? PREPA'D ADVERTi8E!V!EMTS. WORDS. o\CE 'THREE ?? TIMES. TtMES. SOWords 0 6 0 9 1 0 30Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words. l o 1 6 2 5 50 Words 152659 M Words 1650 4 6 These chrtrges apply 07t!.t/ (o </t<' class of /l,d¡;ertigenumts :-Apartrnents, Situations Vac(tnt or Wanted, to &< Let or Sold, Lost, Fottnd, a?tf! lIfisceZ, !<t!MO?tS IV ants. T-RE imcrtIon of scyera! Advertišements is dela)'ed becau"c the refer(>l1ces given are to Post-offices, to initi:\ls, or fictition nam2S. Pcstmasters are not allowed to deliver lettcrs so addressed. }-!mSOX.t.L. DAVID Havard.—Anybody giving reliable 'nformation whereabouts he cOllld be found will be well rewarderl. Description, about 5 feet Sin. !') height, with black hair, d:¡rk eyes, and dnrk complexion, with moustache only; tattoed o-T. the arms and chest with marks nf the Navy.— Address Eliza .Jane Ha,vaè_T_ny-Il, near J-<tantrisant. J-EFT-B-t g:irl, 29, Glouceser.street. If not claimed in even d8,YS will be sold to.erray expenses.293 1\- -IXRRfEn:uldlike ttake Baby t;N';lrse ?A from or otherwise.—Address J.H.M., "Echo" ftJce, N ewport-on- U sk. 320e "t"J:TOULD, any kind erson Adopt a 1it,tl Boy, three months' old. as their own.—Apply 11. Milford-stree.. w_oo, Cardie. 416 SMOKE Archer's" Golden Returns:' sweetcst Tobacco manufr.ftured. 298 ?vI A J!3¿d. rtáY;eteSá(i;;OlUEë, islÍ:a; 'ar from kind, thoughtful ,:(cntleman. Advertiser has £4 OOC in th" bank, and is said to be j)repMseRsing.-}iiss Ea'ston. 7, Hermitage-road, Stamford HiU. London? 101 IF ;[ := gr(¿ yOu ;brlaff;¡iS'Y;iJrt; aught to know. Send your arl.lreRs, >tIFl we will se1Hl cata- tone ;mrl pamphlet free.-Address II. G. Kerr, Vtest.hiIl, A CADEMY (Sargent's). Princes-chambers. Working-st., C!trdiff. Shorthand, Boo!,kceping, HaIHlwriting, Arith- lletic for one special fec. Establiohed 1376. Great and er, a:n success. 574 Sh !-I0P.TiI-XD School.—Shorthand, Book-keeping. Hand- ). writ;n, TYPc\i'itin: Grammar, Arithm"tic, French' Pr;v'tte IRsons ? (;venlng).-Principa1. 11. J-OST AXtt KUXSt. -L- O;T Bhck Ch¿l{'r. tÎome<¿;k.. Fimler will be re- warded by returmng to' Danes, Trynant, near 'ntmlin. 34Qe L-. OS}" White :B;'lll Tcrr:-D¿g-ithbra,s8 collaí:d Jock: hrown pot over eye and tail.-Sa,muels, 45, Buto- TQ<d.Card!n'. L 356 9' OST. a by noathri,]w llth -j !ia, a chinned front hoof and white hair on back from saddle gal's. Apply 53, Mi!ford-st.. Moor?. CardiS. 140 T -OŠTfrn- Goitr;Cœrl. a Black -J stands 13.2, short switch tail, rery nne I'1'JnP-Anyone gi,'ing information to A. 1\íor;;ans, 20, MQ'hyr. wit! he rewarded. .— 182 A S Mother's Help in Hote! domestica.ted YounK Person. to take charge of three children, a"iRt light hous.ork, in onr (when required) preferred.—Mother, "Echo"OHic3, Ja rd ify. _E2 ? A -l}"crai ervant wnntpc1 fOT Penarth; alRo Hon5emad. .[-1 -Apc'y 'I'j,e Mount, Marine Pamtle, Penarth, 01' 30, Park-rince.CMdiff. 29, Beauchnmp. -!t, Hiverside, Ca,rdm. ? L ?"<00'K: 'y?nted, p] a. General Servant with know!ed.?e ? of cooking mi?ht suit: a.'so HouHG Parlourmaid, ex- Penenced.—M.r!! Bishop. Cwmrythpn. I.Inndovery. 524 (1 Í:RL-I\tei- winin? and active, to msist with hous*- rord, C;diffd with children.-Mrs Bo)tou, 2, Newr.ort- ?-? ???Serfa.nt r?nt?. ? a? 17 good home to Riverside.'Ca'rdIS' ??? referoBce. 13. C?re-st?eet, <??rd??????? or children.- 01 t -street, Roath 202 ? ??? Servant MoMf- good ch&Mcter iadisp?ns- Cardi;t. ?'? ?''s Prust. 147. Ciifton-street, Bo?th, ???, ?"s?r?erYa? ?anh?t ?nc? 16.-Ap¡,>ly ?? ???._33. ??'[?-rM),d?CM'diS. 238 7t. URST"l\1: \T _1? ?SEMAID wanted a.t once. for one child not under ?i-r?f? r?"? °*"?°' ?"? sood reference.—16, Pembroke- REe' ISTR y- Offiee.-Miss Jones, 16, Ca.erM-roadT New O!1ce J \k'\lon.-Servants wanting Situations suited a.t Ing Housekeepcrs disengageci. 314 LMndry ])!'Jid "w:u]ted for Lo;m;eI?; Mrs S., Echo Otnce. CF.rdiS. 419 "T AfTD;pect;iJle -a;¡. Servat;Ù !cle,s'crá' before Iloon or after 6 p.m"4t2, 'V ATood ? GeneMi Servant 7 must be a,Ne to do ?Vit t- plain cooking wages .E12.—Apply Mrs Henry Broitd-streec, BIa.eaaYon. ''76 AXTED, Genernl Servant, for a. small tami)y must be clean, industrious, and ItO eo.rly riser; no washIng. 1t;t:jI, -i;.¡; ¡'"f"eo>nces.ftu' 6 1 "\VÁ'&TED at oncp, a GeneY;I-Sen'ant, IIg;bonf, -O; I ?Pp:y Brecon Ar'tf, ?and. Swansfa. country P432:347- \V ANTED by mitldle-fJ;erso;Sitttation as 'Vorjj¡; ?it=on cf trust.—M.. 15, Thom?s-p!ace,Ynyshir. 535ny t?7'A?TED at, once. ?ood General Servant. 18 to 20: ccm- ? fortab!" horae fond nf children.—Williams. 26, Con- 't ? a.t'OB-street, Roath. C a r d i < T 541 ?7'AXTED, Gfnera.) Scrva.nt; no children.—Apply Da vies, ?°?, Pontypridd. 573 \?'AXTED. ?ootT Cook.-Apply Mrs Rees, Maesy- ?'yQon. Aberdare. 519 WATED, Situatfon as Hou3emaid or Nrsp, age 22: k-hieK,toreferred.-E.K., 3;1, Mount PleasantÚrr- "r A.NTi-D, a midd1'¡Wl r;s¡;ecti;W;herw; t r0",d, èld¡YS only.-Apply between 6 and 7,97, New4)åst- Y? ANTED. a good Gecer?! Serva.nt. a,ge from 25?0 40, for Farm House at Barry: able to mitk; Rood Marketer; references required.—Apply Gibaon, 2, Penypt-'el- ''0?1. C:mton. Cardin-. ?gg s.n experienced Servant, two in familv.— Appiy Mrs F. J. Beavan, 6. Conway-road. Canton, Cardiff ?_ 323 young Woman, about 20. as Genera! Servant V for Pontypool.—Apply at T?. Ho-eford-street.Maindee, -pt-on-1J 33ie House Parlour-maid. 11" mrJy as possible A ppl), Rtatmg ase. reference for character. and !_e. D epard, U sk. 460 at once. strong GmcraI Servant' V ,.iIe8 £1 rer month no washiag.-Mrs Jones. 82. ueent!eet ,.s'ar(hfi'. 450 immediately, a, good General Servant.=-Apl!Ÿ TT .,ûs E. G. AlchoUs, 72, Commercial-road, Newport. "n'n ? ? 332e girl as General Servant, ?? ?se ab&ut 17.—Apply Mrs Harper. Belle Vuo Ir.n. W'jhbw Tt d e. 311 —A pply Mrs Cbrhe, East Hoh-c. Clive-crescent. Pen.trth. 105 ? 'l\-jAX1'ED, reRpcctabl;HouRekef'}'er, to look after emali family.—Appty" Housekeeper." "Eeho"oa]ce.New- Y?AK'TED.'cood strong GirtTa.boutriP.'?t once.PJy ? AlMMdra Tampcrance HoteL Alexandra_road. Newport, Men. _?.? stron.rcountry'Gir' asGeneral Sei- ";nt.-Apply 143. Huthen-street. Roatb. u_- ? do _r cooking.—Apply 185. Richmond-road, Cr_ AXTED, housework Mrs I'(>2,chton.¡;e"-Card:. Servant: able to. L,h small familv.-Apply 97, Richmond-rd., Card\fl"Y \IT AK-TED-i;diate-I¡'-l-;a;pectable Girl, J2' ,f to assist in honsework; goo,}. r.efcrences92' C'evedon-terrace, of good charnct,r, at once; b.. renerAf1, ? MrsJennings, 126, Chfton-street, C' no Was mg.- pp'y 402 3, f Gonra.1 ISa;pplY l\frs Powdl, The31I:n n"'1I3a. near — 'I¡"JTTED -i-trong Girl as General Ser. _"f 'vant.-Àp ÿee;'cing_af!e:!lve,_47'ulbl1y.rù- 'VA.- T- -l-S- -nt only two in family; no TF:D, It Genera, er '15 Clarence-pI. Newport ",nlldren.-Apply MrR Prl5'e, -_u_- 37Sne f haby -21, Hickman-roaPIJr! u- -u _u_- tl Rervant -Anplv Mrs 311e Guy, Claremont. j\Ia!P: 'V' AxTË1),-i-mU1e(Ü-t,;¡Y'ILaUndr[¡1Î17na: £ll.5ítt l1Jy GJamorgan and 1\ _o- ;f.T- _c: -ii-Girl 18 to 20, to no general house. Cow bridge-road, Cal6n, {'¡ll"Hff \t Servant. —Apply yv to l\irs G'enhuse, 3, Omhersley-road, Stow 2'k, 'Vport 'TÀ "T"D- -gOõd-Gëner;>,I-Sl'mnt,; no children, W?S??5?rr?. ??? r 'd'??- ?AMED.?id? ?pect? ???? ¿:rf¡tWt encea.-23. De&penser-s.reet. ? e?.?. ?-ANTHD.-an??.ienced General Serv.n.-Ap? 7. _"f Herbert-terrMe. JPet.arth._?_ _————?_ W?M!?.??? Mr3 .Tames, 'd9n \1. 'Vi'!1e, 'r!lau a.l'k.r"a,indee,Ne"t!?lt:Se W????M??????? A PI;]Y J.tTi'lfn.ttheml, New Sh,gtr:e,n.1[)7 \V ANTED: 6"t;mo;ood General P'l-vant; .must b er>.rl" \"ser.-Apply Exchange Inn, Uommercral-st ":et., W????.?KS'?? ''t.'T? ?'ED'KO?d'stromG' M G?ie?l r?etvant: tttust W ''? r'?' ?'k"? = ?'"? ?°°? ehnraeter.—Appiy? ]99, C' .?p!'-ro?d. Xpwport?Mo"- -?- ? '? ?_ C'"¡i i:l.- ;?-¿OcC g;-ueral <I';t;3l{ W t.hoi-ughiy understand cooing: ?o not under ??.- Apply Mr? Coom.jes. Arcade I?ontyFndd. ?j? ?7AX''J'E? 'i?.rPdi!tt.e'y. co.)d Grncrat Servant,'know- ? )?d. of plain nook?S sood character indi3pen6ab)c. S?itH f.imiiy.—App?y Stone, Edenhurat, Faulkner-road. Newpon. 1..6 ?T'A?rEDr?'??'?'" ?°?' "'?? ?r' three ;n ?T family; housematd kept.-App'y 43, The Para<le Cf?ifr. 93 W- ANTED,- Generat Servant: miMt have good character. W App!y6S.Ri<'hards-t€rraRe.roa,th.Card.fY. 205 THrANTRD. good General Servant (from 18 to 2õÿ;r;f VV age).-ApI"y 86, DoeJr-street, Newpert.. 281e 16.-APPly-i2, Cyril-cresce t Hoath. Cardiff. \7'OUXG' Girl Wanted to App)y with reference. 29. The ? 232 C'ooks can add to then- !ist o[ d'shes in tl)e ?-? preparation of choice damties for the dinner and "upner tahjp by oonRulting the page of .1. UtUe book. entiUed "?ftstry and Sheets. given to aH cooks sending their ?d-u.p?aes to Alfred Bird and Sons, JJirnnngham. E\'cr-? !ady pnd housekeeper in tite laud shouid have Pastry ant' SweeM i)andy for reference. There ts tiottiing to pay and thf book \=,U be i-ent by of 1)0"t, to any ddress. !'óITL-\TlO1\'i'ô VA<;AXT AT T?A?