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 I Leader Uassmed Advertisements. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUND One Three Six Insertion. Insertious. insertion* 80 Worda.. 1 0 2 0 3 0 30 Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 40 Worda.. 2 0 4 0 5 0 FOR SALE, PRIVATE ANNOUNCEMENTS- One Threo Six Insertion. Insertions, insertion* 20 Words.. 1 6 2 6 3 b 30 Words. 2 0 3 0 4 6 40 Words. 2 6 3 6 6 6 BIRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMCRIAM, AND MARRIAGH. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions M Words. I 6 3 6 6 0 30 Words.. 2 0 5 0 8 0 « Words-. 3 0 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. One lbree Six Insertion Insertions. Insertions 20 Words.. 2 0 3 0 4 6 30 W or tie. 2 & 4 0 5 6 40 Worda. 3 0 5 6 7 6 MONEV.4d per !¡ne, l UATlUWu VACANT. rX jpHB Bar-Lock School. H. Gastle-btre-et, JL Swansea, ha? vacan'-ife ior liuem- gcnt young ia(lit,14 to train as siiiorlaaiid Typists and lLl.dy C'.erKa; uay and evening {)t6s.6et! iertn coaunencmg January biz, exceptional au vantages otleteri to suit- able applicants; apply for Free Pruspejiuo. Clii-lo WOMEN AND GIRLS. LADl Uierii, good writer quick, leuaci; -Lj and experienced; one able to do type writing and siioithand pixie; red. 'To coin- j meiioe in i ual'y.-Ftili particuiai-3, iLt- cluding wages required age. and capitis "I references, to Wholesale Merchant, Da; Leader. 13?A1:¿-:ó Akf1<.D. Woman for Cleaning VV (,oldir' s Widow); aico Louk-'JcueinL Apply Mrs. Brown. Bryn Oerrig, St. ,fames's Hardens.. lb4A12-2i) \V\V TANTED, respectable Housekeeper for t' t' young Farmer (single): full charge; < able to milk; good home for trustwortiiy tersoji oyfer 30; state v;a.-es.-Write 'Sa,ut.' Leader Office 183A12-16 ftoiriestrc Servants. j ^OOK-UENEKAL.—Wanted. oy January V 5th, a oapable Cook-General —Apply Mrs Lieea Uarrieo. TJie BoiKoed. Poniar- dukis. C:-j'J ?0?)1) Wages and every congiderat?'? G0It ered to good General ?..i at o?uf !Apl` li, Urs. Hubensteni. tit;, talon-crescent. •Swanotii. "3J.L2 ij Gt.\EHAL required at once; eom'-oita lit 'Uf home: good wattes.—Appiy Jars, tidies- j ton Park-road Clydach 178A;2-.fc j TVi/IV TANTED, a r&ucctable You:? ?iri: fT ?niiortable home: two in fam! lv.- Apolv 10 Pare YVerii-roatl Sketty 1U4A12-17 \.V,VV NTEi> Rood Genera!, referencea t?s \V aentHtl Ai?o Llav n;ii.—Apply UQnJJ, ?6<. St. uelcn'?-road. Mwannca. c VV\V 7A.NTKD, a eood Dav (Jirl.—42. Eatot- Y Y crescent. 1S4a12-1S OKSTku"L-iirl, Day. or General want. J."J.. at once.—Williams. 5 Gwydr-terra-ce. TJplands Swansea. lb2A12-19 TV^V ANTtdJ. Capable General Servant; w ,iae: 45s. per monta: small family ??d outings.—Mrs. bloomer, PenpoiU, Ciydach. 'S1A12-13 MEN AND YOUTHS. 'ASSISTAKT Required tor ?hme?.m' AWarel!ouse; must be auick. reliabl??, and capaoie 01 snuerint?nditi? stock: om' y, ith ironmongers. Grocers, or t-iiuiiar ex- perience preferred. To commence J aIllar'Y'1 :fuH paiticuiara. including %%age6 required, ne and copies of references to W h??- eale Merchants" Daily Leader. 152A12-16 I ijiii Agent with live connection V, wanted to work counties Cardigan. Pembroke. Carmarthen, and Brecknock for leading nmmi'aLturers Liquid Eggs and Bakers' Specialities. Apply, in confidence, stating tne firm at pie-sent, representing. number of bakers' calls on the said grüanj. and full particulars as to E ? s ''9? pa.t experience.—Address, Eggs," Willi, rn :f,-Portoons and Co., Advertising Agents. Glas. r gow. 181A12 1 j STRONG Lad Wanted at once. aLo ut "6 to deliver milk —It. P Evans Victoiia » Dairy. Arg.vle-atrcet.- Swansea. 184A12-2C v QM.AH.T Oflice Boy wantea Docks Colii Ii Oillce: ghoithand essential.—Write i.) baud writing, "Colliery," Daily Leader, i, ■■■ • C12.17 1SC-U.PEHINT.ENDEN.TS- and Agents wanted at Brvnamman (iarnant. Llaiide!-o. ivLlandilo. Llandovery, Pei-yaroes, Cross i" Handó Tumble,, and Pont.vberem.— Ap; Lv "District Superintendent i. Normari-ro: I. Amma-nford. :SA12.]7 ANTED, respectable Errand Bov imii t>. j ulutely.—Apply William J FiStunonerer and Poulteder, Oxforfi-street. Swansea. 182A12-6 ''?7'A?TED. Gas Engine lyrivi? r -s' VV uMd to Suction Gas Pfant.—App. .Tohn Lewi& Son and Co. PrinM of Wa: ? Dock, Swansea. C1-17 vV\; JHELeTs TELEGRAPHY We ha ve j this vear sent out 150 Students to ovr- ^■•anent oofcitions, and are Binikirig Students enter the Coliece in January art havj onlY a Few Vacancies: so if you wish a Wireless Appointment von had oetter En. "t01 at once -Apply Wireless Training C. ■ lego Ltd.. St Mary-street. Cardiff, or &-go Ltd?. St ?lar. Castle-street Swansea. >Wr ANTED thoroughly experienced Short jii hand Typist -Apply, stating age. 0 erienee. etc to Box No C 1. Leade; Vntiee. Swansea MISCfELj,.