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'Leader' Classified I Advertisements. APARTMENTS, S!TUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUND. One Throe Six I Insertion. Insertions. Insertions i » Words. 1 0 Z 0 3 0 I 30 Words. 1 Ii 3 0. 4 0 40 Worde. 2 0 4 t 5 0 FOR SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions j- > M Words. 1 6. 2 6 3 6 SO Worrl3, 2 0. 3 0 4 6 10 Words. 2 6 3 6 5 6 SiRTHS, DEATHS. IN MEMOR! AM, AND I n MARRIACES. One Three Six > Insertion. Insertions. Insertions f-V/ °0' Words. 1 63 6 6 0 30 Words. I) 5 9 B 0 43 Words. 3 0 7 0 12 0 y EDUCATIONAL. 1 One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions 20 Words. 2 0 3 0 4 6 >0 Words. 2 6. 4 0. 5 6 40 Words. 3 0. 5 6 7 6 MONEY.-6d. per line. "J- 4_ MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACAfiT. I WOMEN AND GIRLS. BOO!' Trad?.—Wanted. emart, "Dcdene'd,1 B Yo,-tr?- Lady Assistant —Apply ?r. .?v. ?vans Lcicestpr House Neath C-9-25 EXPEKIEXrEI) Stocking Knitted a ant! lw)aiitSet(O?ck usual wages a rid plenty of work.—Price and Son, Hosiery I .Manufacturers, Queon-street Neath. CO 25 "F-XPE1'' KMCEX> GGvcn»s;, rEfjuÚed for t twin bon, aged 5 vears Apply Mrs. j naroht V- iUiams. Devon VUla. Corseincn. 1 EKQUjJi K!.V immediately. capable Iv'urse- 1 i for two chif?rfn aged four and  two. in LnJ;and, Swansea. AppIy, in first jrstCt' to?Mrs Ui)LThcCrcf?, B"id?"?d 82A3-? SHIRT Makers wanted: experienced iT i ? Welsh flannel .i!u'-? preferred. Apn?. 13!-it,(inferry. 81 9 -? 7, A -['E D Waitres, reic,? enter. recuircd -App'y M?nag?ress. !jOveii'«5 Ctf(" Cn:;l('+trcet. Swan¡::ea. ¡ -u_ -BSA 9.3  WANTED. Exnerienced YounF Lady tike  c'm"r<' ?!n!irc:v. ?.?ntle Show-ro(I:! live o ut.-Al?-,?ly. rqqiilred and II references. Price, Diaper, Neath. C9-S5 WANTED. Dairymaid or CirI'?;U:n= to ? ) .?rn Dn-'?- and Farm Work.—Aopiy Gilbertson. Cellycrrou. U', -aSTIC SERVANTS, I ¡- CLEAN. Capable General Servant. — t -A. Anuh' :VIr Wright Posada Hotel. Swansea 82 A 9-24 JJEQUjKED, immediately, Cook for house un Ijansriaad, Swansea—Apply ill firF.-I Hitam-e. to Sirs Hill. T;i- Croft, Bridgend. I  L2ti9^f  VI 'ANTED, a good CfenerLl ?erv?t.—  Apnly DHhyn Ar1"- Union-&Ted | 3'2A9 22 "US r ANTED, a good General.—Miss Da vies T 16 New-street. Neath. 31A9-22 ) \\TANTEj>, a cood Genera..—Appiv Mrs. » John. Cook's Arm?. Clydach. 31AK-22 ik. VANT1T>. "'nln "'t'l,' I "l)'IL (General. I I. lL t. 14"') "31"- .1. ",C),-tl!y, for "wan Llm¡ly: 111am ? .*f,? h?ht ?ashiNc good wages.—Apply. "WA'?jarti-;ilars in first letter, hewer's, n;n.;d:V;^j"on WA^ T?'\?'F? "Jiddie Octnbe? cxpe'icnccfi I 7V ,?t..