(?-Anyone wishing to increase his'mcome ??- can easi)y do so by sethng our nne Ceylon Teas among Mends and customers. The excepuonal terms we otfer <'nab!e agents to earn ?2 weeMy Compare sampfe?— Vhit?d T?a Supp!y. Union Court, London, B.C. Name ?per. ?Cl ?ARPE?TERS?nd?7oiners respectfuUy requested to .?? Kpup?Away from Bridgend?IunLn ?the ex'st?ng ?tnke. Ir??ESSMAKING.—AppM'otiees nnd improverT 'wauted. ? -App)y Miss Johns. 154. Wood-ro&d, FortyprMd. '!46 -DRESSlvIAKING.-w:>nted, at once, two or t,hree AppreaUees.-Apply fit Miss James, 62, Arran-strt'et, c,c<tle-roa-d, !t!J:, CarifÏ' 4 Bodice Hands; const:<nt, employment; out doors- Apply, with full parteÜars, Whitaker and Jones, \Vest- D-1lF;BSMAKING.- Wanted at once for !l°od clfj.s work, Assistants, Improvers, and ApprentlCcs.-hss Bar- rOWE. Gloser House, Gold-treet, RO:1th, Cardiff. q91 D:pr:I\1j; 'Xic1\I,aRI 1Ft¥hS a;' HAIRDRESSING.-Wanted, two eerienced hands for the above for Swansea.-Apply W. H. Salisbur:y, Our BOYi, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 511 HAIRDRESSERs.-wanted at once, a good Hand.- AlI111y H. Pa.ynter, 25, Custom House-street, IIAIRDRESS-Rs.-wa.nted; good Gent's Hand; f Ladies and Boardsman, able to put up plain dressings. -ApDly, Rtating terms and references. (outdoors), .:rhos. Phillips, Hairdresser, Taff-stre, Pontypndd.>42- -LI-An1DRESSER.-Wanted, a respectable Young Man },- to take ch'trge of sbop m\1ôt he good haircutter and l IAIlDRESSERS.-Wanted at once, first-class Gent's _IIa,nd, go Junior.-A1J.J2ly_6, Royal Arcade, CdïE: 1_- HONERS Wanted.-Shirt, COnal', :tnd Fancy Hands; li.e in or out; also Geneia.l Servar.t.-Eute Docks Laundr: 167, Flute-road, Cardiff. 25. -J-üIKJBiY-WO-k Trade,-Rf'Speotable intelIigent Boy wanted as an Appreutice also Improvers for same.- Apply Chiek, Ca.pel::scent: 1)_85c- LAUNDJ:ty.-=-V3.nted, first.class Ironer as leading hand: state age, experienee, and wages required fin T-AUNDRY.-Good Shirt and CoIlar Ironerswantcd.- Apply, st,ting wages. BLcam Iaundry Office, Com- l\-iÜ¡;;IO :j'6ine=Wanteri O¡-rtŸouth- (just, left H 8chooI pre?l"rcd), to le!rd the Music aud Pianoforte Business; no salary nrst six llionths.-Rert,ram IsaacsoCl's New Pianoforte "'are house, 30, High-st., I\ewport. 3t9l'1 Ü' Apply to Mr vavies, Conti'actol', 8. Bcrw-ro;d, -1\1- ASONS WantEd-=Apply Rees -Williams and SO.47; It Raghn-Etreet, Newport, Mon. 325e -c- Apply to the Foreraan on the WoriŒ. 2ó3e.3870 J->AIN'l'ER a;ci-Gi;:ie-rted-=AppIYBl1rto and C EftBrow Houses, Cowbriù;;e. 400 PLASTERER wante !?r work at Cowridge.-Arly -=u rtoH &, -g-strcet, Card,2- PLASTERERS w?uted immediatsl¡;, and L1thourers.- Apl'ly William 'l'hornas, Plasterer, 15, \c,ll-street, Ap111y J. hirvington, Studio, Brynmawr. 124 I.) Esi'EèTABLE-I'e;at.i-thre;;eenings a wee, from 7 to 11 o'cloek, for draught beer counter.- Um- versity StorcB, 106, Queen-street, Cardiff. 121 S-cÜ'Ni'IFIC--Dfps;making. Wa.nted, respectable yonr, k porson 3-5 Impro,er or Apprentice.-37, Alexandra-road, :\nTHS are respedfully informed that a Dispute is 'J pemling at AberJare Junction, and so are reques<:l to keep away- v I\IART-Roy wante.Ul,e-Apply at, Taylor's Hair- dressin>: Saloon and Umbrella Maker and H,¡¡pairer. 48, :j CI-EN;rIFIC I>ress1D"k1\lg.Apprcntic- wanted, no f:') premium; also good Rorl1ee Hand and lm"rovcrs.- Addn,ss ..215, 'E_" <!e, .y!al't,q( T- AI-Ll)HESS MnchinÏ5t, aho learners, w3>uted.-Good. man Rrol;l1ers, Butchers' Outfitters, 3.3, Alexandra-road, r-rO T:J.!lors.-Eight Men wanted f.t once; no dispute, in- ereace oî traÜ.-=-\Vatkin Morg:tn, Pentre, Rhor.dlh.: rl. "0- :Blacksm¡th.- Wnte(ia-g-od SIiœ-¡:;mtiEt ¡;es;dy. _=jlpl}' to Ew.ns, CaerI!hiIly. 2Y- r-'O ];akers.-Wanted, a:L:tù û¡;¡;; t.;?,f<;ld :t;ë! Deliver.- _JL -}J¡Y w =-L:er, 27, Plasst'y-street,Pcnarth. 433_- '1' "0 'l'ailors.-Good -f;¡lõs ;1-t;d-Con;a¡W- ex- r,ericnced 'l'aileress.-293, CowbridL:e-road, Canton, 1'10 l'k,o;Ilie nd,gthtf Ft: thousand y,uds; piecework,-Apl)ly Builder, 1'/5, IJ;stle- read, CarJ¡_ IJ_. r-10 -p; ¡teri' '111 t,ed im:nedi'tteIÝ, t,hre- Brœh I-fu'ds J:L ¡,Iso Painter and Pa11erhanger.-AIJ111y Lewis, 1, '-=-'I{TÃNTED, two Shoein! Smiths, 0i1e I<S fireman, the 'f oth'r as ùoorman; experienced men; good W:1,gc outdoors: married or single.-Apply to Evan Davies, R.SS" iT AN'fED, Masons, Plasterers, and Ca;'penters at once; I, onl.v ;;ood h¡Inds need apply.-J. anù Daniel Jones, HO\lfe, I,.d 97, uTL'i.'EÏ>. good, stea.dy Rr;ckla)'el'J, at Yst.racl New G¡¡,sll'orks.-A1)ply on the \Yorks, or to JOD/I,S Dmke- amI Son, Ovellden, ne:tr IIalifax. 51- 'iifAK'l'P l}O:rO-Irehit:.eet:soffi;;eât once.-APP' R If 529, Ecno _9_tI?, Cul":1_5_- ¡¡;jAfiE])," Engine Drivel', Disc îE'w good Bl'iekyard l\(Jl 'f't' ftt once.-Apl11y Ha.nwE:1l }'wthers, Crindall 12!:lck ,V orks, J\1ar¡;hes-road, K ewport-on.Usk. 3' -,i;r A'I'ED, g¿od lia;: Sorters; good wages given.-Ap.. ''t' ply \V". Bishop, l'Il!trine Stores, Ishop-street, Gmn¡::e- "\1.TAN1']'D, Assitant and Improvers to the Drc3S- V, m:Ùing.-Al)pJ' Miss Fairbrother, 8, Kingcmig-stred, 'Xj-NTED, good Lather Boy; must lJe (l'Ück ;d clean.-Apply Army and Navy Hairdressing aloon. 'f Apprentiee to the H:tirdressing; no premiulTI l'e- (",lurcl1 -Apply at onee, Richmond H&ircutting and i:h:tv- ing ;10011, top of Hicl1mon'I,¡'o:;d, RO:ttt, Cardiff. Hl- ,iA.N'Ù';? once, a st;nJ-B;r-t¿; ¡-imself-1Îef.I1[, age 10 ye,crs -ApplV )Ilmfr:.e Hotel, Docks, Cad¡JT. \IfEELWEIGHT:=\anted, t.hree good Hand: at t once; per!ll:tnency to suitable hands.-Wlll1ams, :iè2-'V;k¡Y-ancl\h)wMrls may be eiter d<ttrI Sex without hindering pl'eseut oce\lpatlOn.-f or saml'le, &c., enelose addressed envelope,.E,:ans, \atts, :¡';Sd' Co. (P 133), l\Ierchauts, Hirminglmm.rbls IS gt.nume. CLERI-eq-ireS ever;ing e;1plõ;Dt-i-Cardiff; rapid ehort-hand writer; terms müderate.-Appl' Scnbe, \TÃl'i''l'ED, in a Timber Merchant's Office, a Youth, 14 to 16 years.=py_B_70-0c, C!di1f.. 'fA;l'jD. Clerkship; quick at figures; age 2"Ad- dress John James Jones, Pant Bach, \Vhitchurch, n-ii'ïcK, Til Firebrick l,;¡¡,nl1ff!-cturers. -Managemer:t. Foremanship w¡mtcd; ma.oh,uery or !1and; e"[lre <l-uloies thronohout every department.-P¡¡,rtlCulars, Tera- cotta,. 87, l'Il;.ghal'-strect, P!- 50- ene:ed undr3tA1cl UaIl!Iner.t of buntpr3,; good (Oharater,-Apply \VIllram Le,\l." Gabalva, Llancl[1,ff-, yard. neal' Ca.rdiff. -g- rIO- Mt7Rk;I'S -Respecta};le young .Mar¡ seeks situa- tion as Second or good Ihm B,¡ead. }and; good refC'rences (outdoor).-Apply Ja.mcs, ]\0. L., Falrvlew-ternee, Oal;fields, 1'wolocks, Cwmbran,al'Ne"'R Mon: 34 'iif AN'¡'1£DbyyounO'l;dY;Evenin;; Employment-at home, V f writing preferre"d.-I. 53:ardi¡f.5! '-¡"TAKTi;D-i;- Barry -di;¡ri?t, by respectalí-J\fan (absta!er), emploYll;1e!lt m coue tavel'l1 Or restaur- ant, or any hgot work; sIn!! s stelva.rd good refercncc3.- yoX arh:lin;:t sveSie; slOI: ewport preferred.-K. 'V., "Echo" O!tice, Newport. 3J6c Y-OU:Ntf¡:dy reql¡¡:n;g{g;t-; n;:ÍÙi-{ls-eá to quick counter trade; fi,.e yars' experience' oocl rcferenccs.-Apply K IS.1, ",Daily News," C:trdifi. '104 sftmple p¡m, pbllelJ, ¡],nd rncber SL"lliP fre8.-Richfoi'd, AGEN'r¿, 'antf' fo}' an ,E,f1uitbïe BuÙdll.1g. Af.Soe¡:i!r;; not '1. he 1 rv.lcn\. Good CC!IDllllS,'10U; (ollclose _11I>etl:y=-lJSOn,ald:v! 1ristol. 346 AGEN1'S and 'an¡,.sœr8 wmtC(l cv("rywl;-j,t rmlly I)rofit,)le agency, y,nte Mr Hrdie 16'{ Junc- 'lion-road, London, K. '399 tew ¡1d<lhonal Agent wan.teLl lOr a U10St rapidly- m('reasmg bl!SmCSS good carn-asm;¡ mell Dreferred wholf) or l',art t.ime; sa.laryand commission; suitable for 'anyone h;1vmg a few hours to IIl¡arc tluring the Üay or evening. JÆt- tj)fS only-Apply at once, .V. Morgan, V..letta House 203, Ca"tle:roa(l, Roath, Cardiff. 914e fixed .sill¡¡,r;y likewise pa.y down term,; with commission; un.eX(;PtlO!m advantages to good men; lDOt prog-reGsive o!e_Itl Rnbm.-Super, Echo" Office, Newport-on-Usk. Collector !],1?d Canvsser r.or Book m Ca.l'diff; iutercst 111 book w¡1I cbe gIven to I", Et.,ad', pushio!{ m:ta no debit Sy,olll.-Apply .Vi.ihal McKechnip 53 Queen- treet, C:u'diff. 490 VT:NTEÜ;e- or two trœt,thy !\Ien to t.i-tÏ; f H.hol1dtla Valley to elI, on Commission wr.tehes, J"dlery, sp.wil1¡;( ma.chines, musical instI'IIIDeu'ts, },ulJily Blblt;s, &e., for ea,sh or hire pur(;hase syst¡'ID,-Apply, in lllst.ance, P. P., EC'ho" Office, ff. ¡) .L ner;t1m;iHtSrt;,]-;ïe Sï'Om to Share (;; y(eI-street], wlth scpamte Bedroom; hot and e"ld ':lftl;pru"ÜJ.-T. 41, Echo" Oftice, Cardiff. 41 LADY ;-Ii;¡;;i -g;d-;c-igilir;rliOOd:havig lar; house tha.n ]¡e 1'l'<1l\ire, wilI be gla(l to rt'cive ;)alders o,r l-:Jt pal:t, 01' a1\ the h'lISe, f\1rnisheL1.-Apply ,2.14, I.:kc s Adver. ,ung OffiCES. :Newport. 391 I P AM.rIENTS;or t:õ G ;ntlem-en -fi.¡;;dS-sl;; .,1 ame rooms; LSe of piano; terms motlerate.-50, rmlRoo¡,r a!ld Attenda-irh1.,h, wantd -fo -7 Y;;U;ri l\[!;n.l hus}nessalI day.