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\UittUautou$. A woman died suddenly the other night in a theatre at Walsall. The Secretary for War has approved of the volunteer review at Brighton on Easter Monday. r The woman who last week threw her infant upon the 6re of a public house in London, waa on Saturday sen. tenced to 3 months' imprisonment. Sicnor Giuglini has now arrived in town, but is 6tiH in a very abnormal state, and is under the care, we be. lieve, of Dr. Forbea Winslow.-Orchestra. e. An oil well in Jackson, M'chtgan, has been sunk 2000 feet. Itis intended to sink it to the depth of 3000 feet. Thee deepest oil well at present is 2600 feet. An endowmeut of X1000 a.year is to be conferred on the Duchess de Morny. A bill to that effect will on dit be very shortly laid before the Corps Legtslatlf. The Paris 7'?'MM says—The Prince Imperial of France has received for the celebration of his birthday the grand cordon of the Danish Order of the Elephant, with a host of foreign decorations." An unusually violent easterly gate has been blowing in London and the vicinity since Saturday night. It ia reported that no fewer than 60 coal-laden barges have sunk in the Thamea. It is stated that a sergeant in the North Down Rifles (militia regiment) has been arrested for attempting to induce some of. hit comrades to enrol themselves ia the FenianBrotherhood. Mr. William Fenton, manager and buyer to Messrs. Dakin and Co., tea merchants, St. Paul's-churehyard, London, hanged himself on Saturday, whilst suSering from temporary insanity. On Sunday last \!ajor Charles Moore, governor of the Military Knights of Windsor, died in the Lower Ward, Windsor Castle, at the age of nearly ninety years. The estimated deliveries of tea in London last week were 1,061,747 pounds, which, compared with the re. turn for the previous week, shows a decrease of 94,469 pounds. )t is reported that the War Department haa decide to adopt the plan of Mr. Schneider for altering the En. Held rifle into a breech-loader, and that 60,000 rifles wiU at once be converted upon this plan. Signora Galetti and Signora Lotti are creating an im. menae sensation in Milan by their extraordinary voc.t) power. Lotti is of humble origin, her mother having been the sweeper of the theatre in Mantua. A rush basket-maker, named Cooke, living at Bir. mingham, has committed suicide by cutting his throat. The recent failure of Messrs. Attwood's bank, in which Cooke had deposited savings, is the alleged cause of this self-murder. The Salut Public of Lyons, publishes a despatch froa Romans, where M. Mathieu (de la Drome) resided, an. nouneing the death of that gentleman, on Friday morn. ing. His fast words were-" Posterity will do j ustice to my labours." 7'he Municipa! Council of Berne has considered it clearly proved that Demme, the Swiss doctor, who committed suicide at Geneva, stole a diamond ring from Mrs. Hatehard, an English lady, and has taken steps to restore the property. The planet Uranus, which was discovered by Herschel on the 13th of March, 1781, completed its first revolution round the sun on Monday; that is to say in 84 years and seven hours it came back to that position in the heaven in which it was first seen. The illorning He)-ald says the Government has under consideration certain proposals in reference to the paper trade, the adoption of which would place our home in. duatry on a fair footing with that of foreign competitors without in any way compromising the interest of the consumer. An earth slip took place in Verdon-street, Pitsmoor, on Saturday. A considerable excavation had been made for the purpose of working a band of coat, and whilst a group of children were playing in the hole, the earth slipped and covered up three of them. They were subsequently disinterred, only one being seriously injured. NORTH WILTs ELECTION. —The election of a represen- tative for North Wilts, in room of Mr. Sotheron Est- court, resigned, took place on Monday. Lord C. Bruee (Liberal) and Mr. Fowler (Conservative) were proposed. The show of hands was in favour of the former, and, M Mr. Fowler did not demand a po)), Lord Bruce was de. c)ared elected. A measure for establishing a monthly steam line to China has been approved by the Washington Congress. San Francisco is to be the port of departure, and the vessels on their route to China will touch at Honolulu, and also at some port in Japan. The subsidy per annum is not to exceed 500,000 dollars, which at the present va- lue of the American currency will be equat only to X50,060. At Rotherham, on Sunday, a brutal fellow named Hartley, turned out a woman named Smith, who with her husband lodged at his house. She attempted to re-enter the house, but hearing him threatening within, walked away. He threw a poker after her, striking her on the head and injuring her so severely, that she is not expected to recover. Hartley was apprehended. Official information has been received at Woolwich, to the effect that the 300 pounder gun