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.—.———-———— t (Continued from Parte 1. ) TVyT~ K/ERST— Delivering B?rrow?. Whisk Machines, Peels, | Tin?, etc., at low prices.—.ts, Mill-lane, Cardiff. TfvvEBY Man his own Brewer. Herbs, real herbs only, r are used in the preparation of TrimmeH s Herb Beer, which is pure herb beer, than which no finer teniperance drink exists. Sixpenuy packet makes six gallons.—\V. Triranell, Herbalist, Cardiff. • 1 T"]iUKNITrnKo £ eTeiyd7scrii>tion. £ 54 00 in value to II select from, on the Hire System strictly privact. The Largest Premises and Stock out of London.—Atlas Furnishir.s; Company, Limited, Hayes, Cardiff. 141c FEMALE Corrective Nlixture succeeds after all others JT fail not a ouack medicine.—Pearson, Chemist, la, Caroline-street (50 yards from St. Mary-street), Cardiff. 196 -F UR-NITURE removed at Is 9d per hour in covered van; country work done.—Jones, 4, Mountjoy-road, New- port. 99_ G1L"\ZIXC1  Linen like China without polishing irons <jr (guaranteed), including stigeniDg process 6 staurw ".?0 testimnnia!3-M?d!.me. 421, Heron-n?d.Twtcke?h.tm IF you are married, or contemplate taking this impo tant "tep we can send you valuable inforinatio? which you ought to know. Send your iMress.Md we will ?,en4 ca.ta. ;o?ea.ndi?mph'etfree.-AddressH. C. Kerr, We=>t-hn., Wandsworth London. 737 IS your Watch wrong The nest and cheapest Shop III Cardiff for the repair of watches of every dejcrpuon, English or Foreign, is 33. Castle-arcade (third shop from C'astle-street). Proprietor, James KelT, for 10 year* witn Mr Spjridion. Hands, ulassos. and keys titted. 12 ? tr\?.)UE]M. F?iHons. Circular Tents, also F!a.ss. for ?1' H.re, eisteddfodau, horticulture hoY;s, picnics. Apply ,T0I1,1(;:0.11 Jones, Swunsea. 47c PAVING —Granite Cement Paving from 33 per yard for footpaths, stables, warehouses, etc.-Tunks, Mul-iaiie, Carditr. 2S3 OAf-iSAr-iKiLhA Compound for the Spring: clears the n ?in t.urine? the b[ood; purely herbal Impost. Is id Trimne! The Herb.dist. M o ira-terrace, Crdity. 2 ?HOPFitt?.?hop FroutsT Oflice -Cou,-iter,.et,. ? desiKn??n?stim??s??.?ink??Ii?????''? ? r1'OB-ACCO:\¡ISTs-m.ffiiDg, see Illustrated Guide. 3d. iHowM open respect?; ?20 to ??, i,?0. -Tobacco n 1;,t.i; ()u'Lti' iCe? 1*? 6 rt i ston.od, t,o.,Iou. 10 Outfitting Co. fRe?d.). 136. Euston-o?d._Londof- 10 fI ro V/h'jnTit nviycmcern, Mke notice, for a RoodTe? or t CiDner go to M:ss M. Mo'?n'3 RcsMUMCt. Queeus Arr;h- 2S¡ r.p1 EUSSES,Beiuriieg Irons. Arms. Legs Made, Vitted, oi-?ep?u'ed.-Atten Pe??e (0?7 audreis), 13, The P"uùe, Cardiff. Hours, 10 to 4 °? ? ?7'ATCHESr C!.Mks. and Je???ellery properly Repaired at low cost.-Strong, lS. C -stie -roiCai7?iiff. K.e FimSuStf on our new hire Hire System. Houses or F lJ;e:fs 1îC\lgr;i;dyel' \lU:e adopted s?tcty by us. whereby :dt publicity, exposure, and inquiries usu?iy made by other con¡pa.nÎes are atspf-n?d with. We have imme,?t?e stock of Hom:l1old Furniture of cheap and superior quality. A1 lgoods sold on the Hire ?Mem at ready-money prices. We make no extra charge o: *r?dit, and nH oods sent home in a p?ivate van free c:JM;;e. 2\0 stamp or agreement hárbe3 made "0 bill Ot s?ItT; everything private. Arrangements completed vithout. ,elay, bein,? manufacturers, ?e guarantee quality, add will undertake to nppj.v furniture, etc.. at 10 per cent, less than any price-list issued by any linn in ca,(7,?fT. ?, showroom. Cat! and inpe(-'l our im- ajense stock, and compare price" before purchasing else- where. We wii! supply £ 5 worth for 2* 6d ee' 'ay £ 10 rrorth. 