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Leader' Classified i Advertisements. L 4APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT OR WANTED, TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUND. One Three Six Insertion. Insertion^. Insertions 10 Words. 1 0 Z 0 3 0 M Words. 1 fr 3 Q 4 0 4D Words. 2 0 < 0 5 0 FTM SALE, TRADE ANNOUNOEMENTS. J 0u9 Three Six « ¥L Insertion. Insertions. lmwrtions i 35 Worde. 1 6 2 t. & TM Words. 8 0 3 0. 4 6 ? Words. 2 6 i 6. & 6 BIRTHS, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM AND MARRIACE. One Three Sir | t insertion. Insertions. Insertions SO Words.. 1 3 t. 6 0 V 30 Words. 2 0 6 0 8 0 < JO' Words. 3 0 7 0 12 0 ) ? EDUCATIONAL. I s One Tfaree Six ? Insertion, Insertions. Insertions fi8 Words. 2 0 .S 0. 6 i 30 Word8- 2 6 4 0 ..w. 6 40 Words. 3 0 6 6. ? t fttONEY.6d. per tine. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. WOMEN AND GIRLS. E-XPS5I^OBD Pa-ckers and Sortere. aleo ) LearneM, Vi' a.1J vw.A..¡¡.plY, nan.a gel'- i owl B?the Laundry. 21.A7-26 I *?n'?iOE.Ladv Sh<M-th<md Typist wanted 1 J i?T- 8waIl OSK?.—Ap-piy, in own ?MdmcHu?. ??ng f? particaIa-M ? &ry_et<?. v,.d g. 24A7.24 ?\YllY T W I; ED fur-Tobacw. Fa.acy Goods, and I ?W io??s. Young Lad$ ??'t: to take charge and dress windows: state CXlDH'len. Aiec. y oun La dy to team same buBin€es..P?? .U's. 55.h'tIIØ1:t:l.2 MiLD?ERY AND TAILORING. I H' oC>D Vest Band (in or outd rs) wanted G -APP? K Marcus. 27. Union Cham- ¡ Ili! Swansea. ZQApio uTilZlNER.— Wanted, a smart practical M ?n?iner- a.?e to serv when required: ? out-?ply T. R. W.-n?m.  ?wxrce?.?__ ?_————. -? ? 1 u 1 UTS' —Ex»f-ri' tnced Machinists wan *tea 7• h tModpHc?.-John Jc.!€. a?d Sons. ??. Sle?FSr?. St.. Helen s-r<?d. Sw?? (Ciothifrs. 1 T I?mit?, 1, flh.stré£, hwan&ea, jvJ) open t'4ir ?ev Moci?ru Workrooms on Jon- J day \€XT- Triors. Tniloresses ?U?t. YUSl..?; t.router hands? ?eeki? tfpre. rmanent employ-  me?? ?PPly at; <?ce. ?r. Stanley Dav? head 'outter. WA' 'tTtTA??rD A'n?reQtiices to Dresemak??.— ?i.s By D.i??M. 14 Bryiimill-a-venue.^ ,,4A7-29 DOMESTl SERVANTS. I ?^5oK Wanted foFi?ort'E?OTT; July 261? j ? Augu? 13th.V'Út,e Box U?. Leader; O&oe.  R. 'EQUIKlJ an ExDP?ienced Housemaid— j .K Waitress. 26 to 28 .years of age; good xyafces.-Apply Housekeeper Ben I,vans and C-o Ltd. Swansea. C7.:4 ¡ ■3Pj XJ Tainted at Once. G<Md Day Girl for t'?. general work in ?ish R?s?urant.— Ap?y. Hughes, The CT066, M'.orrieton^ 24A7.24 T??AMTED? at once. Waitress and Day V\ Girl.-Apply "Fairha?n." Langland Bay.. ,24.A7-24 ~i\ T ^.NTED, General, able ? Assist in W Bar: also Cook-General.—.?ply witb rt?rencos Mrs. Jon", Sta Ho?I. TTMTKy rilda VaHey, Glam. 24A7-2? XVVV ^ANIKD, Cook tor Cjlybeby? Hospital. ? Poptardawe. Appiy by Tuesday next, Ntli July, giving age and -experience ..Belarv .1::28 por annum.—alatron. Cilyot'D,i liofvpftDl. Pontardawe. C7-24 1V,1'ANTED, Cook-General for Btra. T. T. .1 j)aviüs, 6 Gwydr Gardens Swansea — Apply to "Kilgtecn." Oaswell-road. Mum- .fcles- 19A-Z4 -:W ANTED at once, good House-Pariour- YT maid.-M-.s. Green, Little Weet, S?utJt?mdo wn. 21A7-25 c: TANTED,a cood General.-Apply *V Edwards, 26, Pentreooth. Momston 20A7-24 '??ANTED. capable Cook-General: aoo4 j -YT wasea and outings: no washing.—MM 1 G6Mman. 86 Gnon Park-road. Neath. C7-24  t'—— MEN AND YOUTHS. I TDAIKTE?WantedimmedLately; Top I JL R-ate.—ADD?y Proseer, Three Crosses, I Env an t. 21A7.2? ?THO -NG Lad wanted: able to ride carrier ? bicycle—Apply J. A. Morris Crocer, I*yn-,?treet. ?'"? 29 V\Y ^ANTED, Resident Spare-time Agents at Gowerton, Kinffsbridfre. Pontardulais. I Llan^ennoch. Llanelly. State experience first letter.—Apply "Oontdence." Leader .(,?f4c c LlancUy. C7-29 AM TED, Experience Bootmar for "? Kepairs and New Work.—Samuel Viard 18S, Graig-road Godre'rgraig. ■" 26A7-3C WANTED, Youth 16-18 for Motor HelD. yV Apply N. Tnnbrid?e and Son 9, Was- sailisquare. Swansea. 26A7-25 "t^rANTED, Youth as Driver for Motor Y T Van and to make himself generally Wtf:tul.A:p;ply.. West's Grocery Stores, T^fatty-stTeet. 24A7-24 ANTED. for Wholeaale Grocery. Expe- Yf rienced Warehoaseman for Sundries Department.—Apply W. Thomas and Co ■fiSwansea) Lid., Gloucester Buildings, Swan. 26A7-25 "tXTANTED. Oràn Biower. Rbyddings Cor- M srresa-tional Church-Apply Mr C. .-Bsnbor. 8. Aylesbury-road 22A7-25 WANTED, good Blacksmith, accustomed VY to Railway Wagon work.