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PURE MCKLES, SAUCES, Ae. tttract from the Løncd, Pebrury 4th. 1854. and from pr. Hassall's <e eut work on Food Md it* Adultera- <teM:"— "The samples of MeMm. CRQ8SS Mft BLACKWELL were entirely free from COPPER." ? T J J t j ?' ?SSSj?jj?s? CROSSE AND BLACKWELL'S OtumKATKD Pickles. 8<MMt*. Jtm't. and Table Delicacies. aU of the highest quahty. and prepared with the tttrictest* attention to parity and wholesomeness. CAPTAIN WHtTE'a ORIENTAL PiCKLZ. CURKt OR .MULUOATAWSY PASTE. SARDtNES.—Phmppe and Caaauds. CHOCOLATE.—Massou's French. Muar.UtD.—Maille't French TOMATA CottMKVK.—Pilar Freres'. STKA8BOPM PtEa.—J. G. Hemmel't t(ty be obtainetl from all Grocon. Druggist*, and Oilmen and Wholesale of CROBSE AND BLACKWELL, Purveyo, to the Qtttrn. SOHO SQUARB, LONDON. C. & B are Special Amenta for LEA and PERRINS'WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. ESTABLISHED 1836. r?F F I C E FOR PATENTS, ? JOHN DAVIES, C.E., AND SON, 56 CASTLE STREET. LIVERPOOL. the Pamphlet "ABE YtH LMTtttN PATHiT VADP Price M. SELF HELP TO PATENT LAW in the PrtM. £1000 IN CASE OF DEATH, Or an Allowance of t6 per Weeh while hid-up by Icjuty caused by ACCIDENT OF ANY KIND. Whether WfJkinx, Hiding, Drivimg, Hunting, Shooting. Ftfjhiug. or at t'onje, may be Mcured by an Annual Pall- aent of M <f <A<' RAILWAY PA83ENOEM' ASSURANCE COMPANY. M. CORNH!L). LONDON RC. MORE THAN 8,000 CLAIMS FOX 00 MPJS :sr8ATlO!sr Ha'e been PrompttT and UbtttU)' Ptid. For Particulars apply to the Clerks at any of the Rail- wty St.ttit<na. to the Loctti Agent!), or at the Onicea, 10, REL7E)¡TSTREET, and M. CORNHILL. WtLHAM J. VIAN. Secretary. pailway PaMengera' Assurance Company. Empowered by special Act of Parliament, 1849. AGKNT MB BANOOR: MR. THOMAS JACKSON. RAILWAY STATION VALUABLE REMEDIES FOR THE AFFLICTED T-%R, ){ohfrts's cctebrated Ointment, caficd the POOR 'IA'S FRIEND, is conSdently re. commended to the Public as an unfailing Remedy for wouoth of every description. A certain cure for ulcerated 8nre Legs. if of 20 y"aN' ftanding; Cuts. Burns. Seald. BruiMs. Chilblains. geo, I)utic Eruptions, and Pimples on the Face; st,re and inflamed Eyes. snre Heads, sore BreMtf. Piles, Fistula, Cancerous Humours, &c. Sold iu Pohat l!<. n, 2s. 9d., Ms., and t2s. each. Also his PILULES ANTISCROPHUL-Æ. conSrmed by 60 years' experience to be, without excep- tion, one of the best Mterative medicines ever cun<- nonnded for purifying the blood and aiding Nature in all her operations hence they are used in Scrofula, Scorbu- tic Complaints, Glandnlur Swellings, particularly those of the Neck. &c. Tliey form a mild and superior Family Aperient, that mny be taken at all times, without con Saement or chauge of diet. Sold in boxes at Ix. 1M., 2s. 9d.. 4s. 6d., 11s.. and 22s. tMh. Sold Wholesale by the .Proprietors, Beach and Bamicctt. Bridport; and Retail by all respectable Medi- cine Vendors in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, &c. Observe—No Medicines sold under the above names tm possibly be genuine, unless Beach and Barnicott, t&te Dr. Roberts, Bridport," is engraved on the Govem- ment Stamp affixed to each package. "??Ba JtBM? ? ?D P??B g? c?"*?? "4? t?? WORCESTERSHME SAtICE. t T1 HE GREAT SUCCESS of this DELICIOUS CONDIMENT hM been W the tiftnat for the appearance of many SPU N RIOUS IMITATIONS totally different in )] FLAVOR and destitute of the DmESTIVt. j<) t PROPERTIES of this SAUCE. PorchMM* are eamMUy Mqtttted to ? ASK FOR LEA ft PMRINS- SATCE, t) PrepMed on)T by A ?.LEA & PEBRINS. Woreetter.? ? <?}jB??)* Sold Who)")c *n'' for Etport. by jMp ? KP zj,osgg & Bt.tOitWi.n,L.nd.? S ? aiid tU MtMb'DH Md OtimtB. <SrMe ? ? <?- NEW DESIGNS FOR 1864. AS IN CABINET FURNITURE. UPHOLSTERY, BED- STEADS, GLASSES, &c., AT URCLITHART AND A DAMSON'S HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT AKD NORTH OF ENGLAND BEDDING HOUSE. 13 AND 15, BOLDSTREET. LIVERPOOL Families and Parties Furnishing Are particularly invited, before ordering elsewhere, to INSPECT URQU HART and ADAMSON'S immense AtBortment of CABINET FURNITURE, &c., suit. tbte for Dining and Drawing-Rooms, Parlours, Lij braries. Bed-Rooms, Halls, Kitchens. Omces. and Ships' Cabin! The GOO)'8 are Manufactured and Warranted j by TUT and A. of Seasoned Materials. First-class Workmanship and New Designs, and are marked in plain Figures at Prices that will bear in every respect a favourable tomparisoa with the Goode on'ered by any other House. The UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT embraces every description of OanMsks. Chinees, Silks, Reps, Pekm Cloths, Velvets, Cornices, &c. New aadOngina! Designs for Embroidered Valances and Draperies, wtth all the New Borders. Trimmings, &c. Iron and Brass Bedateads and Bedding. URQUHART ANDADAMSON. C<tM<Mt lltakers, Uplw7sÙffr" Bedstead and Bedding AffttHtfactttferit. and Dcørat()1". 