CAMERON, —Merchant Tailor,- BANGOR. 23 J. A. ENRIGHT & CO., MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURES BANGOR, and LLANERCHYMEDD. EVERY Oueration under the supervision of a Practical Chemist, who has been specially and highly recommended at the HtJaltheries and the Royal Windsor Show. ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. 267T LADIES DESIROUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME DRESSES SHOULD GO TO Madame LAZZARUS, No 1, PRINCESS-TERRACE, BANGOR, WHOSE Style and Fit is guaranteed. She makes it her special care to adopt the style best suited to the figure. She also supplies Morning and Evening Dresses from £3 3s. Ladies' own material made up. 21 EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. Machine. ?-? Fiom 10/- modtli, with imediate delivery of No. 1, E15; No. 3, 211; No. 4, 912 12s; Victory?lO. Lista of 1000 Machines and Testimonials from all parts of the World, Free. BRITISH CYCLE MANUFACTURING CO., 45, EVEBTOH ROAD, LIVERPOOL. 425 NO STABLE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT E LLIMAN'S "ROYAL" E MBROCATION. J-.LLIMAN'S JL? "ROYAL" E MBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S "ROYAL" E MBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S ROYAL" E MBROCATION. For SPRAINS and CURSS, SPLINTS when forming, SPRUNG SINEWS, CAPPED HOCKS, OVER REACHES BRUISES and CUTS, BROKEN KNEES, SORE SHOULDERS, SORE THROATS, SORE BACKS, &c. REMARKS. "I consider it indispensable in aDY stable, out especially in the stabie of a Master of Hounds. HADDINGTON, Master of Berwickshire Hounds. "I have had over twenty-five years' experience as jobmaster in this city of Opporto, Portugal, and can safely declare I nev r during my exeprience used such a perfect remedy, and shall re- commend it to every one I know it would be useful to. GEORGE HENay CORKER. 24, Rue daliberdade, Opporto, March 5, 1888. Sold by Chemists and Saddlers, Price, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s 6d. Prepared ouly by ELLIMAN, SONS, and Co., Slough, England. IE LLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. i UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS. RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS. I SORE THROAT FROM COLD, CHEST COLDS. From Victorina," The Strong- est Lady in the World." London, April 27th, 1888. Gentlemen,—When I arrived hrre I was attacked by a severe stmin during the performance of iny busine s, my arms and knees being swollen to a great extern, and I was afraid that I should have to rest a w, ek or so. I tried youv Embrocation, and am pleased to say that the next evening I went through my usual performance before the public as though nothing had been the matter. Since that time I have always kept it near me,aud have advised my professional colleagues of the wonderful power of it, and the advisability of keeping it always in the hou;e handy in case of anv accident. Athletes from thft Athletic Clubs have written me asking how it is that after my perform- ance I do not exhibit the signs of fatigue th*t they usually do, and I can only answer, I Don't you keep Elhmun'* Embroca- tiou" If iiot,1 should advis-* you to do so, as it not only relieves pain, but it strength- ns your nerves and muscles.' VICTORINA." ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. Is. ld. c A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. B EECRAM'S PILLS, B EECHAM'S PILLS, B EECI-IAM'S PILLS, Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Billions and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and pain in the stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, fcc. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be w ORTH A GUINEA A BOX. w ORTII A GUINEA ABOX. "yyORTH A GUINEA A BOX For females of all ages they are invaluable. No female should be without them. Theie is not a medicine to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which aie ensured by their use. gEECHAM'S PILLS. B EECHAM'S PILLS. B EECHAM'S PILLS. