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THE OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS OF NIXON AND JARVIS, BOOKSELLERS. BOOKBINDERS, STATIONERS, LETTEX-PRESS AND COPPER- PLATE PRINTERS, &c., &c., BANK PLACE, BANCTOR, Is still carried on in the Old Premises, J. and has no connection with any other Person or Firm, whether using the name of "JARVIS" or otherwise. NIXON AND JARVIS Find it necessary to make this Announce- ment in consequence of communications intended for them NOT having reached them, and they respectfullv request that LETTERS AND ORDERS may be sent to NIXON AND JARVIS, BANK PLACE, BANGOR, And that *11 Telegrams may be addressed, ?,NIXON AND JARVIS, BANGOR." Bank Place, Bangor, January, 1838. 1348) MERIONETHSHIRE AGRICUL TURAL SOCIETY. PROPOSED WORKING DAIRY FOR MERIONETH SHOW, WHICH IS TO BR HBLD AT HARLECH ON WEDNESDAY, SKPTEMBKR 12T., 1888. THE Committee of Management of the above Society, acd all others interested in the DAIRY, are invited to attend a MEETING, which will be held at the COUNTY HALL, DOLGELLKT, Oil MONDAY, the 20th day of FKBKUARK, 1888 (Fair day), at TWO o-'clock, p.m., when the above pro- posal will be fully considered. Talsarnau, E. M. ROBERTS, 7th February, 1888. General Secretary. 1619T {^ CHIMNEY SWEEPING' C:J" CHIMNEY SWEEPING FTF CHIMNEY SWEEPING! WILLIAM PARRY, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, 64, CAELLEPPA, BANGOR, BEGS to inform the Inhabitants of Bangor and the neighbourhood generally that, at the request of several of the leading families of the district, he has purchased new SWEEPING MACHINERY, and havingsecured the services of thoroughly Practical Men, W. P. is now prepared to undertake the Sweeping and perfect Cleaning of any kind of Flue, and respectfully solicits your esteemed cotnmards. Grat". and Ranges re-s?t, Ac. Payments Quarterly or Half-yearly,if desired. Yearly Contracts undertaken. Estimates supplied. All ORDERS punctually attended to. 1585B LAMP SEASON, 1887-8 JOSIAH HUGHES & SON'S STOCK OF LAMPS IS Replete with the LATEST NOVELTIES, and include the following, viz. :— Defries' Patent Safety, Martin's Patent, Martin's Patent Lighthouse, the Lamp Beige, the Mit- railleuse, the Anucapuic, the Queen Reading Lamp, the German Half Crown Reading Lamp, tho Duplex, and all the Best of too ordinary burners in every variety of shap" and pattern at very Extraordinary LOW PRICES. Petroleum Stoves for Heating and Cooking of the best makes of Rippingille and Wright and Butler's. Also the Best Koyal Daylight and Water White Oil and Benzoknc. Coal and Coke Burning Stoves, Musgrave's Patent Slow Combustion Stoves, Portway's Patent, Tortoise Stoves, Cabin, Shop, Office, and Laundry Stoves. Independent Boilers and Pipes complete for heating Churches. Chapels, Greenhouses, &c.- Workmen to fix same. JOSIAH HUGHES AND SON, IRONMONGERS. BANGOR. 11651 Ovel One Thousand Testimonials have been received from Medical Men. COLEMAN'S Liebig's EXTRACT OF MEAT AND MALT WINE Is a Delicious Beverage and Tonic made from Port Wine, Liebig's Extract of Meat and Extract of Malt Nutritious, Strengthening, Stimulating, Flesh-forming, and Health restoring suitable for the Robust in!Health as well ae the Invalid. Strongly lacommended by ti-e Medical faculty. Important unsolicited Testimonial from E. BOPKINS, Esq., L.R.C.P., L.F.P.S. 64, Aston-roa l, N„ Birmingham lleeomber 17th, I806, Dz&R Sips-I beg to acknowledge receipt of sam- ple of your Extract of Meat and Malt Wine," also one you sent a ehort time baok. I have now Quite Twenty PatienUi taking it; and, ae and strength producing agent, I conetder 't 8econi to none, being eaually iiqe lul in all forms ^ehjlity. Yours faithfully, EDWARD HOPKINS, Messrs Coleman & Co. L.R.C.P.. L.F.P.S. Sold by all Druggists, Wine Merchants,and Patent Medicine Vendors iu the United Kingdom, in Bottles 2s 9d and 486d each. Ask for COLEMAN'S LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT AND MALT WINE, and see that you get it." If there is any dificulty in getting the Wine. write direct to the Manufacturers. who will forward Sample Pint Bottle free by Post on receipt of 33 stamps; Sample Dozen Bottle free by Rail on receipt of iJOs. BOLB MANCFFCCTDRERS, COLEMAK & CO., Limited, Sf. George's, Norwieh, and 3, -New London-ftoeet, London. E.C. zl353-2095 PLAS TUDNO, LLANDUDNO. ng PEERS offers a HAPPY IIOME with Educational Advantages to a Limited Number of Gentlemeu's Daughters. 1971r To Gardeners and Florists. IF von want a first-class weekly ^rdening pape which contains only aonnd, practical, and useful information on all subjects connected with the garden and its managem,.tl] t, aiii all current aorticultoral news, read THE GARDENING WOBLD, whioh is published every Friday nJOJWiPg. PRICE Id. POST FREE lid. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS. 17. CATHERINE-STREET, VENT Q jBDBN, W.C 1657 Scholastic FRENCH, LATIN, AND GREEK. MONS. JACQUET, B.A. (Paris). Ex-Professor lYi. of the University of France, prepares Private Pupils in the above Languages for the Public Ex- aminations, such as-London Matriculation, Dublin University, College of Preceptors, Oxford and Cam- bridge Local, Preliminary Law, Medical and Phar- maceutical Rxaminations, Scholarships of the Uni- versity Colleges of Wales, etc. Schools attended Terms and References on application to Mons. E JACUUBT, 4, Graigfryn, Ganh-road, Bangor. z894 LANSDOWNE HOUSE SCHOOL, LLANDUDNO. Principals—The Misses MATTHEWS AND STANDI^A, LIBERAL AND COMFORTABLE HOME. Resident English and Foreign Teachers Pupils carefully prepared for the Local Examina- tions. References to Parents of Pupils. Next Term will commence January 18th. 19-718 BRYNTEG, LLANGEFNI. LADIES' SCHOOL. THE MISSES LEFTWICH receive a limited ± Number of CHILDREN to Board and Edu- cate. Music, French, and other Accomplishments on .the usual Terms. Situation Healthy. Refer- ences kindly permitted to Parents and others. QDABTB* commences JANDARY 17th. 1888. zl406 FAIRMOUNT BOARDING AND DAY HIGH SCHOOL, HOLYHEAD. HEAD MISTRESS: MISS HUGHES, CERTIFICATED: Cambridge Higher Local College of Preceptors, Trinity College, Dublin, and Trinity College, London (Music). English and Foreign Certificated Resident GOVERNESSES. Music Master, Mr Webb (Associate Trinity College). Spring Term begins January 23rd. Nine passes last year. 1517i DEGANWY SCHOOL (LLANDUDNO JUNCTION). RAPID PREPARATION for all University Local, Professional, and Civil Service Tests Several Students have already joined a Specia Clas.> for Instruction in the subjects of the Entrance Examinations at Theological Colleges. Fees Moderate and inclusive. Prospectus, &c., may be obtained from Mr TUOMAS MUBBY, 3, Ludgate-circus Buildings, Fleet-street, London, E.C.; Messrs GALT and Co., Corporation- street, Manchester or Rev. R. O. THOMAB, Degan- way. 51 CONWAY COLLEGE. HKADMABTHK:— Rev. J.EDWARDES-EVANS.M.A., late Classical Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford, Honours in Natural Scienoe assisted by an Efficient Staff of Masters. PUPILS Specially Prepared for the Universities, j. University Colleges, the Civil Service, the Royal College of Surgeons, and Commercial Pur- suits. TERMS Very Moderate. The Next Term will oommence on FRIDAY, JANUABY 20tb, Boarders return on the previous day. Apply to the Rev. the ERADMASTICR. 11 LADIES' COLLEGE, ARCVILLE, EAST PARADE, RHYL. (House Detached. Recreation Ground with Winter Tennis Court.) PBIMCI.A.L MIS S MER C I E R (NIMOVKD FRM RCaSELL BOAD.) SPECIAL advantages for French and Music. t? Preparaticn for University and R.A.M. Exams. Health and comfort carefully studieJ.