—Apply to W-aeron Repairs, Ltd.. Port Tennant. Swan- sea C7-26 W AIMD, for 4-aiill Tinplate Works, y". thoroughly experienced Head. An. .cealer" .—Apply, with fnll Darticulare, to Bex G 8." Daily Reader. C7.26 i- 'VXTANTED Doublet's, Furnacemen and Be- r tt hinders.-—Apply Gwynn i and Co.. Ltd. B rit on ferry. C7-26 Ai^ANT^E^eompetent Carpenters ano Brick] ayfr&?Ai3plv -P and G. ?ra??. Bu?dinff Contractors Brynymor Yard. Ilitri re*V. SwanM?. C7-24 r') I SITUATIONS WANTED. 'T?&BY?S?orthaBdTypiat aeeks p<>sl'fion: &çed ¡ruarantecd -Avply "J ?." Lead« Omce. Swan3ea. 26A7-?9 WANTED Cleanine for two or three day.. Vv each week by respectable Widow.- Writ* to Box H 7." Daily Leader. 22A7-24 LOST AND FOUND. FOtnCD, T<*arg Airdale Dog; owner may I: ha.T?e&m?&t?.MQmor-road.Maneel- toa U n?tcltuned withdn three dáY, will T?? ?b, WI, ? 2AA7.2A If J)p¡¡:s left at 2, Hieh-street, Gorseinon are not claimed in ooven days, will be v sold to defra-v T OST, Lady's Gold 'Bracelet cc 19tb. be, 1A tween Lackland. Newton, and Mum- 16.; nnd&r rewarded—M. Caatleton-terracf.. Mumble. ""IÚ" on Slip Sands Tueeday Evs?Ug. IJ Pocket Wallet oontaiuin Army PaDers v- and- Treasury Note. Heward on returning same to 41 Balaclava-street, St. Thomas. 2.M.7.25 ~f Oar, Saturday laet..ween. Swaria l ,i let containitiv filJ. and Mumbl. a Wallet containint; S^ijfiei's' Diacharge Papers and Notes.— Pinder will fce handsomelv rewarded on re- turning same to Fred Thomas. 6. Prender- ^gi!iart4-treet Llanelly. C7-24 -T Tr06T. Gold Neek Chain and Mot-o Perd. Aj. "t.- reward.—Apply Uplands," Dailv LeMer. 24A7-Z4 1 1  "ifrOST, BIa? p!(r-Ð 7 Pouter Ben. rupx 1918 .t? ?Finder rewrd. QO returpjn to 15. ymoutb-5treet.' 2eA?.2< WA, P-OlFs?-esn. ?n ti'k-tn-z- G ants W4?tarpr64t- from Midland T.'edn Saturday Mdrnin? petqrn to R Fr;m. etoa.<tta?ion-?ad.GI?6F 2SA7? EDUCATIONAL. 1AAA OF our E][-Studen are now em- IUUU ployed ani earnina Kood :alarie-. &B'l ive have situations waiting Cor all we o;;alify this year. for youths between the aza of 18 and 25, If van, want one of these berths ai'ViT iot. once for our prospectus. Wivtle^f College ''irdjj? o.r Owtlf- tdtøøt I FOR SALE. [ TTtOB SALE, Small Van, suitable for J Draper or Grocer: good, condition; j cheap.—Apply Thorna-s. Woollen Merchants. • Station-road, Llanelly. C7-24 TOHN Brinsmead Piano equal to new:: 55 t? ?n?; ai&Oh'BeU pipe-top Organ. 20. Kinv i Ectwnrds-ro?d. Swansea. 'IAI,ll SALE, tlight Four-wheeJ Wagon; suit I C 3 groc'er, ironmonger, d?iaper, ell ei-?-I ,'mh.an.t; qpnltlon a? n?w; complete;) cheap.—P^r^feulafe. MLChà81: merchant. • LIartarthney; C a rmar t.hengh j re. 2?A7-? SAI^ES (Fireproof). larv ind n'aIJfor ¡ Is Sale; also pair 8? Winding Emdncs. 5- jj ton Stoam Wagons. ?C/40 h.p Ariel Car, U mousine body: 7in Steam Puitp.-I;irt, 47a. 1 Strand. Swansea. C7-29 TO Architects, Surveyors, and Profewional i M'oH.—For Sale, a collection of Offi,.e I Furn.rt. urfeand Surveying InsAruments TIIPO- doute (TAiornto-n) with accessories. Drawing Boards, Pedestal Desk (with drawers), Office Table ■ Swing Cliair. Letter Er^. ^nd Stand, etc., etc;— Apply, t Auct-ioiheer,"$2 Wind-Street ..a_.lkl3_ 24A7-23 TO^Hairdressers and Others.—For Sale7 } SEt cf. Wall Fltt»ini;s of Mirrors, Basins. and Cupboard: aj] 'in trood condition nnd built on modern lines. Aleo certain other fittings, suitable to trade—Apply Trevor Auctioneer: 22. Wind-street. (Docks MA7-9..S 'I;TFUJN'=! [WUSrCAL INSTRUMENTS, | "iU^iillVEN Second-baTvl Pianos all Hisrh- class instruments, for Sale at abso-1 low I)rice-Pilno Exchange oppo- -sito Mond Buildings. 19 Park-street. Swan- ■ V Z2A7-Z¡; IjlO'B!'RALE High-class Irori-frame Piano in I Walnpt case; a rare bargain—20, King Edwavrd-road, Swannea. S7-23 T HI .d PSO and Shairkeli Ltd ii Oastie. j silreet Swanseu.—Black Odlarrl Piano- £78: Walnut CollalTd Piano £ 70; Walnut i Challerj V/alnut Kirkman Piano £ 70: t?imjt N'orraelle Piann £ 65: Walnut. Erinsmw&d Piano. E;05- Waimn Souire Piano C66; Walnut Hawkins P?ano ?65 i0a WahM! Thompson and Sha?kett. Hd Piano .t?70? Imper ial Organ ?? 5< Jones <)r?an €?5; Estev Organ £35 I YIOl7l.SS!~Violas~I~'Ce 1!o«! Bass€=T?t(?n.s  by GaKHano. Gaillarde Homst¡ner, etc. Instruments Bought. Sold, or Ex- changed. Bows' Strings. Fittinsrs. of nest < quality. The Honae for Value.—Sims ?.' Walters-rc^.d. Swansea v 21A725 SVIOTOa. CARS,. CYCLES, &c. '??OR SAL E, Bedford four-seater; any^riai -C by ap pomtm6nt.