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and the Disorders of the Liver, they act like" MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole n.uscular system, restore the ong-lost complexion, bring back tiip keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE BUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS" testified continually by members of all classes of society and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECH AM'S have the Largest Sale of any Palen Medicine in the world. B EECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B EECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B EECRAM'S MAGIC COUCH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma. Bronchi a Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand un. rivalled. They are the best ever off, red to the public and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive th patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM' COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough wil ina short time be removed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale aud Retail, by ne Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lanca- shire, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. IM BOXES, IS lid and 28 9d EACH FULL DIRBOTIOKS ARE GIVHN WITH EACH BOTTLE AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. IRST-CLASS, FULL J POWERED IRON STEAM SHIPH. Accommodation for Passeugers equal to any European Line. Passengers and fcoods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This is the Shortest and Beet Route to the West. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & Co., 19 and 22, WATER-BTREET, LIVERPOOL, or RICHARD ROBERTS, BETHESDA. H. J. WILLIAMS, 70, PKNTBRYN, BETHESDA. 4 ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES. SALOON, 10 TO 18 GUINEAS; INTIoRMEDIATII, £6 6s; E 14. WSy r(HE APEST AND MOST EXPE- U DITIOUS ROUTE to all pads of Canada, Manitoba, the North West Territory and British Columbia; also to the Western States of America. Special Emigrant and Tourist rates. Through trains dailv from Ocean to Ocean," and Emigrant Sleeping Cars without extra charge. A liberal allowance of Baggage Free. Western bound immigrants accompanied by a Special Conductor, Prof. SHELDON'S new report and all the latest Maps and Pamphlets Free on application. For Passage Tickets and further information apply to ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., Liverpool, or to the Local Agents of the Line. L244 The Farmer and Chamber of Agriculture Journal EVERY MONDAY.—ONE PENNY. THIS JOURNAL, in its 42nd year, is now pub. _L lished at ONE PENNY weekly, and is the largest, cheapest, and best Agricultural Paper. 15 contains all the Agricultural News of the Week, the Latest Markets, aud numerous original and inte resting articles on Farming subjects by the leading Agricultural Writers of the day. SHOULD BE IN THE HANDS OF EVERY FARMER. May be ordered through any Newsagent, at the Railway Bookstalls, or will be supplied direct from the OFFICE, 291, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Subscription, post free 6s 6d per annum. WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM, BILL-POSTER & TOWN CRIER PORTMADOO. BEGS to inform that he Rents all the principa Posting Stations in Portmadoc and district viz., about 6 Miles around. SPECIAL TERMS TO CONSTANT PATRONS BEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE write for "Tlio Iilusirated Pamphlet," sent free on Application by the "LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER." FIRM FOUNDED 1745. WATCHES, jCl TO £100. Send yonr WATCH and JEWELLEr. RE PAIRS by Post, Registered, which will be given only to Skilful Workmen. Estimates sent before doing the work, and I take Ri., k and Cost of Carriage back. T. R. RUSSELL (MAKlm TO THE QUEEN), CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 52 THE PATHWAY OF SAFETY. A BOOK FOR YOUNG MEN. Giving instruc- tions for the speedy cure of Nervous and other complaints which embitter life and produce pre-I mature decay and loss of nerve power and vitality. Full directions for self-treatment with local and internal Rtmedies, which has cuied thousands of per.