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"Leader' Classified ? A d vertisements. æ, Advertisements. I "f4. APARTMENTS, Slï-T-ONS-OR, 'I ? WAMTEO, TO BE LET, LOST AMO FOUMO ? One Three Six ? IrM?rtioo. laserttoae. liMertiom? ? N Worda. 1 0 .?. 2 0 ? 0 30 Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 ';¿; 40 Worde. Y'O < 0 6 0 ? FOR $A'.E, TM9& ANNOUNCEMENTS. '< One Three Six tneertion. tnserHone ItMerttotM iM Words.. 1 6 6 3 6 ? M Words. 2 0 3 0 4 6 ? 40 Word«.. 2 6 3 6 5 6 ? WttRTHS. OEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND ? MARRiACES. ? Cm: Threa Six Inaerttoa. Insertiona. Ineerttoof ;J 20 Words. 1 6 3 6 6 0 s, <? Wor<ia. S $ & 0 8 0 <t Wcrda.. 3 8 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. One Three Six .J. ttMernon laseruoas IneertiotM: SO Wov& X 0 3 9 4 6 3() Worde. 2 6 4 $ 5 6 40 Words.. 3 0 5 6 ? 6 ttOMEV.-M. per hM. WIISCiLLLANZOLIZi ;,jn'UAa .Ni:f VACAMT. WOMEN ANO GtRLS. A ?*?0? 'lailoreea ie wanted; aJsc an !<' jnL b.iMe" .tuc??r.—Ap?iy E. Marcu. i?. -t Ucjon 1MA11-& !t CAl),_r>I,ë UeuerLl required ImmeQüL-Gl'y ? ? ttirce m f&miiy; a.¡;es ? it<'rao:?iy..?rb. Jotibo. j.mattiia.mis. Uiti??u- r?.td. itAeTty. 131A11-8 j- ):tAi'l;;RY:=\Va.Dted sm?rt ?s??ant a,.?.' J? to 8M\c through.—WiHiamp Draper. (Jpi?ttus S?imsea_ I56A11-1I ? ?"<OOD Ue?ef?i. able 10 d-) plain ctx?Ku's. ?Jf ema.'i ?anu?y; pob?t:on waiting.—Wjl- lia?n?, 5. Uwydi'-t.errae.?. Uplands, Sw?n- ? sea. 136A11-11   ? y?OOD Girl wa-ated. 18-20: good home i ? Sjf Koc' wAsesto?uit.mtc?irt.—Anpiy Mrs! *"?'owles M Lone-mad. cm;acti ..6?11-?0 — Experi.imd liani,,z n;- l, quired for Wor,l;;roü1'U,-Appb'Janw& J<)n<ti. <)?0. 'oodtein-Htrect Murristcn. y cii-io II. f'I t.itfOR'i.hA.sD 'iypiat. with soiae kno Vviecige 0 of Sookkceping. for ¡ÙerGhfiDt.ó Umcb; &tate a-ge. expei-ien,t," -;aiiLrv leqHed. to "Alpha," DaJ.y Lwdcr.' OtRce. Swall-cn r(HOROUGliLY-ëQíPt)etent-LadY Sho < land-Tvp?t wanted for three hours <hti!y: KOO' education'and references e?en- ?L Write to M P. D? L?dc?? tial. Write to M P.. l. 13SAil-6 toLook aiter uaby vt Boy (8 months) durmg day; Mother .cat Working.-Wnte. "Help." "Leader Oiace, Swan6<'a. 134A11,7 ?TtyA?TEL Staid Worl<)?Hou&ekpp?r or Vt Dcmehtic help: MH?.' family: Kcod home: st?e aRe references. ete.-Deft. l?der peice. Sw?isea.. 1? A .1-10 T-=- '1' bL.; gotx) Mencra! Servant <-nn!J W fan.ily.—Appty Mra Davics b?tch?r 6. Hift't'ect I'ontard?'.ve. CH-6 -?? AJSTED.Experienned General: Good W:>g«; to t:uita,ble Girl; references.- Appiy. Mrs. Mitler. "Bn'ncoed." S-ketty- road. Swa.n'?ea. 13 0- 7 VANfrF,D a cood Genera!: another Tna)d Vt k<-ut-—ApplT. between 5 ana 6. to Mra. tavi. 6_G??dr Ga rde n-. Swa.n'-t'a.. J331 H -6 -'T A!I'EiI immeõiatelv a Lady :-un.- <V vi-or f"r larKG Mannfaeturing Concef ir R<>utt\. Wale.' mnst be cauah!c of hand -n¡: 250 to 3M female workers naat eyper) 'nca esecctml. cx'-eiient prili'pects for thf tI)erl,: -Apply. st-,Ltir.L, a7,, experi- ence. &i sstary to Mox W o- .< eambrta Ditlly le-ider Swa!ieea_ 01 t,& 1.1 7 A ti T i" ,1), N,)verriber 18, tt CeneraY-HepiT bv letter, stating acp. vs.sM ¡Hid nrevious e!)r*erience to Box No 159. ati \1' Offle, 1'28A 11-6 thornurlilr experienced HOI' !<r'<nrtTtaid — Annl:; stating ace. w.aRea reft-cn.eps to Mrs J E Ua.?)e« ')he ,Monnt Gowf!rton. n i26Al.-o 'Y- ÖUGGi.rl Wanted for Tetephone anf) Swanse ? Gene.L.!