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,e'd  -t t-i Leader Classified Advertisements. > APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED. TO BE LET, LOST AND fOUUD. >, One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Iftsertiona fol Words. 0 2 0 3 0 JU Words. l 6 & 0. 4 0 40 Words.. 1 0. < 0 6 0 ;„t QR SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One l'b ree Six insertion. Insertions. Insertions Woro.A. 1 f). 2 t. 3 6 30 Worde. 2 3 3 0 4 6 40 Words. 2 6 3 6 6 < HRTHS. DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM AND L MARRIACE. One Three Sir -Miaattioii, Insertions. Insertions MWordsI. 4 b f¡ 0 3Q Word«.„ 2 0 & 0 8 0 $Words. 3 0 ? 9 12 o EDUCATIONAL. Oie Three Six tuiertion, Infections. Insertions I* Words. 2 0 i C) 4 6 » Words. 2 64 0. 6 40 -W(irdii. 1 0. 6 8 ? ( MONEY. M per line. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. CjOOL) Home Salary in return for L hdít i»ervice-.—Particulars K 14 Leader \HWa¡l¡}, 40A8-9 WOMEN AND GIRLS. t^OOD Tailore?s and Vest Hands wanted — T Apply E. Marcus. Union CbLir?ber' ? 'Lr ion-street ?7A8-12 ??Y?Sii-HOUSE Woman required for 't(?aw tau (11,7: hour,, 8 to 6, Satur- day 6 to 1: wa.gœ. 25s. to 30s., a?;cf)rdin? to cmericnee.—Apply M?tror. Swansea H,08- ??t&L between iD and 1 ?-¡9 fr???A.KTED.Experienced Waitress, also >lVV. clean Girl as Wash-up Maid- refer- ie:t<?<sr.eauired.—ApDly ManaRerfss, LovcH's i | j 23. Castle-street. S??,aTise, 40A8-9 j 'HOUSEKEEPER !rAI1'fEn, ??? Working -Hoe; 11 k 'f Jdel'tmce;; cssenti",l. A J:o Kocd (,?n_ A i,o 4,, go,??i (?,(- .n_ r.¡J Servait one able to asc?t in bar dpr- 1 'ins evemng- touTS.-Apuly B )! CamhFia ,1td_e. Swansea. C8-9 AATK-L>, Working Housekeeper at j I T Brynamman, by Widower (working j lua-D two children; cood rospeotable home. B tDt" Daily Leader. Swaneea. 40A&-9 OoititoUC ?&HVANTS. j L)u-i.L61I.C SERVANTS. I ?'OOK-CENERAL; wages £ 28; TiUP!?aront ?' inns.—Mrs hood v. IlhamB, Llwydara. Driv, Ui)laii(ili. 7 A t^OOK-GENEHAL reouired. experienced. cSel)tc?ruber Three in ) laiuily. Good waijts, iil>cral vutinus.—Ap j p!.v Mrs. J'olin 8. Brown. Oaklcigk, Black. i ■< ENERAL servant wanted.—Apply soualiy. with references, to Wc t filters' Arms,_ 8kewen. TC 'rilTAVJ'EiJ, CoOk.Generàl; housemaid L T T kept.—Apply Mrs. R, W. Jonc?. M?esv- goilel, Sketty. ?8A8-lZ ?'????'???.- 33A8-13 ;'?,A?'fED. September. CooIt-UcBcr.ii. —A p. V t piy Mrs. Powell. 6. St. James <.?r- dens. Swansea. 36A8-1> j .??A.NTED. Cook. ?0: House.Pariourmaid T T ;MO. famHy. one lady light' situatiun. fares paid; plain cooking only.—Mrs. Fran- cu 32. L.vncombe Hill. Bath -36A8-13 j ANTED, a good General; small f:umly ..? — Mrs. Jenkins. 3, WHIows-pt?ce. Swan- sea. 3518-n ANTED, end of A)?uat. L?u'ldry lie i i » gootl General would 611 liber"] out- jns's.—Mrs. Coouan, Ba?mor?il Mou?e. Mum }¡!ed..  liles. MEN AND YOUTHS. 