13 and It Bold Street. Liverpool. WoAshops, Church Lane, where Con"oisleurs may select the Wood, and superintend the execution of their own orders. U. and A's house Furnisltiag Guide may be had on tpph- cation. cation, TttE TRADE SUPPLIED. Country Orders Packed Free. Export and Shipping Or- ders, to any extent, promptly eMeuted. UROUHART and ADAMSON have appropriate tat Church Lane a number of DRY, LMHT, and CLEAN MJMS for MTf)RMO HOfSEHCLD FURNITURE- Removing and Packing carefully attended to. RECKITT'S DIAMOND BLACK LEAD, Used itt the PaisCtMof THE" QUEEN and the PRINCE- OF WALE,S-. MORE CLEANLY. HMtn?beinK in polished blocks :it doe. not drop aboc S?derTeaus.ontheFurDitur. Carp?, Ct.th. As. MORE BRILHAN1 Beealllet is unadulterated, thus every particle produced a spleDfi'd metalhc lust e. POLISHES MORE QUICKLY Thus M*in< the time and labour of AND CHEAPER. BtCMM it is less wasteful. And bectu,. t Httle t;oe. fur. ther than any ctber kind. RECKIIT & SONS, London Bridge, E.G.. and n iiu„U. SoM by Mary Williams. Chemiat. Ac.. Aborgele. T. A. Roberts, Chemist. Conway. David Jones, Urocer, Bangor. Jchn St*plea, Grocer, BtttMnMM. I Peconmended by tht P"tlty, ,<< univermily eddaprot, by C'eKttotMtm-t. THE PRINCE OF WALES SAUfR IMPARTS tochops, steaks, cut. i_ lets, (ish, g&me. hot Md cold meata, etc.. etc., a mottt piquaut and tppetizing relieh. Md is proNounced by all to ))e the most ))erfect condiment ever offered to the public. It it a delicate combinit- tion ot neh exotic apices and fruits is perfectly w h o i e- itome, and a meet apeeaMp atom&chic. c- CoUege of Chemistry, ] have ad Duke-street, Liverpool. J ..Mve mftd. e very careiu! Chemica) Md Microscupic?t Analyaia of the "PtHNCK OF WALM SAUCE." ] am high- ty recommen d it as being a very p<JataMe, piquant, and Jelicious condiment, an d perfectty free frnm ai) matters that could in any way interfere, injuriously, with the ani- mal economy. (Signed, SHERIDAN MUSPRATT. M.D., ProfeMor of Chemntry, etc.. etc. Seld in Bott]es. 18. and 28. each. by Grocera, Oiimen, and Druggists everywhere, andwhol?!)?e and for E?por- tion by Evans, Sona, and Co., Liverpoo). EXTRAORDINARY BUCCEM Of THE NEW MODE O? TREATMENT. Fett free for Six Stamp:, open eadt, or 14 in a Seated Entttopt. rTBE MOST 8TARTHNU TRUTHS are contained in the i LAST NEW BOOK on PREMATURE Dr.t?DNE and it. ready remota); themoderntreatmantofcertain ditqnahttationa; with ruief and numeroue pretcriptiona for the epeedy cure by very ""III'¡. meant of nervauaneta, debility, aud ait the more eon]' toon dittatea and tuppoaed incurable tnatadie. of tht teauattyt- tern. tn*aiida wit) be astoi,ished at Ut content*. Bt Ur. w. Ja Roo<. M.D.,&c.,oftht Kco)edeMedecine,Pari<; Graduatt tn Medicine. S<r<rery and Midwifery By the pretent iaw.none but the ret) Phytitiandare attach M.D. to hit name. aa h'a?y p<naiti*t woutd thereby be incurred. The public ahouid therefore ?uardaftainat impoatort ..ho t'I' themae)<e*"Dr. "ProtetMr," M R.A8. F R A'l "M.A. <tc.,it) order tomitteadthe unwary at to their true character. None of theae men reaUy know more of the diaeatM they profett to treat, than any person may, by reauinjf the above work. From long practica) obaervation in the Mott famous 7nstitu. tiona ofthia country and the continent, tht Author ha< had tnmewhat unutua) fMititift for acquiring thtt uniform tuccM), which htt hitherto chMMttrittd hit trtttment end he rtfttt with pride to the numbwrt he hat been inftrumpnttt in re.toinr t" health and h*ppinM<: whilet to all who nttd tuch aid he otftrt tTtrt-Mtuftnec of <pM<)y rMturttion. Fertomat a dit- t<nc<thou)d forwtrd adetti) of their eMe by tetttr. enclosing JCt )t. for advice Md mtdicinM. which win be <tnt byrttarn. Patitntt cnrrttpondtd with till curtd. Pott'ofnet Ord<r< to be mad. ptvable at the Gfntrt) Pott ONce, to Dtt. WAt-TtR c< Roos, M,D,, S5, B«iford P)*et, tUotmtbury Sauart. London. HouT< for comuttttion ) i tit) X. Sundtyt exctpted. tt it impor- tant to reco))ect the add<<«. aft to meet the with of p&titnt' TH< BKTaAXOttJ aTtttCTLTmYATt. THB MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE in the WWN.P! ftUNt! ftf FOUR WEHKS.—iHK <j(.'TtjE VtT?:, or <J VEGETABLE HFE UROPS. Prottcted by Roytt Ltt- ters Patent; sanctioned by the f'Mutte dt tr<mct.&c.,tmein nutebertet* inmnct' proved their tuptriorityo'fr tttr) oth<-r Mivtrtittd Utmtdy fer )M);our, iMtitudt, dtpttttion ot tptritt, excitement, diettte tnd incapacity for eocifty, ttudy or business. indigeetion, p&in< and patpit&tiou in the eidc, giddiness, neiae in the head, Ac. rhi< medicine strengthen$ tht titttityotthe whoteeytten),giTetenertytotheu)Utctet,fp<tfdi)y removea nervousness, rt!uorates the impaired poweta ot Jite, and invigorates the moat shattered constitution. For tkm frupnoxe, Mre throat, paina in the bones, old thoee diwea<e< in which mer- eury, e&reapariUa, Xc.,are too ofteuemptoyed, to the utter ruia of heatth, ita aurprisinjf enicacy haw on!y to be tetted. Betore wawting valuable time in teekinK aid trom inftrumentw, eteetricity, galvanism, with similar abturditiet proftt'iDt to nt atide medicines, by American and other inipoatore, buflerein wut do weU to make fair tria) et a remedy, which concocted on <cientincprincip)ea rannotfai). Price «. M. andtl' or four timea the latter at 33<. per bottie. through aH ChemiBte, or dir- Mt from ?. Hedfcrd Ptaee,WH<ftBTHot)e<KD<OtTB<T). MONttt.9 MAT BB tt*H. rpHE THREE DAY'S CURE.