{28Pital. 136Al1-7 MEN A'<D YOUTHS. T.??RNlMH)!?j. Tr?de.—Wanted, a cood tU. t JT rou" Ma.n for t?e Sw?naca Brancb.— MIt's. Uo?cMtrMt ? SwitTMGa 128AI1?5 L-UB i1iéT'Îli1-{¡-Oils- <-?d Grease?. —AD ,jJU opportunity occurs for a.n Active M.aD able to in3uence buyefs <'f Lubricants, to add oon.-ideiably to bM iacome on a pront sharing basis tvtth a fn'&t class CO!:lP{iTIY of Renners. Blenders, a.nd M<ant!.facturcrs of jLtUbricating OUs and Greu,9s, Every a&si.t- ance givpn.—Communicate in confidence 'your possibilities to Box 94C. Sells Ad\€r- tiBins OlEcea. FleRt-sfect, London. 136A.t'-5 :T.Ë\.J:n:Sü-i'-nce. Agency; a. Good Book Lt for an Active and Steady Man rend ing at St. Thomas—Apply to the District ?a?<iKcr M, St. Helen's-road. Sw&n?a ? 136AII-11 TTTRGE:nTL.YWA?TED '?-SOO Students to L' Qua.Hfv for Existine Va?-arciee Tbf :ti a sptendM opportunitv fo: a Youth he. .tween tho ag:' of 17 and '!4 to ..ec'irp a t"'r Boaueat. ino-ative bertn to'' ''te Lttem utoycd Demob()iicd Sfrvicc "ien wttb a !:no\?ipdi.:c o< Win'let;$ of the Ehould write or call at once.- Tra.iuin!? Co"e!!c. LTd :r, Marv-street Car (tiff. or Cast It, -t rect. Svant-ea TTNM!-?B?DENT Order of Reclmbites—Webt J. Glamorsan D?atr?ct.—Wanted. District Secreta,ry (whole time) for the above Ccn solidatctl DiKtrict. Membership. 6.000 State and 6.000 Voluntary. Applicants must be members of the Order, conversant with ad- mini&tra.ticn of ai: Approved Society a,nd the RcEuIations cf the Ministry of Health: ccrnmcncin? sa!cry .E3CO per annum. Appli- cations to be auccmp?nied with three re. <?nt testimonials tone for State insurance Administration cxteMence). and to he Bf-nt not !?te'- ta" We<tnefd?. th« 12th Novem- ber, 1913. to the District Chief Ru)er. West G!am<rcsn District 28 C-,istl6-istrec-t, Swan- sea. Carivas-in.- wit] be a disquahncation WA-NTED linivediatk,17, Sma.rt Errand u.y; Good WaRea given.—Apply. May- T),ole Dii:,y Co., Ltd.. 236. Oxford-street. {$wa.asM. 136A:1:1 "l.fAXTED, Driver: one with experience .Vt in Marine Store Work preferred; good waRes and eommiasion to euitabt? ma.n.—Box XI7. "Dany Leader." _134A'17 Burners* Exc<-p; W tional opportunity ofTered to 'Jldlled worke.rs on piece fvarh &ijL-APply. Ship- breaking; Co.. Ltd.. Kind's Dock. SwanHea 131AI 1-7 A.NTZD.-Cutters; a Dozcn Paira VT Wanted Urgently for work in D:s. -TnanttinK gHbmarincs.—Anpiy. Shipbre.Lliin7 Co.. Ltd.. Ning* Dee" SwanseaJ' 131Al.7 -U' AÑTE'b Stoker for Anthracite —Apn!y fana!!eT. Ov.mUynfe!! Co!- ttpry UBt.<*r Cwrntwrch 128AJ1-5 "TTtT'AKTM Careta ker for Rhyddtn?? .T V t}!?h Congregatic)ral Church Pwansen-. f '&PPIy to J Roea 32. Lons Oake.a?enue 128AH-7 StTUATtONS WANTED. ".KEEN:enf>riiYonnlr Ma.n not afraid 'jQt. of wor: desirea Position ?a Travet\'r for Eood ftrm.—Particala.ra Box S ?7. leader pSQce. Sv. aTH;ca.. li4Ail-10 SITUATIO wanted a.t Mother' Help G" 0 Housekeeper.—Apply C 2767S. Cambria. Ls-adfr. !'ien,th. ClUJ MONEY. T? LA W 12 London.roa. Neath Makes JE? <-ajh AdTanctt!: froo JE5 and upward)-) f}ablir1f'{i tt16- TC TF you wt&h to keep your aS':ura private. JL do n. t app!v to atranKera. for no ,<Hraa! will lend you c'onev without mak i'QC tnQuiries For a Strictt. Private I.o.'lD &pply to Athert p. Gaeh, 6 Uptanda-cre.coent t C11.1- TTF yo) arc in terui)c>t-,t- Financial ,4L oultc-s don't worry Consult M Fonci. !