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\Leader-Clasifiad ,Advertisemens. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, TO Be LET, LOST AND FLUNU One Three Six INSERTION; Insertions. Insertions 20 Words. 1 .0 2 0 3 0 30 Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 40 Words. 2 0 4 0 5 0 FOR SALE, PRIVATE ANNOUNCEMENTS One Three SiX insertion. Insertions, lnseriionr 20 Words.. 1 6 Z 6 3 B 30 Words. 2 0 3 0 4 6 40 Words. 2 6 3 6 5 6 (BIRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMGRIAM, ANC I MARFU ACE3- On« three Six Insertion. Insertions Insertions «0 Words.. 1 6 3 6 6 0 30 Words.. 2 0 6 0 8 0 ,40 Word 3 0 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. One l'hree Six Insertion Insertions Insertion* 20 Worda.. 2 0 3 0 4 6 "JO W0rdis. 2 6 4 6 6 40 Words.. 3 0 6 6 7 6 MONEY.-6d. per line. j ——— "— MISCELLANEOUS SITU ATiOfilii VACANT. A GOOD Underuresser imaie or femalcl Aand Kood VEST aaudd.-A.JPiy ?. Alar Cua._2Z U-møa, ONANISTS (too UOOrJ. 176AI2-15 THE- Bar-Lock School. 36, CasU? ?Irent,. T Swnse, HAS va?ancie? for uneui- gent y-eung ladies to train AS ÖJv¡t..lallU typists and UMJji W; l.i-ji anu 1.noliUl,; Ciassee; Iwin comctencing January otii, 19-/0; exceptioiial auvant-iges OIIERGD to suIt. able apolicanta; apply for i;-ree L'CA.^C.INIA. I \V \R-\NTED, Caretaker Bethel tC.1.) I f Chapel, MAN -.eiton; wages, IFTS. PER w,ek.-Apply immediately to \V D. Koberts, David-street, Cwmbwrla. 182.1:2-15 WOMEN AND GIRLS. CHARWOMAN reouired daily. alv> Stroi: Girl to ASSIST in Bakehouse —APPLY Mrs W. A. Rees. Clydach Bakery, near Swansea. 178A1ZH5! A.NTED. one Smart Young I/idy As. f eiitant to the DRAPERY.—Williams > Draper Uplands. Swansea. U2.:3 Domestic Servants. COOK-GENERAL.-Wanted. oy January 5th, a capable Cook-General -April. Mrs Rees Harries. The JUoUoed. Pomav- dulais. G-1};-BILÜJ required at once; comfort?VIE home: good wases.—Apply ILRO Edles- ton Park-road Clydach 17aA:Z..6 A THOROUGHLY Exnerienced Jiaid • enured: 1SD,a!! family; comfortable' home: must he refined. -.Mrs Prytbei-eli. St. ELMO, Od-roa(L Llaiaelly 175A12-13 I '17 LXTD. a Rt'&PC'C1;bÎ;-DY (?in.— f, Apl)ly. between 1 and 2. Mf. Trevor Ovten, School House Swansea. C12-15 ANTED Girl to Assist in lIous-c.-A p TT ply, first instance Piper. Kewsatjent, I Kelson-etreet. 181A12-15 "TT^A-N i'ED Ca.,)ab'le GenerLl Servant; V T WAGES, 45S. per month; small family; grood outin6"1: )"i;. Bloomer, Penpoiit, I > Clyda.ch.V 181A12-13 -TA:TED in Lampeter a nice Gir: who ?'. can cook; two in family: high WASEE -Tv rite lamt)eter.' Lea E'er Office lS:A!2-:15 1S-A12-J5 WJANTED, a. I?':lY HouseIiïäId j.gÕ(l t Cfe,?- V? Rnopa.—M.?s. Herbert Mor?Rn. 2.  K ¡ngton,ro¡{d. S;"ctty. 1öl12-1 ? '??rAlvII;Drsrn?:e Per?n"or Widow. ?3;3: W g?ne7-al h(,l1e work and piain cooK *g: hours. 7 a.m. to 5 pm-Write. M?'Tn"' %V U ailer" wage's r?qmred. "T. \V. "LfaLier" ORlcc. S.yaneoG. 1S1A12-IJ >^7ANTED a cocd Ger.erålwahin! ? —Apuiy Mrs. Waiters, B-ynsff. i Springfield Morrii-ton. I&IA12-1? VANTED, Reopcctable Girl; two in; ♦ I family.—Appiy 19, St. Helen's-road. Swansea. 130A12-) -|C'S. p€r week for Daily H(?p: no chii- -LO dret). coc?in?. or washing.—?5. YIeati? field. Carlton-terrace. 182A12-2 j MEN AND YOUTHS. C1UIIJD;SS;ON ASEI;T w:tn iive c(?iii?tet?o c wanted to work Ct?untic? Ca?