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 ?  11 teaser Massme?  1. Ii «1'.1 A't>. t f.h ,1J¡ 'r Advertisements. APARTMENTS, SiVUATiOMS VACANT OR WANTuB, TO UE LLT, LOST ARC FOUND. One Three Six InaertioD. losertiolie. Insertions t3 Words. 1 0 2 a. 3'0 30 Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 40 Words- 2, o 4 0 6 0 FOR SALE, PRIVATE AMNCUNCEMENTS. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions p1 6 2 6 3 6 30 Words. 0 3 0 4 6 46 Words. 6 3 6. 5 6 KIRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND MARRIAGES One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions fU Words. 1 6 3 6 6 0 1I8 Words. 2 0 5 0 8 II 3 Wcrd6. 3 0. 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. One '1 faree Six ineertioa. Insertions. Ineertione ID Word# 2 0 3 0 4 >. 30 Words. I 6 0. t b 40 Word.. 3 0 5 ,6 ? i MCfiSY.—6d. per line. n Li__uaga> IMISC&ULI.ANZOU8 SiTUATIO^S VACANT. í ELECTKIC LAMPS.—Agents and Travel. JU ic-rs calling upon Collieries, Mills .factories, WorKS, Cinemas. Electricians. | Ironmongere, Hotels ft Lions etc., are oflered ¡ a highly lemunexative side-line. a» good but • cheaper than any Illml) on the market CciiiiiUi-isioKs paid weeklv- no collecting of ■aooounto; no technical knowledge reqUI, -WI.ite. stating nature of lines already ] carried. Box B 8. Cambria Daily Leader. is wan :ea. W 0 ME N AMD GIRLS. r C'lOLNViiCiiCLv 'ii.E'i. — Wanted, energetic ■> Young Lady, abcut lis, as third counter Ila-nd; rtierences required.—Apply, Alanag- |«rea» at Loveil's. 28, Caetle-etreet, Swansea,. ¡ WA1-1 t  ?'? .T?XP?i'l??CED Pa?cker? and Sortel,a I-n W anted.— Apply, Manageress, öwall- sea. and Laundry Co., Swansea. 197A1-4 XTACAXCjES occur at the Bar-Loci. I ^School, 36. Cattle-street, {Swansea, for V Intelligent Young Ladies to be trained AS sShorthand Typis-tw; eriicient in divinum tui- J ti-on in up-to-date bueinees methods. New ,term commencing January ?th, 1920. Call or write for our Free Prospectus. Cl-5 Strong Girl to Help m iio~" ?St rozig Girl to uc.1p 11) <!pt!yF!?n Farm, Pontarda.we ??' VyrA-VIfiD, Young I?dy for Calh?ek- must be smart at ti.-urez Appiv in own h?writing to D. &. Evana. Watson's Morea, Brynyinor-road. 195A1M1 tolal abstainer, three t" children, younpreat 6. requires Work- ing Housekeeper. 30 to 36 years, with view to matrimony; references esiseiatial.-Writ(-, Hóx K 6, Leader OiTce. 195A1-3 Domsstic Servants. ('AP ll..BLli ûJ1er2.J required llllrnedia.te1y;  j -nall family; s?od bolu? for euitalbe j ?iri.—Apply. Mrs. E. J. 1rice, Harp Bank, Cwin-ni, CwiXi bwria. 195A1-3 (^EiNEHAL Maid Wanted: tw? in fa.mih': X houaenmid k?t.—A??ply lie at h, ulas- fryn, South Walk, 1!.4Æ_nd. C!?X ??''ANTED. a Good Clean ?bneraiT ?o ;,I A,"ANTED. a (k-)od C?e P IU (-4ex)erai; no ►Swansea. 