- nt., Bo? H 4," Daily Lead er. 22A7-26 FOR SAIIE, 16 h.p. Albion 2-ton Lorry. with n ew bodtv and new tyres.—Apply Jones, Clarke and Jenkins Ltd., Fisher- street. Swansea. 0- 20A7-21 j F Ol?, SA'IE Ford Landanlette; electri? liarht. magnetot prion £ 2S5: subject un- sold- cash, easy tetms, or exchange.—R E Jones. Limited. Motor Dept. Dillwyn-etreet. Swansea^ CTC IMMEDIATE Deffvery; 4S~h.p. A.E.C. JL setter Charabanc; eoniplete with eloc- trie light: £ 1,625.—White's Garage, Barr; SontJi Walea Agent/a 24A7-28 Oi CONNAUGJiT£ 315 2-stT<)ke7very fastT 2-1 any test or expert examination — Brvn Seir-lol." Fforestfacti. 24A7-25 10-12- BELSIZEJ Oar for Sale; two- JLU Xa* eeater; Rouble dickey; in s'p!en- dil condition.—AppUy 14. Gwydr-crescont. 2<A7-25 ] ')-16- BELSIZE Landaulette, eouai to  -LO new; r<«?dy for road open,px- pert tri&LI.-Olcmeiit. Coacbbuilder. CWDl- b .rrla 22A7-24 ??\C3rT. Albion C busis: four for deli vr:v Of in Julv suMe? to beim* unsold —R E Jo,aes (Motor Dept. 1. DilJwyn-street Swan- sea. TC 1-9-14 6 x 8 Zenith Jap Engine; lamps; J-f-Ltb Variab!? Ge?. Free Engine; d?aMe-s'eated side car. cca?h built; condi- i tion as new; also Mitford wickeT side car.— Stewart, Bridge-strectt, Pontardulais. 24A7-28 f Ivisr L. Roberts' (223 Oxford-street) Announcements. (pOMMEROUL LOPIRIES.-Agent for Den-, V^1 nis. Austin, Ka rriel's Stars, ttc. Send, me vour inauinea. I cau otfer Early De- HTente6. ?EC:OND-HANbL<yARIES—J have a Large .O Assortment frü' 1-toa to 4-ton; prices j i"DIU ,t.j2J to £ o50 Send for lists, or asK uia 1 to cah on vou. 1\ C»TOR CYCLES — AgentforTHN- B.S A.. Douglas. Sanheam. A.J.S.. En. Held P and M.. Ncrtom I etc Get your -name on my waiting lists to ensure early delivL-i?ie,  St7N'3EA3i 5-Seater Oar- good condition: ;f}¡,3. DEM^NIS 3-4 tou. complete with t;o(?y. i-n JL? stock: immediate deU?ery. '?OUB b!d Oar or Motor Cycle taken in i X P ?rt Payment or Bought for Cash, j SBnt1 or write, with full particulars, to Ivor I L. Roberts- Oxford-street Swansea v PERSONAL. I IN Uihcle Bert's" TofFse Sbov there J. tading Room Only Uncle Bert and taia Son tiharik you for your nelp You are d?)J!E YouT Bit ?& we did ours Thanks!f j Swansea. ThankaI i QAJjV??ON Army Citadel BandT?C.LS?oC Ciothin?. etR for Jumble Sale towards Instrumeiat scheme thankfully receiT?d. Poskards attended to.-Arthur Evans 17, Richa.rdscm-road. Sv/ansea 24A7-24 ) I' Fletcher. lO M.B.P.S.; test reading free.—Send, with date and stantped envelope. 5. Ar&ade, Pont- ypndd. Glarnor^-Er. 24A7-23 MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE you any "Want" to Adverti.se? JLl Try the effect of a [jgader Prepaid Twenty word one shilling. :)ALM.I8'l'RY and Olairvoyancy. Noted I Indian Palm¡; 30 years' experience in America France, Loncic;) Auetralia Fees trom 2s. 6d.; corres. invited—Prof. Kismitt P.H.D A.B.: 11 ti> 9 p.m.—92, Cecil-street, Mvniselton Swansea. 27A7-29 S1WANS:F1A' HOSPITAL?The'" Committee O Invite Tenders for Three Months for the Supply of Bread Meat Grocery, and Fish. Persons wishing to Tender are asked I to send their namet; to the Secretary. Mr W. D. Hughes, who will furnish further par ti('nia. C7-25  I FURNI-RE. IJ3NITIIRE.—Best Prices given by me I i' for Second-hand l"u u ¡ture and Antique "ur niture of any d escrwtlO" Drop me a poftea-rd. or caU —?m James. 8. Fabij-n- ..trf'Ct. St Tbom!t8. _CTO C<PECIAL NOTICE to' whom it may con- i t3 cern that requireo anything in the way of Hoasehold Furniture tali at where you will Rnd the best display of Bed- room Suites. Parlour Suites. Sideboards. Cabinets. Bedsteads, and Bedding Kitcl«?n and other -,od6 too numerous to mention in thM Principality, at the Lowest Passible Prices: from Factory to Home? and the Larce?t Manufacturers in Wales. Cash or Es?? Terms. Not? the Address: HiJl'. 23. Gower-strcet. Swansea. 20A7-°.4 AS the Paper with t'he Latest Cuaran- A teed Circulation. Small Arlvt carried ¡ in the "leader" effect the Largest Pub- j licity. HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. BEAUTIFUL House. Maseru-terrace: im- Bmetliate possession: bath: bay view: 5 u-jnutes cars. Promenade, Singleton Park; 6tEdi}iiE.ep!y Box 100, Leader Office, EVEKY^Man his own Landlord. Write for Prospectus containins full particulars of tbe House Purchase Policies of the (1rovi- derit. Ar'sociattion of London Lto Nine mi]. lions already advanced. Do aot sign any agreement to purchase before survey — :Write to Mr R. Hardwick. J8 ttosehjll-ter- race. Swansea. C8-1 I,, OP. SALE, 2 Houses, Stable, and' Cow- X sheds.