-di-ai? Pembroke. Carmarthen, end Brecknock to. leading manufacturers Liquid Egg# an.: Bakers' Special;TIEJ. Apply, in confidence. rta-tins the firm at present repre&ontin.. approximate number of bakers' calls O. P«',1 eronrd. END full pnrtienlars as h pa-t experience. — ADF'rcs- ENR*> Willi .I; Porteoas and Co., Advertising Agents. Ola-i gow. E FRANI) Boy or Girl Wv-iitc,.(J; I? J to 34«.—ilatthews. Confectioner Wa ter-road. Swansea J81A'2- ) •LJ ALL. steady work for suitable MAR -A y to Pontard-Hwe Foundry AS ENGINEERING Co.. Pcntardawe. C32-3 ~> JOINEES Wanted immediately.—; Griffith Da VIES and Co. Haxtoa fa" Paxton-gtreet. Swaii,.va. S41A!T Office Boy wanted Docks Collier O.lice: sho:thand ra.-ential.-Write in i own handwriting, Cclncry." Daily Le ido C1Z1,' S' UPERITENÚErs and As:eut?" aHt< O at Bryuamman Gam ant, L! a R: (!<■ i. Llandilo. Llandovery, Pei>vvro< Cror Hand" Tumble, AND Pcntyherein.—APP] District Superintendent 1. Norjaan-roat Ammanford. 18A12-" "V\7 ANTED, Motor Mechanie wlio kno\' »» HIS ioh; eta.rt New Vear —Watkin-R R Garacre Rayner-plncc. 'L7ANTBD. Ga-i Engine Driver; must t II used to Suction Gas Plant.—Appij John Lewis Son and Co. Prince of Waic Dock, Swansea. CI2-17 ANTED Smart Errand Rov; JRWT. tffi » sc <)Ol r, ie,ced.-AT)t)ly Phillips, Seal and Co., Imperial Chamters, Caer- C12-" ~> w ANTFD. a IVtanatrer for first-class Caff I" in South Wales: previous cxpr-rierr > essential.—Reply J. R. IISN-ELSIT, Centurv Chambers. Cardiff. CI2 13 "(/{fÄNTED, F'urnaceman and Dov' V W App!y W(?n TinoIaLe Works, Briton. fetry. C12.B "ITT ANTED. Joiner.—AD ply U Tyle- Bitilfler aid Contractor Siebirr'=NN street Y ard Swansea 175A12-1* '\?/ IRELES n:iEOHA PRY -Wec" 'T tbM v?ar Mnt out 150 Students to tMr u, Ineiit 'and are BROKING STUDENT, to enter the Coileae in Janrai-v arl have -on. a Few Vacancies: so if vou wish a WIRELESS Appointment vou had oettev Er rcl at on-e — Apply WireV-s TI'ahiirtf Co1- lego Ltd.. St MARY-st rest. Carkt;ff. c. Castle-street Swan..c: TANTED. thoroughly experienced SNORT t, hand Tvpist —Apply stating AGE EX perience. etc to Box No a I. "Lea(ter" Offlco. Swatisea. TC TO THOSE REQUIRING IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION No training necessary There is a B Uf- I N BE;:) L ) O: -SP ECU L..r.\ I-lil V E character of afford, iiig' Commercial OCCUPATION of a PEH- ilAN/L-I nd CONGENIAL NATURE. Tb;: RU8U1::s.¡, is VERY PliO ITABLE and of UNIVERSAL IMPORTANCE. ill (¿UIH. INTJ A VERY SMALL AMOUNT OP CAPITAL. It can be undertaken ANYWHERE THROUGHOUT THE UNITIW KINGDOM only requiring a person of ENERGY and INTELLIGENCE, who would assiduously devote himself to it. The ADVERTISER conimpnord SINGLE- HANDED. entirely upon his owr account witb no prior epeci; knowledge of TTH work and ba-p now with the assistance C; one elerk succesdtd by PERSONA7, EFFORT AND RTRiCT ATTENTION TO BSUINESS. in earning a VERY LARGE WEEKLY NE1 PROFIT, .SOLICITOR'S and Accountants' Referencea given if desired 6 Person ILESIRI^G to know the DE- TAILS of the means bv which THOSE BTí. RESULTS are beinsr aebievtd .whisb in- formation would enable many with ensrcy and intelligence to star! vot-k right awav. there being ample room for SIMILAR busi. nesses in any INDUSTRIAL DISL'T''('!