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Leader' Classified Advertisements. APARtMEHfS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, T& SE LET, LOST AND FCUfiO. O, Three Six Insertion. Insertions. InGertions 1 0 2 0 3 0 it) Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 iO Words. 2 0 4 0 5 0 OR SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One Three Six fraserfckm. Insertions. Insertions :0 Words. 1 6 2 6 3 6 J) Words. 2 0 3 0 4 6 40 Worde. 2 6 3 6 5 6 tIRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAL, AND I MARRIACES. On-e Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions 20 Worda. 1 6 3 6 6 0 50 Words. 2 0 5 0 8 0 40 WordE. 30 7 0 12 0 EDUCATIONAL. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions ..23 Words. 2 0 3 0 4 6 30 Words. 2 6 4 0 5 6 1 W Words. 3 0 5 6 7 6 ONONF-Y.-fid. per line. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. AGENTS Warted eell n ew noYeity; j?L. certain selling line to shopkeep6rs; •end Is. lgd. returnable if not ütisfld- Clark, Penoyre, Brecon 89A9-29 T?APfTEO Packer ?t.d Sorter; Two Ex- W perienced C?Jandc'r Hands also Y<Mtmr Man for Delivery Van. abie to drive Ford Car.—Apply S-ketty Laundry. 83A9V25 I WOMEN AND GIRLS. BOOT Trade.—Waated, smart, experienced, Youns Lady Ac-sist,t-Aopry Mr. W. .vans Leicester Mouse Neath 0}..25 EXPERIENCED Stocking Knitters and t J Learners wanted; usual wages and plenty of work.—Price an:1 Son, Hosiery Manufacturers. Quecn-strect Neath. C9 25 c\f'l14l.L\ Lr:i.-l:idlard i?.vis. ?ugh?treet. l.' Swansea, h" vacaDcies for Assistant Milliners; able to sene when required 89A9.25 WANTED, an experienced young Lady es Counter Hand.—Apply,: Palmer's, Oxford-street. S9A9»S5 "?"ANTED?oun? Girl, about 16, for Fruit VV? Business: ako Stroi:? I?ad to drive pony.—Heard, Fruiterer Sx Helen's-road 87 A 9-27 KICHARD Lewi ? [»'»-&er. ii;qhstreot -C Swansea, tj?s a Vacancy for a thor- oughly experienced Youns: Lady for Cash Desk. 91A 9.26 WANTED. Experienced Young Lady take charge Millinery, Mantle Show-wxm; live opt.—Apply, stating salary required and references. Price, Draper. Neath. C9-25 HOUSE-KEEPERS. X\JANTED at Once. Working Housekeeper for wMower and grown up con total abstainer; age 55-45, good reference.—Write -0 X 6, Daily Leader. 89A9.) .SflC SERVANTS., jr^XPEKlENCED General wanted; good re-  U fereaoes required.—Apply Mrs. Miller. I •' HMJgocd. Skeuy-poad. Swansea. 8/A9-29 SUPERIOR Ciirl waiited to Assist in Pri- O vate House; two in faiuily. most com. u-rtable home tor suitably person.—Write Mrs. David, at Central Chambers, Pontar- dalais 87A9-27 íjJ :\(lED immediately, capable General. t" Apply, White Rose Hotel, Waiter- -o-ad, Swansea. 90A9-50 I WANTED at once, a clean, trustworthy Girl, &-> General: KOO-1 outings and a MM. Tvirnes, "Noddta." Clasem-oiit. Morrktoll,  9A?l-M I  r NTED. good Cook, a;so KItcheamold. i W K Cinb.—Apfdy Stewardess, Liberal I L 'ub? WU)!!L_, 89AM6 -r-\5j'T ?. s good Cook-general; threo in ?T "famii? **???' Hoakm?. 24, Cwmdonkin- j terrace. AT pb ??'L 6 89A9 30 -f:'?{T TED-l-;?m.Ö;:teíY-A- experienced VV General; fiKVd rcieren:es required.- ?np!y evenings. &5, ?alter-rt'ad, Swan-sea. C9.25 ""ANTED, thoroughly exPCD inced Girl as f" General; wages £ 30: reis. required- I Afcolv Mn Di?ens. 25, Oxford street. Swan. s e  89AMM MEN AND YOUTHS. I 'rjUD?E??.nd St ;;8-(OlOthrer,L tCC-TailOl'-1 1. t:.x Workr<?B?. Itivil-litn-?et, Swan- M&. rH¡uire R Prefer ?t once; demobilised I man -es, ?t6?A9-25 AIRijLESSER.— Wanted. good l'.pro!i-I at once.—Apply R Aiik,rs. Ha^dresser, 'K. Tenace-road, Abcr.vstwyth. 84A9-25 JUNIOR Oierk Wanted: must have had t j some experience and be ouick a-tu1 ac- curate at liBures.—AppIv Picues." ie.Ic-r Office. Sv.ansea. CiPERliNTENDENTO and Agente, wanted i. full and spare time.-—Apply W. Va -de., Inspector, 31. Alexandra-road, Swansea. 84A9-25" ANTEI), a ]3iir)il in tlio 1,'?iurve-.?,or's De- WANTED, a Pupil in th? Surveyor's De- partment at Ynisctdwyn Gollier: i Arnl.v to the Snrvevor at the Coliierv. I 89A9-22 WJANTED, a Representative for Swansea" V and District, to call upon Wholesale and Ratail Traders: b" of erood address and proved ability.—State age. full details of previous engasemenis and if disenpaspwi (letters only), to "H." 10 Westbury-street., Swansea • 87A9-25 f ANTED, » V inp Bricklayer Foreman; good waces ¡ to riziit, roan.—Address, stating age. experi-, ¡ etce eLc, 1.) Watson an,! Horrocks, T,1(1.. Bridgend. C9-2.7 \(r ANTI:D, immediately. «• art Office Boy -A Dol. Bo -1 G,P,O Swp.nsea. 87A9- 5 T\r ANTED. lioliors. Dou biers, Furnace- » V men. and Behimiers. accn^t-oraed to Welsh ?h.?, "'?! -A'?ih.'?pr?ooa'Hy.Rryr). K-wyn 8hec Works. CoK.ciJion. 84A?