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  Leader' Classified Advertisements. APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS "VACANT OR WANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUND. One Thrive Six Insertion Insertions. insertion* U Worde. l 0 2 0 3 0 10 Words. 1 6 3 o. 0 10 Wor(le. 2 0 a 0 6 0 JOR SALE, TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions 80 Words. 1 6 2 II 3 I >0 Words. < 6 < ø 4 i 4Q W crds. 8 6 i 6 6 t fiRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM AND MARRIACE. One Three Sir Insertion. Insertions, Insertions M 3 < 6 a 30 Words. 2 0 6 0 no. 8 0 « Words. 3 0 1 6 IS <1 EDUCATIONAL. Oie Three 01. Insertion insertion*. InsertioDti fe. Words. 0 4 0 4 6 31) Words. 2 6 4 0 fi f 40 Words. 3 0 6 t. 7 4 MONEY.—6d. per line. I ————— L MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. WOMEN AND GIRLS. rPHE Business School, new pie- JL ruiaes 36, Castle-street. Swaneca, has a few Vacancies for Intelligent Young Ladies to b" trained as Lady Clerks. Shorthand. Tyitetfritiuc. Biisin-ess Mc-thode etc. Moder- ate premium. Call or write to Principal for yrrns. ;)jA8.7 HOUSEKEEPERS. ANTED. refined lilot,sekeeper, ace 30 to H 40 by respectable Working Man (widower): domesticated, abstainer, loving disposition: youngest child 12 years; excep- tion ally good home to suitable person; no hard work here. Encloee nhoto. if poi-siblt. which will he returned.-Apnly "Good Home." Daily Leader Office Swansea. 33A8-7 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. ANTED, end of August. Laundry Mu? frood General would suit: liberal out- ineg.—Mrfc, Coonan, Balmoral House, Mum- blea. 54 A 8-9 ■ ■ No. 1 Rutland-plao- Swansea. 34A8-5 w A,NTED. at once a Oook-General: tvvo in family; another maid kept.—Apm.v Mi's. Hofekin, 24, Owmdonkin-rre7 kiiEN AND YOUTHS. BOOT TRADE.—Two d-Benhmen B wanted; top wages DzLid: constant cm- ploy ment — Walker^ Pontardav.e, Cfi-9 CABINET Makers and Polishers reauireri immediately; union rate.-Apply. by letter Johns, Variwie House Tan-j^-groes- street._For Talbot. .3ZA8.b TT/ANTED, smart Collector-Canvasser for II Port, Ta-ibot dil,trlCl.-A DPly hoath Furnishing Co., Pcrt_Talhot. ._H26 WIEELEoS TeleKraphy.—l?SCO Qualified W Operators are urgently wanted at jomru en cilia: salaries of £1Z:) rising to £2;;0.. mery Student now at our School had a berth waiting for him. and u< <r\«. ufort, to oualify as early ag possible,—Apply WireIOfj", Tra.ining College. Cardiff or St. fT.A5.ED. Smart Boy for Office W 'f. "Ees." DaiIy lea4??r 34A8-8 W A-X,IED, F"T-t Class Instructor for Hand-Sewn Boot and Shoe Making Ulaes. Cot training of disabled ex-Service men; salary. £ 4 10s. per week; applications ijp be eent to the Secretary, Employment Stchanse. Castle Bailey-i-trest, Swansea. C8-7 SITUATIONS RANTED. \XTANTED. a good Situation as Honse- V; keener or General Servant— Write Box A H.'Daily Leader." S3A&-7 SITUATION wanted by Boy. aged 15 years Shorthand <8? word?'. Typing, and Ro?k-kp?in?.—Write D A Evans, 8, Hifh- reet. AUt?en. Pontardawe. 00 A 8-3 LOST AND FOUND. fj'OUND, at Gorseinon. Gold Ring.