• • mnl"t in the first instance apply oy let.te- only (enclosing a ftamced addressed en telooe for reply), to < • MR J. BTLLINGTON. M. EASTCHF^P J LONDON. B.oz. i TRADE ANNOUNCCiVSiiNTS. I.\l\lA'L'i,JÍJ -:laKe Christmas of ?ood 1\. ucer. in tnith O! iudLlOU3 inir ciia-sea of our iiinciiiK Machiiie-j Patty Ifias. Joyce's Ga& ivettles fctainle^s t'ut- lery. Week-end Cases. Pianos etc.— Jiarries the l-'urnishcr-* and ironmongers. Cj2-17 ,'0\ 1.1 bV<i" low erade. 4J pair^. liLtter uia'?a 50 oaiM..So ?Og.: Govern- ii'.ont Scrap ijeather. 20s cwt,. «asb nvitii o Contractor. Fratton-road APPLET.—Buy from the G-owers.—l.C-Gi) I A Boies Lucke Selected O-ange Blen- 1 iieimd Orange Pippins. Ptaimaius Russets IG?.6duer box iOib.; extra good Cooking, cts6dbfx:cabhwtth order, boxes free carriage paid.— Ba^ett. Wooiaston Court 1 .ydiitrv. G lo3. 164A1 VL< JELG1UM. —Sheet Gla?a in 300ft. (?s :J Hc.rticultura! Gla.w 21oz. 24 x 12 anr 20 x 14. f pocial quotations for quantities.— B. Shepherd. Ammanford. Tel. No. 4b C12-23 C~iIEISTiLlS PRESENTS-Boys' and Gin. c?. i i iiu ,-7t,?. Picture Bcolis Ueward Books. Bible., (SeoSeid. Newberry, and Teacaors'): Fountain Pens. Stvios Purses, and Waiicta; for Sale at Enoch's, Ktreet. Arcade Swansea Heal Bargains ir L e a. 175 A12-3 3 ¿J:ÚSTS' b;hie.. to -ÜleP,'(:c1i)3 .îJ Specialists in Ko?.d crOWD bar bridge, and vuktaniiv work. Ouick despatch Vv rite for prw.e list.—T-ht I-.I:nerva Labora- tory 15 Charles-etreet Cardiff 162A32-2j I:'1Ul.s.H::<gniflccnt E:<l,'k Set: larc. 'I 1 Shou'd?r W ,a and Io,c:v Pillow ?<u.T- c.)st 114 14s. late iast season: ntver worn • approval willingly genuine ba'?ain; accept ?4 !5s.-108. St. Helen's-road. Swansra. '■_ 13?A12-13 i^OS Chri?t?as Prc&ent.? in Jew<)ery. Gold and Silver Brooches, Rings V7atcr.es. ?o to A. Joseph. Watchmaker and [ J?.-tC?cr. Ue?t?HeId-strcct. (Nest to R.iE':? 17SA32-35 f()R Real Good Value in Vocttwetr. W A. M Taornaa. the tU'huide boot Stores. Eing Edw;n!-r(jad, Swansea (T.C.' 1-ÙtOti;ë-¡wp where vou g? ruc-t val? K v.hen baying your X.na<. Presents Gold Brof^clicci from 6s. 61.; Gold Gem Ri^g>s ft oni ?2?. 6d.: SoEd Gold Wrist 'A'atc"!? Lem ?5. A>) fine eelfctiun o? otb?r JeweL llrv at A Joseph, Watchmaker arid JLwcl- t? (x1 fsef}i!l:hmÜ\[hl.tf: SAan.?e! .7SA?3-15 I;1a't.s ¿th i'h)ta% iVXi: ¡ ? Tab'p? for CnMt Throat, and Voice., UnrivaMed Of all Confectioners 2d ounc(: W liolesale- 'of MackayV, i Old Market-street, Bristol of Sr.fetr; ond Cigarettos to J Sell:- Sowntree's Clear is. lOd. per lb. I Crystallised Gtias, L%. lb. Best OJCIIOUS, os. 6d. lb. Sen-Ren and many ottier varieties Terma ci,gb.-Peul. Northampton Honse. Pontarrl ulais. 181A 12-B ORDERS taken for Christmas Poultry: Geese. Turkeys. Duck-, and Fowls; from own farm.—Eassett. Wooiaston Court Lydrey. ?7'A?2-17 j piN YOUITfTIW^7 No^tVrtinT'" Napa 1 JL 8rMi8o Tor Xafn! Catarrh. Head I Colde, Influenza. Sore Throat and all in- ) feetidtw disorders of the nostrils Acts (••nritiniiousiy day and night. Convenient, i plep.sant. safe and effective. Of lea (I i.c., Er Chemist<» everywhere is 3d 'by po.st Is. 5d.). Sold oy E. Bevan, i Nelson ;trect G T David. Mansel-stropt; D R Davies. St Helez%,S-roa(l. T T Davi-s Ltd (all branchezi: H L Havard, Bryny n;or-road: G H Kent 45 S: flelcn e-road • i E J Kieft Rohert.treet Mans^Iton A D Matthews. ON ford-street; B Needham Nmltb road: Ogdens Cash Chotnistn. TAd Hit!IJ. street- J and D Ree-s Fabian-strect Ft 1 Thomas and Port Tennnnt E T Rich Tiigh-street • E W Bicha^'ls College-Street • i R Thomas High.street- W-ight and Son, Walter-roa.l SWANSEA- W T Thomas.! (/orseinon M L Bevan 99 Woodfifld-stre.