—Apply Evan, Phillip, Bron- beulog." Trallwn-road Llaiisanilet. 26A7-29 SALE. Houses in Danygraig-tp.,rrace- X 6 roomfl. bath (h and ci: large garden.— Particulars 31, Jersey-terrace. Danygrai-, Swan-soa. 25A7-23 ITlGHTSALE, House in St. AlbanVroad. L with vacant poes'-easion.—Apply, 34, St. Aiban's-ro.ad 24A7-23 IT*OR SALE, 4 Houses in Danygraig-teiTace -AD-ULv Box "if 3." Daily Leader. 22A7-?.6 C~i OR SKIN ON, Brynteg-road —A Freehold I G House and Gardea for Sale.— Write I ECI" II 8" Leader Office. 1 22A7-23 l':J ûUSE for Sale. in centre of Pontar dulais.— Write Bm "H 10," LcadEr riffl.ee. ■_ 26A7-25 HOUSE for Sa!e, 35WhittiDt:ton'Rtreet.1 .DL Neath: six-roomed bouse and scullery: I cheap ground reut.-AI)ply 67, Swar.sea- road. Llanelly. C7-29 HOUSE containing Seven Booms, at 25, Gra n d icon-street, B ritonferry .—Apply, D. Phillips. 53 Albert-street, Uanelly, 22A7-26 ?/rURRISTOX.—N<M. &8. $9, and W. Graig- ?t- ro?d (near Prince) must be sold forth- with; an exceptional birg -I -if ,I Nale; good property and well let.—Apply, TreVOT Evans, Auctioneer, 22, Wind-street, Swan- sea. 24A7-28 ?C?RYsTO?'?Fcr 8a?, Sve boufea in Yiiisforgaij-terrace, aU in good con- dition and let to dbsir?Me t?nanta: 16rg lease—Apply. Trevor Evana. Auctioneeir. 22. W.ind-street. Swansea^ 24A7-2S PONTARDULAIS. — Eight-roomed House -L for Sale; pleasant situation: large gar- den: long lease: ground rent E4: immediate possession: £ 609 for Quick sale.-Pai-tifillarq "Garden." Daily Leader. 26A7-25 J./? ?ERKLY wU] Purchase ?50 Hore: tn.v district; poegeS6ion by arranse- mer]T, Lan,ilor- Iieader. Swansea. TC APARTMENTS AND* LODGINGS TO LET AND WANTED. TWO Furnished Rooms wanted by Married TCouT)le (no children\' eay access to C:istle-strceb—Write "Immediate," Lender Office. 26A7.25 T7I7EST END: 6 roomu scullery hat-h- YT room; long lease: exceptionally low ground rent: healthy and convenient situa- tion.—" Prompt," Daily Leader, Swansea. 25A7-30 WANTED (end of August) by Widow Lady, with ,Mall nrivatc means, tw TTr,fiirn 1 Rooms: Dermnnency- Write "Caootan." Daily Leader. 24.4..1-24 WANTED, by about September 21 st. 1 V V Married Couple (no children). Unfur- nished or Furnished Bedroom. Sitting-room.4 with use of ecullory: mii,A be convenient I town.— Write statins terms to "Carbon." Daily Leader, Swansea. 24A7-Z4 TTTTANTED, by Gentleman F?rr;f,h?d Rooms; Swansea or diddet.- Heply. stating terms, H 2," Leader Office, Swan- sea. 2.2.c1.. 7-23 HOUSES WANTED. VENTED, a House on Tjease, or Purchase V 7 If nacessary, in one of the following c-treets:-Russell street. Henrietta-street George-street, Ffynone-etreet or terrace. St. George's-terraee; vacant possession eesen- j tial. Communicate with David Seline, Soli- cit-or. Fisher-street. Swansea 22A7-28 X'ir ANTED—To Purchase. Cottage with f" good Garden near Clyne Common or Bishopston; Freehold; Vacant Possession in Septem ber.-W rite Box G 7, Leader Office. 21 AS-25 ~V\TANTED to Rent or PurohMe at Mum- l f blea, hous-e euitabie for boa rd.r,r s conveniently situated.—Reply, with full par- ticulars, Mumbles," Daily Leader, 21A 7-25 £- 2 REWARD for Key of Hcu?e any ?xe at Gorseinon, or three U'?i?j-nished Booms.—Ex.SoIdjer. Post Office Gomoinon. C7-24 j BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAl., C AFE.-r-,or disposal, first-class onfe in j Central Poeitiorl in Popular Town near Swansea; in thorough working order, with good turnover; genuine concern.—Write, "Gafe," c/o "Daily H-a?cr," Swansea. aiA.7-26^ FOR ?iL, E by private treaty, the Red n,R 0 t e 1, Upper Lough or, and two F?Mhold Cottages and about two acres o? land at Loughor.—Xpply, T. W. J?mes and Co., ?oHcitora. 24, <Goa,?6tr&et. Swansea. PREMISES TO LET & WANTED W ANTED House and Shop, or Lock-up Shop for Demobilised Prisoner of War having to change his employment: Neath or Llanelly.- rile Shop," Daily Leader. 20A7-24 fVilSCELLAN EOUS~WAISTST MISCELLANeOU WAU-rS. T i?EL??? Wanted oVèrPitwood siz6Jeri- -? ctn?s. Ltd.. WoodwotkM'? Pennywell. wad. Mnstol. Branca a,t Porthcawl. 'J.C CI EST S Bicycle wanted: also Lady's; will T pay good iii'ice.- Write "School." Daily Leader, Swantsea. 