34A8J |j ,G E;¡S- wanted to work iiearts of Oak -C Now Policies; whole or tpare time; places west of Llanelly. including Owen- j ctra-c-th Valley.—Apply 7a. Queen-street, Car- I' luarthen. 03-13 sood Benchmen | 'JJ wanted; top waces paid: constant era- | -j! 1 < ■ypw-int.—>V alter a, 'a-16  ;rl-ïÎMBERF-li;)'-anted: '13'mFQ'r?uired ) 1 to wo]?; in Woods near L'ontardulais. j (Only experienced iu(,-n need ly to D. '??mot! Thomas and Co.. PontarduJaie. ?_?_ _? 37A8-8 ?7'IREI,ES8 »Teleeraphy.—1.500 Qualifiec] I ? T Opcra?'?ors a.r? urgently wanted at :'commellc¡ng salaries of ?123 nsiug to E250. < '!E\ery Student now at our School b?M a| j?t-rth waitm" for him. aud wo ?'h;? i:„ j n,orlJ to Qualify as early as Dossible.-Apoly [ jV'irelesR Training Coilege. CmdiG Oi swai. j 't:.?j-?__ I j r??TAXTED. '?n'-rt ?ov for '?)li cp |S. V V Rex. D;¡lÍy œaüC' -8 i .'70UKG ME WANTED for FREE TRAIN- j ji X I?G as EVANGELISTS in 1h.. CHURCH ( A KM f: 0. of E. comraunit?!)?. 18 to 35. j ¡í"ivre, t'ntency and hinh education not ne cegAa.TY- 1 oeket-money and all found en r ) :ir\a training; salaried posts guaranteed 5 afterwards to Buccespful candidates; sick i .and old aire provision Foundation for or- f dsnfltiOTi later on- Write in confidence, :paming- this paper, to Candidates' Secre- tary., Church Arms. 55. Bryanston-strcet;. Jx'ndon. w.l. SITUATIONSHwANTEDu wanted hv Boy asred 15 venr<- .? Shorthand (@ .words.. Typing and I -pook-keeDir.g.—Write Box "A 13." DnHr ;;X.r.ader, wAgls LOST AND ?OUM? 11- OST in IÏi;¡reet-&m äTICog -W"-Ï)pe,C: I J j Return W. Thomaa and c? Gin'-t? Buildwisi?._ 38A8-9 LOST. Stick war rcHc. Will rerso ?h?, took same from Vkt;),.j 'pbtfom. sV'atuidav. return eaUlC to Cloak Room. Vfv ttoria Owner will lie very iTintrful. Diirk Ifcrown. crook handle, sword stick.— W. A;;h- '?? Din?.Yn-rnad. httÿ 43A3-13 L;o-OST. Friday 'NJ?t. ?etwpfn Newton j ;J-J MumhiM and Swansea, on Saturday tNorninj?. ?twee?i UD,andG and ilifh-?ti''?? ) 1 Station one-stone Diamond Ring. Finder t ;;band§i?w^Jy rewarded.— Write B 8." t î'r:a.r]cr_O_l:l'\óe:H__e_ 37AC-9 > J- rHT. Gold Curb BancieTn Sun- ■ JJ day. betweeit Mcntpeliar-terrace and ■ j'rqmniade. Suitable rewai-it civen on re- turning? same to 16, VOntl)clier-t(. i TRADE AS\-R!OUMCF.SV»FMTS. VOR u. ROBERTS. Electrical Eiorineer. J wishes to inform bis o'd tuntomers 'and the Public EeDeraIIy that his Chief Eloctri- cal Ensnueer. who ioined i.1 iu. Forces, has -returned to bie employ. Thp Electrical De. artmpnt being now thoroughly equipped with an Efficient Staff of Electrical Endn. cere Elootrical Work of ever;, description t an now h6 carried out. Heat ing ana t Ilower Installations inv Speciality. Your c;iuul.rl. es solicited. 2U Oxford-street Swan. I ee a I" -,OPULAR SWEBTS POPUJ.AHi'-Ym1 .X P°n G'ousei^, sell tW Sweets reasonably for the tittle children, like, the Old Firni. 