('.n?"'L-App'y U' the nr?t in- — ? j,rs Avron Tbarnaa. West Cross, a, -?,t Ci-oss, I MEN AWD YOUTHS. u- -_u_- A; taH-; U.; EK- Wanted" gO{cd Imrr<wer I l <y.bli¡er,¿.1S' llird t3;"I; "L,jU (Jiem Wanted, t have baa j ? some eiperience aT"' ? i, ::kk and ac- ?u?e at tiyurcs.—AdoIt ■* Piaues, Leader kit C.C!. nausea. 6'iA9-Jl r)\Lfi{'3H ED-Loud- Iïll¡)-: ?? Uouee f?uu'o K.?i??u?nnv'? in iV>" arisea i.laf.c?y. ?.c-ith. Port J\tib<?t, and ^ruculai'a ol pabt or pi'o.:e.it employment, vvaftn intecv.iew \v.»J J) a era used, to Box H 6 Daily Leader to i-?ox if 6 t*, ;¡;1 Ui,n-d -\v:Jt'IÜl: F¿r-inauh' ?- immediately; mn?t b?. th?rougb;?' t'x- .pericneed in ail branches.—Apply PuuiiX-r,' uaily Leader, Swan s ca. (A?-? :J..e.:¡;}:tTit:t;!ll A?eiit,4 wan\ -? i S fun and pa,e time.—Apply W. Dav??'' i inspector, 31, Aiexand: a-rcaa, Swansea. I c4Ay-i:t>. Cleaner wanted; steady and ) r(-iia,ble; perinanc-ncy if suitable; ex- 1 service man preferred.—Experience, refer- jnees and wa;;c,,¡ to Ila -+- A A'lbl.J at once. Caretaker, who 18 not I ii fi-aiu of early hours and hi.rd vrbrk; job to suit ex-soldier.— Apply, stat- ing terms required, X, "Leader" Oitice, Swajiiiea. STD \V\V f AN TED, act?ve. int??iKont. wor;,¡;¡' !'V PiInspector, able to prepare peports and carry out any necessary pluinb- tutr work in eoJiueetion Nv;t)' t,)(, Water Un- dertaking. Wage., A hour in addition to Operative T'iumbers' 'l'rad. Union rate.— Apply, before Sept«ni!>er 27tn to Water En- "mart Oftice Boy .-Write, stat. VV iac age. Docks. Leader Office 84 A 9-2.? 'O^A'NTED" Uolleri. Doublere, Eurnace- V V men. and Behinuers. accuc-tome<l to Welsh She-1 JTill-Apj:-tv personally, Bun- ?wyn Sheet Works, Gorseinon. 84A10.2 "T .\XTEr '-Ca 'pnrG and Painters: nOD r i hut reliable men need apply.—Henry Billings arid Sons. Contractors. Trafalgar Yard. Swansea. 84A9-22 7 AN TED. Stronar Errand Boy.—Ar- W tor-land and Co. Rubber Merchants, 10. Cross-street, Swansea. 83A9-22 Y?'A?T'KD? for a.' four.TT-?? Tinptnte Work? W an Experienced Mechanic—Write ? ith fulJ nartic???a?s and sa?r./ re?uirpd. to "fin." C:nilria Dailv Leader. Swansea WANTED, a well-educated Youth as Ap- t prentice to the Chemist and Druwrst Business.—Apply E M. MorriP. Pharmacy, Srynamman 79,?,,?22 ir"Nfo?L?TTKERSWa nt?d —WBjr"Da vies' U and Sons HOll Furn?hers. Llanr1J' r',4 fTHGEKTLY WANTED—5(W StudeT.T- to U Oiia ifv for Existine Va-caPeies This s a splendid opnoitunifv foi, a Youth be- iween tho of 17 and 24 to secure a per- nanent 111crative hert.h fo- 'ifr> fnpra- jloyed r)eTnohol:«jed Servjei* Tien with a mowledare of Wireless of the above :p. ihonld write or call a-f. once.— Wireless training College. St. Mary-street Car M'f. or Castle-«treet. Swansea. -=- -c.c..=.q-'=-o.==== I WSSCELLANEOUS WANTS. I BTiFICIAL Teeth.