-Apply, stating terms, C4.:> Lt:ho Cíhcc, 'rdIif. 433 ]=*O!Üm 'nd Lodingf\ flJr¡;-r-ë;;peeta1)1-3:0'nan-; J Jnl1.stJ lip an aJJt,a.nler -9, Brook. l{,iVt'lOöide CaHton. C 0 IVOR15Ï\j3L1T Lo':¡g;;g-eqUï;:rl-¡g-"¡;i it; f-t' wl,th lJrderred; (.aT,e inclw>ÎH' rernill, which nll: 'r1':nerate.-1"rf)J4, Ec'bo" nHice, CtrL1Hf: 5H hath: temI3 moderate-32, l'lanta.¡¡enet-itreet, Hiver- 4iO },FC lti;ABL1ETo-:ig¡;l: -I1-i' to;es¡)et;t)Y 'l..J ): ouug Men; or Bedroom to Let: I. ,wer en,l of town; n.? chllrlren.-Adclre8s A.B.B" Echo" Otfice, Ne\port-on- C.'iOiFÓ1;BÜ-J:c;ági;; tl;- -;t -t\s"Pet;);G worklllg men-=-AlJP_Maud-str"et, Rc.atb, Caf(l:: ø 'iü:\LFÜ1TA)Ùj; Furnished Aptmet ;two ILl hedrooms, hath (ho and cold); terms moderate.-No '110, Quee:Ù\ Hill, Newport. 3260 (.!ueen's Hill; suit lady or gentleman; terms moder- ate; no cJ:ildren.-Kewport., Mon. 290e COMFORTABLE Apartments for a few YOHnf; Laclios in bnsinpsR; terms ver)' moderate.-G J&ó, Eeho cc, Cardiff. _Jl Tli.iON'£ Siuing- and Bedl:¿fotbly fur. ..t: nished, suit Gentleman or two Friends, piano, good !alldanee, utel'lliB ml!'t.e. A?R!l, ,Iis hu ry:- I ODGiN-G-S-o-ÁlJa,rtn1l:nts for Two repzctble Yonu;; '-01 l\Ien at14, Gl'eet'Ca_ _3_3- -8- i-ANS-}¡ ¡-=-Fnrnjshed Apartmen-¡;t; three j-ol hcrlroon1s, two sitting-roollis.-Apply Mrs Gardner, hosø Villa, Llan.1!l1_gad!tf_ _9 _1). ESl;ÊC'l'ABLE Young Lady, out ùaiIy, eLl1 bave a :\¡ comforrably,furnished. Bedroom in. Gordon:roa.d, .in r:turn for servicc:s ren1'"deed,her ,p:.1r tIme, STVln N!"ln- C¡p:tlly; re(l'rel1ce.287,_>J('- O!bee, Car'1:- ,87- I:JI o0;Ú- t.o Letiói Office, and Bedroom,. if requiie:1, with .tend.!1nce mdce tei,l1t., Barr)- SMALJ-sit,til1g and Bedroom to Ltt; J(ood locality, lose to the Taff St.ation; at 85 6d per week.-Address.N .411, Echo" Office, Cardi_u_1- rl- .V() nic;;iYfii¡ed bedrooms and Ope sittin¡;-r°C!IlJ, with every convenience for gentleman or maled; couple.-91, CMI'Vs-roaÍl. 76 T- \VO or th-ee comfortahle rooms to Let, furziisd or un- furuished,-26. f/ot. ,ooUos-road. Newport, Mon. 324e r['O Let, two Unfn'nishcd P.oom (no. children), 3, Wel!!ng- _tor::t_crrace, Erldge-street, C:1rdl. '1.:>3- rl"O Let, Front EedrooI- ;nd- Eack Sitting-room (nnfur- nished), to respectable coupie without children.-A:,ply 37. Pt)l1art-r:1,_ol'lJOsite ch:1pel. _43 Yi'O Lt, Front BeiroOl;u-Qf-8itting-room; baths; Jt piano, &e no children: Be,\rd reason:1ble, if required. -Belmont IIouse, Clare-street, Cardiff. 322 ri'OIJt; 41)tmentS(unfur;;ihâT: ¡;;pleasant oaíi ty; b;],('k Slttlllg and one or two bedroom-; no Chlldré'n.- Apply L 164, "J<:eho"Office, Newport-on-Us_3f;0 i'l'o-Lt:-i¡)-\Vi;d-srõd,- I'¡tPiate Apar.tnlts for Gentléman; hot and cold baths; no children; he\E,wp_n- Usk. l- rrO Let. n!.t of a Üm;s-, ;iT;fu:,lihed t?OD\ dth use of Intchen.-Enouire Gothic Villas, "'0, Herbert- rr'¿)L;i; in August, Furnished Apartments; suit 2 ladies or 2 ¡;:entlemcn good attend¡,nl'e perm[tnenc¡cs pre- fcned.-Z. 633, Echo" Officer Cardiff. ] 08 ii"J:NFUR?ÚSHED Ano.rtment- to Let to respectable couple, without chl1drell.-Apply 15, Despenscr-street" U- TFURKISHED Apartill'ents to Let; large front 1'00111, Imek p:ulour, and bedroom' hot and cold bath.- l'pl,u<:t°r-road, Crdiff. 25J T P,:FURÁ-nSfIED -Ã.1;tmcnts to Let to a respecto.ble \i Young Married Couple.-Apply 33, Arran-st,reet. off U"NFURNISIIED Apaltents to Let; very con'l"C11Íent _n- r!;frenceB exchanged.-16, Longeros-street, ''{T ANTED, by y';gl::dy, enc-ag-d during day, Bedroom :1UÙ lli!e of ,:ittiw'-room with retined people; ne?r 469, Echo" Office, ardifi"_ T PTED, :LOdging, hy 2 spect:'lhl< young men; jver- sl(l9pré'f:rcd.-Ap!Jly \V.D., "Ech!.£a:454 "T A 'l'ED, FrontBlr;o;fI-n¡shed, near Winds¿- 't' I/;ac, for elderly hdy, for a permanency.-D 1;>, "Leho Oíhfe, Ca:'ditY. IC}:) I-JOUBE Wanted.V;ted to Rlt-Purchas, a con- ]t ,('nient Faœ.ily Re¡dence, within two or three miles cf Cardiff, O!' dose to a 1"ailway station; pight! or nine bed- rool1l:o, reqmred.-Address full particulars to IlL R. S., "Df\1ly News" Office, Cardiff. S08e 'iVAS<TEe, s¿n:Ü Honse, Roath preferred, rent about 7s per w2ck.Address 5, Ceeil-st., Roath. 239 __()R S.-lLE-UOl:SE: L,\XG. &c BUTE-StP;p;;rt).ShOP' Honse, rd; b¡\ck -rac_heap.Hern, 94, St, l\fal!=5breet, CHADD0CK-stre;t, CardUr.-ByO;ler of the l1lortga,- gee3, well-buHt, convenient lIonse, cheap.-Hem,¡, I)AIS Y-STHEIT-=Önvenient and comfortable Honse. l'nce onJy £30, of this £6 can remain on lllort;;agl).- Hem, 94, St. l\hry-street, Cardiff- 90.1c 1- 'OR- sa¡;Cyf;ti-fa.-stréet, seveml convenient 6.0 _I{o-,e=pply D. Lewis, Esq., 3, C'barles-st,<2!_ff. f\ 'rILLICEJ'treet-Ö;'di!:¡' BÝ-'d;¡-the mortga- It.L gees, short lease of Two HouEes.-IIern, 94. St. l\ln.ry- -Jrgmn.-Hem¡ 94, St. Mal'y-5tr!'et, Carcllff. 96: It ADYR=l;r S-le, C-t¡a-3minutes' walkfl:om -tion. Apply at 8ho1', Raùyr. _9 .rJ1"e(1lo\Y.-Hel"H, 94, St. l\fary-stee[, Cardiff. 964 Ci il.EEl' -F; ab¿t- 1.íÜ- ,Si])herd-;g eotC;; -J Í1ve enclos!Jres' 1 050 to 1 2: û atO'l"Ð se: on Builth- rl)aà,. nine mil('s o:;th of Ñw v. 1.-Arliiress l\'[r H,.ig, lsgardrainllwyn, NewtovD, 1\íontgomeryshÏ!.e. 558 I (.jE-'TF R-N, -=RÕD,C;i;t J'l-grden i;t: d -_2'>_<1:<:k cheap,-Hern, 81. St. Mary-street, C.1c'diff. 95e table: price \'cry moù.cr:te.-Hern, 94, St. :M:a.ry-t; UPPER Gcorge-street.-Üo::>cl Hu¡;e, witt, long garden, two convenient Houses Cheal) -Hem, 94, St. l\lary- street, Cardiff. 24; i:}AiUNG)-i; fOI:S;le ;8G¿k;k¡Y;-c-;u!d e¡",j -) h" donoled aJl ut,e.r.siL9 pony and trap, If reqUire<L- :ldl3E_O_< Echo" Oilice, CarciifI: 3- i-(ONFECTIOXEiiY-al-G-ocery Bušiness Lo hI! V Di:po5e1 of in Comnlerci: l-trf)t"h; Ratisïa.ctory reaOf1S for lc¡vin" ineoming iow.-Adclress R., Echo" Orlic>, "-llO(ERY and-I;iri3,-=-F's;-ï; nC:1t Bi(\ss (J: lock lip shop' chea.p rcnt,Apply 140, Woodville-ro:t:i 1->A WNBROKIKG and Sale Business for Dip03a.1 popu- .1!' 10;Is lleiglÚ'ollr!Joot1; spl<,mdid oppor,unity to energct;c man;-eaHyterms. L!\I'e Premises with wa:ehouse at.t,ach,'d, t:?:Il_I:e-Al)pIY Sale, 54, "l'udor-roa(,?__55- !:}ENAnl'H. -C; Fancy-:13sies", and Restaurant; good position.-Apply J';phraim Harris, Auctioneer, STATIoNERY-d Ger.¡l BusÏ1;ess, est-b1iRhed-¡: ing U:oroughft\re incoming low. 354, "Ec1lo" ru'¡6b-Dispœ of, i);iry cl Coofectionery B;;¡n.g- Ohfton-öt.reet, Roath (Kewport-rúa<l end).-Addres; S.E., Echo" Office, C:1rdit1. 139 ¡035.-CónfEctior:ery, Dairy, lruit,; remnrlmhly genuine Ci<JI. pr<.f¡tahJe. eou.cürn; l1opnlou8, nrospe¡'ou.s, sUl?erior; Ie tmgt,hroll"h 11lne:¡;' reilt unùer £2Õ.-Downmg, :Nel'oll- f\,reet, EdstCJ1. 13:, I O(TSI':S.t:(.. TO IÆ';i'. I Wdl'Y, Nr:WT)ort; 8'J9 ve!rs' leae: low :0'.1<111 f('nt. -App!y J\1ep,; Jiaín lot Son, boJi,itors; 0,' Alfred 8.wa"jl, ,I. Archleet, 3, Fdar, Chambers, Newport. 618e _rül 24th iust.-Apply 3, Charles-street, Cftrdifi'. 2Zc mdes.fron¡ Cardiff e,'ly entry.-Apply M 561, "Sr,uLh rro LET, ,IIOlis-;n1 8-hoI; D"Ock;- audÃlJ.I: Dock Offices; good cellarage.-AppIy 5, Alexandra'l'o<lc1, rrO-r:t¡Ü:I-Rooms in a business house, atN -t-st.-A<ldreps Grocer, "Echo" Ofi1ce, Canliff. r 110 Let, witJ'-i;J¡; -P();ssioD:10II¿ld. st.. Ö;nto)I:rli P1)ly to E. Davies, 331, Cowbridge-l:f;d, 13 Al(,y -Dk:"£ilill(SS 1';<:111 :"ec;, suit;b-l for-Ùraprs, (,meers, and others, to Lé:t, at ni<rry DocIe The L;ffe!'ont premis,'s can be viewed, and fmther pa,rticll!re OÜL,tl)eJ: on apl)lication to 1('wis JJ8wis and Davies, Est:tte Ae!,()ole Cl'ambers, Holton-road, Barry Dc,ck. 197 ,grocer s shop for the last 25 ymr", wit,h fittings.-Apply 5.°' Ucdford-street Ç\\nliff' or Lifton 6 Castlt'-st.rret ca. 197C (-'jAS!I, aboüt £GO==- Fuliyi::i;d -:Pemi5es, pituaterl -1.- J\iOlHT1U11.ths,hirc; güod 8t.a.bling, pOdsesslol1. :H. J¡¡.cobs, AuctiolJcer and Hotel Valuer, Abersyc1¡an, ['lASH a'10m,£350.-Magniticen:ly.fittcd Spirit V;it:q V nd Hotl, centre Bristol; two splendid hars, 20 room", f!:msJ¡ed.¡ DIm Dc,ning, !Iotel Valuer, Bris,ol. 309 CAH" £H¡O-N üblC'sPirit:Vault;, sl;eciaJlY¡;¡ît 1 for [,rade only flllJ-licensin immenfe suburu¡m tho- :O!1l 'rc proed tr!1l=-Evj¡!ng,_B!¡,- F1 REE Co,ll1lry-housc Brewery.-FuIJy-licensed House, in pl,.nllll:l position en ri,'er bank, surrounùed with eharJ111!Jg Scenery; s1'lendi'l howling saloon; quoit>; plcsurc grOl.ln(l urbours; hoa.Ling and fishing; price, £350. r-'o be Sold:D¿;blJi;ged H-itl!at(J -inBrit;;] !L f¡:ce:;old properLy, in excellent ('on,-l;tion; seJlin:, tllr.ou:S'1 deat.h price, £3,500.-Adclress W. j\I. 387, "Ee¡lO' L estahlished cf"mntry wine amI s¡,irit concern; dcing !1,yeh:pldobiCt:i os )).:t, ;i(tO¥' only R.oIcl to close an c,;t:tt,e.-ParticuhtrK only of Gay :1)),1 "j_neEole Agents, 10, Clare-street, hritoJ. 13: Jo fiN D-o\ig:-FAI.