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SCALE OF CHARGES FOR PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS Private notices. Six iftortions.-One shilling tor W word3. ana ad. extra for every 6 worts more. LOST AND FOUND. TIt. lmwrtions.-Ons ehflHn* f* 2f uorft and 3d. extra for every 6 warn ftIOr8. Six insertions.—One IhHnnll: and ttxpenf for 21 werds, and ad. extra far swery 1 wordt more. 8IRTHS, MARRIACES, deaths, t ME MORI AM, AND SYMPATHY NOTICES. t'ng Insert ton One iMIIIng and etzpanr Tot 20 words, and Id. extra for .un & words more. Thl! ?a<. «M not M?'y *}.?.. '?ats from Corporat. ? Pu»>»« sedle ??ruptcy or Liquidation Mettce?. ?sa"i. and Let by Tender, or Tradesmon.5 ati- :s Announcement* MtAO OFFICE- LEADER BUILDINGS. SWANSEA. Telephones. Central 1151 (Eleven Lines Tetogramt "Lo&dCr. Swapcea." lonqon OFFICE- 151, FLEET STREET. E.D. Telephone: 2274 CsntraL LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILOINCSi THe-AS ST Telephone: No. 174 ftEATH OFF:CE- ALFREO STREET (TeleohoneV 740 Superior Circulation of tile "takes it easily the Best Local Paper fc- Smail Advertisements. Curing the past these announcements have nearly ^oubjau, and with eur Sales still tncroas- •««i the publio may, with confidence, depend upon better results than ar* obtainell i>|MW„eF6, TRADE SPECIALITIES is- When replying to advertisements please mention the" Leader CAMERAS. Good Lenses, Half-plate and Qua.rter-plate.- Mrs. Lawren-ce, Dealer In Second-hand Furniture, China, Antiques, Brac-arhrac. etc., Royal Stores, 64, Oxford- street, Swansea. Tel.: 900 Cent. 4SA5-12 RAZORS. Sensors. Pen and Pocket Kniv?, -R Garden Shears, etc.. Ground D?iy— T. Wa.rd Davies, Practical Cutler, 7, Nelson- street. Swansea. 46A5-10 ftEWING Machines of all makes, cheap for cash; Oil, Needles, Shuttles, Parts; good Machine from Pl; all makes rejairea. Yates, Sewing Machine Man, 17, Waterloo- 11t 43A5-8 TO Auctioneers of Swansea and District, and Others.-If you want Dressers a,t, Wholesale Prices, call to D. Jones, Cabinet ^taker, 14, Picton-lane, Swar>eea. 4ZA5-7 PURE NEW MILK delivered twice daily, wholesale and retail; new laid eggs, butter and cream; prompt deliveries. Samuel, St. Cadog Dairy. Central Tel.. 173Y4. C10-8 0A3T-0FF Clothing and Furniture 0f every ascription bought to any amount for cash; postcards receive prompt attention; beet prices given.-Note address: Suck 1.5 and 15. Prince of Wales-road, Swan ft3- To Buyers: A Large Selection of to choose from. C" BOOT EALERS.-Fill up Stock as ro- quired from our Wholesale Ware- bou. Leading Brands Stocked.-WlIiLIAii LLOTI3. Ltd. Gower-street, Swansea FOR UMBRELLAS &nd Repairs, try ? ?obl? 1 High?treet Arcade. Eec<? ^8Peciaiity -T. tJ?T?ir Bar Fitt??. Manufacturers ot Beer EnciMM. WMhape. Corkdrawer? Spirit Measures ^eatings. Tables. Games of all kindg, Skittles.-W. I. Vaughan. Queen » Dlace, Cardiff. OXFORTABLENvorkat Home.—Kmtuu V/ Machines. Best and Cheapest; Cash or Hire. Also a few good bargains in Second bend Knitters, equal to new; reliable (Est. 1871) g-W. Griffiths. 30, Qneen-street Neath. 61.D. and Id. BAZAAR GOODS every kind advice to beginners; also details paj log agency; eafly terms; catalogue free. May. 174. Sandpits. Birmingham 07-1 "b MOLYNEUX. Ltd, t-'? ^"chaot, ?. 12 £ ) mgh-atreet, Sw?cae?. Cheapest House io' ?wn for Fish of all Yaneu* Wholesale and Retail. Trial Solicited. Crown Dairy Announcements. INffWT Carmarthen Eggs and Poultry, Dairy Butter and Milk; Welsh Bacon and Hama at lowest prims.-91, Mansel- street Swansea. (CONTINENTAL Table Delicacies,. Salami di Milano, Brunswick Sausage, etc.; Cooked Meats ready for table.-91, Mansel- street. near Albert Hall, Swansea, alsf Crown Stores, Carmarthen. C5-* Myrddin Davies's Announcements. MYRDDIN'S Indigestion and Liver Mix- ture, an excellent preparation for Indigestion, Heartburn, Pains in the Pit of the Stomach. Vomiting, Flatulency, Gas- tritis. etc. Per bottle. 16. and 26.-hiyrddin Davies. M.P.S.. Chemist. 238. High-street. Swansea (bottom of High-street). Ir. f T\2. NO'S Backache and Kidney Pill? X-' epecieily recommended for Kidney Troubles, Backache, Congestion of the Kid- neys. Inflammation of the Bladder, Gravel, etc. Per box. la. and 2s. 6d.—Myrddin Daviee, M.P.S., Chemist. 238. High-street, Swansea. (bottom of High-streot). T.C. MYEDDIN'S Liver GranuJee. a mog?,offec. J?jL tive little Pill for Torpid Liver, Bil. liousness, Dizziness, Headache, Constipa- tion. Sold in bottles, 6d. and lOJd.—Myrddin Davies. M-P-S.. Chemist. 238. High-street. Swansea (bottom of High-street). T.C. THE American Corn Plaster is undoubt- J. edly the most effective Corn Piaster manufactured. Try it once, then judge; no failure; no harassing corns; no pam or burnine- easy to put on; readily cures; 7jd.; Per post. W.-Myrddin Davies, M-P-S. 238, Sigh-street, Swansea, (bottom of High. etreet. ?C- ''?? ?STIC STOCKINGS. 2s. 6d. each. «• £ W. P?r p?ir- Anklets, Is. 10d Knee C^pfi, ? I?ginss. ?.; &11 sizes; British n'?- JJyrddin D?i?. M.P .S., Chemist, ZA High- ?"?. Swansea (bottom of Hjghreet). T^. T'RUS8ESTru?' Trusses! ? ? ?-  double or 6ingl?.-Myrddin Dav? I Vdc 238. High-street, Swansea (bottom "I Ifigh.,street). T.C. MISCELLAINEOUS WANTS. IOIR- When replying to advertisements pleeue mention tuc Leader Ty ANTED, Lathe Screw Catting Treadle; exchange 18-guinea. Half-plate Camera, Or o "Camera," Leader Office. 46A5-10 ^^7ANTED, a good reliable Horse, 15Xh h.. age about 7, for posting—Apply Blunt. Yetalyfgra. 49A5-13 ^AKEES.