—A X. 52. High-street. Gonseinon 34AS-6 (j'1 () U IC-a-Parcel o i)et vecu Godre r cu-ig School and Tarrehi-terrace (?wner can have same bv applying to Ben Rvans. Penilynteg House, (iodre'reraia, Swansea Valley. 35.\8-6 [OST. on Thursday Night., between Castle J Ii?. W?odfieId-EtrMt and C!ase-road. ?orri?oT!C7 in Tr&ngury NOt\8 -Pmde,' well rewarded on returning t-o Cattle .11111. Mormton. C3-6 LOST about midnight 19th July, or early ?J a.m. of the 20th. between Midland St a- j tion. St. Thomas, and Union Inn, Port Ten- want. Gent's Double Alhert Gold Long Curb Link with sovereign attached with inecrip- ion on one sirle; also Iugercol] Watch at. tached. Good reward on returning same Oavies. 105. port Tennant-road St. Thomas. J1A8-5 IOST. in Ladies' Cloak-room, Carlton j Restaurant. Swanea July 30th. be- tween 5 and 6 p.m.. Diamond Sing; very jaluable to owner (keepsake). Substantial regard offered to finder qdoti return to Jen- kins, 8. Dillwyn-street. CS-7 LOST, Wallet containing bank note and JLJ Treasury notes near Cwrabwrla-road. on Monday evening: finder eenerou^ly re. warrled—Return A 6." leader Office. 32A8-6 LOST, between West Crosi* and Briinswick. JLj street Gold Curb Bracelet. Will finder pleaee return to 33, Brunswick-street? 31A85 .> MONEY. ELAW. 12, London-road, Neath. Makes E • Cash Advances from iS and upwards fr.rictlv I)TiVltB I FAgtatiishefi 1876. TO F you require a Loan apply to George L Thomas. Manatrer. Church-street (oppo- ;dto t. Atar*.V's Chiii-ob). Swansea. Private wd confidential. .ONEY to Lend to BesI^ctabi^ lloas^ I :1 holders; Ptivate and Oonfldential- Ivor D lhotnxs 0 Waterloo-street. Swansea 3 8 MADE for £ 5 For full particular!? wOO as to how smaU amounts of money I niv be profitably employed to pivo iarsre >rofita axinly to Graham Marsh and Com- 1 any. 240. High Holborn London. l,anre or Small Accounts may be Opened with the gOUTHERN jgQOlTABLE DVANQE QO. (LIMITED^. -^•^fANGE-CHAMBERS ((jueen.street end), 1. EDWARD-TERRACE CARDIFF ¡ ;.iOt, a Money Society but an Old-established "CRistered Financial Firm. ?romnt aTid Private. No Fees. No Fines. Forme Free. With or Without Sureties. TEN Branches. The Leading Welsh and Enslieb Firm. Telephone. 2399 Cardiff Estab 1380. ¡ IranchOiffce: li Charles-st, Newport, Mon. A BRITISH FIRM FOR BRITISH BOR. L A ROWERS-TUB BRITI&H Fl ANn: 4)113&PANY. Not a 1lOut.ed oompanv with directors and gharehcplderp to ttnow your >nsinesfl and consider your application LOANS £10 to NO BILLS OF SALE WANTED ^0 SURETIES OR PUBLICITY A.B.,SOLUTE PRIVACY GUARANTEED. BRITISH FINANCE CO., 2ft. BRIDGE STREET. BRISTOL. MOTOR CARS. CYCLES, &c. Chassis — We can offer delivery 4. of 4-ton Chassie in Auwe-t, 60 cwt. Sep. :emb€? and 50 cwt. September; subject uu- —^s^^gasy Terms, or Exchange. '-Á TP, C OMIIERCIAL VEI-IICI Q-'t!: All Spare Parts in St?-k.- TIlt'm?s Whlte and Co.. Ensineers BrrY: ??jL—? Agent, CIO-2? ?(?RD Touripg car for 8ale: ?919 a?'el: wheels "'tercha.nE?hfe- spare wheel. MK.p!et.? ?'?: be?t oR'<" sbove ??00 &e. (inre.s.— Wnk Z A." Dajlv L&ader_ 35A8 9 FOR SALL, 0 ell s Cycle: new t.vre wid Ftubc new back wheel: can he seen any ?me: ? real bargain.