-ons who had lost all hope before reading this book. Putlished by a duly qualified surgeon for the benefit of Mankind. A copy sent free,- Address, Secretary, Institute ot Anatomy, Birming- ham. 339.JT MONEY ON EASY TERMS, Privately, in sums of MOlr t£ttE, aif:, in Tsa:J Country, upou approved Promissory Notes, on the following terms without deductions £10, twelve monthly repayments of £0 17 11 25 2 4 9 50 4 9 7 100 8 17 2 Larger amount same in proportion; quarterly or half- yearly, or by special arrangements made for repay- ments, to suit the convenience cf the borrower, extend- ing over a lon ger period. Advances made immediately upon mortgage of furni- ture, trade and farm stock, plants, crops, farming implements, or any available security, at a lower rate of interest than charged by other offices, without removal, and also toassiot persons into business. Responsible applicants I'.a-. have the money without Bill of Sale. Distance no object, as loan nny be paid by Cheque or Po,tal Order, and (if necessary) if the interest paid the Capital can remain. Also upon freeholds, leaseholds, reversions, life policies, without publicity, from 1 to 20 years at 5 per cent. Prompt and personal attention, and no genuine application ever refused. Strict secrecy observed. Write or apply personally for prospectus (showing the advantages offered) to the actual leuder MR J. T. NICHOLLS (late A. H. Davis). Savoy House, 115 and 116, STRAND, LOU DON, W.C. Private entrance in Savoy-street. 20 THE NEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORA- i TION, LIMITED. OAPITAL-AUTHO- RISED, £ 2,000,000; SUBSCRIBED AND PAID UP, £ 500,000. LONDON: 40, THREADNEEDLE- STREET, E.C. WEST END BRANCH, 25, UOCKSPUR-STREET, S.W. EDINBURGH 23, ST. ANDREW-SQUARE. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Aden Hong Kong Melbourne Shanghai Badulla Jaffiia Nagasaki ISingapole Bombay Handy ine?era Ellia Sydney Calcutta Kobe (Hiogo) New York Tamaiave Colombo Madras Parig T,?h,'?,a? Dundee Mah6 San jTeheran Dundee Mah6  Francico!Vla(livostock Galle Mauritius Sey(helles (Yokohama INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. At 3, 4, and 5 months' notice, 3 per cent, per annum At 6,7, and 8 months' 4 At 9 to 12 months' 4" At 3, 5, or 7 years' notice 5 „ II Interest paid half-yearly, in London-31st March an,1 30th September. Irterest paid half-yearly, in Scotland-11th May and 11th November. Current Accounis opened and Cheque Books sup- plied. Interest at 21 per cent. per annum allowed on the minimum monthly balance if not below £100. Advances made against approved banking secu- rities. Pay and pensions drawn, insurance premiums, subscriptions, and other periodical payments made at a uniform commission of i per cent. Securities bought, sold, and received for safe custody from constituents of the bank. Interest and dividends collected at a uniform commission of i per cent. Drafts issued upon the Bank's Eastern Branches at current rate., free of commission. Bills collected or negociated, and every description of exchange business conducted. The fullest information can be obtained by appli- cation at any ot the Branches and Agencies, or at the Head Office. GEORGE WILLIAM THOMSON, 61z Secretary. PffffiNix OIL MILL CO. LIMITED, L I VE UPOOL, Manufacturers of Feeding Stuffs extensively used by the leading Pedigree Stock Owners. ? A T "P I PH?NIX CALF I PURE A 17/E | MEAL | Delivered at any Station. om LINSEED CAKE COTTON CAKE S U L P H 0 L I N E LOTION THE CURE FOR SKIN DISEASES. IN A FEW DAYS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, ENTIRELY FADE AWAY. Beautifully Fragrant. Perfectly Harmless. Removes every kind of Eruption, Spot, or Blemish, and renders the Skin clear, smooth, supple and healthy. SKIN AFFECTIONS THAT QUICKLY YIELD TO SULPIIOLINE. ERUPTIONS BLOTCHES DISCOLORATIONS ECZEMA ROSEA SCURVY PIMPLES ?BLEMISHES ACNE SPOTS PSORIASIS TETTER ULCERATIONS &c. &c. I