^latlnirraGoid. sfl- v vor. B{)ugLt; any condition-, utmost m; siren. Post parcels J Cher nick. 34 change-street Cln^etham, Jlenchesfer. ( 75A9-23 riKAjrOPlIOME and Itecorde wanted. also <.3 el-.t-ap Piano for Club; cash waiting- Vrite CVub. Daily Leader. Swansea. POTATO Bags. Susrar Bags, Flour Bf,, anted; best market prices for any rititv on receipt of F!"Ods -Fi !(i and Co. I ■u St Jnhn's-crescent Canton Cardiff 7MOj. 2 MAIZ Trea-dic or Bench Lathe war-ted: I plain or screw-curttins or axy parts of ne.-ReP!Y la, Phillips-narade, g.wanea. 96 A 9-23 PEEBS Wanted over Pitwood sjze.fen JL ninsu, Ltd.. Woo/iwork&rs, Pennvwell- 10M. HriEtol Brancb at Porthcawl. STC goo H ocmdi- » tk>n.—Full luvrtic-ulars to W5. Office. Swjjp^Ba- 84A9 32 HO War-t io Sel! A^iythine5 Serin It A net ion Mart. 219 Hiffh-street Kterk, rp vii] SeL ;t for you. pp f BUT furniture; be«< prj-«9 ~j-,cn; New t or Scooud-bn.nd.-B-)-ki High stwt. Pi HOP ice a at-d win call — 1^ J pp. i" ALES eondnot-e' in Town or Country-, low J commløriotl-J Serkin. 239, Eigfc trees. pp. i TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. CCONTINUED Success -Madam Flet,?ber. ? M.B.P.S.:te&t reading free; send birth j da,t?a:id =tn.m?ed enve!.o?-,—5. Arcade, Pont- yvrhid, G'.am. 79A9.22 | Gi ET tne (Jhilctren's School Boot? at -i G. Morgan; 21. Colieg&6!ree>o: j l' ET your &hocA at Nw R G. Shoe <??!-c, ?-? Goat?tr&et. Re?ia-bte Rh<?g &\ n-a ? se cable prices. ;?-2.) ) 11PÛR-TANT NOTICE.—To the PnbJc a i >» ?- TaiiorinK Trade.-Alfree Tennens, the great EXDect Ladies' and Gent's Cutter, be1I to announce that h< has now largely in- crca-sed bis ft?il. and will now be able to cope with hia numerous cu?t?mers and for the trade. AU orders for Ladies' Costume Dresses, and Coats. Gent's Suite. Breeches Overcoats, etc., will be despatched in a few days as Alfred Tennens is one of ..be Finest and most Stylish Cutters, and is in a posi- tioll to irive Absolute Perfection The Pub- lic and Trade bavins realised thi6 fact. orders were so numerons that he had to refuse until now. The advantages ar6-bo hs had a big English, Aiterican, and Con- tinental experience, and can (rive any cut that a ladv or gent ma* wish.—5 Cradock- street. Swansea. 57A9-23 PKUE'IT.—The Waterproofer for Cement p and Concrete.— Puii particulars end prices, Davies, Bros., Builders' Merchants, Qua.y Pe.rade, Swansea. 82A9-24 PETEHLiNEUM.—The best wood preserver lilowil.-Writo for particulars, Davies Bros., Builders' Merchants, Quay Parade. Swansea. S2A9-S4 SRCON b-H.'tnd Watches, Men's Pocket k size. Silver English Levers, Waltharns, Elgins. Hunters and Open face; all at 36B. each; guaranteed in good going order.— Bullock B-roe., Portland-street. 