193A1-1 "{7{T LYÙm at once, experienced General Servant; wa?r?..C;?: amt?l i'?NtUy? .?ra) outing.—The Lindeus..New-road,) Poi-thcavvl. 197 A Uo 't,t/ A? '1'HD, Tf?st-worthy General Seiivarit. must be capaM? good bome,-Appl¡. Thom&s Hunkin, 35. ?mlerc)ad. Nath | 0?-6 ? Wgood GHwral for family of 1 three.—Apply, morn me op evening. .Tones. LanwfIla." Queen'e-roact, Skettv. iSTAl-l Tt^AJsT'ED, Cook General, two in i?nnly. ft Another maid hopt. Apply ?noming! or evening, Machen Lodge, Sketty (oppo- 11 VVA-N'TKi/' a good General.—Aj.piy. j t t reference, Mrs. Davies. Med:eal Hall 193A1-3 T^TAISTED. General, with or without form, for one ladv: smaU house; £ 30: fare paid.—Mrs. Pearoe. 2a, Lrneombe Hill. P.yth. 195A1.3 MEN AND YOUTHS. jf 10NSTKIICT10N AL Pore in an wanted im- 1 v mediately tor Exttasions at a ùhmi. cd Works in South Wales: be taox- ioughly efficient, capable of working from drawings, also conttollin;r material and men in the erection of considerable chemical J plant.—Write, stating age. experience, and i wages required to Box D 7. ,¡),all) Leader,, Swansea. Cl-5 INt>UiiA!NCE Company (Tariff) transaet- J- in" Life, etc. reauire a K^prescntative lor kwaneea and 'South-West Walet., know- Jde of insurance neceeeary. Full par- t/eulare regarding experience, age. and salary required, in »triot confidence, to Box y J-i y T, -v kder. 169-M-5 I TtJMOE Clerk, with former ofilce experi- ,j Itne6 and reference iMm !a?t emplover < IT T> and Company. Ltd.. FUnÜRhe1'8, 280 'q?ord?t!?e?_?vaiMea?_ t196A!2-S?' !'t?A?'??. a youth about 17. to a??"ir' VV- ofRc? and to m?.ke himgc!f generally hisefaL—Apply. "Motor, "Le&dsr" C?nrp Swansea,. AStroiig Warehouse Boy.—Her- i J L. Morgan, 2. St. Marv-F-treet. ???' '??"A?THD. Forpman n&Kl to Load.n » Railway Lorries: experienced? men only wanted.—Apply W P Powell :wd co Oreat Weetern Railway. Neath. Cl-2 ;•\V ANTED Esperienced Steam Crane; Driver for Steel Works: permanent: .j. ob for suitable man'.—Apply Bryng-vot, hteel Works, CI-5 l V%'TiT)LL or Part-time A (rents Wanted • i ",f le.?diu? Inctiranco Society. Spcciai t::onllF. Timp" down m'd no debit system.— f Write Aceucy, Ijcader Ouwn. Swanf;e? J j95A'1-1 j 'k."1;\7AKTEJ), Foreman Engineer for Dry r., Docks and Ensineenu? Wor?c.—An-' .ply. by letter only stating ace, exiJerieuee, 'and aalary N!ouired. to Ocean I)i?? Do''k? ? Co., LMSwansca. Cl-3 r ?/???\ ?? experienced Traveller fo:' IN til-a ?Wiloiccale Grocery and Provi3ion (Trade, neit?bourbood of Hwrmsca; mmt | .have f.Mt-j.ia.M testimonials.—" ]-then (?d D?y Leader. 195A1-3 :V A N-ri Ù) good Under-Game'ner; Ejnd- I iV man -Apply ?- ?''?'M' Thoaa?. Bryldon. IJill Glain. ? 190.12-31 ] ''?TA?TED. immediately, a n)Ç-fur Y ? for 6-miU Ympiate Worke.—Apply, statins age, experieuce. and wa^ea (?x- Tect?d to Boa W 5. Lcader Otnct.. '?trAK'fED. E?perien'cc<i Motor Mechanic.