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THE MOUNTAIN SIIEEP. To the Editor of the North Wales Chronicle. Sir,I must ask you to allow me to say a tew more words on this subject. Although my former letter was translated by some friend, and inserted in the Herald Cymraeg," there have been no replies to it either in that paper, or yours, except the two letters signed Humani- ty," and "Path-fiuder." The inference to be drawn from the absence of any attempt to vindicate the piac- tice which prevails with regard to Mountain Sheep is, I conclude, that it is impossible to justify it. Universal silence in both languages in its defence must undoubted- ly be construed into the plea of "Guilty." From a little inoident which has happened since my former letter ap- peared, I think we have a very good inte.-pretation of the Welsh country people. Seeing six sheep on the Turnpike Road, and which I had noticed about the roads for many days, I enquired of the first person at hand who was likely to know, whose sheep they were and his reply was il they belong to ow Parish. This, from the manner in which it was said, was evidently considered by my informant as a very satisfactory answer. So I concluded that the whole Parish, Fields, Orchards, Fruit Gardens, Pleasure Guavdens, Young Plantations, &c., &c., are treated by the Wehh country people as one great common in the winter season. A very kind and neigh- bourly thought no doubt, but which the increasing cul- tivation of the country must shortly put an end to. But then, the misfortune is that it is a very one-sided chari- ty. One of my neighbours, (a Scotchman), I was told, said, that my letter was a very childish one, as it was a give and take business but the misfortune again is, that with myself it is all giving and uo taking. I, like your correspondent Humauitas," have had shrubs of considerable value, either quite destroyed, or grievously injured, and who is there that will and can compensate me! But I can assure you, Sir, that by private letter, and personal communication I have received the greatest encouragement to persevere in my endeavours to remedy this curse of North Wales, and I can assure you that in my own Parish and elsewhere, so far as I am able, if my life is spared, I will never relax in my exertions, un- til this great evil is remedied. I shall never let an acre of my land again without a special written agreement that the occupier, if he keeps sheep, shall shepherd them diligently, and feed them, and keep them from wander- ing, or immediately bring them back if they should wan- der; and I shall compel the performance of such agree- ment by every means in my powar. As to other peo- ple's sheep which are allowed to wander, I shall (after hav- ing had printed notices posted in and about the village) visit the owners with every punishment that the law will give them. Your's respectfully. RICHARD LUCK.