ÄNEOUS SITUATiOffWci WANTED. 0' ,r|^>AJN'i'EK seeks Situation; three months' I yL experience. Write. "Painte:, *'i' Leader Ottice, Swansea 71A12-17 FOR SALE. it_ ^TdDKESSOGRAPH Machine. c<)mpl(- fitted with 220 D.C. MOiar, lo?th?i- twith hand power Graphotype 1hchiu': both in perfect working order: cost £110 il -1916. Advertisers, are purchasing latent machines, and will accent half price.—p- ply AddressoKraph." DaiJy Leader. ?w?n- s?a.. 18Ü 1ZO B ACTIAAN, Britonferry.—For Sale part of -D Stycyllwen Ftrm.-AI)ply John ( Leeder and Son, 45 Waterloo-street, Swnn- ■ fea. Ci~-19 j DON'T mi&s this.—Gowl Cocking. A.JI¡;.< 26-ibs. &3; 561b, Ilo; 6d: in bags 6d each: carriage Daid. Cash vr.1h order. Hu ruli; si^ of satisfied custouiers.-Il. Edwards, Fruit Grower Wellington Som. 178A12-25 SALE, a heavy Horse and CarL I tely Air. David Davies, 69 Cwm Level-: m<], Landore. CI213 "FOF, SALE, a. larsre ouantity of New a¡;cI JD Sec-oy.d-laa,d Rails of various weights and sections together with nIl accessorics j for same. For price and further partirr- I Jars apply to Messrs. Holmes and Howi 1!, ) 1. (11 ouoester-place. Telephone No. 831 Cc Ii. oiTI. Telegrame: Direct Swansea." C12-27 | HEN HOUSE (learwto). in sections: 14 it JQ- wire front; galvanised tOD.-Write Box E 5 Daily Leader Swansea 134A.12-13 £ IGHT Lorry Mare and name's: coin- j 1J- ÐIte Turnout ready for immediate uae: price reasonab'e: adopting motor*.— Ree? and ? Richards. Pwll Dn_o&ny_ 184A12-:1 SALE, IP h.p. Ga«. Saw Eeneh Trurk > C3 Machine and 4-ton Steam Wagon for j Hire: or Sale C12-19 bfiAFE-Š-{Firè Resisting) 20 to 43 inches biprh for Sale: also Steam Wagons; pair 8J in Winding Engines: Pumps.—Bi:t. 47a. Strand. Swansea. 02-20 '0 Hotel Proprietors and Job Masters.- *• For Sale Station 'Bus by well known makers; lamps, cushions, poles, complete; As new. Also Doable ILirness; a bargain 'Baesett. Wooiaston Court, Lydney, U108 171 A 1217 "S!0. 4 ,o', LOST AND FOUND, :L" OST. Thursday Nicht, a White ar'fl JLJ Black Brindle marked glill Bitch; very fat. Finder rewarded. Return to Police •Station or Steve Morgan Wooda Sketty. F' ?62A)2?6 T EFT at Matropole Cloak ?rom, on ?,?J Tbur&day. Parcc! containir)? Grey f,?,,d Shoes.—Finder ccu?murnoating wi ?' 6oY K 5 Leader Office will be suit?b!y <- warded. 184A32-22 f 6ST Lemon and Wbitd Spaniel; anawevs U to the naae of "Rex:" had collar on when lost with address of owner. A re w,? ?. nti wUI b@ aJven for his return or information leading to his wherea't)oute -Rees T. Davir* Kiltjy Honse Longhor. C12-19 IOST, Sunday morning, near Cricket J Field, black puppy; white chest and paws- half white ring around neck; muzzled; answers to Peter. — Heward on re- turning to 69, Oxford-street, Swansea. De- tainer prosecuted 1C2A12-17 i < TRADE ANNOUNCCfVfEMTS. I Aii-VlANFOKD — ilaKe Christmas of good A cheer, in truth by iudjcioua nur chafes of our Mi!lein Machines. Patty Tiiid, Joyce's Gas Ke!tl£8 Siainieeg Out- lory. Week-end Cases. Pianos eta.—iiarrit- the Furnishere and Ironmongers. C12-17 A PPLES.—Buy from the U'Owers.—l.t'u A Boxes Choice Selected Oiange Blen- heims Orange Pippins. Peai mains Uusse> s l&d, fed per box -¿ell),: extra good Cooki-i>g. 6s. 6d. box: cash with order. boxes If: I carriage paid.—Bassett. Woolaston Court Lydney. Glos. 164A 12-L BhLUlUM.—Sheet Glass in 300ft. caws• I JD Horticultural Glass Zloz. 24 x 12 anc 20 x 14. fcpocial quotations for quanLitift.— B. Shepheid. Ammanford. Tel. No. 4b C12-23 pHElSTilAH PBKSBNTS—Boys' and Gi' ?- Annu.il?. Picture Bocks Ke.\?-id Looks, Bibles (Scotield. 1\cwbcny. and Teachers): fountain Pens, Styiot!, Purc.?. aid Wallets; for Sale at Enoch's. Hkl- sireet Arcade jswaniea. Eeai -Bareairs in i Liblcs. 1B4A12-20 iilMTlSTS' Mechanics to the Profession JLs Specialists in gold crown har bridue. I and vuicLriiLe work. O.uick despatc n Write for price li»t —The Minerva Labora- tory 15 Charles-street Card ill 162A12-25 ] j Christmas Presents- in .Jewe'lery. t 1: tfoldand Silver Bropcbea, h..nl-S Watchs, go to A. Jasepli,; iVatc^maker lJ\i Jsvvelier, 11 eathfleld-st'rec-t. (Next to Bu:lin'i'.i 178A12-15 R E IV OCl) *-R. E. Thomas, Firewood -L Aierchantf Ilston House H.dod Daily uelivericw 01 riarclwood Lotits Bundled ai d Dtcuuea Wood; deiive.ed in large sacks, j reaciy ior lighting fires. Prompt attenti>ni on receipt oi inquiry or order Cfl1, trai 1510. ,g 17*011 Real Good Value in tootvvear, W A M. Tno!lliÁ< the ueiiaole Boot bwn, King Edward-road, Swansea; (T.C. GIVE our Gincer Wine and Gin. Brandy a trial this Xmas; Specia-l 1 quality; Non-alcoholic. 