8A9-23 SIXTY seconds to the minute," as Kipling said. This is how we have to work to keep pace with the ordera for E T. Victory Pickles. Must hM"e known us- K-\)hngf Em<nucl Thomas and Son, Swan- sea 55A9-S" UECOND-Hand Marquise Ring, all Dia mon-rfs; bargain, £ 26; large all -Plati num Cress over, two Diamonds, -6320 Bullock frros.. Portland-street. 81A9-25 SnIÚ!CAL Auntianoeh—Trussed.Sura? O' Enemas Sut?pons' Rnhher GIovpa, and Surgical RtJhber Goods of every description Write for Catalogue; sent post fre2.- Le Braster.r Surgical Co. Ltd. (Dept. r).V.). go and 92 Wcarcester-stre et Bi ram chain TC T' NCLE BFRT S Full Crean>. Walnut, and \J AlmiOTifJ Toffees are now on Sale at his Oxford-street Shop. Pre-War Quality. The First and thy Best. 32A3-24 T"1{FIŒ to go on Hainv 1'ay? (Thursd? 't Afterncons Included): Jack Lewis New Studio. FJiTh-stj-eet. ent ranee 2 doore belo* Royal Hotel. TO YOUR £ Note will not depreciate in value when purchasing at John Richards; yo" get 241 perinies for every pound spent. We are showing this week seme exceptional lines in Ladies' and Maids' Winter Coats — John Richards. Draper. ? Cradock-Mreet. Swansea 82A9..24 MOTOR CARS. CYCLES. Ac. A E-C-(,.)mmmi:ll Vehicles.—W« are A.-u.c. now b<?oking orders for Show jiiodel Charabancs; delivery February -prK-fc complete, with electric light, ±1,625.-Thofi. White and Co. South Wales agents, Barry. C'20-10 CAJXOTT Light Car. 1914 model. Dynamo Lighting. Electric liory) f350.-R. E. Jonef Ltd.. HotDf DenT,. Swansea. T-C ^OR SALE, 1919 C<)mbinati.L) 11; ? new in July; only done 500 miles-; best oti-Gr—Thoin?t 35. '.Vest-street. Mantes aJ.9-23 <?0.? SALE. Ford Van late 1916. lik? new i new tyres.—bketty MotO[ Co Tel ?6 82A9-J4 i%lf,tor-Cycle for -&JL:-aIc;4th.p.. two-speea; jt? o\'er- h?uJeu: bRr!?ain.—M. Inkerman-street, St. TI?nas. Swansea 7SA9-22 | T- E- JONES, Limited (Motor Department) ?.?. DW'.y:vn-¡;tfec, Swansea. Li?t of CUrs in Stock foi- Immediate Delivery:- New Siudebaker Big Six 12 Dynamo Lighting £ 600 19:4 Maxwell Touring ±150 35'io h.p. Darracq Touring about 1908 £ 85 12/16 C' e mo n tr-'i ulbot, 2-,seater, AcetyleOe 11.9 h.p. 1914-Iiasaher. 2-seater, EXec-trie Lighting £ 43;, j 5 6 h.p A.C. Ranaboiit £ 95 1913 v auxhcrOl Coupe C.A.V Lighting and Staitiag ton Lorry £ 350 A LL offered- -mbject un.'K)ld Ca:i1" ea -y torms, or exchange. T/C FHRilCMi-'H 3i HIP., free engine model, for A Salt-: new tyres, latiips and 'KlasOn I horn.—Aft err 6 Bjillin's Garage, Ileathf eld- street, Swaasea 85A9. '1' HÐ Comtaercia.] Carrier Company. Ltd., Jl Sivansevi. — Brand New Peerleps £ 1^050; He. A.E.C Do.. £ 1.C25—immediate deliMpery several Strakei«-Squire Lorries. overh«.eled and guaranteed by the malters 2-ton, 3-ton and 5-ton; cash or (iefei-red terms.—Com- mercial Carrier Company. Ltd, 59/62 8t, Tielen's-rnart. Swansea Pl)ore: Central 776. '(Irani? Garage." TC Q-SPERD Raleigh "Bicycle, in per- y feet rmnihe order. £ > 1(t: a bareaft?.