<. Oarltdt,tet-race Swnnee.). and you m nOt t., ØDrrv 1C6An l3 TF you re(,,uirc a Loan. appty to ?e?' '-r:' Jt- Thomas Chureb-stree (opposite S+ Mary's Chnrch). Swansea. Private and Cor ?_ MfTitui :M' 0NEY to f?nd toRef.pe<-tab!c nou&e. ''H(t ho'dfrt. )'iva<?' T'f) Co'?fdt-r'tta' ,*??'or D Thfp!?s. 6. Watfr??-et.. SwRnse? ? ADVANCES, i? TO ?5.000 Ott wr'tte') promise to reply or any oecuritv L- PriociDa) rcnfa.ins or can b" repiidhy ? or m"!ithty )n*'ta!mfr!t!. no charge of &t)y 4,d t!n)egg bnsine-s done: promptHesa and 'privacy; avoid etpo&ing your reotaireTnenta 'ccaUy.—Trite ofleet Co-npany exiting: 1"'r- E. LAWRENCE. LTD., > f Ben Chambers, Wtne'street, Bristol, j HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR I S&JLE AND TO LET. L'10R 6aie, fwo Substa.nt.atjy built ii-uu-c. JL' situate at Fa,utoi.'y-road. Ciyuacii.— Apply, <jtvy.nnyn, Aiitiago-road, PbiH.ar- 4pv,y, ??-? duiais. !L'"JR MAJ?E toy Tender Leasehold Dweiht L JL huu&e "ClovoUy. Atexaudra-rop.d. C,0rSC!li!)1I hei'd L.tider a lea,t. tur 99 yea,. fruo) 1910. aL,annua1 grouh.j rent ol -CS 7t< Sea.'ed 'lt:ndt:r? to be forwarded on ot b<.fc:'? iaarurd.i? next. ito M.r. Lew.o Pbiliipa. Soi?'i. to- Ua nelly_ 13. 6 FOR Sale, S!l\endidly Bailt House, wtth St.a,bi€ anu Coach-hpu?e cr Ua.r?e; Bod Feddy:g." Arctme-roa.d. Ffc,re fl,.? Lease, 1,:NO ::>eptemlx:r tJJ. biJJ; Ground Rent. 1'4 17s. &d.; let on Quarterly Tena.j:icy of .850 Ki' aiinuiu, Teuna.nt pa,yujg Rutes and 'Iae¡;-À¡>¡¡ly, Rt::gina,:d Rowc. iiiiiside, Morristoa. I F 01-t .1,ALk,, well-huilt I&oderu JL' vaCi: ;1:' poc-,beslion. it) btaiiselton-t-t)ad. t:.e<:fo:L..tiL' H()Oln.o,{.lCh,'u. è UÜL.l'y. \.(I. h.uuf<' 5 UedrufuM path Koom. h {md Apply. VZ, .aw;.eLton-H.l.liaLlse.{Uu. jL*'FORESiyACH. — For Sale. 6-rooim.d ,jL box 1.1, ilcu6e fof Sa.c at JL six aito 5cul4l;l';II and bathrooiN; burxaiu EobO -Cail or l!'reehøld. 5. lt:onc-terralC. \hVlUOW r la. Swap13ea.. ] 31A]l-8 It?OBSALF. 6Rou6e?h) W?imn) street, ?.nd i 4 iioufo iu Jon?s-tfrra.ee; {)Hr!?a'r)- Apply itru'co 23. AlezLaridra-terrace. Bryn. w-iil 123AU-7 Olt SAI-C 2 Ifousei situated at Po.t:a- weil buih: long iease; Io<t Ktcund rent.—Apply 17. P!I,oou-ro..d, Un- Iands 194AIO-6 I j'0R-S-:H.Etwõ-iÍõus.eš'M; Myeydd t I J.. Lnnd&i'c. moderate gnonnd reht: !uJ)K I ypara oi lpa<:e tinexdired —Reply 'I'ï.\YU- Leader Omce ZBAII.6 1UOW to Purcha? a HoMse without cap- JLl ital through Landlo..ti." Rep'aymm.t is the interest.—Apply. "Setler." "Leader" u;1ce. Sv,ar!xGa. TC QT. CEORGE?'TERRAC E.-?For SaX'. Fro<? S T. ho!d' JLi<'u&e. Ko J7- et?n. 'ooma. bath- room including five bedroonic: L-riec- jESOO.— t Write P'r(,,Ohold," Leader CMUce. 1t34AU-lO' TE:-TOÑ-BUPER MARE—For Sa)e. earl.v I t? tjt??e?icn. Attractive Detached V)Ha Reside]2f (I'lcf'hotd); soui.h aspect; oed rp- s'dentiat [position Jnctudi?);: excepftionaily W(;h )&re'scr\'Md Suhetantiat Fttrnit?rf (valued a?, .EMO) n.ine room? ?nd oM?t'? GreenhouM and wei'htocke.i Fruit Harder Modern d)'a)r!p'e.—Write Box G 1/ Leauc? CtBce. Swansea.. 131A11-7 J /C WEI?LY?ir?u7chase JE450 Huuse 'T/ <? any dtatt'iet: oo??ssio'. by arrauKe ntcut.—' Landtord." Lfader. Swansea,. T.C. J. Pugh W'))'sms' Announcentents. 'DLASMARL.—ThrM Four-Roomed Houses pfor &?!e; poll-stoned fronts. "'lTSTR¡\D{iYNLAIs:=f\võ Modern Well- -L Built Houses for Sale. POR-THCA WL. FreeholdmodernSix- -2- Roomed House with large Garden for sale with Vacant Possession. \rEA til .