2s. per bott:e j Scores testify lhat it is the finest they have ever tabtea.—?. Da vies The Pbai-m,,c EforeL,6taf ??c[s I.c-15. GO to the Shop where you get most va. when buying your Xmao Presents ?old Brooches from 6s. 6d.: Uu?d Gem iii?? .? fro:u lb- 6(L: Mi.d lXOid Wrist Watcin-o from £ o. fine selection of other jtwii.j icry at A Joseph, Watchmaker and Jewei- ler (next, to Bullin's) lleathiield-stj'e;-l. Swansea. 178A32-15 TN Everybody's Mouth! Mackey's Herbal Tablets ior Chest. Throat, and Voice. Unrivalled Of all Confectioners 2(1 ounce Wholesale of Mackay ?, ilfg. Coniectionet#. Old kaiKet-strcet, Unsto: ORDERS taken for Christmas Poultry; Geese, Turkeys. Ducks, and ow 16; h'om own farm,—Bassett. Woolaston Com! Lydney Glos. 171A12-1? QEE Oie Dainty BootieG for Ohristni .» I O Presents at the New Shoe Store#. Goat-street. CFECIAL KrmCE7—AIfred Tcnneu?. the O Expert Ladies' and Gent's Cutter, hcss j to announce that he has a Splendid ??eicc- Lion of Gent 8 Ov?ruo?ts UiLS and Ijadi- Oostumes from six guml'a.: Derfectiou in cut and sty?e.—Cradock-su'eet. Swa?spa. 130 A12-16 Wll KG1CAL AppHancue.—Trosse?. S?rav. O liricai;w. Surgeons' litibbei Gloves Hid :Sui,eicai liubbei Good* of every description vVritj for. Catalogue, sent po,;t free: Lp 1 Brassesn- Surgicaf ( '> Lt-d ai d 31 Worcpster-street Bit ti^in^am T C Sidney Palmer's Mince Pies and X Pastries. Large Assortment of Xl:1:lS Cakes, ee our Windowo for Bride'" Cakes. Birthday Cakes in Stock and made' to order -Palmer's Cafe. opposite Empire, and Branches. 18 4 A2 T OYS.-TO aiii I •X have still a large variety of ieadiu;; lines in Chrj"ltma6 Goods, il:c!ndiq; Dre-se,l and Undressed Xoonite and China DoJis.— Ruck 60 Alexandra-road Swansea 181A12-18 UNCLE BERTS Fuli Cream Walnut, and U Almond Toife6o are now on Sale at his O?.ford-st;eet Shop. Pre-war Ouality. 'ihe First and the Best. 131A12-17 117 Hy Not Grow Your Own Fruit? i I 1 it have the Trees and Varieties that I will suit vou from the Smallest to tile, 1>2 rsrest in Cultivation also large stock oil Dwarf and Climbing Roses and Shrubs. iV Ewart Thomas FR.US. I1TA The r- series. Upper Ixjughor. Glam. 167A12-16 i I ?iHm&'l'AlAS BAHUAJ?:?.—Bargainsfor ? Cnr)stmaa 01 all h!t:d? ?t Houeb(..ld furniture at lliil wuo wish to announce that their Annual Sale of Surplus SIock. wnioh ih very large and great in variety, of Bedroom and Parlour S ates Sideboai and Bookcases, bedsteads Mattresses I Beuduig. Kitchen Dressers, and oth", a too uumerou* to uiention, will I." ooiu at the Ijoweut Possible Prices All in LelL (iiitg purehauers should call at once ai.(i inspect before the best bargains, are gone • Any goods stored free of charge jr Easv 'terms. Delivery to ar.v pa.-ts of tne country,—Please note the Address—Hil; s Gower-street. Swansea. Also 14 W i i., (I road. eath. 181A12-17 ipOE SALE, Wajnut Sideboard, Chest of Drawers Overmantel Swing Glasses, Bedsteads Beds, etc.—M. Mahoney, 1. 'I Bridge-street (top of itigh-sti-eet), Swansea. 18-1A12 20 1- ORfiÃL1- a hew Solid Dark Oak B- I- -i rc-o a Suite, Double Cla? Mirrors.n Robe, Swing Glasses and Centre Gla&s in Dressing Chest Marbie-topped Washing Stand.—Apply A,B. 8. "iA-ader" Oflice. t^OU SALE, Sa!id Iniaid Satin Vv'alirat 1- Bedroom Suite: cheap tf?imiDediU?c buyer: room wanted.—Wr)te Box W 4 Da iv Leader. i81AL I Prices giveii by i:if for Sec(!iid-haml Kun.Jture and Antio .e i-'ii-niture of any de-cri^tion Drop me a II (.•ostcas(I or call Wm .I;iTies. 8. Fabian street Sr Thomaw CT C 1 1'1 Cii EN Tables at Factory Prices. Best Make and Finish at John Richards 2( Cm dock-street IisUY Furniture, New and Second-hand i Serkin, 219 IJiffh-street, Swansea. :_8i:lli- L IV kSTC)CA&C. FOA R S-ALE Brown PomeraniaD Puppy. Apply Mr. Mercer 5 Gftetle-sq ua;-e. Mumbles. C12-19 '?Y Pigs came on splenuialy after '.m. ?.T?- tins Karswood Pig Pow'tere." says j one user although they bad no appetif | before 'lvveive powderc Is. bv post Is id -Jordan and Sous. Chemists Pontardawe 164AIZ-20 ONE Hundred 1919 and 1918 Puliets lay- inll. 7s and 8s. each .-I,Ioyd. 384 Pen- tregethin-road Cwmbwrla Swansea 181A12-17 "OARADINE, Member of the N U. P. L Poultry Food ard Bird Seed Dealer op- posite Church Hall. Sketty. Reaeonab e prices, ¡ ^JTllE greatest doubter is oonvinced afti!r I X one thorough te,t of Karswood Sp.ce. containing ground insects—the eg pro- I ducer it is a pleasure to sell, because it gnoo satisfaction. T. Thomas. Chemist. Gorsainon and Old Bank I Pharmacy, Llanelly. 