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:#' wrr. ¿.' I y? S f?M?'??????? | f BJSSglk fkmibdzi j&T ?j??m ?SPECIAL? naoEs jBflnK t; 7 Day Mid-Winter Offer. p ,fit!t (Bel')w.) Œelow.) r A ^^Dijtfnot^veeQA-rOF SEAL PLUSH COAT. Richly VELOUR CLOTH, with maae. Can be had witb or Seal Plush Collar. A really withont fur collar and cuffs. mart street coat. W:nm. A very dmirible coat for a yet re^ in weight. For for nest  ?,w 4 Gns. 7i, 8t & 9t Gns.  I, ¡ J> .,l"  r >1 7 • au ^N EebYfofettcot mP. riceRcd oiwcllhiatlrh y I j ^t 1 w }'*¿ tifully-made SEAL 8 e aut I ully mnde SeA L *>, d.{: CONEY COAT. Will always contracting ft l;>|jfaB5|»ffi I j lCoOoNk EY contra6t.ing effect OR l1ar. J j nice. and can be re- I 1 I -1/ J |[p B Mltne1dic1 eCf OAT. Will SalEwaAyLs lined throughout. for ? f \? ????NS' ??? every year. ('an j ?P' riced for the md-Wint<r j 1 Smart VELOUH COAT, trimmed f flP  \V^ with Pur, in latest shades and l/t *•— i i VV V tlow T*a.r i J**a N was t h ere .h ¡ 'mart VElOU COAT, tTimme4 I ¡ cot. A nice. 'trm. oosy coat tor ('ver was t into Furs ¡ Reg-any fashJOnerl nohly ¡ thetle wintør days. Priced vert i charm wrougoht into Furs j tined-introduced at prices i low 1\\ i as is to be found m ■ our ¡ iI ibased i on the low cost of t 5 • l\i i ■ 0-2 Gos. ? collecHon, selected fio? the i material bought some time world's best pelts by our a?o. The insp i ration of dlscernmg buyers. a. }e msplra n ¡ | master designers in modes } } Extraordinary savings are j I approve d by "th elite of „ } .,f*Jr g 1 now avai!aMe. Wisdom rove) v eel e 0. f' j Paris are here artistically ??B?????S?????? dictates early selection while Paris are, here arhstwal1y ¡ '¡;¡!:F'ïai '.>;7. ¡ stocks are replete, and indi- ¡ wrought out in j t vidual prderenee mav be  pi reference msv be C? oat. s expert? iv sel? ectj ed. ? 16.? ? C?-? A& S?Tt-v?L? E ?<. S«T?-«R?E<E<?-.?T— .1 may be i i « xper gratified, j! SALES BY AUCTION. SWANSEA. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE OF A MOST VALUABLE AND CENTRAL PREMISES, WITH FRONTAGES 10 TWO IMPORTANT THOROUGHFARES. JOHN M. LEEDER & SON Are instluctcct SELL hv AUCTION, at the HOTEL METROPOLP, SWAN- SEA, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, !)19. at 3 p.m., fctie Valuable Block of FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Qpmin-ising No. 9. FL?MER-STREET, <x-cnp?d as part of the OSK'? of the ?. & S.B. Rail?ny Co., an d the Moavmental Masoa?s Y?rd UNm<cdiat<?y behiad, jj having an extensive Frontage to Kuttand-strcet. Z?7/———— "'331 ?? ?? ? ???? j ? t ? ? A???<????-?-1?????''??—??' ? 3 ?-?????r??i?????-??       ??s???????-?-—<? ??/ ?7/? ?  Particulars an d Conditions of Sale may be obtained in clue course from Messri. Strick and, Beliingham, So licitors, 29, Fishor-street, Swansea; or the Auctioneers, 46, Waterloo-street, Swans ii«. i » ■ SWANSEA AND ST. THOMAS. FftEDHOLD PROPERTIES WITH AND WITHOtJT VACANT POSSESSION. d. Barron Pascoe, ^.S.I., F.A.I., rfceen it\trudd to OFFBR for SALE ? ?UBHC AUCTION. at the HOTEL MBTROPCHE. SWANSEA, onTUES liAt, th6 igth day of NOVEMBER, 1910 (Stitipet t. Conditions of Sale to be there and then prodiiet-dk, the following Vdlu- able freehold Properties Lot t.—The Vacant Freehold Dwelling- .T House.. Nó. 21. BRYN ROAD, SWANSEA, overlooking the Cricket Field; in splendid repair and nicely decoratpd; Central floated throughout. Accommodation: 3 Reception Rooms, Kitchen, Scullery, Bath- room. w.e., 5 Bedrooms. Vacant Pos- eetesion on Completion of Purchase, Lot 2.—The Freehold Dwellinsr-Sonse, Nø, 41, MI EES STREET, ST., THOMAS. Acconaniodatioo: Parlour, Kitchen, Scul- lery, 3 Bedrooms. Sale to commence at 3.30 p.m. prompt. further particulars may be obtained cf —Lot 1, W. Arthur Davies, Esq., Solicitor, I). Rutland Street, Swansea; Lot 2, D. Harold Williams, E^ Solicitor, 46. Castle BaHey Street, Swansea: and with Order to View of the Auctioneer. 