-2 'I TYPHO??TF? F??Vented—Wiu? Da vies U f?d Sons House Fnrni"hcrs. LlaneKy 84A9-25 rjRGENTLY WANTED— 500 Students to vJ Qualify for Existing Vacancies. This if* a splendid opportunity for a Yontb hp- I tween tho a?f of 17 and 24 to -Mure a per- /manent lncrativ berth fo" life Unem- ployed Demohol'iffpr! Servic? men with a 17nowlp1p of Wire!ep« of the above ige. should write or call ac once.— Wireless Training College. Ltd St. Mary-street Car- diff. or Castle-street, Swansea. SITUATIONS WANTED. BISCHARGED Soldier seeks Employment; any capacity; experienced insurance spent: excellent references —Write Bfyn." I-eader Office. 87A9-25 MONEY. ?'.?AREf'IJj.j Borrowers Ij:. to know \v?' ? ivhorn they arc'dealing Mr. A. E. ••'rash, who .trades under his own name, lends Money upon the easiest possible terms. Ad- ••;re»5s 6. Uplands-crescent. Walter-road, Swansea. C10-3 LAW. 12. rxindon-roafi N. h 'c¡, J» (/3-sh Artvanees from £5 and upwards strictly orivite. Established 1876 TC ft* you a Ulan :ipply to Georee ■i Thomas, Manager. Church-street foono. rite r. Sfarv's Church) Swansea Private ind confidential "\iJQNEY to Lend to HMpfctahte House. A»X holders: PriatR and ?t)fidhntia!- t-worT-hom'iP i "Waterioo-sTreet Swansea OASR :F011 EVERYBODY.-A Boon to \y would-be Borrowers Have only one ererfitor whom you can repay ny Easy Im eta-ftofints. • The. Old-established British Finance Conu>aiiy NOT LIMITED; without -;ind s hareholders to consider your sjcplicition and know yon- business, are giffftttinar otnans, £0 to £ 10.000 wittioufc fuss, botna?. or 10tin oStce routine ?? Loan. ?? monthly. j£¡:jj êf¡f  L' a  ?mr'nthh' ?'!M r??n.? monthly. Absolute Privacy Guaranteed BRITSSK FINANCE CO., 2(Lf3RIfH.E STREET BRISTOL, < m: • ¡ TRADE AN.NOUNCEIV3&MTS. AM CO Adding Machine; a wonderful ad- -A vance in Adding Ma-chines; does better work than most of the bulky standard machines, but costs less than one-third: capacity: Model A, £ 599,999 19s. lid.; Model I- B, Agcnts: 0 ?ll c- e 1-\Pp1ia,n('s Company, Siddall Building, Swansea.. C10-4 LADIES' High-class Fashionble Atti"e; c?,,?t e_n:3 ive varieties of all the Latest Productions in ?-?'.?'?? Millinery. Blo't?es. F,im Fur Coats, and Ladies' and Chi!- dren's Underclothing.—Richards. 40. Kim- Edward-road, Swansea. 89A.9-25 POPULAR Sweets—Mother's D-?ty Buy -i Popular Sweets: i!? dear UttJt- children do like them only-. 41bs. 45.; lr1 per oz.— f I P. IANO and Organ Tuning and Repairing mv 6peciality; n. Hawkins, 22, Chapel- street, Mumbleb; 25 years Godfrey and Co., Ltd.; all districts visited; genuine bargains upright iron grand by Spencer, check ke s, very handsome rose- wood case; also one by Rogers in Sheraton case, rosewood.—H. Hawkins, 22, Chapel- street, Mnmbips. -gTI>N1:Y Palmer's welJ-knowD Cakes and Is Pasries are made of best, ingredients only Wedding: and Birthday Cakm in Stock and made to order Noted for Teas and Cafe O:;DO.. siteyEmpire. and Branches. 87A9-27 Lie Nice. Lot of Wet Weather Boots O at the new R-Il Shoe Store, Goat- street. Reasonable prices. 93A9-3-0 S-lTR{Üc, L ,uD)ia,x)ces -Trur,P, ? Enemas Surgeons' Rubber Glove??. ?Pd Surgical Rubber Goods of every description Write for Catalogue: sqnr, Tlust fr(-e.-L(- Brasseur Surgical Co Ltd Dept D V.i. 90 and 92 Worcestqr-street Birmingham. T(J FpYPEWRITE?S'?The??oyar Ma6ter"?i?dc? J. No. 10; the King of Typewriters; recent Government orders for over 7X00 Royals; prompt delivery.—Exclusive Soutii Wales Agents: Ofiiee Appliances Campauy, I Siddall Pnlkiing. Swansea CO-4 "^J^/ E sr*i> now booking orders for tSe y < "Never Wind" Clock, worked bj elcctric battery; sample 0" view a' t Bullock Bros., Portland-street. o \o r: -t7tTEfImÊ, to goon Rainy Days (Thursday W Aftpr?oon3 inch'd?d): Jack Lewis Ke-? Studio, -IfiaJi-street. e-ntranec 2 doors bek,, _Ffol TO MUSICAL INSTRLORAENT.S. O0DF&Eir'• and' Co. Ltd.—Special Bargains -"in Sed?nd-ha.nd Pianos and-Organs; L\ew Pianos by all the leadm,: nuikers, including-Collard and Col- lard, Witter, and W.ittoE, Kto-me^ and Co., I Brinsmead Qeamer etc.. etc. Prices from SOgns. cash ■ Terms- arranged if desired. Write for frap list or eall and make a per- 'I sonal selection.—Godfrey an-i Co., Ltd., 22, St. Heleh'fc-r.o?'d. Swansea B4A9.) p ODF'REy aitd Co.. LtJ7 Pianoforte Manu. ?T f?ctui'M?!, have now Re-Opened their TUill ng an'i Repairing Department Pianos and Organs Thoroughly Renovated and Re- paired. Estimaltes given. Expert Tuners Visit all Parts of Wales. PiaJ,da and Pkvyer j Pianos a -Speciality.—Godfrey and: Co., Ltd.. OiANO; Magnificent Upright; Brilliant X Tone; lvOT Keys: Marquete-ri Panel; fully warranted; an exceptidnat liargain P"rl;6treet, Swansea. 8XA9-27 SF.COND-liANI) Hornless Gramophone re- ouired: n II.4^ Master'. Voice" pre- ferred.