4s weekly £1 worth for 5s wee,?iy £ 29 worth, 6s weekly, and so on in proportion. Special rerms for larger quantities. Please note id(Ire- ? :-Soutii Wales Furnir.Ui jg Company, 51, CasTls-street (oppocite the Cas:}. Card if?. —. j .?,?  .———.——?- OLY 1-: Ã-" :r L £'TC'Ÿ=-rrivt\t;anemnt;- l::xpcrie:.ced b-n (London Bankruptcy Court) effects s pc,dy nr slalf usual fees.—Owen Davie: 11, Tudor- road, Cardiff. 511 FREEMASON, out of employment, needs B)5 to save his household furniture. Can anyone assist ? -Send C 66o, Echo, Cardiff. &>S Y. anl v"rious smaller Slmos toe investment on mot p?r Ad. .a t.. Newport. 703 O BILLS OF SALtl NO PC hi LICIT MOXE? LóNT ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE, in Sum.- rom £ 1:0 to £ 3.000 The National Mercantile Bank, B?.wiu-street, G stol.—The Directors of this 01.1 established, wen\{nown offiet having large available funds, oter unusual facilities to all respectable and trustworthy persons who require either temporary or permanent assist a;)?' Cash in amounts from £ 20 to E3.CUU is advanced m all parts of the kingdom, without sureties, delay, or pub- licity, and on the- security only of the borrower's written promise to repay. These advances may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or Quarterly instalments, extending over a period of time convenient to the borrower, or the principal may re. main so long as the interest is paid. No bills of sale, taken, and the transactions are not published in any newspaper or gazette.—Apply, stating amount re uired, to Mr T. C. Niii Durn General bnJ.zer. 573e ONEYl—The DIUECTOKS of 1. S. FIELDING &nd ?1 CO., LDln'ED, ADV ANCE DAILY sums from £ 3 to £ 1 COO. METHOD OF BUSINESS EAIll INTEREST. EASY REPAYMENTS. NO DELAY. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. NO SURETIES. Trade Bills Discounted. Prospectuses and particulars free.—Apply to Secietary, THE HAYES BUILDINGS (Side Entraiiee-neir Batchelor s Monument), Tl- HAYES. CARDIFF. 14e ADVANCE aA NK, 19, QUAY-STT Vv CARDIFF. :3 to E.100 can be obtained on the same day a3 applied for by professional gentlemeo, tradesmen, farmers, cowkeepers and householders. App¡icaat may rely on t]" Iri,-test secrecy being ob. urveù. Cbrgf\ moderate, and no enqrry or c-,??er fee5 charged unless cash ?<lvanoed. Country applications attended o without delay. Apoly personally or by lettt to  ME° L/ JO?KPH. COMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK, 19e 19. QUAY-STREET. CARDIFF MONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE 'nLjrOXEY LEXT ON XOTE OF HAXD ALQXE DOc ice. No charges unless Cash advanced. No ob eçion' ">18 inquiries. No genuine application refused. ?'? ? "? lette only to J. WATERS, 15, ALFRED-STREET. 63e N f-ATH M" R J. P. THOMPo N 71, ADAM STREET it CARDIFF, 15 STILL ADVANCING MONEY FROM £ 3 UPWARDS TO HOUSEHOLDERS, CAB PROPRIETORS, DAIRYMEN, AND OThEllS, ON THEIR OWN NOTE OF UAXD NO FEES. NO DELAY. Office Hours, 9 to 8 Wednesdays. 9 to 2. 