—DGbira-ble?HousosforSaIe?Yn i? Windsor-road and London-road. G1 LYN-E'A'PH-'fhr<:e recent? erectea ?T tifuses for Sale at Cwm?wrach. '!f'HOJ! S-STRErr'-C()m\}Jod ious premiser, i- for Sale fu;table for a Lodging Hou&e TTOUSES for Sa'e in various "Darts* of R L Swansea and Suburbs. I-,VTANTED -o Purchase in or near Swan- I t sea. BUdue! Premiaes; also Good Blocks of Houaea ¡ l\lfÕR'l'UAGEŠ arranged, Sales Conducted, iTJL a?d Rents Collected. Prompt Atten- tion. Reasonable terms YT'OR further particulars. apply to J i Pugh WiUiams. Auctioneer. Valuer. and Estate Agent. 12, College-street. Sv;fn- sea. Cll-7 APARTMENTS AND LODGtMGS TO LET AND WANTED. jOROrKSgiC?AL Gentleman fin town an Jr day) reauires Bedroom.] and SittinK room. \vi'" Board texcen: dinners, in ()o1 II residentL.'J ne¡gbbourh(l(!.J Reply. in ;:be nrst )L stance. riving terme. to Profes. ,ùnal," Leader. Cll-10 ???A?'<? KD. Fiv Redrooirs and one Living Vt K<x)m unfurnished, by Married C<,upi'; WiVl two Httic r'ir)i. —Write cha-r!??d Soldier." Oa?v Leader __l.MA?-11 T?7X?TEb7*hy'Respectable Couple. Ln- T ? fnrn)shed ApartBnorts in Ncatb or Swansea, or District—Apply. P.P.. "Cam bri.a rtaily Leader." Xeath. n_ Cll-S by Jpnuarv t t HopEas with homely 1)ei)plrr by younp' cr.uDle. no children: central position.— .T.T .M.}?il_ lZ8A.11-6 HOUSES WANTED. .{T ANTEP to Rent 6 to 8 room DweHi ? VT Purniehcd or Unfurnished: beet resi. dential section.—Addreso or telephonf ?n:ericM.n Consulate. Swaneea 134A11.1!) BUStNESSES WANTED. SKE:WEN.-wanted. Shop with Living t't Aecoramodation. between TraveHprs r, -'id Crown Hotel; Would C&naiuer Purchase: or Prcnitses suitable for conTerGion: Any Good Locality would be Considered.—Apply. .f. Wilmott. 52. Dootors'-road. Gwaun-cap Gurwen. 13<j.A 11-13 '?.7'NTEL. Fish and Ch'r Business in or YT arnttn<l Swansea: ?oo) price for coint. conceru.—"C.W.S. Daijy Leader. 1?8A! 1-6 6US!MESSES FOR DISPOSAL. T?OR Early Sale. as a. Going Concern, Porii JL- ..and &ecf Business of Davie.? and Co.. ;j. 'HiKii-street. Swan&c.. Central Position, Bare Opportunity; Go;" reasons for Se;! ing: Would Suit Provision Merchant; Leadc; Living Room; Fixtures include Auto Scales. Berket'a Slicer, Cash Register, Ice Sat'e. etc.—Apply. Davies. 115. High-street. Mc-thyr. 136A1 11 Tj'OR SALE a, Postine Business anf) Un<'fr- Ft,aliiiii: ood l!oint: concern 'n n  oua town i*) Pouth Wa)<<: o*' would tp!:e I Pa"?ner with B5(M as Work?ns Manntrer to take charee Can have a!! oarticu)ars.- Write Box S 1&. Leader Onlce. Swangem. 128AI1.12 LIVE STOCK.&c. F- On. SALE.-Gnod Pony; T Yean; Old: I! 3 t' Jenkins, Pen-y-Waun. Midd!e-road. Gendros. 1 ISI-I 11 I- 8 ?j*OR imruediate Sale. tw.? good UoT?s — FL,)wis Bros.. Pontardawe Ch-6 FOR -'SAL E: I& White Lfghom Cockerels; JC Baron's June Hatch. 40a.; Pedigree Irish Water Spaniel Pup. 4 months. 3 Rns.- LIewelyn. Wellneld House. Ammanford -I 136AI1-7 ? EES'R. Large and YcunK Gloucester?ht'e ?jr Poultry; 11s. 6d. each: laying fowls. 89 6d.; cockerels. 6s. 6d. A!sa Working Ferrets.—Neill. Pegler-street, Brynhyfiy: Swanapo.. ?34A_?-'0 _£-6- fach at Bve months old for four c?<t) smal) store oiKR houcht at 5s ea? was one beginner's recor'! after u?r? Karcwoo'1 PiK Po?ftcr? Yu ? cs. do It t<'o; Twelve f.)'