181Al2-7 I u P Pt 0 F E SS 10 N A L. Tt/TR. Fran?! W.lton. NI.E Illi Rono" lv- Land,. and Mrs W?'ton. Certif?at'd Nurse and "h?8eUe have tnken (,'vpr tI)I'1 practice of ?assnj?c and FIeetrica'Trr?t } ments formerly carried on by Ni7rs?e Evans Beth pa^t and present oatients mrty be as j snred of th? highest skill and care. Mcs-1 sage Remed'Ai E^etiw K Rayf ITic-n oueney. Radiant Heat Baths etc.-I-i. Ffv- rone-street. Swansea. 181 A 2-17 -IJI' -4I HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. A BEEAVON—PORT TALBOT.-Suitab'e A Site for Shop. with buildings partly recently destroyed by fire. in the centre of the district opposite Avon Vale Hotel, [ hold, for Sale; vacant possession.—Apply j Mr Moses Thomas. Aberavon. C12-17 lfOR SALE. two Dwelling-houses, 30 ard L 32. Wliittington-street. Neath.—Particu- lars, apply to Payne 42. Crythan-roa Neath. C21:i ?OR Sale. House 6 Rooms and Bath; ?oc d a position; Uplands district; long lease; price, £ 490.—Apply, W." "Daj'jy Leader.' Swansea. 1S1A12-13 Mr. Astley Samuel's Announcements. VACANT iiOUSEii. .?? j FKt ??? purchase a well-built c?±)dt:UU Freehold Residence wi?i vacant possession Situated tl1 West &iiu of Swansea. Close to cars In first c-iasi decorative condition.—Particulars fro in Aytiey Samuel, Auctioneer. Gowcr-etreei, At, ?, y Samuel. c i? 12, i 9 Swansea. r KlCiiMOND-ROAD.—A well ctliiip-,)ed i. dence for Sale, w.th Vacant Pos- .??sion: Southern aspect; charming vi&.Y. 2 Reception Rooms, 6 Bedrooms; Bathroom, gar-nu?l, Valuer and If?tam A?cnt. Swansea. Cl 19 QN?T'?TY?RbAD—A well arranged Re?- I dence for Sale with Vacant P<>s.sSSfUl!. Long Lease; low Ground Rent.—Particulars and order to view from Astley Samuel, Estate Agent and^Siirveyor, Swansea. INV FSTMENTS VALUABLE Block cf Office Property situ- I a.ted close to the Docks.—Particulars from Astiey Samuel. Auctioneer, Swansea. ¡ {!600 will Purchase a well built Lea?p- c?UUU hold Residence in the Wect End of Swansea. 2 Reception Room"; 5 Bcri- rooms; Bathroom,; Kitchen and Scitilery.— Astley Samuel, Auctioneer. Swansea. C:2:; GROCERY Business for Sale a6 a goir? ¡ concern; Corner Fr?eh'?d Prem:f": ?p?'ndid sitnation.—Astley Samuel, Av. tioneer, Swansea. CI?, J AAi:(;¡/Er.;TS AND LODG,N03 TO LET AND WANTED. 4 PARTMENTS (Bedroom and Sitting-room or share Sitting-room) P.equired for Young French Gentleman; speaks English. jSiate terms, and whether full board; cott'd lunch out. Fi,ezielimat, c/o Cleeves a.i-M Co., York Chambers. Swansea. 184A12-16 rX jT'0 LET, Furnif-hed Apartments; would suit two ladies in business: con- venient to stations and town.—Write fk", Z.4, Leader Odlce. 1 VOCM-i Mar (sinsrle) requires Two Rooms. X Food, and Attendance: Ciydach or vicinity —Reply Box S 4. Leader Office. :80A12-!6 PREMISES TO LET & WANTED ,,{T AN'rrD-ifči;;tYõf ''Oxford-?t'?.-t. YV Heathfteld-?trpet or Union-FTcrt. Small Shop, with possession Hlrly in 1920-. Write J J J. office of this oaper 184A 12-^6 BUSSIMESSES FOR DISPOSAL. B-1T8í E8-S-for 'S;1e;-FitCle:s'-Fllii-'a Tí (i -D Ve'cttb:p: two shops; best position in town; cash trade, low rents; cstabtishcc eight years; owner retiring.—Write, fuli particulars. Henry Bassett, Woolaston Court, Lydiiey, Gloa 171A1, HOUSES WANTED. 1- t?ANTED.  Furn?hed House or ATart' f ? ments: every caro aKen.-Rcp'v Metals." Leader Oflice Swansea. 16'A 12.-17 i'1 A OFFERED for Po<=?p?ion or '? c?-t? formation Leading to PoMC-Esion cf House in good locality-Write Box D 5, D:¡,il:; Lea.1r. 18L\1Z-17 Daily Leader. :t 81 A 12? 7 HOUSE PURCHASING. 'pENANCY or Ownership.-40.ÚCO pe<?' X have already Purchased through our easy c.tstem.—For free booklet writfe Box V 3. Leader Office. 179A12-6 ?-? ADVANCED on f500 no?=€: any (iiFt'ict.—Wnte for full particu. lare Eauitabie," Leader Office. Swansea. ci 119  WEEKLY will Purchase £ 450 House *« anv district: uo&?<?to'. by arraiige n'ent. Landlord." LeacJer Swansea TC in ■ -■ e ;y?G TCR CARS, CYCLES, &c. ALBION Chassis.—Delivery of &0 cwt auu AGO cwt. Chassis from Stock, subject tu being unsold; ca6b or easy terins.-ii E. Jonts, Ltd.. Motor Depot.. Diilwyn-stree;. Swansea. 11 c in i. excellent condition; Zenith CavUurt I i-ettor; also English 'louring Body to sit.t Ford chassis; equal to new, pjsc Hood ami screcii.—litoa Jones and Son. Taibot Garag.- Ammanford. CM17 I; 01, SALE. -,i Sup. Motor Cycle: 1519: j X two-sttoke, 24 li.p.; owner buying a heavier oiie.-W rite w.i).C. Leader Offiee. <512.16 MOTORISTS.—For Duniop Goooyear a' d lU- ?licheHn Tyn'6, Wood Milne Pueils. Bead. Side and ltetr Lamps and all A-cef- Garage, Swansea. 184A12-20 Ivor L. Roberts', Motor Cycle Specialist, Announcements. BOOK Now to ensure Deliveries.