—Ap-ply Gramophottc."cIo Rockficld Ifouse. C' 0h. C9-25 OE CON D IT A I)- Pia. nosby Co !la r d an d KJ Collard. Spencit^r. itoningt-on, ard Wee- t?n and other we'3-?BOwn makera Inspec- tion* invited. GrarHooboHpe; from £ 4 4s; New Doublc-^idedo Recods from is..ad1. Large stock Lists free.—:f) J Snell. 21-22 Hitrh- I street. Al'£(le Swansea. 87A9-27 SECOND-HAND Gi?mop??npsr 3 4. 5 "nd t 0 6 fuiR?as: Records. 9d.. is.. Is 6J., "a 9d..Zs.6d.: a.U binds.—t?. Pa.rk-?trpp?. Swansea^. 84A9-25  < ?JO?PSf )N a.tid Sb?ckbir' tidFisTOSgpiV 71 ,ti"l>t,.warrea.Biack Lellan! Piano f C78: W&lTiUt .C???rti ."Pi?n?' £ 70 •. -• -Wa^nut Ch&Oen ?ia?i'0 ?5- Walniit K'rianan Pinnn £'lO Wa4nut Normeile Piar?t £ 65; Walnut Briusmf?d Piano. £ 105: Walnut &Jllir(' 'I' Piano £ 8-5; Wainct Hawkins P'ano f65 lOs ■ Walnut .Thompson and ae ke 11. Ltd. Piano £ 70; Imperial Or^-an E?1i 5s Jone* 'ii'gan k:15, F;"t,pv Organ ii.35 LOST AMD FClii^D. t T OST, on Monday night. 22nd, f. -LJ between lligii-stretit ana St. Thomas, 9-cara-t gold Lacfcet; Under suitably re- warded.—Apply, 10:, Geili-street..St.' Thomas, C Swansea. 9 b I LObl Gn 13th unt. between Latel'<F1 anf? JU RutTa?t?trcbt'StaH<?a, Gc!d- huig with '<si:g^-aVed-'itQ»?rstrfhiQ'tiu'tffif• by'-s £ fe^ a-Tfi v cent. R$? y:4i. CH? 'tct?rN<J'ar;;t-6'?'' X-.O??'.? Leader OtfflcQ. S.T.D.9-25 i JQST, ih. S wansea, OJJ Friday, September ?? 19th. a Parcel c<?ita.ii]u?; 'Jewellery. I' U?vard o?sred.—R&piy G-lYm1iithn., H.uic- ble.s. C9-26 T"CST. Thurt-day. 18th in?t., opposite L C)ST, Th u Ikh i ri ?3 ,lj. ,oppos-lte ¡ Golliers Arms, Skeweii. 'Gentleman's. English ?ver Watch; tea shillings regard to finder returning "?inc to 119, Courtney- street, Mans el ton. Swansea. 84 A 9-26 in.p-IL.i n IJ MISCELLANEOUS W&MTG. 48/riFn:TAL"Teet?Ph?tinuia. Gold, s.Ü: A ve« Bought, any conditio^; utmost value iven. Poit var-mis. S, Cliernick, 34 Eschan-KS-stseei: Cheethatn..Manchester, j_ 90AWOI   I TAii, iVfinUJ:-¡\'aI1tel:-láTG¿C;¡ o -i ta i,t, i ',i N v() t- Ilkd )e as it &c,etal-Y. 'Allotment 1 A(JöGciati"t: lœW811. 89A?-30 ¡¡' tTtI;War:t-ë:j.ovel Pit wood aize.- -.len nirt :5. f.t(i.. PL-,finy-weli. ro a d. Bristol. B'tif cba,tPo rt?i c aw I STC 'Y?ANTED. 0,, u size Ei?liard Top.— ) —Particular to Be K7. Lcader O?ce. j j 3??-25  DO You Want w ?U Anything.- • Send it iJ!' W. the Auction Mart. 219 High-street Seriun will Sell it lor you, pp I BUY ïme. best prices given; New S or Secoad-haiid.—Serkiri, 219. High-s*treet. j IrJ' FWfI -mea-Po8t;á;f.H1d 'X will äll'- ?-? J. ?t'hin. a?, 11-street.. pp, [ ?ALES coaducted in 'l'ovf n, or Oc untT-y low I 'j c.???'T.'iSA]?'i.—?. Serkin. Zj. H.?h' •" uP. stt oet. • Up. FOR SaLt. _FOR SALE. beautiful rouhd^cornrr v j X cyness Car, nickel-plate.l Harness, and [Pony. years old, rising 5, veiry fast. 13 hands high: can he seen any trice after 4 'p.m.—Williams. Buck inn. P°n..tl!i7Y-27 1?IRELl(?)T?R' BUndling also ?ireli?htr? i' Machines ?—Hill ?nd. Hpi?ert. S.L Works Leicester. n. C9-2A QAFES' (fire-resasting) from 22in. to 42ih. lO hiizb, for Sale,: aleo Pair 8-jin V,"indi»ig Engines. 5-ton Stoam Wafcons — ISirt, Wai, Strand. Swansea. C9-31 :QLECbiNlI-itAND Tea and Coffee S»;t, with iol Tea- Caddy to- match; five, pieces; E P N S-nearly new, Bros., Portland-street. Swansea. 39A9.z7 STAMP CollecborsT—War Issues British I. Colonial Staazrps. Selection at Reasonable Prices—W. A.. Lascom. 7. Goat; ,t cpt A.Ua 89,N 9-25 a^^ J PERaOiyAL. I Bert. Toffn" Shop there is i. •• Staniifng ROOJO Only." (Jr,elf' Bert and ¡ bia Son thank yon far senr help. You are j (toine Yonr Bit ae we did ours. ThanksH I Swansea, Thanks III MOTOR CARS. CYCLES, &c. ALBION CHASSIS.—We can offer delivery J. t of 50 cwt. Chassis end September, 60 cwt. November and 30 c-A-L. and SO cwt. No. vember. subject unsoid. Cash. Easy Tems. or Exchange.—R E Jones. Ltd. (Motor Dept.), Dillw-yh-street. Swansea. Tin AP COMMERCIAL VEHICLES'-AII A.r_i- C Spare Parts in Stock.—Thoma&■ White and Co., Engineers Barry. Soi-th Wales Agents. 010-25 Ap C Comuiercial Vehicles.??'e are j ?-?-*?*?* now bockinar orders for Show Model Charabancs; delivery February :price oc-mplete, with electric light, £ 1,62.5.—Thcs. White and Co. South Wales agents. BaITY 1. C201 /^ALCOIT Lh;ht Car. )9? ,model. Dynamo v Lighting. Electric Horn ■ P350 R- E. JonM. Ltd.. Motr_.Qept. Swansea. T-C FOR SALE, 6-?inder -e'-d 8ml;)l: -L Car: blocked up during war; row thor- oughly overhauled and re-decorated; two spare Box R 7. Leader Ofllce. 90A927 '?CR SALE, a Ford Van; suit (Jrccer, ,P Biker, any trade; repainted; trhu run.—West's Groery Stores, Dy fatty-street. 87A9-2' "ETJONBS, Limited (Motor Department) -[-t. Dillwyn-street. Swansea. List of C?rs in Stock for Immediate Delivery:— New Studebaker Big Six 12 h.p. 1913 Taibot Touring, Dynamo I. p6ql 1914 L,f¡l;] ';r:¿;l''j'ï: ci 16/18 h.p. Darracq Touring about 19C6 £ 35 12/16 h.p CI ement-Talbot, 2-seater, Acetylene Lamps £J65 11.9 h,p. 1914 llumber. 