* Is- Thomas Chemist. Gor?ein- on. and 0!d Banh Pharmacy. Uane!)y in??6 MtSCELLAMEOUS WANTS. r?AST-OFF Cloth if? of Every Dës t BouKut Parcels gent cash 'r offer. I bv return Attends S\a!)t)ea. Mocdavs — Gi'iia<)'s. Woodbmc." }<'errye-ide. H2A)i-8 ?"'REKS ranted ever PHwood "ize.—.ien. i. ninx?. Ltd. Woodworkers. Pennywpi} ,road. B1ii\!(,J Brat'ch .tt Porthea.wl STC. t/ A!lED-Ax]e for Traction True: tt Fowier 3-apeed Flywheel; Sta.nuhiotiS. Girders. Iron details to 0 Jenningg and Co.. Ltd.. Bris- toi. CII-7 ??7AKTED. a Chip Pota.toe Cart in Coed ?Tv Condition. — Write. Pot.t'r' Leader.' Swansea. _1S8A11-16 W ANI'F J to Pnr-Čbnse aPiano ,SI1 it I 'i fo:- a bejim1c:r: "'11] give £21) to £3{}- Arr)!y. bv lettor to Mrs Jcnes. 10. Y.CPC)!]- ctrpet. s> ¡joma8'd_ ]3\lA11-6; MUStCAL !NSTRUMEMTS. I .rc t Grajid IF'i-an<o)8'5 <?OLLARD and Cc,?Td. Grand Piu.no; 8? L ?' guiue?s, or nearest oUer; owher LeaY- ing the town.—'iorr. 119. \tV&ltc.?'c:Mi, Swansea. 132A1" £; a. c' two Asiurican OrganB at the J' U.hyudu)gs bngiish Cot)grega.ttuna,i Chtii-ch. partico,la.l'iI a.ppiy to J. Reed. 32. Lcug Oaksuvenua. 123A11-7 G -ODFR,E" and Co Ltd. -Si)ecial Ra-rMint in Scc,()nf!.hand Ptauos and 0'ean": t..ric<M fr'j.rj 25gns r-,ew Pianos by uli the leading makers. inclndics Cotia.t'd M'd Col- ia.rd. Wtttor a,nd Witton ?aie& and L< UtiHamead Crame" etc..ctt- PrieegfroM) t-<)n3 ca.sa Terms a.rrana:ed if desired Write for free Uat or <'&Ua.nd make a per. j Hcna.; <:<eetion. —GodfrGy an't Co.. Ltd.. 22. Aelen' s-rca.d.tSwna.sea. 131A11-7 ?'hDf'REY?nd Co' Ltd Pianoforte Manu. ?jr t?Lturprs. have now He-Opened their Repair)!)!; Department PiaJj()g and Orf\n.¡ Thoronrhl.v H(,iOV'ft('d ar.d !!<j- pairpd Et11I)at.ps ¡.!ivel1 Expert Tuncre Visit a)i Partt; o? Watca Ptanola aHd Ptayer I Pianup a S?ecia!ity -Oodfrey and Co., LM.. 22. St. H.cien'f?road. Swansea.l?tAH-? G li-:Üii;PHONE8- Macpincent Inlaid ? lh)rnIeM Cabinet. stunding 4ft. hip-h- new. perfect ton2 and condition throughout Quantity Records: sacrir'e. .63 17" 6d.: Rfnume här:.ain: must eel!.—lf)8 St ilelen 6-roa.d. Swansea, 132All-B 1)IAi'i0 fu' Sale :ura<;ticany new: fu') co'n. t pass: iron frame: maher Dnd" Son ) fr.d Pi:.her: ?60 or near?t offer —W'ite Rnx R )7. Leader OfRcf? 134 A 1?-6 S-\ El'OND-HAND P[a:'cs b.v CoUard a'd C?i ? lard. Spenecr. Monin,:tot) and Weston. an.. oth°t wen-know:) tinker:- tnepecti-.n .E4 4a Ne\ D<.uh!o-Stde.: Recor(it, fro-n Is each; !ar:fe ::tr'ck. L:?'" Frce.—D. J Snell 21-23. High. street Arcade 153AU10 Co-if it%! Ba6Ms' B' V 8oid or Hxchnns'pd Good stoch of V!o- Hns ar'.i 'Cf-Hoe: also Bowh -Sim& 2 W:i). ters ro:id Swansea. 1C9A10-6 rpH()MP<!OXAXD ?HACKELL'S A? t. NOU?CEMEXTS— ?imCA?O Organ. 4 aete of r?eda. 8 :-top«. L ? 2 knee swells; ver? Bne torp. f'?6.— Thomuson and ShackeH. Ltd.. 39, CAe-Ue- strect. Swansea. P-i.ÜOFORTE by Ralph AUtsonT fal! ccm- i lJns. h'orv keys. 50 Kaineae cash. o. oa,iy terms.—ThoTiipEon a.nd ShackeH. Ltd S9. C..a;tlc,, street. Swansea A I.EX_\DRAI)a¡;s.-TI:lrmonium: 12 stops. .i. 4 ?cts of rppds: IH:; powerfu) inatru- me-nt, ruitabl-e for ntacc of worship: -635— Thompson and 8hac-kel!. Ltd.. 39. CaaHe- NOTICES. ) DALLKOCMDA?ClNM.-Lat?tLoDdon JLJ Danc(? t?UKbt. including Tango! altx. ir'ri\ate a.nd Cia? L<es&on-6.—Am;iy Jtrs. Ueoftt'ey Le.vis ?. ?c<.t?