intended for the Scorpion, together with the entire cargo of the vessel Balaclava, lost on the Wexiord coast, have been landed in safety, but that the ship is a total wreck. The eom- manuer and crew have returned to Woolwich. They have lost a portion of their personal effects, which will be made good by the War Department. Eight convicts arrived at Castle Garden from England on board the ship Plymouth Rock. Their names are Wm. Taylor, John Fischer, Martin Davy, Thomas TuDy, Thomas M'Carty, James Banks, Wm. Parker, and Jane Lee. It appears that they had been found guilty of felonies, had received sentences of three to four years imprisonment, and served out a part of their terms, when, by the aid of the Prison Association, they were released, and sent to this country. It is expected they will be returned to England.-New York papers. THE MlMT!A.—The arrangements for the training of the militia of Croat Britain are now nearly completed for 186. Exch regiment assembles at its county head- quarters on the day specined in the list. There will be 27 days' training, with seven days' preliminary drill for recruits in each case. tat Cheshire, April 10th; 2nd Cheshire, May 1st; Cumberland, May 1st; Denbigh Rifles, May 8th; Flint Rifles, May 1st; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Lancashire, and Lancashire Ar- tillery, May, 1st; Merioneth Rines, May 1st; West- moreland Light Infantry. May 1st. Among other signs of progress in the rising Italian Kingdom may be noticed the appointment of a national register for shipping, founded doubtless on the models of the English and French Lloyd's, and equally careful in their classification, with some improvements sug- gested by experience. This Registro Italiano already numbers several hundreds of classed vessels, and we observe an American barque, the Comet, of 500 tons register, tirst-class, after having been repaired in Liver- pool. The vessel is christened Antonietta.and belongs to Chevalier Giovanni Batia Piaggio, one of the most en- terprising shipowners: in Genoa. This is the first in- stance of a pitch pine vessel being made first-class. Jl'DGIET IN THE CoLETfSO CASE.—The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council met on Monday last, when the Lord Chancellor delivered judgment in the Colenso caee. After minutely recapitulating the cir- cumstances which led the Bishop of Cape Town to de- pose the Bishop of Natal from his omce and deprive him of his see, the Lord Chancellor said that as the question can only be decided by the Sovereign, as head of the Established Church and depository of ultimate appellate jurisdiction, their lordships will humbly report to her Majesty their judgment and opinion that the proceedings taken by the Bishop of Cape of Town, and the judgment or sentence pronounced by him against the Bishop of Natal, are null and void in law. STRANGE FKAUD.—At the Mayo assizes, Dr. Ban-ett, a graduate at the Dublin University, and an M.D., re- gistrar of birtha and deaths to the Castiebar Poor-ian' Union, pleaded guilty to a charge of extraordinary fraud. tn order to increase his fees, it appears that he entered in the register a number of birtha and deaths that had never taken place. The Crown did not press for punish- ment but allowed Dr. Barrett to go out on his own re- cognisances, for the following reasons .—"It was the first offence of the kind in Ireland; he had not made a false e!J try of any actual birth or death; lie was a married man with several children depending on him for supt?'rt' lie had lost his situations, and had been in l,riso?l for six months." Judge Christian, without as- sumi')" the responsibility of this lenient course, gave it bis saehou. He thought the Crown had exercised a wise discretion. THH "DAY OF REST."—This new penny magazine wnt, it is said, create a great sensation. Consisting of 24 paKCS s:t'tM sixe, pa.per, !Md tyj.e na "AH the Year Round It wit) have in addition a handsome illustration t.) the leading tale. and when necessary diagrams and iUustrationsto elucidate scientific articles. It will count amongst its contributors several gentlemen who have ivi-itt,ii ttic Saturday Kevicw, Hiaekwood, Fraser, Tite (')urteny, Spaetator, CornhiU, Temple I'ar, Sun' d.n' :t, Leisure Hour, the Illustrated London News, t! Illustrated Times. These writers are we)! vet's. ? ill tin' way of rendering science agreeable awl ¡¡"cion LClIdicial. In a,ldition to thi: as a novel f.?t'rc. tho editor, Mr. Haiu Friswel), is to give, i" T llll Ù 11!pnl'lng t,allerr, a g()lp with his reader, r.ud a \"ï,r "f at[ that is most new and intt-'restint! m 6c!en. art, and society, ruder sue), circuin- we need not Kty that the magazine will be read- tro,n the fir't.I>:l¡,;e to the last, noi that the readers W.I) pres.-rvc au.l prixe it wlicu rcKd. The le.tthng t.ue of the! "D.).y of Rest" is spoken D),t highly ot, and be-u's th" absorbing title of "The Hidden !-im;" it is written by an author well known as a poet«u the leading critival ]our!:a!.