—Wanted, Lieht Running Van; must be in good oondition.-Apply ?d. 16. St. Helen&-road. Swansea. 43A6-12 W.ANTED to Purchase, a eecond-h?nd Bak Wheel of a Bicycle, with a I ?PMd gear attached.—Apply Speed," Lftder Office. 43A5-8 WANTED, Club Room, centre of town; y accommodation for 100 members, alternate Saturday evenings; state terms.- no rite "Club," Loader Office. 44AA NTED, good Second-hand Giaee Show- Tj case, about 3 x Z.-FUU particulars to ooer, Leader Office. 44A5-8 i N t?——— NOTICES. BW- When replying to advertisements, I- please mention the Leader." tfADAM DESMOND. xnd b Specialist., is now carrying on her b»iain«ee ntat to Oinema, The Dunns, durables. 46A 5-12 1-îORHIRÈ-.ëTIl. Oar and Pony, wy Quiet. will pace anything on the road D4 M4.. B OW J LOST AND FOUND. 010- When replying to advertisements, please mention the" reader. 1 L OST. on Sunday evennig, between Trinity Church aDd Walter-road, Gold-rimmed I Spectacles. Finder i,owarded.-Return to Abraham. 8, Walter-road. T.C. -TTr-rjjjj the Person who took the wrong VV -Umbre" from Mount Pleasant Chapel last Sunday kindly return same to the oare- taker, Mrs. John. 4 9t,19 L-: OST. a Lady's Gold Bangle, between I 4 Gwydr-crescent and Cwmdonkin Park, on Monday last.-Finder will be rewarded on returning same to 3, Gwydr-crescent. 49A5-9 ■ uST, on Monday Evening, between Llan- !-J ?yielach-road and Goatstreet, a Gold Ban?lc.—Anyone returning aamo to 1, Goat street will be Rewarded. 48A5-8 OST, on Saturday last, near Pier-street, a .Fountain Pen.-Finder rewarded on returning to F. C. Portsmouth, Architect, St. Mary-street. 48A5-8 OST. between Alexandraroed and the Uplands, a Gold Pendant, inscribed.— Finder rewarded on returning same to 6. Gladstone Buildings, Swansea. 47A5-10 MISSED from Wernfawr Farm, Killay, a —- Red Pony, 13 h.h.; white mark on fore- head. white fetlock behind, docked tailed.— Anyone returning same or giving informa- tion will be rewarded. 39A5-9 FOUKD. at Morriaton, White Pom Dog. If JL not claimed in 3 days will be sold to defray expeneeo.-Apply Manager, Hegnet Hall, Morriston. C5-10 DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. iW- When replying to advertisements, please mention the -1 Leader." WJANTED, good General; no washing; another maid kept; four in family.- Apply Heathr.eld House, Heathfield, Mouni Pieaeaxit, Swansea. 48A5-12 V\7AMEU, clean, respectable Girl (20), for » housework; three in family; good; home for willing girl.—Apply immediately, wiili references, 219, Oxford-Street. 48A5-12 W" ANTED, Working Housekeeper, two in family.—Apply, between 4 and 5 p.m., Meager 7, Melbourne-place. Swansea. 48A5-12 I'A -TANTED, Experienced Cook-General; good references essential Mrs. Blewitt Jenkins, 20, Ena-road, Neath. 48A5-12 Wf ANTED, immediately. Experienced » General, able to cook; good wages.- Apply Dewbery and Co., Fruiterers, Cly- dach-on-Tawe. C5-12 WANTED, Young Girl.—Apply, at once, 21, Eversley-road. 06-12 GENERAL Servant Wanted; must have good references.—Apply, after 6.0 p.m., Mrs. Hughes, Llwyn On, Carnglas-road, Skaty. I 47AS-10 "WANTED, Young General for small I t family; referenoee.-Apply J5. Ena- road, Xeath C,510 t 1\T EATH.-Wanted, immediately, good f" General Servant—Mrs. Kimble, 14, Viotoriagardeine. Neath C5-10 WANTED, a respectable Girl as General; sleep out.-Apply Mrs. Dickens, 25, Oxford-street. C.>-10 AATANTED good General; eeeiet in Bar. Mrs. Evans, Eosebery Arms, Caer- street, Swansea- 46A5-10 00 K-GE NEKA L Wanted immediately; must spend June end July at Port Eynon-Apply Mrfi, Oorbett, 4, Gwydr- gardens, Swansea. T.C. XPEBIENCKD Nurse-Housemaid Wanted immediately.-Stockwood, 4, Kingston- road, Sketty. ASAS-9 T Hv- American Cafe, Swansea Sands. Six Waitresses and Three Youths Wanted at once.-Apply American Cafe, Swansea Sand a. 45 AS-9 I CAPABLE General Wanted immediately, able to do plain cooking; also a house- m"id.-Apply, stating wages and reference. 151, St. Helen'e-road, Swansea. 46A9 WANTED, at once, a clean, respectable TV Young Woman, about 20 to 25, for housework, and to assist in cafe. Apply "Cafe," Leader, Swansea. 45A5-9 E-. XPERIENOED General Wanted for small t 'J family, age not under 25; assistance given.-Appl.v after 6 p.m. to 7, Richmond Villas, Swanea. 43A54 -vx TANTED, Good General, able to wait at Table, Swansea Bay Golf Club, Jersey 06-J7 Marine. i RECI f OFFICES. tw- Whett rePlying to advertisements, please mention the Leader." iTTsS^ SMITHrTligh?cI?s Regi&try Office M for Serran?-Wan?d..Kou?emaid? Cook-Generals, Day Girls, House-Parlour Uaads. Tel.:677C-l, Glibnmor-creseent, Up- lands, Swansea. I:.) EGrSTRY OFFICE for Servants, 221, Ox- _i ford-street, Swansea (opposite the Schools).-Mr?. Llew. Ho?" reqmre?eral ?od ?ra?. Coo? and lioueo-Paxlour- maide.  ERRAND BOYS WANTED. JBT" When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader. plea se mention the Lea d er. OY Wanted after school hours.—i. W. Evans, Castle-street. 49A5~U w ANTED. a Smart Boy-Apply at onoe, V S. Soreneen, 23, Brynymor-road. C5-10 ~T LAD WanteJ?Apply R. J. Pifka^"?: X B yinor Bakery. 47AMO W ANTED, Smart Errand Boy.-J. » Evans, .Castle-street. 46A5-10 W ANTED, at once, good Errand Boy; good wages given.—Apply Johns, Fruiterer, The Grove. Uplands. 44A5-8 SEVERAL Boys Wanted, 12 years of age, also Boys 14 years of age; splendid on- portunity to earn money-Apply Mr. E. Hemming, Leader Office. Alfred-street. Neath. ?ll UMBL .-BOY* Waaw to Sell the ?-L Leader every evening—Apply Ceaton. Newsagent, Mumbles. 