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;j; "<  bTR IK E VEII THE DAILY in mr l gift R a IL R DAILY MIRROR Returns to the Home. BACK AGAIN! IN hundreds of thousands of homs a JL favourite of the household which has been missing now returns to make joyous the entire family. As in the Great War a favourite face was missing from the fireside, so through the exigencies of the great industrial struggle through which we have just happily passed a favourite feature of family life had been banished from many home- steads. That favourite is the Daily Mirror. Unique efforts were made to meet the emergency. The Daily Mirror alone amongst the daily newspapers instituted at tremendous cost the first newspaper aero- plane delivery in the history of the world. It was a magnificent service, but it could not serve all centres, neither could the great road service of motor lorries inaugurated by the Daily Mirror reach all districts remote from London. All's well that ends well. Once more the Daily Mirror is on sale throughout the United Kingdom. Once more the Daily Mirror will be algftie in giving you all the news, all the pictures, and many popular features. ORDER YOUR COPY TO-MT. c..¡., c. ,t.\ ). '); ;J/r' 'T :'A   Wast e dI'6th Indigestion. SJeepiess, Nervoi's, and Pain-Worn, but Giarsd by Dr. Cassefl's Tablets. Jtrs. White, 5, Headcorn-road, Totten- Itara, London, N.17, s&ys:—" I have no hesitation in flaying that Dr. CaeselFa Tableta saved my life- I had peen a sufferer from indigestion more or low for ytfirs, but last May a rery severe attack tame on. I dared not eat; the least morsel made me suffer the most terrible pain, and wind formed all round my body. setting my heart going like an engine. The pain went right through to my back and round my side too. At all times I was tortured with headaches. and mt nerves were in a dreadful state. Another trouble was sleeplessness; fpr weeks o4 end I never seemed to. get any sleep at all, and I went as thin as a shadow. I had doctors' medicine and other things, but nothing did the least good. One day I simply collapsed with the pain; T tmJw thoucht I was dvine. It was then ?_.cm- v Dr. Cassell's Tablets were got for me. I can truthfully say they helped me as nothing else had ever done, and I regained my health rapidly. Now I eat what I like and nothing hurts me. I may add that I give Dr. Cassell's Tablets to my children, and they never tost me a penny in doctors' bills." Dr. CasselFs Prices- 1/3 & 3/- I (the 5/- size being the more co now ical). SoldbyCtaemista in all parte of th* world A.sk tor Or Oatsell's Tablets atyl re- fuse sabetitatee. Tablets Dr. Cammlls Tablets are the reootniscd home Remedy for Nervous Breakdown SIHPIIMMU Wasting OLMSSM Nerve ParaIY313 Anæmia Palp tatjan Infantils PtMtyttt Kidney Tpoublo Vital Exhaustion Neurasthenia Indigestion Nervous Debility Specially valuable for Nursing Mothers and during the Crltioal Periods of Life. also after Influenza. I FREE !NFORMAHM ae to f he <su.it-1 ability of Dr.i Pamell*sTablets in your O,?  eenton re q awt. i Dr-Ca-eeeU's Co. I LtJ. Cheeter- Road, Man- I hester. Supplement the fresh milk your dairyman can send you, by using unsweetened IDEAL MILK of which there are ample supplies, 15 per cent, richer IN CREAM than required by U.S.A. Government Standard. Diluted, replaces freph milk, undiluted instead of cream, except It Won't "Whip." HD. 0 £ D. Per Prices XI & 0 Tm PACKED BY NESTLE'S, and Sold Everywhere c: UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA and H.R.H. PRINCESS LOUISE. y •' Madam Motyneux et Cfo, of 24, Motcomb Street, Belgrave Square, g,W., B tp announce that on October 7th, 8th and 9th, they will 41101d aa EXHIBITION of New Autu4n and Winter v Mode!?, Day < and Evening Gowns, Coats and Skirts, Wraps, Millinery, Furs, etc., ai the HOTEL METROPOLE, Wind Street, Swansea, a solinit Visit OIl Inspection, i ra) "¡E:1EJ===-==m DEE & ESS I j COCOA ESSENCE THE FINEST B FOOD BEVERAGE I | IN THE WORLD H I Sold by all Grocers ? nj Manufactured by I I MAZA ATTEE TEA CO., LTD. I

 The Day's Gossip. The Day's…