—?EW FRENCH REMEDY i THERAffON:at uniformiy adopted in the French )toapit)d< and by the notabiiitiea ef the French facutty; in a rtmarkaNy <hort titne, often two or three dayt oniy, without the slightest uiacomfort, incontenience, or rttk, renjovss at) ditchertet from the mucoM membrant, whether of the urinary or other or;an<. It eombiF)OD all the desiderata to be sought in a jttdicine ef the kicd, and <urpa«e< e*erythint hitherto employed. Devoid of all unpiMtant tatte and emeU. In pachett. Xe Sd,<a M. iit. and 33a, throuth ittt retpectaM)- medicine tendon, or aent direct from thfeatabtiahmenton recfiptofetatnpsorpoatoNiceordcr. The Ha <iM cootaimthrfcat<<6d.andtho6eatMi.fourotthent. The ttamp, to imitate which is fetony. brart the word t her- apion," in wnite iettera. by order of Her M&ie<ty*a Hon. Cotnmi'— ioaert, who thereby tecure the proprietor against infhnsement throughout the United Kingdom and the cotoniee. DAtNS IN THE BACK. GRAVEL. LUMBAGO. GfUT. r RHEUMA HSM. DISEASB OF THK K) DK EYS. BLAD- UER 'Stc THE CO))POU'<D RENAL P)LLStorrectMir)i<- of tbe atomach.and indii(estion, prOMOte thefunctiontof the h'er and ki.ineyt. thereby pretentinj; ttone in the Madder and kidneit with many other serious it igordevs n' which thett tmpot- tant organs are tubject. Li5tie«ne<t. weakneef. peeTHtu.Mt, and complaintt long auppoted to be ner'out. often arise Inlel, fron. contamination of the btoodtith certatnimpunt.e.wh.eh thouhi bate bein, carried off by the kidney: te.erat untt<;htty eruption, of the tkio and face at.o arittfrom the tame cauM. and may be a. readily removed bythe.ePiitt.whMbtnmea.M out of 20 cure with a rapidity a¡moal martetioua. It i 4d, 9t 9d. 4<<d 11., and 33. por box, tbrough anChtmxtt. TH tUSANOft OF T'STtMOMttLa MAY Bt t.)H!< <Y AXT OK)!. SttdbT —"ufho,' hemitt. Banker; Robe, It, ChMnxt, Con- way ;Gritnth. Chemttt. Hith-.treet. Carnor%on-, Edward.. Cttemi.t. f)enM!h; Hu:he,, Cheatitt. Hnyhe..<); and Moore. Chemitt. Newtown; and at teatt ene afftft in atmottrtery town; but thou)d dinicuttt nrcnr, enctote thfamHUn t by Post-eft) ceordtr or otherwi<e.to!5. Bedford Piae' B!Mmtbury Square, London aud they wi!) be sent,l ec,ireIN- packed per rttura. NOTICE AND CAUTMN.-Dr n. Koo.i. Ibo only lelfaUy qiiktified madicki inxn who thu. adrerute. hi. med)ctne..and a< there art injuriout imitation-, of the abete by tt)f-tt)ied Uoc- turh thtm CItrxymen. Rupture Qua. t.t .nd nthen. who copy hit booha. which they Mud tor nothing, and fllrge tetttmontatf. to putf off t.hlr u<etefa trath. or puMiah nctttMue reviewottlat really nererappear<'d in the Journal thfy name, anffert-re thouh) i'Hi)rd Rllain' the recommendation of thf Ipuriou or othe el1icI. by disbon ,endo. who thereby obtain a tareer profit. 1he!.nui'.eha'e rl e word. "WALTt. D< Roos, LONDON." trinted in white ttttere on theGofernment Stamp, by order,, er Majetty'a Hon. CommiMionert. to imitate w.tteh ta felOn) and trallsportation., Do YOU WANT LUXURtANT HAtR. WH'SKFRS '\)OUSTACmES, and m't-.ttROWSt—Ofthf numeron i,reparations introduced for the HA)tt. none have maintained uch celebrity a,EM)L.E DEA:S CR.NtLKNE, wh,< guaranteed to produce Whitkera. Mouttachtot.a.nd Eyebi w< a few weeks; and wi)) be found eminently successful in iiour,si, og, curtim.and beautifying the Hair. checkul!t rre)'ne ill t lhi ttaM' etrenftheninjf teak Hair.andpre'eat!ng)tafahnt 03- in the reproduction of Hair in batdneM. from w .t. V.1 .aute and whatever age, ON* TRIAL "in prove its astoj)ishilllr Mwer. tn the nurtery it i..nditpentabte..ormt? the bM'a. Lautifui head of hair. Priced per bottte.t.rte ""<' "!?"- tannnx more than four timea the .mait one*. 5t tt?h. 6oid by ?i Ch?mMtin thewurtd.or .entpott free.onrMerptofM peni!} tan)p<. by MiMet MEAN and CourELLX. Hair Kestorera.Kc.. Bedford HouM.R'M:et'-i'quare. London. \?.C. EXTHACTS p)t0tt LEM)tt<My h.tr?aaraptdty (omtn? otTl* uutinawe k.tfte'unng ".urCnmienettceaard. —Htch- Kidun-?tr?t. Shemeid. ""? '°?"n'?'tM t ha'e )t"t a beautiful mor.ttache."—H,Adan«.W)tMM. t .an n..w boaat of a head of hair. which many cannot: wa. outte bald nn the crown 01 my head wben beean u.if cit. ? ?eryc'u:t?.P:ak? hi??your C??'? ""?;? ?'"?'E'?'??' "III,'fS AME..T OF THE HAIR," Whitkcre.f;c..withTeatimonia)e, Lutof Amenta, &c..ae«tpo<t free tnr fonr penny <tan)pt' -r?- <) ow THYSELF! fHiiOK'a'SAt.GBArHtOt.oatal K M?B)E COUPELLE,eontinne<herthid.andu<efu)deh. ntation. of character fron' the handwriting of ind?iduata. in a .?<.p<.cuhar)) her own. PerMn, d<irou.f knowtn, their o'vn c&racten.tic.. or those of any friend. '??"'° writing et.itin? <et. afe. or imppoted age, ke, wrth 14 uncut penny stamps, and addressed enveiop..to MAKtE CotjfEU: Bedlord lIou." RuMett Square. Londoo. W.C..when thtywiU receive a lengthened detail of the tattnta, ta.tee. ttrtuea. father. &c of the writer, with many her thinM previot"J,. untmpeetfd and catenated to !ide in thievery day atfa.tt of life. The Thouaands who tcknowtedze the tatue and accuracy of Mia<C. 6 skotchet ettabiinh the great utility (if the science. "Thechar- actero you ..nt were wonderfutiy truthfui. Mit. Hai). Atheury. f'o we' It 1 WI' 10 llch lurpr18ed at the clever way 1D which you descrit)ed my character.Jane Bray. i05. LantdownePiace, Briifhton. "ft it pronounced quite ettraordmary. —Chat'M H.tmi)t<m. "\<udeecribedmycbaract<r<otrut),thatt coutd not hat<- done it better."—Louia Ri"it)r. At 't ACf OFUKATttt DE.—A Gent))' an tho h<<d been long A tunerin!; from < ter) d,plorat)ie tt<te .f nertnusnet;. hn<our lassitude. iow .pirit-. aima-t c.n. ant hMd.ache. dimne.. of eight, threatened deiifnetI, 10-8 of m.mory an.) Btren:th. jn ehort ,e.tfore,,joyine,ta;id e\e", tblng tfI..t renders life pieatant. ha< been mvrvellou$ty rf<tof<d oy <ery ttmpte meant, and M a puMicdu y feeh it incu.nb<nt on him to impart t).e .Nf.rmat..m to olbfn .imiiary -atfeeted. on receipt of a directed tnvetope bearlIg twO 8tamp. ,U'llr¡}.ted B. U. Lairie, Montague Chambers. Niotitg,,e S; reet, London, W.C. T.Mt GBATUt.oUS CtMtJLATX?.