0YS Wanted to Sell the Nea.tf1 Gazette and Mid-Glamorgan Herald" at Neath, Melincryt.han, and surrounding districts every Friday and Saturday.- Apply Mr. Edwin Hemming, 39. Queen- street. Neath. -?R? L&d! Wanted to Sell "Leaders" S at Neath, Mehncrythan and diBtriet?.— Apply immediately to Mr. E. Hemming, pSSher Queen-street, Neath- ^VV TvtEdT"^S^rT Boys to Sen th- W -T?der" af?r school hours.-Apply J ChaiT l^, the Up-to-da.te New& ant. etc., 72, Brynymor-road. Swansea L ?———————————- L -rEA?EB?OYr_'?_?d-SeTeralG?; ??e are Wanted at once to ?11 ?Ld? in MorristoD and District to i ?cr?ing demand.-AMly John Mor?  W<??I?-t. Mor- riston. DRESSM4KERS. §BT~ When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader." D" RAPERY\—Wanted, an E?peO?Mced -? Hand. for Alteration of Dres?.- ?tts Jones, Oxford-street, Swansea. 05-12 CLERKS. BW- When replying to advertisements, please mention the" Leader." ANTED!~Young J>dy for Cash Desk.— Apply Pegler's Stores Ltd.. Neath. 48A5-13 Typisi Wanted. j Apply, by IIttor only, stating wagesy required. to C&nn a.nd Glass, Swansea. 4ôA.5 -11 CLERKS, ETC. imr When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader." JUNIOR Clerk Required in District Valuer's Offioe.-AIPIN-. in own hanu- writing, stating age end salary required, to Randell, 1, Christiuaretreet. 48A5-12 AITANTED, at onoe. a respectable Person » » for Cash Desk.—Apply, with refer- ences, to Pugaley and Son, 24, Waterloo- street. Swansea. 46 A 5-10 Wanted; Junior Clerk; salary 108. weeiily.-Apply in own handwriting, Secretary, 2. Orchard-street, Neath. 05-8 OFFICE BOYS. sm- When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader." 0 FFICE Boy Wanted at once; Metal Merchant/B Ortice; 5s. per week start.— Apply "Metallicus," Leader Office, Swansea. 49A5-13 MART Junior Wanted fov Office; know- ledge shorthand-typewriting preferred; one leaving school might suit.-Apply Manager, 11, Dynevor-piaoe, Swansea. 48A5-2 TXTANTED, sm-art lad for Coai Exporters' OfFioe.-Apply, in own handwriting, to "Exporter," c/o Leader Office, Swansea. 46A5-10 OFFICE Boy Wanted—Apply Poclfletts, Ltd., South Dock, Swansea. 43 A-5-8 AGENTS, AC., WANTED. aw When replying to advertisements i please mention the Leader." A GENTS Wanted to Sell our Incandescent Gas Light Petrol Lamps in country places where there is no gas at all; good c,ommission.-G. Peterson and Co., 83, Hatten Gardens, London, E.C. 45A5-10 w ANTED, good Canvasser; salary ana cort-mi ion.-Apply Universal Key Registry and Assurance Association, ParK Buildings, Portland-street, Swansea. 45-9 I T\ENTAL Agent Wanted for Town and Country; reliable man for established business; every encouragement given.— Apply "Dental." Leader Offioe. 45A5-9 A GENTS wanted Everywhere to Call on Shopkeepers; most liberal terms of commissioin.-Full particulars from Wilt- shire, Grays Inn-road, London. 45A5-9 TTTANTED, a good energetic Agent for a First-class Insurance Co.; salary ana commission; deposit required.—Apply X.Y.Z. Leader Office. 43A5-8 SMART-Min Wanted, immediately, as Special Agent for Gowerton and Gcrs- einon; salary and commiaeion.—Apply Bryant, Glaefryn. Morriston. C5-8 APPRENTICES. gdg- When replying to advertisements ptease mention the 11 Leader BOOT TRADE.—Wanted, Improver; also Benchman on Repairs; good wagee.- Davieet Central Boot Bepairar, High-street. Ammanford. 46A5-10 "V^/TANTED, at onc, Good Boy or Appren- Wtice for Hairdressing.—Apply W. J. Berry, Hairdresser, 139, Pentre-Estyll, Swansea. C5-9 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. La- When replying to advertisemertfs, Please u;cniion the Leader rA jio BAKERS.—Wanted, a good Bread -L Hand for night work.-Applv lunt, Ystalyfera. 49A5-13 WANTED, General Blacksmith, used to Railway Wagon work; also Wagon Repairers; piece work.—Apply the British Wagon Co., Ltd.. Swansea. C5-12 w ANTED, First-class Dental Mechanic, at on-ce.-Flill particulars, apply "Dentist," Lead-er Office, LlaneUy C5-8 w ANTED, a Smart Youth to assist in Bakehouse, and deliver small round with tricycle.—Apply Hunt, Welsn Produce, Morriston. C5-10 BOOT TRADE.-Wanted at once, Young Ma.n. about 20 years of age, for Repairs and assist in shop.-DariM 66, High-street, Gorseinon. » 47A5-10 BAKER'S Vanman Wanted immediately; -D Wel?h-a'peaking preferred; copy of reference— Rees, Clydach Bakery, near Swansea. 47A5-10 YU-ÕUNG Man Wantoo to work in Ware- I hou,-Apply Poctette Ltd., South Dock, Swansea. 46A5-10 WANTED, eteedy Man as Driver for f f Wholesale Merchants; accustomed to horses; wages 26s.-Give reference&, age, etc., National," Leader Office, Swansea. 47A5-1G TO MASONS.—Two or Three Rubble Wallers Wanted, and Labourers, at Penyeae, near Craig-y-Nos.—Apply Thos. Jones, Builder, Ystradgynlais. 45A5-9 P AIINTERS. Grainers, and Paperhangers Wanted at once; only sober men need apply.—S. G. Edpmnds, Poutardawe. 45A5-9 w ANIIT,D, in Swansea Valley district. Fitter take charge Steel Bar Rolling Plant; Union rate of wages paid; only fully qualified men need apply.—Write, giving references, etc.. Box C13, Leader Office, Swansea. C5-9 WANTED, experienced Millwright for f Swansea Valley district; wages ES per week.—Apply, giving references, etc., Box C14, Leader Office, Swansea. C5-9 OA ASSISTANTS Wanted at once for the ?? great American Cafe and Store, Swan- sea Sands; also Boys Wanted.—Apply at Cafe. 45A5-9 W. H- LEWIS. Aberavou, requires experi- W en?c*d Young Ladies for Fancy Depart- ments; also emart Junior for Manchester department; living out; 6peak Welsh. C6-8 YOUNG Men for training as Stokers, Royal Navy; age 18 to 25; height 5ft. lin. and above; pay from 9s. lid. to 406. lOd. per week; rations outfit and bedding free.