35A8-9 TO the DtEi-1 Profession of Swansea and fSoLltll Wales Derjtal Co. have Opened a ]^( ntal Depot, where all Dental Recmisites can be obtained, and will be nicascd to forwanl < your reiciuiremerits on receipt of post card. ■ iMOto Addi^ess: 20. Wind-street Swansea h ———?__ ? 34A8-9 rTO Boot Betailere.—Holidays.—This Whole. 1 eal Warehou8C will I)( Cio?ed Friday. > l:,Smsr ?t. a.nd will re-open Monday. »-« llth.-n?vid Lloyd. Strand. Swan- tiC:34A8-8 ll'RGICt,L Am)Hancei-.—Trusses, ?pr?v' sgiirgeons' Rubher Giove?. -?d ?".T—'Ru!jber Goods of every description. ""?Mr Catalogue: sent nost free.— Le I'laswn^ l,T|cal Co Efd (Dept U.V 1. 90 an??2 Worcester-street Birndngham TC iV??RS are Ynvjted to fMpMt ou)- St"4c?k of Fancy Brooches. Bead N(?ck- inakiBEtr-rims. ?.: suitable for nrpecnt makmc.-BuMock Bros.. Port!and?tre<'t. VVtV V A 35A8-11 W ?T' ?' Gent's Second-hand Bicycle, E-() 8: ???'s- euitabh* for riding to Ech.ool.- Wrlt ¡;tatim price, to "School." ^fvlTiilW l-Swansea. 36AM\ ?0 ???D_HAKD"Rin?. Mt wi? Dia. 30 mo"m°rh;s- 'J5rom £ 2 ? to ?!0.-?ut!ock Bros. ??Hand-street. 35A8-11 Mr. HAYDN THOMAS, Five Times Winner at National Eisfceddfodl Accepts PUPILS for the VIOLIN and 'CELLO. At SWANSEA on WEDNESDAYS. JTor Terms, apply Woodland, Cwmavon, ) Port Talbot. FOR SALE. I COMBINATION Bedsteads, nearly new.  ?-? ?7s. 6d less than whofesaic price.— j !l}':s.=_ll.:ct._B\"anf'ea- 34A8-8 i ?6R S-4-L N.V. 4 M-tK-?toT?lO: 6- ) JL volt Accumulator. £ 6 10s; CHunde Hoooon Cm burettor. £ L> All above in perfect order. -? W assai t-gO l:re 34A8-8 t??ITUR? Caruc??r?x??etc.T?mme 1 -JL (l1a Sale. To be seen at 44, Srtone- etrce-i ,Llandovery. 34A3-8 I L iÙ-jt"SÜEu:ad-ji;knY; good in har- JL ness or saddle.—Jarvis Khyddin?s .Lotel, 8Walkca. 37A8-9 I T.?pR SALE, White Lechorns; 2 pullets. 2 ",Vliitct Leah(,,rn, 2 pu l let, 2 ;-? ccel?rc?. Match. ?'? barch'f'd. -C ? lot. -Cooner, 6. Castle Houses. Pla?marl. ?wan- sea ———- —- 40A8-13 f0R SALE. 3 Larue Mii-rors. 2 Chests of .1' Drawers Kitchen Tables and Chairs i Bras.'s Curbf. an old Oak Night Commode a few Milpuff Beds; also othc Household Fur. I niture.—Apply Mahoncy 1. Bridge-street, tfwaii3oa. 34AS-8 .N:¡'-G()at for Sale" utYufrtmlk." with 1 tasselled Nanny Kid seven weeks.—Ap. ply. alter e:x. 88, Eaton-road. Bryubyfryd. IT1 Oil SALE.—A limited number of Shell Co^ea C'jlifctPd from tlie battlefield^ | 01 France and Bdgium. Th<&e desiring tv | jmrCh3Se as a War Curio apply, enc1()sin j 3v to COVCT (O t and po-tRgc. to D. D. :I<>ans !lnd Co Meta,! \Iercbans. Exchang B??din?,_ jPpnta:?u:?is_ Glam. C8?)6 ?FFEHS ;!ivit<\l far 8' h.H"'Huby-Jan Com- ?' bin?tion: new June co?tmg £ 145; too Do?ertni: expectin lower oowor.—J?m<?. Clan Apiary. Pontardulai*. 34A8-8 RAILS, ex stock, soibs. 351bs. 6011x5 75!l.«s. i J' ) Flanee, 18/22 lbs.. 561bs Bridge, New or t:econd-band. Lorrre mv.-intity of various size edeepers; also a quantity of rails suit- able for reinforced concrete carposes.