}¡ot¡;- P¡f)l-8'V;luer Ltcn¡;e<l Auctioneer, 1, 1\ e1so11.stl'Cet., Bristol. Estn,h- hhed 1345. Auction sale, va!u<tUoilS l,ersona,lly e011- .1ue;Lcd; (lista,nce Immaterial; post-free J:'trge¡;t 1'n\]lis110r1 l,s! hundreds family commer!'ial botel8, cou.n;,ry n"'5, STnnt va.uJts, becrhol\es, }¡roweries, te)nper:JHC Ilot.e!s, rocry, f1ra.pery, htkin¡;, butchers, tobaoconits, &c. £10 to £89,CDI<)\1r¡"ti1ged. n 13; ..I.. surrounLled hy immenso factorie_. Cnsh requircd NEAR N ewp¿;tSter¡ing I<'ull-licensed Honse, h-iri- on- de;. eminent Burton-on-'frent, Browery. IirM -viriLs.' l:cpt £2ó. Ineomi\!g £150, meluding funÜture.-Do\ning, F¡c-,O-LBt vosses..ion, a Brl1ouse; -ell-iC¡;: -I. teel in ironv;ork :1ncJ colliery djstriet.-App!)' H. Jacobe, i\,tl()ne(' &'J, A })('rsych, T and Spjrit. Vu1ts; !:rand sea froDt¡¡.ge; "hreeS"pcjolls EM's: capit,:tl H"llse £500, furnished.-Downjn, 1, NeI- ¡'22.'kly.-6ffiu 8pirit-Va.u'rt! occupying c"mm;,d:. ow mg corner positlOll 5plclJdJd Inventory; several cluos liel,l; low rent; commodi:>n,q premises; incoming, £300, cièsh.-Gay and Company, 10, Clare-street, Bristol. 1;54 č1;; fitted; evory possihle convepieuee; low rent: good l'õO,Je; CO¡;y premiFs; considerate firm of hrewers splendid rositioe.-Gy and Company, 10, Clare-street, :1riHtoJ. 13 Æ'¡80,1;t- ;d'1"e(1:=COSY-ountry rO;-d-;i Be;:hml; ë'(;r with al'den, fit.,¡:¡,hle, etc. con.eniently a.rrar1getl: modern (lwelling; rent only £20 Good inventory.-Gay and Co.. 10, C]aretreet, B\'ist_- ]3- j tl()} Cash.-Splaudidiy sttuate corner Beerhouse, i.n č};i capit.a.! position; on ma,in street; in centre of cicy pa,yil1f about £30 1110Htb'y: r:ice hart stahling, ett'{ay and Co., 10, Cla,re-r;stol. A-MEït:LLU¡ soli wal .1" 13 St'1'3, inell1di>!h gr:tnd orga.n and kllee swdl, four sets 01' reedp,; pow'rflll and f:,lIll in-truYllent: quite new; si,: years' wan,tùly; by cdcbratcd makers; suitabie for drawing-room 01' f;mall church. Cost 35 suinüas; ""i!l tl\ke ¡ 7 guineas. wm send pac1'ed on j,rial, <Iud pay return eal'ria;;eif not approved.¡:;s and part.icl1lars f"rwa!'Jed.-Ard- .c t) ;sc'tû,-5: 'to¡i\û_roa'1':f,n:llr:r.- 4'_3- A Certifkr.ted 1\'¡;'G¡,Ü W¡S;¡CE l\1I,ic PI't)ÎIs to Prep:tre for E:n.mmations; tt!rms, from 121> 6(( a. quartel- C 6M, Echo" Office, C:difI- 5å't -CcidÜNEI': B J?LC Õ.JUrtois ]\I-¡- ma.-e¡;Y--Keat- 1,0; tlOll double wa,L?" ke:r, in ea;se c.oJnt){et_c Qni:e l'N, h ood COli itio:l price £4 10.-l\ù' ,Tm.'j B!'IWC]¡. Gr{13- w,- 1J\()lt 8;tle, Ph:noÏorte (Kirlanan) splenûid b'1'IÜn, eot 1[ £40; dl for 20 guineas.-App;y Gee, 17, Konhcote- -jOO;-1Õ 1 Sl;g-i;l)¡d .J;¿bS t¡ 'VÙ1 i;;h;tiii mellow tone; wa,'r,mtCll genuine -Bertram IS'1CSlJll, 30, T-Tigh-s1il'cet) e,vport. 331e Ii 'ULL na,l;d -8t2l-B- ItlInentsn;;á-r-D;I; each io pedcct orùn, no d J1l S, fo;' £29-TI Hat Ba" 2)30nlbar\1,n1 2 Luphoniu\u" 21brit,one3. 31forns, 2 Fnl I'rns, ::i Cornets. 1 Soprano, 3 'rombones, Bass and Side )J¡'lln:1'urLlc, Ogden-street, Ardwlek, Manche5tf'r. 388 l;l-PIYS T,or:-l;ublih('( 5s -f, 38; H<1IÙl,l;Tut;, 1, Farmc's Pi:H10Lorte 'l'ulor, ls; Smallwood's ''lltor, Is 3d.-l\IoyuR, 2.5, Green-street, Cardiff.. 577 l-.JJ ARI> (F¡'glo;ZtiO);}bY-SChi-¡;-j fro-:q Erar(¡;-go.;(i :1. C>I1Ùit¡orl, £7 lOs, AI(> Dou )Ie.pedal Harp, single ac\>ion, hy g()od m:ker, a bargain, £6 10s.-Bertram Isaac- son, 30, High-str,'et, N e.port.. 330, IUSH; :iJ-ol¡:-b-' diirere;;t¡;¡;-rs.o-tjning SOD!{H, .11 waltzes, &c. 300 6d, 2':)(} Is; 20' songs, wa.Jtzes, put). lislwd at qs; oiIers wanted above; £7 the 10t"-MoYll', 24, iron grand walnut drawing-room cotta,go; elabomte plate, nickel silver bolts, check acti,m, riell powerful tonc. No descri.ption can do justice to its beauty a:Hl quality; quite new; ten years' w:LlTanty from In:ker. Take 21 ¡;uinÐa. Great ual'gain, as no handsomer Of finer-tonell iD8(,nInlen can be bought. Rent 011 appro'l, carriage lIaid.-Stirling, Discount Office, 30, Battersea ltiso, LOI2_- 471 P-1PE Ú i¿-r SI,ibl fo;- church or ch;.pe1.4 I. ::)IANÕIÓR'Í'E-for:îe; R. b¡¡,rg¡¡,in; owner lea,lUg Cardifl'Lewi8, 119. Catha3'6-t.erraC¡¡, Cardiff- 338 P- IAKOFORTP; ;r..ons, -¡;;g'ly; pupil';¡ residences, or 4, Stephenson.street, Riveraide, Cardi1f. Special care taken with adult bcsù.wera. 2.3.3' PR IV A TTI School Pianoforte Lessons weekly or quarterly' _.0 107, Cyfilrtl1Íi1-Rtred" oiï Castle-road, Roat.h, CardiK 1'\ Hewarù Puppies, IDODtb old; Dogs',21s; Bitches, lEis B- LACK Mare, 6 years, 12'2, quiet to ride and drive, warranted sound, wit,!¡ foal at foot.-Mrs Lewis, 31, D-OG-p:'r-t-;lÎit14¡;d; pony. in good cond-iÚ lamps and cushions complete. -Apply I, Cyril-cres"ent l"\Olt- S(;le,-15;Cart, as goas new, tQ snit.? cob -15& .haml.lpy 83, ,J., a!,ays,-S'aIf.- 2 I()U Sale, one=-ho-e Bra1¡e good as new; (;arry 12 Horse _al1!s. Wm. AlleI1'2-=-1Vp°T!7 :[?OR Sale, La;¡-(., Travelling Van, in ;ood condition: C'1n be use:l as hvinl; or goods van.-Address Van, "Echo I-¡ÓI{ 8;!c,-Do-C:t.T;-spjeUdid condition: to suit horse 14 or 15 hands.-Apply 9, ConEtdJ,¡,tion-st¡'cet, Ðardi:f. l1OR-S:-br¡ght ny-d1-l\fu;i5 ha,i;,rlsing 5 'e;s; .lL broken to sin¡¡le and dou1J18 h:1rness, and warranted Eound. Price £26 -Apply A. ?\oI., care of Richuds, Bnilder, Church.road, Maindee, Newport. 301e I-ïOlt Sie, uJefirj Ho;dii. 14;2 hz:.ds Pi; -'OT Sale, useful Cob, Trap, and Harness; warranted brar-RJJ: J¡. £l' or separately.-APPI35E4, '(.-mR Sale, Dark Brown Cart, Man\ six years old, 16 hands, \arranted wUlld and "aunch in all harness; would [;nit van; tri:i.l allowed. Price, £36.-Apply Blue House I-OR Sale, stl'Ong pair cart Wheclô, [J,lso Springs and AxIe.-Apply ¿OO, Bute-¡'oad, Carrliff. 458 :i.ORSale, stro;-g;liMl¡1 plea>'ure or-bu'mp ¡;ewly .1. done up; price £12.-Apply 125, COIDllléorcial-strl'et, j-=-¡Oi{;-Sale. ehealJ, 'Waonette carry Dine; nearly new ,ith Lamps, Cushions, and Brake, all cOIDvlete. Thompson, Cr'ss-stre_ort, M_- _6 'ï:-oi¿s;:i-goOd Spring Cart, suit greengrocer or co..l -L' m"rclmIJt, cnTl be Sl'n at 9, Locke.street" Pentonville, iIOR Sale, strong, us('ful Cob, about 14 hands; Cart J1(1 -VOlt H:tle, good Business Trap; !Suit butcher, l,akcr -or .1.' grocer; price £8 lOs.-Apply G. likhell, Broadway, iO){ f):\le, Thy Pony, 13 hand. Price £7; good pony J. trial allow-Jd.-Apply B. Merch!l.nt, East Uskride .Ii.. warranted good ill all h2.roeRs and Round. Price £12.- Apply A. 1\1., care 01' lUcharÙ8, Builder, Church'road, :¡;7oíi-;q-;¡'-W;tgonette (n-e;¡, se,t, niru;hai:J'71 J.: Park Plmeton, suit cob.-Apply Avory, Dock-stri'et, 1- OR-Se, a young bläck Rt;ievèrlitcb.; thm'ODhîŸ brrJken, :1\Jd good watch dog; price, 3 guim:<1s.-Apply 1, _Cyrlc: ltot_h'.I:el, Cardiff. 1íl J-f°R Sale, to G\)ts in Mi1k; tw 'e¡Lr3 old; 158 eaeh.- Gr"l!tJn, 70, Caót.k-rou.d, Ca-nltl. 172 OOD-Sp-¡gl'11;fitc¿b.G-Newbery, tile ft¡;k- t-x intosh Fish, ]<'rnit, and Vegetable Supply, 10, l\1:\ck- -(- ÓOD-T; 1;Gw::nmeadÑasl;=roD.d, u;. we,r!?:r N ':2,'port.-=A:PEly .fl__P!e_n:22e- lI)AP.K Phaton, all complete; Light Wa-ggonett,e, n;;IY new; Pony Cn.\T;ge, In,mps and brake.-Apply Carl- ton Livery StabJeô, Cathedml-rœù, Cardiff. 279 ]- .iïÜITTylit!¡;-Gen>s c; ;jSOlustic -Trap. 11lu cloth cushi'Jns: boLh suit 11 to 12 hands.-Rosser, '[:>HAEi;õN,- i- !ndition ;it13-¡ds, chea.p; or part Exchange for useful Pony.-5, Erllnel- b: ALE.- Very useful hmse Pony, with nearly new l.p ¡,t and H;Lrness: snit any busiDcss; £16 the 10t.2 C! ALp o:¡F;i0'¡g;f¿- anytïi;g us<:ir:ii:Pttÿ turn:ó; ::J Nanny ('0<1', Harness, and Carriage; tnal al1owctl- 1 Q,!1l2t:.e<:t, _gn_ 350 ALE, Spri\J3 Cal, uit any bUEine¡;s, £7 al;Õ Pie-Ure 'J'ra" Sl¡¡ mal'l rmuy or l!onkey, £8.-41, Ciiftnr:.strC'et. "T AN1'ED. a r,h8:1p set or H,.rnas for a Pony, 13 ha;;k 1'1 -Adllr"S3 y, "Echo" Olliee, Ncw!Jort-on.Usk. 'T AN'lD'-Jc:I;=whe-;lD-t;bt b; in g,.oll eon 'f ditio;'l; to suit 15-hr.!1ds hor. or a IÚr of cobs.-Ap. ¡Jy 1, Cyriicrcscent, Roarh-ro[1d, Cardiff. no -t;-D-¿;iõ,l f(;; Aaic:¡;i.-AprIY-W J: B1..kemore 8, l\-I,tr:'et. ¡'¡pl?t,I.l- 365 F- IRST Copsignment y@un>í, Hartz Müualn Cauaries,. t to any wholGBU.le price, 3s pcr cvuple.- Ormond's Bird Stores, N eWfJort. 329 -j-ANÖIERS nQng gzod-wor¡;ing Homers, aloTUl:hits, B:\1rl Hpad r.nd Beard 'l'umblers, ]\f;Lgpies. 0,' other }',ncy Pil'on3, shouid call ánd see my stock, or send for list; from 2; young Cod: Goldfinches (GreY1'ater' arrived,a J<'red CO!Je:sSs-st2:Io- 211 ioÚ. "¡;¡Glt "'Ílfty F"wls (seven he! one cock).- j,p: ply 50, BeúfOl'l£t,r"et, Roath, Cardiff. 4:56 4 IJens amI Copl,; good hying strain.-Apply 8, SiJ'7e:, :treet, HO.t!(;0f. FOR Sale! Gcod working HO\ller';¡;eü!1s, 200 p;georl,s for 8hooLilJt: purposcs.-Ormond s Bird Store, Cross- 2trect,K cwpo:'L, :.lon, _3 RA:N)- (o-ldjj!?dnlos '1-l\Iu.re8._iD full SOIJg '-Jf 8s 00. SU)W,'Ior bIrds, IOs6d -OUDg COCK Mules, 5s. -OrIDO)Hl's Bird Store N e!I:- I-c:g-iENa:mffopure-bred chickens, Bs. 1890; ,Minorc: cock, -:1. capita! st,ock bird, 'Is 6d; Andaluinn cocl¡erels, 336d "each; 1: good blu" and bl[j,Clt-chcqu.ered Homers, 11s-B. Collir, RonÜlJy-ro[J,d, C:J.rdiff. 532 -I-\bb:hOS-J;¡;d;-ila"¿ won -;)'ver iO-¡,rizes ]¡;d¡;g 8110'8, im'ludin¡: Crysbl Palace, Brttb. Newport, Cal'- Úifr, 1¡as old aIllI young 8how Hom.ers for s;fe, from 5s pair. bJnVEI{-GrCy Africa.n Parrot, with crimson tail,. f.nd ,) bWfl.