— Apply personally or by letter, Admiralty Recruiting Office, 138b, High-street, Swansea. 43A5-35 WANTED, Youth, age about 18. for Book- T* sellers and Newspapers business.— Apply by letter, stating age and experience (if any), to Day, Bookhouse, Port Talbot. CM w ANTED, Local Correspondent for Dun- W rant district.—Apply, by letter only. ChiAf Sub-Editor, Leader Office. SITUATIONS WANTEO. IJIF" When replying to advertisements please mention thf Leader. y-rANDY Man Requires Work on estate, in JEL works, or colliery surface; experienced in plain carpentry, painting, &c.; willing worker.-Addrew CU, Leader Office, Swan- vea. 05*8 HOTELS. I go- When replying to Silvertisements please mention the Leader X2SG Arthur Hotel, R01d6tou.-Every t Ka4c,commodation for Visitors; Picnic ¡ Parties apecmJIy catered for at modentt? t?rms—Apply S. MitcheiL Manageress. 49A5-20 ¡ B^US! N £ SS FOR DLIF I DBF" When replying to advertisements, please mention the" Leader. BOURNEMOUTH.—'Tobacconist, good ClaW, JD old-<?t&bI.Mhed bu"in; takings over R70 a week; stock about £ 700; owner re- tiring-—Apply Tyndale, Ca^tlemain-road. Bournemouth. 48A5-12 -oRSA-Ly'Õ;od;jU:-St,t:k. and Fittings F of OutQttprR Pnein?? m main 5'rcft, Ammanford.—For farther partir-.ilars apply j W. L. Smith, EiQ." Solicitor, Ammanford CS-7 j I EDUCATIONAL. OW- When f<'?y!M? (0 ?<h'<;rttMtM<'M?. l d | please mention ?:C" Lea d ?' ??E?? E?SS?      ??SS?& 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 11 th and 1 4th PLACES -I in the laM Female Learners' Examination i in Cardiff were secured by Students of Clark's College. Such a. splendidly eucees.i- ful result ao this clearly prove? the highly efficient training given at Clark'6 College. Students who have, been trained for Busi- ness v'iark'a College, are placed out a.t salaries of 15% f 1, and Zi 2s. 6d. a weok. I DAY. EVENING AND POSTAL CLASSkT" j Illusfr:;ted Prospectus, giving full parti- aulars, post free on request. Clank's College, The Civil Service and lousiness University of London, PAGEFIELD HOUSE, St. Helen's Road, Swansea.: (Tel. Docks 165). Central College & Offices: Clark's College. Ltd.. 1, 2 and 3, Chancery-lane, Ijondon, W.C. !A:i!l! BOOK-KEEPŒG.=-Čomplët rrpon- B deuce Course, Text and Exercise Books supplied; terms strictly moderate. payable your convenience; coaching until successful for any examillation.-Particulars. W. D. Jackson, A.I.S.A., Alderman's House, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. 46A5-10 "T^EMALE Telegraph Learners.—Seven ap- pointments made last two examina- tione. Fi "t"l including first places, were Students of Joooph Harris. 56, Oxford-street, Swansea. v C5-24 C WAN Ska COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Castle Buildings SPECIAL EVENING CLASSES. -Subjecte:-Shorthand, Type I writing, Book-keeping, English. Arithmetic Spelling and Composition. New Session Commencing. Call or write now for porti culars. T.0 S TlJDRNTS Trained to a Speed ot 1. k- WD:o!Frds a Minute in PITMAN'S Short hand. Civil Service Caniddates Successfully Prepared for Examinatious. Numerous Recent Successes. Learners end Sorters Swansea ard Iycndon. Lessons given ir. Arithmetic Book-keeping. Trigonometry etc.. Ladies and Gentlemen. Success Guar anteed.-mr. J. Harris. Shorthand Teacher 56. Oxford-street. Swansea. Day and Even irjj Claafies buSINESS PREMISES TO LET. aø- K hen replying < 7 advertisements please mention ,.e Leader." TO LET, Large Room suitable for Billiard Room, in the main street. High-street, Aberavon; ample accommodation for two table.s.-Addrees C.17, Leader Office, Port Talbot. C6.15 TO LET, Lock-up Shop in main thorough. fare.—Address 63, Oxford-street, Swan- sea. x 49A5-L3 OF lÇS, modern and up-to-date, to Xet, III single rooms or suites, at the newly- constructed Pembroke Buildings, Cambnan- piaoe and Pier-street, Swansea; exception- ally well lighted, with head-room up to 13 feet; lift and all modern oonvenioncee.- Full particulars from James and jam-es, 7, Goat-street. Swansea. 46A5-10 0 FFICE to Let, with good Stock Rooms.- Apply 4, Rutland-street. Swansea. C5-9 QPACIOUS Yard, 30f £ x 65ft., including three-stall Stable; convenient to town and easy acceee; suit builder, or as Motor Garage. Apply Dexta," Leader Office., Swaneoa. 43A&-8 ^"jOMMODlOUS Shop and Dwelling-4?utoè to Let at Pontardulais; also Lock-up Shop and large Warehouse.—Address Box Clo, Leader Office, Swansea. CM 'I'}nF,F,i to ?t on nrat floor, and Two Üffic->e6 on second Qoor. of No ?. Wind-?t?et. Sv>alla-;p/zi March ø.d June Quarter Day& reepectiTeIy.—TheM modern and well-lighted suites can be viewed on application to Fitt Brothers and Davies, Ltd. ipg A,-hi L N TS. &IL 10- When replying to advertisements, Please mention the, Leader." T? LET, Four ?n?miBhed Rooms, bam T (h & C), with use of scullery And g<M stove-Apply 20. The Grove, Uplands. 49A5-13 SUPERIOR Apartments.—Front Sitting- room and one or two Bedrooms, with or without board; suit business gentleman or two friends—44/. Malvern-terrace, Bryn- mill. 48A5-12 WO or Three Unfurnished Rooms to Let, Trafalgar-place, BrynmiU; facing bay; every convenience; terms moderate.—Apply, first instance, "L," Leader Office. 43A 5-12 tj^OR Furnished Apartments and Board- Residence in Bournemouth, apply to Mrs. A. T. Dakin, Bourne Dene, Lansdowne- road, Bournemouth. 48A5-12 "jtyUMBLES.—To Let, Furnished, for May, J-VJL June, and July, 2, Church-terrace, Dunns, on main road.