-ReferaDces ¡ to ÊsTikd Medical men. to ?E3XT TERM-JANUARY 18tli. z LLANRWST GRAMMAR SCHOOL. SEVEN SCHOLARSHIPS of the Value of £10 i3 each are OFFERED by the Governors of the Hospital and School Foundation of Sir JOHN WYHNB, of Gwydjr. for COMPETITION to BOYS, not over Fourteen years of age, who have been educated for at least Three Years at any of the Public Ele- mentary Schools in the Counties of Denbigh and Carnarvon. The EXAMWANON will take place at the GRAMIIAB SCHOOL, LLANBWST, commencing on THURSDAY, the 23rd FEBAC-ARV, 1888, at 9 30 a.m. For conditions and particulars, application to b. made to Mr MCINTYNE, Gwydyr Ucha, Llanrwst. zl625 BATTON HALL COLLE^ii, WEl.blXv.iiJJ.-tO Ulr.I PATBONESSES.—The Right Honourable Countess.Russell Tho Laily Klorentia Hughes. PATRONS.—Colonel Cornwallis West, MI*. (Lord- Lieutenant of Denbighshire), John Roberts Esq, M.P., Dr. O. G. Zevffi, K.R.S.L., K.B.Hist. S. (one of the examiners of H.M. Department of Science and Art). A HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, combining A the modern system of Thorough Education with the personal supervision and comfort of a refined home. Pupils prepared for Cambridge Local, B.A.M. and Trinity College and South Kensington Examinations. Resident Certificated English and Foieign Govern- esses and Visiting Professors. Large Pleasure Grounds. Terms strictly Moderate and Inclusive for Boarders and Day Boarders. Next term begins April 25th. Apply, LAny PRINCIPAL 84k DONALD CAMERON, —Merchant Tailor,— BANGOR. 54 STOCK-TAKING SALE, FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY. MESSRS. BROWN, HOLMES & Co. j?i BEG to announce their ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING SALE will commence on WEDNESDAY NEXT, THE 1ST OF FEBRUARY, AND TKRMINATK ON SATURDAY, THE 4TH. A large Stock has been thrown out in each Department, and marked exceedingly low. in many instances much less than half price, in order to effect a clearance. A quantity oi Soiled Table Linen, Sheet- inzs, Curtains, and other Household Goods, will be included in the Sale. MESSRS W. & F. Bitow-i & Co. will also hold their Annual Sale during the same period, which will consist of Furniture, Wall Papers, Cretonnes, Tapestries, and other Curtain Materials, together with some Squares and Remnants of Carpets at greatly reduced prices. Chester, January 25th, 1888. zl8 DEFEAT OF THE ARMADA. IN 1588.-THE REVOLUTION IN 1688.-COMMEMORA- TION IN 1888. THE Council appointed to arrange Meetings for JL carrying out the Celebration of these Centen- nial Commemorations earnestly invite Bibk-toving and Loyal Protestants of all denominations to co- operate with them in iitippoi-t of this movement for the maintenance of Christian Truth and our hard- won Constitutional Liberties. Papers giving full information will be forwarded on application (oy letter or otherwise) to the Hono- rary Secretaries, 9, Strand, London, B I GREAT SALE 0 F MANTLES, MILLINERY, DRAPERY, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c., I S NOW ON A T T H 0 Al A S'Sg LONDON HOUSE, BAN GOR, WILL CONTINUE TILL THE END OF THIS MONTH. A REALITY HONEST BARGAINS. SAVE MONEY WHILE YOU SPEND IT A T THOMA.S'S SALE, 297, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. 