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SMALL HOLDINGS. j L.G.B. Enquiry at Swansea. Question of Gower Farm J] r. Francis E. Kogws sat as the L.G.li. Commissioner, at the Guildhall 011 Tuesday morning, to hold an inquiry into the claim jiy the Swansea Corpura- ti, an Ordci- empo?o irg them to  iorce as rcspi.?? certain '?nds J the powers or <'ompuLA??yj.n-?? conferred upon them by the Small Hold- jug? and Allotments Ads, HHB-IUH> The Town Clerk (Air. h. Lang Coath) appeared to present the (Corporation's case, and lir. Trevor Hunter represented the owner of the lands concerned. There were several members of the Parks Hiittee present. The Town Clerk said that the applica- tion was made by the. Corporation hi relation to certain lands and m'emi.ses known as Myrtle or le Breos Kami, Mayalb, in the Parish of Brymui. FIRST OF ITS KIM). The arpa, OL tIIP laud on the farm which tl.se Corporation were desirous ot liiring was 12 acres 25 j)erche.s. That was tile first application ci its kind in district, and the reason lor the applica- tion was that the Corporation- were most mindful of their duties under the Acts, which cast an obligation upon the < cor- poration to provide holdings on Miclj lands. Particulars of the land were advertised in the local papers in May last to ascer- tain whether any applicants desirous of obtaining holdii-g mi the sumo. At that time the Land dtllmtnt. and Facilities Act had not been passed, with rue result that then it would not have been possible for the Corporation to compulsory hire land under 50 acres in extent. The object of the advertisements was to see if there were any large number or applications which would result in putting the Corpor- ation in the position of having to tnalse inquiries to ascertain if there was any land available which could have been broken up into small holdings for the applicants. TENANT'S APPLICATION. I In response to the advertisements a blan named Alexander Solomon, who htppened to be the tenant of that par- ticular land which was tlw subject of the inquiry, replied and said that he wanted a small holding. Of course nothing could be done at that time because the particu- lar land could not be acquired by the Corporation. However, in August last, the Government department furnished JI itn, in the ordinary course of events, with copy of the Land Settlements and Facilities Order, and on perusing same he learned that the Corporatiou Were theli in a position to compulsorily hire land under 5U acres in extent. At that time the Corporation vacation was on, but he called a special meeting of the Parks Committee, which loo kplaee on the 10th of September, and tves instructed to do whatever lie could to obtain a hire order with respect, of the farm. On the 26th September notice was served on the owner of the land, Mr. Stephens It so happened that en the 30th September the land was to he put up for sale, but it was announced at the sale that the Cor- poration had applied Hie hire order, and the land was not. sold, although a bid of 1,610 was made for it. TOWN CLERK S REGRET. I I the Town t lerK expressed nis regret at I having to go into so many details, but said that it was just as well to clear up hraightaway any allegation that, the Cor- poration had put all that in W<:JTÛoJ1 Purely for the purpose of prevent- ing land from being sold. But there was aoother allegation in the objections, that the Corporation had resorted to the use of that machinery for the purpose of pre- venting the land from being sold, and iepping tho tenant there, so he hastened as early as possible to shotv that all the Corporation was concerned with was the discharge of the obligation upon them under the Acts, and that was to do what j they could to provide holdings. His appn- caGofi was thtlf that particular farm was peculiarly wc'il-adaoted for small holdings, Mdhe?m? c?I ?!tn<-s? who were ?'?i!iar?-i(h t.P h.-rc?h. and they would give the necessary evidence m sup- port of that contention. SHORTAGE OF LAND. I Tie might also state that there was a ¡ chorhve of land in the borough for small- holding purposes, became a tremendous rmount of land "a building land or land that could be termed industrial land, re- i for the erection of works, there- fore. the Corporation's activities In regard 'to jirovtditig smallholdings were to a Tdrz& extent limited. Mr. T'.J. B?.t<i.roT!V?.YaTKinKa?[?' ant in the To?? Cork's department, aid ?at?'! a r?n?t of the* advetrisements in the 13 appl ications for small-hold- had been received. Several were for I ex-service mell, and tlhzv were all desir- j i applicants—some with capital. I MR. HUNTER'S GROSS-EXAMINA- I TION. When Mr. Trevor Hunter rose to cross- examine, the Cummissioner said there was a lesulatiou that the Board did not liear counsel in those eases unless special appli- cation had been marie. lie consented, however, to hear Mr. Hunter, the Town Clerk oering no objection. In cros'-examining Mr. Hunter otter asking wihlPS" why tho Corporation did not utilise Singleton or Cwmllwyd for | email holdings, said that the Corporation j preferred to take somebody else s land than endeavour to use their own for the purpose. Mr. F E. Tim bridge, the Estate, Agent, said that J,P Breos Farm was ad-1 mi table for small-holdings but at the pre- sent time it. ha duo building value. It would mean years before the latld was ripe for building there. During cross-examination by Mr. Hun- ter. Mr. Tunbridge caused amusement by exclaiming convincingly We have got our eye on your farm. It is a. very nice little farm and I am not going to run it i down because we want to get it I" MORE EXPERT EVIDENCE. Mr. Ernest Leeder, F.A.T. said that ho conducted the sale of the leasehold interest arising from Le Breos Farm and the Le -Mayal-s House in 1915. The property had 27 vearg to run and the total value of the two p^nT>crtie:i at that time he estimated j at £ 1,5C0. Acording to the bidding at the fale in Reptemher last the owner Mr. Stephens wanted twke as much as what It", paid for it. He did uot consider the land at all suitable for building purposes. The. Commissioner intimated during the proceedings that he would be personallv inmpecting the farm. The only witness called by Mr. Hunter was Mr. John Ed. Stephens, who ^aid that his wife, Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, Was the owner of the property The effect of letting a farm adjacent ,o a high-cla;s residence such 3s LAs Mayo is would he to make the latter place unlettahle. He had j --n- to corup?in from the very 6rat time his viic ?c?ur?'I the mtprc?t of the eonduoi cf the tenant of Myrtle Farm-— Solomcn. He had addressed various letters to him cajling to his notice the neglected snd unrepaired state of the farm. If the ^rdpr were made it would greatly affect the condi1 ion* under which he would be able to JEIi: the adjecent resi- dence. {.Continued aCfoot exf next column.)


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Family Notices