—Apply 22. Carlton- terrace. 46A5-12 To be Let. to respectable tenant. Three Unfurnished Rooms; separate entrance; lavatory; slot gaa meter, etc.—Apply 64, Oxford-street, Swansea. 48A5-12 A PLEASANT, comfortable Furnished A Front Sitting-room and one or two Bed- roome to Let; bath; with every convenience; healthy situati-on.-Ap]ply 31, Bryn-y-Mor- crescent, Swansea. 46A5-10 rO LET, large front Bed-Sitting-room; also X Back do., 68. 6d.-73, Mansel-terrace, Swansea. 45A5-9 T LANWRTYD WELLS. Ardwyn," new Boarding Establishment, standing own grounds; croquet, tennis; near golf links; special terms for Whitsuntide. Tel. 14. —Mrs. Job. 39AS-10 APARTMENTS WANTED. When replying to advertisements, Please mention the Leader. REQUIRED, for Young Gentleman, Apart- ments in good locality.—State terms, with and also without board, C.17, Leader I Office. 49A5-13 -FURNITURE, &C., FOR SALE. aør When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." CABINET for Sale; cost C9, sell for e2 19s.; also Overmantel, cheap; and Child's strong Rocking Hor&e; great bar- gain.—75. Manael-terrace, Swansea. 45A5-9 gain.-75. -k-C R7, l??itURE.-Centrtl BuHd- -?- ings, Gower-street, Swansea. Our 40 years' experience in the Furniture Trade has taught us how to be able to supply to the public the most asefal ai-d ut'.to date Goods that it is possible 10 urn out &1 d at the greatest advantage. By being rn-u u- facturers, we supply goods cheaper than any other firm in Wales, and the great thing to the public is that we are JÍle < rjy j firm that supply goods on ,,cy terms at } cash prices, and deliver free to al parts of the country. All we ask :s to g* e rs a trial, and recommendations will follmv. We supply strong Kitchen Couches from 16s. 6d.; Dressers from 28s. 6d.; Bedroom Sviten from 3i guineas; Full-size Bedsteads fioni 15. 6d.; Overmantels, Fenders, :1, d Fire Brasses at your own prices. All BeJding sold by us is guaranteed properly purii'ed, and made at our own works; so whether you want to furnish for cash or easy te ms, call at the Right Shop: Hill's. Cential Buildings. Gower-street, Swansea. Also at Cardiff, Aberdare, and Barry Dock. 4;A5-fc nYTURESr WANTED. Fdr- Whes-i retlyitig to advertisements, ??ftxe weM?tOK {?M L?ad?"?." QT" STEPH1BN? II. C.C? (prirate g:'r'unr') ? have some Open Dat?e.-Apply T 1,. Bowen, 2S, Yss?l-etreet, St. Thomas. 43A5-12J MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. iJST" When replying to advertisements, ¡ please mention the Leadur (IUI.Ni'A ONci-strung, Upright Grand 00 Piano; complete frame, under- damper action; only slightly soiled, offered for £ 24.—Sims, 2, Walter-road 4GA510 I -z lOR S.A1,F,, a good Piano; cost £ 60, sell for L £ 9 15s. Altso a n enclosed Pay Deeli, suit shop; cost JE14, sell £ 2 155.-43. Carlton- terrace, Swft.usea. 43A5-8 | T7I0L1NS by the bt?t makers; finest I lw.lians; Stnngs for all Instruments; Expert Repairs to all Stringed Instruments; 3ov. Repaired by J. T. Wooding. Violin Maker and Repairer, 22. Gower-etreet, Swan- sea, 0 J. Snail's Announcements. SECOND-HAND Upright Grand Piano, by Duck, Son aud Pinker; fun trichord, all over iron frame, beautiful tone; cost 40 guineas thre-a years ago, accept 20 guineas. —D. J. SnelL 14a, High-street Arcade, Swan- sea. 43A5-IS sECOND-HA-ND Upright Grand Piano, by Coventry and Co.; iron frame; walnut came; tine tone and touch; tremendous bar- gain, £ 15 15s.—D. J. Snell, 14a, High-street Arcade, Swaugea. 48A5-12 OECOND-HAND Piano. by Hoffman, in beautiful walnut case; fine tone ana ■ touch; bargain, £13 136.-D. J. Snell, 146., Z1 and ZZ. High-street Arcade, Swansea. 48A5-12 QPRINGFIELD Organ, with high mirror top, 10 6toiH3, fine tone; honestly worth ,CZD; genuin-a bargain, L14.-D. J. Snell, 14a, High-street Arcade, Swansea,- 48A5-12 Godfrey & Co.'s Announcements. GEliUUŒ BARGAIN.—Second-hand Piano ? IGby Woolley, of London. Patent, iron frame; very fine to?e and touch; in good condition; 10 guineas caBh, or &S. monthly.- Godfrey and Co.. Ltd., 22, St. Helens-road, Swansea 47A5-10 EN UINE BARGAIN.-3000nd-hand Piano Gby Remy, Paris. Iron frame; full trichord; chock action; ivory key6; rose- wood oase; in perfect .condition; 12 guineas caoh, or 76 6d. monthly.—Godfrey aud Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 47A5-10 "DLUTHNER Upright Grand; slightly soiled; the finest German Pianoforte possible to obtiiii; used by all eminent pianists; noted for their exquisite tone, flexibility of touch, and lasting qualities. Original price 85 guineas; reduced to 56 guineas cash, or 25s. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 47A5-10 Cwynne H. Brader's Announcements. SEVERAL Good Second-hand Pianos by leading makers; pricee from CID; all must, be cleared; same practically new, re- turned from hire.—Gwyane H. Brader. 47A5-10 T)ABY Grand Piano by Franz Lichr; only J been used few times; beautiful tone I' and quality; offered for £50 to clear: bar- gain.—Gwynne R. Brader- 47A5-10 1 Os.—Overstrung Pianoforte; all  over bl frame; full trichord; underdainper tape check action; rosewood case with new art design panels; warranted 10 years; delivered free.—Gwyane H. Brader. 47A5-10 P1Q 196-—?ew Model Upright Iron Grand; Y*19 full iron frame; full trichord; overdamper tape check action; rosewood case with inlaid mother of Peezl marque- terie panels; finest value in town; warranted 10 years.—Gwynpe U. Brader, Heathfield- etreet, Swansea. 