S U L PH 0 LI N E LOTION. There is scarcely any eruption but will yield to Set- PHOLINE in a few days. and commence to fade away. Ordinary Pimples, Redness. Blotches, Scurf, Roughness vanish as if by magic; whilst old, enduring Skin Disorders, however deeply rooted, SULPHOLINE success- fully attacks. It destroys the animalculro which mostly cause these unsightly, irritable, painful affec- tions, and produce a clear, smooth, supple, healthy Skin. Bottles sold everywhere. A FAIR BEAUTIFUL SKIN! SULPHOLINE 6d SOAP 6d Gives the Natural Tint and Peach-like Bloom of a Perfect Complexion. DELIGHTFUL TO WASH WITH. FRAGRANT AND CLEANSING. A SAFEGUARD AGAINST SKIN DISEASES. By using SULPTIOLIXE SOAP the Skin soon becomes healthy, soft, comfortable, and beautiful. Tublets, Gd. Boxes hotdin</ Three Tablets, Is. 6d. SOLD EVERYWHERE. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON 2s. 6d. Bottles GREAT BODILY STRENGTH m f\ [ T GREAT NERVE STRENGTH 1 GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH TO IC GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH! Promotes Appetite, Cures Dyspepsia, Hysteria, Nervous Complaints, General Debility. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON PUPPER'STOXIC. Insist on havingrP/\VTT/^1 it. Bottles, 16 doses. 23 6d; n?xtJ.\?i't XVJ fize, 32 doses, 4s 6d. Sold everywhere. Improves the Appetite, promotes digestion, greatly strengthens the nerves, increases strength of pulse, gives firmness to the muscles, alters pale counten- ance, supplies deficient heat to weak circulations, overcomes ho,tily weariness and weakness, cures many painful complain ts-neiiralgi a, sciatica, &c., is a remedy for dyspepsia, stomach affections, &c„ and thoroughly recruits the health. PEPPER'S TARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLIN. A FLUII) LiVKit MKDICINE WITHOUT MKKOURY Is now regularly pre ibed by many Physicians instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of conges- tion of the liver, generally pain beneath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, feeling of general depression. Bottles, everywhere. RESPLENDENT IVORY-LIKE TEETH. TO MAKE SURE OF THESE, USE CRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE. It dislodges tartar, thoroughly polishes the enamel, perfectly cleanses the teeth, hardens the gums, is astringent, aromatic, and delicious in flavour. CRACROFT'S PASTF. ensures a tine set of teeth. Sold everywhere. Pots, Is each. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR Is 6d HAIR SOLD EV13RYWII ,,tF. -[IAIR RESTORER The Best. The Safest. The Cheapest. LOCKYER'S Is. 6d. SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER. RESTORES THE COLOUIt TO OltAY HA R. EFFECTIVELY PREVENTS HAIR PROM FADING. REMOVES SCURF, AND EM HELUSHES, CAUSl G HAIR TO GROW WHEKEVER THIN OR PATCHY. STOPS FALLING OFF. GIVES LUXURIANCE, GLOSS, BEAUTY, AN UNEQUALLED HAIR DRESSING. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, CURED BY DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. ( WITHOUT IIEROURY. THE OLDEST, MILDEST, SAFEST FAMILY PILL. Boxes, Is I d and 2& fJd. Sold everywhere. WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS. ° Cabinet Makers. Upholsterers, and French polishers, 155 and 309, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. WE & S BEG toinform the t'um.ic that they are ^Unufact un B of W. DESCRIPTION on he PREMISES at the most KKASONABLK PRICES. DINING ROOI SUITES, DRAWING ROO?NF SUITES, AND BEDROOI SCITES, FEkTitEr. BEl', HAIR WOOL, AND FLOCK .\1 A TTRESSES, all Purifieù. Clean, and Sweet ?laterials. nOL. D „ HHAAIIRR, WwOuOuLi, \aS.. O rtocK MMS&?'WEKSSD (by PATENT AND RE_MADE EQUAL TO EW. OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Every Description of Window Blinds, Cornices, &c., &-c., made to ORDRR. Brass and Iron oR.ggyfrftttr.tyfoAT.">fyAt,.»■ ALL 0 R D E R S S Il ALL IIAVF, ATTENTION. —" G. GRIFFITH AND Co., BANGOR CARNARVON (OPPOSIM THE M USEUM). 