<street. Swan. "c?. or at Ihe Centrat Scho?'' of Ua.Hcintf I 22. St. HLJen's-road < Godfrey'a). Swanec? '[33AU.7 /?WMTWRCH?b. J. Evens' Prize Drawing I ? has boen postpom'd to November SSth; Seliers arc reqm.-ted to send Uni'ho'itcs and iuorlic,i David Wiiliam¡;, Pias c()cd, Cwmtwrch. EMJ1.6 C'Ú,\Tu.ur;u KuccMs; Madame b'Iatch<:r. ?/ M.B.P.S.; tezt reading free; send. birth dute and f)t<lmpel e-nYt\{)pe.5. Arcade, Poutypridd, GlauiG.,guii J3?A1!-8 ?A]B'?)H?' \'U)?e'A.t!C. rc-ouire Fixtn'f? \Jt' m Swansea and LIaneHv District: aces 14 to 18—Apply D. E\ang. Garden Vil'ac'p. L!c!'hei"on 134AH-6 :3RO?"MICRAEL. Celebrated Astroioget- 1'? Kerb Physician; Aye?ha, his great psychic Medium. The Rocking Stones ot tVales. Post la. 3d.. birth da-te.-Scrip. tonum. 3j, Queen at .eet. Cf?rdiaf?_ I?AII.D P-: AL.illsTRY":id-Cíajr\ianc-NrJtf"l 1. indian Patmiai,: M years' expcri?ncpin America trance London Austra.ha. F&M! from 56, Cor reBpcfHI ('llUJ invited. —Prof. K:nnt' PIfD.. A.B (11 a.m to '3 p.m.). n. Cccil-st:.ee1. Na.T]aeltoB. 131AH.7 ?AI?tSTRY and Clairvoyancy.—Noted JL Indian "almi;!t 30 years' expenenee in America,. France. London. Australia. Fees from 2s 6d. Correspondence iBvited.-Prof. Kismitt P.H.D.. A.B flla.m. to 9 p.m.). P3. CeoUstreet. MansdtoQ. tZ,B.11-7 L 61?,-RY.-lialftoti Lorry for Hire; Light Lj Haulage arr, descrJ¡Jt!on-Enqnirie3. H. A. Leak. Ml. Oxford-etreet. Teler.,b,)Pe, 431 ? C€ntraL CH_n S- AVE Incojne Tax by Investing ycur 0 Monfy in the Landorc Permanent Huitding Society: Free of Tax; La.rgept Society in West Wales.—Sneremrips. David Hobcrta and Son. 61. Wind-street. Swana. Cll-7 J- we!] fhefofe P11.reh:tsinc:) to call 9.t Hi))'< G()Wef.stN'e, Swansea. 13"AH-8 ''TYPEWRITERS —The ¡;{):>al i Standard Typewriter Ko ii Tht- ana! t'hoJce of a!] discriminating WritinR Ma chine Suyers R(cnt Governnient orderp for over 7.000 Royals yaeiHUM: pro?!ded for inspect) ttg ali other l\k(,8 of Type writpT-a OBce Appliance Company. S;d S-.vat).=ca 011-9 "{f ANTFh by TeH or <J\éiV;T'õéal Art!?tes tv -pini-Proff ..) enlr&!l'P1T,pnt.. onp. two or *hree r)uts!<!f diptrict Drp-! fe'-red. ()nlr nrft d3'!3 offer-! who want' ii,- -W,ite Box T 17, 1S4A11-)0 LOST AMD FOUMO. T OST. on Friday last. between IIigh-etrept ij a.nd Danygraig. bottom Set of 1!'a.1!e Teeth: nnder rewarded on returning same to 25, Yssol street DaHygraig. 132A 11 -6 i??'m ]-oo-r- frOTV, a f,,ple, .It JLj bwl'l. Tho rl>\H! 11 n:'('d Horee about 15.3 hrLnds hif?h. alt d'')-k ooit]):—Return to M. L{.wi.a. PiK;;<-riea Cwrnhwrtu mAIl-8 FOR SALE. DIRKET'S Hacon glicing Machine, nearly J.) new, a,ko Baker's Large Table and trough !longes.). -Offers: P&a&'more. U roeer¡;. 1J4A111O ('HIP Cart for ? S.%Ie: B:oo.! cond't'ot)- ? Wind'or-.terrace Gcraeinon. :134Al1-6, T.OR S.a)e Pony. Hai-nese and Goveruess JL Car. Complete with Aeceseoriea.— Apply. Hradford. H. Oxford.str&et, .??.? ?117 T?OR &ALR.-?.art. suitab!c for Market JL G.3.r(:en?r or Farmer Also. M?ho?nv Top Dach; inspection invited.—M. W?hber. Ferrysidf! North Dock Basin. Swansea ? l?All?l ?<tH.?M'iX)D.—BIockb. Bund!ett. Of- )?Me? L Sack?. Also a f?rn'e Cmntity cf Timber ?u?tab'e for bu;idinK Sheds, etc Also GotiernI Ifolil.,ige done.—M. Webbed Ferfystde. North Dock Basin, Swa.ns<M. I 134AH-11 f 1 SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I I I.. .< ——————— ———.——— .