47A5-10 GOLD MEDAL PIANOS. WADDINGTON & SONS, Ltd., STATION- ROAD, PORT TALBOT (opposite the County School). Established 1838 ACTUAL PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURERS. PIANOS from 10s. 6d.; ORGANS from 5&. Monthly. SOLE AGENTS for the Kastner Autopiano and the Celebrated Stems Interior Player Piano, also Bitmuller Double sound- board Piano, Rinnerman, V^idorf and other well-known German Mak'c-rs. SPECIAL AGENTS for Pianos ar,rl Orgwna. by all the Leading Makers, including Bord (of Paris). Allison, Bell, Maeon &nd Hamlin, Karn, Farrand, Hamilton, Sames, Dominion, Packard, Imperial Co., Springfield and others. I WADDINGTON'S always have a Good Selec- tion of SHOP-SOILED and SECOND- HAND Instruments for Sale at Low Prices. Write for Catalogues and particulars. WADDINGTON'S Allow Railway Fares to purchasers. WADDINGTON'S. STATION-ROAD (onnodte the County Schools), PORT TALBOT. A-nfl ot Cardiff. Porth and elsewhere. MACHINERY, &c., FOR SALE. WT When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader FOR SALE HIRE, OR PURCHASE-HIRE 600 LOTS, Including WEIR FEED, etc., STEAM PUMPS 9Jin. x íiin. x 12in. & 14in. x lOin. x 2Oin., etc STEAM WINCHES, 4in. x Sin., 7in. x 12in., Bin. x Sin.. 9in. x 4in. etc. HAULING ENCINES, Two Drums. 2ft. wide; Cylinders, 9in. x lOin Also Vi, double dram. self contained, Bin. x 12in. STEEL BUILT STEAM HAUIAGE SET THOS. W. WARD, Ltd. BRITONFERRY. BETHEL Chapel, Llansamlst — For Sale, Acetylene Gas Generating Plant (Owens patent), in good working order, with self- automatic water feeder and purifier, to light from 20 to 80 burners; will be sold cheap; sacrifice; reason of sale, coal gas con- nected.—Apply particulars, Sec., Ben. Grif- fiths, Glaslwyn, Llansamlet. 49A5-13 FOR SALE, Fish and Chip Machine, splen- did condition; all accessories; real bargain.—Apply Fiôh," Leader Office, Swansea. 43A5-8 BOILERS (50), up to lmlb-s. pressure; also Machinery, good second-hand.—John Stringer and Son, Dept No. 65, Blackburn. C7-4 FOR SALE. 14-16 N.H.P. Looo type Boiler by Robey; quite ae new; fitted with Donkey Pump-Apply to G. & Richmond Engineer. LianeUy. T.C. SUCTION GAS ENGINES AND PLANTS Fielding's Patent. Gold Medal Awarded. Size 9 to 300 B.H.P.; 10 B.H.P. foi Id. per hour. Cheapest power known. Hundreds working. Catalogues Free. Write present cost, and we will show saving to be effected. Few Stcond-hand Jas dn-Waos Cheap. Engines for Cinemas a Speciality. -Sole Makers: FIELDING AND PLANT, GLOUCESTER. <?6ifsALE. 500 Tons Steel Rolled Joists I' ariou6 sections;; Built-up Girders, Angles, tees, and Rail. Also a Large Assortment of Tanks, Stretching Screws, etc., etc. Inspection Invit.ed.—Ohipbreak- ing C(I. Ltd., King's Dork. Swansea. C.T.D. POULTRY, DOGS, LIVE STOCK, &c. I#r~ When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader pHlCKS.—White Leghorns, 7s. a dozen; ready Friday, 9th, 56. 6d. dozen; Silver Cam pine Eggs, 3s. a dozan; Lewis Jones's' strain; inspection invited.— Mrs. Conibear, 6, Miens-street, St. Thomas. S-,van6ea. f 49À:\3 F OF. SALE, Smart (Smooth) Welsh Ter- j; rier Puppy, 3 months old; excellent pedi&ree.—Hicks, 6, Union-street, .\1ô .n- ford. v ■ n C IIICKSNChicks! Cl'licks! 68. dozen Or- plugton, Black Minorca., Brown Leg- horns, Aylesbury; Ducklings, 8s dozen. Note—Wanted, Pigeons, Bantams, and Rab- bits.—Neill, 17a, Nichol-strfeijt, Swansea; also Market., Saturday. 47A5-10 PIANOFORTE TUNIN C. T??Ay?ORTE'?U:?iN7?7?"M.T?co?? mendationa from Dr. Turpin, GIad"tone, and Brosdwood and Sons. Pianos from Bechsteiri. Hopkinson, Collard, Frinsmesd,. etc. gala or Hire,narl- 53, UBIUQ8WICK-3TR&^T, SWANEA HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. 9W- When replying to advertisements, please mention the Leader." rpO I.ET, Semi-deteched House, Harlemere- I J rvid, Sketty-Apply E. R. Serle, 19, Alexandra-road, Swansea. 49A5-13 QKEVv^EN.—To be Let or Sold, Gleneide; k bath (h. and c.); electric light; situated on main road.-For particulars apply above. 48A5-!2 ?/rORRiSTbN.—Fot- Sale, Sci eral Very ?e- .Úl, sirable LeasdlOld ResidenCiH in and about the Pentrepoth District; prices from £2Z5 to £600. All the Propertiee are Well Situa-ted and in Good Repair.—Apply Bowen aud Evans, Aucticneers, Salubrious Cham- bers, Sw ansea. 48A5-8 XXOUSE to let, Walter-road, containing L Eight Rooms and Large Attic; bath Ih. and c.). officee, scultery, and china pantry.-Ful-ther particulars, B.19, Leader Office. 4oA5-12 rpO LET, 45, Hawthorne-?venn?'; 6 rooms TaLid bath; rent 88. per week, tenant paying rates.-Apply 11, Victoria-street, Uplands. C5-10 WEST CROSS.-Modern Detached House to Let, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Reception, Bath and Offices; immediate possession.—Apply David Robarte, Auction and Estate Offices. 19. lietthfield-street. Swansea. 47A5-10 D E-LA-BECILE STREET.—Newly-decorated House to Let, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Sitting- rooms, Kitchen, Bath, etc.-Apply David Roberts, Auction and Estate Offioes. 19. Keatlifieid-street, Swansea. 4!IAS-10 HpO LET or for Sale, Sketty, 8-room Shop, lis. per week clear; price £ 250.—Apply Thomas, Ash Cottage, Sketty- 47A5-10 ill -UMBLES.-To Let. Nine-roomed House, I bath, etc; vicinity of Church Park; near cars and bay; low reutai; immediate possession.—Apply Lewis, 29, Aylesbury-road, Swansea.. 46A5-10 BUNGALOW for Sale, sleeping accom- -D modation for four persons; new this season; pitched at Mumbles; will cheap. Apply Bungalow," Leader Offioe. 46A5-IQ HOUSE, Detached x?Sem1-detached. near -?- Swansea Trams, about 10 rocme, witn lawn or garden, Wanted September; buy or rent.