-A Phyf'' many r?"art ftten?ely entaged in the treatment of Debdrty and the ?r,???. n?'" a?etion.re.utM. there. from-at ioM of memory, dimnen of B.ght. thickness of htarinll. glddiut'SB. noiM?t in tht- .ead. hnMnr and jagg)tillle, indigestion, paina in the back, &c.ill .end the FREE EI)I'VION of his large rectipt offour penny *tamps. "'ewort couta n,hk hit'h y successful and onty .afe treatment, with all the ne'ce..ary presciril,tions ann direction.. by wh.ch sutfet'rR may .bt.in a M.e oi their ai)m,nt.. at the tiialleat P0'e ex- penae. AddtMt.Mr.Lawee. Pubhthet. t<?. Hand Court. Ho'- "°' ME?CA? m!YtEW.The .boat. and quick.and, a!a.n.t which thit tittte work )a weii caicutated to jtuard the reader. render it..arefuiperu.at t.peciaUt worthy the att.nt.on.faH young men." .etMiN t. DISEASES, GOPT. RHEUMATISM. MMBACO. MIATICA, NEURAMHA. PARALYSIS. GLANL)ULKR t3WELLINGS.CoNstiMPTION, ASTHMA, &e. fi PHEtRSPEEDY PtiE\E!<TtON AND CUREhYmeanaM JL ?m"p"t( yet.0 ccrt.in.a. to appeM almost .ncred?le. A Pamphe t0pa<es)..ent po.tfree f.rt4 StamM,b)John.on anuT.. Puncher.. 10, Brook btreet. Holbor? London, or bt order through aU Book.eUert. S CTRtCTURECFTHE URETHRA; ?"?'?' 0 .arietie.. and .peedy cure. without the pa.n '?" ?; ?' or .thtr irrationsi measuret, Price h.. or o.?ree ?'t'?.?:b: J?? ?. P?.i:n'e=r.. ?: 8_k Slreet, Holborn; p b¡ order tbron,h all Duo..el1e.. B?kS?tH.tb.r? ??o?hro.?hj? HTT?naTr? EL KEEPERS & OTHERS SHOULD FORWARD A &rig .ftneir?e.companied by ? P<<"?"? ?.ettionintheP.ea.ureSe?rr'.Gu.d. & Ho.ei Mreetory.the .M.nd annual pubtication of which is preparing '°U"<" ''°? ?? b.readtear)yint6M. AddreM.M.Mr.John.on&Co.. 10.. Brook gtree'E.G. Acnp).entfMefor7atamps. Frice tt., or fret by pMt for 14 .tamp*. 'mJ' HE DIET OF INFANCY AND (HtLDHOOD.tbotk for Mother, and Nurttt roNTt'NTt -Diet of infaney-ehiMren prematurety born— r.!M ?'.?andatter weanin<-wet i.ur.in!-qaa)incatton, and dut?.Taw.tnur.e-diet aft., '?'?' nor%- inir or briMinf up ch?ren by Lhand—the dtfereBt ?kt 'da ?ot ?m tk ?b?er?.??. kind.o. .d-rute. f.r the .ur,.n, ?.th. L-giden. iKbth H&tdWiciLe. let. fiestAUly, W. BANGOR PUBLIC NEWS ROOM, Open from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., AT J. K. DOUGLAS'S, "NORTH WALES CIIPONICLE" OFFICE. HIGH.STREET. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Gumett -er annum, which will entitle a fuhacriber to that amount to enter the Boom tt My time within the hours specined above. Htdf-a-GninC& per &nnnm. which will xivet .uhtehbertc that amount the trttret to the RoolII Irma 9a.m.. unti)9o'c)oc)cinthef'vening. NON-8UBSCRIHER8 will be emitted from 9 t.m. until < p.m., on payment of TWOPENCE; Md j< from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m., on payment of ONE PENNY. PIANOFORTES ON SALE OR FOR HIRE ALL NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. EVERT ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE UPON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. JOHN EENMUIR DOUGLAS, MUSICAL REPOSITORY, "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" OFFICE, CAXTON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, BAN00R, DECS to announce that he has constantly on hand for S?e 0) Hire wen-tuned Pianofortes ?_) by approved makers H< hM also entered into M-r.tngamenta fer a regular suppty of all the New and Popu!ar:Mu!)ie immediately of ittpuMiottioD.tobeMtdatHALFPMCE. Every facility an'on)ed for trying Music over in privato rooms attached to the Shop. Parties resident in the country may have their Muaic by retun) of Poat. If t];e price is known, it is advisable to enclose with the ordera the requisite amount of postage atampB, with one stamp extm for each piece as postage. On SALE a Foreign Pianino, in handsome WALNUT CASE it if) a TRICORD. and very fine toc.ed, full con) past. Lowest price for immediate Cash f25.. Atso, on Sale a new bhUiant toned C, OTTAGE PIANO, in beautiful Rosewood CaBe. with the extra cornpatin off octavex. It is exquisitly nnished with Ivotv frouts. ftnd Collards Sharp*. Lowest price t2& fot Cath down. ? MT(?ASYN DE U S I Q U E UPPER BANGOR. MR. H. IIULSK, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC AND DANCING. FIRST CLASS PIANO FORTES By the &Mt London Jtfottft FROM TWENTY FIVE GUINEAS. MPROVED PATENT HARMONIUMS, FROM FIVE GUINEAS. SECOND HAND DfSTRPMBNTS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. i'? :? t HARPS, PIANO FORTES AND HARMONIUMS, ON SALE. OR HIRE. MPSIC;AL INSTRUMENTS of all descriptions, AND EVERY ARTICLE IN THE TRADE Supptied on the shortest notice. Mt<) at the lowest possible price PIANO FORTES TUNED SINGLY, OR BY THE YEAR. MILITARY AND QUADRILLE BANDS PROVIDED FOR FETES, BALLS, & -1 PURE AERATED WATERS, ELUS'S. RUTHIN, SODA WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN, POTASS WATER. ELLIS'S, RUTHIN. SELTZER WATER. ELUS'S. RUTHIN. LEMONADE. ELLIS'S LITHIA & POTASS WATER, AN EXCELLENT INTERNAL EKMEDT FOE GOUT. The Public are partic'jlarty requeoted to observe that every Cork is branded R. EUia and Son. Ruthin." with- out which none is genuine. May be obtained from all respectable Chemists, Con- fectioners. and Hotel-keepers and Wholesale only, from R. ELLIS AND SON. Euthin. North Wa!eo. W HEELER AND vV ILSON'S gw Hims. + ,I + Or hLLø, Bums. W CORDS. This Machine cMaM it eupenonty over all others from ita range of work, beauty offluilsh, Mcety and ease of operation, inability to get out of order, sim- Ucity of construction, and durability of work when done It has attained a popularity MptraMed in the history of '°" The ?hine wiH Sew .xqui?y the MBook or SwiM Muslin. SUk. Linen, Calico. Flannel, <?hei? est Ckth. Banae. ordinary Seam Sew!ng. *t ? "? (turnip it. own hem as it "'itches.) fell, Quilt Tuck, Bind. Gather. Cord, Set on Braid, We. The Work of a Day can be performed in One or Two Hours. Fint Prize Medal awarded at the FARM INCMTMAL EXHIBITION. I°M_ LOM)ON INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, MM. AMERICAN INSTITUTE AT NEW YORK, sypt, 25TB, 1863. BBMHUM EXH)B!T!ON, ISM. And at upwards of Fifty other Exhibitions including two from the 'Manche.ter and Liverpool Agricultural Society, -One at Birkenbead in 1863,-the other at Ashton in Instruction gratia. Prospect<ufree. WHEELER AND WILSON, 73, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. jMtFubliBh?. Price l.pc.t&Mf.r 14stMp?.)