-OUlO D:1s;rnountcd, £1 7s 6d 1>al'al1\- Sullivan's Menagerie, '16, SnlisburJ'.road, C:trdiff. 387 a IIOO'I'ING supplied or farms 8toc1¡ed ,'{;,h -> strong pifjeons prices reawnable, ?QO for Eale m- ane.. :Fa.ncy l'JO"CoD5.-0rJUanu s ,1Hrd Stores, Cr,)8S- street, NewpoL, \io. 329 "{TOUNGpi;.Tr;}Jead -N' orwjc;l C;1?"Cie, fit, r:r a,nythin; 1. 68 [J,n< 75 ech: rnal\C granrl blras; 1\onnch i'ock packed in ¡!lasS-l)annelled dra'l'ling-room ca,ge,1ûs 6d, -I.Jloyt..l!3, Corùlllnr(;ir11-street, lUountaiu A!311. I Ko. 2:Rud:Y,e :3afeq-, wIth aecsSOrtrs hall"; excel!eDt -1. cO'lJrlition; 6 gume:1s.-Apply 10, Letty-street" Cat- B- HCYCLE¡-5 -("i::)¡ 5,înch; LlIs tl:roug401lt, splendid maenin')s: exce¡:monnl oppormlJlty; room waDt",d; (ari'iage paid, 55s ecl1.-1<'ck, Grocer, GuilÚforù-strc_e, :J)Af:G"iN, £5 15"lendid S:,fety; good m¡1ker; balls JL) tll1'oughout" inclduin¡: rle(hls: not. ''or."e tllaa nnl" Jone,s. 33,, C:,ncoil, C:¡,rlhff. 5c9 'r.iAr:GAI1S-iimaiDs-B¡;'gains¡!! In new a-ci jJ¡ somnd-Iuald cnsfJion and. solid tyre Safeti(;s. IntelHl- in[:lJurchasers should inspect opr stock, and conmare prices bèfore buying. 'Wc give trom 25 to 40 !Jor .cent, {hr,eount for rrolllpL ('lsh, and sUI,ply only good, servlcertblc machmes. of rcll¡,¡e ula1(e. :jolc digtrict (\,gentb for J. K. Star1)y a.nd Co.'s gt:'IrUi po U Royers, H Ifilhllao, IIp-rbcrt, antl Cooper's "l'rem:er" C'yele.l, tlJe Coventry l\Iachinit Co.'s Swift" Suferies, (}. L. Mo,ris 'WiJson v,n, (;o.'s ReferC'eE," ;)'ld other popni:tr IJJOlmt.s. Darge stock of Luc?.ö and MiIler's ,ooÜ., always 011 l'nd. l;x>:h.ngQs malie daily. Repairs, ¡"tinting', and phlt'n:Note "ddrtoss-Pa.lTY ).lld Co., :Manl1- (acturen;, Aent, and Nickel Platers, Cardiff Cycle \VQrks, W est¡;ate-str5't, (jae__ -_u_37'45_- '1Al1)l:FI" Öycle Depot, 10, Castle-road.-One Hundred \J E\:8tis, by le::vling n1kers. Havin6 :nade :1rl'ar;óe. ments fOl' quick delivery, \e are now pre¡Wtred to Sell :It a ,'crY Low lfigUi'O lor Ca511. EVèY ruachiflc gu&rantf'l:c1. ]jpfore pllrcl1al\¡; els'nvh(;re, .call and inspect our stock (If J\f'W ,m(Î Becon,l-hand Sa.feties. \Ve hold a Large Stort: of LilCa.S'S and l'lillers'.Goods. Iamps, B(lh:t Ba.ggt &c., nll 'i,l)l: Latesi, Novelt!es. l'neum<l.tic, Cushionc(l, and Eolid-tyrcd r;ë-feties for hire froUl 6,1 per hour. Repairs, Enmclling, Plating, by experienced w8rkmen on the premfses.-Note adrlre:>s: Me;Lg_8r_r,ros., C(\J_-r_()d,- C;¡,reli_? -C-U8HION.1.'yre Sf(;ty .for f3r.le, balls to all parts, in- dJl(ljlg l)edals not rldd"n 20 miJe,¡;: cost £12 I'eceit,t shown to an immediate p!rchaser; £'l J5.-ApJily \V.-olf, 1'I1wnbroker, 64, Commercial..street, Newport. 3-S0e .-=-ù;s Iio;S:f-:thisY<hrCoget;;iïlf;st ¡pr¿Z lJ DlCnlS; I>8rfectly 118W eonditioll; spJendhl maehine; £10; aIso gelluine-soljd Tyre Rover; ood eonditioD £7 105. )!I ,_oIla,oal,_Iajn(!c_e, N ;R.C:- 303_- C URHIO:N-tyred S;¡Ü,ty, with b;l1s throu';Dout, includin;; pe¡ln,¡, hy ii1:t-cla"s l1l",l;br; glllline bargain. 3/, J\louut St,m"t-3ql!, Bllte Docks, Çardiff. 7G3 cO!Jliition: ha11s àll over, including' pedals; price f;¡ 10"3, Newport-road, CardiiT. 177 111" I-O-l".r St-ig-tf-' l-l;;Ù-hca.1"i ngs, ('xc:PtP-d;l; JL nls,) ¡¡, YOc1tl,'s Bicj'cle; a IJarg;¡,Ïu, £3 5s.-No. 17, ]\vor-f,óreet, Newton, Cardiff. 432 l-i-'OR :¡Je: Rud[; Qu-lr¡;ici;l'amÏZrî¡, cuï¡iO;tyr(': jJl'l'lc:dcondition, not rld(len 100 miles, cost £';0, take £20.-17, XOl"thcote-st.reet, C:rdiiI. 4G{, -'OR S,le,-52ini-Ordi,y13iI! ball1Ît; _1_' (i¡quul to new; caô¡', 4 ¡¡;uinc<s.-Apply 29, Oxf0l"d- t'l'eet, Cardiff. 511 -1l':iîOSÏÍJe, :NIll¡el' S'Lfety, good as n¡;w, eomplete ].. !owc¿t price £7.-Apply 133, rel1arri-strcet, RoMl1,460 lí'¡iOR.-S;l, O;¡¡I,ry O-i;;¡'¡;Ùbearinl'p, and-bell in gaod order; wm "ell choap.- 1)'. 463, "lclJa" OItJce, '11OR-f,J;O:'t; '201idtyë, b¡Ül-bea;Ï1gs, \o;Pt .It ped:,ls; 11 bargl1in, 7 gumeas.- 'Villiams, 11, Bute- l-di"Oft_H¡il;;fct:ÿ-B¡-Cie:-cqu:Jit new, price £5.-Ã;;plY 2'1, :op!na-str,.ct, Doc1:s, C:mhff.. 153 -'OI ale,-Ho,vn;F.; .lEoln â:fy baJl bearigs;g( -L' s'rong machine; eheap.-Fred Morg¡m, jun.. Mill- Cl-(ori 81, god- SafctyÚ cye; halls aÚI'rt-t pec1als: &Iso lamp and bell; price £5 can be seen at llY time:=: !¡;.)eH2,!j:,tlF'[\-ec 1I'iertby_£9- ]- VlL Pnel1mntic S¡mlÎ-Raeer, in perfect con(Jjt!on, new, I'a,lls throughout;' list £,25, £15.-Thomas, 130, iÜ OHRL"J-Ú;, Cyc¡;V;ks.-¡;'()ntYlnidà:Tbe .a-L e!fici<mtJy eq1Úppe,l Cycle Depot in South WlIl." Fee U C;:c:Hng anti "he0'J11Y. "} 4ie j nínms J;ro.1fng¡n;!(;R. I';LY¡-;ridd-=-F¡ft;e-; -Y-a- 1tl expcl'icnce must preyail. e offer a rell3hle artir'}e at }-sl!).- ? ]})ai)t n(t.l11y in 'lOJans Bro. al!ç)\t' tmdC' "ir,sem\ for eash w¡r,h order to a.J fir>1t 3,D;>hcantö; new i:afet,c5: Looks [1nrl l,i¡;ts (t 1:1!)S, ps_t!r_ 41.tC 1\ ,[ORUIS Bros.) Elcctro-plateI'3, Pontypcidd. Ci;ns, .1l :1'lwunaUc8, and So1iùs. (',sh or lJIonthlv '[Iarmf't1tR. _P )'1")"1: a.nd Co., bal! bearings throughout, baU steer- in:, S"¡CIYShOP ooiled. 1)'2VO\, h"n pun ctured; list pric", :26: ,,¡C" £16; gnod as 1l2W; weig1Jt, 3111)6.V. H. f l'!l.tL;, Ð!amontl Frame; Hr.t tl<l<"n 10 tm1E'S; klll1J, hed, ¡;,c. hll-)ed"ls. 1.owcs" cah pn('e (no use 10 pre:'ent oWIKr), £6 lis 6d.-J. D)'er, 0, legel1-street, 'e8t<> '¡11:l. -l1de':Î11at¡"S"nÜ D¡a:;(ÚF;:ar+1:l S Inch !Jest CI,lshwn 'Iyrt:?, ba,l hearings to every part, 'ball ped:¡,Js, !J,tu', '¡"I thnt will not C1!t tyres, best plated parts, al1\l Ojl e:m: of no use to present owner. Cash price £7153. -G. _Cr().sIn 3,O::iel-te_rae-, estonsnpr-Mare.- 36'- S'¡ AI<'E'l'Y.- F¡rst-elass ]',1¡tehine, ball brRring;; li¡'t chai.- on ly- Os,-=-V._ib °.rl,_OU tfitter.ern( la "1"10 COVeT Adval1c').-50 new Aip..el1shion Tvd Sities' l!()Tenty mad, Bown's .'Fohs hall be;1rings t.o all parts, lDelU9-llJg l'e<lalR, Ii tyres, ad!u1table niekel foot rests, and H¡terchn¡!eahle in every part; complete with J¡,mp, bell, bag, and tooJs: cost 19l5.; take £(J 195: warranted fOl'.12 months; will send on approval n.nd f(¡\:ld ?ff.c gt ¿15j%¡[fc)gDit )59, St<)ek,10rt-roarl. Mandlet.()r. 432 Set,. Alhert, 651?; lSe. ladies Wa.tch, qOs; gen lCTcr, 35s h,IId. Cham, 39s. 512 B-LA.IBEl.a -p, brol{-er. :I-fcit1nt'¡; mwi -> gl"'SY, smgle stone Jal!l(lnd RiDg, originl cost (g-u;.rantec(.) 40 gumeas. 'lhe above ring was pled¡:ed for £18 a w:.naty to re-advance ffiC "ben desirel given; pure la.rge dIamond, not I1}bhISh; £22; approval for ]-jJJAIBEG, P<twn1:l!'0ker.-W]¡at offer¡¡ given for .-> S\lp{'ror Vi.lio? can seen s.ud triçd lit 2, Bnt, e rrace. ;to¡ \I rA¡¡Qui\}'¡lc Qjferretusçd. fiï2 -DLAIBERG. Pawnbroker, 2, Bute-terrace, Cardi&Read ? this carefully. 22ct. Wedding Rings. 3s dwt., 19s qune new. lfll-LAIBERG, P..wabroker.—Forfeited 18ct. Gold Demi- _? Hunter, fult icivelied. splendid timekeeper, key?s cost B16 warran'.fd 8 year?, ?10 ?nca.rly new. 672 ??AIBEI?(???wnbrokcr.—Forfeited Ladies' Brooch. large dht!lloJ:d in centre; warranted; cost £5 iiew only .S3 approvai given.—Bute-terrace? CardiS. 572? -!ritA-R.GAlXS.—Jouble-a<:tioQ Harp. gplcndid condition; JL) Silver Lever, good maker, 5Cs 5-stonc Diamond ?E?ng, Mamso:i, Pawnbroker, Newport-on-Usk. 282e B1LiIÜÜ)T;¡;ï;,s¡)y 4, complete, with full sets of JD baUs baqain.-Phillips, Pawnbroker, Wholesale Jeweilers. 24. St Ma.i-y-street, Ca.rdiC. _lM_ .r?OM?LAN ?'GUici?—A Solid Silver English Lever, full ? capped and jewelled, in excellent order, 25s unre- deemed 228 .r?OIjFMAN ?oUick.—L&dy's 18e. Go!d Geneva, in h'shly ? iirnslted and fashionably designed cMes, quite ?ew. 555; three warrantry. 228 c. OLE1AÑ F;Üick, Pn.vmbroker imcTjewcUer. 40 and 41, Hea.vy_ P!ain Cold TZing -IOI,E AN Fo! lick. —Ladys"15c. Gold Fancy Hins. set c with real Dh:nonds !tndPe:trls, 21s; a good as new.228 -C-ÕLEMÄN -i'ili. -Glt"i-;¡e-(¡:<siivE;lbh ?' Let-er Ekiifu'ly timed and exumined (Sha,rrittt & Co., Wnrcesi,er) 60s 5 years' stamped warranty giveu. 228 ?OLE;\IA5r Ff.!lick?Gent?o)id Silver GEneva.: stamped \J cases; ordrr fiiaranteed (ma,?er, Benson, Lon?loiij; 'i.7s 6d a gen\4ine barain. 228 F-;Olï-saJ¡;El¿tr¡C-L¡ght Battery, with connecting wires, Jr la.Hip, glob.. complete cost of lighting. Id an hour price, S4; costEcumeas; also Amencan Orga.n.ette. with 28 tuples, good a. new price. B2.—Apply Steel, 1, Dtckcni,- ymdy, 428 F- OR Snie, Ba.' cled Wire, 22s pcrcwt. reel.—E. Priest &Co., Jf 53, Canton. SOS F OR Sale, Ga;vamsed Roofing Sheets, 6 and 8 feet long, Jf is 7d and 2d each.—Tatf Vale Works, 55, King's- road. Canton. 605 't.?OBTSa.I?W' re Netting. 2?in. wide, 2ia. me5h, 4s 7d per Jf 50 yards.—5}. King's-road, Cautoa. 507 ? ?.10R*Sa!p?' .'?Bt Asph?ltc RoonngFeIt, 5a per roll 5' 500 Nait- ree—E. Priest and Co., 53, King's-road, Canton, Ca.? ?_ 508 ffOR S[ti(.)Yered Tiiic?l- in "ood condition; suit baker. ? —Apply 9u. Broadway.' Roath. 