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J THE VOTE OF CRNSURE ON THE GO- VERNMENT. I Before these lines meet the eyes of our readers, it. is probable that the important debate in the British House of Commons on the po!icv, or no policy, winch the Whig Ministry has pursued in reference to the Gerino-Danish question will have been brought to a conclusion, and the fate of the present Government decided one way or another. At the same time it will be settled whether there will be a general election throughout the country, or not,.during the present year. Apart from party considerations, the dehate, most able, eloquent, and impassioned almost he- yond precedent, will be long memorable, and will be read with intense interest throughout the whole of Europe, as every nation, more or less, lilust feel a great interest in the result. It is a fact which cannot he successfully denied by the Minis- ters themselves, that the prestige of England has been sadly lowered during the prolonged negotia- tions, .arising partly no doubt, from the grasping selfishness and obstinacy of tl.o German Powers, who own to have cast aside all respect for right and justice anil the moral opinion of the world but chiefly, in our opinion, by reason of the blun- dering stupidity and official imbecility of the re- sponsible Ministers of the Crown, A most flagrant and wanton act is being perpetrated by the Ger- mans, and there seems no Power in Europe dis- posed to put a stop to the wicked spoliation, nor to prevent the dismemberment and destruction of the gallant little kingdom of Denmark but the part which England has played in this shocking tragedy has brought upon 11s the ridicule and con- tempt of the world—of friends as well as foes. We, through our Foreign Minister, have threaten- ed, and bullied and scolded, both the belliger- ents in their turn, and when we had made up our minds not to take an active part in the struggle, nor to render assistance in the only way which would be. of any service, namely by an appeal to arms. For ourselves wo do not regret this dcci- sion in itself, because there are many and impe- rial reasons why England should not at this junc- ture make war upon Germany, and which are felt and percei ved by the Opposition equally with the Ministerialists. There are our uncertain relations with France the sullen and defiant attitude of Hussia; the smouldering fire of the revolutionary element in nearly every country in Europe, and which would be sure to break out into a blaze the moment the first cannon shot was firell by this country and fiually the openly-proclaimed hatred of America, which only waits for a fitting oppor- tunity to wreak its vengeance upon us. This as- pect of affairs tends to make us wary and cautious before we commit ourselves to a step which might terminate disastrously to our own interests, and the more especially as we have 110 more cause to protect Denmark than has Russia or France, or any other of the Powers which signed the Treaty of 1852. What we object to, ami what the nation objects to, is the puerile, meddling policy of the Government, whirh, whilst offending one party, has not conciliated the other, and, like ancient Pistol, is terrible only in words and not in deeds —which rails but does not fight. The effect of this policy is, that we have not at this moment a single ally in Europe, nor elsewhere, and that England has become a byeword for pusillanimous blustering and meaningless menace. The Whig and Radical Press wish to blind the country, and to raise a false issue in the Debate, by representing it to be a question of War or Peace, which most assuredly it is not. Lord Derby, equally with Earl Russell has stated his opinion that England, under the circumstances, would not be justified in going to war with Ger- many in defence of Denmark, and this opinion is shared in by the majority of the Conservative party. This decision would not have brought dishonour upon the nation nor lowered its pres- tige; it is the meddling imbecility of the ministry, their holding out fallacious hopes to a brave peo- ple, and then at the last hour deserting thcUl- threatening to strike, but not striking, barking but not biting, it is this which we all deprecate and denounce, ami upon which the vote of cen- sure is based. Why, even the ordinary support-¡ ers of the Government, such as Cobdcn, Roebuck, and Horsman, admit the degradation and whilst, as partisans, voting with the Ministry, are loudest in their denunciation of the bungling and humiii- ? atixg policy of the Foreign Otnce. Persons who have good cause for not fighting should not be Whatever be the result of this great Debitte-- whether the Ministry be beaten or not-it will exercise a beneficial influence upon the European Governments, which may be of some service to them in the future. They will perceive from the outspoken language employed by most of the. speakers, that Englishmen cannot he insulted with safety orinipunitv, despite the blundering indeci- sion of a tottering ministry, and that England is as sound as ever at the core. They will be care- ful not to mistake temporary quiescence for apathy, nor a peaceful demeanour for timidity, and that there are bounds set to even an Englishman's love of peace. This, we believe, the Debate will de- monstrate to them, and it is a lesson which was I much needed, and which they will do well to pro- fit by aud lay to heart.


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