-i? Ma!ed envelope for 20 :t&mp9, DBEMATUBE DEBILITY, a popular Me- r ?.t W.fk.iUu.tr.Md with numerous Engra%itige,tre.?ting on 8permattorrhœa. ???????????????? o( tho.e %ho are "venled b) im- e d i"e,,tg from eRtelÍDg into the Married State, also .howing ????????????? url)' ,bu, Gonnorrhao..nd Sypbilli. Addre?s; Jame. AUen. 8oobelI.r, 20. Warwick L" Ea- t.t.r R.w. L.nd.n? ??? ?? TRIESMAR No. 1. i.rt.inr<.me? for rd?.tion. Sp"?' and ? ? dittrcMint con.equenc<r..mi: (romeM))-tw.mdtKnmtn.K "—??M'?r?"„ TRIESEMAR No. 11. elfedually eradi..te. ,U turea of Genorrh(ma botb in it. mUd ;S?????????????? Strictures, Irril,Üon o( the BI,ùder, Paint of the Loin. and Kid"e, and all urino-senital de.e,.e. TR,KSEMAR No. 111. ? L? ??' ?? ? -?. ? -? symptom E'??.???? 3, ?? ???? lo&enet devoid of ta.e or Ime\1, and CPQ be carried in the waistinat pocket. "P?n? L, in on. f.r ?. wh).h :S?'??????? i. a Saying fl 199- AGENT@ t-Newbury & Sonl, 45, 8t. Paul'. Cburcb)ard, W. Sutton k Co.. 10, Bo"Churchyard; W. Edward. 67, St. Paul'. ?h? J??.? 'M. O.rd "'? K ?.M. ?- ????'???.?B?.?? and Harllnt, m, 'tun": Boben Howden, 78, Gracechu ,ch Street; Bartlett Heoper. 45. Kinj; WHti<m Strce'. C. B'UCHM'S BVGAR-OOATED BARWARUJ4 PILLS. 1 tT ? a woU known fact diat SaT?pMm ? JL the ttT..M.t puna.r of Mood in t'" 'M KEEP YOUR BLOOD PUKE !.1'he Bowel. regular I-Ad DEFY the DOC- ???R?'?:t?'.???,?n??????.?DO?C?- particularly beneficia' where Mercury b.. been erl!PIOYOd-4Dd are tor the cure of ever, aUment incIdental to Man, Woman. and Child. luch all E.uption6 on the Sky, Indi,eltion, Bilious, Liv!r, and Stomacb Complaintl, General Weakness, Gout, Rheu- matiam,  Pain. in the Limbs, Headacbe.. Sore Throata. and e.ery con.plaint caused by irregulariti.. of Ihe bowel., ob- 'Irutted perop.ratlon, and deteriorated and ur)b I b blood Patent M rdicioe Warehoun. 19, Beruen Street, DOeiatft ora? Street' ??J?''???'????  Street, Ind from all ghemists. Bold in botI. II 14d, W <)M.mdH<. mHE SILENT FRIEND ON MARRIAGE, JL a M?if? Work a Guide to those who !mve tmpen)- ,?t .?? ? ? ?d?.uthfuH.d??.; ?? 8ypbiUiø, Secondary 8ymptm8. Gonorrhcoa,'ke., eontaininK a Pr..erirtion known II the Preventi?,e Lotion, to a.oId contamina- tion; 190 p' with 00 fHe by poat 12 ottunpo, ..aled:4(J. Addr. Me..r.. PERIl. Y and CO, urgeons, 19, Ber- ner. Str..t, Odord Btreet, London, W. Cersultations daily, 11 ,)) B.d t?m S ti't 8. Sand?t t.ii) e ?' DERBY'S CORDIAL BALM OF a8-Y.mBT IAt- Fc? F.?- re.utt.n? th. <?:???',? m th, te-te' of ntturti ))0ft M-' vigour. f"*< )* Or four mM the quantity, 39t. PERRY'S COPAIBA AND C,U.B,.E?.B in. ?GLT r?) .? 'A?????? preparation composed of the 'cry el- ?ence of the 8al..m of COl'aib. and Cobe". perlrctly tasteless, in nnuquenc.oftbeirbelnr e.ue. in  In aU cas?s ofOonor- bm,. Uleet. SIrlolnr.. &c.. a .iogle tr4l "ill pro.. tb. efficacy of biB wonder w6rking reined pnco h 6d and ¡ h per botUe, gs?s'??????? orcin- .hluu, M.lln,  and Co, at abon; orma be U4 from Prout gd 'Jlunllt. ft,I&1.0.1&1&, Load*4, W. MR. JOHN BERRIE, SILK. VELVET. WOOLLEN, AND COTTON DYER. AND FRENCH CLEANER. 13, OMEAM STHEET, MANCHESTER. TJA8 appointed E. K. ROBERTS, Draper .H and Silk Mercer. &e., Victoria House, Bangor, and J. Roberts and Co.. Urapers, Port Dinorwic, Agents for the above well known establishment, and any orders en- trusted to their care will have prompt attention. AN EXTRAORDINARY SCOTCH TESTI MONIAL RESPECTING HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS. COPY OF A LETTER FROM MR. PETER GRAY, FARMER, BEVERONMDE, BY BANFF, DATED AUGUST 17TH, I86H. "MAJSTEB HOLMWAT, I Hv been unco vext wi' a sair leg for nearly a score o' years, and I tried aw kin' o' cures for it; but neither doctors nor drogs seemed o' the least avail. So about Christmas time Iwixpitten awa some beasties to Lunnon, and gaed down to Banff to see them off, 6n a chiel handtt me ane o' your bills Weel, I teuk it hame Mid read it to the gudewife, and then says I- '"Weet, Janet. I'U send in by for a box o' th. ae Peels and, Ointment to the droggist in Banff, and see if they will dee my leg ony '"Toots, Peter.' Bays she: 'fat dis that Howl-awa chiet ken or care about the like o' us! I hae cac faith in foreignem avtt, and I think ye are surely crack to ehauve awa your siller on ony aic 5tuff.' "'Stuff here or stuff there,' quo' I, 1 Ise gie the man a tnat. for I'm sick and vext o' doctors and droggists tee M I Hunk it little eneuch that i get a spring on my ain hd- die ance in the twenty years.' 'Weel, weel, Peter, tak yer ain way. and seen ye wm- na dee o' the pet. But 1 tell ye I have nae faith in thae foreigners ava- But the man bidee in Lunnon, says 1, and he's nae a. foreÏ;i.er; besides, if he didna sell his st)!