22e  ?ui?ung ?on?MS. S. FIELDING & CO., LIMITED. L CAPITAL £ 60,000. REGISTERED OFFICES, IIA-1 ES BUILDINGS, THE HAYES, CARDIFF, Are receiving deposits in sums of not less tlian;CIO upon the following terms (until further notice) :— Oil demand, at 4 percent, per annum. At Three months' notice at.. 5. 11 11 At Six months' notice at. 6 At Twelve months'notice at 7 „ For further particulars apply personally, or by letter, to the Secretary, at the above address. 8210-151e Reversions purchased. Annuities arranged. 14723 A WOMAN who has 16 Children can Save more money than a Woman with only One Child if she trades wich us for Boots and Shoes.—How do you make that out, old man ?—For a. woman with only one child can only save about 10 per cent, which is only 5d on a 4s pair of boots, while a woman with 16 children saves 5 16 — 80d, or 6s 8d..Should this catch your eye, remember that we save every buyer ten per cent. from regular prices, and are the Head- quarters for Family Boot Trade. The grandest window disp!nv and variety in CanHff LA-DIES'DEP?,kl'.T-'?IE-Nl*. Mothers with growing daughters, who really require women's size boots, at a price, come and see what j I am to do at 3" lid. A large lot of Ladies' Walking Shoes left on Stock to be sold cheap to get them away. A magnificent stock of I.adies' Boots from 2s lid. Boys', Girls', and Children's Boots, Shoes, and Slippers in emiless variety, from 2^1 per wair. MEN DEPARTMENT. To the Dowlais Iron-workers and Working Men, "time and see the Nailed Boots I sell at 4s lid. Splen- did solid Lace and Elastic-side Boots, 4s lid a grand variety of Walking Shoes, 4s lid. REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. I do the largest repairing trade in Cardiff. lean, rod do, give better materuil than small shops, who buy ,heir leather in small quantities. By division of labour do feats in this department—Sole and Heelin Twenty Vlinutes. A comfortable waiting-room, slippers, books, .lewspaper^, and even a ;pitoon for smokers. Ladies'' Boots Soled and Heeled, is 6d Men's, 2s 6d. Now he careful about the right shop—On the top of IheliHl, opposite Old Noah's Ark" and Spiller's Mill, mtl mv name is— II ill, 245. BUIE-OTMSET' CARDIFF BRANCH SHOP— 50, THE ST RAX D, IERNDALE. Large Stock on Hand at Cardiff Prices. 77 il -9-7- E-TINGS POWDER." .V. Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles"! ".ITEATING'S POWDER." i_\ Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. "XT'EATING'S POWDER." Beetles IV Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles H KEATINGS POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. EATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. -this Powder, so celebrated, is perfectly unrivalled in N I O T H -?, BEETLES, and Ipvtroying BUGS, FLEAS. MOTHS, BEETLES, and ill Insects (whilst perfectly harmless to all animal life). All woollens and furs should be well sprinkled with he Powder before placing It is invaluable to take to the Seaside. To avoid disappointment InSist upon having 11 Powder." No other Powder Is effectual. Sold only in tins, 6d, Is, and 2s 6d. Beware of Imitation. Don't be deceived. WORMS IN CHILDREN. WORMS IN CHILDREN, ue easily, surely, and with perfect safety v-ot i-id of by using KEATtNGS WORM TABLETS. Nearly &II children suffer from Worms). If suspected, do not wait. You can with ease cure the child (has no effect except on worms. Sold by all Chemists, in