— 2'1. King Edward-road, Swansea. G4AS-22 musical iNSTRtmsfrrs. I i\ALE, Forty and CO.'s Annotinceiments.— | Flayet Piano. 88-Note ecual- to new. 95c:ns.; Ii-cai-frame Piano 60crts.- Secofcd-: from qr terras ar- ranged; Fie!] Organ. 35gns.: alpo OrgaJn. ±10. -I)al(- Fort., and Co.. Ltd 20. King Eklward- roa-1 Swa-n:*a. 84 A 9-23 l^UI/LrCOMIPASS Iron frame Nano. 'anal r ta new. cost 757nq., will tD-k 4&zns.. a I'-arK^irn.—5 Calvei't-terrace. off Waltej-roE|d Sv a.riseA 84A9-22 p OOFK. and Co. Md.—Soecia] Bargains C in ?cond-hand Pianos and Orgains; prices from 259ng. New Piant? by a]i the lea,d-ipz? nt?RT?. indudiBT CoUard aT?d Col- ?rd. Witter aind Witton. 3e'm?s amd Co.. Brin?mcKd Crame" ct-c.. etc. Prices fl'Om 5??n&. cash Terms arranged if djMMcd. Write for free .list or Pall and make a per- scnai ?eipction.—Godfrey and Co.. lAd 22. j S. H'?eT)'?-)'cad?_SwajT?€.t 84?.9-25  OD?R?Y and Co.. Ltd Pianoforte ?B ann. X'fadnrt'fs. 1-y?Lve now R-01Jened ?!j?ir Tunjn an? Repairing DcpartmcBt P'<anos and Organ* Thorou?hty Renovated a'" Be- rÍ!rM. Estimates given. Erpert Tuners Visit all Parta of Wales. Pianola and Player Pianos a Speciality.—Godfrey and Cot. Ltd.. 2S:.}T s-r?rl.i:e_- A9.Z5 PIANOS M. 26. 29 35. 45 irMs: Br<?d- -S wood C?amer. etc benut?fnJ inetru. ments- caish only—Piano Exijh.ange. 19. Park-strest. Swansea. SECOND-lJAjVD Gramophones, 3 4. 5. aild 0 6 guinea-s; Records. 9d.. Is., Is 61., j" 9d. 2s. Sri.; all kinds.-B, P.,tr)et:ctrect. Swansea. 84 A 9-25 THOMPSON and Sha-ckell Ltd. 39 Caetle- J 1 street S\* "lisea — Black CrdlJN-f) Piano :elg: Walnut Collard Piano £ 7(h Walnm I Cballcn Piano £ 95- Walnut Kirkmnn Piano I C70. Walnut, fiTftrmelle Piano £ 65: Walnut I Brinsmead Piarto £ 105: Walnut Sanire Piano £ 85; Walnut Ha wkins Piano. OS lOf4 I Walnut, Thompsoi> il(I Sha^kell. Ltd.. II Fiano £ 73 Imperial Organ £ 26 5s. r- Jones II Or;an .£15 Estev Organ £35 HOUSES AND SHOPS POR 'I SALE AND TO LET. B UY the House you live in, and let tha I 1 Landore Buildipg Society help you to I do 80. Full particuia.rs from the secre- taries, 61, Wind-street. S'WeneB.. C9-23 BARGAINS.—Four Workmen;¡¡-CoU¡1.gC,3.! Trewyddfa-road. Morriston; three bed- I i<?ms padour. kitchen sculiery: sell Mep?r. RteJy or toether; PI95 creb: 94 years' unex. p'r?l. ground rent WA. each,?J 0. Davies, Caema?r. Morriston. 79A9-22 DEPOSIT £ 7 16»., then 9s. 2d. weekly, re- J ducible in place of rent, purchases £300, by arrangement.—Box XI, Leader" Office, Swansea 61A9-28 L^OR SALE, with immediate possession, de. F irahleDetached Freehold Residence, situated in the tW5t part of Sketty contain, ing 6 bedrooms, 3 reception rooms, bath- room, lavatory, kitchen, scullery usual offices, and Greenhouse.