-Old Pœt Office, 'ronna. SP- 34AM FOR SALE, 10 h.o 4?.e?ter C'ar; ?ood ?o. ing order: £"O or nearMt '.ecurea.—Rox "A 9." Daily <^ader Swaren_?. 3?3AS-7 MOTOR Cycle for Sale; 3; h.pTriiimpi .fL excellent condition; new tyres and tt/bea throuKhout. T. Dcvies Llwyncelvn. ?a!pn!. Llandilo. 32A8-6 RE? ?V TT- very fast, for Sale, ch .H? tfireq. belt. f.d: ride away bargain to (Jujck „>nyer. Jlolor." Daily Leader. ) FOR SALE i C102#BINATION Bedsteads, nearly •new, I k > 27s. 6d.; less than wholesale price.— DIAMOND Ring: a ilno brilliants, in nil- platinum rutK; £1Q,j. Also a number of Se{(Jnd-hand Ring", from £S -BuUock Bros Portland-street. ¿ZA8.o SALE Bosch N.Y. 4 Magneto, £ 10; 6. X VG., Accumulator. £ 6 10s; Ciunde .Uob.son Caiburetter, £ 5 All above in perfect. order. —6 U a ssail-sci uare. 24A8-8 17 U EKITURK. Caruets? Books, etc.: ?mmc.  (¡<lte ?:do. To be seen at 44, Stone- ¡ Llat,dovcry. mll'o-B OR, sALE3'Larr:e errors. 2 Chests cf I Drawers Kitchen Tabies and Chairs fB-r/ a^j? Curb/ an old Oak Night Commode a I few MuDuiT E&ds; also othe" HousehOld Fur. ?iturc.-ADt?y M?honey. 1. Bridge-st'?rt. Sw¡msea. ,,4A8-8 L'OR SALE, ?11 Tn. £ 1s.; large DOT!?. I ? 5g. 6d. ea"u, large ycung Gffgn. JO?  V' ciking Perrew, 1?9. 6d.—13. Pegler-stroct, Br.!lfrYd Swansea. 34A8-5 1 'IOH immediate Sale, a number of usenil Combination Bedsteads. 6ft. and 5ft. 6iri, x 2ft. 6in.—Apply Trevor Evans, Auctioneer, n. Wiud-atrcet, Swansea. 8-61 S^vJH SALE.—A limited number of Snell .1. 0ases collected from the battlefields of F,?rl,,e cln(i purchase as a War Curio apply, enclosing 3s. t-o cover co-it and postage, to D, U. Elvaus and Co., Mttai Merchants, Exchan^s Buildings, Pontardtilais. Glam. C8-'6 I,-iOR SALE. 4 Grocer'r, Carts. flie crank- i axle Cart.—George Evans Victoria Stores. Morriston. 3IA8-5 1_ ,> -¡. -2h l-¿¡ "1" t't ?OR SALEr Cas 2?. h?)7*?h?t': ?.. X and Split Pulleys.—Georgo Evana toria Stores Morriston. 31A8-5 OFFERS invited for 8 h.n Ruby-Jap Coin- j bination; new June costing j £ 145; too powerful; expecting lower power.—James, Clan Apiary. PontardI:J.js..3,A8-3 SOLICITORS or Architects.—For Sale. O ome Cork Lino for Office: also Chert t of Drawers for Plaiw.—Acplv Lino." Leader O??i,,c. 34A8-5 I S'Aïhi5g"-Ùl'-iEÚ)-a;¡ou8 ,is. for ? &a!R: also Steam Wagons: pair Bm Winding Enri?M: 7in. Steam Pump.-Bii?t, 47,t, qwaii. Ap? CB-13 OPECIAL 4-bottlc Cruets: best EYcctro' ? niatc: English glass: 30s.-BuHock Bro, Port Ian d-st reet. 32A C-6 TAT'IU'IE Wyandotte Crx'kerels, Marcii. I » 1919. hatched; Tom Barron and Mr. ( Ccckshott Strains.—P.O 56 Swansea. 34A8-9 t ¡ MUSICAL IRASTRUMENTS. '¡ G- ODFREY- and Co.. Ltd., a.re offering Sccond-hand PialJo bv Collard and Col- lar; Monington and Weston. Avill and Smart, etc.. etc.. from 2b sruineas; New I Pianos by Rogers, Collard and Collard. Sanies. Witton and Witton. Cramer. etc.. from 50 sruineas; cash or terms. Player- I Pianos by the Leading Makers from 140 I guineas. Write for Free List or call and niake a Personal Selection —Godfrey and ¡ Co.. Ltd.. 22..St. Helen's-road Swansea. I  _.? MAS-8 ;j:HmlPsox and ?ha?keil. Lt?. 39. Cagt;e- stred Swansea.