-For full particulars Holrner- and Howell, Ltd. 2 GIcu(?tM'.?h?p_SwnnFM, C8-H I QA1 E$(ifre reeistinc) various sizes, for ? ?a)e; also &:eam Wa.p/oji?: pair mia \Yujdiafr EnKines; 7in. Steam Pump.—Birt. !?a, Strand. Swansea CS?3: -e- T?rHITE WyandottoC<x'?c:-(?s.Marcb ?9?9. aLH'd: Tom Barron and Mrs CMkstMtt Strnu?.—P.O 36 Swansea.. 34AB-9 MISCELLANEOUS. 1I I- MISCELLANEOUS. I ?EKLLERUAERVKGETABUj? FRUIT.. A?'D FLOWEB SHOW 30th AuKU.?t Radius for Local 'Class 4 tches of Show Room. Conveyances will meet 10 a.m tram Gorseinon to convey all Exhibits to Show Roc!? _?_ p.6-8 WA N'T ED to Rent Stable in ?eaih.D- ?_?!.?1. ?ritonierry?Mad ?cath. 37A8-13 ?TA?I?NINU NumbeiH of Drawing ?p<)t ? of John John, Tr<.boeth:-l?30. 2128 i <-0b. 259?. ?766. 3179, we 2884 ?69. 2084. 5?2. i 4!00. AI] PrizM to be cia?med within 14 day C8-9 1-6;- YEAHS 'uc¡;LiJiar,-Fletc.f¡Ú: 16 M.B.F.S.: Test-readine free Se]d birth date and Ar- cade. Pontypridd. G1 an. 40A8-13 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. A RT1F1C1AL Teetb. PtRtiD?m? G?d S? j- ver. Bought; any comuiou; utmost value eciveik. Post parcels J Chernick .34. j Exchange-street Cheetham. Manchester | 40A8-13 riBAILORS' Clips ursentliv neetied. Sei, d I card to VVyman, 65. Dyfatty-street. Swansea, -,vlio will pay you full market value. 35A6-16 ¡ rI 'IHEl'}" W antL'-(} over Pitwood sme.—Jfu X nings. Ltd.. Woodworkers, Pennyweil- road. Biistoi. Bra; 1 oh at Portlica-wl. STC- ANTED. Gent's Second-hand Bicycle M a Lady's, suitablP for riding: to i school.— Write stating price to School," Daily Leader. Swansea. 36AS-12 DO You VV&nt tocioll Anything? Send it to the Auction Mart, 219. lIlg-b-strcút Serkm will Sail it for yon. pp. 33TJY Furniture; best prices given; New J- or 8n:1:a.1r!iI,H_ig. I-XROP we a Postcard find will call.- JJ' J. pp. QALES conducted in l'ov., n or Country; low U commission .—J. Serkin. 219. High- street. pp. MOMEY. I T? LAW, 12, Lomion-t'oad. Neath, Makes I L:J. Oasb Advances from ?5 30" upwards I ;-itricti,v 0ri\ j.le, i-inl-,1 isuca 1876. TG -¡-¡i-y-oureQu he-a !jïaii-iPD I.Vt0(:fèOi'g-è I I- Thomas. Mau?nen,Church-Rtrcet (oupo- site t Mary's CburnbL Swansea. Private and coniitiential. MONEY to Lead to Ke?u?Gtahte H?e.' ?.1. holders; rnvitu- and Co:jLd<u?t. i ivor D 'i nomas h Vv atcftoo-sxreet. Swansea I:: MADE for ? For full partícu!ar6 { ivOO as to Low smaU ?n?otntsot money I may be cmí.HahtY empiuved to give tar?e uroHts Unoiy to Graham Marsh and Com- pany. 240 High Holborn London. Large or Small Accounts may be Opened with the gOUTHERN JgyiJlTABLEf ADV ANOE (- 10. (LIMITED), EXCHANGE-OUAMBERS (Queen-street, end) 1 EDWAI;D-TE;:HACE CARDIFF. Why we argpso widely Recommended; Fact I Le,Ig well knowu in manv towns by 1 many years oi Fair Business i)t:a!ihgs Tel. ZW:J (Not a MoHcy Sooetyj Cub 1880. Branch Office• 11. Cliarles-st. Newport "Mon, j ABlUTYsH FlRM FOR BRITISH BOR. 1 A ROWF.RS—T11K BRtTl?H Fi?ANCE! OwMPAN'Y. Net a Hunted company with! directors and shareholdevf to know your j business and consider your application. t.OA? ;?Tj ") ?]3.MO I KO BH.L8 OF ,?AIY? WA?TTED. HO ?UR?T!KS OR PLBHCITY. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY GUARAKTEEM. BRITISH FINANCE CO.. 20. BRIDGE STREET, BRISTOL. I .< ue I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. j I;;ÓH. SALEr -UPií;-t(trai;dPieno:-r;1 Ft)e?,.feet tone: excellent to' thtion.—45 Cornmerciat-?trGct. YRtftly- ferri,. 37A?  ? ODFEEf and Co.. Ltd., are offering GI)iatio,, b? Cul1ard and Col I arc. Momngton and Weston. A vjjl knd Smart, etc.. etc., from 25 cuineaS; New 1'ia.nos by Collaret and Collard ?la m eS Witton and ?itton. Cramer, etc.. 0m 50 *ujneas: cash or terms Plarer- tlianof3 by the Leading Makers from 140 i guineas. Write for Free List or càll. and i.iKe a Personal Selection —Godfrey Co.. Ltd.. 22. St. Helen's-road Swansea: _???_ 34A8-8t ?UOMPSON and Sba'ckell. Ltd" 39"Ca.t]e- ?. street hwausea. — Black (ioltard Plant'j ?78: Walnut Collard P??o £ 70; Walnut ChaHen P.ano ?95. Watnut Kirkman Piano ?70: Walnut ?rmelle Piano £ 65; Walnut Brinsmead Piano. £ 105; Walnut Suuire Piano L86? Walnut Hawkins Piano £ 65 t0" WaUmt. Thompson and 8hackeU Ltd  Piano £ 70; Imperial "r?an ?? 5?'ronee j £15, Otctp SUMMER TOURS. ,■ SUMMER TOURS IN SCOTLAND.-Thr | IbyaJ Route by Sfp.amcr Columba, etc, through, tho Seottisb Western Igies. 0117iciai Guide, 6d. and Is Tourist Pro- 1 gramme free. Passengers etc. carried ^ub | jact to Company's conditions.—David j Mn-cBra..vne. Ltd.. 119. Ilone-street, Glasgow. HOLIDAY APARTMENTS. j BLACKPOOL. i ? TJLACKPOOL.—Mrs. Albert Ma-ndeley. 29. s JLJt Palatine-road, off Central Drive:! b 6d each person bed oookiujj. and at j tendance: home comforter piano, < BLACKPOOL.—Comfortable Apartments, 18. 3d each person; good beds aad 1 cooking; cleanliness; 2 mine, sea.—Mrs Henry Smith. 41. Erdington-road. off Central Drive. LA C KPO O L.—Mrs. Pot terTl4.^harles- J street. Comforteble Public and Private Apartments 3 mins sea station and aU a!nt?, lit, :,ta-LUT) Piano. | Tyi.ACK?OOL?-Mra. R?pMon.??chn?d :B Houje, 63,»Centrai P?ach. Pllblic and Private Apartments. Overlooking 5ea Board OLttiODal Stamp reply. j BLACKPOOL.—Mrs. Langtor. and Major, 52. Palatine-road date 54 Reads-road), t Apartments, public and private: home com- 1 forts viano B-CI\-¿ 1\- pÓOL::jlr8-J Sëh-fieT(V O<>d. B land.' ',0. rs, J. Sc)ioflelcl, Centra} Drive; comfortabte ?uartU)Mtte: ?s 6d. each per&on w<tb at?udancc: every comfort: piano. BLACKPOOL.—Mrs and Miss Williams, 14a Manchester-terrace Promenade Comfoftable Public Apartments. pleasantly situated, erntral to all parts; terms moder- ate Stamp reply. I -ï: -Å" I HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. j'Ol SALE, three well-built; Houses, t ted Cefn-road, Bonymaeu; two miles froit) Oil Works; large gardens; lease 999 years.—Apply Williams 6. liibbert-road, Neath. 