^t • W I«aa-! 85 Woodfield-streo* W .1' Davie*- MPS P>to»i-place. FFORES'i' FACH^an.i a!' Chemists in NEATH. SEE the Dainty Booties for rri)?-T=tr>i.:>« Presents at the Vew R.G Shoe Sfor.°« Goat-street. 180A::?jr. OPECTATj Clearance of Lnriies' a7id Maid'' O A!Wool Tweed Coats, Fur.s etc.. at! Half Usual Prices: Raincoats at 51s. to clca'- —Richard-, High-class Milliner 4^. King Edward-road. Swansea. 1S1A12-13 I SPECIAl, NOTICE.— Alfred Tennens. the ) 0 fiTpert Todies' and Cent's Cutter, bcC6 to anronnrp that he a Sp1-«ndid Soloc-; t'OT1 of Gent's Overcoats Suits nrd T,diri!" I Costrmf-s from Fix e:d;n"l' perfection in i cut and style.—CradocE-strcet. Swansea. -3A2:1 i STTRGICA Appliances —Trimses. S?ravc.! ? f?crD?? Surgeons" E'lV ber Gloves !.r.) i ^Mri'ica- Enbl>ei G'iod?i every deseriptinn ) [ Writ.! for Catalogue. >:rnt post free — T." I ErEsc-> Snr'i.-ei co, -[).1 D V i, 90 ""d T '???tf-st.pnt P.I:p,m TC ''?OYS.—to ?no??''?'i)('rs a;)? Hayr'a?.-?Vf -i have etiP a lgVg« variety rf leadin-j ]in«s in QJiri-tnirv-^ G.ccd?. irulndi' g ?i;-f*.?c' "nd U'lre-red Toonlt* and' China nMJs-? T'rrk 61 A'csand'a-TTEvl Swansea 18A12-?; ?T?CLE RnPT'S PHU CrM? Wnlmit ?n'? ¡ ? ?'mon'! T?n'?es aw now on Rn'p at t? 0*ford-street Shop. F*re-war Quality. Tho i and the Es-t. 181A12.17 .1 I ITtrnY Not O'dw Your Own F'rnit? i j i v V have t.w ?f? and Varieties th3 j | wil! «mit vou fr-m the Smalie^t. to the f 1 T~f!t in C' 't j v^t j on a ho !ar \e sto-' rf t T,v,i!,f -d Glimhin"- R(Y-"& r.p.-i Shrul W wart Thomas PR RS H r A Th« Vir- -^ries. Trine'' Loughor. ('lam 1S?A12-I'i ills. Ei"!i5h and Co.. Ltd.. Swansea, |! S3eci3l:fi;j VJJERVaNT 'i()NE>-We have Vactium Car pet Sweepers in Stock j ? P. AK IAfoi- our Mill»ex th 1. (snick cure. 'flAREOER FIRE The Princess (irate nt j t ichmcnt will save vou usinu brick 1 for fuel economy f ■< AS.- If »o(i Ucie it (I., not forget t.b(, vl nlv reduced A smalt '\1e»'t» Dover' •■ i't t,I1; "IJh:1j"h 11: ""01\ and hoil for nj "ws We io it Call and -e j ¡:P"-¡.( :;H;n; T-TltPnt' {':J! j > and ('e our Ar'isTv Man'olpieees 'falkin Panels and Eagle Eire Grate? j 'PERN your Kitchen into a Breakfast J i i room bj ndo:t!nt tthe Twin Interior which has hot water parlour fire and -AT, ipen oven f«,,nl>ined I j FUKi^lTURS. I piiRiSTMAS BARGAINS.—Bargain fr i Chrisiiiia<5 of ail kind* of iloueehol i Eurniturc at HUi 's. who wish to annou-nc-* j that the.r Annual Sale of Surplus Stock vvhi'-h ia very large and great in variet.v. of Bedroom and i'ariour S rites Sideboard. and Eookcaees, Bedsteads ilattresea 9,0\ j Bedding. Kitchen Dressers, and otttp i gixxls too oiimerous to m"ntion. will i ■ ■ 1 Sold at All in I tendi- g mirt hc-efs sho:i''i call at once am: i j inspect before the h(t bargains are xorit Any goods stored free of charge (11 o:, j Ea<v Terms. Defi?-er? to arv ua ts of the ("ountrv Please note the Address- — Hill's I Govver-treet, Swansea. Aleo 14 Windsor- road. Neath. 181, A 12-17 -POP PALE. Solid Inlaid Satin Walnut 1 Bedroom Suite: cheap to immediate! buyer: room wanted.—Write Box W 4 Dailv j i Leader. 183A12-5 j "nF:Úl;-1¡RE -B-p;.