—19^3 -t3 Models of Motor Cycles: A.J.S., Doim-. j Lis. B.S A.. Enlield. Triumph. SunbtUiu. Budge, Norton Levis, Imperial, Harley Davidson, etc. DELIVERY froorstoc £ ^3i" h.p B.P-A U' T.T Midel. A.J.S 6 h.p. Combination. Douclas W.D. 2-specd U h.p. Rudrre Mnlti, 34 h.p.. Ruby Jap 8 h.p. Combination. DELIVERY this mentb-24 h.p. Imperial JU' Jan. 2-speed Model: also 23 Imperial Jap 2-speed. kick starter and hand clutch SECOND-HAND Motor Cycies for Salc?- '?3 ?914 Enne;d. 6 h.p Combination emrine recently overhauled by makers new tyies a¡nd chains 1;95. PRACTICALLY New 2-stroke 2-speed En. field. complete with Lamps and Horn: perfect condition; £ 58^ OTOR CAPS.-Acent for Austins, Star*. lb G.N. Morgan Runalouts, BimiU To-day for 1920 Models. NOTICES, C10NTINXTED Success.-Madam Letcher, ?7 M.B.P.S. Test Reading 'n'e. Send birth date and stamped envelope 5. Arcade Pontypridd. Glam. 134A12-20 E AVE yen bad a ticket for Uncle Bert's I]- Prize Drawing? Hurry up and look at his window in Oxford-street to-day CI 2-36 LOOK! Look Look! at Uncle Shoo in Oxford-street and see par- ticulars of threat Prize Drawing. 012-16 MADAM DAHIA Oate 19 Parlwtreet! itjL wishes to inform that her Co'xsnttin? Rooms are now at No 247. Oxford-street. Swansea (next Skating Rink) 179A12-16 OROF. MICHAEL Celebrated Astrologer; i. Ayesha Medium: Rocking Stonea of Wales. Send birth date. P.O Is. 3d,-Bcrip- torium, Victoria Buildings, Tudor-toad, Cardiff. 181A1218 T tilltwinninr Numbers of the Drawing for D. W Thomas Tinman Morriston: 209 8CS. "731. r-rize6 to be obtained at Aicc-i Lathlan, Cwmbatli-road Morriston. ■ -84A12-17 HE Drawing for John Jones Corpora 1 tion-road. Louehor. has beeii Post- poned nntil Jannnry 17th. See "Leader" of 24th for. numbers 131A2J-!3 :V"'ti- ..7M _V-= | SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. „  ? I ?———————————  j- — I jj ( ?' ———————————— ————————————   — i Please publish the above advertisement tiipe*, for Which I £ X g enclo&e .s. d., I and Address: 3 li and Address: | j 'f desired, replies may be sent to Box Numbers at the "OMabna Daily fI j iI i Lender" 0 Z ce. ? 1 I This f?rm sho?d be addressed to A<!ferMMm6at Department, "Cambria Daily |1 ? Leader," Swa J3 set .1 t- !FOR THE FUND. I A f i ii, ;ri\: ¡;¡ t r "'i' t ,;r, PY.J :¡ Ii !i'" < Will be held at Tabernacle Vestry, MORRISTON, ON Saturday, Dec. 20tlip When a First-class Miscellaneous Pro- r gram:uo will be provided by tho gramme will be provide;1, by tho r iasmar! Sch?dboy G t r e s AND THE AND THE ?Cwaiia Mai? 'V' 3 c | Parly (Conductor. Mr. GOMER WILLIAM )- | Chair- to be taken at 7-30 p.m. by GoanciWor KOSfiAN E. RE. ES. • Admission Front Seats, 2/- Second do., 1/ I Entire Proceeds towards Widows & Orphans Fund. N-7iidows & O r p.ia,.s Fund. i ■ ??" In Morriston alone? there are 70 Widows and 150 j i Pependints, whose needs; have to be met out of the: Fund. j Your Opportunity 1 WILL YOU HELP? i SViUSiGAL INSTRUMENTS. ? OR?SAL/S?a'T)7 antif nt*Pla no- P l:ty?r7?n exec",3 11 L c,i Y45 ?0?. or nearest! oJfer. with 26 Rolls of Music, —Write Music." "Leader Ofli,, war, It. 184A12-23 j n S Horn or Hornless; Worm Drive | Motors; £4 17s. 6d.. £ 5 17s. 6d., etc. New Records. 2;. 6rl.; second-hand. Is.—19. Park- street. Swansea. 178A1^ i for S-.tle; silver-plated Slide Trombone by Courtoia; new con- dition. Concert Flute, 8 keys, by Ruddall. I Violins by Twecdale Hornstainer, Gaillapd'. etc. Italiin Violoncello by Sannino.—Sims, 2, Walters-road, Swansea. J82A12-18 i W_OODING, 22. nowcr-stdee?. for i??i T, Stringed Instruments and Export R2, j pairina:, for Wind Instruments, and their I Repair. We specialise in all Strings and the correct Accessories oroperly adjusted to the exact reeuirements of votir instru- ment. There are ,n<' two instruments ex- aetly alike, and it takes an expert to ad- iust the fittings cnrrCctlv. We are Experts. I ■ 1S-1A12-19 Thompson an Slinckell's AtincuncementsJ (CHICAGO Organ, 4 set.- of reeds, 8 t o 2 knee swell?; ver\ flfie tore. Thompson end Shackell Ltd.. 39. Castle- j I street. Swansea j IjTj,Ù)FÖR'rEb.VR-äïVbWison. f1l1 com- j pass, ivorv kevq? 50 guineas c-sh OO",V terms.—Thompson and Sbackell, Ltri 39. Ca-tU'street. Swansea LEAANDEA Paris. Harmonium; 12 stops, i i. 4 sets of reeds; largo powerful instru. ment. sUltahle for p!acp of worship: ?'M j Thompson and Shackell. Ltd., 39, Castle- S-vorsea I MONEY. •  I IT1 LAW 12 London-road, Neath Makes j» Ca.?h A(i??)h'<? from £ 5 and unw?rd?. Strict;/ Pi-)>:t;e l-lst.abijslier. li.76 TC II* y?) require a I?an. apply to Geoi  Th<?nn.? Church stree (opposite Sf Mary's Omreh). Swansea Private and Cor ndpnttai 1\;)N lY to !?.nd to RecpectabTe Moui-e- ??t. h(?)c!d. ""¡vntp anil CftnMentin.t ¡"or f) Tlionins. fi Walrr!oo-st.. Swansea i ADVANCES, £ 1b ro £ 5,oub~ t.O.i written promise to n'r)") or any security Principal remains or can b" repaid by 15 or 21 Uini.thly instalments, no charge of any kind unless business done; promptness and privacy; avoid exposing your requirements1 locally — Write oldest Company exi tirig- E. LAWRENCC, LTD., Don Chambers, Wino-strcet, Bristol k'.JSCELLAftiEGUS WANTS, '"S'KEES Bunted over PH wuod Hize. —-Ien-| ninKS. Ltd. ?uuft?ori?fr?. Pepnywell road, Branch ai Porthc-awl j^l'C. \VhV ANTED S^tmddTand Tailor's Portab e I 1 Fuel Stove; state price.