— » Aopiy, statins: asre. experience and ?cteren'M. to W Bavaa if Fieher-strfct t ?wa?t' ci,- 3i t "Efr:S;)?An<;r¡> 5Õ-I3:¡:-1:: ? for rto?in? Scheme.—For full &3T- j titulars apply J Laiag ?nd Son, W O)ct. street. Port Talbot. C1-1 WASTED, a Lad for Office Wc)r-k ",7_Le!r Office^ .S«an«ea. 195A1 —" I'Viri-RtLESS to 1 1 f" feevei-ai of our Students having- in«t Jcytlified and secured Permanent Positions | t-t £ 200 rK-r annum, we have now room for t tI, Few Students to wmmenee January 5th For particulars, apply Wireless Trairir.tr • College. Ltd., St. Mn t-y.strect Cardiff, and i Ca«t?e-€tre9t, Swansea. 'WAITED, thoroughly cxperipnc?r' Short ¡ r Vt hand Typist.—Appfy. stating a.?e ex- perience, ?tc-. to Box ?o. 01. "Le?d'pr" j<?Ro? S??n?ea.. (TO ( YOUNG MRn Wanted as Attpnd:'nt.I'?' ply Manager Castle Cinema, wanl'. t95Al?i j FOR SALE. ¡ i T?R?ALE,fourWhiteWya'mlotte j l A -l"7-?,7?,014; will make massive birds; I I5*. each.-30, Carlton.terrace Swansea Carlt-n-terrace. z .-ivariea GAL V AN1Z}lli-PÚt-able BoHers; 12 gallons '? 6?s.; ? gallons 70s. 5ft. Walnut Side-j ,tKMHd; bar??f?..€?. 3ft. 6in. EookcMe, i Leadlignt front, £J 6ft. Folding Chair j Bedst??d. Fun s?f Solid Oak BGd?<;a<?. I ?6. F?U -? Jacobean J3ed-?t«a«ds. £ 7.—B. j hphe!_L',1!i1f{))',L No 48. Cl-JI j ? QAFES (Fireproof), 20 to 43 ir?hee hi? j ? for Sala; also Steam Wagons, WiiifhnK j J:ne8e5, PUm¡k. Hydraulic Pre-?os.-B-'t ) ??—???. Swansea. Cl.7 j ? ?? -??T OS?ri.' Quantity of good sound I ? '+ wedee: f.o.r Keath- — T-1) o i .Hunk)n. Bnteh«r. Neath f"l? 1 j  ? FURNrru^i. 7 ? t?UEK)TT;RE.-Bcst Pr?? fivpn by m" ? forS?ond-hafid !?:rnhur« a?d A iti(iti m'-n?nra of any df"-cri?!on Df?', me a? n?tc;t n- 8. i. I,iq n. I .lrt gt. Thomas. CT.C. { ? HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. I I10H. SALE. Houses situate in Church- road, Llacsamlet—Apply Wm, Bullen. 197 Al- i '?REE!iOLD Six-room House for Sale: JL: glass-house, pig-?y. large garden fido entrance; early possession.—Apply Bryn jamc!,F-treet. Pontarduiaig. 19EA1-5 ?OK HALE, 2 Freehold Hous&n at | J- terrace, Plasmar,. 5 minutes' walk from Baldwin's and M&uuM?.iiiu Works; b'u?t. in 1910: containing 6 rooms with h. and c Lath and. scullery. Price £ 1400.—Apply A'. V. Ellis (after 5 o'dod{}. 36 Jereovstreet, Hafod. Swam;cR. 19,;A! -LI-uÙt.Ú: to Let, with 12 rooms; Furniture JUL t?.'ein for Sale.—P?i-?culara M Q. | Daily Leader, Swansea. 197A1-? ?IX?ROOM 'Boua?'fcr' gaJer?thT'etc.?jn J 18titution nUi u\nhoríte House); i possession on completion.—llarlec Jien- ?d. Ha?!)d?o. A!-3 Mes-srs. J. Blewitt Jenkins and Sons' | Afinouncenients, ~\rACANT Possession, Dillwyn-road. Shtty. ? For Sale, excellent semi-detached vilki j residence; o ^Keccption Koo-ais; 4 Bedrooms; | Ifaoni, and Bath Room. Lorlk Lease. l^EiM;i'-STliEET, Owmhwrla. Two free. ?