40A8.3 11;ORALË: Freehold Ùou;šitwuerl .1 L Dca,r Parh LIev.clyn i,eor I.audore; 4 rooms, with good garden.—Apply A 34." DailyLeador Ofiice. 36A8-11 I Illoit SALE, Freehold HouM in Bryn-road, JL with vacant possession; uninterrupted I view of Bay; excellent, condition.—Box j o. Sale, four three-roomed Houses near 1.: Bonymaen. Will sell f;jn¡;ly,BS." "Lc!ider". Ohlc(, 36A7-11 j J t OR SALE, Two well-built Tjeaselioid ij JL Dweiling-housps at Br.vnnerou. Dun. vant: double-fronted, six rooms, 30 feet frontage each; very large goi-.dens.-Par. titulars from 0 H. Newcombe. Solicitor, 43 ( I Wind-street. Swansea. CSg I RICHARD II. 0, ITOCITE, I\; Vainer. L?.Dd and Estate Ac?nt. hHa the fallowing Leaseliold I'roperties for Sale; Detached Honse ill Cornalns-ioad, Sker+f ■ Dweliing-honse in St. Helen's-road suitable for conversion into ebon premises; House in Oaklands-road Mumbles: House in Ffnone. street: Houses in Western-street and Spring, tci,rv,ee.-Fc,r further oarticulars apply (temporary officos). 3. Aylesburv-road, Swaii. so- 34 A 8-9 //? WEEKLY will Purchase £ 450 Hot^e. 4 U any district; possession by arransrp. mem..—" Landlord.' leader. Swansea. TO APARTMENTS AND LODGINGS TO LET AND WANTED. "VTORRISTON.— Sinele Gentl^an wants IT.L Tw; (?r Th?c tarnished Rooms Hl j ? C'eri. iiouse w?th bath.—Applv Fv letter, 37A8-8 cu," POGt Office, Morriston 37 A8-8 WANTED, near Swansea Bay, from August 14 to 23 Bedioom (double) and Sittmg-rocm. Jones Cwrthrrnbeirdd, j 'i?HU. Liandi'o. 37A8?2 | '?.t?A?TED. for young married couple t?o com-ortably furmshed rooms, wÜh ?ttendair?'. from second %ree?? in September j Permanent. Walter-road locality -Apply i j "B4. "Leader" PREMISES TO LET & WANTED WANTED. Lodging-house, to Pnrcb^ W R?nt: FoiDg concern; nrpferahly in. duatrial district.—Apply, first instance It M. Thomas 72. High-street Llandovery. BUSINESSES FOR piSPOSAL FOR SALE as eoing concern old-estab- JL lished Posting Busireise; house and large convenient coach-house and stabies in prominent position. Also a Dragoiiette to carry 18 for immediate disposal. Ill-health canee of selling.—Apply James Norman. Cnb Pronrietor. Tonypandy F t BUSINESSES WANTED. j \?tr.ANTED, a small Grocery or Cml. T ery Business, in go^ni locality, with living to "B 1Z." Daiy /Leader, SwnlSea. 48A8-U .1 L1" tViOTOR CARS. CYCLES. &C. ALBION Chassis— We can offer delivery oi 4.ton Cku,siH in ^ugust. 60 cwt. Sep. teaiber, and 50 rwt. September: subject Ull- ?u?! Cash. Easy Terms, or Excbange. A T? p COMM?clAL* VEHICLES^ A..14-C- All Spare Parts in Stock.— Thomas White and Co.. Engineers Barry; j South Wales Agents, ClQ-24 j FOR SALE. Gent's Bicycle in good order, i —Apply 97, Cwm-road Hafod 38A8-9 "J^OR SALE, Gent's James Bicyc?. in 0p« J x' running order; 2 brakes: Broods sad- :.1'3: 158., a bargain.—40, KmB Edward s. 40AU.12 L(H(, SALE 1915li7a7lbn7y~i} h.p., in per- A feet condition-, very fast and powerful: rice £ 50 or near eat. offer-, must sell, room wanted.