Tins, Is ll,' (I each. 11809 41e E A D E'S piLLs. ADE'S  All who suffer from Gout 2J JL or Rheumatism should T^ADE S ~[)ILL3. immediately have recourse ? JL to EADE'S PILLS. Hun- ADE'S OILLS. dreds of Testimonials have been received from all TRADE'S TRILLS. sorts and conditions 0; ? | men testifying to the TRADE'S OILLS. wonderful power these *? I Pills have in giving relief In the very worst cMes. These Pills are purely vege table and perfectly safe in their action. INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT, PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACE, AND LIMBS, And have the largest recommendation ever given any Patent Medicine of its class. IMPORTANT- TESTIMONY FROM WALES COULD NOT SLEEP FOR PAIN.  OUT 2, Dewinton-terrace Llvrynypb Rhondda R ?i_?f A T I S 'I Valley, South W?es. RH E I., Sir,—Your Gout OUT Mtd Rheumatic Pills are t -g- a famous -emedy, ö nd one R H E U .M A TIS .t of the bes I ev'el: came -*— across. My wife has been OUT troubled With Gout in her <' hands for twelve years RTJ 1/"j- A T I S M RndthenainwMa.lmos? unbearable some nights j-* niTT 1 she could not sleep for f P?"- Iresolvedto try a IMPJ i B C M A T I S.M bottle of ycnr pills, and ??y surprise, after she -? three doses, the ')ain left her hands. .y^^ ?e&t boon to m?kin<1. by the bles?ng ot o ?1 make what u.e you like of  WAKELIN. CHARJ,ES "A Mr George Eade, 72, Goswell-road, London, E.DE' (:OCT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Are sold by all Cnemists in Bottles, Is Hd and 2? CJ:.J or sent post. free for postal Order by the Proprietor GEORGE EADE, 72, Goswell-road, E.G. Ask fpr and be sure you obt'tin, EADF", GOT, 1 A.> D RHEUMATIC t'n.f.s 14527 5524 60J A D E p I I., L S." ^publir I i1ublít J\mnSJ. 1 CARDIFF. T 'IIEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Sneclnl p.ngagement for Six Nights only, commencing I MONDA y. April 25th, 1892, of Sir AUGUSTUS, HARRIS'S COMEDY COMPANY, under the manage- ment of Miss Annie Osborne, in the successful Farcical Comedy, in three acts, entitled THE LATE LAMENTED, or NICHOLSON'S WIDOWS, By Fred Horner, as played to crowded houses at the* Court and Strand Theatres, London, for over 200 nights. Preceded at 7.30 by the screaming farce, A SILENT' WOMAN. THE EMPIRE^ MANAGER .OSWALD STOLL^ TO-NIGHT MiSS LILIAN PRICE, The Dancing Girl from the Gaiety Theatre, Londo'ft. First Appearance in a Provincial Variety Theatre. CADDY AND MULLO, Comedia.ns. JAMES TAYLOR f (The original "Simple Simon" and "Sarah Walker") With his Celebrated SKETCH COMPANY IN 'SIMPLE SDWN." I T;nes Taylor not long ago was in such demand as a 1 comic vocalist that his services were sold by auction. MISS ROSE SULLIVAN, The Irish Colleen." WILL CRACKLES, I removed it." GRIFFIN AND WILKINSON, Pedestal Dancers. LASTLY, LEO N I CLARKE, WITH 170 CATS, RATS, MICE, CAKARILr, RABBITS, and COCKATOOS. In the Entertainment which IUde such a. deep impres- I sion recently that special arrangements nave been made for this return visit. NEXT WEEK— FRED. W. MILLIS (The Austrian Ventriloquist), PAUL LANGTRY. etc\ S27 QTL N D r | l II E A T. R E ?R'? N D r? HE A T.R E x I OF FOR ONE T\ EL'K ONLY. .r. v'" \T' COMMENCING MONDAY N EXT, MAY 2ND, j^TV ]•] R M O R E R O T H E II S' WORLD RENOWNED ¡ 0 O U R T 7^ I N STEEL S, I En C'ootuiae" G;;OIIGC II. 