-? ? Please publish the above advertisement.tioMs, for trhich I enc)ose *a d. ? Name and Address: ''f desired, replica may be ecnt to Box Narabere a.t the "Cambria Daily f Leader" CiSce. j I Thia forio shoold be addressed to Advertisement Daptn'trncnt, "Cambria Daily i g Loider," Swansea. < I LA VISITS NOW CLOSING I must soon bring my visits to 8WAN- sea to a close, it you desire my help you must take advantage of this, your I last opportunity, of securing relict. When 1 i&ave Swansea I canaot return I until 1923. Mrs. CLARA E. SLATER I V¡¡ts SWANSEA &n FRIDAY ) NSXT, Nov. 7th, at the CENTRAL HALL, Orcnard Street. Houra: 1 to 4. Also Vistta Newport, Wednesday, Nov. l:Mh, Park Rail. Carairf, Thursday, Nov. 6th, Cory HaH. Abergavenny, Monday, Nov. 10th, Gold Lion Hotel. l. liüsday, Nov. 18th. Angel Buildings. Ruptures, women's -internal Weaknesses, Mtspiacements, etc., eurea and rehewcd Mfitimut operati.;ris uf Internal tnstruments. Spec'ai treatmem fcr Ftaatjns Kidney and Vayicott Veins. Write, enclo&in? Zid. stamps for posta.e. for JSew illustrated Boo!<l€t, 'WKY SHOULD ?OT HE WORJS, to Alrti. (nar& E. Slater. Dept. FM, CrcmweU ilcuse, Rish Holborn. London. W. C I THE BRITISH SA!LOR'S !M. PAT!ENCE with sunny shies of perpetual blue is proof that our changeable climate is I not so had to live with after all. It I often rains, of course, but there is an easy remedy for that at KENDALLS, Umbrella Specialists 26, Castfe Bm)ding$. Ca!t)« Street (opp. Woolworth's). Swansea. ?''?'' W ? B S ?'' ??'? TRADE A RT1F1C1AL Legs, Ar?aa. Hands, Crutches. A etc.; ComfortuMe Fit and \Vear.—Teet! .monia.i& from all parta.—Alien Pf'arce, M. Uta¡ ¡e:õ-stl'eet, CardiN. 136Âll.b A FUS? Vauety of Boys' and Girls' An ?' 1 nual.. i?ctura SootM. Reward Books. I Biblea (Sco)ie!d and Teachers'). Fountain Pens. Styios. PuMM and Wallets. May be ,-(-cii at Enoch's. 17. Hiah-sti-eut, Arcade. Swansea Heal Barsaius in Bibiee. 1SAM-8 A LFRED 'lElŒ¡S. the expert' Ladies' 1: and Uenta' Cut-ter, has the m<Mt beau- tiful seiect'tOn in Ladies' Oostumes. Gems' Suits, and Overcoats; Perfection in Cut. Style, and Fit.—5, Cradock-6ti-ect, 8wana. 1Z5A11-10 AMMANFORD.—AU Season's Reotnre- ?t- men La Aasortment of Hor?f-otippine Cartridges—mey'a (\xm-cb's, and CurtM an.) Harvey's: Bedroom Suites Tablo Lamp-. U Lt ManUes. Fenders and Irons, an' Cutier.) —Harries'. FurniFher. and Iron 0 onr,'er C<1-C ALARAi CLOCKS: Another Large CalLi]n ..t1. ment Jut arrived; beet make; 5 years ¡;L:rante'J with each watch.A Joseph. Jewel. ler. 20 ficathfield-atrect fnext to ButHn't:). J29A11-? 'DACOK. Smoked Drafta; cut from sides j.t IQ-l&ib. weight; who!e, Is. 10d. per ib.— Da.i€s and Co., Pork Butchers, iiiglt-street. Swansea.. 136A!I-11 :) RUí:m:J.:i) Woo! BraiA for Ladies' Mr I) iinery All the itcadinj? Shades now m stock at John Richards. Draper. 2. Uradock-street, Swan&ea 136AH.11 ? ?111'?? at any PricE'i Ciearinp.-?out Sa*!c at 1 C, BauhtJtd's. Portiand-strbct Don't de.' lay Et,,tire Stock mu<-t be cleared. 134AJ1-1Q! Ii URS Remodelled; by õü-l¡rcce.. we a.T{: JL able to make 0!d Furs look tike )./ew; j AH the Latest Styles in Fur Coats and Sets. ) —Tennens. 5. Cradock-street. Swansea. l?A??O TUAV? your Roots Repaired at the Nt'w II -i-JL B-(J Sho? Store. Uoat-street. They do them 6r.tpnd:fUy?-so neat. 136A11-U ? S?L?'K?LK'S Winder Sale.-MO Smart j jr Gents' Overcoate; Sale Price. 65& worth 80s.; 3M Ladies' Blanket Coats. 558.. worth 75s.; Maids' and Boye' Ra'or<?'