- hold Cottages for S2 Ie 4 Rooms and CUnel'Y. iSALE, Houses in Bryn-road, GWydr- crescent, Brynymor-creicent, St etc.. at reasonable figures. i TpO-H Further Particulars, «.pply to Messrs. i X J. Blewitt Jenkins and Son*. SurTeyors. Land. a?id Estate Agents, 4. Collepe-strret, | Swansea. Cl.6 Ivir. Joseph Harris' Announcerrierits. ROwEHlLL-TEREACE. Freehold House t for Sale at a low figure. JONES'S-TEGKAOE f.iufit off Alexandra- i tJ' rcad).-Four Houses for Sale, cheap. BEixTH ALL-PLACE, St Thomas.—W elS- JLP built House for Sale; will shortly be- t eome vacant. ^riNCEKT.KTEEET.-ireven Hoti&w lor » Sale; 'till tell separately, if necessary. ':7;f}TKTi-i -STRErl' Two Housas for Sale; cheap to Quick | buyer. j 811b-! !B staatial Houses for Sale, cheap. C~WM~LE V EL^ltOAJ>. ^iJand c r e7—F7/ur~ >^T- ceilent Houses for Sale at a low figure. I' A.Vrl;EBUEY-ROAD. Bryr.)a;' il. Well- i V built House for Sale; cheap to quick buyer. /^OijBOUEN&TBRRACEj—Excellent Hcu=-> for Sale; will make aplflndid jinvestment F LANUYFEI?CH-RbAD?—THree Hou?? L with polled 6tbne fronts, for Sale at. ?L !w price to quick buyer. luI)-liOAD (foot of Mounv Pleasant).—Freehold Eifeuse for Sale. every modern oonveuienec; in exetheii-, j order: price low. ?URTIIERPnrti?ula.ra of the foi-egoin" r rrcvrtjes. ? weB as R number of other6 ia various parts of the tow]'? can be na(; from Joseph Harris Auctioneer, Estate ( Agent and Valuer, 1. George-street, Swan- "-a. Tel. No. 469 Docks. j APARTMENTS AND LOUG. ING" TO LET AWD WAITED. ] BA-C.ilApartments Wanted immedi- S ately after Christma-s, in or near i Swansea.—'Teijnis and particnlara to Box L6. Leader Ofiiice. 19AA1-2 B OARD Eee-idence available <?nc or two i geat3: every convenience; moderate terms asked; central.—Wr? P M„" DLily Leader Offlce 19t»A!2-3i V/t/'AKTblJ, by yoima- married couple, rlwo j ? unfurniched Koc:ms Skewn or Llan- samlet. Write '•Comfortable," "Daily LeaderSwansea. 195A12-31 "TTS/"ANTED, Board Residence i'or Business Gentleman; central Jw&ition pre- ferred. State terms, etc., to i £ 7, "Cambria | Daily Leader," Swansea.. 195A1-3 KCIiSS PURCMAS1?4G. IT PAYS to exercise gi-eat care over I House Purchasing. Some schemes are expensive; others are not The Ialldore, Permanent, Building Society distributes all its profits among the members Borrower)-. Participate. Where else can you earn money by borrowing it i* Offices: 61, Wind- street, totvansea. Cl-2 rr' 0 M7f.—Those Rre ma?io words, seldom 1. «een. To make sure of a House, YOu: must buy one. Let the Landore Permanent Building Society show you how; it is the: largest in/Wmt Wales. 61 Wind-Street, Jj Swansea. J ''?E?'A?CY ?r 'C'.vner6hio.-49.MO pe:?)k'' X haw already Purchased tbr?uEh our i e?sy eyetem.—For free booklet write Box V.3. Leader Office. 