— Black '?Harft íHWV ) £ 78-. Walnut. Coilard Piano. £ 70; Walnut i Challen Piano. jE?5: Wainut Kirkman Piano I £ 70; Walnut Normelle Piano ?6&; Walnut Brinsmead Piano. £ 105; Wainut SuHire P,an., ?85. Wsfiint Ha?kins P'H'io £ 65 iOs Walnut Thumn?!: and ,?ba?ckell. LM ¡ Or-an £15: Bstev Organ £ ,te I TRADE Af?ODMC?MEMTS. I-I AMMANFORD—Just arrived! Wesk-erd?  Cases ana Po.?ma.tit.c?.ux for ho.?'? i II'-Iliking; new Ü .ycuro?pomiBity. A?o! Trunks, ec. Aiter ii,] i(i gem (-,I,t I and then our Furniahiug Del)artm?nt wi;i meet your prospective wa-nu wiM] choice len(i Ta?'?'.—Hatrie:. nÇUfJ funi?hpre and I C?-7 Ironmongers. Q.7 l-:V()R' L." RO K E Il J'S.^E lccTma X wishes to inform hie Old Customers aid the Puolic. generally that bis Chief Eiectrj. cal Engineer, who ioined il.M. Forces, has returned to his employ. The Electrical De. partment being now thoroughly equipped with an Efl^iieot Staff of Electrical Engin- csrs Eleotncai Work of every description can now be carried out. Heating ana Power Installations m.v Speciality. four enuuirics solicited. 2'AS Oiford-ttreet Swan. eea -I-OPULAR SWI -TS POIIULAR! You X Grousere, sell tht» Sweets reasonably f.r tne iittie children, like the Old I jrm. ileacldon's. Orange-street. 3SAS-"J rt^O the Dental ProfMsioc of Swansea and 1 District.—The South Wales Dentl ilauufacturing Co. have Opened a Dental D?uct. where all !.>&?tal Reamsites c?n be ?cbt-aimed, a.ndwjH be pleaded to- forwant your reauirements on receipt of post card. Not:) Address: 20. Wind-streei Swansea S4A8,.9 THAT New Suit! Buy your Clotb diie. -iL and eave money. z,uit I^'iigths (3J yds; from 35s. Write rot patterns l'ixon Woollen Co.. Dept. 0." 9. South-street. Finsburv. London. E.O. 2. pp A S the Paper with the Largest Guaran- teed Circulation, Small Advts. carried in the "Leader" effect ttie Largest Pub- licity. rpO Boot Retailers.—Holidays.—This Whole. 1- «alo Warehouse will be Closed Friday, August lat, and will re-open Monday. August ?th.—I?v:id IA?Dvd, Strand, Swan- r 54 A 8-8 1? YEARS' SUCCB.-Lilian-FÏetcIH>I" ..) M.B.P.S.; te?t rGa.dum free. Send birth date and stamped envelope.—5, Ar- cade. Pontypridd Glam. ?A8-5 I MISCELLANEOUS. ¡  1\ KRPOOL Viotoria FrieDdty Society— £ 8 I J Book for Sale, at a. very rea6oDable price, iu Gowerton and Penciawdd nistrict; solid business i.'5 p c.; highest terms- splen- did opportunity tor smart busii>es8 man- Apply Manager, 4. Cradcclf-street, Swansea. 08-a Iy ESULT of Prise Drawing in aid of Dia I L t abled Fuel Workel :-3405, 2692, 131, 2631. 1414, 2309. 2708 1480. 1515. 4416. 1396 2546, 3363. 3049. Prizes to be claimed within 11 day?.—R. Taylor, 9 John-,street, Swansea; J. J. Wiikins, 26, Pottery-street Swansea 35A8 5 SURGICAL Appliances—Trusses. Spray, S Enemas Surgeons' Rubber Gloves, ;nd Surgical Rubber Gooda of every description. Write for Catalogue: sent post free.—Le Brasseur Surgical Co. Ltd. (Dept. D.V.). 90 and 92 Worcester-street Birmingham. TC 1 »" "H J J j__ j., ■ 11 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. A RTIFIClAL Teeth. Platinum, Gold, Sil- Aver. Bought; any condition; utmost value given. Post parcels J". Chertiick, 34. Exchange-street Clieetham, Manchester. 