26A7-25 \\f ANTED to?urchase a- Piano suitable T for Student for cash.—Apply Mrs Jones, 10. legol-street, St, Thomas. 26A7-30 "1717 ANTED, to Hire or Purchase a Con- 1 crete Mixer and Oruslier, OriCl, &iae. State capacity and drive to Glendiniring Moxham. F.R.I.B.A.. 18Ca.stIe-street. Swan- sea.. <17-25 V.Iil RANTED, a No. 10 Yost typewriter.— T State condition and price to Yost," Leader Office. y 24A7-24 T\0 You Want to ?M nythiDc? 8en(j-t -)L? to the Auction ?rt, 219 High-street. Serkin will Sell it for you. pp. I BUY Furniture;'best prices given; New i or Seioond-hand.—jerkin, 219, High-Street. DROP me a Postcard and I will call:— J. Serkin. 219, High-tstreeft. PP- SAJJES conducted in Town or Country; LOV< oommiaftionJ. Serkin. 239. High- etreet- PP- LIVE STOCK. &c. fTORRE for Sale. 6 years old; good all- 1 round: about 16 binds.-t.I,ly- Jones, I 31 Powell-street, Swansea. 2QA72j PJGS would not eat a'nd weighed on;y 28 .i. 1b3 rach After getting Karswood PiL I Powders they went to li cwts. each. Pow- ders 12 for Is., from J. A. Jones. IDtilftil Miarmacy. Pontardulais. 1Z7.25 S. W fUr-F ED baconer scaled nearly 400 Ifcs ) Is after getting Karswoosl Pig Powders twice weekly Always use them when giving I ewill. Penny each 12 for ts.- William J Davies. Picton-placc. Ravenhill. 12.A7 25 AYrORMS in pigg removed like maeic by » » giving Karswoort Pig Powders twice I weekly in lukewarm foo.i Twdve for ?a. j from W T. Thomas. The Pharmacy Alexan ( dra-road. Gorseinon. 12A7-2.5 j I SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. I j ■ r-' r :¡ ..1 I I Please p-ablish tke abova T for which J. I | .E::à.e. -«1. .1I..r. d -Adftem:, I iv-rtr'.Naijie Addfew: • j if (iesired, replies may be sent tw. Ror Numbers At the "Cambria Daily Leader Office ) This form should be addrewed to Ariverkissra^nt Department narnbria Daily II Leader," Swaneea. | I =-1"4: l J7.w1 r PUBLIC NOTICES. Victoria Park, Swansea. From AUG. 10th to 16th. COMRADES OF THE GREAT WAR (An Association for the Discharged and Demobilised Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Widows, Orphans and Dependents), will hold a great MONSTRE PEACE FETE, CARNIVAL & SPORTS The Greatest Attractions Ever Held in | Swansea. SPORTS FOR EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. A SEMI-NAT! ONAL EiSTEDDFOD. Chief Choral Prize, £ 25; Chief Malo Voice Party, £ la; Soioists-Tcnor, 97; Soprano, £ 7. Valuable Prize for Elocu- tionist, Literature. i £ RASS BAND CONTEST—First Prize, ;E40 Cash. ¡ Whippet, Foot, Sack, Comic, Barrow, and other Races too numerous to mention. COMIC, SKETCHES, WHIST DRIVES AND DANCES. Fancy Dress, Comic, nnd other Get-Ups, Bainsfather's Old Bill and Bert, Comic Animals, and all the Fun of the Fair. Special Engagement of the COMRADES' MILITARY BAND, who will be in attendance all the week. You must bear this Band play. Sunday, August 10—TWO SACRED CONCERTS, Afternoon and Evening, by I the Best S'.ngers'in the Competitions. Special Tableaux performed -by-School Children. Lieut. Hodgens' Naval Brigade will give a. Display in novel and other Drills. Monday j Aug. 11—The Women's Section will provide a Great Programme. One Price—Sports and Field, 6d.; Brass Band and Eisteddfod, 6d. extra. This is & Honest, Show. E. W. MOORE, Carnival Sec. E. J. DAVIES, Hon. Sec. Information for any event, please apply to Carnival Secretary, 4, College-street, Swansea. Choirs will select their own pieces. County Borough of Swansea. TO LET, COMMODIOUS PREMISES IN ADELAIDE-STREET, KNOWN AS THE SAILORS' CHAPEL. The Corporation invite Tenders for a Lease of the above Premises for a term Jit 13 joars. Forms of Tenders can be obtained from ,t he undersigned, to whom sealed Tenders must be delivered not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, the 29th inst. For further particulars and keys to view, apply to- F. E. TUNBRIDGE. Borough Estate Agent. Borough Estate Office. 16, Somerset-place, Swansea I 21st July. 1919. w, To Motor Garage Proprietors and Others. A LARGE STOCK of CLEANING CLOTH in Rolls of 50 Yards Length, at Exceptionally Low Prices. Idehl Material for Cleaning Motor and other delicate machinery. Write for particulars and prices to THE ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT CO. (COSMOS), LTD., Coleridge House, Mount street, Swansea. I/Ust WELSH (HOWITZER) BDE. R.F.A. AH ex-N.C.O.'s and Men of Swansea, Morriston, and District, who served with the let Line of the above Unit are re- V ested to send their Names and Addresses to J. F. JENKINS, 20, AYLES- BURY-ROAD, SWANSEA. TRADE ftMWOUKCEWEWTS. DENTAL Mechanics to Profession: vul- canite east or struck old plates, in lays. etc.. established 1914 Price list.