35 STAR ARTISTES. :35 ¡ In a New and Original Programme Replete with Novelty. SUPERB DOUBLE CHOIR OF VOCALISTS. CHARMING IXSTRL MENTAL1STS. UNRIVALLED COMEDIANS. INIMITABLE DANCERS. THE ZENTOS, most Wonderful Trick Bicyclists and Champion One-wheel Riders of the World. J. H. HARTLEY, the Prince of Orators and Famous Banjoist. Mons. TRILLO, the Royal Ventriloquist, in his re- fined entertainment, as recently given by him before H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and a distinguished party. Also, DAVE CULLINGS. the Inimiiable Musical Comedian, altogether forming the greatest Combination of Minstrel Artistes ever brought together. GRAND ILLUMINATED DAY PERFORMANCE on SATURDAY, May 7th (equal in every respect to the Evening). Doors open at Two, to commence at 2.30. Prices of Admission Private Boxes, 21s and 10s 6D; Dress Circle, 3s Upper Circle and Stalls, 2s Pit, Is Gallery, 6d children half-price. Doors open each Evening at 7.15. Commence at 3. Early door open at 6.45 (to avoid the crush), 3d extra to all parts. Box Office at Messrs Thompson and Shackeil's Music Warehouse. 9HC-— 9Co r | _NEVv PORT rp H E jg M IRE. .\I.INAG"-l OSWALD nTOLL, TO NIGHT. WALTER BELLONINf, The remarkable Juggler, with the three eever nogs.  AMY HEIGH'T, ?'' I ?? HUGH DEMPSEY, The Octoroon. ) Irish Corned.an. Little T.evite'S I TANDEM COMPANY. HARRY STEELE. By Jove, I nt-, Lily down asrain. LILY LANDO, "The Gold Moth." THATCHER and LEOPOLD, Musical Comedians. PAUL LANGTRY, Coloured Comedian, Vocalist, Dancer, and I\ltcrer. NEXT WEEK. J MI-S LILIAN PRICE, The Dancing Girl from the Gaiety Theatre, London. One of the original I'as-de-quatre. VICTORIA THARE, NEWPORT. FRIDAY, 29th APRIL, 1892, ?? THE GUV'NOR, By the Newport Comedy Ciub. V nder distinguished patronage. Plans and seats at Mullock's. 770 AN AMATEUR MUSICAL AND DRA A, MATTC ENTERTAINMENT will take place at <aWest?te Assembly Room, Newport (by kind per- mission of Mr Dean), on Friday, 20th May, in aid of Funds of Newport Infirmary. Although the plan will not be on new at Mullock's until to-morrow (Saturday), tickets are already rapidly being sold. Intending sub- scribers are advised to book early. 97e  SWANSEA^ j rp H E ?l P I R E. THE E 1\1 P IRE. (LATE 1'J. HLION). OSWALD STOLL. I 3IA:GER To.;iÍä ii;I" OSWALD STOLL. under the samemar.aganent and worked in the same manner (1"S THE EMPIRES, CARDIFF AND NEWPORT. There will be TWO COMPLETE PERFORMANCES EVERY EVENING. THE FIRST PERFORMANCE will take place be. tween 7 o'clock and 9, for the convenience of all WHO lire at a distance, or who, in consequence of business, inclination, or other cause, eschew lata hours. THE SECOND PERFORMANCE will take place bgtv.-een9 o'clock and 11, for the convenience of all who cannot attend the first. Entertainments of the highest excellence will be given. In being able to offer A- separate engagement for each of four different halls (The Empire, Swansea The Empire, Newport The Empire, Cardiff; and The Parthenon, Liverpool), Oswald Stoll has unusual facilities for procuring those artistes whose services managers who cannot make tempting offers are pe, (r to do withoUt. Artistes will now arrive in rapid succession who otherwise might never have visited Swansea. For further particulars see printed bills. I flS not in mortals to command success, But we'll do more—deserve it," 829 Hales bu Àudintt. BURTON S SALE ROOM, 2. MILL-LANE l\1i O\ í'i'£;'t;;LIC jL?JL AUCTION, on SATURDAY NEXT, APRIL 30TH, 1892, I at 7 p m., a quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. There will be no reserve. 