195A1-3 rt^HE ltANDORE, PERMAN EOT bIJIldTnC j JL. Society will show you how your House may be Purchased on the b»n-:t terms ever offered in this oountry. Start the 'new year j we1l by pending for the new prospeeiu< Offices: 63, Wind-street Swanwa. C1.9, i "OjT'ANTED, in Gorseix»on, or between Gors- j » einon and Swansea, any District, to rent or purchase by arrangement, SmaT j House or Apartments; furnished or Un-1 fuTitished would siiit.-Ptrticulpi,s tc Piamste," Alexaiulra-road, G-orecinou. 196A1-1 TTtrANTEp TO pTtrcHASET in Swansea, f Mumblesi, GowRrton. Loushor, or G-cwer. a SEMI-DETACHED VILLA of 3 or• d bedrooms bath-room. 2 reception rooms, etc. Price up to Roberts and Son, 61, Wind-street Swansea CI 2-30 4/6 (, D any < i j-?tvirt: D!F'6io', by arrange i riel it.- Lanillord." Leader. Swansea. T Cj. j BUSINESSES FOR D I S P A L. rt'*0 Billiard Hall Proprietors.-Centre of! X Abei'tillery Hon.. Sout?) Wal. To he Let at one on Lease, Building coiltaiii" I,- One Large Room that will nold 7 tables:! One Smaller Room that will bold 5 of tables; Livirg Accommodation for Manager and Refreshment Room. Possession û1: these can bo given at once. Flans are also < prer-nrod for another storey >ver the large room to hold 7 more tables if rpl¡llit!'d. Apply in first instance, to Marsden P 0 Box 47. Wican. j PREMISES TO LET & WANTED j ~\hTHOLES ALE Finn required Conlvai » » Premises as Stock Rooms and Offiree: lone: lea!ge -lvrit-e Box C 7 Daily Leader SwAnsca. Cl-G ¡ TAINTED, two ood Fish and 01;ip Shop- 111 Swansea or district; price i given. Write "Shop," Daily Leader Swan ¡ PARTNERSHIP. — — I T3'ART?ESTWaKt?d for Manufactttrin? j A Confections r>- in Swansea; capital) about £ 1.000.—Write in eonfidcnce to Coji- fc?Uonprv." Daily Leader. Swansea j 196A1-, PERSONAL. I j__ i £I-=-\ \'IG"-rz.-(>i;;d-r;' ?)th ,hanlç¡: í -¡-'N- Uncle Beri'p" ToRee Shop th?re is ] "ta r,r!in, H?)ora Onh' IJnoUs Bert t?d his Son thank you for vour help. Yon are doing ''You: Bit," as we did ouv.« S w a n r^a. Thanksfl ■ TRADE AMNGUMO £ r/.ENTS. I^O li Uoal Good Value in boot wear. W. X M. Thomas, the Unliable Boot btores, King Edward-road. Swansea. (T.C.) IN Everybody's Mouth! itackay's Herbal i l'abKCs for Chest. Throat, and Voice. Unrivalled. Of all Coniectioncrs. 2d. ounce. Wholesale of Mackay's, Confeotioners, Old Market-street, Bristol. PENHALE'S Clothing Sale^ Z32~. Righ. street. This Week: 260 ii-en's Grey Worsted Suits; Tailor Made; Ready to Wear. 84s.; worth 6 guinea*. Youths' Long Troueer Suit, Smart iSiyle. 63s. 96A 1-o PIN YOUS FAITH to Nostrolinej" Nasal JL Specific for Nasal Catarrh, Head Colds. Infiuen2a. Scro Throat and all in- fectious disorders of the nostrils. Acts continuously day and night. Convenient, pleasant, safe, and effective. Of lead- ing Chemists everywhere la. 3d (by post 18. 