- uonehih and Evans, Bridgend. 17A7-29 EXPRESSION i EveToytl:tiJ,lg;õ.b.t.aiMble at Jack Lewis's Studio, two doors from Royal Hotel. Prc-*ar Exprees Service re- siiued. ■ C7_29 i GET the School Boot at the new R.G. Sbce Stores. Goat-street. Good serviceable Boots 11 t Reason able .1ice, 2M 7 .29 HOME Boot Repairing ia Easy. Interest- ing, and Profitable. We can supply Yon with anything you require, in eluding Rubber Soles and Hoels. English Leather. I ))ri,ped Lasts, Knives Rivets etc.&-ndrews, Leather Stores, 104 RHll-strtet (just shove 24A74 lVOR. L ROBERTS Electrical Engineer. wishes to inform bit; ohl Customers and the Public goenerallytbat his Chief Electri- cal Engineer, who ioioed H M Forces, has returned to his employ. The Electrical De- partment tieing now thoroughly equipped with an Efficient Staff of Electrical Engin- eers Electrical Work of every description can now be earried out. Hejuicg ttact Power Installations ihv Speciality four enauiries solicited. 223 Oxford-street Swan. sea PENHALE, Wholesale Warehouseman 232, High-street, Swansea Large Stocks for immediate delivery Men's Grey Flannel Trousers Sports Coats Gent's Suits. R3,in. coats Cotton and Cashmere ilalf Hose, etc. Write or call 242. High-street, Swancea. 24A7-29 SIDNEY Palmer's well-kiown Cakes and Pastries are made of best ingredients only. WMdin,- and Birthday CahM In and made to ord&. Noted for Teas and Cold Lancheons.—Palmer'e Cafe 16PI41)? i site-Empire, and tranches. S?A7'?6 ks lik-MEi-I PIONICST—Bwjk early; Brakes. O Open Carriages: small or large parties. "-George Thomas, 15. Kin ley-terrace, St. Thornae. 19A7-24 THAT New Suit! Buy your Cloth direct, I- and eave money. Suit Lengths (31 yda) fr<Ma 359 W rte for natterus Ilixon W ooJ!en frota 369. 0." 9 South-street. Fineburv. London. RC. 2. • Do 3INCLE BIUerS Full Oream, Walnut, and vJ Almond Toffees are now on sale at his Oxford-street Shop Pre-war quality The First a.n? the Best 20A7-24 XVENETIAN Blinds Renovated, Repaired carriage paid.-PhilliDe. Minerva- ctrcet. Bridgend. 26A7-29 MONEY. IT, LAW. 12, London.r<?d. Neath. Make# 'i 0?9? Advances from a and upwards rictly prlv jte. Established 1876. TO IF you require a Loan apply to George Thomas. Manager. Chnrcn-street foppo- site r, Mary's Church). Swansea" Private and confidential. I mso I MONEY SO Lend to ResD*ctl je ff.?,? À'1 holdere; Private and ConedenUa.1.— Ivor I^ Thom is fc Waterloo-street. Swansea j?QO M?DE for ?5 For fuji particntara dtOO &a to bow small amounts of mone.v mav be profitably employed to stive large profits apply to Graham Marsh and Com- pany. 240 High IlQlborn London. Large or Small Accounts may be Opened I with the gOUTHERN jgQ U IT ABLE ^D V ANOE ^O. (LIMITED), EXCHANGE-CKAMBERa (?ee?street el1d). J 1 EDWARD-TEHRACK CA?FF Why wo are M widely E?ompaen?M!' ?act ¡ 3.-jnf1: weU known in pi any t4mrs by many jrears of Fair Business Dealings Tel. 2399 ?et a. Mphey ptM'ety.? j?st? tSBO. Branch ?Mee IL Cba.r??t_??Dprt_ MQ? A BRITISH ^IRM FOR BR'Tlgn &M. A ROWERS'-THE BRn!8? FINANCE C"MPA?Y. ?ut a tio?ted ?00mvPDv with directors and eba"oohJn to t?o? yn!" business and consider .EOnr aPolicatil-M, Ij!)AN-S A1Q fi £O.U{)O NO BtLl^ OF SALE WANTED. NO SURETIES OR PLBi,lClTY. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY GUARANTEED. BRITISH FINANCE CO., 20. BRIDGE STREET. B RI ST dt, SALES BY AUCTION. IN TIfEmJARMINH PENINSULA OF GGWBR. GI/AMORGAN8H1 RE. DISTANT ONLY FIVE MILES FROM THE IMPORTANT TOWN OF SWANSEA. Messrs. JAMES & JAMES, F.A.I., A.re ft-woured with instructions from Lieut.. Commander A. E. P Lyons D.S.O., to BELL by PUB til O AUCTION at the Hotel Cameron. Swansea, on WEDNE.SDA Y. July 30tli. IS19 OUTLYING PORTIONS CF THE KILVROUGH ESTATE, Comprising in all about 2,000 ACRES, in the following or swh other lota aa may be determined upon at the time of Sale. A I, LA. Lot. Deecrtption. A. R. P. Occupier.. i Nantywrtucb ir(k-i Id Rent H Z John Williama. 2 Do. Field. 12 0 15 Do i to 5 Wernffrwyd Freehold Ground Rente —— 6 Wernffrwd Fields 10 3 0 Philip Jonga 7 and 8 Building Sites. Do 2 10 Do. 9 to 12 Wfernffrwd Freehold Gronnd Rents —— —— IS Garden Wernffrwd g wm Jones. 