420 TT'OR Sale? by Pnvat<r Treaty. Suite of Furniture, Brussels j' Carpet, ? nther Bed, Bedstead.. Bedding, &c., ?;c.— 10, -0 T,c c. C. "I i- ff. 401 F- OR Sale?' ?hopFixtures, ineludm? i\tahoe?-ay-top i' Counter 'vith lO-drawere..—Apply for furtner particu- lars to Q. 247, Echo Oalce. CardiS. M7 ??OLD Widn Keeper- Z2ct. ?Ycdding Rings, ISs 6d; (j- white pair Blankets, pair ck;u;.1tr¡¡1J Pillow-Slips. Bi 5s suitable for present or own uBe.—109, Poath, Cardiff. 343 jrjbRSE Maaagemect. by Mayhew and others 14th edi- JiLJL tion.lSSJ: about 400 illustrations; new; a. splendid work- be,nt.iflùly bound; wiil send it free for 5s,-B. J\1eeha.ill, rente, Rhondda,. 235 ?DUSTRYA TrAssur..n('e.—A small Book for Disposal in JL one of the best. Friendiy Societies.—Apply Cardiff Dis- trict COllelt-r. Echo '?-č-a3niff. 563  AFES.-Sec'ondhand, 2ill. high; very strong, with one S cash ùr¡¡,wer; best lever locks; price, 70q. Alo, one SOin.higl'.w?ti: two drawers; price, 93s, delivered.—Lord's ,z,fe Works, 'VoJverhampton. 516  Lal'gest AssorlDent of Uwrcoats to be Sold che ap JL in CardiC;.—E. Day. Wyndhsm Arcade. 415  S. Tunks and Co., TLim?',te(l, Oven Builders.-Manufactnrer/\ of all kinns of Kneading siftin¡r, and other machinery mr,J' be seen in motion daily from 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Scnd f,)r price 1L?ts.-ACLdi-ess 13, New Dock-sLrect, Newport.. 43, Wil?-C Oflers?-2 dress length? of Y civet; patterns sent I' o ItpnlicatiolJ.-J. "'orth, 2, Lawrence-strv?t,, Ardw;ck G?ce, Manchester. 235 ??INDbw T?=ket$.—Every );ind of Window Ticket for 'I every 1'a(f\ cheDest :md \¡est in Cardiff-Pearson 33, C?tbays, Cardiff 299 OÕP- Ceut —For Sale. 15 B10 Shares, E4 called in Local Echo Oflice. 1-35 F-mITiT::¡ ;tcd for mùc1ertes¡z;d-J-o-mnst he  t?ri,?s ,ood second-a,,d preferred. -F! 09, Eho e?!, Cardiff 109 -¡-ilLS Day ;¡ giving the b?st price in Cardiff ¡clcl-ff H _U2tliT.l;=-!lldha1a:3- ï\fR\J;g Jrh)e[i\îI;e;Nl; for C3!?t-Off (" "t:ling of every descript.ion. l'ostrcards nd receill 1.?ODII)t att?lit? 1]. 357 '-iTAl\'nnt;hi';forFidY eaeh 1\1ra.-t,lce. Cardiff. 3,- AV, -rANTET', ;t-c3 gal'ons of pure freh .Milk; if ¡:ootl, 3v_ill be tak??,   Left-off of everY and old Violms best price  I Ja?ce, 3?, Wyndham Arcacl_e'_(J'i: 2q8 iTANTEr.¡;-x;g- ;eful Prticler of jewellery for f 'f afety ,3'cycle by -oocl maker.-Apply 9, Tredc;ar- Mon. '-iT for casH, an, ot the 111"1,\ silver, Jkoh,>n Jewellery. Old Antiq11e Silver Plate, Enamelled Patel: iboxes, Saltg, lc., on Ivory, or l-:na1JleJ Pamt,m;;S,Eonks, Pnnts. Er,r avirg", ?iit7are, Coins, &-c. &'c. For parcels reœive,l C¡¡'SÎl or ciic?,ut ren)Î1,tecl and ?oods held nnt?l ofi?er accepted, -.ii i if prices not ,at'sfa,?o,y ¡(ood returned. Banliers: Llc,yd's Bank, Limited, Cardiff.- Harry Winston, junr., 5(1., H:ge.trctt 490e of formit)gt IVatch A greatly their advantae by applying to Fattorini and t:'om;27, We,C.te, Bractforl. 4 Corrective mcceeds aftr nil ot.lJei'S havè not a quack medicine.-Pear80n and Co., liue-gtrec,-2,d;1J. 512 i:irRl\ITL RE, 31tirical Instrumenœ and Stocks boiight JC prOmP¡.:l:<>_=-I,?v_eri_3" 05,_ridg.rad, arditf. ¡-co{ LA?3,'? Sliade? and Stands all Fiz?-.?, (?iie?p, for cloks, 'lJf statnet.[.es, &c:J. mi¡;t, ?2, Royal Arcade, C-,irCLig.  G ],&ZING Linen like China without poli;hing- i'll3 (gn"ra.nteed): alo stiffening procl'ss; six RtamrÆ; 1,700 421.,  for Friendless Girls, 12, Paradp,Ca;diff: J.I clothing of all kinds urgently needed. 722e :i:rC¡1lNGS (unbl)<\bi¡;):P¡-I asty I' Iood and Skin Diseases (from whatev8r f01' free of to Co., Cheuli!l. 10, C'1.rcline-st.reet, Cardiff, where, immediate relief may be had anri sure cure guf, <1t a trifiin cost. 513 í; Ylr. \Vatc¡;1!g.? -TiJ)¡;t a;l che;pest sl;-i i En:;('ll¡;è,rf:J Ga'¡lCIAe e(ard d;IPi:; Ü:.sllc-street). l'roprietor, Jam ô Keir, for 10 yee.1S witl1 ]\"ir iri?ijoii. Hin(Is. gla&-es, n keys fitted. 3 li EV?ELLERY, Wtehes, \ttl- ?) I;t;;iCut¡;ry I' OYS, PI)JeS" Wholesale hst post free.Vright, S, Luke f-ro"d, 31ó L Al:'?? DRY GL'?ziijg Sefret,-Cuiffi,CoIlars a!1(Ù?:tš liKe W lite cl1w<t; nothmg useù m the starch' n0 j!oiis;¡il1g iron requircd; paniculars free.-Laundry, 75, Dirienliead. lG l?ll R'? Allen Pearce, maker of Ladies'rel?,s and 1'ru, ill- for P,upture and PupLured -Navel. No shop -13 The Paradc-, Carii ff. 'i9 4 I- I -IOBACCONISTS comuencin!7 see Iilmtrat.ed.-Gnide- 3(I !low to open re.,pect,ably, £20 to ;??l()O.-Tobacron'st's (),itfitti?,g Co. ?,E,tn-road. London. 343 TO. :I<1;rried People.-Invall\I;¡;-¡;lf';r;ti;t-; -L of stamped ellyelope.-Adùres3 W, Hi son 4o.4. l\IansÍÍeld-l'oad. Nttin.hani. 592  on our new hire Hire Sysb Huses .1 J. Arnrtments comp'et-ely furnished on a ew sy,t?.? solely by us, whereby all publiity, aud made hy other eompanier. are wlth. 11&ve Immense stocii oÏ Houscj'old FnrnitHre of eheap superior AI soid 011 the Hire at reac1;r-money prices make no extra charge for crectit, all goods ent I-iojiie in a van Sta.ID!) or a.grecnlenc. charges n1ade no of ale; every t, conlpleteJ wiL1\out delay, aiirl, being we guarantee qn:tliLy, and will to :lUl'ply ftii-nitui-e, etc., at I 10 cent. less tllan any itrice-listissiied hy allY firm CarÙiff. Eleven 8howrooms. Call and i.,p?et our im- niunso stock, and coi)iiare prices before p?roha,in,- elRe wherE. 'Ye will supply L6- orth for 23 6<l wH.kJy: 910 worth, 48 wecJdy; £15 worth for 5s weekly; ?,20 wort.\¡, ús weekly, so on in ilroporlioii. S,)ecial tenlls for larger PJeage note the Fnrnië.hing Company, 31, Castle-c;trcLt (opposire the Cast.lci, (JJ.rditL ]0  -¡ç\te Gt.le;n';)l;:a;¿-y-t-Lend from £G£5ÕÕ, A- tD bnn.ers, rlarket 'fardeuers, hOlsellOlders, n.1d ,ub- lio g,?nt?raUs,, in strIct conl¡deiJce and without pUblicity.. 10 l'rciin::inJ.I'Y feel' asked for.-Apply to John Sully, 11, li?'g',i- street, P "tyyc,-)I?   Adyant:ed, from £10 to LIO,QC?) on se(;'lrity, by 1" l W. Leby, Esendene Villa, Quccn's-hill, Ncw¡>nrL I ffO1"EY tlv nced to responsible POI?OTIS prin.tely Anl ,j- l'omrtly, from £10 to Cl,ON, on 1l0Lc of hand, a?,;t I rate of interest and easy rCp1yments. Distauce Do oh- jection.-Apply, by letter only, to J. Waters, 13, A1íreù- street, 187e Iî\n:o¡¡'TAÑTtAgricuituris ?%?,(l othe.-=-A pri-;t Gentleman, having a largo car.¡bl at his con,?u is prepared niake;i(?Lvarces in sums, irom £10 to £1,000 'to ?Ilofes.?ioi3d '.rnu:e£nwn, F"rmers, and' aU clse 0f respecta1Jle gene.,all?,, on their Note 0f D. Phillips, Snows Hill tiouse, flridgem1. 4002.3360 ,¡\;rON .1f. adv!1.llces to any amoum, oil of Hand alone, to and others.-1Il, H¡trriet-str.:ct, Ca.rd;¡f. 400I-2:35e O'iL, Y Lezit out up"l, not, .1,.1- of hand alon to farmers, eah cowlœepers. hotd or other in or Conntrj'Appl.)', am011nt to David DaV¡e3. 2, pjac, SlValse_- 337e-tC(\O P- 0" Jose, F, pMed to aJvane cash to all of Ctl) L'e-kee¡wrs, and A rl izans, from F,5 made a'1d paY111ents wilde to suit horrower's or to PoDtypridrl. Fle 1\ ,[OKEy.-If you want it prùmpt¡Y-pivat-;ly, and at a 1. low rat of interest on your simple prornisôory notes, or apply enclosing envelope, to P. l'homas, 20, 1IIRrkr,t-¡;treer;, Speeia,lfeature3 :-No enquiry fees rea30n:tble interegt.,wh1ch is quoted bf'forehanrl: universal a day's lloice being [enel'alJy sittficient, no of solvent l'he CariWn Bank, for \I },ir is has been est:,bli.slwc1 10 yl)::r,<, and has a capit:l of £.30,000, consequently no genuine awl re3pect,tble application is ever Pef?ed. 950e i'l.-Ö;'fgYAPP¡iœt-¡s;ru-Œ -Ô);t:n'j n-;¡;-b;:  allured 1')' ¡,Iw advertisr;ml)nts ?f.%o-caL]ed hallks Or llr;ntc }en¡li:r3 ofIHj"ln to make ad,an:"es on ridiculous tenuS. 'l'h" lOajorit)' of theDl emana'Le frnm a;ents, .hose obje"t is t.o obtain fess, c,)mm;sion, :11111 del'oits. Br;ing t.ile :1,eL:d lT1<Ïel'. no f,ut;h 1'('(iuir0n..Jlts: nrc exacted, aníl t.l.C c'lh <¿,h.:t:ed direct at" taÎJ' ITte of illt"ret, accordin" to \¡t h0UL a loan. AD V AXUE are from to £J ,COO, upC)n every c!a.s Of sccurity. Existillg IOaJ1 are No charge maùe IInk,"8 {lJe i-iicpnpy i8 or '1'. G. l 512e  Lent from L5 to £500 at a few )lours' notice to ,? L !owkeepers, hou"eholder and o,.hers on I)ro iiii?Fory nute altne and on the H OWlt name. Dls, tance PO object. No charge- of any are ilJ:Hk unless lmsiness is Anyone requiring a strietly private temporry 10.1ll withoè¡t the publicity and loan ollice rontine hould apply to 11, 4Se OF NO PUBLICITY il[ON-F,Y LENT ON KOTE OF YlAl\'D ALONE, ?' Sums from E20 to -r3,OOC 'rhe Y, atioll-I Mere MP?, I;,nl? Baldwin-street, lir Direewr of thi3 old- offer unusual facilities to all respectable and trtistworth; persOllS who requirc, either temporary or permanent ance. Cash in amounts from to £3,000 is advanced in all partf of the without sureies, delay, 01' pub- and oil the security only of the borrover proii!ise to repay. These a,h'.Lnees may be repaid by weekly, monthly, or quarterly ii)??t-aimeilts, exr.endin;: over a pLriod of time convenient to the vr the principal may re- main "0 lonf; as thc interest is paid. No bills of sale, all,1 the tnmsactionô are not in any uewspaper or 7¡7"JLt;lJ5ia.g amouut required, to Air T. U. 2il' niivii (-Yenei-al -qaijazer. 