-Writ,e Churchill," c/o Leader Office, Swansea. 46A5-1Q F OR SALE, Two Houses in Oxford-etreet, n«ar Argyle-6treet.—Write Glynn." Leader Office, Swansea. 46A5-10 FOR SALE. with immediate possession, 82, Maneelton-ro*d, Swansea; six rooms and scullery; excellent oondition.-Apply above address. 46A5-10 FO SALE, eubet&ntiaUy-builtone-room -?- ?Vood Bungalow, recently erected at Langland; inside measurement 15 feet by 10 feet, fitted complete with cooking range and daintily furnished ready for immediate oocupation; magnificent sea view, and few minutes from beach-—Address "Sea View." I Leader Office, 47A5-10 I !OR SALE, Two Freehold Houses, six rooms each. with Building Land ad- joining.—Apply D. Phillips, Auction Mart, 215a, High-street, Swansea. 45A5-9 "jVI"ORWAY VILLA, ahopstone.-For Sale or to Let, immediate possession, sub- stantially erected Detached Villa Residence, two-staH Stable and Coach-house attached. with about two acres of Land, three Recep- tion, 5 bedrooms. Kitchen, Scullery, and Larder.—Apply Beynou, Hillsborough, Cwm- donkin Drive, Swansea. 4tJA5-9 I Joseph Harris's Announcements. Al ON-'I,PELIER-I'ERRACE.-Excelient Free- hold House for Sale, cheap; every con- venience.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street. Swansea p RIORTON-TEilLACE.-Well-built. attrac- Residence for Sale; xcellent CPl)- dition; every oonvenience.-Apply Jopeph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street. Swausea. npERRACE-EOAD. Splendid t Jorm£d THouse for Sale; cheap; low g<cund rent; grand view of bay.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street, Swansea. C-iROMWELL TERRACE. — ix-rOOJl3d House. with bath (h. and c.), fcr Sale, in best position of terrace; long Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, (iicrge. street. Swancea. ICIIAE,DSON-STREET, facing new Foot- ball Field.—Six-roomed House, with bath (h. and c.) for Sale, cheap; long lease; greater part of purchase money can re- main.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street. Swansea.. ROCK-STREET, WAUNWEN— Splendid Pt four-roomed House for Sale; very cheap; owner leaving district.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street. Swansea. BERNARD-STREET, UPLANDS.—EIGHT- roomed House, with bath-room (h. and e.) splendid position; long lease.—Apply Joseph Harris, Auctioneer, George-street, Swansea. YSGOL-STREET, Port Tennant (by tram terminus)—Four exoeUent Houses for Rq le cheap; every convenience; well let; will make splendid investment.—Apply Joseph Harris. Auctioneer, George-street. Swansea. C5-8 NEWTON, Mumble- .-Building Plots to be 1 Leased or Sold.—Apply T. J. Bishop Davies, 66. Wind-street. Swansea. 44A5-8 MlSCELLANEOUS SALES. TOMATO PLANTS for Sate, cheap; Webb's llegine, Hipper's No. 1, and Urters.- Apply 2L Major-street, Manselton, Swansea. ens BELT) Tent. Pese and Pole, with collapsible ) Camp Table attached, for Sale; can be seen any time.-Write Camp," leader Office. 47A5-10 FOR SALE, Singw's Hand Sewing Machine -C and accessories, quite new, £ 2 lOti.; also New Gramophone and Records, LZ or nearest offer-—Apply 9, C-lara-noe-place. near Model Laundry- 46A5-10 SAFF-S (Fiie-resisting), all sizes, single ks a.nd double-door, for Sale. bargains; also Second-hand Vertical Beilere, Saw Beuchee, 20cwt. Weighing Machine, Donkey Pumps, etc.—Birt and Co., 47a, Strand. Swansea. 36A5-1 A LARGE Quantity of splendid Gravel, suitable for concrete, can be had free on cart at the excavatione at No. = High- street, Swan&ea.-D. Jenkins, Ltd., Con- tractors, Beach-street Timber Yard, Swan- sea- 4.iAb-8 LEFT-OFF CLOTHING, AO. -1 O NEATH-ROAD. Hafod.—Ladies' and ??? Gent.'a Left-off Clothing Bought and Sold; Clr-aning, and Pressing done; post- cards receive prompt attention.—Mrs. Isaacs. 42A5-7 CARRIAGES, HORSES, &c., FOR SALE, FOUR-WHEEL Baker's Van, in good con- t dition. cheap also Horse, Harness, etc-—Apply Griffiths, Sydney-street, Biyri- hyfryd 49 A 6-13 IjiOR SALE, a light Chestnut Horse, 15 jL hands high. bred by Hereman, Grand National winner; work in any harness; £ 20 or nearest offer.—Apply Edger Nuree, Pen- ail Picture House. Penclawdd. t2,AS-7 .i.1;JAM Lorry tor Sale; carry five tons; or V would Hire or Exchange.-Address Box C 16, Cambria. Leader, Swansea. C5-12 FOR SALE, Light Pony Ca.rt?&nT H&mes?; Fal!3o Wagon.-Apply Mills, English and Co., Ltd., Castle-square, Swansea C5-12 SALE, Brougham and Victoria by First-class Makers; rubber tyres, etc.- Full particulars of J. Barron Pascoe, 6. Col- Isg-e-street, Swansea. 4SA5-12 J^OR SALE, Gent-'s S<?cond-hand Raleigh .{1 Cycle, in cxc?U'ent condition; thr<?- speed gear, Brook's saddle; a bargain at £ 4—Apply 148. Western-street. 47A5-10 PONY. Harness and Trap for Sale. LID or t the nearest offer.—Apply 6. Crumlyn- street. Port Tennant, Swansea. 47A5-10 VOR. RALE, a Wagonette to carry eight, Jt1 fiivt cisse condition; pole and bar, la-mp rtDd cusbious complete—Apply R. Looseuio-^e, Hey Merchant, Oxford-Street, K MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, Ac., POK SALE. When replying t, advertisements, please mention the Leader. L^OR SALE, Two Ladies' Bicycles (Swift]C F nearly new; E5 IG& e&ch.-A¡>ply "Baty gains," Leader Office. 49A5-15 F OR, 'ALE, Gentleman's good Bicycle, I elleap-Apply 15, Cuugl-avonue, Neath. 48A5-1Z -'OR SALE. 16 horse-pov.ei- X. Semi-port- able Under type ilngine and Boiler, in splendid condition; makers, Robey; bargain. —Apply Herbert. Saw .Mills, Ammanford. T^OR SALE, Motor Cycle, 3 b*r&&-power, .1 T?OR SALE, Motor Cycle, 3 boreeTpowe? I-rfect condition.