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Lower Suit Prices BUY YOUR SUIT NOW. will not interest the average man unless the s tv le is absolutely" top hole." Th^ superior cut at PALMERS has won the patronage of the majority of the smartest men in Swansea. During the SALE there is an added attraction "Saving in Price." We are showing some very Smart Summer Suitings An/' The Suit ? ? (to measure) (Special Price). PALMER'S Swansea's Smartest Tailor 12, Castle St. Seven Years' Sufferer from PILES Complete and Lasting Cure. Dur portrait is of Mr J 0 Vale of 202. Waleran Buildings, Old Kent-road. London S.E.. who write*: It is with much Dleazu-e I write to let you know I have been completely cured by your Clarke s Blood Mix- ture.' I had been a Great Sufferer from Piles for seven years and I tried several advertieed cures without any benefit Then I was advisei to try Clarke's Blood Mixture,' and after taking rive Ean bottle* was (Jm'e »Jj?red It is 10 months since the on re and there has been r.o reruro I re-com. cii^nr] it to all 1 know. and ■iiiaii be Dicasecl to answer any inonirics. as I can-not Dcak too highly of -O?-'te'f Mood M!xturp. !n a fur 1h.n letter. dated 6tb Jnne ?.5 over two years since 'us cure Mr Vale writee— I hav not had aQv return ''f themes. Sufferers from Bad Legs. A:csr,e«, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Pilet Eczema, Boll. Sores and Eruptions, Rheumatism or kindred complaints, should realise that lotions, ointments, etc., can but give tem. porary, relief-to be sure of a cure, çomplctt. aDd la-sting, the blood must be thoroughly cleansed of the impure waste matter, the true canse of all cU-ch trouh'e* Cl*» rfce's Blood Mixture expels thu impurities from 'he hiood; that Is why so many wonderful cures stand to its credit. Pleasant foe take, and free from injurious ingredients. Ask for and see you get Clarke's Blood Mixture "Everybody's Blood Purifier." Of all Chemists and Stores, 2/9 per Bottle. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Health Wrecked by Influenza. A Victim of the Great Scourge tells of the Splendid ¡ Health-building Effects of Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Mr. G. A. Parmenter, 24, Bromjeyt. road, Walthamstow, London, E.17, says:- Dr Cassell's Tablets have done me more good than all the "medicine I ever had. My illness followed a very severe at- tack of flu.' It came 011 one Saturday in the train, and how I got home I simply don't know. Until the following Tuesday I knew nothing. All that time 1 was fevered and rambling in my talk. When I did become conscious I was in great pain. My head seemed like to split and the pain in my joints was in tense. We had medical advice and medi cine, but no benefit resulted, and I was confined to bed with seemingly little hop of getting out of it. I had been in thiG condition a fortnight when I was advised to try Dr. Cassell's Tablets, and am truly thankful I did. What I had spent Afr. G..A Rot?rn6nter.. pounds trying to accomplish these wonderful Tablets did for me at the cost of a few shillings. Very soon I felt better, and. when 1 had finishes one box the, terrihle p&in was gone from my head, and I was feeling stronger and brighter altogether. I continued and soon was back aj: business quite cured. At the present time I feel in excellent health. It? ???B  I t?sC? Dr. Cassell's. Prices— 1/3 & 3/- (the 3/- size being the more ono m ical). Sold by Chemists in all Parts of the world Ask for Dr. Cassell's Tablets and re- fuse substitutes. 1 Tablets Dr." Caesell's Tablets are the recognised home Remedy for Nervous Breakdown Sleeplessness Wasting Diseases Nerve Paralysis Anaemia Palpitation Infantile Paralysis Kidney Trouble Vital Exhaustion Neurasthenia Indigestion, Nervous Debility Specially valuable far Nursing Mothers and during the Critical Periods of Life, a/so after Influenza. FREE INFORMATION its to the isult-t a.bility of Dr. Came]] .sta-blets in your case sent on request. Dr .Cassell's Co. Ltd Ohester- & o i d a u- cheater.



The Day's gossip.



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