—D. A ii or- ris. 3. Beimont-terraee, Llanelly 182A12-16 j ~Vr ANTED Piano for Mission use. State: » V price for cash.—Write C6 "Lea(lei-" OiTice. 183A2-20 WAN!ED to Purchase, at Typewriter; ) W state pnce. etc.—Replies, Box 22, j G.P.O.. Swansea. Cl2-18 RANTED, OXY ACETYLENE WELDING, BRAZING, etc. Speei- i alists in ALL -NIETALS.-I,'OT I ILA -N,l ACETYLENE WELDING COMPANY. GIANT'S GRAVE, BRITONFERRY. I TTr^NTED lOo I!o?:os I C Tinl^iaTe«r2r6 VV lbs. 23 by 28, lowest nuotation. for C-Ili)ort.-W rite Box V 4 Lender OfP. -e 181A12-17 PERSONAL. IN f'nclt Bert's" To?pc Shop there is a r "li,! Hoi'in Ot?v Uncle Bert and biH Son thanN1 yon fo' vour help Yon are dolntt 'Yfiii: Bit" as vve did Thanks' I — L-J.-i-Ll L J1 LJ J L_ 1 L.U SALES BY AUCTION. PENCLAWDD. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Mr. Davsd M. Thomas Has received instructions to offer for SALE bv PCHLIC AUCTION, at the RAILWAY INN, PENCLAWDD, on i THURSDAY, DHCKMIiER 18th, 1919. tho following Valuable I LeasshoSd Property, V:Z.: Nos. 1 to It (inclusive-) HENDY ROVv i (formerly Gower Terrace), PEN- CLAW DP. All the Houses are well Tenanted. The Property is held under a Lease for a term of rw years from Decem- ber, 1873, at the Yearly Ground Pent ot iElO, of which Lots 1 to 13 ghall each bear 14s. 3d., and Lot 14 shall bear 49. 911. Salo to commence at 7 o'clock in tliti Evening. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Aeron, Tlioiiiiq and Co., Soliei- j tors, York-street. Swansea; or to the, Auctioneer, Rutland-street, Swansea, j Telephone, Docks iti. "> .=- SALES BY AUCTION. ST. GABRIEL'S HALL, ST. HELEN'S AVENUE, SWANSEA. WEDNESDAY NEXT, DEC. 17th. Mr. Joseph Harris Has been favoured with instructions to offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Hall and date, a Large (ualltity of Superior Household Furniture AND OTHER EFFECTS, the chief items being:— Two Beautifully Carved Walnut Side- boards, with mirror backs, Inlaid Mahogany Bedroom Suite, Carved Wal- nut ditto, Mahogany Telescope Dining Table, Handsome Dining-room Suite and j Dressing-room Suite ,All-Brass Bed- I steuds, Wire Mattresses. Wool Overlays, Feather Beds, Splendid Mahogany Book- case, Brass Fenders and Fire Brasses. I Hearthrugs, Walnut Hall Stand, Excel- lent Chesterfield Suite in Crimson Plush i Velvet, (equal to new), Walnut Over- mantels, Duchr-sse Washstand and Dress- ing Table, Pictures and Ornaments, Kitchen Table and Chairs, the usual Cul- inary Utensils, as well as a Full-Com- passed Iron-Framed PIANOFORTE, OAK CASE GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK, LADY'S BICYCLE, and other articles too nunierotis to particularise, I Goods on View Morning of Sale. Sale to commence promptly at 11 o'düci-, :t.m. Terms-Cash. Auctioneer's Offices: 1, George-street, Swansea. Tel., 4W) Docks. COUNTY BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. Mr. Joseph Harris Has been favoured with instructions from the Owner, to oiler for SALE by PUBLIC j AUCTION, at the DiLLWYN AUCTION j i MART, Nos. 10 and 11, ST. HELEN'S-! | tlOAD, SWANSEA, on THURSDAY,! HECbtiBER 18th, 1919 (subject to such i Conditions of Sale as shall then and there be produced), the following Valu-1 able Leasehold Properties, viz.: Lot 1.—No. li, GKAIIAM STREET, HAFOD, SWANSEA, now let at a pre-war rental of 6s. 4d. per weeK. Lot 2.—No. 15, GRAHAM STREET, HAFOD, S\v ANSLA, let at a pr e-war rental of Cs. Id. per week. Held for a term of 99 years from June 24th, 1875, and subject to a Ground Rent of Y,4 13s. per annum for the two houses. Lot 3,-1\0. 16, GRAHAM STREET, HAFOD, SWANSEA, adjoining the lasti Lot, and now let at a pre-war rental of 6s. id. per week. Lot 4.No, 17, GRAHAM STREET, HAFOD, SWANSEA, now let at a pre-! war rental of Us. 4d .per week. Held for a term of 99 years from Macrh 25th, 1973, and subject to a Ground Rent of £2 13s. id. per annum for the two houses. Lot 5.No. 75, SVMMONS STREET, just off Carmarthen Road, now let at a pre-war rental of Gs. 2d. per week. Lot 6.—No. 76, SYMMONS STREET, now let at a pre-war rental of 6s. 7!d. per Lot 7.-No. 77 SYMMONS STPEET, now let at a pre-war rental of 6s. 2d. per week. Lot 8.