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'Leaded Classified Advertisements. APARTMENTS. 8<TUAT:OMS VACAMT OR I ?AMTED, TO BE LET. LOST AN& fOUKC. One ThrM Six j ? fn'crtion Ica'srtiOM. iasertioce 20 Words.- l 0. 2 0.3 0 53 Words. 1 6 3 0.4 0 40 Worda- 2 0. < 0. 6 0 MR: SALt. TRACE ANMOUNCEMEMTS One. Threo Six Imërtion: Inae''tiona. InMrticiM ? Wcrd< 1 6. 2 6. 3 6 JO Words. )! 0 0.< 6 40 Words. 2 6. 3 6. 6 6 'ŠntTHS. OEATHS, H< MEMORtAM AMD MARRtACE. One Three S:: Insertton. Ineertions. Inaertioce 20 Words.. 1 3 6. 6 0 '3 Worde. Z O & 0. 6 0 <M Words.3 0. 7 0.12 0 COUCAT10NAL. Oie Three Six "1 laaertioa LD8€rt:one. Infcrtione M Woj'dB. a 0 3 9.4 6 .M Worde. 2 6. 4 0. 6 t 40 Wbrda.30 6 & 7 t MOMEV.—M per tine. -#AISCF.LLANEOiLIS StTUAT!ONS I VACAMT. I WOMEN AND GIRLS. Mt!-L!NERY AND TAtLCRtNG. I '?*1 OOD VMt Ha-ads wanted: b<?t log cay.— \jr Davie'5. Ladies' Mid Celt's Tailors, The ?Bon. Sw&neea? C7-21 '-l\.llLLlNER.Vanted. a smart practice .J?'JL MijUiner; able to serve when required: '1'i've out.—Apply T. R. Williams Uplands. S.w a.Me&. _?_ 21A7-Sa 'rr.AlLORS,Wanted. at once. Coat Hands; L recula.f ?ork a)] the year round: best .price Da:d: lounges. 25s.—AopIy Sidney Hbath. CoHeKe-strMt Swam sea,. (;.7-21 c,' UoiiiLSTIG SERVANTS. 'COOK w;Ùt-ed ior ?'ort?E?-noa:* J'u.ty 26th- c:, Aiig!i?,t ?3th.-?\Vil!.e  Box Go, ijea.?€)t oaicB. ??Z- ? .t?rAyTED..Cook-(.pnGraI for Mr! J.-T,;] '??t ??vies. 6 Gwydr Cardens Swa.Bs&a,— <Art?y'to /'&?grcpR." Caa?eU-road. Mum< "Me?_ 19A?24 -i:- A.ITD a.t n00;ocu<>u:parlOtir,.11 f T ms.?}.—Mrs. Grecu, Lit?? \e-&i, ?utjifrndo-W?. 21A7-25 t?T.A?TED. ? cood Gfaera.l.-Apr?y Mrs. .Ed-.vards. 26. PentrpDotb.MorrKt??. .( 20.A7-24 _?__?__ 20A7-24 ?TA?TED. pood Gir! for boustwork: nn?U ?'W houM: mu?t be fond cxf children fjfan- ?MJiIpt d?trict.—App!y G B. Le<Mt?" j ??c? _S?-?dMa.?__ _17A7-22 ?fANTED. c.ipa.Me Cc?k-Genera/I: co<?d Ii ? ?.wa.?ps?.iK) outhi?s: no waahmg.—?ra? 'Coo?man. So Neirtli. l?7-4 ??fANTED a. General able t<. do ptain t.Y cookuts-.—App!y. ôr,'t instance. Scott 12.icfúriá Aroade Swansea 8-Z3 MEN AND YOUTHS. .1 A (jEKT'S; pa.rt or full tinic. spF.?dTA-Z,,? ?t por-tunit-y: Ctoet rcnunera.tivc: Neatn -dibiyjot.—?t-tif-Mlars. aDH'v Bo' A Lender .?ce. Neath'; C7-22 SOLICITOR reau{Tes? Clerk residing at C? ?kcwon."A.pply. &ta.tinn cjualifteationg.! anU ea!&'rvt'cfn'i''ed to I?cx." Leader OSice ??!tn?&?.?_?_ 2&A7-21 T-AiU)RwntÐcÏ-iton{- work guara.nteed JL year round to ri?ht nt?n.—Apply Pis i-jrD'HOd SoM; 70,. St. Helen 6-roa.d.S'a.u?ea. ??.?' .???i-???-? ?,WANTED Motor D:?- and Bread De- 1, i!ver<;f- <'f)r At?-tia .Car Apply, by tcitt'l. :'tati:? ?s' '.vaee arid ?xperic'nce to Co.0pt;r?ti\-e So!;?ty. 2S. Oraj.s'e-etreet Muet 'be-tra;d?H!)io-.?t. __?,?A7-2.' \?AXTtlI). S??ttor'e 0?c° Smart* Yonth. t'v -?rite "Cosjuo?." Leader OtHoe. ? -?OA'?