¡;1iï;e- bv me i for Second ha nd I' lirntiire and Antioue Pii-nimrp of any d»ser:^fioii Dwiii me a > rosfn' or fn" Wm J?rr.ps. 8 Fa'"t" ?trret ?' Thomas CT C | ^f¥cTalarticl2sT I n the | "SPO?TtNG ???.'S. 1 i '-17' "a.: "l"r"li¡"<jitt¡J:'T'Z!t FOR SAE. DON'T miss this.—Good Cocking Appie-s;j JU' 281bs. 63; 561bs lis 6d: in bags 6d each: ] carriage paid. Cash with order. Hundredth of eatisfied cusloraere.—11. Edwards, Fruit Grower Wellington Som. 173A12-25 '-I IOF. SALE, a large ouantity of New and J- Second-hand Rails of various weights and sections together with all aeoeseories for œmp. For price and fmther particu- hrs !lP}y to Messrs. Halru and BoweL.' 2, Glouceoter-place. Telephone No. 831 Cen-1 t-ai. Telegrams: Direct Swansea." C12-27 ITtOIt SALE. 16 h.p. Suction Gae En- j and Plant, in good condition; cheao w c;ear.-Clarke. 46 Leonard-street Neath CI 2-13 p ONY ,ind Governess Car for Sale, chcst- L nut Pony 13 hands: New Brown Har- ness L?mps.and Brass Fittings. Price. £ 70 the lat.-Apply 6 Maeone'-road. Kings- Iricke. 17CA12-13 Q AFES (Fire Resisting) 20 to 43 inches C) high for Ssle: also Steam Wagon" nair PVin Winding Engines; Ptimi)-s.-flirt 47a. Strand. Swansea. Cl2-2J TO Hotel Proprietors and -Job Masters.— fL ForS?IeS?t?on'Busbywe?knowr!? makers; latnp=. cushions, poles, complete: as new. Also Do-,?b1e Harness; a bargain — Bassett, Wooiaston Court, Lydncy, Glos. 171A12 17 LOST AND FQUKSi, |>.ROPPED, near Ben Evane* Block Ili 1/ Gent's laige-si-.od leather-lined Driving Gloves. Reward.—Write "Soldier," Ijeadn OiTlce. 182A12-15 T OST, en 'lhlHtiday mornin- (I yeilow -? kitten, from 7. Cambridge street. Uplands, Swansea: finder rewarded on rc- turning to above address. It." A i 2. 13 I-ÓST on Monday ta? we?k. from South L[late' Iligh-street a Yorkshire lerrier. Ans??re to name cf 'Dig:er.' Oe g ?,er. 1C)o tainer prosecuted E?tum to South P?'!? Hctel. Swan'e. 175A'.2?.i MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, CXC. ALBION Chassis. —Delivery of 50 cwt ami W cwt Chassis trom aiock, subject to • being unsold: ca<>b or easy terius.—U E. i Jones, Ltd.. Motor Depot., DiUwyn-stree;, i TC X\"E. LIVEltY in January; Briscoo Cars. £495. Agent, J. R. Walking iiotor E '•»gi an y I.^Oii Sa.?€ 191? Eord Touring Car; 6 dc- £ tachabie %;ilec?ls; equal to new; ;SN?. Would -exchange for Ford Landarlette cv sell touring bouy of chassis £&0. A1.-0, Metal Van Body; balf size; with wind i screen and cushion. 420.-Lewi-, 57, Ale: aruira-road, Swanfcea. 18ZA12.B QIN(jER.—For Sale, a smart 2-?v?nter 0 Singer Car: iust thoroughly over- hauled: all tyres practically new; perfect running condition; price £ 325 with all Ac. cessoriee. C..n be seen at Bronygraig, H-eatbfaeld. Swansea. 176A12-15 Ivor L. Roberts', Motor Cycle Specialist, I; Announcements. BOOK Now to ensure Deliveries.—3920 -D Models of Motor Cycles: A.J .S., Doug- 1-t-6. B.S6.A., tinrieid. Triumph, Sunbeam. Pudge, Ijorton Levis, Imperial. Harley Davidson, etc. DELIVERY from Stock.—3J h p. B.S.A JLJ' T.T. Model. A.J.S.. 6 h.p. Combination. Douglas W.D. 2-speed Zi h.o.. Rudr.e Multi, 34h.n.. Ruby Jap 8 h.p. Combination. D ELiVEItY th;s month-2 h.p. InHJeal i Jap. 2-speed Model: aleo 21 Imperial j Jap 2^need, kick starter and hand clutch. SECOND-HAND Motor Cyci? for Sale- C3 ?9?4!?nn'?!d. 6 hD Combination engine recently overhauled by makers new tyres and chains £ 95. "ORACT1.CALLY New 2-stroke 2-speed En- 1 field, complete with Lamps and Horn: perfect oond ition £ 58. 