927,? ¡-10IÙllIEi;uLÙj-A.:riv\XëB- 'LJ CARDIFF. tc) £300 can be obtained on the same day 3, applied for hy professional gentlemen, tradezinen, farmers, cow keepers Applicants may on the strictest crecy ob, served. Charges moderate, and no enqmry or otberfees charged unless cash advanced. Coixiitry..ppli catioias attended to without ùelay. App personally or by to Mr. L. JOSEPif, COMI\ŒRCIAL .A.DV ANCE J}A.NK, 230 19, '? TONEY !—The DIRECTORS of I. 8. FIELDING and ? i CO LIMITED, ADVANCE DAILY sums from B5toBl,000. METHOD OF BUSINESS FAJR IKTEREST. EASY REPAYMENTS. NO DELAY. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. NO SURETIES. Trade Bills Discounted. Prospectuses and to Secretary, 18. CHARLES-STREET. CARDIFF. 16e C.ASH ADV ANe.m FBOr.t ?5?7PWARDS TO ALL ? CLASSES ON THEIR OWN SECURITY. NO FEES. REPAYABLE IK EASY INSTALMENTS llY l\1R J. P. THOMPSON. 71, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF. Hou-R. 9 to 8 Wednesdays. 9 to 2. NEWPORT OFFICE 2. ALHMRT-HALL CHA5EBERS, STO\V JI1LL 28e Àmu5£1n£nls. CARpirr. R1".HENTRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. TO-KIGHT (SATURDAY), JULY 25TH, the sue. cessfnl Drama.. The BISHOP OF THE FLEET, John Soeratea Snelt Mr FREDKRICK MociLLOT" MONDAY, Julv 27th. l\Ir F. A. Scudamore'a Great Drama, "THH DANGERS OF LONDON." Bos Plan at Thompson and .Shackell's. Ltd. THE E M'?t?' E? MAXAGER.OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! l\¡f" I S S M'" ?[ARIE T 0 F T U S TOGETHER WITH THE SISTERS GRAHAM AND A?< ENORMOUS VARIETY COMPANY. NEXT WEEK- 173 THE PINAUDS. m H E W?)'R L D S FAIR JL (adjominc; G.W.R. Station), PENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF, "till continued. Thousands come nightly to spend a leisure hour. All kinds of amiisements. Open every evening. Admh;ion to ground free. 379 SWANSEA. QWANSEAPAVILIONTHEATRE ? OF VARIETIES, HIGH STREET. GENERAL MANAGER .MR FRANK HALL. This SATURDAY, JuJy 25th, the WENT- WORTHS. f'in!rs and Musicia,n?. Mr Pit Conner, Irish Comedin.n and Da,ncer. Miss Lily Ma.y, Mimic and Serio-Comic. MissLottteLonsd&le. 'Sisters Covetti. Miss Alice Oakley, VooAl Soubrette and Comedienne. Brothers Knockabout Come- dia.ns.—MONDAY, July 27th, and every eveninc: during the week, the Thrpe Peilles, Acroba.ts and C)o\vris. (Firur-iiiaits. EXCUHSIOTO ? W E S T 0 N JL'J —— THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, JULY 25TH, By BONNIE DOON or LADY MARGARET. Leave Cardiff. 7.0 p.m. Weston 8.15p.m. Fare, 1" 3d and 15 6d. T?ARRY DOCK REGATTA jLP —— WEDNESDAY, JULY 29TH, 1591. THE SALOON STBAMER -TT A V E R L E Y I Vv WILL LEAVE CARDIFF PIER-HEAD at 9.45 a.m. FOR BARRY DOCK ENTRANCE, RE-EMBARKING PASSENGERS at 8.50 p.m. FARES TO AKD FRO :— SALOON Is 6D. FORE DECH: Is. Tickets to be obtained on the Boat. HUNGARIAN BAND ON BOARD. ?RISTOL??HANNEL?PASS?ENGER -8-J) SERVICE, LIMITED. MARINE PLEASURE TRIPS FROM NEWPORT. The favourite passenger ste?.mer, EARL OF DUN- RAVEN, or other suitable steamer, will run (wind, weather, and circumstances permittin), WESTON and'C?ANNEL ? TRIPS?'trom NEWPORT LEAVE NEWPORT FOR CHANNEL TRIPS. Saturday. Ju!y25.—Channel,3p.m. Fares.—Weston, to-Mid-fro (day of issue o:dy), Fore Deck, Is 6d After Deck, 2s SingI< Fore Decl{, Is 3d After Deck. Is 6d. Dogs and BicYcles, Is each wav. Deck, Is 6d After Deck, 2s; D?H h?c? M After Dec'j?. l?q 6d. Dogs an(i BieveleF, Is each wa?. Ligll' Dock-street, Newport (and a,t Cardie"). ???s inj ?urtion. (.'al,d;4,T ) SALE-ROOAIS, CARDIFF. ?/T'ESSRS MOORE and CO. have re- 1'- ceived instructions from :?Tr Ro,)ert,son, Rich- ceived instructbiov ns ? ai CTIO-N, on .110.NDAY iuond-ioa.d. to SELL by AUCTION, ? on MONDAY. THURSDAY, a.nd SATURDAY, Jt:iy 27th, Nth, Md ht. a large qnantity of Stiperi-i- ° HOrsEHOLD ? FURNITURE AND OTHER EFFECTS. Removed for convenience cf sale, comprisina: dining, (1rawÏ11g, and bedroom over- mautel: warrlroues, dnches3e toilets, dinin,, octa-on and occasional t[J.bles, carpets, Dl!1rble and other clocks, 7.'50" ??' ? "?' ?' ???° da' at 5? 7.30. 570 DIrl F r!pHE SALE hv AUCTION of FURNI- JL TURE (a.bout 'i00 lots) and portion of a Trades- ma.n's Stock-in-Trade, Ciocks, Watches, Ptcrures, Violiu: Concertina.s, Brnshes, a Go.od S)de Saddle. Peta.mbula.tor, ,ever,,tl.,silites of Fttmiture. &0., &s per posters, will be held m the above HaJl by Mr T. WEB- BF.R, on TUESDAY Next, Jnly 28th. On view mornmg of Sale, which will commence a.t Noon.82-<1ge iJnhUt £1atíu5. mHE NA'l'ION!- TELEPHONE COM- JL PANY. LIMITED. nnELEPHONE TpATENTS. NOTICE. As it has recently been stated in Feve'al quarters that the Teiephone I'atcn'.s he!d by tip :ationd Telephone Comn??-Dy expire on the 30th Jillv )-,ext the Dir??CtOTS deem it their duty to fqve pubEc Not:?e that, this statement. is onlv true with regard to tho nrst of Edison's Transmitter Patenis, and that the of carbon tr:lllS)ll; 111 cČ/õTImon use in this country (the Blake, the Runnings, the Cros.slcv, etc.) are c.tvered by inter patents which do not expire until the latter part of 159¿ and the of 1835. The Directors desue to warn the Pubhc 'that the manHfa.cture, sale, and use of these instruments, and of inMruments constructed m colourable imitation thereof, win oontinue to be an infrin;;ement of the Compa.ny' <4 Pa-ten? Ri?htc. Byorderofthenc.'L'rf!. ALLiERT Secretary. Oxford-court.Cannon-street.Londou.E.C, :Oti)Ju.M.lc31. THE W ESTERN COUNTIES AND SOUTH WALE:- TELEPHONE CO.. Ijimited. Hesd Omces. 16, High- street. Bristol, are SOLE LICKNCEES in their District for the Patents of the National Telephone Co. 345e R1CHl\10:ND ROAD CONGREGA- & ? TIONAL CHAPEL. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES TO-MORROW (SUN DAY), July 26th. Rev T. C. ElH\"AHD. D.D., (Cynon- will preacli. Morning aè 11 antl 6.30. VISITORS TO LONDON SHOULD V STAY at the NEW BRIDGE HOTEL, 252 WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD, Hcuses of Parliameiit, BED BREAK.! 'AST from 2s 6<i. 524 Ad.'r.- R. WAHL Y OVELY 'SLA?K' SILK DRESS.—?Ve ha,e baei 20 i,?eces of I)ure rich Lyons hla,cI; eonled silk left OJ! our hands by it J.'ons manufacturing firm whom we made ;.n :>.d,'ance to; ?ve have (iceicle? to cut this up into 18 J'ds. full dress and ofter them haJf cost price-n-tiyielv, 59s-to clear. It is most corded soft-" silk, width, and does not cont:1Ïn a (1f rcny other material v.-hatsoever but pure Lyons si'k. We will send one or more of the 18 yd. pieces 011 for Money returned if nOL ;I-pprove(l. All l "Joint Stock Bank." Manchester.—Ardwiek Digcoun Office, 159, 881e TpURNITURE FURNITURE 'FURNITURE I I-'URNITURE FURNITURE J)' F URNITURE ] ORNITURE FLTRIT ITLTRE A L S U P'S STEAM: CABINET w ORKS, W 57. 53, 69, BBOAD- MEAn,BRISTOL. "To buy & thing fight, buy where tis made. ALSOP A LSOP .A LS?P 'A LSOP A LSOP ALSOP A LSOP ALSOP A LSOP, TDROADMEAD, BRISTOL. 472 2313 IMPORTANT TO LADIES.-The most JL wonderful medicine ever discovered for a. irreu and obstructiors, however or llm. standing. Thousa.nds have been relieved by th'lg iiiii-ac?lous remedy, and thereby saved trouble, iHne:> -and expense. Perfectly hai-mless neve: faib to bring about the Iesii-ed effect, as to by hundris of married and single Numerolls uJ1s0licit.ed testimonia.ts HLM ARE USELESS only briii, disappoin?ment. Sa,lllpeàaldres:;ed envelope for price lisL—S. W. D?ASMAIL. ?V??hMnft?. ? ?he ?? effectual remedy o¡¡ earth. Try <Hld judge  you? s???. "'?' ????? rI1R:Ol\IPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS. JL THU GU.EAT BLOOD PURIFIER.—Purify the foulest b!ood Md relieve eveTy of, tiyer.and kidneys, 'niesewonderfu! PiUscuro disw-ses which coul not be rea.cÍ1ed by any other inedi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Pams in the Back. SCUl"I-Y, Bad Legs. Wounds or White Swelling, Scrofula, Ca-ncers, Blotches on the F&ce and Body. Swelled etc., and of all kinds. In boxes at Is lidand 2a 3d each.—So!d by all chemists, or froM the mMtntaetory, M Oxford 8e usitttSS£5S£S. TTESSE "TILLIAMS'S SALINE POWDER. The best Coolinp Drink. Stronger than oi and IDore convenient than seidlitz powder. Is 4d per lb. TESSE ,yrLLIAl\1S'S BAKING POWDER. Best, and goe? farthest BeiD made in own st,etm lapor:t:ory we cCln  it fE'? froin  and other cheap and inJunous aLlmlXture. lúu per lb. TESSE OLD ORIGINAL YELLOW SOAP. Un- scented, Uncoloured, Unsophistica ted. In bars a.bout 21/z1b., 7zd; in tablets otilb. or there- 3d; in cwt. cases, 27s 6d. CT ESSE WILLIAMS'S SEIDLITZ POWDERS possesses all the medi- cinal properties of the celebrated Seidlitz Spring in Germany. 7%d per dozen. JESSE WILLLIAMS'S EASTERN SYRUP. 'J he Genuine is covered by a. Government Stamp. A st?nd?d tonic. Is bottles. TESSE WILLIAMS'S STANDARD REMEDIES of all kinds. Made in our own laboratory. The largest and oldest steam laboratory in W&les. 3 &4, PARK-HALL BUILDINGS, 3711 CARDIFF. 