—For further par- ticulars apply T. and G. Spragg Builders, 1, King Edward-road. Swansea. C9-25 FOB SALE, Vacant Possession, 6. Beech- I wood-road, Uplands Swarisea.-Apl)I.T Henry R. Davies, 30. lit-bron-roftd. Clyda-ch. I 82A 9-2 OR SALE, Two Houses. Langland. Mum- f)les -A i)ply to J. G Morris, Builder. Ijeslie House, Mumbles. 82A9-24 IDI-'ORMSTFACH?-t'or S?le. near Crc?. aubstanti?lT built busincsa premi9c&. containing Shop, Sitting-room, Kitchen. Th pee Bedrooms. Garden; back entrance; long lease. Also Substantially Built Dwell- ing-house, containing$ir Rooms. Scullery, Wash-house; Garden; back entrance; long leese.-Appiy. J. James, Ravens wood. I'forestfftch. 26A9-23 I^OR SALE, Two Leasehold Houses -at Li-ii- samlet; very convenient to Anglo-Per eiat. Oil Works. For particulars write to 4,,( T 5. Leader Office. Swansea. 81A9-22 HOUSE may b? bought at any tinie by  !-i Provident Policy Holders; no deposit should be paid before valuation For pros- pectus containing full particillar a.pply to Mr. R. Hard wick -38, Ros?hill-t?rra.ce. f C9-?6 i "|f ORRISTON.—For Sale. a convenient years' lease) jn Bedford-street-4' 6 rooms and scul- lery, with bath-room.—Apnly Trevor Evans. Auctioneer. 22. Wind-street, Swansea. 84AS-25 YOUR Rouse is your Home," why rot buy it through the Equitable House Property Co., at 31, Alexandra-road, SW(In. sea. 84A9-26 c) OAK-TERRACE, Llangyfelach-rond. toot to be Sold, chean. to quick buyer. —Apply Ernest G Owen Solicitor, Salubri- ous-passage. Swansea. _B-2 4/6 WEEKLY will Purchase £ 450 HonFe- T:/ ? anT di*triet: no<e?!on by ?rra.nE'e mom TJ!lndlor(:' Tjeader. Swansea. TO 98 000 HOUSES alrea?T?Purcha'sed t9) 8,000 through our gystem. Writ for balance-sheet and proep"-tns.-D 1. Leader Office, Swansea. B6A9-26 10 —— APARTMENTS AND LODGINGS TO LET AND WANTED. A CCOMMOPATION wanted, either Apart. A ments or Payin Guest for young French Gentloman, about the end of the month, for 3 or 4 months.— W rite, in flret place, to C, i. Royal Metal Excaaiige. B-ransea. 79 A 9-22 X/tURNISHEt) Bedroom and Sitting-room reuuired; preferably near Uplands and trams: bath essential'- jernianont; away often on duty. Write Box P 5 Dailv Leader TN Morriston Two rooms or apartments wart tej, furnished or unfurnished; married couple, no children.—Write terms, OtO- lslwyn," Leader Office. 86A9-26 KESPEOTABLE Young (yiq cbll- dren) want 2 Furnished Rooms, Neath or Britonferry: own linen and outlerv. etc.— Reply 18. Wlitti#1 gton-stfeet Neath.86A9-2S Unfurnished Rooms three in family; as soon as possible; any district.—Apply Box M6. Leader" Office. 84A9-25 Unfurnished Anartments with respectable people; 3 rooms; man, wife. one child; Box L.6. Leader Office. 