92 QUEEN-STREET SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MESSRS MOORE & CO. are instructed .1. to SELL bv AUCTION, on MONDAY THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, April 25th, 28th, and 30th, 3, large quantity of Superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS, comprising dining and drawing-room suites, in saddle- bags, plush, and leather, massive sideboard, over- mantles, cabinets, octagon, loo, and dining tables, Duchesse toilets, wardrobes, 6ft. and 4ft., bedroom suites, hall stands, bookcases, bedsteads, spring and wool mattresses, commodes, war, brasses, fenders, ash pans, rugs, carpets also a consignment of magnificent Oriental vases. Sale each day at 2 and 7.30. ¡53, UPPER RAGLAN-STREET, NEWPORT. SALE OF VALUABLE FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. MESSRS NEWLAND & HUNT have received instructions from the Administrators of the late Mrs Margaret Smith to SELL by AUC- TION, on the premises, on MONDAY, May 2nd, 1892, the substantial and well-preserved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, Comprising chiefly iron fenders and fire irons, carpets, linoleum, umbrella stand, handsome mahogany long- case clock, MAHOGANY DINING-ROOM SUITE, covered in leather; oak dining table, with extra leaf maho"gany sideboard, titted; oval centre table; 8-day clock, set metal dish covers, curtain poles, rings and curtains, handsome mahogany bookcase, with glass doors, and ntted with pigeon holes, drawers, and cup- boards under mahogany writing desk, fitted with drawers pictures, &c., &c. l c' III C FURNITURE OF THREE BEDROOMS, icInding massive mahogany and iron bedsteads, spring mat- tress, palliasses, feather beds, mahogany duchesse dressing table and washstand, mahogany and pamted chests of drawers, wardrobe, dressing tables, wash- stands, commode, glasses, carpets, &c. THE CONTENTS OF KITCHEN AND SCULLERY, including wringer and mangle, stable and other effects also a very handsome mahogany and glass milliner's show case, fitted complete with drawers, &c. Sale to commence at Two o'clock punctually. On view Morning of Sale. Auctioneers' Offices, Tredegar-place, Newport. lOe ultli, nti'ts. t-I A R D I F F RACES. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAY 4th and 5th. SIX RACES EACH DAY. Capital entries. 9476-77e wITCHELL ATHLETIC GROUNDS, A 200 CADOXTON, BARRY. SATURÄARDS DOG HANDICAP will take place on in. Y, May 7th. open to all dogs not exceed- ing 301ba. in weight. Handicap, 2% yards to the lb. Further particulars apply above. SIc 9448 LADIES' SCHOOL, HOMEWOOD, -LJ GODFREY-ROAD, NEWPORT. PRINCIPAL, MISS HOWES (late Mdlle. Rieder). Tuorough education. for exams, if desired. Summer term commences TUESDAY, May 3rd. Prospectus on application. 