33A8-7 Clips urgently needed. Send card to B yinan, 65. Dyfatty-street, »v:arisea, who will pay you full market N ctlue. 35A8-lo npREES Wanted over Pit wood size.-Jen- X nnigs, Ltd.. Woodworkers, Penny' well- road, Bristol, Branch at Porthcawl STC DO You Want to Sell Anything!* Send it L t-o the Auction Mart, 219. Hig-h-street Serkm will sell it for yon. P. I BUY Furniture; best prices given; New 1 or Second-hand.—Serkin, 219, High-street. DROP me a Postcard find I will oali.— J. Serkin. 219, High-Street. pp. .S-ALES conducted in Town or Country: low I O commise-ion.—J. Serkin. 239, ELigh- etrMt. ?p j HOUSES Ar^D SHOPS FOR I OUSES AND SHOPS FOR' '1\l'Okltb .) l-ï'semT- (ictach ed ITcentiy.bu iit T?Ia. vt ¡ Pentrei>cetn; all modem conveniente^ in excoilent condition; ecirly pOt>^et:$ion.— Apply, Trevor Evans, Auctioneer. 22, Wind., etreet, Swansea. (j^.7 ) OJCHARD H. C. IIOCHE, Xv Valuer. and EEtatc A cent, bt!! I the following E-caseljcld Proportiee for Sale: Dcfached House in Carnelas-toad, .Skott-. Dwelling-house in St. ITelen's-road, suitable for conversion Í1¡'O shop premises: llouse in i OaDands-road. Mumbles: House, in Ffynore- street: Houses in Western-street and Spring. [ tfrrac-e.—For further particulars apply (temporary offices), 3, Avleebury-road, Swrn. se 34 A B-9 j I 4/6 W EEKLY will Purchase £ 450 Homo. v any district; poeseseion by arrani-e- i Leader. Swansea. TO ¡ John M. Leeder and Son's Announce. | ments. Detached Residence for Salel j ?__? t'tynone district: early poases?ioti I/PEEHOLD Detached Residence in Heath, t .field district for Sale, with early pos- MMLCU. SK ETTY .—Leasehold Detached Residence S Ü1 -its own grounds; fe\V' minutes' wtilk from Irani Terminus; for Sale. GRlFFiTB^liRlSc^Sketty.-ri^h^hl Dwelling-house for Sale; 2 sitting. bedrooms, bath-room, et-o I I it i'N Yi! OR-CR E SC E N T — W e IE b u i 1 tF r eo! hold Residence: 7 bedrooms, bath. 'Yl' (?ic. ? sittiti?-rooms \??LTER.ROAb. -WcIi?uilt ''Leas?<? » » 3 reception, 6 bedrooms bath-room etc., cloak room, eto BRYN-ROAD. Leasehot ?Semi-detac 'Residence for Sale: overlooking Cricket t?ld beautifal view of Bay. 'U- PLAiDS:Leasehoíd Det?obedReside I U ence for HaJe; 3 reception, 5 bedrooms, bath-room; early possession. ¡ G'-6"'BR.- r;a'h)ld Detached Residence, Nicholaston House Penmaen for Sale. Witb vacant possession; standing h?h '?,d oemmanding g!onous w.r:d a.nd ?a views. C..ASivELL.DèJiČ:htii.l!-r.htrine Kegidpn? t ?? for Sale; eheh?rcd tx?itio-n: eE client I views. T I^NlMtlNDOD ^ELLS^reehold T)Z L -taclied Residence for Sale; possession I March 25th, 1920: 6 reception. 19 bedrooms bath-room. 4 lavatories etc. Eminently- suitable for Boarding House or Nursijjbsj Home. LA XGV/N! DER.—Com oac*. Freehold Esl L tate 142 acres in extent: Country Refid. ence and Home Farm- ence and H?iRo Farm: Sho<'tin? and Fig? ing. Poseejssioii on completion BRIDGEND.BloCk of 10 I?a'seiwM Dwel- -? Ung-houseo. May be purchased se?ar- ately. PENLLERGAER, near Swansea.