—No. 78, SYMMONS STREET, now let at a pro-war rental of 6s. 2d. per week. Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8. are held for a term of 75 years (less ten days) from Septem- ber 29th, 1S71, subject to a Ground Rent of S:5 per annum in respect of Lots 5 and 6, and S5 5s per annum in respect of Lots 7 and 8. The Mines and Minerals are Reserved. Sale to commence promptly at 3.30 .m" further particulars, apply to C. H. ewcomhe .Esq., Solicitor, 41, Wind- street, Swansea, or to he Auctioneer, at his Offices, 1, Geostreet, Swansea. Tel. No. 409 Docks. SKETTY and SWANSEA. Highly Important Sale of First-Class Licensed and other Property. MESSRS. James aiid James, F.A.I. are instructed to SELL bv PUBLIC AUCTION, at the HOTEL CAMERON. SWANSEA, on WEDNESDAY, DECEM- ] BER 17th, 1919, the following Valuable 'Freehold and Leasehold Properties, viz.: j Lot 1.-Thht Exceptionally Situated Freehold Corner Counter-trade Public House and Large Premises, THE VIVIAN ARMS, THE CROSS, SKETTY. Let to Messrs. Allsopps and Sons, Ltd., upon a yearly tenancy"at the Rental of ISO per; annum under a Kepairiug Covernant. The Premises have Largo Frontages to the Maui Gower Road and to the Coekett Road, thus offering one of the finest sites for an Hotel in the newly-extended Borough. The position is more or less one of monopoly, as there are only two licensed premises in the whole of this increasing suburb. I Lot 2.-No. 73, NORFOLK STRJMT, MOUNT PLEASANT, Leasehold, Six Rooms, Polled Stono Front with Bay Window. Lot 3.-No. 75, NORFOLK STREET, MOU N T PLEASANT, a similar house, Botu Houses are lei-upon weekly ten-I ancies at aggregate Rentals of £ 20 is. 4d. etch indubive per annum. Included in he above Sale will lie the Freehold House, No. 37. COEDSAESON-! CUESCENT, SKETTY, containing 6 j Rooms and Scullery, to be Sold WITH VACANT POSSESSION ON COMPLE- TION. Solicitors: Messrs. Boor and Wilson, Temple-street, Swansea. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale from the Auctioneers, 7, Goat-street, Swansea; or with reference to Lot 1 from Messrs W, Robinson Smith, Son and Lewis, Solicitors, York-place, Swansea. GLYNBEUDY FARM. BRYNAMMAN (Close to Urynamman Railway Station). Important Clear-Out Saie of Dairy Cattle, 2, Capital Working Horses, Hay, Corn, Implements ,and Part of the House- hold Furniture. ivir. Thomas Jenkins (formerly Messrs. Daniel Jenkins & Sons) has been favoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the aliove place, on THURSDAY, DECEM- BER 18th, 1919. the whole of the Valuable Stock, Hay, Corn, IMPLEMENTS, etc., consisting of: CA'f'I'Lil.- I Excellent Young Milch Cows in lull proiit (deep Milkers and in good condition). HOUSES.—1 Five-Year-Old Weighty Colliery Ilorse, about 11.3 h.h. (war- ranted), and 1 Seven-Year-Old ditto (roadster), about 16 h.h. (warranted and i sound). HAY and OATS.-About 10 Tons ot Ilorse Hay in Barn aTid on ,oft (in the i best of condition), and a Quantity of Oats in Shed. IMPLEMENTS.—2 Horse Mowing Machine (Albion), nearly new; Taunton1 Haymaker, Blackaton Hav Rake, Cast- iron Roller, Chaff cutter, I i p., Cart, Tooth Harrow, Chaui ditto, Gladstone, Can Jack, Scythe and Htr^s, Forks. Raits, shovels, Tiers, Laduci-s, Wheelbarrow, Casks, 2 Sets of Shaft Harness, Leading Chains. Mowing ditto, Neck Straps, and many oihcr useful Articles too numerous to detail, together with Part of the FURNITURE. Sale to commence at L30 sharp. j! C)!l coll(litlolls. The Shop, G.C.G.. Dec. Hh, 1919. 1 r SALES BY AUCTION. LLANGADOCK, at the CHURCH HOUSE STABLE YARD, at the Entrance to the Town. I MESSRS. Wm. & Walter James, F.A.I. Have been favoured with instructions from Mr. TuSor Lewis, to offer by < PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Yard, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1919. the following Valuable Horses, Cobs, Ponies, Dairy Cows, Timber Wagons, Tip Carts, Gamboes, Traps, Shaft and Leading Harness, and 80 Tons of Hay, viz.: 30 Heavy Draught and Colliery Horses (in a fit gon(litio; for heavy work). 4Haellys and Cobs. 6 Strong Ponies (handled). 2 Shorthotn Dairy Cows, in full profit. IMPLEMENTS. 7Tilnber Wagons in good condition, < Tip Carts do., 6 Strong and Useful Gam- boes. HARNESS. Several Full Sets of Shaft and Leading Harness, Collars, Head do. Bridles, Gambo Ropes, Sundry Timber and other Chains. Also About 80 TONS of the best HAY (35 Tons being last year's Hay). Sale to commence at 12 NOGa. Terms—Cash. Auctioneers' Offices; Llangadock, Llw3, dovery and Llandilo. THE NEW SALE ROOM, No. 7, GOAT STREET, SWANSEA. Important Clear-Out Sale of a Largs Quantity of Household Furniture and Effects ,including a Rull-Sized Billiard Table. MESSRS. James and James, F.A.I. Are favoured with instructions from tho various owners to SELL by PUBLIC ACTION, on the premises as above, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1919, the whole of the foregoing Furniture and Effects, Including a lumber of Mattresses, Fea- ther Beds, Ornaments, Loo Tables, and a First-Class FULL-SIZED BILLIARD TABLE by THURSTON & CO., LON- DON. The principal items consisting of.