14 Fields at Do 3 0 39 Philip Jones 15 Freehold Ground Rent at Forest 1 0 27 —— 16 Tircoch Fanvi 75 1 27 E. Matthews. 17 Freehold Fields ?6 2 18 Do and In Hand. 18 Malt House Farm. 89 2 0 David John Jones. 19 Little Hills 77 2 Hi Daniel Evans. 20 Middle Hills Si 3 6 W. Hugh. 21 Bryn?w«U8 103 1 13 H Pugh. 2a a:rd Z4 Fie ld rl 4 2 i6 ]E[, PUgn. 22 Fields Part, of Do. 4 2?O. Do. 21 and Z4 Ground Rents —- Do., and John Jones. 25 Fields 3 1 18 wm Elliot. 2.S 8 0 26 John Davies. S7 Do 31, B. Evans ? Wixnblewood Gartol 106 0 0 Dvid Pugh. 29 Wimhi?ood te? 182 3 17 Wm. Elliot. JO Eat UJJ 49 2 12 Mrs. Jones 31 Carter's Ford Higher 9 3 29 Mr. Geo Walters. 32 Carter's Ford Lower 16 0 19 Mrs Jones. 33 Wimblewood Uchaf S9 2 24 Bnj Evans. ,?4 JohTi Davl*A- 4 Wimblewood Cottage .?. John Da.vi. 35 ? Field 1 3 12 Do. 36 Ground Rent. Erwfawr —— Dd. Kneath. 31 Tirmynydd 44 2 30 A. Kneath. 38 to 47 Bundiog Sitf? at Three Croeges — 48 to 52 Freehold Glound Rents at Do, — 53 to ,,6 Do., do.. at P«rtmaen —— 57 to 57 Bungalow Sites at Three Cliffs Bav —— 63 „. North Bill Farm M 28 Mr. Dd. Walters. 69 Fields at Lunnon 10 1 4 Mr Rd. Williams. TO Do. Do 3 3 21 Mr Philip Williams. 71 Little Lunnon 52 229 MT. Oh- WiUi?ntt 7,? 51 l 15 -1fr Hen y jo-nee. 71 Fielrls P?rt Great Lunnon 31 1 13 Mr Henry Joaea. 73 Farze Hill i. 41 1 3 Mr. W. Beynon a?)? MM. Jones. 74 and 75 Furze Hill Cottages Messrs Geo. Jonee and H. Williams. 76 Brynafd 142 0 17 Mr Dd. Joseph. 77 Carter'? Ford Forge 218 ¥. D. Jon« M?! Q. Wa-H?re. 78 to 81 Withdraws. —— —— Ja"s. 82 Fields, i'art f?f Grea.t?r Lnnnoc 29 0 27 Mr. Hy. J.a. 83 WcHoiton 163 3 9 Mr. Wm. Daviea. 84 Pengwerp 139 3 36 Mr. Rd Jenkine. &5 Funela.nd .?.?.?.?. 71 1 9 Mr Gee Johee. 5 86 New Cloo 8 ? S Mr W Bevan. en Great Kittle d. 109 9 1ft Xr. A. Jonim 88 Great Kittle Fielde (3) 26 3 17 JrLr. A. Jonee. Sale pTowntly at Two p.m Detailed Partionlans, Plans, and O^T.citiOTis of Sale may he bad from the eers. 7, GOAtrt Swansea: from Mr- T E Jenkins. Kilvrough Estate Oflftce, vkmill. Gower: or from Mesam Nicholson, •HWper«on.aad Freelend, Solicitors. 46. Queen", LLe'. Gate, Weetminster. CARMARTIIENSHIRE. IN THE PARISH OF LLANDILO FAWR AND LLANDDEUSANT. Messrs. Wm. & Walter James, F.A. I Are instructed by the owners to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the PARISH HALL, LLANDILO, on SATUR- DAY, JULY 26th, 1919 (subject to condi- tione of sale to be then produced), the following valuably Freehold Farms, etc. Lot 1.-—BEYNCADNO FARM, near Capel Isaac, in the Parish of Llandilo Fawr. Area, to acres. Occupier, Mr. Geo. G wynne. Vacant possession September 29th next. > Lot G.-MOUNT PLEASANT FARM, near Capel Isaac, in the same parish. Area, 551 acres. Rent, £ 25. Lot 3.—PENYGRAIG FARM and PANDY WOOLLEN FACTORY, Gwynfe. Area, 31 ar-rec Vacant possession Septem- ber 29th. Sale promptly at p.m. Further particulars and conditions of sale to be had from the Anctioneers, Swan- sea and Llangadock or from Messrs. Geo. Williams and Hurley, Llandilo, respecting Lota 1 and 3. and Mr. H. Alfred Thomas, Llandovery, respecting Lot 3. BRECON SHIRE. UPPER CHAPEL. MESSRS. iF&mes and James, F.A.I. Are mstnicted by Mrs. Teale to SELIy by PUBi4C AUCTION, at the CASTLE HOTEL. BRECON, on FRIDA Y JULY 25th, 1919, the following Valv ule Freehold Farms, &c.; PENYBONT FARM, IJPPER CHAPIF,L.-Area 126 acres; rent £67. PANTYCELYN aND GYRNALT FARMS, UPPER CHAPEL.-Area 114 acres: rent PENYWAUN SMALL HOLDING.- Area 3 acres 20 perches; ground rent 91 5 15. 5 COTTAGES, SMITHY aND WORKSHOP.-Rent £22. THE OLD SUN INN (Unlicensed), Wheat-street, Brecon.—Rent £ 15. All the Property (excepting Pcny- waun) are let on yearly tenancies. Sale at 2 p.m. Detailed particulars and plans may be had from the Auctioneers; or from Measrs. T. W. James and Co., Solicitors, 24. Goat-street, Swansea. GARNANT AND CWMGORSE. MESSRS. James and James, F.A.I. Will off or for SALE by AUCTION, at the ABERRANT HOTEL, CWM- r GORSE, on TUESDAY EVENING, at 6.30 p.m., the fol- lowing Valuable Leasehold Properties, viz.: Lots 1 and 2.— A Pair of Handsome [ Somi-DetaoEed Villas called AROSFA [and ANWYLFAN, CMdrym-road, Gar- nan;, held for a term of 99 years from March 25th, 1908, at a total ground rent of £ 1 10s. 9d. Lots a and 4.—Two Well-built Dwell- ing-Houses, Nos. 14,G and 148 PONT- ARDAWE-ROAD, CWMGORSE, held for a term of 999 years from ieptember 29th, 1907, at a total ground rent of .