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?  ?-?    !■-■ JB))(rt& || THE WONDERFUL 4B| NEW PiLL 1 i J&rnak FOR CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE. | INDIGESTION & ALL LIVER =     L  ?aSB??????"? DISORDERS.  ????? ???"?????S????? \? '?A?'PerBox. ? 3?'- Per Box. HUGE BOILS all over my body." Our portrait is of Mr. William Harborno of 5 Rallway-road, Perry B a. r r Birmingham, who writes: About two years ago I met with rather a oa.cl accident. 1 was a conductor on the Oity Tramways, and whilst getting in my fares one day the oar was pulled up cinidkly and 1 was sent through a window My arm was cut very severely and I bad to em and have it stitched at the General Hos pital. This cause me six weeks' absence from work and after resum- ing my duties for one week I broke out with huge boils all ove- my body. Again I went to the hospital and was treated for blood poison- ing this happened on three successive occa- sions until I began to think I should never be (ureG. Then I gave Gierke's Blood Mixture a trial. and the first bottle or two seemed to be driving out the Tjoison bd I persevered, aud afi-er taking 10 1 ¡ttles I was cured It is now over 12 months since I icft off takinic '1_1_ T'o.1I <,(/yt:,  :V;x ■ x yuur Liarkit! 5 oioca Mixture, and I have seen no signs of any further blood disorder." Suffel-ters from Bad Legs, Abscesses, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Piles, It Eczema, Boils, Pimples, Sores, Eruptions, Rheumatism, Gout, or kindred complaints, ahould realise that lotions, ointments, etc., can but give temporary relief—to be sure of a cure. complete and lasting,, the blood must be thorougliiy cleansed of the impure waste matter, the trlie cause of all euch troubles. Clarke's Blood Mixture quickly attacks, overcomes, nnd expels the im- purities, that is why 60 many remarkable cures stand to its credit. Pleasant to take, and free from injurious ingredients. Ask fop and see that you get Clarke's Blood Mixture "Eveq/bdy'. Blood -Purifisi* Of all Chemists and Stores, 219 per Bottie. (Six times the quantity, llf-). j] 7irJTTtl¥iPlll^lrt I iTiluT Wasted with Indigestion. Sleepless, Nervous, and Pain-Worn, but Cured by Dr. Casseil's Tabiets. :i.rs. White, 5, Headoorn-road, Totten- ham, London, N.17, s&ys:—"I have no hesitation in saying that Dr. Cassell'6 Tablets saved my life. I had been a sufferer from indigestion more or less for years, but last May a very severe attack came on. I dared not eat; the least xnorsel made me suffer the most terrible pain, and wind formed all round my body, setting my heart going like an engine. The pain went right through to my hack and round my side too. At all times I was tortured with headaches, and my nerves were in a dreadful state. Another trouble was sleeplossness; for weeks on end I never seemed to get any sleep at all, and I went as'thin as a shadow, I had doctors' medicine and other things, but nothing did the least good. One day I simply collapsed with the pain; I really thought I was dying. It was then lwrs White, I Dr. Cassell's tablets were got for me. I can truthfully say they helped me as nothing else had ever dcne, and I regained my health rapidly. Now I eat what I like and nothing hurts me. I may add that I give Dr. Cassell's T ablets to my children, and they never cost me a penny in doctors' bills." B?? ?? ?H ? ??8 iB ?C?? Dr. Cassell's I I Prices- 1/3 & 3/- (the 3i- size being the more e c o n o m ical). SoldbyChemiste in all parts of the world. Ask for Dr. Cassell's Tablets and re- fuse cabstitutee. 1 Tablets Dr. Caaeell's Tablets are the recognised home Remedy for Karvous Breakdown Narvc Paralysis Infantile Paralysis Neurasthenia Sleeplessness Anosmia Kidney Trouble Indigestion Wasting Diseases Palpitation Vital Exhaustjan Nervous Debility specially valuable for Nursing M'ters and during the Critical Periods Gf Life. FREE ) I ;hformati3k as to the euit-^ ability of Dr. ( Cassell'sTablefcs in your cap,- aont on ro e-st. Dr.Cassell a Co. ) Ltd., Chester-1 Road, Man- 'I chester. Man- [ YOU CANNOT BEAT US. I | COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES J OUR SPECIAL CREDIT TERMS I J A V OASB PBIO XTS. ( .);lJ CABINETS. SIDEBOARDS. A Tremendous Stock of SIDEBOARDS j I TO SELECT FROM. Note the Address: JAY'S FURNISHING STORES (Ltd.), FORMERLY JONES & MORGAN (OPPOSITE EMPIRE). j 238. OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA. I

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