2-seater, Elec-tric Lip:htinr:; £496 5/6 h.p A.C Runabout £ 95 1913 Va-nxlialJ Coupe C.A.V Lighting Milnes-Daimlcr 2/3 ton Lorry £ 350 ALIi offere(i subject unsold Cash, easy terms, cr exchange. TIC THE Commercial Carri er Company, Ltd i Swansea. Brand jNew Peerless. Chassis. ft.000, Do. Pierce-Arrow Do., £1.()50; Do A.E.C. Do., £ 1.025—immediate delivery; several Straker-Squire Lorries overbcHiled and guaranteed by the makers 2-ton, 3-ton and 5-ton; cash or deferred terms.—Com- i mereial Carrier Company, Ltd 59/62. St Helen's-road; Swansea. Tbons- Central 776 'Grams: "Garage" TC 4 H.P. Bradbury; Two speed; Counter- shaft; ;complete with Coach Bui it Coronet Sidecar: £ 7.0.—Apply, Mad dock. ?t. 1 Q1 4 B.S.A 4* Combination 3-sped idlti. countershaft gear; cham cum belt; Xo 2 B.S.A. Sidecar with hood and screen complete; in beautiful condition: tyres practically new: full set lamps; stored for three years during war: ? l, ,-a 17Z, R h N, I cl i n, ?-, terrace, Swansea. 89A926 T terrace, ~S"fUDEllAKEI{ 5-?eater Car. 16 M iXmt/-XTc h-p.. self-starter: electric H?'ht: used very little dnrinc wartime: rot out !n VA3. no licence taken: spare wheel and tyre: eneedoiaefer: trial given, lowest cash price. £ 350.—W. -P. Evans, Bank-place. Machynlleth. 'Phone 17. C9-25 m?? Tniirir,?r -C?'f? 'S?!? f; -i ??'i' wheels, new hood end side cur- tains: inst finished overhauling: in excel-' lent condition—Apply Swan Hotel, Morris. ?.??.L?-— J S5.??? EDUCATIONAL. BECOME an Expert Book-keeper in 12 B Les6on& Pitman's Shorthand Rapidly Taught. — Aunly Lishman s Coaching College. ioiiinir Car-tie Cinema Swansea. TC. 5""|ANC1:NG— Madame Jessie Davies has ._U resumed her Private Dancing Lessons. Latest Dances taught.—For terms, apply 35, George-street, Swansea. a9A9-?0 lOR- V ojçe Production and Singing, Mr John Walters baritone, gold medallist, R.A.M., 18, Credock-street, Swansea, and WoodIandH. Gowerton ■ 77A10-10 T f ? Training cualifiee fDr better I. C.O? position8 those engaged in every branch of Commercial and Indus- trit] -pi-epai,i -f(,r 8UCh work those not so .en.ga?ed LCS. trauung is ac?ujred in l?.pare time and dees not inter- fere with bn,s!86 or social engagemetG,- Write (in ,,rldencel to: fntern?tioT)? Cor- respondence Schools Ltd.. Castle-street, 'S'iiiE Imperial School of Authorship ici 1 London) has a few Vacancies for Stu- dents desiring to Learn English (Special Preparatory Course). Journalism. Short; Story-Writing, Editing or Reviewing. Expert. Postal Tuition Ten Pounds a week easily earned when proficient. Write for Pros- pectus in first instance to E Glyn Abraham. Paglan. Britonferry. 89A.9-.30 Livs"sfopK, &C, t?R SALM'?P?i??W:hita*?m' Dot ?OUr ]lllOnvh, old also Galvanised TaTik. "I attached. 4J gallons. J. Ifoppey. Ttchbori'ie, ¡ J.¡C-9A93 ''Sj?OR SALE. Bay Mare. 4 years ,o1d. 14.2 1.' h.h.? Ba? MMe,7 years old 14.2 hh,: 'Roan Pony, 4 years old: 12 b b.; all war- j ra,nted .sound, Jl'ee from VIC'; open vet s jex?m.: good workers. Also two Flat Carts and Harne"" and Stable Utensils: seJi sep?r. ?ateift-Sfiuiiec'.—DoncKhue Fruit Merchant,  Ma i k?. Lla. n e-Hy. 89A9-30 j??OR 3ALE. t-hin?setbiack Bhort-lp'-?-'? 1 Cart V l c, i>V > V;laeti Wagon Horse. 16 ,In fIz"; both good worb:rs chai us and shafts: reason aelhUK. 'jiving uo keepi!Jg Apply Ford. 7, Johu-strcet. Aheravon. 93A9-30 Bitch eleven months i old.—Apply, Harci. Royed Oak. Rhydy. C2:Z9 S?OUB Y?igs wer? tested ?th Karawoot' Pig' Powders. The two with powders ,old at 4.9 each., the two vjitbout at £ 6 tOa total evrra profit El for 5s. Karswood Pig Powders used.—Thomas Chemist, Gorse- inon. and Old Bank Pharmacy, Llanelly. 77A 9-26 TZ ARSWOOD Poultry Snice, contain"), -iL&. ground insects, wH) dnuMe your ev. supply. Packets 2|d.. 7?-d.. Is 3d.-Sold by Swansea Poultry Corn Co.-Op See., Ltd 6, Market, and 26, Fabian-street St. Thomas. KARSWOOD Poultry SpicewTU Dot -S.?- Knock eggH out of hens fed on saw- dust. but that it wilt largely increase egg ayeragp of birds reasonably fed is beyond disnufe. Contains .ground ifisects. 2id.. 7id..™e. 3d packets.—Thomas. Grocer, Burry c, IC', I nlo n. 89A9-30 nfHE rntwt. severe egg-laying test on > i. proved that Karswood Poultry Spice, containing ground insects doubled the egg supply and improved the birds. Particulars on elvclrl" Packet. 2Jd„ 7id.. Is 3d.—Thompson and Son, Corn Merchants Arches, Fabinn- streot. St. Thomas. 89AS-26 T"HE greatest doubter is convinced after JL one thorough test of Karswood Spice, containing ground insects—the egg Pro- due-er it is a pleasure to sell, because it gives euch satisfaction. Packets 2M nd., 18. 3-d.-&1U. 94 and 107, Windspr-road, Neath. 89A 9%6 Xs 1 f°r Is. Four pigs which each had I three Kartswood Pig Powders weekly put on 18 lbs. more weight in one week triau fo-Li, pigs same age, on same food, witheut. Karswood Pig Powders.' Penny c*ch.