—4 Lease- L hold Semi-detached Dwelling-houses for Sale at a low figure No LET. Furnished. Country Residence X near Brecon July to September: stab- ling. caracc. tennis conrt. fishing rl't;O-LETFI-m¡"h;l near Neath D("b.cl"-d X Coi:ntry to 1" months. TO LET, Furnished or Unfurnished. Coun. T try R?jdence within ea?v access cf SwaKspn and Neath: D096es6ion 29?b Septgm ber r.esrtjl.EIl Particulars of the forerroinj the for?coin? F may be obtained of Job ) M Leeder and Son, Auctioneers. Surveyor? *.ml Estate An-?nt? 46. Wat?rtrx-s?retA Swansea. Ca.7 APARTMENTS AND LODGINGS j TO LET AND WANTED. ¡ NTFID. September 2nd. Two Bedrooms *5. in Board in g-houee or two-bed One flit. ting Apartments, Furnished, with atteurf. ance. for fortnight; two lUies.-Box "A ip Leader. Swansea. 34A8-5 EDUCATIONAL. SKILL 11 SHORTHAND, n TYPEWRITING, lift BOOK-KEEPING, :n LETTER-WRITING, in USING OFFICE APPLIANCES; naturally follows a course at THE DE BEAR SCHOOLS, LTu. Castle Buildings, Swansea. RE-OPENING after Summer Holidays on MONDAY, AUGUST 11th, Can or write for prospectus. Tel.: Central 587. FURNITURE. LIR,N-ITURL.-Best Prices given bv~~me i- for Second-hand Furniture and Antique Furniture of any description DroIl me a poet-card, or call.-Wm. James. 8. Fabi;, p. street. St.. Thomas. CTO PERSONAL. IN D»cle Bert's" Toffse Shop there j5 IN,. ligB;Ol: hIM Sou thank you for vour beip You are doiBs Your Bit as we did oura Thanks)! Swansea, TbanksH 1 PALHJUJTttY and Clairvoyancy.—Noted < Indian Palmist. 30 Vea,rs, experience in America France. London. Australia. Pee; front 2s. 6d. Correspondence invited.—Prcf KISltlt, PH.D. A.B (11 a.m. to 9 p.m.). t. Cecit-gtreet^ jlahselton. 34A88 -=- SUMMER TOURS. CiliMMER TOURS IN SCOTLA3 Royal Route by Steamer Coluni-ba. etc. through the Scottish Western Uieg Official Guide. 6d. and 113 Tourist Pro- gramme free. Passengers etc. carried cub iect to Company s colid-tion,David MacBrayne. I Ad., 119. Hone-street. GlMgOW. IT IS ONE OF THE FINE ARTS 'T <S ONE OF THE FtNE ARTS to make Umbrellas with the per- fection found in a il Kendall." Every Kendall" Umbrella carries the hal] mark of real excellence, an-d leaves cur factory guaranteed to please. Beautiful, models to from at KENDALLS, Umbrella Specialists -6, Castle Buildings, Castle Street (opp. Woolworth s), Swansea. Boots. Boots. Boots, f CENUINE CLEARANCE SALE At W. M. THOMAS, | TJie Keliftble 13cot Store, i King Edward's Road, Swansea. -=: SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FOR:' ——1 |- 1 — — I   s ( ———" II. I. I ¡ I I Please publish the above advertiseni.-nt .times, for which I enclose.s. d- Name and Address: y If desired, replies may be e*at to Box N-aniber- at uhe Cambria Daily L,, r" Office. I This form should be addressed to Advertisement Department, "Cambria Daily I ¡ | H Leader," Swansea. I -4 1 Because of his colossal C?? sales and immense re-? 11. pves I sou we*, M. Samuel gives L   | greater value m Diamond^ iR I and Gem set JeweH€ry,3?-L??**?? ????? I Watches an d Mate than any ??imilar firm in the j I Kingdom, and his offer Sttiff j *\r FACTORY PRICES (tfW< < may save you pounds O-DAY I L U"' Y' WE9DINSS. I Wedding Ring J & Kee per, J Diamond S. the two C onaver. ? ?SS?????? ? 