1505 ESTABLISHED 1820. JOHN THOMAS, PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, GLAZIER, AND SIGN-WRITER, 257, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR, BEGS to thank the Nobility, Clergy, and the JD Public generally, for their kind patronage since he has succeeded to the Business, so long carried on by his Grandfather; and to meet the requirements of his Customers be has purchased a Set of Machines for CHIMNEY SWEEPING, which he will include in his Trade; hoping that, by prompt attention t-o Business, he shall continue to receive their support. Paints, Colonrs, Stains, Varnishes, &o., Chalk. Whiting, Plaster Paris, and Keene's Cement. [1648 J, H. HOLMES, CHEMIST, APOTHECARIES BALL, COLWYN. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully prepared. Drugs JL of guaranteed pmty  Those who suffert Neuralgia or Toothache should at once try Holmes' Mixture, a sure cure tor Neuralgia or Toothache. A good Digestion is essential to Health. Those who suffer with Indi- gestion should try Holmes' Digestive Powders or Pills at once. Rey help the Stomach to digest food thoroughly. Genuine Patent Medicines. Mineral and Aerated Waters. Horse and Cattle Medicines prepared. Medicines promptly forwarded per Parcels Post, Pure Malt Vinegar. 1612 BANGOR. WEEKLY HALF-HOLIDAY. PUBLIC NOTICE. ON WEDNESDAY in EACH WEEK the I SHOPS in the City of BANGOR will be CLOSED at THREE o'clock in the afternoon. The Public are earnestly requested to support the movement by abstaining from doing any busi- ness on the Wednesdays after the hour mentioned T. E. JONES. I S 123Ñ 0. R. HUGHES, 1 secs. LADIES DESIROUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME DRESSES SHOULD GO TO Madame LAZZARUS, No 1, PRINCESS-TERRACE, BANGOR, WHOSE Style and Fit is guaranteed. She makes YV it her special care to adopt the style best suited to the figure. She also supplies Morning and Svening Dresses from iS 3s. Ladies' own material made up. 44 DR. JONES, D.D.S., &C., DENTIST, Opposite the Market, Bangor. D.3. JONES visits II.UNOEFKI every D THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-road. AMLWCH, with Mr HUSHES, Stationer, TUESDAYS February 14, March 13, April 10, May 8..BEIHKBDA and EBKNEZKR, TUESDAY after Pay-day. Annual Clectranc Sale AT REGENT HOUSE, BANGOR. MRS R. P. EVANS' Annual Sale of Stock will Commence on TUESDAY, the 7TH, and Continne to TUESDAY, the 14TH days of FEBRUARY iust., and will include CHOICE MILLINERY, COSTUMES, WOOLS, UNDERCLOTHING, FANCY ARTICLES AND GENERAL STOCK, at very Substantial Reduction. 1602P February 3rd, 1888 EOYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE, LIME STREET, LIVERPOOL. Sole Lessee Mrs EDWARD SAKER. LAST NIGTS.—In consequence of previous arrangements, Last Performance FEBRuRY 18th. THE FORTY THIEVES,' New Songs, New Dances, New Business. Curtain rises at Seven every evening. Morning Performances every MONDAY. WED- NESDAY, and SATURDAY at TWO.-Reduced Prices for Children at the Morning Performances. —Dress Circle, 2s 6d; Pit, Is. 1343a "ROYAL and COMMERCIAL HOTEL," PORTMADOC. FIRST-CLASS HEARSE for one or two horses kept at the Hotel for Hire. 1502 IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1836. X STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, Trade Auxiliary Company (Limitea), 42, GRESHAM STREET?LOND?. E.C. HUBSORTBEBS, BY OBTAINING TIKELY IWOaHATIQN, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. AND MAY, THROUGH THIS ASiNCY, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH FBOHPTITUDI. EVERY TRADER SHOULD READ STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE. Supplies Information Indispensable to Trauert, IS" The Registers of Stubbs and Co. contain more than Five Million entries. BRANCHES at 71, Lord-street, Liverpol; 14 Brown-street, Manchester; Dublin, Glasgow Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Brighton, Bel. fast, Dundee, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Leeds, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Sheffield. SCB-ODTICEB.