—J. L. Jones. Pen-Ian House. Dun- vant. 84A9 -25 'XQ E«G_CS weekly from sis birds, on cold .:Ji. bleak Dartmoor, were obtained after using Karswood Spice, containing ground insects. 2^d.. 7Jd 1s M.—Owe-n and Sons. Grocers. New-rond.^ Sbj,wPTI 77A10 4 rURMTTURE. ?nRNtTF ?S?'B?NtPno<M' given by me B. for Secor!d-hand Furniture 8"0 Aiitiaue Furniture of ans description Drop me a postcard, or c»U.-rWra James, C, Fp!-»).•• n- street. St Thomas. CTG -lIiwaw"P' 'f" ur .IIII'(. j SMALL ADVERTISEMENT RD;R FORM. t ¡, I t ) I I, ■— j ——— «' '» '■ ■ ■' r.f 11 ■, ■ -ir -I! rr j » -■ ■  "■ ;■ '■ ■ ■ .I" V ;r- .i I I r  e? for w?ich I Please publish the above advertisement tim^, for which I | enclose.s.uo.d. t Name and Address* f. ft desfred, repUe* may be sect to Box Nambcrs at ths "Cambria Daily 11 desiTed. rcplie9 may be sent to Box Nl1mbcr3 at the Ù Gambrill Di1.y 3/ Ileader" OfiiC'e. be addressed' to Advertisement Dc.iip.'tmf?t, Cambria' Daily I | Leader," Swaissea. m h M.' Do II ,1 ,^r.r^ I HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE' AMD TO LET. BUY your House; save tile rent; 40,000 purchased this way — Wsite for par- ticulars to Gilbert Evans. Eversley-road, Sh:ehY. 8óA9-Z1 DEPOSIT £ 7 16e. then 9s. 2d. weekly, re- B ducible in place of rent, purchases by at-rangemeTit.-Box Xl, "Leader" Office, Swansea. 81A9-23 -¡,;OR SALE, 3 Leasehold HOUSCi3 in Bu-n- j- well-street, Morriston, and two Houses in Brighton, Gorseinon.—Aptslv to T W. James and Co.. Solicitors, 24, Goat-street, Swansea. 09-30 OR, SALL, with immediate possession, de. A. sirable Detached freehold Residence, situated in the best part of Sketty contain, ing 6 bedroom^, 3 reception rooms, bath- room. lavatory, kitchen, scullery usual offices, and Greenhouse.—For further par- ticulars apply T. and G. Spragg Builders, King Edward-road. Swansea C9-25 HOUSE to be Sold, with vacant-oosses. t i sion. No. 10, Priorton-terrace; 10 rooms. —Apply Three Crowns Hotel. High-street: Swansea. 87A9-25 MOLSE mry be bought at any timc b? 1. Provident Policy' Holders; no deposit should be paid before valuation. For pros- pectus containing full particulars, apply to Mr. R Hardwick. 33. Bosebill-t-errace. bwr.nsea. C9-26 -LA-N-I)EBIE.-9-ro,)Tned Bousp for Sale- ..4 immediate possession—Apply, Box No T6, "Leller" OfSce. 89A9-25 MORRISTON.—For Sale, a convenient l.tl Leasehold Dwelling-house (999 years' !ca,s<? in Bedford-street: 6 rooms and scni- jery. with bath-room.—Apply Trevor Evans, Auctioneer, 22. Wind-street. Swansea. 84A9.25 OALE, vacant shortly, modern 6-roomed o House; Bath; select residential part of Port Talbot—Write Superior, "Leader '• Office, &wansea. 89 A 9-30 YOUR Ilouse is your Home," why not A buy it through the Equitable House 1 lopertv Co., at 31, Alexandra-road. Swan sea. 84A9-26 _J/? ?EEKT.Y vill Purcn?e"?45!7HouM- -?/ ? nn? fitstnct: n<x;3e!?:cr) by arrange mcru —" Landior?.' Leader. Swansea. TC ?? nnft H?SES"?Irpa?v' Purchased t.;lrongh our system. Write for bn-lance^sheet and prospectus.—D 1. Leader Office. Swansea. 86A9-25 APARTMENTS AND LODGiNGG TO LET AND WANTED. /"lOUPLii, no children, require smaU fur  nished Cottage or Apartments; con- venient for Neath; long period. Wr-ite 117, Leader" OSice. 89A9-2o TN Morriston Two rooms or apartments wanted, furnished or unfurnished;, parried couple, no ehiidre.,i.-W rite terms, etc.. to Isiwyn." Leader Office. 86A9-26 | ~JANTED. 2 or 3 Fi rnished or Un VV (tiriiisled Rooms (latte* preferred) in Swansea, by maÚicdcoUDre (no childrcnL- Write to Eox G 7. Daily Leader. 87A9-2?? "i^l/A2iTED. Three Unfurnished Rooms by V" young newly married couple; no child. ren preterred.-Reply to H.L., "Leader' Omce, Neath. C9-Z5 V-1TANT'ED Two Unfurnished Rooms tiirec V In {aJOM-ly; as soon as possible: any DIY BoxM6. "Ldr" Office 84.A.9-25 TTt^. VNTED. Unfurnished Apartments with to" rep".to,ble people; 3 rooms; maD wife, one cljild; BOx 10,6: Lcadcj- OSice. 83A9-25 TWO or Three Rooms (Furnished) reattirrd bv Workman: no children; Clydach R1ai.s_ or district.-Writo. stating terms, to t*'ai L 7. Leader Office. 39A9-30 ?WO Comfor:ta.MR?Fu7QMbed'RocitM*<.? TLet,: suit married couple—Appiv Rooms, Leader OfSce Neath. C9-25 rI"OLET, DotjMp-bedded?ooBr and ?ittui? To room: would suit one or two men: OPT- manent: every convenience.—Apply 55, St George s-terracc. Swansea 85A9-27 O OR 3 Rooms required unfurnished; two ladies; good references; bathrccup Reply to "Study," "Daily Leader." 89A9-25 BUSSNSSS PREMISES WANTED. TTtr ANTED Shop or Warehouse Accommo- V dation near Wind-etreet — Replies, giv. ing full particulars UrKent. Leader Office, Swansea. gokg-,io HOUSES WANTED. SMALL House, or 2 or 3 Rooms (Furni:?ited S or Unfu"nhbed) rcsuircd in Swansea, Neath, or district, for winter qiont.hs.