7^ JOTOR CARS.—Agent for Austins, Stars. ii-.N C N. Morgan Runalout.a. B(lllÍ'; To-day for 1;120 MI;deie. Li VF. STOCK, &c. i SUGG I. ST I ON .—Try Thorley's Food fo • A your Uorse3 one month, aud note re- suite. EXi-ECriNU eggs from ie-eding table JLJ scraps without adding IvarswooU Poultry bpice iconuumng ground insects) i is lilt a expecting gooci results in liouee uuHding frow bricks without mortar." | Kiu-sv. jod bplce en??ures succe?. Pa,c?e..b' ?*u.. ;d.. 1/3. J. L. Jones, Fenian fiou.:e ?Linvant. lo I A II ???R .sALE. a Black Mare 5 vcars old. and | If?rnMs and Chains included—?pply liiiite HouCs,3ii. a????i.,iinclii(lcd -.4 L t)lv 181 A 1 2 -?' oulit Pla6j-ntri. ?OR SALE?Smart? rony h h?nde h X years old, unbroken: price .?'?5, or near est oner. Aiso strong Hand cart to be told cheap; room wanted -ABpiy 2 Cadic-facii Cottages. Lavenhrll Fforecitfach, Sv.'rin.cv_a 176A12-13 I-TAK^Sr00lJ Poultry Spice will not jLl Knock' eggs out of hens fed 01 i s-.a vvdJ ust. but that it will largely ircreas" avvtogo of birds reasonably fed i. bej or J dispute. Contains ground insects. C! 7;11.. 3/3.— Hobbs. Corn Merciinnt H'gb- strect, !\ù¡tb. 81A12-) ?/i Y ?iss came on splenuialy after ?c? I .U.l. Lnt! Karswood Piv Puw.ters." &ny.< one U"?,, although thev had no nppf?'t' before Jvveive powder" Is. hv post Is 3d Jordan and SODd. CheniisUj Po n la rcl a vv c 162 A1 iL- 2 7; ONE Hundred 1919 and 2938 Pullets lay. inc. 7s and 8s. each.—Lloyd. 384 Pen. tregethin-road Cwmbwrla Swansea, 181A12-37 POULTRY Keepers should write to Jose. Thorley. Ltd Calcdonian-rorMl, King's ('r,)-.i f,or,(!on. N I who aro the ma.iufac inrer.s c-f Ovum Thorley's Poultry Spice for Thorley's Poultry Keepers' Account Book oot giving IH"fu¡ Hint.. to Poultry Keep- er-j and Egg Uncord Card. Sent Free. PARA DINE, Member of the N U-; Poultry Foocl ard Bird Seed Dewier op- posite Church Hall. Sketty. Re;onab o TIlE groateet doubter is convinced after i. one thorough test of Karswood containing ground insects—the 0gg P" oucer it is a pleasure to sell. t)ecnTIP!e gives satisfaction. 2¡f.. 7}d., 1/3-W. Thomas. Chemist. Gorseinon and Old Pan1- Pharmacy. Llaneily 381A12-37 NOTICES, CONTINUED Success. —Madain Flctohc M,B P S.: Test Heading Free Sem: birth dati» and etamped cnveloi.w -b. Ai'. cado,Pont.vpri(M, Giam 175A32-1J JNDIAN Palmistry and C?airvoyanco INot,-d Indian; scientific investigation- advites b.v natural law. Ordinary Advice. tees 5-s.: High C1.Ta.js bv engagement. Dr Kismitt. B.A Cecil-street Manstlton. Swansea. mJ76A12-3:) MADAM DALMA (late 19 Park-<streetl wishes to inform that her Consulting Rooms are now at No 247. 0»ford>trret. Swansea (next Skating Rink) 379A12-lu P-ilõf-=-dl t:iL\Ef-Cêfei)n ted Astrologer; pAycr,,ha Medium; Rocking Stonc,s of H'a?ee. Sen i h'rth date. P.O. Is. 3d.—Scrip- torium, Victoria Building, Tudc'oax?. Cardiff. 3S3A12 33 "UE Drawing for H. Jones Mclin Tinplate JL Finishing Dept., Ncatb. is postponed for a month. 012-13 TAX] for Hire: <=?-.vcn7 Mn.rtam!pt. ?r? JL D?ti-iet.