<f. he widna be fit to adverteese as he does; M I'ae gie him a Wee), f)ir. I got a box o' thae Peeh and Ointment, and pursued takin' them as ordered, and in &ax weeks, my leg was nearly as gueed M new. I eanna tell ye how prood I wis o't. Janet allowed herseU that it paesed her compreehensiou, and that Mr. Howt-awa deserved a medal for hie physic onty Janet is some droll in her rewards, for the ither day she heard the minister takin' up the cudgels against some folk in high places, and she declar'd that he ought to git a meda] I ken na how that would look on a parson's coat. However. I'm wanderin' frae my soobjec; but ye must excuse an auld man. I've been d pnit upon every time I cam to bann, by the drog- gist, to senk ye a certificate o' my case; so I've gaen ye aw the oots and ins o't noo, and sal! be happy to re; om- mend your medeeine, and answer ony enquiries that may be pittt)) to me. Wishing ye aw manner o' happiness and prosperity in which wish Janet heartily joins. I trust aw your. patients may experience as rapid and complete a cure as tnat of ver most f.bedient servant to command, (Signed) "PETER GRAY." g.j ?_? The above WM eent to Professor Holloway by Mr. Alex- ander Coutts, a highly respectable gentteman. carrying on the business of a chemist and druggist, at 34. Low-street. BaBff. who states that he selh) large quantities of HoUo- way's Pills aod Ointment. These celebrated medicinea will cure any old .sore. wound, or ulcer,' however desperate or long-standin);. The PiUa are the finest medietne known for all dk- orders of the liver and stemaca, weakaem aDd debihty. and for disorders incidental to females at all ages they are unrivalled. No family should be without them. The medicines in England arc sold at Is. ] d" 2a. 9d., 4s. 6dL. 11s., Ms. and Ms. each Box or Pot. There iii a coMi ieraHe saving by taking the larger eizea. N.B.-Directiati.s for tM uuidanre of patiWt3 tM et'tt'y dti!0)'(tcr are aJfiud to McA Box <<- Pot. A Lecture, by post, two Stamps. sealed 13. Address, SecrKtary. London Anatomical Museum, <4A, Maddox Street, Regent Street, W. /?N MARRIAGE its Physic? Dnties and \,f Ob)igations. With an Essay on Sterility in Man and Woman its Cause and Cure. By a PHYSICH.N. To whic't is appended a cataJogue of the contents of th& Museum, which is open, for gentlemen only, from ten till tell. Admission, Is. T?ASCUDNE VIGOUR GUARANTEED it)! IVi. Fourteen Days, without the possibility of failure, by the use of DR. BRIGHTS REMEDY, prepared in the form of a Lozenge, to insure secresy. Invaluable in all cMe;) of Generative and FhyxicaJ Debility, Spermator- rhoea &c. Sent carefulty packed, on receipt of Us.. free by post, t2s., for stamps or post omea order, or on appli- cation. Address, Dr. BRIGHT. 29, George street, Hanover square, London, W. DEAD THiJJfEW MEDICAL WORK entHed lit DENLIT?' nS CAUSE AND CURE, or A Warning Voice to Young Men on the Cure of Nertous Debility, Loss of Memory. Dimness of Sight, Lassitude. Indigestion, Dislike to Society. Loca) Weakness. Muscular Relaxation. Languor. ListIeiMness. Depression, &c.. which, if negleewl, reautt in Cnnsumtion. tnsanity, and prema- ture death. Thu work is illustrated with hundreds of cMes and testimonial from patients, showing ctearly the treatment hy Which they were cured with plain direct. iont for perfect restomt)on to health and vigour, hent pottt-free to any address, on receipt of a directed envelope, anciomng two pootase otamps. Address, Messr8 SlIl'ra, 8, Button o accent, Tavistock-mraare, London, W_ .C. CONSULTATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. Messm. SMtTH will, for the benefit of persons suf- enng {rom ¡'<ERVOUI;j DEHLITY.&e., on I-eceiving a description of their cases (encbitinga .'ita'nped directed en- vetope for repty}, send a written opinion with advice and directionx for the most successful treatment and cure.— Addr<M, MeMn. 8taTH,8, BMton-CTe<cect, London, W.C osr AA tfr DUTLEB'S, eat?blithed 14 ye*n, M< rtfM* <M' Jj recent Imitttiont. It hM t cteitMing Mtd mfreehinf! eMtHeoct." "KM truly exeeBent." Exceedingly MeM." Prered highly Hatisfactory." Answered weU." T)nm write thme who have tried BUTLER'S ROSEXARY HAIR CLEAM an eyceutint prepaj&tion for the Toilet and Nnraory, pos- Msaing in the highest degree the property of femovinf? scurf and dtmdnft from the hend, and by its invigorating qualities iDcreMmfr the growth and strength of the h&ir. 8c)d in packcte 6d each, mtking a Pint of 6t<t-mte Hair WMh. Who)eet!e by all established honeM, and retail by aU respectftNe chemi'ta; or of Mr. Butter, WYoembe, Bueke, by tendiBe' etfunps and addreM. 7 Bank Buildings, Old Jewry. London, E.G. Is the Chief Office of the ACCIDENTAL DEATH INSURANCE COMPANY. J. W. OBAM, Secretary. ?" T IMF,.Idlft:r 'f- INDIGESTION C Ib- ? .ltOJIlr. ? so O"rywhw*, I.w. 1.. 114., aM 1180 Use MAIZENA as a Diet." CMf ')'ttE TimLs, (¡)tc"d}t 25th. Only I'nxc Meda). Ite))ortetl by the Jnry "Exceedingly Excellent for Food." ANY ONE CAN U8B THEM. A baaitt of wttter is aU that M required to produoo the moat brillia.nt and fashionable colour'! on SiUs, Woollens, Cottons, Ribbfms, <ec. in ten minutes, by the Me of JUDSON'S SIMPLE DYES, MAGENTA MAUVE VIOLET OBBBN SCAKLBT BROWN I OBANOB I CBIM80N PINX t BLUE PhM 6d, Ie M, 2< M, and So per bottte. These Dyes will alao be found Nseful for itapartint;' colour to Feathers, Fibre8, Grasses, Seaweed, Ivory, Bone, Wood, Wtllow Shatin?, Paper, &lM for Mutiny Photographs md for HInmi- nati);?. May be ha<) of e)i chernut? iD the United Kingdom and Colonim. Wholesale Deptt, 19t, CoIeman.atreGt, London. NOTICE TO INVENTORS. OFFICE FOR PATENTS, 4, TRAFALGAR SQUARE. CHARING CROSS, LONDON. DrintMi instructions (gratis) as to the COST of -t p? TEXTS tor (!r<«B?t:')n or fnrfi?neom?riM. Adtit'e <t!daMi!iMnM in dhpoMmfofor workillK inventipnll. Bmnrh vAlet. mut a,-ericien in fv<'rj'' onttnentui Jltat1 and tn Ain@rica. Utt.'bli'.hed !M ytttrx. I?ttliinforniationualoeililredorexkting ptttcnt* at hmne ttnd a)fro!td.