—Re- ply T. 8 -Jenkins, Bun raven House, Skewen. 90A?36 B'   )'??  NOTICES. A NY Private Owner willing to sell New I A Car at sub?tantia! premWID please I send detaiio. Wake' and priee; 1919 second- hand considered; no Americana.—Box T6, c,lo "Ceiiibv"la Daily -Lea.(Ier." SUCHS; Mwdanie Lilian Fletcher -MB.P.S.; test reading free; send birth date arid stamped envelope.—5, Arcade, Pontypridd, Glam.89A9-29 NOTICE to Pawnbroksrs and Others^- Messrs 1. and P. Katz- Army Boot I Repairers. 124. Oable-strect. London have I Opened a Branch at -31 Prince of Wales- road. Swansea. List of Boots jJn Stock at I 938 doz.; also Clothing, guaranteed sound any fault willingly exchanged; terms nett cash with orders. 9 zg j PALMISTRY and Clairvoyaney—Noted JL Indian Palmist, 30 years' experience in America, France, London, Australia; fees from 2s. 6d.; correspondence invited.—Prof Kismit, P.H.D., A B. (11 a.m. to 9 pm,). 11, Parade, Mumbles. Swansea, South Wale* 89A9-29 TjiriNNING Numbers David Jenkins bell; f" tit, Neath Abbey: 311, 349. 462. 8$8, 8.06, 2 353; prises"to be claimed within seven days.—Secretary, Jenkin PhiHips. 1M 0!d- road, Skewen. C9-25 THE OLD-ESTABLISHED FIRM OP MYRDDIN DAVIES & Co. CHEMISTS, 238, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA, I desire to inform the public that their Stock of ELASTIC STOCKINGS, TRUSSES, AND ALL SURGICAL APPLIANCES are now, as they have always been, the best and most varied in Swansea. Best Quality at Lowest Prices. Ladies attended to by a Skilled Lady. For PAINTS and VARNISHESI Of the Right Quality at the Right Price Go to PARKERS' Paint & Varnish Stall. THE MARKET, SWANSEA. Liberal rebates to Ovilders, Decorators, and General Dealers. St HERALD OF WALEs The PAPER for the Absent Boy. I JJ- '-i ■ ■'■ -■ = SALES BY AUCTION. Short Notice. CLYDACll AND GliAIGCEFNPAKC. Mr. T. Victor Williams Is instructed to offer for SALE by PUB- I LIC AUCTION, at the COLLIER'S I ARMS, CLYDACH, on FRIDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1919, at 7.30 p.m. (subject to conditions of sale to lie then and there produced),- tha following j Properties, • I Lot 1.—Freehold Houses and Garden, I No. 113, Lone-road, Clydash. Lot ?.—Leaseho!<J Hojse and Garden, No. 6, Capeh-roadv Clydaeh. Lot 3.—Le?sehotd Hou? and Garden, I Rby.ddwe?ro?.d, Gra'gc?npare, &ow in the occupation cf fr. DQ. Ale?an?T. Lot 2 is Lwld cxp leafe for a tepui of 1 99 years .from March, 1909, at a. ground r?utof ? Is 3d.. per?a??. I L<? ? ts held op a !ea&a for a term I of Hi) years from December, 1^09, at a ground rent of 17s. per aairum. ¡ The -VI ines and Mineral-5. are reserved, j Further particulars may he obtained j i'roru:—As to Lot I. ,lt. A. Jones., ilsq., j Morgan Dayies, Esq., Solicitor,. Ponf- ardawe; Lot 3, T. Glasbroo], Esq., Soli- citor, or as I to all the Lots from the Auctioneer, PontardaweandCtydach. SALES BY AUCTION. Without Reserve. G. R. MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS, By Direction of the Surplus Government Property Disposal Board. I MESSES. John M. Leeder and Son I Have received instructions to SELL h},¡1 AUCTION, without reserve, as above, 011 MONDAY," OCTOBER 6tn, 1919, at 2 o'clock sharp, at the KING'S DOCKS (No. 1 Quay, between A and B Sheds), SWANSEA, Over 100 Government Motor Vehicles by all the Best Makers, including MOTOR LORRIES by Daimler, Albion, A.E. Co., Karrier, Dennis (to carry 30cwt. and 3 Tons); MOTOR CARS by Napier, Sunbeam, Crossley, Austin, V\oIsGley, Talbot, Rover, Studebaker, Ford, Maxwell, fitted with Touring, Van and Ambulance Bodies. The. Auctioneers wish to draw special attention to the varied and useful selec- tion of Vehicles now for disposal. The Vehicles may be inspected 7 days prior to Sale between 10 on -an(I 5 p ,iii., oll production of Catalogue, obtainable at Is. each, from the Auctioneers, 46, Water- loo-street, Swansea. Telephone; 929 Central. Tels.: Le-,tdiiig," Swansea. I (3187) ELM COTTAGE, NORTON, WEST CROSS. Sala of Freehold Dwelling-House and Premises with Large Fruit Gardens. VACANT POSSESSION ON COM- PLETION OF PURCHASE. r. A. B. Davies Has been instructed by SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the HOTEL METRO- POLE, SWANSEA (subject to Conditions of Sale to be there and then produced) on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1519, I the Valuable Freehold Dwelling-House I And Premises known as ELM COTTAGE. NORTON, WEST CROSS, SWANSEA. The House, which is detached, contains 2 Reception-rooms, Kitchen, Scullery, 4 Bedrooms, Box-room and w.c., with the usual Outside Offices. The Garden is well stocked with various kinds of Fruit Trees which are very productive. There is also a small Vinery in the Grounds. Possession will be given on Completion of the Purchase. Sale to COIDmenoo at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Orders to View, with all further parti- culars, may be had of the Auctioneer, Victoria Chambers, 7 and 8, Oxford-street, Swansea; or of n. Harold Williams, Esq., Solicitor, 46, Castio Bailey-street, Swan- sea. SKEWEN, GLAMORGANSHIRE. Mr. Trevor Evans, F.A.I., (Messrs. Bowen, Evans and Mills) Will Offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the CROWN INN. SKEWEN, ün THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1916, the following Freehold Dwelling-houses and Sites, viz.: Lots 1 to 6.