—6, St. John'S-square, Cardiff, 42 Castle-street, Swansea, Cambridge, Cork, Derby Exeter, Grimsby, Hnll, Hanley, Huddersfield, Ipswich, Leicester, Maidstone, Middlesboro', New- port, Mon., Northampton, Nottingham, Plymouth, Preston, Reading, Southampton, Stookton-on- Tees,Wolverhampton, Worcester, York. TXBIIS— £ 1 Is, iC22s, £ 3 3s, R55s, according to requirements. PBOBPBCTCS forwarded on application to any of the above Offices. NO STABLE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT E LLIMAN'S "ROYAL" ■gMBROOATION.  y; LLIMAN'S "ROYAL" E MBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S ROYAL E MBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S "ROYAL" JgMBKOCATION. I For SPRAINS and CURBS, SPLINTS when forming, SPRUNG SINEWS, CAPPED HOCKS, OVER REACHES, BRUISES and CUTS, BROKEN KNEES, SORE SHOULDERS, SORE THROATS, SORE BACKS, &\ BEMABKS. II I think it very useful." RUTLAND, Mater of Belvoir Hounds. I consider it inditpentable in any stable, but especially in the table of a Master ofHounds. HADDINGTON, Muter of Berwickshire Hounds. II I commend it to horsemen always. Please send one dozen large bottles, and charge to account Buffalo Bill's' Wild ;West Co." old by Chemists and Saddlers, Price, 2s, 2s 8d, 3S 6d, Prepared only by ELLIMAN, SONS, and Co., < Slough, England. J t TjlLLiMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. I RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS. RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS. I THROAT SORE THROAT FROM COLD, CHEST COLDS. From the Superioress, Convent of Providence, Hampstead, N, W. December 8th, 1886. The Superioress begs to in- form Messrs EUiman and Sons that their Embrocation has effected much good severe cases of Rheumatism have beu cured, and it has been found equally effectual in various other cases. From Robert J. Walker, E" ?.R.Cr S., F.R. His Coionial l!Ntu berland Avenue, London,W.C. June 21st, 1887. SIRS,—I cannot refrain from sending you word to say now much I have benefited by using your 44 Embrocation." About a month since I contracted a most severe sprain. This oc. curred whilst playing cricket, I used your Ic tion, not believing that it would do the sprain any food whatever; but I must confess that the second applica- tion gave considerable relief, and two bottlet cured the same. I shall always keep a bottle by me. To crictefplayers it ought to be invaluable -Youra truly, ROBT J. WALXKB. ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION, le, lid. 1587 CONSUMPTION L' AND ITS FINAL CURE. Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Copies have now been issued of Mr G. T. CONGREVE'S Work on CONSUMPTION, ¡ ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, and other CnisT I Diaz am. SIXPENCE (Post Free), from the Publisher, ELLIOT STOCK, 62, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. ——— P PEN D Just Published, the APPENDIX ?A To the above Treatiw, being a reprint of between Two and Three Hundred INTESESTING AND AUTHENTIC CASES is elected from those which have appbared in the, Weekly Journals from 1881 to the present time. NOTES are appended to many of these cases which prove the cure to be FINAL AND PERMANENT." This p g,,dx 8ent Post Free on application to the Aut hor on!y OootmE LoMK, PECKHAM. 