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THE MOUNTAIN" SHEEP. ,T(, the Etlitoo- ot the Xorth U"d/cs Vhronic/e. Sir,—I must ask you to allow 1113 to say a few more words on UiissuUj.ict. Although my formur letter was tr.uislvt-l by some friend, and inserted in the "Herald CYlUrae," there have been no replies to it either ill that paper, or youra, except the two letters .ned ■' Huuiiini- tas." au,1 "Path-tlnder." The inference to be drawn fro:u the ..bsenee of any attempt to viudie iie the prac- tice which prevails with regard to Mountain Sheep is, I conclude, that it is impossible to justir.' it. Universal silence in both laoguaL'esin its det'.mce must undoubted- ly be construed into tile pi .'a of ''Guilty." From a little incident which has happened since my iormer letter ap- paired, i think we have ver;' l interpretation of tho Weldi country people. Seeing 8i sheep oil Turnpike llou-l. and which I had noticed about the roads for many days, I enquired of the ,i-tt at hl'-ld who was like!v to know, whose sheep they were and his reply was thev belong to our i^uriaii. [U1, from t.he manner in which it was said, was evidently considered br lilY infoi"¡Uilf, a..< a \'t.'I',i iSatisinctol'J' answer, i I Concluded that the wh"lo parish, Fields, Orchards, t rult Gardens, Pleasure Cn M-dcns, Yinuiff Plantations, &c., &c are treated, by the el.r'h country )t:pl as one :l.t oouiniou i.itl'.s winter season. A vei y kind and neigh- bourly thought no doubt, but '.vhich the increasing cul- tivation of tiia country 111'i t s norf.ly put an eml to. ISut then, tli. 'niscortune is that it is a very onesided chari- ty. One of my neighbours, (a Sa >tchm.i:i), I was told, baid, that my letter was a very cluulish one, as it was a give a,!Hl take business but the misfortune a^aiu is, that with myself it is ail giving and no taking. I, like your correspondent Humaiiiias," have had shrubs of Considerable value, either piite destroyel, or grievously injllred. anil who i, there that will aud can compensate nie ? Pot I can assure you, Sir, that by private letter, and personal communication I have received the greatest encouragement to pers"ere iu my endeavours to remedy this etirit) of Xorth Y\ ales, and i can assure you that in iny own Parisii and elsewhere, so Iar as I am able, if my life is spared, I will n..vr relax in my exertions, un- til this great evil is remedied. I shall liuvcl- lot all itei-e of my land a .-lin without a special written agreement that the ii lie keepo sheep, shall shepherd them diligently, and fee 1 them, and ke-'p them mun wander- ing, or immediately bring tliein back ii they should wan- der; and I shall compel the performance of such agree- ment by every means in my power. As t otiler peo- ple's sheep which are allowed to wander, I shall (after hav- ing had printed notices posted in and about the village) visit the owners with every punishment that the Jaw will give them. Your's respectfully, lilCHARI) LUCK.