9, BRIDGE. STREET ORDERS FOR TJ. UNXI IA NXI G AND REPAIRING PHmlPTLY EXECUTED. CHURCH ORGANS REPAIRED AND TONED BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISIS INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. LARGEST STOCK OF MUSIC IN NORTH WALES. PIANOS, &c., illAY BE HIRED FOR CONCERTS OR OTHER MEETINGS. 329 D I N N 1l7i1 lTP V1 /A T) T\ 1 O The bet remedy for Acidity .I .r O^ KU D of the Stomach, Heartburn, Head. ache, Gout and Indigestion; and safest aperient for delicate Consti MA G N -»-r -E l-i cS i T A tntions, Ladies, Children, and I A Infants. 180, BOND STREET, LONDON, AND,&LL-,CHEMISTS. CAUTION.—See that "DINNEFORD it CO." is on every Bottle and Label. 59 TO SECURE E C K I T T s BLUE GENUINE Always see the Name on the Wrapper. 12 THE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD, CORRECT ALL DISORDERS OF THE LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to hea bilitated Constitutions, In all Female Complaints are invaluable. For Children and the aged they are priceless. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. T H E OINTMENT IS an infallible remedy for Bad L-3,,i, Bid Braisrs. Old Wj^ods, Sores and Ulcers. It is fame for Gout and Rheumatism. For Disorders of the Chest it has no-eqtial. FOR SORE THB CATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLD, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOI.LOWAY'S ESTABLISHMENT, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. Advice Gratis at the above address, daily, between the noara of ELEVEN and or by letter. The Price of tlit) GARDENERS' CHRONICLE" is now THREEPENCE. "First to our hand come the home journals, among which the ably conducted Gardener*' Chronicle worthily holds the lead, as it has now done for more than a generation."—The Journal of Forestry. Energetic, yet conservative, the 'Gardeners' Chronicle' has become useful and popular everywhere." Hon. MARSHALL WII.DRB, Boston, U.S. "Forgive me if I pay a compliment to the way tho I Chronicle' is edited. It is ably and well managed.' An Orchidist. 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ILLUSTRATIONS The "GARDENERS' CHRONICLE" has obtained an international reputation for the accuracy, permanent utility, and artistic effect of its illustrations of plants. Tlmse illustrations, together with the original articles and monographs, render the "Gardeners' Chronicle" an indispensable work of reference in all garden reading-rooms and botanical libraries. SUPPLEMENTS: Double-page Engravings, Lithographs, and other ILLUSTRATIONS OF LARGE SIZK, are frequently given as Supplements without extra charge. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.-The United Kiugdom: Twelve Months 15s; Six Months, 7s 6d; Three Months, 3s 9d; Post Free. Foreign Subscriptions (excepting India and Chiaa): Including Postage, 17s 6d for Twelve Months. India and China, 19s 6J. P.O.O. to be made pavable at the Pof-t Office, 42, DRURY LANE, LONDON, to W. RICHABDS. Cheques should Oe cr jssed. DROMMOND." Telegfa-hic Address: GABDCHRON, LONDON. OFFICE: 41, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Commencement of a New Volume First Week in January. POULTRY, PIGEONS, CAGE BIR D S, RABBITS. WEEKLY-ONE PENNY. A Weekly Periodical devoted to the encouragement of the POULTRY, PIGEON, CAGE BIRD, and RABBIT FANCI. Pubi; ihed every Friday. To be had of all Booksellers. Annual Subscription 6a 6d, post free. Questions answered and Advice given through its columns. The JOURNAIJ of HORTICULTURE COTTAGE GARDENER, and HOME FARMER, Conducted by ROBERT HOGG, LL.D., F.L.S. ESTABLISHED 1848. GARDENING in all its aspects is treated exhaustively by the most practical and successful Cultivators of the day. THE HOME FARM.—This department contains sound and seasonable advice on profitable Cropping, Stock Management, Manures and their application, and the most approved modes of Dairy Farming. BEES.—The most advanced Apiarians and the most successful Bee-keepers in Great Britain are contributors to this section of this long established and increasingly popular publication. 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