923e IBttshuss GIGANTIC S UC CESS! LARGEST TEA SALE IN THE WORLD. OVER ONE MILLION PACKETS SOLD WEEKLY OP I P T O N S WORLD JJENOWNED TEAS, I DIRECT FROM THE TEA GARDENS TO THE TEAPOT. NO MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS TO PAY. J5 MAGNIFICENT BLENDED TEA (Pure and Fragrant), i S. PER LB. 7 SPECIALLY-SELECTED CEYLON, INDIAN,-AND. CHINA BLEND, S. 4 D. PER LB. EXTRA CHOICEST CEYLON AND INDIAN BLEND, I S. 7D. PER LB. » FINEST THE WORLD CAN PRODUCE [ NO HIGHER PRICE. •5^ 7, 10, and 20lbs., Packed in Patent Air-tight Canisters, without extra charge. Being Sole Proprietor of several of the mast famous Tea and Coffee Estates in Ceylon, including the celebrated Estates of Dambatenne, Laymastotte, Monerakande, Manadambatenne, Mousakelle, Poop- rassie, Hanagalla, and Gigranella, which cover thousands of acres, 1 am in a position to supply cus- tomers direct at Planters' prices, thus saving to con- sumers of the fragrant beverage not less than six to eight intermediate profits. REFRESHING AT ALL TIMES, I ■J^IPTON'S DELICIOUS ORIENTAL BLENDS. FINEST 0OFFEE AND CHICORY, f) D., & i-S. 2D. PER LB. P- E 0 O F F E E i c RICHEST AND BEST. 1 S. 6D. PER LB. 0 HIGHER PRICE. T IP TON, TEA & COFFEE PLANTER, CEYLON. Tea and Coffee Shipning Warehouses MADDEMA MILLS, CINNAMON GARDENS. COLOMBO. Cevlon Office UPPER CHAm'A?-S''RI?T. COLOMBO. Tea and. Coffee Salerooms MINCING-LANE, LONDON, E.C. Wholesale Tea Blending and Duty Paid Stores BATH-STREET AND CAYTON-STREET, LONDON, E.C. Coffee Roasting and Blending Stores 203, OLD-STREET, LONDON, E.C. General Offices BATH-STREET, CITY-ROAD, LONDON, E.C. Cardiff Branches 7, HIGH-STREET, and ST. MARY-STREET. Swansea Brancli ARCADE BUILDINGS, HIGH-STREET. Llanclly Branch 9, STEPNEY-STREET. Bristol :-22, WINE-STREET. 6811 Branches ail Qver the Kingdom. 1:'1e Purchasers at Liptou's are Supplied First Hand. NO MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS TO PAY. CLEANSE THE BLOOD & SYSTEM. "jgniPvNICK'S "Y^GETABLE piLLS. JLaL. PILLS. IF YOU SUFFER FROM BILIOUSNESS, HEADACHES, INDIGESTION LIVER COM- PLAINT, OR IMPURE BLOOD TRY KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very small, require no confinement indoors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. IvERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS strengthen the System, Brace the Nerves, Purify the Blood, and are universally declared to be the Best Medicine ever dis- covered. They are specially recommended to Females of all ages. Sold in 73, £ d, Is ll-jd, and 2s 9d Boxes. Sold hy all Chemists in the United Kingdom and the Colonies, or direct of the Sole Manufacturers, KERNICK AND SON, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, &c., 12, NEW- 14633 STREET, CARDIFF. 348 | rilEETII. Complete Set One Guinea; l ive years' warranty. GOODMAN AND Co to Queen street. Cardiff 1-ie cHOICESK- A:;ilc- -T BUTTER PER 1/2 LB. FINEST j I R I S il |  j | A C T 0 R I E$ MADE ON PRECISELY THE SAME PRINCIPLE AS JJ A N I S a, JBL? PER ???D ? I i I I JP I N E JJEW PUTTER, EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY, I PER l; 1 itn, # ,rID JONES ( COh LOIITEDj ESTMINSTER STORES. QOITITMAN ROLLICK, PAWNBROKER AND JEWELLER 40 AND 41, BRIDGE.STREET, q ARDIlPF. nv IN THE £ INTEREST ABOVE 40s. 3:8 HIRCONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE JL of an INVALID, designed as a warning and a caution to others supplying au the same time the means of self-cure, by one who has cured himself, after undergoing the usual amount of Medical Imposition and Qua,ckery. Single Copies may he had (post free) by sending a- stamped