£2 Us. Lots It to 8.Four Semi-detached Dwelling-Houses, Gardens and Premises, situate and beiftg Nos. 10, 12, 14 and 16, KAl: LECH-ROAD. GWAUNCAEGUR- WEN. containing 7 Rooms each, and upon monthly tenancies at rentals of 22s, each per month- < All lots are to be sold separately and are let on monthly tenancies. Further particulars from the Auc. tionMrs, 7, Go?t-Ntrcet, Swansea; or tioneers, GnSths Lewis, Solicitor, Gar- nant for Lots I and 2; and Morgan Davies, Esq., Solicitor, Pontardawe. for Lots 3 and 4; and T. M. Evans Esq., Soli- citor, Ammanford, for Lots 5 to 8. LLANGENNITH, GOWER. SALE OF A COMPACT AND DESIR P'LE FARM. MESSRS. James and James, F.A.I. Will OFFER for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION at the HOTEL CAMERON on WEDNESDAY, 1919, that choice Freehold Farms and Lands, called and known as MIDDLE CATHAN containing by admeasurement 32 Acres or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr. George Nicholas as yearly tenant at the rental of £ 35 per annum. Also a Small Paddock called PARA- DISE CROFT about Acre in extense situate adjoining Cocks Well. Sale at 8.30 p.m. Further particulars from the. A uctn eers, or from D. Jennings, Esq., Solici- tor. Liineut. FRAIRFACH, LLANDILO. Sale of an Exceptionally Well-Built Semi-Detached Dwelling-House and Garden. MESSRS. Wm. & Walter James, F.A.I. Will SELL by AUCTION, at the DRILL HALL, LLANDILO, on SATURDAY, JULY 26th, at 3 p.m., the following Leasehold Dwelling-house and Garden, 1 Called GLASPANT, let to Mr. J<5hn Thomas on a, monthly tenancy. Held for a term of which 79 years are unex- pired, at a ground rent of 2os. per' annum. Further particulars from the Auc-v tioneers, Swansea and Llaugadbek; -.)*,) from Messrs Geo. Williams and Hurl^rJ Solicitors, Llandilo. I 1" ux11 I J LANGLAND. MUMBLES. SWANSEA. FOR SALE WITH VACANT POSSESSION. Astley Samuel, F.A.I,, Has been instructed to offer for SALE., on TUESDAY, 29th JULY, 1919, at the! HOTEL METRO POLE, SWANSEA, the; Exceptionally Well-Situated and Attrfco-; tire j Residence, Known as "STRATHMORE.- (now in the occupation of the owner, Mrs. Samuel Taylor). t 1 The house stands on high ground, hav-; ing an extensive frontage to the two? reads, and commanding a picturesque and? a pi i tiiresque and' pleasing view, embracing the fine old Ruins of Oysteru-ioiitli Castle, Swansea i Bay. and Bristol Channel. 1 The grounds are private, veil sur-1 rounded with shrubs and trees, and artis- tically laid out with flower beds, tennis' lawn, and arbours. There is a large vegetable garden and orchard. The Accommodation is as follows: Fom. Reception-rooms, leadinx from the daw- ing-room & glass enclosed lounge, nino t>edrooms, barhpoom with h. and c., tr c Airing Cupboard. Kitchen, Scattery, Ce!- lar, Outside Wash-house, Large Shed suitable for garage. The total area of the ground is 1 acre 1 rood, 23 perches or thereabouts. is hold for a term o? 9.9f) The Property is held for a term of W veaTS from 23th M?eh. 1896, at a ground rent of £19. Sale to commence at 3 p.m. Further particulars cAn he obtained of Messrs. Coilina and Woods, Worcester- plaeé. Swansea, and Orders to View from, the Auctioneer, King's Chambers, Swan- sea. SWANSEA AND DISTRICT. For Sale with Vacant Possession and otherwise. J. Barron Paseoe, F.S.l.j F.A.I., Has been instructed to OFFER for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the HOTEL CAMERON. HIGH STREET, SWANSEA on TUESDAY, the 29th JULY, 1919, at 3 o'clock p.m. prompt (subject to Conditions of Sale to bo there produced), the follow- ing Valuable Leasehold Properties, V iz. *< i No. 49, SKETTY ROAD. SWANSEA" Nos. 4<? to 50, MADOC STRFM, SW?NSE. No 21, BAPTIST WELL STREET, SWANSEA. Nó. 2 OOHUN STREET. BRYN- H YFRYD. No. 32, EATON ROAn. BRYNHYJFRYD No. 43. MONTERRY STREET, MAS.. SELTON. Nos. 32 and 33. IDR-IS TERRACE, i fLASMARL (No. 33 is Vaeant). < Nos. I and 2, MYRTLE TEE-RACE* MUMBLES. POLrCY OF INSURANCE FOR, iOZ94 in the LIFE ASSOCIATION of SCOT. LAND Further Particulars will appear lar. A uctioneei>» OiBces- T, Gower Street. >. Swansea. For PAINTS and VARNISHES Of the Right Quality at the Right Prise Go tP PARKERS' Paint & Varnish Stan, THE MARKET, SWANSEA. -A It YOU Want to Know Aboat Sport of the Week is to be fouod in the "SPORTING NEWS. Published Every Saturday Nig*tt# ONE PENNY.