—Apply E. Jenkins, West Farm. I Llantwit-Ma.ior, 37A8-12 > f^OR SALE. 1914 Royal Enfield 6 b-P- Com- bination; price £ 85.—Apply Hector Dp,vies Tyllwyd, Bcnea 378.12 LKHiD Toiring Car for ??a?e: 1919 model: !i ? wheels intercbangeabfe; spare wheel,  complete unused: best oRe- above £300 se- It cures.— Write "Z A." Daily leaner. MAB-9 ] P E R SONAL. I A- DVERTISERwighcs & meet A Pnocographer. male or fem?l6; object pleasure and nrofit. .t:nthusia.st," Leader Omce. Swansea; 40A8-9 IN Unnle Bert's" Toffee Shop there is I •^Standing Ittwjm Only." Uncle Bert and hi Son thank you for vonr help. You are (toirle Votir Bit as we did ours Tliankr, wanea" Thanks M1 I FALM'iSTRY and Clairvoyancy.oted Indian Palmist, 30 years' experience in t America France. London. Australia. Pees fton. 2s. 6d. Correspondence invited.—Prof Kisrnit-t,. PII-D. A.B. (11 a.m. to 9 p.m.) ■L'en I-street Manselton. 34AP8 í A S t?e P%per 'with the Largest Guaran. ¡ ?A teed Circufation. NmaU Advts carried in the Leader" effen the LaN!eøt Pub- ¡ licity ????.???_.?——— ————— I ? FURNITURE. URN 1TURE—Best Prices- given by we j 1 for Second-hand Furniture and Antidue Furniture of any description Drop rne a postcard, or call — Wm James 8. Fabi;>n. -itreet. St. Thomaa cTo, Notice to Dairymen. The West Wales Formers' Co-operative Dairy Society have appointed MR. VV. II 1 JOHNS. 50 kii,.g Edward-r.oad Siyansea. as their Accredited Agent in the Swansea Dis- trict, All A?i)li%?iotts for Milk must in future be made tu IM. i  SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM i I jj —^ ■ —;—-— — i| ,r. v — i 4 I ?  jj. ?————- — I x  j ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ir ..1 I W'11 ■ [ n I i „W I 1 no1' » r-rtTf •. MI ■ I I ■ 1 ■ A-.iffiw.il'M I<HW H' | J Ple?M! publish the above advertisement.. times, for which J I Enclose s d. I Mcl:="r:m. I If desired, replies may be sent to Box Numbers at the "Cambria Dally Leader Oflice. l Thw form should be address** to Advertisement Department, udambrJa Dully 1 I Leider," Sjwansea, I J -L T .¡ I £ 4,000,000 £4 000- 000 I  m tnuniEr b t I OF I Natural (Fawn) Colour LINEN.. I LIN h -1%N' • | Part of the above is now on Sale at JAMES JONES, 49-50, Woodfield St., MORRISTON. j ? ?- ? f ?  | i||k There is Nothm? B to Equal I Moseley,s Food 1 | For Marsiag 1 ? & 'ss????????????n ?w* it?iL?&&& or r., x Peet aat Mothered. ? ??' MMvK?" H???n??? ? I MOSEIEYS FOOD stands in a I 1 class by itself for its appe- H tising flavour and invigorating is i strength-giving qualities. It if replaces the insipid taste of milk with a unique, crisp, nutty tang. When that I-wish. ? l-knew«what-I-could-eat" feeling ta eomes, which mothora unfortu- I nately know only too weM, %ot a M cup of Moseleys Food. It is 00 |§ trouble to make. Simply boil g the mHk and add the Food and lj then a UtUe more cold milk to || &oot the mi?upe, and your Foed M is ready. Getatinr?owandt" f| it-you wiU thank us for the |s su?asttoa. ||  I II I i i I t 16 k. 4t  A t 0 ?. I I I I MADE IN A MINUTE WITH BOILING MILK. i ? SOLD BY ALL GOOD C?E?