—3 Bedsteads, 5 Feather Beds, 20 Chairs, k Dozen Fenders, 2 I.00 Tables (I Mahogany Overmantel, 3 Hall Stands, 2 Couches, 4 Tables, t Ljpzen Clocks, 2 Dressing Tables and Washstands, Corner Cupooard, 3 Chests of Drawers, Gent.'s Bicycle, and a quantity of Books and other Oddments too numerous to particularise. Goods on View Morning of Sale. Sale to commence promptly at 11 o'clock a.m. Terms-Cash. Auctioneers' Offices, 7. Goat-street. Swansea COUNTY BOROUGH OF MEtRTHYR TYDFIL. Mr. Arthur S. T. Lucas Has been instructed by the Owner C& offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the BUSH HOTEL, HIGH-STREET, MEHTHYR TYDFIL, on WEDNESDAY. the 17th of DECEMBER, 1919 (subject- to Conditions of Sale), at 3 o'clock in tins Afternoon precisely, the following Vaiii- able Residential Leasehold Properties, viz.: Lot 1 (with Vacant Possession on CoIu-o pletion).—No. 3, COURTLAND-TER. HACE, containing 10 Rooms, Bath-room "cl oifices,, Front and Back Ga. Back Entrance, Double Section Green- house, Spacious Cellar with entrance to main road. Lease 99 years from Novem- ber, 1855. Ground Rent, S3 14s lid. Lot 2.—No. 4. PARK-TERRACE, con- taining 8 Rooms, Bathroom and Offices, Front and Back Gardens, with Back Entrance. Let on Lease expiring in March 25th, 1921, to J. W. Lewis, Esq., Solicitor, at an annual rent of £28, lesseo paying rates and doing inside repairs. This Property is held on lease for 99 years from November, 1891. Ground Rent gl 13s. 9d. For further particulars and for per- mission to inspect Lot 1, apply at tho Residence; and as to Lot 2, to tb«i Lessee; and for further information t.") Arthur S. T. Lucas, Auctioneer, 6, Rui- land-street, Swansea, and at Mumbles. Estbd. 1885. Tel.. Central 230; or to Frank T. James, Esq., Solicitor, 134, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil. Tel. 94. (No. 1683) AUCTION MART. 21. UNION STREET, SWANSEA (Opposite Mond Buildings). WEDNESDAY, 17th DECEMBER, 1913, Mr. H. C. Higman, F.A.I., Has received instructions to SELL br AUCTION, at the above address and dattL Superior Household Furniture, principal items comprising :-PI.ANQ. FORTE, Organ, Fine Rft. MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD, WALNUT BOOKCASE. Mahogany Duchesse Pair, Carved Marbla Top Cheffonier Roll Top Desk, fettc- Press, MAHOGANY DINING-ROOM SUITE, Sitting-room Suite, Occasional Tables, Overmantels, Whatnots, Cabinet Ornaments, pictures, Carpets, Rugs, Walnut ilaq Stands, Curtains, Oak SIDEBOAi:Df, Mahogany Dining Table SIDEBOARD, MAHOGANY DINING TABLE, Cruets, Stair Carpet, Rods, Chest of Drawers, Walnut Bedstead, Cop- peI' Wire Mattress, Overlays, Beds, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Child's Cot, Kitchen Tables, Pine Kitchen Dresser Chairs, Dinner and Tea Ware, Oilcloth, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils, and various other useful effects. Goods on View Morning of Sale. Term*—Cash. Sale at 11 a.m. GORSEINON. A Unique Opportunity of Acquiring Valuable Business Premises in a Thriving Industrial Centre. Mr. J. Pugh Williams Is favoured with instructions to offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the NATION HOTEL, GORSEINON, on WEDNES- DAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1919 subject to such conditions of sale as shall there and then be produced), the Magnificent, Modern-Built Leasehold Corner Shop and Premises, No. 60, HIGH-STREET, GORSEINON* Held on a lease for a term of >) years from 29th September, 1889, at an ap- portioned Ground Root of L:2 2s. per annum. Let to Mr. G. P. Morgan, Baker and Confectioner, under an Underlease for seven years from 2iJth. March, 1918, at the annual rental of £1OL The Mines and Minerals are Reserved. Sale to commence at 6 p.m. romptiy. Further pirtictlprs may be obtained from Messrs T. W. James aod Co., Solicitors, 24, Goat-street, Sv isea and Orders to View from the Auctioneer, 12, ColJego-street. Swansea. Telephone No., 278 Central. EDUCATIONAL. P"rYv AT E TUi,riON ff)r London 14atrio. A and aii the I'rofp^-iorial Trelim Ex- am?: shorthand and Bo>'U keening r?pidiT tuu?ht at Lis-b man's Coach me College, 4.41. Woravter-place (opposite Catt? CiaetnK? SWRmOO. aMA i