1042-2028 R. A. GREGORYI LATE WILLIAMS & HUMPHREYS, 219 AND 221, HIG-II-STREET (NEXT DOOR TO THE MARKET), BANGOR, FAMILY GROCER, ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, AND PROVISION MERCHANT. TEA! TEA!! TEA! In this Department the greatest care is taken in selecting from tlie;elioicest co-isignmtnts, after pre- viously inspecting and tasting each sample. All TEAS carefully blended on the Premises, theleby edsuring a uniform distinctive character to each class of TEA. S d GOOD BLACK TEA 14 STRONG TEA 1 8 SPECIAL BLEND OF INDIA AND CHINA TEA 2 0 VERY FINE BLACK TEA 2Z4 DARJEELING BLEND 2 6 FINE MONING TEA, really good Fa- MILY TEA 2 8 VERY BEST BLACK TEA 3 0 COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE! FRESH ROASTED WEEKLY. s d GOOD COFFEE AND CHICORY 10 FINE COFFEES Mixed with the Finest BELGIAN CHICORY 14 PURE MOUNTAIN COFFEE 16 VERY BEST COFFEE, strongly recom- mended 1 8' PROVISIONS. FINEST SMOKED WILTSHIRE BACON 0 10 FINEST SMOKED WILTSHIRE HAMS 0 10 FINEST PALE WILTSHIRE BACON 0 9 MILD-CUIRED BACON 0 7 REAL IRISH ROLL BACON 0 8 ID PER LB. LESS FOR QBANTITKS. Prime Stilton, Gruzfere, Gorgonzola, Cheddar, Cheshire, and American CHEESE. PENMON PARK QUARRIES, PENMON, NEAR BEAUMARIS, ANGLESEY, N. W. rriHEBE QUARRIES are now opened on a large 1 scale.  MARBLE, BLOCKS and LIME STONES Sawn, Worked, and Polished by Machinery. Manager: W. THOMAS, Bryn Garth, Bangor. London Offices: 2, VICTORIA MANSIONS, WEST- MINSTMB, S.W. STACEY and ENRIGHT, MINERAL WATERWORKS. BANGOR NORTH WALES BOTTLERS for SAMUEL ALLSOPP AND SONS, LIMITED. JAMIESON PYM AND CO., and the NIAGARA CIDER CO. Orders punctually attended to. 1210k ORGANS FOR CHURCH, CONCERT-ROOM, AND CHAMBER. SUPERIOR to all others in Tone, Efficiency, Simplicity, Economy, and Facility of Mani- pulation. See Testimonials from Mr W. T. Best, Rev. Sir F. A, G. Ouseley, Dr. Spark, Dr. J. C. Bridge, M.A., Dr. E. W. Taylor, and other eminent musicians. Experienced Tuners and Repairers sent out. Tunings Contracted for.—In all communica- tions address THE SECRETARY, CASSON'S PATENT ORGAN Co., LIMITED, DENBIGH. zl322 MR. J. A. WILSON, L.D.S., 1. & G., SURGEON DENTIST, PRINCE'S TERRACE, BANGOR, EESPECTFULLY begs to thank his numerous J? Friends and Patrons for the kind support and recommendation hitherto afforded him, and takes the present opportunity to state that he supplies the best Materials and Workmanship at strictly moderate charges. Mit WILSON may be consulted (gratis) upon all matters connected with Dentistry. Hours, 10 to 5. HOLYHEAD (19, STANLBY-STBEET), EVERY SATURDAY. 314D INMAN LINE. IIOYAL MAIL 8TBAMKBS TO NEW 70BK. INMAN AND INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. FBOJI LIVERPOOL xvxry TUESDAY. Calling at Qaeenstown every Wednesday. SPECIAL NOTICE. After March 1st, the WEDNESDAY sailings from Liverpool will be resumed. Moderate Saloon and Second Cabin Fare. Steerage Fare as low as by any other First Class Line. Through Bookings to any part of the STATES or CANADA, including Manitoba and North and South West Territory, Apply to RICHABDSON, SPENCE & Co., 22, Water- Apply to RICHABDSON, SPKNCE and Co., 22, Water- street, Liverpool; or to Edward Jones, 170, High- street, Bangor; Hugh Hughes. 7, Marketrow, Am- lwch Richard Roberts, Old Post-office, Bethesda; John Jones, Bookseller, do Robert Parry, Douglas. errace, do; Hy. J. Williams, 66. Bryngwenith, C»ellwyngrydd. zl403 RAILWAY FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BANGOR, ALMOST IMMEDIATELY OPPOSITE THE RAILWAY STATION T. PARRY, PROPRIETOR. THIS well-known establishment has recently undergone extensive alterations and improvements, an; is tow under an entirely new and efficient management. It is replete with all moderd.hotel arrangementa, beiue provided with hot water baths, biXiard-rootM, excellent lock-up coach houses and st&bltii, Ac* O D A M Cb I ? ANNUAL BALK.—UPWARDS 0 D A M S OF 50,000 TONti. GUARANTEED. MANURES, USED ON THE ROYAL FARMS FOR NEARLY THIRTY YEARS. • OBNERAL AGENT FOR NORTH WALES J O H N WILLIAMS, Coal and General Merchant, Bangor. AGENTS REQUIRED WHERE NOT REPESENTED. 1629i 1629i JARVIS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, AND STATIONERS, LORNE HOUSE (Three doors from the POb OFFICE), BANGOR, Beg ?o inform the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry of Bangor and NeighboMbocJ. t? 3! ? ?