83A9-25 WANTED. Tliroe Rooms. Unfurnished. t » immediately with respectably family. central noaition preferred.—Apply Mile End. Fforest. ] ftch. heh. 82A9-24 TV ANTED, for Lady 2 Unfurnished L Rooms; nc attendance; Uplands or .?rynmil! di&trict.—Rep?v G," La.urolR !'?ort?me? PHK, 79A9-22 ';{TANTj<;Q b-f,tQn).(>rt.iÙ i;Íp: ''?"minTjntand.orBrynm'tIIdi?tr?t. ♦\Trt» ? ComTott.? Leader OMee. 79A9-?3 HOUSES WANTED. r Zelo OFFERED for Key of-House: afy < size: Swsnsea—St. Helen's or Bryn- mill; exee'lent references.—"Maxwell." Leader Office. 79A9-22 LIVE STOCK, &c. CHICKEN^, four month*. 4s 6d.: Fat C Ducklings, 5s.; Layir.f Hens, 7s 6d.: I March Go-?inps. 9s. 6d.: 200 Corrugated Sheets cheap, good as new.—Llovd, 384 Pen. tregetfain-road, C'wmbwrla Swansea. 79A9-22 l/,ODR Pige wer*- te,-ie''i with lf*arr, Pig Powders. The two with powders sold at.9 eacii. the two 17fthont at £6 H' eactf: to far èrt profit £ 3 for 3s. Karswoort Pi? Powders t)cd.-ThóIlla,j Chemist. Gorse- mon, and Old Bank Pharmacy. Llanejly. 77 A 9-26 GOOD Bull Terrier for Saje.—Apply M". Hope. 4, Harry-street Sketty. 86A9-22 1'1' IS two-year?)Ha ta,id twice &8 many eggs JL?L AA in their pullet year. That was the experience of a Somerset noultry-keeper. He gives the credit to Karswood Spice. Packets 2hl., Hd., Is 3d.—J. H. Evans. The Hong Kong. oGrseinon. 81A9-22 rPEST the Swan Laying Meal for &<rg pro- duction for one month, and note the result in the number of eggs you will Ket. The best and cheapest fef.d for poultry: 3d. per lb. To be obtained only at the Swansea Poultry Con, R-ociety Shons, 26. Fabian- street, St. Thomas, and Swanees Market 83Ay-22 J?i for Is, Four., pigs which each had three Karwwood Pig Powders weekly put on 18 lbs. more weight in one week than four pige, same age, on game food. without. Rarawood Pig Powders. Penny each.—J. L. Jones. Penlan House, Dtrn- Vant. &4A9-23 ?Q EGGB weeMy from six birds, on cold ? Weak Dartmoor, were obtained aWr using Karswood Spice, containing ground insects. 2id., 71d., is. 3fi. )weii and Sons. Grocers. New-road, Skewen. 77A10-4 PERSONAL. GOOD Home wanted for Baby 3 months .,)d-, healthy.—ADn? NUTRe I?ewis, In- fant Welfare. Vaughnn-street, Llanelly C9-22 IN "Uncle Bert's" Toffso- Shop there is •'Sta.nding Room Only. ITT, elf,, Bert, and hi" i Son thank you for ronr help Yen are doing Vou, Bit as we did our. Tbaimksiff Swansea, Thanks Ml I SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. j ■ ,11 »■■■■■! — ■ iwi 1' '■ ■ ■ 1 1 (i 11 11 ii —11 11 i )1i ■■■ |- -6- .=- Please publish the ibove for whieh I I Name and Addrem- It desired, replies or-ir he sent, io Rox Nnnofiers at tlio "Capibria Daily I)CALdor "Offc-e, T" fom shoald be srtdrww! te Adrertisemetit Dc-^arlroafct, Oambrfci Daily L^idsr," Swanse" 0 !)!)!) Ill*