—T. M Ua?ies Neatb.ret,t Iron 'Phone Exchange/ Llaneamlet, 176A12-14 "t »"-7 W SfvlALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER 'FOR sM. t I I | I (f \1 I ¡ | j j 1! I I: I I I I l I I I! •i i   I I 1- f i S Please publish the above advertisement. .timos, for wliiah I -H ? Please publish the above advertisement.tim?a, for wbiflh I ? enclùsc.s.d. j ? w Name and AdJrem: ? i I I 3 'f 4le-,ired, repUes may ?e cent t? Box Numbre at the "Cambria Da?y £ j ? Leader" oæce. | ? This form should Le ?(UreMcd'to Advertisement Department, Oamlrria railY"1 ? Lo'-Uler," Swansea ?■ » ti -ruf .8r"- 'q" .].. MOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. j I710R SALK. arCotta?p7?7th?Ii?-<ia.d7— -e, North Ilill-road. i Wnw Bo? Y 3. Leader Omce. 178A12-l5? Olt SALE, House, with vacant posses- 7 cion; 8ix rooms and scullery; near Jer- sey Park St. Thomas.—For further particn lava write Park," Daily Leader. 175A12-1 j Sale, House. 6 Rooms and Bath; good 1.' position; Uplands district; long 5 lease; price, £ 433.—Apply, W." "Daily Leader," Swansea. 183A12-1C 11"0P. SALE, Five Freehold Houses Bryn. Á- hyfryd, Swansea.—Apply 55 Strand, S\v aiisea. ?OUR?ROOM House for Sale; vacant po? JL Gcsion.-Apply ?. PhiiiD-6trect, Mnn- seiton. 176A32-33 "iONTARDULAlS.—For Sale Foui Free- i X hold Houses (one vacant i; al&o Lcaee hold Houses. Mortgage eiven on any one.— Auply Mount Pleasant." Pontardulais.  t?A12.? ï\ TEST D lJ Ii Y ,s'rï{Eirr-sw;:m,ea.-= Lc Ù-e- hold Dwelii::K-houeM fOl" Sale by Private TreaLy.—Anpiy Edward hobertc and Son, Llanfair Buildings, Swansea. i C113 ) APARTM2:TS AND LODGINGS | TO LET AND WAITED. A PA It i'Jvi ENTS.—Wa nted. -ïo-i.iur"j£.hN .1"1. Room<3, with oonveniencee: young re., fined couple; no (,Iiil(lren.-W rite Box L 4. Leader Offic^ \7 0UNG Mar. (sitiglei requires Two Rooms | X I<V>od. and Attendance: Clydach or vicinity -Reply Box S 4, Leader Office. 180A12-10 EASINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. BUSINESS for Sale; First-Class Fruit and Vegetable; t \110 shops; oest position ill town; cash trade; low rents; established j eight years; owner retiring.—Write, fill, I particulars, Henry Bassett, Wooiaston j Court, Lydney, Uloi. 171A12-37 j HOUSES WANTED. HOiUS:S W ANTt::D. "Wi/AN'iED, to I'urchase a .11 o use in St.: » Thoma-i di^tiiiii, Swansea.—write j !"Con.v?an.?t,' Da.iy Leader. ISlAl?-lj? i ANTED, t urni?hed House or Ap?rt-' »V meiiLs; every can: taiien.—Reply i Leader Swanaea. J.l-O'- OFi'L?Lf for 1:¡(6s¡')D'-olii; ,10 formation Loading to Pos-jession CL ?n;mc in gc?d ioc-Aiity.—Write L?,x 5. Daily Leader. HOUSE PUFSCMASING, AVOii> Uavi?K your rent ircreas?d when A KestrtuMon Act NIUS: C?? l?6. p^r £ 3i)U and easy repayments by arranKement.—« 6. Leader WHee, tewaiwca. 376A12-1j i'ltENANCY or Ownership.—40^000 peoy. JL havd already Purchased through our easy system.—For free booklet write !.o> V 3, Leader O?nce. j?7 9AIZ I jcUI >U i Aavancect on ;?uu house, t or iu? ':i: partIculars apply to the Seere tariee of the Landore Permanent Building Society, 61, Wiuu-eireet. Swansea. You may aiso invent your savings with the Society; | interest paid hell'-yearxy, free of Income 1 Tax. A /Ci W?LKLY wHi Purchabe ?450 tion?