-The SIX FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES bong Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20, ?1 and ?, High-street, Skewen, near Neath. Lot 7.-The Fl-tE',li?,iioi,*l) PLOT OF LAND immediately opposite Lots 1 to 6, and now occupied by the tenants thereat as Gardens. Lot 8.-The SIX FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES being Nos. 2G, 27, 29, 30, 31 and 33, Tabernacle-street. ISkewen. Lot 9.-The FREEHOLD PLOT PE LAND immediately opposite Lot 8, and now used by the tenants tlieieof as Gardens. The Vendors reserve the right to offer Lots 1 to 7 separately or together, simi- larly Lots 8 and 9. Sale to Commence at 7.30 p.m. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained of the Auctioneer at his Office, 22, Wind-street, Swansea or, as to Lots 1 to 7, of Messrs. Deer and Deer, Solicitors, Court-land Chambers, Port Talbot: and as to Lota 8 and 9, of Messis. Llewelyn Howell and Williams, i Solicitors, Fisher-street, Swansea. I DUNEAVEN FARM, BURY GREEN, 1 REYNOLDSTON. MESSRS. James and James, F.A. I. Are favoured with instructions from Mrs. Joiies, who is giving up the Farm, to SELL bv PUBLIC AUCTION, on the Premises, as above, on TUESDAY, SEP- I TEMBER 30th, 1919, tile whole ot the Live Stock, CROPS, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS, viz.: 9 HORSES. 17 CATTLE.—i Dairy Cows, 13 Storers. 58 SHEEP. HAY, CORN, and ROOT CROPS. IMPLEMENTS, and the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, includ- ing a PIANOFORTE, the principal itenis I comprising; Carved Walnut Sideboard, ¡ Inlaid Loo Table, 2 Carved Walnut Over- mantels, Tapestry Carpets, Brass and Iron Kerbs and Fire Brasses, Enamelled Floor Piece, Mahogany Chest of Drawers, Oval Mahogany Swing Glass, Pier Glasses, Old Mahogany Boole Case, Stained Deal Diping Table, Couch, Sofa and Cushions, Vases, Pictures, E.P. Cruet Stands, etc., 2 Tables covered with American Cloth, Mantel Clock, Long Walnut Cased B ang? i? Clock, Pianoforte by Mornington and Weston, Bedroom Suites, Dressing Table, i Wash stand and Small Bookcase, Cham-1 her Ware .Settle, 1 Iron Bedstead and Mattress, 3 Brass and Bright do. and Wire Mattresses, Gramophone and Records, China Tea Service and Odd China and Ware, Kitchen and Cooking Utensils, Painted Cupboard; Dairy Uten- sils. comprising Barrel Chora (Morgan), Meliotte Separator, Pots, Pans, etc.: 3 Lamps and many other articles too numerous to particularise. Luncheon at 12 Noon. Sale immediately after. Auctioneers' Offices; 7, Goat-street, Swansea. Tel., Docks 172. AUCTION MART. 13, 4-and 5, GOAT STREET. SWANSEA. SALE OF WELL-PRESERVED I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MESSRS. John F. Harvey and Sons Will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at tbeiir Mart, 011 FRIDAY, the 26th day of SEPTEMBER, 1919, a Largo and Varied Assortment of Household Furniture, Comprising: All-Brass Bedstead, Bedroom Suite Mattresses, Chests of Drawers, Divan Suites, Brass Rail Bedsteads, barge ¡ Mirrors, Perambulators, Billiard Table Toy, ISft. 6in. Glazed Panelled Partition, Nearly-new Carpet Sweeper, and a Large Assortment of the usual Household Effects aud Kitchen Utensils too nunierous to mention. Sale to commence at 11 a.m. prompt. 'I SALES BY AUCTION. SWANSEA. SKETTY, UPLANDS, BRYNMILL, AND BRYNHYFEYD. 3 VACANT HOUSES and ether Desirable Properties. Asiley Samuel, F.A. B. Has received instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the TIOTEI, CAMERON, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1919, ,Valuable Freehold asid Leasehold Properties: Lot 1.—No. 31, ,Coedsaeson Crescent,. Skettv, HAS BEEN SOLD. Lot 2.—No. 128, RHYDD1NGS TER- RACE, SWANSEA, Shop and House. Lot 3.—No. 31, PFYNONE TERRACE, SWA NSEA. A Conveniently Situated Resilience in Splendid Condition. SOLD WITH VACANT POSSESSION. Lot 4.—No. 17, UPLANDS CRESCENT, SWANSEA. A Valuable Freehold Pro- perty. Lot 5.—A Valuable Block of Freehold Property known as RHYDYRAFON." and" LLW YNRAFON," SKETTY, Situ- ated at Corner of Frogmore Avenue and Coedsaeson Crescent. Lot 6.—No. 22, ST. ALBAN'S ROAD. BRYNMILL. A Well Built Residence, SOLD WITH VACANT POSSESSION. Lot 7.—56. MALVERN TERRACE, BRYNMILL, A Compact Dwelling-house SOLD WITH VACANT POSSESSION. Lot 8.