5d.). Sold Dy E. Bevan, Nelson-street, G. T. David, Mansel-street; D. R Da ViCfi. St. Ileleu's-road; J T. Davies. Ltd. (all branches); H. L Havard. Brytiy- mor-road: G H. Kent 4S St. Holen's-road; E J. Kieft Robert-street. iilanseJton. A D Matthews, Oxford-street: B Need ham, Neath road: Ogdens Cash Chemi&t. Ltd.. High, street; J and D. Rces. Pabian-street, St. Thomas, and Port Tennant, E. T. Rich. High-street; E. W. Richards College-street; E Thomas. High-street; Wright and Son, W alter-roaa SWANSEA: W T Thomas. Gorseiuou M. L. He, an 99 Woodfield-street;, W. Isaac. 8S Woodfield-Btree:, WORR-ISTON; W u. Day;cs M.P.S. Picton-plaee, FFOREST EACH; and all Chemists in NEATH. QCHOCLtBOYS want Hard Wearing Tweed K-5 Suits; from 39s. lid. we have a special lot to suit boys 10 to 14.-Penb.ale, 23Z street. 196A1-5 QUK?IGAL Appliances—Whirling ?'Tj!-?: s Enemap, > Ela?'ao Hosiery, Rubber Bandages: Suf?ica<! Rubber Goods of ev?r? description. Hlustrated Cat atoK?? post free —Beakin, Botanical Di?Densarv Swansea iS9A3-27 (JUR(j!CA? AptjiiaHcesJ—TrupMe Sorays. <? Enemas. SurKeons' Rubber Gloves :md ?ur?ica' RlIhhm Goods of everv description ")t? fm' Catalogue, sent poet free.—Le Brasseur Surgical Co.. Ltd fDeot D.V.I. 90 f?d 9'. ?or",f?teT?streptR:r:n!p:fam. T.C. ??RY !Sid:i.3y Pa.lmer'8 M?ce Piee ??0 JL Pastries. I^arge Assortment of Xm?s C?kes. See our Windows for Brides' Cakes, Birthday Cake in Stock and to Order. Palmer's Cafe, opposite Empire arid Branches. 196Al-3 O'QY. IF you re<;uire a Loan, apply to Georg<- L Thomas Ch?rc?-strpc !ol'pmïte ?g; Mafy's Church). -Swar?cea Privet and Ccr fidential. '?TON'EY to Lead to H ?ucct?lR?nou? It I hoJder, Private ,nd Confidential.— Ivor D. Thomas. 5 Wa1e;Too-«t Swansea. ADVANCES, S15 To TSuWO"" Oj written promise to rep^i or any security Principal remains or can b" repaid hv 16 or 24 monthly inetalroentti; t;o charge of any i kind unless business <ion< promptnews and privacy; avoid esposing your reouiremerite locally —Write olden Company exiethis: E. LAWRENCE, LTD., Don Chambers, Wine-street, Bristol. ] NOTICES. j EDWIN JENKINS 27. Cradock-etreet. is I E ? now prepared to aoc?t all kind of L\OOdS ,for Eledro.Pbtin¡r and te certain !th?t customers will find a.U work M'?'?'.c- torHy carried out. 196A1-3 |7'()OTi3ALIj—Swans v. Luton.—A Water I X given free for the Correct Scores at linlf-time and Full-time. Send forecasts to I Edwin Hall, opposite Swansea Hoopital. Till" Competition hi heM evcty Saturday | ? CM "1"- OUGHORSt-op WatchcompetitiOü-iÏÏ-aTd I of Rhys and William Jones. The watch wa-s tUt?caied by ConnciIlor Harding on December 20th in the presence of Coin. mittee, and found the winning time to be 3 bra. 59 min 1 sec —-M. W. LleweHvu. Hon Sc?. tl! T?OnCE.