178e 3711 l78e priCKS AND CO., T IMITED, HAVE OPENED A THIRST-CLASS TDHARMACY AND DRUG STORE, AT N°' 70, QUEEN (JTREET, CARDIFF, which they will carry on in addition to their old- established business in Duke-street. The business will be conducted upon the Cash System, al! goods being sold at the Co-oper&tive Store prices. Their new Price List may be obtained on appli- cation, or will be mailed free on receipt of address, HICKS AND CO., TT IMITED, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, 70, QUEEN STREET, AND 28, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. ? 3125-870e IT M PORT A NT -NT 0 T ICE. -i -1-' THE I CARDIFF QUPPLY "-y I HAS ERECTED .SLITAELE AXD PREMISES I:< CASTLE-ROAD AND QT TT?ETER- i CASTLE-ROAD AD ?s I. STREET. And ha,s Introduced an Additional Branch to their II Milk Business by Establishing a 0 D E L D A I R Y. COME AND SEE IT RAW & DEYONSHIRE CREA\I MADE FRESH DAILY OX THE PREMISES, SUPPLIED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THRESH BU T T E P, AND RESH EClGS 1T\AILY. S71e—13o2 S L AZENGER''s LAWN TENNIS RACKETS, FROM 5s TO 25s, CARRIAGE PAID. SOLE AGENTS FOR CARDIFF: Dn DAGE '\?700D AND ?<0., ?. ? W \? i PRACTICAL GUNMAKERS, CRICKET, TENNIS, AKD ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS, CARDIFF. ——— 177e ILLUSTRATED PHICE LISTS OX ArPMCATIO* LISTERS' WAREHOUSE, c A R D I F F. Au IMMENSE STOCK of all kmds of CLOTHS for SUMMER WEAR. SCOTCH TWEEDS. WEST OF ENGLAND TWEEDS, ANGOLA SUITINGS. ANGOLA TROUSERINGS, I SCOTCH CHEVIOTS. SCOTCH HOMESPUNS. TENNIS FLANNELS. I CRICKETING FLANNELS. BOATING FLANNELS. All Thoroughly Shrunk by a special process. BLACK AND COLOURED WORSTEDS. FOX'S NOTED WEST OF ENGLAND SERGES, FOR SEASIDE AND HOLIDAY WEAR. LADIES WALKING. CYCLING. AND TRAVELLING COSTUME TWEEDS. FAST BLACK CASHMERES AND MERINOES. PATTERNS FREE. ANY LENGTH CUT AT WAREHOUSE I PRICES. CARRIAGE PAID on ALL PARCELS Over 20' in Value. LISTERS' WAREHOUSE QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF ? 95e A FREE REMEDY TO ALL.—A late &< will be pleaded to forward particulars of simple A cure is certain. -Address W. H BROWK, Esq. 19, WaJpole-t?rra?e, Kemp Town Br?h?a 2783-700 :j£u5ín£S5 ¡\t'fUl'fS!i'S. THEY FIT WELL AND ARE SURE TO WEAR WELL. PEE ABOVE REFERS lu MASTERS & CO/S CLOTHING POK MEN, YOUTHS, AND BOYS. 22e RIZINE R, I z I N E!! ?_? I Z IN Fill RIZINE WITH STEWED FRUIT. I To one pint new milk, add two eggs, well beaten, and 2 oz. RiziNE, mix thoroughly together, pour into a saucepan, allow to nearly boil over a slow nre, sweeten and flavour to taste when cool, serve up with any kind of fruit. HOME-MADE BREAD. ¡ Do you make your own Bread ? If you do, in your next baking, instead of using all Flour, try one part of RIZINE to three I parts of Flour. You will simply be astounded Wtth the pleasing result. Your loaves will be beautifully light—that is if you use (To-Ncy & Co) Flour—and your bread will keep NICE and MOIST. RIZINE CAN BE OBTAINED AT ALL STORED, GROCERS, AND CORN DEALERS TUROUGE.OCT JCTH WALES. I JOHN STUART, AGENT, ALBERT 1 CHAMBERS, HIGH-STREET. CARDIFF. 14500—1355—27Se FU R N I T U R E FURNITURE. FU, P. N I T U R E ———— ALL REQUIRING FURNITURE, CARPETS, &c., SHOULD NOT FAIL TO VISIT NAISH DROS. ?-? B ? 'l2, 0 UEE-N STREET, CARDIFF. 22e ? 22e rpHE MOST IMPORTANT SALE OF THE SEASON. HERE BROTHERS' I ANNUAL SUJ\nmR DRAPERY SALE IS NOW PROCEEDING. AND WILL CONTINUE FOR ONE MONTH. THE WHOLE STOCK IMMENSELY I REDUCED. SPECIAL CLEARING LINES AT NOMINAL PRICES. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN ALL DE- PARTMENTS. ) MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRICES. QUEEK-STREET, CARDIFF. ? 78p 114e ESTABLISHED ESTABL18HEU 1850 1850. EAT ONLY S. w ARD'S. t IMITED. FAR F Al\IED QAUSAGES, pORK PIES. L ?tELTON DRAWN. t ——— P0\11trers, ScM hy nil Provi-?I?T- D?<?, Poulterers, EAT NO OTHER. 910e ?? '?O?TY?E FREM?)VAl7 ? A &- G-. T AYLOR, PHOTOGi:I ¡lERS TO TNE QUEFN-, LATE AUCADE SI'LDitj. NEWPORT. We beg- W our Xumerous and the Putlle èha, in of the enor. mou of lJUslness during the p:1t few )'ears we bit vc Rc-moveci to Lrer where we have built Olle of the Finest 'LUdio" in \Y;1]es, and have fitled up sa,llJe wi"h aJl the Improvements ill Mo<lern Please !\ote !\('\1' .'H¡dres \r.;LEY CHAMBERS. 157, COMMERCIAL-STREET, 753 :\E\PCHT. f MPORTANT. —One Box of Horcon? Ja. I.X.L. PiDs are gua.i-a.nteed to cuie :t.U priYa.te cases and oÎ tlte uriiiar, o:-gans,  or olle!'wise. Also -ravel tncl pains in the ba?k. Free fr?'m mprcury. Post free for 4s from G. D. Hort,on, :'Ii.P.S. (from the Genera.! Hospital), Astou- road, BirmiKgha.m. Aleuts :—Cardi6—A. Ha-gon. hemist, 39,  11, Eute-stre e,. Merth:-r —Wills. ChemisL. Swansea—Lloyd, Chemist, Oxford- street. Newport-Youn-, Chemist, Higli-street. K.B. nevr been known to tail. Letter. answered free. Please n&me!: 9?be -—- L_ J J ) t ?? ? -? 'TFR?m?f ? PP?H! CONOMUJ? ?.. COC?? ? 1? T. ?eut. th,, ?? ?? ? '?FM ? ?oncem?tted CocM. ? ? ? ? FOR TASTB AND VARIETY, ? BINED ???? QUALITY ? ? CHEAPNESS, THERE IS NOT ?s ? BETTER THAN ? ?SS MASTERS & SPLENDID SHOW or, SUMMER CLOrHIN1 EVERYTHING up TO DÄBa 'DIANOS. ORGAM PUIOL CHEAPEST HOUSE m TBZ TRAM fi&nos from 109 6d momthly. Otgamt fte* 55 owAWI 'Hte Pubuc me incited to inr"d HEATH & Stockof ,< PIANOS, ORGA?,-&c? $ ? As Pounds wUI b< Sa.Ted by ptacimz &or omi vith them. Every Instmment, G-teed and Kmt ia fMt year free of charge. LARGEST DISCOUNT FOB CASH. j HEATD & SO,¥8' t PIANOFORTE ANTD (JBGj.JIf MERCHANTS. TPNERs, ANDUPADt. j d QUEEN gmEK'f. CARDIFF, AND 54. T.AFtET, poNTMO]D pERKINS BRoS. A,D Co., 55. ST. AND -"TYNI)jLkM At IROJ.<"MONGBRl,¡". ? ? TTRONMONGEB?—? ???FSt WRINGING MACHINES. ??''? J? TRONMONGERY—PENDES?? ??p FIREIRONS. ? IRONMONGERY-LAMPS. STOVO YRONMONGEBY—BATHAyDTOILB CANS. ? ? EVERYTHING MU-BE C?BAMH?? i !?. f ?, ?\ PREMISES ARE COMING DCWN.? _?? ? ] t5?RSEDMANA??' 'y? CABINET MAKERS A: IJ?HOLSTE?!ttS. REDDINC MANUFACTURERS AND C ARP ETBt-E N.' Hold a UZP StO-,k of xmoellent TTTOUSEHOLD rRNIrÇ88 (THEIR OWN WEI-L-KNOWN M FIRST-RATE QUALITY. Er,EGi.NT IN AKD LOW ¡Z; PltlCE FOR CAJaJ t .It  THE EASY HIRN P??J?HASB s<? 'L Terms very mo?*?? a. ios=P-tion ? ? P. r R-S E P 1\'1 A N &.1, 2, 3, <b 4, MARKET .R{\DINGS, DC) ?E? PORT —— rrHwrrrl-FD AE!! &CKNrJWIM)GED T ? T< BEST ANP CHEAPEST FURNISIIERS IN C They Supply the t??nd StroBBesW ?' -?cles m t HOUS?B?tt PUBNTr ? ? r. At Prices within d? *?h of aJl ?imm on the Ea.?y?',??Qt ?.vs?em. ?? ?'. B2 10s worth 1!6 -.reeI:J: ) £00 wo! ? B5 „ 2/- ) jS25 Jt2/- &1010s „ 3!6 fSSO ??/ BIS „ & j B100 ? 1??'- ???s in P'op<?iB, ? ALLMOD?CARStAG?? _? G ood? seat homf ? '"?<? as ?"?P??ta.t???? ? S .>n-LY"STc' rù  Come ??S? '??urse? Ado.! ? ? It will pRY U to dl) "¡"d you ???????? r- G FpHE p OATH ?'?1 ? ? (?. THELE-?G??RFD ????., ?——??? ?K?????„S? io, 0 -AA,'j, jC'kPD ?f DonMc a?? '?? M<K? ?CLt BDNa??M'? W" T?? "?C ?' j PostaJt Orders M'— 8d. ? ? QUAyilT?' ?<Jt ? ?? ?um??? ? ? '?????" f- ? ? S ???——O-N-?E????? '?'? ?R'R[!'TE!-?*?d??'? .,?mn*"c-?W?t a' Blm)" imwor U t Art- universaJty a.dmi'? 'co ifderi- e ° ? wn''a- ? !.<iX {or bUious M?A B< ? '??s <? c ??' ???ese thest<', t? ?e? ? ??'o yme?s.col d una swcUit?&fter me?- ?''?a.pp?.. yi<'nett8 of dn;!s,iiu.?:.incs of h?- 'J? i buj ,???' ?? "?T!, bre:?h. co:Üven(ffiS ,ell; y ? ?. ? ? ? petvo\? u.nA ) disturbed'.leep.f'-i?'t d? ? g f.). ?*?e will give* j trerubhH!: sen.s?tio)? '?c. ?. cae, M?*? iel?? iu twenty m??- ? vited .M? ?{ .? ùn f Every su&erer ts <??st?t.-?.??X. these Pms, ?' ''4 ??'?E- i& ?V<iy A e Se ?vaM ? ? For feu.? < ? ?esC? t? "??? ??''? a few doses (u die? ?a ? t? 1'o 'WIth. &bout ?1 that is r??re< ?'?-,°. t'?,.?T??r'?y"? ??' ? L equal te cut them. There ? no ? S ?"? ?.S ? ? ? t irrt?? Heecham's Pills fer !'ec ? !??y?"y, to ,he dtM<" lahtyo? t.he gyst.e'n. '? fsoou resMr? t non.? ?ven w?t ??cl ?R.?"- ?.?' ? ?eadth. 'n!f feM?sof :.U? -jC??? jC.?.Ye tried tt?. h:.s bee?. pro-? ''? ?.???&?dbytheit?.. beeii i,ro ?, CA by their al'b- !?d found thet'ejieiT ?"?'\ '? ge"+io;¡¡ø ? t or & we? st? ?'??'-??e?,?? th, e;-?, ? nMst orde?of tbe Lfoi?vm??. ? J B M r .??. ?, ? S'M')e. i?'y doses win be f tr, nn. er.cbú!e. ?-'h':y, H hnporumt f'rgaw.??'?? M?S??' ?tv'?.???.< s???????' ptrengtiMU the '> ? ? .?M.n<.? !o-.t comp].?.Mn. M'?S*? <??BB?'? "SS? VI;iarI{,,(!1 t.. 'ir:"li" ?? .r. wrbAot?.. -? P?ic&l?n??0t_?? '? ?,y members ? ?. me FACTS t??ed c?? ???? t c'?sc?ot s ode t> a.u. f: ;eofJli 'lie e el,;m' ?, j, ?e Ner.'ous ?.d DebUi??.T? ??t-.p??Mm'??JO??E?T? )'. the largest, sa1;' ?t ? &<?'- ? ?en '? Pre?red ?? ? ?????.??'? S???!??<-?.9?' ? S the Propr?r. ü,E :uJ(12.. 911 r.I,d. a. the Ingest, soanh i?, T?O ??? ????''<<?' ? t??"' m* Lane?hire, ? ?oM 1,ll.. "I)e l "< by all ?ruggt.sts Mni ? '?' M U<ÜCí )''1\ where.. -'?< m'?**?*???e?? 'f? K1>Fuli dirtOllY.. ,» .?