<i:'S!icoe the (leceaw of the late Mr WILLAK JnvIs (of the firm of NHOH AKD JABWS) his interest that NM ha ceased, and his family have commenced business at the above ad<)MM. and hope by giving amc attention to all business matters to met it a share of their patronage. EVERY DESCRIPTION of LETTERPRESS, COPPERPLATE AND LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING EXPEDITIOUSLY AND ECONOMICALLY DONE. NEW TYPE AND NEW MACHINEKY. BALL PROGRAMMES, MENUS AND TOAST LISTS TASTEFULLY PRINTED IN GOLD AND COLOURS. THE LARGEST SELECTION OF PATTERNS IN NORTH WALES. Every Description of PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY of the Best Quality and of the Common Makes. An Extensive Stock of SCHOOL BOOKS. As uhed at the University and Normal Colleges AND Friars School. THE FULL DISCOUNTS ALLOWED. BOOKS SUITABLE FOR PRIZES FROM 6D TO 50S. ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS OF EVERY DESCR PTION. The Largest Stock in Bangor of ARTISTS' MATERIALS. RELIEF STAMPING. DAILY COMMUNICATION WITH LONDON enables J. and Co. to procure any article I J Stock in Two Days. NOTE THE ADDRESS LORNE HOUSE, (Three doors from the Post Office), BANGOR. 1410 Telegrams JAR V IS, BANGOH. GRIFFITH DAVIES, GENERAL DRAPER AND OUTFITTER 196, 198, 200, HIGH STREET, BANGOR (OPPOSITE THE CATHEDRAL).- DRESS AND MANTLE. MAKIG UNDER SKILLED MANAGEMENT. CHARGES STRICTLYI MODKIUTK. MENAI IRON WORKS, BANGOR. WILLIAM OWEN (Lata OWEN AND WILLIAMS), ENGINEER, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER, SHIP SMITH, &c., &c, BEGS to announce that lie Jias purchased the above Works, and that in future the will be D carriad on under his own supervision, and begs to inform Engineerll, Quarry and MIUD P.upneNrs, Slate Manufacturers, Millers, Ship Owners, &c., that all Orders entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. MACHINERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Made and Repaired on the shortest Notice by experienced Workmen. 15241 PIANOFORTE TUNING AND REPAIRING. li. E. JONES, FROM THE PRINCIPAL LONDON, DUBLIN, AND GERMAN FIRMS, PRACTICAL PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, and AMERICAN ORGAN TUNER and REPAIRER, 6, GAMBIER TERRACE, GARTH ROAD, BANGOR, (LATE OF 172, HIGH-STREET).  ATE Tuner to H.R.H. Dake of Edinburgh, H.R. H. ?Prine?Boo htrice, The Royal hsh I J Academy of Mumc, Dublin (for Three Years), Mr Sime Heewe, Signor FoIL T?tee Mattei, De Pachman, Madame Adelina Patti, Madame Patey, Madane TreWIli, a-d all liia London Concert Companies. NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS AS TO ABILITY. Mr JONES does not hesitate to state, as a Practical Tuner and Repairer, he has no equal in NORTH WALES. INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE, HIRE, OR EXCHANGE. ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTBNDBD TO. z15 10 G. GRIFFITH AND Co., BANGOR CARNARVON (OPPOSITE THE MUSEUM (9, BRIDGE BTR EET) ORDERS FOR TUNING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CHURCH ORGANS REPAIRED AND TUNED BY CONTRACT 0 R OTHERWISE INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ON THE HIRE SYSTEM. LARGEST STOCK OF MUSIC IN NORTH WALES. PIANOS, &c., MAY BE HIRED FOR CONCERTS OR OTHER MEETINGS. ELLIS'S (ASK -FOR LIL,!SiS.) RUT H I N ESTABLISHED 1825. ABSOLUTELY PURE "7 A  I? D CI SOLD EvBM?BtM. W A 1 E R S Soda, Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade, Aromatic Ginger Ale, For GOUT, Lithia Water, and Lithia and Potass Water. SOLE ADDRESS: R. ELLIS AND SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. London Agents: W. BEST A SONS,. Henrietta Street Cavendish stl.,igv