1. Gower street, Svansea. ST. GABRIEL'S HALL, ST-. HELEN'S AVENUE, SWANSEA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1918. Mr. Joseph Harris S Is instructed to SELL hy PUBLIC AUC- TION- as alxive. by c2ire<ti<jn of a wdJ-! tnown Carpet Factor, commencing at fl.30a.in. precisely, the Superior Stock o. Carpets, GMaprlaiaz: Hand-wade Miriapore, asulipatam, and other Eastern produ<- rioBs, Superior English Seamless Axmiti- stfer, Brussels and Tapestry Carpets ir. I tsefui sizes and artistic design. A-Iso the Well-Assorted Stock of Stair Carpets, Cor- *idor and Hearthrugs and Mats. etc. Goods on View Morning cf Sale. Anctioncer's Offices: 1. George-street, Swansea. Tel. No.. 469 Dookp. SWANSEA, CWMBWRLA, AND FOXHOLE. Sale of TWO VACANT HOUSES and I other Desirab!e Properties. Astley Sarr.ue!, F.A.I. Has received instructions to SELL by PLU?IC ALCTIUN, on TL ESDA NOVEMBER 18th, lUW, at the HO'il VL, CAMERON, Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Properties and Freehold Ground Rents, No. H8, ALIJCANDRA-TERUACE. BiiYNMIijL, a conveniently situated I Leasold Residence. SOID NIVIlki VACANT PObbESSlON. IN, o. 11. lir-LANDS-CRESCENl, SWANSEA, a well-built t rechold Resi- dence situated in main road with good approach to the rear of the Property tor I motor car. No. 159, ST. HELEN'S-A VENUE, SW ANSL, A, a desirable Leasehold Resi- dence. Nos. 330 and 331, PENTREGETHIN- ROAD, CWMBVVRLA, Leasehold. No 331 is Sold With Vacant Possession. l N '13 2'" 27 2£'0 <.}l 3- 3 r:. Nos. 23, 25, 27 29 31, 33 35, 53, 55, and 57, CAEBRICKS. CWMBVVRLA. II All those FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS aggregating £ 58 per annum, ée- cured upon Nos. 1-10, i'LEASANl- ROW, FOXHOLE, 1-3, LLEWELLYN- HOW, 64-78, FOXHOLE-ROAD. Mines and Minerals are Reserved 1 Szite to Commence at 3 p.m. f Further particulars from the Solici- [! tors, W. G. Christians, Esq., Fisher- ■; street, Swnasea; or Mt-ssrs. Duvirs, 1 ii-1 grixm and Harvey, Goat-street, or the Auolioneer, King's ChambPi s. i Corner of Gower-street and Orchard- I street, Swansea. I LEEKS wX^tt-D IMJIEDUTELr. j GOOD PAY, GOOD FOOD GOOD CLOTHES I The Supply branch Royal Army Servce  ha« a number cf Vamnei" for I 1CLERKS Mr one vcar a?e be-I tween 18 and 45 years For conditions of pay.! etc., apply in writing or person to the nearest Kecruit- imt Office or to the Central Recruiting Office. Great Scotland Yard. London, S.W. Cll-18 j SALES BY AUCTION. Preliminary Announcement. SALE OF: FREEHOLD AND LEASE- f HOLD PROPERTIES IN THE COUNT i BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. I MESSRS. John M. Leedar and Son Have received instructions from the j Executors of the late Dr. Jabez Thomas to OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, in Lots, at the CAMERON HOTEL, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER istb., im9, r te; undcrmcnt ioned Proporties:- I. Freeholds. No. 69, MANSEL STREET, Swansea, let on a yearly tenancy to Mr. Rh.y Thomas at a rental of £ 39. Five Freehold Cottages, 2, 3, and 4 MILL STREET and Nos. 2] and 2; BRIDGE STREET, let on weekly ten ancies at gross rentals aggregating pe; annum .£64 7a leaseholds. Four Cottages, Nos. 100 to 103 inclusive, iRMARTIJEN ROAD, Swansea, let on .veokly tenancies at gross rentals aggre- gatiyti: per an-nilin X72 Gs. Held by lease for a term of 75 year* from March, 25. 1891, at a ground rent ti £ 7 13s. per annum. A Shop and Premises, No. 15, UKJO:\ STREET, Swana, in the occupation of Mr. M. Greèk, at a yearly tenancy at a rental of £60. < Two Dwelling Houses and Premises. Nos. to and 17. GEOIGE STREET, at rearlv tenancies at ad aggregate rental of £ 50. With the improved Leasehold Ground Rents arising out of and secured upon -No., 11 to lb inclusive, GDORCm STREET. The foregoing are held by lease for v term of 99 years from December 25th, 180'. at a ground rent of .£18 per annum. Three Dwelling llonses, Nos. 76, 77, and 78, KING EDWARD ROAD, Swansea, lei on yearly tenancies at an aggregate rental of £ 74. Together with an improved Lease- hold Ground Rent of .