—App)y p<rm<m).y <')'<))' )t'"<'r to Mesers. rRINCE & Co., Patent omoe, 4, TratMgar Sq., Charing Croes, London, W.C. 7' "f f (I ??? '???? ? k:Ùt' ttS?'?' ? H. WALXER'S P.t'ent BM?cd Eyed ? ?<a'.?, K?'.[M?rMp:']9'w:n' There 19 nott'.n? K ] ?<'? j- ? )?e tt.tm t<rr ?pt-Mt. Pfttft'tco "f the PNt?- W? ."??? !?'' )..pcMMtU?t.t.MpicCrntrhete. SMupteafcr '? Is. host ]y<'c ot at)V d'-n-ifr. ,WA).KF.n.Q'K'cn's\nr!.s.AtM?t<'r,&t7.Sre9)t?m-at. London FiRSTMANUFACTURED 1742 OR MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED & TWENTY YEARS. ? ? We gaM<uitee ? ? ?L ??/??y/the perfect purity <??? ?/ "v this Mustard. \? ? ????? ? J?\?%??'°.-?'<? ???? ???? The attention of the public and of the medical pro- fession is catted to thisfacsimik of a tabe) placed on the top of all canisters of Keen's Genuine Mustard which can be purchased of most Family Grocers. KEEN.MBtKSON.BEUmE & Cc., LOMOOM. NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE. The greatest and rnMt useful invention of the dtty, AGCA AMABELLA.-MeesrB. JOHN GOSNELL and CO., Three King-court, Lcmbard.street, London, Perfumer)! to Her Majesty, respectfully offer to the public thm truly marYeiious Ouid, which graduatly restores the human hair to its pristine hue-no matter at what age. The Agua Amarella has none of the properties of dyet; it, on the contrary, is beneficial to the system, and when the hair M once restored, one application per month will keep it in perfect cotor. Price one guinea; naif bottlee, 10s. 6d. Testimonials from artistes of the highest order and from individuats of undoubted respectability may be inspected on application. Messrs. J. GOSNELL and Co. have been appointed Perfumers to H.R.H. the Frineest of Vales. pi %tswl ttttrlS $sitnt. PROTECTION FROM FIRE. BRYANT & K LY, FAIRFIELD WORKS, LONDON. E. RMpocttuUy temiest puMKABMt md coxMM? mf ttatcheo everr'tere to ebterve, th?t "the PATENT 'DtV?'Tr??B Special Safety Match;" *ff11 t u ITI CA t]V0 Cl?t nSoat freotmy mous, con- ???????????1 t)UC9 no PHMPHORUt, Md .?.??LIGHTB ONLY ON THE BOX. f'?NNrVl' manufactured OtftT by them. and that L?SNB?' ?thout their tddrem and TRAttR MARK ??tjJJO?r (AN Att) NOttB ean be genume. Se)d by Mr. W u. URiFniH, li"lll!ur and way he obtained of mntt respeeta.bte grocers, chemiata, tc.. in tht neigh- bourhood. Be very partioular to observe that every fiMttge and every Box bears our trade mark—Mt Ark. 149  N SWLl-s d ml l a 7'.t;.< 7'?' i.< tMi/)?<? K'?/t?<m/'ttO<<t)/OMre<<,an<? eom- '.MM /)K)'?!/ tt'?/t /').? ;ttt)tt< end /<u? ttre?A. Solel <v Cliernifts, A'<a<t<mer<, and C<M/i't<«MOt M all part. .)/ ?('.t<)?O.Tt. Local Agento. BM)S<'r-ROBERTS. Baker. High Street. CaniiN—TREHAME, Chemiat. Bute Street, EVAN8, Chemiat. High Street. Swanaey—LADD. Gmoer, HOLM.ES, Grneer. DENT, CHRONOMETER WATCH & CLOCK MAKER To the Queen md the late Prince Consort, and Maker of the Great Clock for the HOUSES t'F PARLIAMENT, INVITES fttteutMn to the superior wortmM- -L ahip and elegance of design 'If his ejtteBMVt Stock of Watchea aAd Drawing Room Clocks. Ladies' Gold Foreign Wtttehet 7 Gtunttt. Gentlemen's (litto 10 Indies' or Gentlemen's Go)d English Lever ditto 16 StrungSiiter Lever Watehea. 6 Gentlemen'!) Gotd CompenBittion PAlane.- ditto. 40 Si)verditto<)itto .S Mttine Chronometer, S?S-Guini". GoM Md Silver Pochet Chronometen. AatMnomic* TnrrBt and Bmchct Oocks of every ,deocriptton,, An elegant MMrtment of London-mftd* Fine GeMAtbtrt Md Guard a0ing, &a. DENT. 61, Stmn'), <ttdj<HuiB<! Coatta't Bank); M md 35 R03. %I Exchange; and at the Clock and MMtM CompMa FMtory, Somtnet WhM-f, StMnd, LoBthM. RENT'S TURRET Ci.OCKS.-The attetttMm j_? of PuHic Bodies. Gentlemen, and othen i* M?jtttt- fujiy requested to the improvements made it the am, atruction of Clocks, Mitahfe for StttMes, Churchee, ant other brge Ruiidings, by the iate E. J. Dent, ttut F. Dent, Clock and Chronometer Mttkenf to the Queen **< the late Prince Contort, and Makers of the GRNAT CLOCK FOK THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, <-te. Turret Cloeka with Cnmpentation P d I *A*mftd for variations of temperature, to work the hand* ef Mth of any aize. from I to 300 feet diameter. DENT, 61, Strand, adjoining Coutts's B&nk, t*d M and 35, Roya) Etchamge, London. TRY, TRY, TRY. ROCSE'S HERBAL EMBROCATIOt. An Effectual Cure for the Hooping Coufjh. wiaout Internal Medicine, ri pHIS is the only discovery affording t perfect CURE, without <M)mitistennt iotenll. medicirte, the difficulty and incon.venience.of <rtueh.zt )ttl dijtordertf particularly incident to chitdren. Me t< WOR kuown to need any comment. Many thousands oftehildren are cured tnntiaiiy by tMt remedy and in most CiMMM. one bottle will produce ttt desired effect. The Proprietor therefore eMnettty M< conscientiousiyrecommendtit t<) Parents. GuMdiMt, <*a itU those who have the care of chitdren. For the protection of the Pubtic, and to preMttt im- position. L. ROCHE" it signed on tht Labet <mt«de each Bottle, and the name of the WhoteoJe Agowk Edwarda. <i7. St. Paut't, engrave t on the 8ov<ra<xemt Stiunp. Price 4a. per BotUe. Sotd by mott reoptcttMe Chemist and deatert in medicine. LEWIS & Co-.RANELAGHST., tJVERPVOOL r For Little Hoy)) of f<xtf j M)d six yean old, fnxt Scotch Tweeda, nMdy BOY,, S'.S..U.T.S { i trunmed. Abu Buot? OYS SU S '1 sh,? cotJa? K? j Tiet. GtuvM), Hat*, md l Cap<, for Boy* Mf the same agea. Lewis & Co., RAN ELAQH ST., LIVERPOOL f For Beye of eight and t<m j years old, from K"e Ctoth, hMtd«mtdy BOYS- SUITS,. Shit., C.Iir., N.