-2t 'nT'iAKTED. compcte!)t Carpenters and '< and G. C-ó1:Jtra;cton;, -,Bryiivmbr Tard.j .iJ.}hnn>c-:strt,,8wan8e!1., C7-24 LOST ANO FOUND. P'-igfnv Pouter Hen. rung lOM. J ? .J'—F}hder rewarded on returnine to 15. n.,outh-4t,tt-ot. ? —.— 20A7-24 L"I'R-kYLli to Tir-of Farm. LfOwcr Cv.m- t.! twr<;h. Cardi Ewe and Larni): ear mtTk pitch mark on tamb shoe rig-bi 'Wmiams, TirRof. ..l?wei??mt?T-ott. 20A..21 t.o -x-n,' v.gdawelo.- Farm ilantv- 0' Symion, Ewe and Lamb. notched on ad punch-holed u- left ea-rs. "Hi be "old unless <:la.iu:ied wtthin 14 dayf. J fllomzw. C7-22 I.VILL La.ilY-h-tOöl-Un-ïbrelfa-b.v mi' takeon Monday. ff'<jm Watts Cafe at! ? p.m.. please return to Box G 2," Leader i'-&accf_ _? 19?7-?l ?: Ll%i? s-roCK &c. TOEGIKNER bought four small rou.;h sterej .t) pigs at 5. cp.ch. u-sed ¡{ari3wood Pi& '"BotCdefaa.s du'ecAefd. and in Sve months they! lised ;630. Yo'i do the same Penny ewe n Asrriculturn.! Co- ')I>" 15iati';)n Ltd., 231. Ncw-roa.d. Skewen 21 A'?-22 t 'i ? jqOESE for Sale. 6 years old; gocxl a.1I- <T! round: ?bout 16 hande.—Aptdy Jon<?, ..3) .Powcll-street, SwaMHea. 20A7? '>1 > IGS\'o!llønt£eat .tnd weighed on:y 23 Jt- ItMi-.<.ach. After eotting Karswood:Pis Powders they went. to H cwts. each. Pow- dere. 12 for ls.f'fOTa J. A Jones- Du'aial Pharmacy Pontirdulai,3. _12A7-25 S' W IU"'F:!) :acODer scaled nearly 4M !hs" Is after ''?ettring Karswood Pig Powdery 1 tw'ce wpek)y Always use them when g-i vm!l:1 ewill., Fenny ea.ch 12 to*' !s.— Wiiliam J Ba-ncs. Pic_tbE.p!fI,c_. Ravenhill. 12A725.] T,Tt/'ORM8 in pirs rpnioved like ma.s'io hy ciyiDg; Ka,r:?wood Pip Powder's twice. :A(Í('Jth:in 1tkC\f"rm fooj, TwdTefor'e. :.f,rm. W :I' Thomas. The PharrnaCYAeia; I n on 12A7-25 »j MOTOR CARS. CYCLES. &c ,('¥.tJ.l'¡I¡OR:P-E 2-?troke{ m ipood?rdcrran? ?? -tri..9 'vies P-i3d MIIiott. 20 a.nd .21. '-Qr&a??tMt?. ?jw&nsca. '?_ J20AM1 ?OR SALE. 16 h.p. AlMo?i 2-ton Lon'y? *with new body a.nd ue?tytea.—Ap?y Jonee, C!arke and Jeahina D)id.. Fisher- î /'?treet_Swa,n€ea, 20A7-2.; .Y.0?!!D"Va??l916 wittTtamps. horn, detach.. Fable wheels: read for tho road.—Corn- ?crcial C?rrieT Co.. Ltd.,S??iu.ea._?_C7!-21 i ?'t?0& SALE. 4) h.p. Motor Cycler twin cy? -f Under.-3-speed..free eneinc: v?py fast: peTl'ect? condition; with or wtthout ?iae-car I ?-BeB M<?a,n. Smith6e!A, LlandOYery. 18A7, '131 ('F"ÕR SAL?, EnneH 15 h.p 1914 Sweater: JL? en?iDe an?t tyres Derfect: C.A.V lichtin? '?SCC.cash or part exchange for ?-se'lter.i '-R?dco .2-stroi?e Lightweigbt. as n?ew..MS '?C&ers for ?tepne??s ootnplete ?itb tyre?. 875 ?105 30 x 3?; M'q.icwel! Spa.reg.' 3-sea.ter Ford twdy ±? to c!e9.r.—Ppnybank ?otor Co. AmiHanford, .C7-21 SALE Fordu"n-daI11ett,e; JL. licht. magneto: wi" £295: sub..ect i,n- edd: cash. easy terms, or exchange.—R E JoDes. Limited. Motor DeD. Pi)Iwyn-etrft't. 