£4 arising out of and secured opon No. 79, KINO EDWAHl! ROAD. The foregoiiig are held by Lease for a term of 99 years from June 24th, 1879. at a ground rent of £1) Is. gd. per annum. For Particulars and Conditions df.SaS? and further information apply to Messrs Strick and Bellingham, Solicitors, Fisher- ctreet, Swansea: or to the Auctioneers, 4(5 Waterloo Street, Swansea. GOAT STREET AUCTION ROOMS. SWANSEA. The Entire Furnishings of a late Profes- sional Gentleman's Residence removed from Storage for the purpose of Sal6. Astley Samuel, FlA. f. Has been fiivoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on WED- NESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1919, Vain- able and Exclusive Household Furniture A few of the Items:-Upright Iron Frame PIANOFORTE, Mahogany Book case, Oak Overmantel, Sidebærd, Od: Dining Table, Chesterfield, Eight Dining Chairs, 2 Easy Chir"; Brass Fender, Oak flail Stand, 2 Oak Hall Chairs, Chippen- dale Mahogany Bedroom Suite, All Brw, Bed teads. Mattresses, Overlays, c' I Drawers, Solid Walnut Occasional Table. Oil Paintings, Pictures. Axmin?ter Car- pets, Stair Carpet. Ornaments. Walnut Bedroom Suite, Towel Rail, Pcdest'l. Bedroom Chains, Rugs. Kitchen Utensils, etc., etc., and numerous other articles usually found in a well appointed resi- dence. $ale to commence at 11 a.m. Goods on View Morning of Sale. Terms -Ca,-h. Further particulars from the Auctioneer, King's Chambers, Gower-street. Swansea. SALES BY AUCTION. SXETTY. IN T/IE COUNTY BOROUGH OF SWANSEA. One of the most Desirable Residences in the District, standing on high ground with a Direct Southern Aspect, enjoy- ing Magnificent Views of the Bay and Bristol Channel, and is situate less than 2 miles from th Town; about 5 miuntes' walk from the Sketty Tram Terminus. Vacunt Possession will be given on I Completion. J. Barron Pascoe, F.S I F A I., Has been instructed to offer for SALE by 1rUBLlC AUCTION, at the HOTEL METROPOLE, on TUESDAY, 18th NOVEMBER, 1919, at 3.30 p.m. prompt, the Exceedingly Choice and Valuable Freehold Residence and Grounds, Situate and known as pEnyrheol," SKETTY, together with the substantially-erected Coacii House, Stables and Greenhouses. Also he I SIX FREEHOLD COTTAGES, known as Nos. 1 to 6, PENYRHEOL COTTAGES, L SKETTY, Producing a Gross Annual Income of £78 These Properties will be offered in sep arate Lots. Printed particulars may be obtained of W. Arthur Davies, Esq., Solicitor, 6, Rutland-street, Swansea, and Orders tc View of J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., 7, Gower-street, Swansea. DOLYGARREG MANSION, Distant 3 Miles from Llandovery and 2 Miles from Liangadock, on the Man: Road from one Town to the other. MESSRS. Wm. & Waiter James, FlA. I. Are favoured with instructions from Mrs. Betty, who is giving up residence, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on fli, premises us above, on FRIDAY. NOVEM- BER 21, 1919, the following Valtiable Household Furniture, the Principal Items of which comprise:— Fine Welsh Oak Bookshelves with massive Carved Pillars, Welsh Oak Library Table, Hadnsome Carved Welsh Oak Sideboard, Oak Knee- hole Desk, W-dmit Library Table, I, Large Oriental Carpet and 1 Velvet Pile do., 2 Finely-Carved Hall Tables and a Very Handsome Carver1 Oak Dining Table, Oak Corner Cupboard, Antique Gilt-frame Mirror, Handsome China Cabinet, Old Handsome Carved Oak Knee-hole Desk, Oak Coffers, Antique- Oak Ch est-u poo-Chest. WARE AND CHINA. including a Valuable Assortment of Old China and Ware. LIVE STOCK.—One Jersey Dairy Cow; One Bav Collier Mare, 6 years old, 1-t.r h.h 9 Goats; Poultry; 11 Fine Belgian Harm. CROPS, IMPLEMENTS, etc. Sftte to Commence promptly at 12 noon. Terms: Three Months' Credit on Con- 11 ditions on the Live Stock Crops and Im- plements. Auctioneers* Offices: Swansea and Llan- gadock. -+- -=



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