addressed envelope to the author ARTHUR DIXON, Esq., 384a iidiinslow, nel-t London t r raht8it«53 ;Abbrtfí5ts. tt- ?ROYAL STORES, i l! » I F F. C t R D I F F, i D A; N IS H g u T T E R j„ REDUCED TO DAY TO f, IS ODe; NEW IRISH JJUTTER JUST IN AT IIP" -i-.i.2 WE are the FIRST -to REDUCE DANISH and the FIRST to OFFER NEW GRASS BUTTER, from IRELAND. QRIFFITH j^LOYD AND £ JO. ? <J? -E-J I ?i? 8J15 I -O-;)IScmIPU:l' WI'fÏIOÜ;¡:- 1'or SPRAINS and ELLIMAN'S ?JL-?TjF ijAT jiT.l'?Vi? .Ai? "-J wHen formic, SPR?J?G SINEWS. CAPPED HOCI\ 0 V]R, IŒACHE. BRUISES and CUTS, BROKEN KNEES, SORE SHOULDERS, SORE THKO?T?, SORE nACK SPRAINS, CUT: BUUME? 1? UOG?, &c. ..L¡') .I.:H-I '00' S" Exceedingly good for sprains and cuts in horses, "f> /f 4 y and also for cuts in hounds' ROY"AL I feet."—J. ?L B!tOw,œ (;?jor), Master of South Staffordshire Hounds. Sold by Chemists and Saddlers. Price 2s, 2s cd, i s 6d. EMBROCATION. Prepared only by ELLIMAN, SONS, & Co Slough England. 563 G. A.STONE & CO. COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSICS. proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Shellibiers, superb I1 lenrish Horses, Coaches, Broughams, and every necessary equipment for Funerals. PRICK LIST CN APPLICATION ——— lie 11 It 12,. W 0 R IC I N G S T R E K T, I OA RD IFF. ^CALES^ gOALES, gCALE^ FOR AGATE AND STEEL-BEARING SCALES FOR ALL TRADES GO TO II GREADER, CAROLINE STREET, CARDIFF. 94e gUDDEN JTJEATH K? i -? TO ALL INSECTS J I m UilIFOPD',S i INS E C T poWDER Is the most powerful Inject Destroyer known, quickly j ireeing the most thickly-infested Dwellings from those annoying and loathsome pests :— BUGS, CRICKETS, FLEAS, BLACKBEETLES, COCKROACHES, AND MOTHS, While it is perfectly safe to nse. being harmless to Dogs, Cats, and Human Beings. Fowls and Cafe Birds 11 ntucld" and safely freed fi-onitll vermin by using this valuable Powder. Sold in Tills at 3d, 5<1, and 3d each by the Sole j Proprietor, I^ICHAED j^j- U M F ) R D l FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, ?METEOB.STH.EET,? A,D f40, CASTLE-ROAm £ SPLOTLAD, ?? t ROATH, f: riARDIFF. ¡ | CARDIFF. 43e  45e A CAPITALIST is nrepared to make IMMEDIATE, A PROMPT, and STRICTLY PRIVATE CASH ADVANCES in Sums from I I £ 10 10 £ 1,000 I Pre [('s¡onal Laii?-s and Ceutlemen, Tradesmen, f Farmers, florists, Market Gardeners, Hntpi Prophetor! j J'b :.Jaster. !I) And all classes. | No fee? or any ilesciiption. X () bills of ?"ae' No public or local ex- I posure. I No ohjectlOna1k Inquiries, N,, ii.,?l Loan Ofnœ For- I lualiiies. And at a -reasonable rate of Interest. ON KOTE OF HAXD ALONE. Intending Borrowers are Cautioned against the I Flatterimr Advertisements that appear daily. The i majority of them emanate from Agents, whose Sole Object is to Obtain Fees of all Descriptions. Appli- cants can rely upon it that by applying to me they do so in Confidence, and that they will be treated in a Fair anrl Businesslike Manner.—Apply 1.1 T»T-» iuxt r. x»x^u *v 36, PLANTAGENET-STREET, 930 CARDIFF. SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE HAS MAINTAINED ITS SUPERIORITY FOR MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS, SOLD BY ALL GROCERS 2501"



.0-IThe Man About Town. I

Local Matrimonial Suit.I







May Day DemonstrationsI

Jottings for Ladies.I





Wife Murder by a Negro. I