. from Us. JJ6A11-L )!J.OPULAB Sweety.—The Doctor to:d JL Mother Nothing could be more whole- some; only 4s. 41b.; Id. per oz., &t Ueaddon'a. Swanse.a. H6A!1-H ë AFES (Fire R?istinc). 20 to 48 inches C? high. for S?Ie At ?i-,n o pair S?n. Windinx Engicec; Stpam Wagcne: Pu'mps.—Birt. 47a. Strand. Swansea.. CH-18 QIDNEY Palmer'a wen-known Cakee and Cj Pn!'í;rH" are made of best ,ng"e!fienti" on;y. Wending and Birthday Cakes in Etock and made to order Noted for 'T'(:a. pur; Co, I Lil -iclieoi:s.- llilnier'(i Cafe. OtJOO- I cite Empire and Rranchcs. 132AI 1.-0 1 ?UR(J]CAL Appiianpes.—TruBsea. Spray?. 0 Enemas. Sun?eonB' Eubher <oT€<! f'nd SurKica: Rnbhe) <!ood<i of every description Writj fo)' Ca.t?!o(?ne. sent po<;t fr?e.—? Hraa?p')' Sure:' f.) <).. L?d Dcpt n V ). ')0 nnd ?? Worcppter-ftrpft 8nm i n ?a?n. T.C. ,-t7 N?C5?E BrRT'S ?1] CrpaT' Wa!nut and ?.J Ai?oD I TofFpes are no-.? op ?a? at his Oxford-?trper Shop. Pre-wa.r auatity. TY First and the Best. 128AH.$ EDUCATtONAL. TpRIVATB TUtTiON for London Matr!(- JL and all the Vrofc,,Eional PrcUm Ex- ama. Shorthand and Booh-keet)ing rap}d)y tauKht at L)sh!naft')t Cca<'hinn Co!!eg:e. 40-41. <oopo8ito Castie Cinem-t) Swanpoa. TC S-ïfõttrrHAND and Typ?wnting; Private )J Tuition at Moderate Tern?.—For par- ticulars. apply Miea Hall. 2, l,oseand-ter- ra"e, St. Thomas. Swam:rt\. 134A11.1) MOTOR CAHS, CYCLES. &c. ri Olt Sale. Ford 5-Seater Touring Oar; good i' running order.—R. ttodgcuK. Adelaide- street. 12?-A?-6 !T.'OR SALE 3-whcek-d 2-&Mter:O.H Ja? f euEinc. chain dri c: excellent order j iu?t ovcrhauied.—Ba?ett West End <j!or<e b,on HOAll'7 1/OR SALE. 2-seater -Ford6ar-ilji4 Ford r Van 19. Enlisb body tB fir(;t-clasS condition -Dd JotXM and Sons. Authorised Fot'd Dea.iers, The Ga.ra;c, Amn'anford 126A11-6 A.EC ROAD TRA.NSi,(),f EXHIBITION. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL RALL. LOiNDO. NOYEMI1E!l 40th, 1919- SEE OJR EXHIBIT. MEW A.E.t jCHASt-UP SUPPLIED DtRE<? 1? BY US "TO USERS ARE EXAMiNRD UtEK TWICE A YM/ We can Erive good deUverv to the follow: 5'' and 3& f>c[\ter Charabancs, with taner Hreamiim. bonnet, and dwsh; Also 32-seater Saloon 'Busca. 4-ton Lorries wit': hydr:tu))( tippinf? ccar Tfrms—Cash or Offfrred Payments. NOTB.—A)! A.E.C. Chassis now supplied by U9 ha:YC tb' improved tync 50 h.p Tytor en cine f]ttc) Don't buy Ar/nv nisposa! A.E.<3.. hut the nfw and giiarantcoj ell n,w fron. Tttomtis Wh'te and Co Barry fTel 321 J, the I So!e Soot! Wa!'a OtattrihutinK Agenta for A.!<0 Commercia! Vehif-)<M 01] 20 PERSONAL. DA BY Boy for Adoption for Love Only. JD 57, Tudor-road.?C.ardi)?_136A11.7 Tr?f?'Unct? Bert'f" ToS'ee Shop there is j. "Sta' dif)'. HoonB 0"!y Uncle Rert &nd hi.. Sen thank yon fot your help You are f'Qtfix 'Yon: Bit" aa we did vut's Thanke! Swanuea Thanks" FURNtTURE. XJ P N'I'f 'U It f fe Priue?A givpn JT for ?Mo:)fi-hand ?ur:ture and Antinne Fu"niturp of any description Dron me a costcatd or caH.—Wm J?mee. 8. Fabian. <?t;eet St Thomas CT.C TLfANI?OM'? RanKe of Bedroom S)'itM. -fi. Uin'n.' and Drs..?in? Snitea: caah or easv tert!!6.—Hill's. Uower-Etrect Hwa.neea: 14. Wi)?dso)-road. Neath. :SA1)-10 T"B?CY Furmture New?or Becond.h&nd.- ? Sei-Mn. 2?9. Hish-etreet. Swansea, <'? ??TCHEN T?les for Sale: be6t"maA:e' ?- 7 to be cleared at a to v price.—Apply John Richards. 2 CradQcL-street. l36AU*U


