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FINANCIAL NEWS. I The William Thomas Ship- ping Company. To Welshmen at any rate the name of Sir Robert Thomas* at t'-e head of a ship- ping company prospectus i;; a guarantee of the success of that company. Thou- sands of them know Him persoiml'y, and knew his father and his father's firm, whilst many of them held shares in one or other of the manj /.]> ij,>ing companies with which Sir Robert, has been con- nected. and their faith in R. J. Thomas and Co., Ltd., the managers of the now company—the William Thomas Shipping Co., I 'td.is as unquestioning and firm aB their faith in the Bank of England. In short, in the extensive Welsh shipping circles, including in that term the in- numerable small as well its the large in- vestors, the name of Sir RoSicrt Thomas is a synonym for a thorough knowledge of the shipping business, an exceptional capacity for managing and conducting such business on a most extensive scale and perfect probity and soundness of judgment. Indications of this capacity and scumd- ruvw of judgment are easily discoverable in a perusal of the prospectus advertised in our columns, which, it is quite clear, has not been "salted" with these indica- ti-?f: for a purpose; they appear incident- a)lv and n?tura]ly in the markedly mode' rate t?rms ?f MK' appeal. For example, t''? -tatcment that the steamer. GlenMrn. of 1.828 tons gross, has already been pur- j chased for the company, at a cost of prevision only possible to men thoroughly au fait with both inside and outride workings of the shipping in- dustrv, while the csoundneru of judgment I manifested in the acquisition of this steamer so early on is evidenced by the fact that she is to-day worth more than her cost and by the profit of about £ 80.{>00 which, it is estimated, the 12 months charter under which the vessel is 'vw running, will yield. it mav be regarded as a prima facie nraof of the probity of the managing ftonnany—that i. R J. Thomas and Co. --iii,qt it and its directors will take up and hold at all times £ 15(1,000 of the f."iti0.000 of which is in ten fieri the •■apital of the new company will ™>nsis;. It is also a pro.oi of the esteem in which the managing company in held ;n #hippirt £ circles that a large and well- known London shipowner is taking shares to the value of JS10.000 in thè new com- pany, and that two o-bcr shipowners are takiiig ..£1.000 :1ch in the company, while" others have taken ehares. which, together with already nven ioned, amount to al),,irt from the .5150.000 invented by the management. Another feature of the pro?pcchi« of the new company which (strikes onf as particularly favourable is that the •ors are the gent''?men who for a period of 24-ye*re- conducted the business of the old managing company with each con- spicuous success, and the ability and apaturle which they displayed during those 20 yeaivs—and their 20 years' experi- ence are now fecured for the new com- pany. Excellent evidence of their capacity is furnished by the tabulated statement embodied in the prospectus showing the success achieved by several shipping com- panies which, under the management of the Governing I);r?ctor, Sir Robert Thoma. paid dividends ranging; from 29 to 46 per cent, per annum, a statement guaranteed by the eminent Liverpool firm of ;tee,)Utlt.tnt. Messrs. J. R. Prichard, Parker, CM and Do;lds whose certificate is Hll) embc)d;ffi in the prospectus. This and one is nnt ur- to hear that there arc no shipping managers who have done as well for their Shareholders as Messrs. Thomas. A word or two should be added as to the business upon which they propose to *i»bark their own and the shareholders' capital. It s a fact which has b*en forced upon a,k-er attention that shipping will play a dnri:natilig and vital part in the coming period of world reconstruction. Shipping—merchant shipping—has hen the salvation of the Empire during the war. and its services will be all urgenth- an d continuously in demand for many years to come. Investment in shipping ;s one of the first, as it v.-ir be one of the most power- ful steps that c;sn Ite' taken to bring about the reduction of the prevailing high pricos. That consideration alon° should win a popular reception for this ifsue. l MOND NICKEL. I Effect of War on Industry. I The annual gener-il meeting of the Mond Nickel Company, Limited. was held on Thursday at the Central Hall. Westmin- ster, Mr. Robert Mono], J.P. (chairman of the company) prosit! in<r. The Secretary (Mr. D. Owen Evans) hav- ing read the notice convening the meeting and the report of the auditors, The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said that, meeting just after the conclusion of Il,f felt at iioertv to te41 the sitarejiolder- something of the efforts of their company to a'^i-t the country during the war. Nickel had formed an essential constitu- ent of munitions, and a.s a iiiiiter of fact jt, would be difficult, if not impossible, to produce materials required for modern •war without its use. The board had placed the whole of the company's output at the "disposal of the Government, and in spite of difficulties of labour and materia), had doubled the output between 19H and 1917. But for those diiffculties the plant for trvViug thp pre-war output would have completed. The make of their other ,Y)iain sulphate—hed also rloublV? during the war. It wa* chieflv ii.gr-rl for agricultural purposes, and as a result of buthy ..hqmi¡><It1 i-osonroh the company had bgen able to elaborate a mixture called Blighty," which only r(1-, quired dissolving in the requisite amount rÅ water to form the best sp.raving mix- ture. They were satisfied with the pro- ffre&s that article had made on the mar- ket. They had maintained friendly co- operation with their men throughout the r. at the end of which they were pm- ploying in South Wales Mono "three time* the number n'hpn war broke out. They had paid dependents of married men on active service half the pre-war wages, and had allowed those in the company's houses to live frpe of rent. COST OF PRODUCTION. I In carnmoTIwith other manufacturing eop.-e.rDs, their coot of production had "been immensely increased in the cour.se of the war, out. notwithstanding, they had succeeded in selling their nickel to the Government at. only comparatively slight advances, as they had mtlised much Ibigher prices for their copper sulphate in the export markets. At home the Board W Agriculture had fixed a mucih lower Jvrire for copper onlpfcmte than that rul- ing abroad, by which the farmers in this country hoo benefited. The platinum and jwuladium from -the residues of the refin- ing process had helped to supply the enor- lt1.m war deniaod for fhese preciou« loetals. I)tniing -ith the accounts, the Chairman said that the issue of prefer- ence shares last December had been a great success. A* regarded stocks, fche figure of <68,200,741 gshowed a large iterea,-S. the fact bearnr th.f,t, whereas the special war demand tor their products had cease d when the armistice was signed, tbê peate demand did not revive during the finan- cial jeer, but the directors Mt IWafiden r now that the Peace Treaty had been 1 f/igned, the revival of trade would with- in a. reasonable time c-tncbs down to a more normal level. The amount whic't t'& dictor-< te??rmu?ncd -;hou'.<! available for di'-tributi^n was £ L22,(i".8. ? dealt wihh is sho'?n )n their report. T!w r?Inct'on '?f the output M' their plant both in Canada and this country was only a tent-porary measure, and the hoard- con- fidently expected that the expansion of the comp-aaiy's business vas only delayed until trade became more normal. Nickel was a valuable commodity in time of p?a?f. and tucy ?l?t cxp&t't? that the normal trad- £ in c??p?r au?/hat? would woijld Sir Robert A. Had6pld. B?rt.. saoondcd the motion, and it was carried unani- mously. I The re-tiring directors and the auditors were re-elected, and proceedings termin- ated. i ROPN ER SHIPBUILDING & REPAIR-1 ING CO. (STOCKTON), LTD. Lord Olanely (probably better known as Sir William J. TatemN has joined the Board of the Shipbuilding and Repairing Co. (Stockton1, I,hi.