- I "x O anv district; uot'-essio'. by arrange | merit. Landlord." Leailer. Kwancea. T C MONEY. E- LA W Ii r';ndoD:r'W].I, Neth Makea E. C:nh Advance-b f:'J' f) and upw?rdf .oUi £ S and upwards ^t:icti/ Private Established H76 TC If yo.i require a Loan, app!y to Ce< Ciiiir(-,D-stree tot)r)osite St I 3. rv'" Cbu rch.J, Swansea Private and Cor tidi'iitial to Lezio to Respectable Hou&e- Ivor D TIt< nin« 6. Wat> r'oo-st.. >wa.n^ea ADVANCtS, ii T 0 0.1 written promise to reply or any security Principal remains or. can h- repaid by 16 or '-? iii,taiiii(?i,t6. no ciiai-e of ati? j kind unless buaineos done; promptness and privacy; avoid exposing your requirements Jorally Wr\te oldest Company exioting- E. LAWRENCL-, L D., Don Chambers, Wins-street, Cristol. r.JSCELLANEOUS WANTS, A FIA?O Wanted.—Lady Wjhf'8 to ? chase oje. iuitabje for ch?d'6 prac- Lice. Piease state price —Write ijo* M 4. Leader Office, Swansea. 175A1.h j GiLÜ\.oTíOi'Ú wanted nntnen, UT mu t be a ready Eood <?ne.—Writ"' Ort)ington.Leader Office. 179A12-16 I I-BuY Furniture New and ?ecf.n?-hsL.d.— X 8erkin 219 High-strt«t Swai?sea. Serkin 2.19 fli,?,h-sti ,,at Swat j 'j^REES Wanted over Pitwood ?xc.—'cn. j 1 ninKa. Ltd. Wood?orkfrs. Penny well Ri. ?r 1' i-t?lic-awl STC. j ANTED to Purchase, a Typewriter; V T st?te price, etc.—Replies, Box 22. G-P.O., SwRn?ea. Cn 18 ¡ A;'? ED. Second-Hand Player Piano; 'f W1l1 py from £ 50 to £ 100.—Write, stating maker, to Langland," Leader Oftue, Swansea. 163A32-15 w AN'I'ED- 100 Boxes I 0 Tin pIatM? 216 I V IW. 20 by 28. lowest ?uot-nion. for ? oxDort.—'Write Box V 4 Leader Ofil(?e _1F1?;? PFRSOMAL. IN "Unclt:, Bert'" 'f.ïf";í' Shop tlrf:'r is JL "mat.?'?!. ho?m ()n)v Uncle fhr and) | Ids Son thank you toi von: help You?re ''Otn? 'Yo'f Bit" a« we d? our.? Thanks' t •Htny-ica w ILT, some kind Lady adpptT Baby Girl » three weeks old ?—Write. Box X 4, "Leader" Office. Swansea. 1ölAlZ.15 MUSSCAL INSTRUMENTS. j /^RA.MOPHONES.—Wonderful Machines; U liorn or Hornles. Worm Drive "totors; £ 4 17s. 6d.. £ 5 17s. 6d., etc. New i Records. %i. 6d.; second-hand. Is.—19. Park- ftreet. Swansea.- 178 A: TROX Frame. Overstrung Bell Piano in Rosewood C<!8t; a bargain. ^lajou and Kiamlin Or.-an, 21 guineas: crieh, or termf i n-rranged.-Dale. Forty and Co., Ltd., 20 King Erlwards-road. Swansea^ 131A1H2 | TNSTRUMENTS for Pnle; "TilVer-platcil i Slide Trombone by Conrtoie; now ror- j ditip on. Conccrt Flute. 8 keys, by Ruddali V loliiw by T.-vpedale Tlornetainer. Gaillare! ^tc. Italian Violoncelli by Sannino.—Sims Wait3rs-road, Swansea. 182A12 1C | PIANOS, 28 39, 49. 55 guineas; large Folee- tion for cash only: Brondvvocd. Coliirl. | etc.—Piano Exchange, 19, P irk-stree-t (opposite Mond Buildings) Swansea. L I7!Aj 2-15 Thompson and Shackefl's Announcements j ("II ¡CAlla Organ,-4 ^ets cf reeiis. 8 .-tops, v 2 knee .swells; veri fine tor.e, tv^.— Thompson and Shackell. Ltd.. 39. Castle- strect. Swanse r?T\OKO ET P?y??fpV?n?onrf?r'cc'm p fsse. ;w)rv !;Crk? 50 ?ujHPax f?h o ooay terms.—Thompson and Shackell. Ltd 39. ("astip-street. Swansea. Paris, i-farmf)riiiint. 12 stops A 4 sets of reeds; largo powerful instru- | ment. suitable fo- place of worship: £35- -rrict. Sw«tnAea T- EDUCATIONAL. j I PRIVATE.Tl^rrloN fo^L()ndon MatriV JL and aJ' the Professional Prelim Ex. nnria: Shorthand and Book-keeping rapidly taught at Irishman's Coaching College. <0-41 Worccvter-place (opwisite Castle Oinemai Swansea. TC irfiscELLA?;s:;ays SITUATIONS WAITED. seelw Situation; three months' j 1. experience. Write, Painter." Leader" Oilice, Swansea. 71Al'2-37 [


."——————————I MUSICAL SUCCESS.…