'D??nd 5 1 t????a ?? Clus?r. 1 1 f yN' I J %a?Jr 8ES 9 lustrous I 3 ?f?? 4 ? ?? BriUmnte. | 1 ikb&r SUPERB Nall Fare I8 Paid. 1 LgXt?/??/ DtSPlAY. j, |, || PESeNAKT 9 Set with Pearls ???ST WATCH w^AATT?CMr.f. fFuf hy j ) Luminous or non- WATCti. F u1,1y ominous. FcUy J???.?? d. SeU. J I &welleLd cxparomg Stiver J ? N?ei C? ? T/S ?'??? %¥* u E MJf 'Zh* H?rZ?'t Largest /<t0e?er. |jl I f S?- ?T?EET ? ? ?a-,tler The Big C!or'A) H j m ted St BScrtfcyr, &e. W fr jwrsmrt?i( r?. )M'? for ?sa <??!?'?cs0 '1 & ?e.?.??,:??c?e(S!?i-?,sK?. 3 f _???_?__ The Ctr?sm?e?i Custard  I THB LANDORE PERMANENT BUILD- ING SOCIETY—the Oldest, Largest, and Best in West Wuleg-i-t; prepared to ADVANCE money upon Morfg.a.ge. or' Properties, promptly, on reasonable terms. DEPOSITS received daily at 4 per cent, and 4-i per cent, (free from tax). Investors 5 per cent. compound interest. All pay- able 5 days' notice. Ample security. Full details front Secretary, Mr. DAVID ROBERTS, 61. Wind-,treet. Swansea. SALES BY AUCTION. LOUGHOR. J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., F.A.I., Has been instructed to Offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at an early date, two Valuable Leasehold Dwelling-Siouses, situate at LONDON ROAD. UPPER LOUGHOR. Further particulars will appear later. Auctioneer's Offices, 7, Gower-etreat, Swansea. Pieliminary Announcement. SWANSEA AND MUMBLES. ?,'r Scle with Vacant Possession and. otherwise. J. Bar:-on Pascoe, F.S.L. F.A.I., Has been instructed to OFFER for SALE at the end of August, the following V aluable Freehold and Leasehold Properties. FREEHOLD. No. 9, Windsor Street, Uplands, Swan- 3ea. LEASEHOLD. No. 117, Hamilton-terrace, King Ed. wards Road. Now Vacant. No. 28, King Edwards I-oad, Swansea. Nos. 6 hnd S, Westbury Street, Swansea No. 18, Catherine Street, Swansea. Nos. 10, 11 and 12, The Parade, Mum- bles. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 aud 5, Kilvey Hill, St. Thomas Further particulars will appear later. Auctioneer's OHioes, 7, Gower-street, Swansea. -? 4t, WALTER ROAD, SWANSEA. FOR SALE WITH VACANT POS- SESSION. J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.L, F.A.I., Has ?n iustructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above address, at %n early date, the Valuable Leasehold Residence, Situate and known as Xo. 44, WALTER ROAD, SWANSEA. Also the Exc-sptionallv Good Surplus HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Further particulars will appear later. Auctioneer's Offices: 7, Gower-street, Swansea. THE GRAIG, MORRISTON^ J. Barron Pascoe, F.S.I., F.A.I., Has been instructed to SELL by PUB- LIC AUCTION, at an early date, the Four Valuable Leasehold Dwelling-houses, Situate and known as Nos. L 2, 3, 4, BRYNEHEpWYDD -N,oo. 1, 2, 3, 4, BR-Y?NEJIEI,)WYDD Further particulars will appear later Auctioneer's Offices, 7, Gower-street. Swansea. All YOU Want to Know About Sport of the Week is to be found in the" SPORTING NEWS." Published Every Saturday Night. ONE PENNY.

For the Ladies.


{'I .ld ' f" ,f) 1""" ð" Children's…