—No. 162, LLANGYFELACH ROAD, BRYNHYFRYD. A WCll Built Freehold Dwelling-house. All those Well Built Freehold Dwelliug- houses 1 Lot 9.—No. 19, FREEMAN STREET, BRYNHYFRYD. LotlO.-No. zo, FREEMAN STREET, BRYNHYFRYD. Lot 11.—No. 21, FREEMAN STREET. BRYNHYFRYD. Lot 12.-No. 22, FREEMAN STREET. BRYNHYFRYD. Mines and Minerals are Reserved. Sale to commence fit 3 p.m. Further particulars from the Auctioneer, King's Chambers, Corner of Gower and Orchard Streets. Swansea. DUFFRYN HOME FARM, NEATH. (About 2 Miles from the Town of eath.) Important Sale of Cattle, Horses, Crops, Implements, Poultry, etc. MESSRS. W. Harry Rees and Son Are instructed by J. E. Moore-Gwyn, Esq., D.L., J.P., to SELL by AUCTION, at tho above Farm, on TUESDAY, 30th SEP- TEMBER, 1919, the undermentioned Farm Stock, Crops, Imple- ments, etu., viz.: HORSES.—Bay Horse, Bob," aged, 16.2, good in all harness; Grey Horse, Prince," agpd, 14.2, good in all harness. CATTLE.—Cross Hereford Cow, calved May 31)tli; Cross Shorthorn Cow. due to I calve February; Jersey Cow, due to calve March; Red Poled Cow, due to calve; I Jersey Cow, due to calve February; Jer- sey Cow, calved June; Shorthorn Cow, due to calve January; Jersey Bull, 2 years,; quiet, sure Stock Getter; Two Hereford: Steers, ready for killing; Six Yearling Steers in good condition; Two Cross Short- horn Yearling Heifers, Two Heifer Calves, 4 months old. PIGS.—Pure Bred Berkshire Boar, good strain; Cross-bred Sow, due to pig Octo- ber; Cross-bred Sow in pig, first litter' due September; Four Store Pigs (3 Hog9 and 1 Sow) in good condition; 11 (3 Hog bred Berkshire; Nine Pork-e Turge Blaclcl old (8 Hogs and 1 Sow). ol,? flogs aitd I Tip Cart, 2-Horse Threshing Machine ";i\JL:; Gearing, Pierce Mowing Machine Knives, Tauntop Hay Maker, Horse Rakv,j Plain Roller, Howard Plough, Cultivator, Set of Drags, Set tA' Seed Harrows, Horse Hoe, Two Chaflfcut-' ters (1 horse power An.cl 1 hand power), Winnowing Machine, Grinding Mill (liorsW or motor power), Hand Power Crusher, Six Corn Bins. Turnip Cutter, Six Cast; Iron Pig- Tronghs aud 1 Wooden Trough, j Sheep Rack on Wheels and Two Sheepi Troughs; Incubator (100 Eggs) and Foster-^ mother, Pheasant and Hen Coops. HARNESS.—Set of Cart Harness, Set of Chain Harness, One Double Set o? Plough Harness. DAIRY UTENSILS.-Churn, Cream Separator, Butter Worker, Three Milking Pails. POULTRY.—About 169 Head of Poul- try, Ducks and Geese. CROPS.—Two Mows of Whits Oats, Victory Two Mows of White Tar- tarian Oats One Mow of Black Tartariart Oats; 4 to 5 Tons of good Meadow Hay. well liar vested; about One Acre of Pota- toes. Lochar about 1-J Acrez c? Swedes. Light Refreshments by Ticket. Sale to commence at 12.30 o'clock pre- cisely. Terms—Cash. F'o, further particulars apply to Messrs. W. Harry Rees and Son, Auctioneers, Chnrlesville-place, Neath. Re Charles Davies' Settlement. Important Sale of Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Properties, situate to the County Borough of Swansea. Mr. Arthur S. T. Lucas Has been instructed by the Trustees under the settlement to OFFER for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION (subject to Conditions), at the HOTEL METRO- POLE, m FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1919, the following Valuable Properties: Nos. 37, 38, and 39, Tontine-street (Freehold). No. 21, York-street. Nos. 2, 3, and 4, Fuller's-row No. 29, Carmarthen-roadt Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Skinner-street. No. 11, Baptist Weil-street. Nos. U, 12, and 13, Convent-street. Nos. 36a. 37, and 37b, Brynmelin-st. Nos. 37 and t). Bellevue-street. For particulars and Conditions of Sale, apply to Arthur S. T. Lucas, Auctioneer, ti, Rutland-street. Swansea. Tel. Cent-ral 230. Estd. 1885; or to C-ipt. A" Stucley Lucas, of the same address, agent to the Trustees; or to Messri., Garrard and Anthony, Soli- citors, 7, Sansome-place, Worcester. Tel. 28. (No. 1B78). CEFN FARM (Distant 2 Miles from Cynghordy Railway Station and 4 Miles from Llandovery Town). MESSRS. Wm. & Walter James, F.A.I. Are favoured with in struct ior-s from Mr. M. Jones ,who is leaving the Farm, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at thç, above Farm, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1919, the following Valuable Live Stock, CROPS AND IMPLEMENTS, viz.: 12 WELL-BRED HEREFORD MILCH COWS, all young, and to calve in Decem- ber and earlv in January. 4 HEREFORD IN CALF HEIFERS. 5 YEARLING STEERS & HEIFERS. 12 HEREFORD CALVES. 7 HORSES. 200 SHEEP.—50 Cross Radnor and Kerry Breeding Ewes, H7 Cross-bred Cheviot do., 2 Kerry Rams., 1 Radnor do. This Flock is grazing on one of the  oz., one Df t h i- heaithiest hanks in the district, Also Part of the Implements. Luncheon at 12. Sale, to commence at 1 o'clock promptly. Auctioneers' Offices; Frondeg, LJanga- dock, and Llandilo