-Sr-S?V 9d., ??, and ?. TINS. 1 ? A handsome ?-?a.?e Booklet, fr'? o< valuaMe iitforcaj-aitlou w .?.U I S Bmttcra AMJiTtT with Baby's W??'?rc. ea-.ti?tl?A Eg 8entfreeto &ay addToaa.W?te Ns? BM-Mtt. Noea?-y 15?ed 2 p Co., W€?u0?sS?. m HiJ: ARMY———^ !Q???%*F'?? RE-LASTED ??? BOOTS ^oD Ny t&a????? a <?B? HE-DRESSED X g The very best boots obtainable, rendered soft and pliable ? with our special dressing. Re-Soled and Heeled in o?r own I | Factory with RELIABLE SOLE LEATHER, they are strong  I hard-wiring boots of lasting quality, unobtainable any- I I ? whfre else at the price. Sent by return of post. State size Per Pair i required and enclose 6d. extra for carriage. Money will- — ?? inglv returned if boots not 'approved. ?— B ?? n t? A.E. EVA MS, 1 .1 ? h NtMtMK AKEWEN. I U|U i. "OVER THE BLACK FOUNTAINS." I Daily AEROPLANE Excursion to Llanwrtyd Wells and Back. Leave Brynmill Sands 11 a.m. Leare Llanwrtyd Wells 7 p.m. Commencing MONDAY, AUGUST 11th. I TWO PASSENGERS DAILY. | =_=_=_== DAILY. I f1? Each, Book Early at Avro Office, Brynmill. | SWANSEA LABOUR ASSOCIATION (MEN, AND WOMEN SECTIONS). j Is yoar Kama on the AUTUMN VOTERS' LIST? If Not! Why Not? Call and see your Ward Secretary, whose name appears below, to put matters right. ALEXANDRA-M,r. C. VAUGHAN, 16, Graig Terrace. BRYtMELIN-Mr. T. STANSBURY, 52, Shelly Crescent. I i CASTLE-Mr. R. PRIDMOEE, 12, Gar 1 en Street. i CLASE—Mr. G. GRIFFITHS,. Hills Cot-age, Yiiystawo. I FFYNONE-Mr. P. LAMPREY, 14, Harris Street. FFYfiONE—Mr. W. HAYNES, 5, White Street KILVEY-Mr. W. H. EVANS, 95, Foxhole Road. LANDORE-Mr. T. R. DA VIES, 5, Sharosburg Place. LAN DO RE—Mr. J. C. GREGORY, Spencer Street. LLANSAMLET-MR. 1. RICTIKPLDS. BircbWeve. MORRISTON-MR. T. R. GEORGE, 30. Pentrepoeth Road. NIORRISTON-AIR. HOWARD JONES, 3. Market Street. OYSTERMOUTH-Mr. G. LI.. JONES, Oakland. Road, Mumbles. FFORESTFACH-MR. J. RICHARDS, Brynooed," Fforestfach. PENDERRY-Mr. D. C. EMANUEL, Penlan," Treboeth. SKETTY-j-Mr. W. JENKINS, Rose Cottage, Greenfield Street. ST. THO MAS—-Mr. S. HARE, 41, Windmill Terrace. ST. JOHN-Mr. S. AWBERRY, 81, rog,(In Street. ST. HELEN'S-M.r. G. GOUGH. 130, Rh.vddings Terrace. VICTORIA.—Mr. J. T, RIPPON, 5, William Street. or to J. G. DA VIES, 50,, Terrace Road. DON'T FORGET-LAST, DAY FOR CLAIMS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1919. DEFECTIVE VISION ?NEEDS CAREFUL ?????L??J?S???- OLDEST ?< TR?EAT?MEN"T?.° ./B???????? y ?? ???<1UALT<HFE <ED OLDEST ANPToREr. A£ TMENT. IN SWANSEA. • SWANSEA. J. SCOTT and Son, 12, VICTORIA ARCADE, Swansea All YOU Want to Know About Sport of the Week is to be found in the" SPORTING NEWS." Published Every Saturday Night. ONE PENNY. 1,5 IIERALD OF WALES' II The Family Paper. Published Every Friday.

I Children's Corner.

For the Ladies.