'SwaKsea, CTC .f) 4 -SEATER Charahanc Body in nrst-clnss 4. order ready for-deHycry—ComT<!pT- ;o:a.l Carner Co.. Ltd.. Swansea- C7-21 "6 O-OWT,-Albkn?'Ohäélii5:' fonr for'deIiverT in jiilv.subject to heinp unsctd —R E JoEes fMotor Dent.) Dillwvn-Areet 8wan- ? en.. .TC twor L. Roberts' (223 Oxfcrd.street) :'J: Announcements. ??OM?ERUtAL [.OBRIES.-AgeDt f<? Dpp .?.?. nis. Austin, K?rnerp 8t:r?. ct? Send t?re' ?ur inotiiries I can oHFer Earl'y Da ?The.rieS?? J' „_ J QECO?D?A?D LOR?RS?I ?ave a Larce -? Aes<?pt<nent froc ?T? Ao 4.ton; prices fr":? ?.< -6?'cn!! ?tr)i:?.ir??'.? t? c<th <?n yop ?<?!'OR OYCIjES-&R?"foT'*Tr?' ?M. B?A-. DoudM Sunbeam. A.JS.. En-) ,ftéld P and M. Norton- etc Get your ,?M'!]tc,.nn dy ??itms tist<. ? ensure early ??verM& ?. j__? ?. ? t?BE?r ?eatcr ,Ca.r: food condition: N,7ilS 34. ton tftnulete witb b.6dy, in '??? 6toek:{mme<)iate delivery. YtIotorCyef;- takeuln Pa.rt. Payment or Bought for ?'?enQ or wfMe.'wit.h carton'ars. to Ivor, ?j? Eftbet-t?..Oxford-street Swansea.? ? ? M!SC€LLAHEOUS. I :RË\r'-¡:b\?n :Mõor. -'B-;foi)li-e-A'p¡v I ??..<ew.: Bfos., BryGa?w-sl, Ct?ppa,, PpntiM*. d??s? .? T FOR SALE. T[/OR SALE. 3 cwtplatformWeighing: Jt Machine, as new; also wrought iron i;plrt Pulleys. of all sizes. Shafting; also .sttons Grocer's Cart. cheap tor uuick dis- P. Richards. 1. Bnoh Cottage, Alor- ,-Un. C7-21 is)iiDiBpóeal. a. Pair of Black P-ateiit jj Button Boots, srey sla-ce uppers nar- row 4. Also Black Lace Boots, suede uppers. broa.d-nttiuK 4; ladies': 16s. per pair.— Write Bo\: "Ji 4," Le.ader OSce 20A7-21 S,KLE, Small Van.suitable for Draper or Grocer: good condition: ch&ap.—Apply Thoma.s. Woollen Mt,rcbntf>. Station-road. LlapeHy. C7-24 SALE, Cob: Eood worker in aU har- JL nosg.—Apply 26. Rosebery-terra'ce. P!a&. v-, a r I. lÖ -R SALE. Garden Tent. 6ft s.ua.re. with JL 6ft. Awning, 93: 2ft Garden Roller Lawn Mower. ?5s.; and Hi.sail Carpet Swceoer. 12a M. All eqUlal to n'ew—H. RUBdl. 45. Taibot-rnad Ammanford. C7-21 l_(OR SALE. Trees sujtablf;;r-lig.i1tDit- wood or nrewood. 30s tor) in truck —J D Jei!'reyp. Lowr Cwmtwrch. 177A-23 ?NE Rubber.tyre Governess Oar. suitn.hle 0 13 h?nda pony: one Ra)li Trap. wit);) nw rubber tyre?. cushions etc.; condition pfiua! to. new.—Jeffreys Lioa Store's. Lower CWI?¡-Tch. '171\ 7.22 p RAII fo!' Sa.Ie: condition as new: -C5 or -L DMM-est.—99. Hansehstreet -Qxva?.Fet -—_?. ? ? ? .? 19A7-21 QAFES (Fireproof), larpe -md f=n.?!i for ? ?a!n; a)so pair S? Wind.ng Kr?inf's. .to'?&i.cam Was?ns, 30/40 h.p Ariel Car. H ol1.íne body: Tin Stelm Puiup.—Eirt 47a Strand,. ST.'ausea. C7-29 QINGER S?-winar M?ohi?c. treadle, in ?00 t .? workin g order, 60?.: would ac-ad sa?url<? of <stttchin.?.—Mrs Wilson 49 Roxley-strcpt 17A7-21 Hairdrc&sers and O-tberf.—For Sale a Set of W;:¡,lJ FittirFrs cf Mirrors a'1.-l Cupboard: an in ew)d condition md bm't on mcdprn Hnes. A ten certain other to .tr?.