* t Ties, GIovet, Hat4 tad Cap-, fur Boy< of &e samtiagea. LEWIS & Co., RANELAGH ST., JJVERPOOL ? For Boys of Twetfetod Fuurteen yea« ot? from extr* Stout Clotty weU m*de. A)'? B<Mt<e. BOYS' SUITS. sb,? c<.))?t)? Ties, CtuMt), H? *nd ('??(orBuyaeftht mme?e. LEWIS & CO., RANFL A Cll ST., LIVERPOOL f For Elder Boy" from Ftf- j teen to sfventeeo yeM< o)(), from extm go«tt ) Ooths, weU cut Mtd BOYS' SITITS ma(it!. Ako Bo.<«, Shirts, Collar> Ke& j 'i'it's, Gloves, H;tte,.md Caps, for elder Uoyt ot i. Mme agea. LEWIS & Co., RANELAGH ST., LIVERPOOL. y For Young Men of ''<gh(- tefn and twenty yeM* ii old, from fatihi<ta*b!< Tweeda and Ctothx, J WeU-tittint; and hand' YvOnUn?\-GnMm?-.?\?'SqS<<Um??.&? aomdymade. Ah* Bootti. Shirta, (Ml.tnt, Neck Ties, Gloves, HM8 and C.i;)S. for Yoazg l Men of the same ageL LetCl3 and CompalW btO to call 1M attention of Parenk Guezrdians, and Schoolmasters to tlw abm,e a,b-ertiuvIenL They have been /o)' some ft<M yfqMfttty their-Stoa /tf this nwnth, and t/tfy /M! (M<fMff<< their /n6MA and <'tt- tomers tet'H be mcrt than satiefted «'t<A the "MMM H«e <m< pi-etty styles for the Liltle A)y< thete <!f<' )M!<' sJwwil/fl, at <MM <M Mt<t their large seleetton of A<tHdtc'M and weft& SMt<< for elder Boys and Young Men. Lewis and Company tfOttM ftirther call tk aKfX<MXt of the pMt!tC <o their Boot Departnent. One entire Skop tt devoted to this branch of their otMtMM. jE'fery <M-<te<<- MM by them is manufactured on MK; Premxe* by slilfal and ezpericnced tvorkwn. All kinda of for Bo!ls and Young Jtfm may be *<:d kem-from tAe little Danting fump Of Slipper for the Bo. of /<M«', <e <A<' <m<t)'< DreM Boot or &«M'y Shooting Boot for <Ae TiMMW Man of <M'M<< while, to meet the tvish" of many jiotC- <et among tAef cuttotMra. they <t!<o undertake the Repair- ing o/ Boots, which in all ''(!<« are <<MKy<y <ttx< mwetfr done, and returned in one day. STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.K. THE PRINCES OF WAI-Bt. G LENFIELD pATENT s TARCH, USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. AND AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL FOR ITS SUPERIORITY. Sold by all Grocers, Chandh'rs, Oi!men &e. WOTHER8PUON & CO.. GLAllaOW AND LoMt<aL FIRE! BURGLARS! FIRE! 23. CANNOX STREET WESti (Late of Old ChMge, St. Paul'9.) SECOND-HAND Wrought Iron Fire Proef kJ SAFES, DEED BOXES, IRON BOOKS, StM? ROOMS for the SECURITY OF BOOKS, DERM PLATE, and ot)ier valuable property. The only tuMtft in London where they can be oLt.mted at half the m* uhcurera prices. Sketches tad pnces may behadousp. plication to C. H. GhSith!). 18-inch Wrought Iron FireproBf Boxes, 40<. 23, Cannon Street Weat, LendMi. RUPTURES. By Her Mnjeaty'B Roytti Letter PtMnt. WH!TE'sMOC-NAM LEVER TRM8 f3EQUIR!NG no steel spring round &e Hj body. is recommended by the following P.I._ ties and adviintages :—lst. facility or appUcation M. perfect freedom from liability to chafe or excoriate Jroi, tt may be worn with equal comfort in amy position <"M* body, by day or night 4th. it admits of every htd t1 exercise, without the slightest inconvenience wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. We do not hesitate to give to this invention our <m- qualified approbation, and we strenuously adyiM the tMt of it to all those who stand in need of that which they cannot so fully, nor with the earns eoMott. obtaia from any apparatus or truss aa from that whxt« have the highest satisfaction in thus recommendint.' — C/tMrrA and &'<«(< Gazette. ? Recommended by the following eminent eu-geou WiUiam Ferguson. Esq.. F.R.S., Professor of Surgery in King's CoUege, Surgeott to King's Cotiege HoquM. te. C. G. Guthrie, Esq., Surgeon to the Royal NN edndmmtmr C. 0. (;uttirie, E Uphalmic Hospital W. Bowman. Esq.. FR.&, Ã.MiIIt.- ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital T. GaUmml, EM., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy s TH_ osptM; T. BUzard Curting. Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the Lao" Hospital W. J Fisher, Esq. Surgeon-m-Chtef te tht Metropolitan Police Force Aston Key, Esq., Surges t* Mnce Albert; Robert Listou, Esq., F.R.S. Jimes Lusm. Esq., Surgeon to the London Tn)M Society EramM wB- son, Esq., F. R. S., and many others. A descriptive eircuiar may be had by post, Truss (which cannot fail to in) can be foiwarded 'VtMt on sending the circmnfetecee of $iw body two tccto* Wow the hips, to the manufacturer. Mr. WHITE, &?. Piccad,r., ty. Lond,on. Mce ofaSingte Tnu*, 16. 21s.. ?.. 6d., and 31*- M. Postage, b. Double 31.. 6d., 42s., and 52s. M. Postage, Is. 8d. „ UmMUcal,, 42s., and 5&6d., Pottage, h.!M. Post-ofnce orders to be made p&yaM' to JOHN WmTE. Post omM. riecaoi,ty. NEW rATENT ELASTIC 8TOCXIN08. KNEE CAPS. *e. The material of which these are made. is recemommmk bv tlie FacuItY. of as beinMg peculiarly KLAintO MX C?m?E??E.andTHElrrNVENTMKhr?tT? emcient and permanent supports ? ?"< ?"? NESS and sweUing ef the LEttS. VABJ(,'<?t- VNNa. SPRAINS, &c. It h porous, light in textute Mtd tt.oc- pensive and i" dr&wn On like ? ordinary Ste<:k_i?F<*<* rro. 4< 6d 7? M.. 10'. to ?- ??' ?""tage. M. JOHN WHITE, Manttfwturer 228. FICCANMr SpeeuntM mty bt Mtn in tht Crptal f<h*<.