—Apply 73, Madoo-street,- Swansea. 47A5-1B pLYNO 6 h.p. 1912, Free Engine, 2-aptodv I kick start, coach-built Sidecar, and screen; ewrything perfect oondition; ecet almost 1100; accept £ 67; great bargain; will give trial run.—iScott. 9, Grove-plaoet Port Talbot. 47A5-10 "LpOR SALE, a lady's "Triamph" Bicycle. Fin perfect condition; che?p; owE«' giving up riding. Apply "friumpa," Leader Offices, Swansea. 46A5-10 31 H.P. Quadrant Motor Cycle. Magneto, H.B. Control; footboards; Whittle belt; lots of Spares; enamel and plate un- scratched; conditions throughout beautifulru sacrifice £ 1 £ .—Apply Quadrant," Lead" Office, 46A5-lf_ TjrUMBEB 2-eeater, with folding dickey' seat, 10-12 h.p., two ignitions., hood," screen, lamps, Stepney, aod tool outfit; in good running order; £ 70.—" Humber," I/eader Office. Swansea. 46A5?S 'OR SALE. Two Goent.'¡;¡ Cycres; both in good running order; 30e. each, or nearest oiler.-Pritcbard. b, Victoria-street. Uplandis, Swansea- 46A 5,- 9 Will Jones A Co. Announcements. 1 Q1 ? .F.E. tW0-6 Premiere, hùm o ebock, ? h.p., ?6; Special Si<?' 'c: ? Q? ? ?'?' ?w??P??'s S?nb?&ms, 2? h.?t o The Gentlemans Motor Cycle; from stock, £ 63.  b.p. Premier, in lovely condition. X1 Qi/X1 ^i only ?26 1<?.; any trial. 1911 ? h.p. Premier, as new, only .EM; 1 X*?- run only 200 milœ. 1910 Zi k-P- Koryal Eniield, T-win Mag- neto. £ 23 10s. 1 Qf? ? ?'?' Quadrant Magneto; only J.?Ut7 ?? 108.; first cheque. '16 H.P. Humber two-eea?er Car, water ? cooled, in good running orr; a bar- gain, £ 25; only wants seeing. A Trial Solicited .—Will Jones a nd Co., 1, Capel Buildings, Clydach. CH3 j Brayley's Announcsnents. 1912 MODEL DE LUXE Rex. ?epeed: -L?-L*-? bought nw January. ?913; L50. or offer. C.T.D. Trxumph. 3j b.p.. £20. C.T.D. HTJMBEB.ETTE Cycle-Car. new end Me.rch. -'?- perfect oonditkn, unscratched; trial with pleasure; £ 110. C.T.D. ■i Q-j -j 4-CYLINDER F.N. Motor Cycle, just Xt/XX been ovcrhau!ed and renovated by makers; price z". C T.D. TTWDRD CAR, in perfect condition, 1.60 C.T.D. Q-l ty ^6 H.P. Clyno and Sidecar; all in .), perfect condition, ?55 C.T.D. IMMEDIATE Deliveries from Stock of New Hudson, James. Ariel, and Rex; also Agent for Rover and F N Motor Cycles, and Singer's Cycle-Cars.—Call or write for list, free.-i. Brayley, 215, Oxford-street, Swan- sea. C.T.D. Ivor L Roberts' Announcements. HUMBERETTE Cycle Car in etock. Pleaaa call and inspect it Orders booked now. Eariv deliveries grin anteed C.T.D. BOOK Now for Early Deliveries of A.J.S. -D Enfields, Douglas. Humbert. Rurlgs. Motor Cyclee: also Swift Cycle Cars. C,T.?>. I HAVE in stock .weral up-to-date SMOKd.  hand Motor CY\>lœ, including :m Indian. B-S.A.'s, Triumpha. f^nlieids. P. and M.'s. Bradbury's. N.S.U., New Hndaeos Premiers and A.J.B. Prices from £ 18 to Send postcard or cail for List.—ivor L. p^bert«. O"ford-street., Sisnffn C T TV SAILINGS. PO OKE=S BRISTOlTcHANNEL STEAM X PACKET CO., LTD. REGULAR PASSENGER SERVICE and EXGURSIOS-SW A.SE.A to ILFEACOMBE. THE P.S. BRIGHTON Sails as follows, weather and other circumstances I)ermittiug- Leave Leave Swansea. Ilfracombe. "Thursday. May 8 5.30 p.m. 8. 0 p m. "Saturday, May 10 9.15 a.m. 8. 0 p.m. 'Saturday, May 10 4.30 p.m. 8. 0 p.m. -Monday, May 12 8. 0 a.m. S. 0 p.m. Tuesday May 13 8.30 a.m 30 p.m, ^Wednesday, May 14 8.30 a.m. ti.30 p.m.. Thursday, May 15 9.15 a.m. 8. 0 p.m. "Thuraday, May 15 3. 0 p.m. 8. 0 pan. Saturday, May 17 .10.30 a.m. 7.30 p.m. 'Saturday, May 17 3.30 p.m. Mumbles only. Fares, Swansea to Ilfracombe-Day Return on each morning stated above: Best Cabin 3/6, Fore Cabin 2/6. Single: Best Cabin 3/ Fore Cabin 2/ Threo Days Return: Bea,\ r. Cabin 5/6. Fore Cabin 2/6. Cheep Half-day Excursions each afternoon 6tated above 2/ Calls at Mumblee 15 minutes later. CUNARD LM. STEAMERS. FASTEST VESSELS IN THE WORLD From LIVERPOOL (via QUEKNSTOWNJ.* To NEW YORK. To BOSTON Maiiretemia Sat-May 10 Laconia ..Tuee.Mav 13 Carmania.Sat.May 17 TO CANADA. From SOUTHAMPTON to QUEBEC and- MONTREAL. FREQUENT SAILINGS. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED PARTIES. Writop for particulars. For further particulars, apply to Local Affanto; or to jCUNARD LINE. 61. Bishops- gate, London. B.C., and 8 and 12. Wateiv etrwet. LiverpooL ALL About Canada.-The Central Booking A Office. 1, Bellevue-street (near bottom of High-street), Syansea. will for the present remain specially Open on Friday Evenings till 9 p.m. to give free information. 46AM EMIGRATION. For Cheapest, Rates and Earliest Steamera for Canada, Australia, South and East Africa, United States cf America, Argentina. etc.. etc.. apply at once to HOULDER BROTHERS & Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGES BOOKED BY ALL LIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegrams, Houlders." Telephone, Central 1216 (2 lines). ABSOLUTELY FREE. BERTIE PERKINS AND CO.. Passenger Steamship Department, 11. Somerset-place ^opposite the Town Hall), Swansea, BOOK PASSENGERS to America, Australia, India. Canada. Africa, N?w Zealand. and to &11 oarts of the World. Handbooks ot information and all par- ticulars absolutely free. Cables are received daily of the arrival of various Passenger Steamers at Porta Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co. are Agents for the Rest and largest Passengej- Steamship Lines in the World. CANADA. United States, South Africa ana Australia.—For lowest faros and all information, apply to Roberta Steamship Passenger Bork;ng Agency. Morriston. I DRINK SARSO The King of all Temperance ) Drinks. IL