—IMwTn Har's'Price for Stla,i;i I .n is Threepence: for Haircutting Six- • -once, from nhis d?te. Note Atidrm 74. ?t. Helen's-road, Mw?ns?a, 01-3 ?' EW PROSPECTUS'?f the Landore Per- N manent BuiJdjn Society is now rMdy. if you wish to save income tax invest your money in the society. It is as oafe as a bank, and pays interest half-yearly, free of tax. Cl-2 SU3IS from £100 to RI,COO at 5 per cent, evailible hv way of mortgage on suit- J able properties in Swansea and "District — JIW. Oliver Watlrina, F.A.I., P.AS.J.. I Chartored Surveyor and Valuer. 10 and 11, 5>t.iie!en'e-roed, Swansea. CI-3 _INNING Numbera of tho Wm Rees Tt Prizo Dra win,?.—6810, 6316, 5415. 6306. 3811. 3614 600.3. 3793. 6006. 4202 4683 6455.-rAp- ply within 14 (lai-6. to Geo. L. Cross 71. ^»erdyherthi-street. Hafod. Sec 197A1-1 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, CIRCULAR Saw Bench end MrTrtT^ í wanted.-PartieuIars to Box 5. Cam- 2- 31 -1: F OUR-TON Lorry returning rrn W. one day weekly wants r^i-.d. or would conect ii^ pTtrt?. Haulage Contracting of I every d0scription, Fm'Tiitnrf R?no\-pd- Cardiff Trun?Mrt. Ud. 6. Merch??t-?' Ex I rhar.eeCardiB'. !39A!2?; I BUY Furniture. New, a^dS5wondVhai)d7~ ?erM? 219 Hieh.str?t. Swansea j 19M' ? npRAVELLINQ Trunk wa.nt(f-at-'ün'"(:a. ¡ i State price. 44. Carlton-terrace, Swan- ■C(;a:-  195A 12-31 TREES Wanted over Pit wood dze.-Jen,¡ Tni7,?-5t. Ltd. P.?odwor'prK Pennyweil j road. Bn'ptol Branch at Porthrawl. $TC ¡. M"J?!CAL INSTRÚfEÑTS- "OELL Organ with 14 stops, in new con. ( dition; worth 50 guineas; will takp 35 j guineas, or exchange for piano.—Write. Bell." JJ\>de>r" Ofliee S-wansea. 196A1 1 Thompson and Shackefl's Announcements (CHICAGO Or,-an. 4 sets of reeds, 8 j-tops, ¡ J 1 knee fnvelli«: very One tone, £ 28.— i Thompson and Shacke!). Ltd.. 39, Oaetle- streot, Swansea Pi AN'OFORTE by Ralph Allison, full com- ivorv key: 50 guineas cash, oi terms.—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd Z9 -tA- ,-t reet^S w • 1 ,«ea j LfcXANDBA Paris. Ilarmonium-. 12 stops. I 1: 4 sets of -reeds; targe powerful indru, I roent, suitable for place of worship; £ 35 — i Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Castle. v.-tre»»t. Kwensea | -=: = I EDUCATIONAL. ( 1 | SUCCESS is assured by enrolling at THE DE BEAR SCHOOLS, LTD. CASTLE BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. | Tel., Central 587. Re-opening after Xnii,, Holidays on December 31st. lill ■■ HI IH1I I _In;I. '-oWL.í.;A"I.IIP- B -ft | SMALL AOVERTISSMENT ORDSsR FORM, |1 | j_?_? j ?'? ? 1 I ——————— ?—————_  ———-?_ j j N ¡ j- —-— j jj.~ ■ ~| jj——~ -,q- j: | g ¡  a ——— t  r — ■ I J_ I b; I- I ¡ I ¡ ,1 I I Please publish f%e ai>cte advertkement.» .times, for which I I ê!1cl {J. ,8, .d. ? Name and Mdt" i ? desired, rephex ?ay be sent t< Box Nnm??" at tb& "C-ambna DaHy g ;j Leader Office. | 1 i ThM form shoni? be addressed t? Ad'/«ft!sem»nt Dep!'tmntj Cambria Daily | ?LcT:er,v,an?f.;j. ?? 1

1 For the Ladies. I