()c.—Apply Tre,t- Auctioneer. 22. Wiod-t-treet. (nod's 420), 2ik\7-25 '1-. -< 25 B.H.P. Ga.s En?in?. with 5mtn-)jt" Ca! ,? P!n.nt. r?w condttion. for S?!e.—Apu!v E 3;" Ca-mbria Daily Lead&r. 17A7-22 -J_ MUSICAL fM3TRUMEMTS i"Ô]f:E:ALD- n<id"-Pi:ur;<.À)Tft9.é,- undcrdamper action—Write Box 'G 3." leader Oince. 19A7-21 G om"Iiify and Co.. Ltd., ire offering 'Jr OoHard -and Col- lar;! Moninstoa and Weston. AviU anu Srnart. etc.. etc.. from 25 a'uinea.a: New Pianos by Risers. CoMard and. Coilard. San.:os. Witton.a?d Witton. Cramer. etc.. fron!' 50 trainees: ca?n or term!< Player.. Pianoa hv the Lendin? Makers from 143 cuineas. Write for Free Li?t or caH and ma.kQ ,3? Per&ena! Section —Gotlfrev and Co..Md.. 22. St. Helen's-road Swan<ipa _r".L 1T A7-23 npHOMPSO?f ?nd ?chei') Ltd M .a?'c. Jt. street Swangpa-B)ac)< C!f;a;-d Piano. .e78:'W'a:n.ut..C<)t!?rd 'Piano ?C: Wa,t;!ut f CBa,ffen P)ano. ,E35' Wainnt Kirkman Pia,o CTO-rWatH-Ot. -NorTBe!!? Piann '.H6&- Tr?nut .Urinsmead .Pia.no. £105: Wa.tnat Souire Pjano £85; Wat'tut Hawfnns £65 ¡Os. VVainut- Thompson a,nd !ba<;ke)t. Ltd.. Piano jE?n. tmperjaj ()i-isati €26 Sa .foT.ee ,<)ra:a.o_??' !-?.ey Orsra.n ??S ?TIOIJNS' Viola?! 'CeDo?r palps'! V?oMa< L'. b?.G??I?no. Gailla.rde IIom&tainf'r. etc. InBtrnrnf-nLS Eonprht, Soid. or Ey- -:Pow- of re,-t 'Quali,ty, The HQU13c for Va:ue.—Sims 2. k-l::=)"J;' SNELL'8 (Only) Addres5: Hic:h.strept Arcadp. npar G.W.H Swansea. W ANTED,. Second-ba-nd Ptanoe Oi-frar. Gramophones and Records. Good Prices given.-D, J- Sn<'U. High-street Ar- cade. Swan'-en. 'r?JEW GramophoBes. from j34. New DouMe. -i-? sided Records. Is. each Grumophonpa Repaired. All RopRir PartR Kept in Stock. —DJSneII. Arcade as above, a 17A7-21 MISCELLANE.CUS WAMTS. 4 RTIFICIAL 'I'fetb.PJu,tirmm, GoId" Sil- I 1: ver Bc<t:;ht; any condition; utmcet c-ivea. L(); t paroeh J. Chernick. 34, Exchange-street Cheptham. -Ma,nchester ?' ? ? ? 9A7-Z.3 f REENHOÜEwiUJtCcL=I>ïeáe-statlJ ;it" ?< shape, and lowest price to D 5," Cam. bri.t DaUy Leader. 15A7-2" DJANO Wanted.—Lady wishes to Purchase I- a SecMid-ha.tid Piano; caeh would be paid: Dleaisc meation the towcst price.— Write Bo,)[ "G I." Leader Of&ce. 19A7-23 QECONDiL4.Kn: tH,eepel<e wAllted: l.C(a ?r C3 mors nood reiayah'e 81eepei-. 9ft, x jOin s 5:n. State fuli particulars and where f:'[dll0 (an be inSlJceted. Rësident Engineer. ¿jatiOIl?1 Oil Renncries Skewen. Glata 'J7-22 ?ij?RMES Wanted ? over Pitwood size.—Jen. -L nings. Ltd.. WoodworkerB, Penaywelt- l'ad. BustoL prfmch M Porthcawl. STC 1M/' ANTED price for l.OM': or more Ena.- If' mellcd Advertising' giKUs.—C. Jennin{;s p:if: Co. Ltd., Timber Nlel-ebants, Genera) \V oodworkers Bristol C7-21  ANTED. 6 Tarpaalin Sh;tar¡;;e size, T Give fu)] particulars and price Box I" B 9." Daily Le&dcr. Swa-Hsea. "V-XTANTl,,D, 20 ur;<Í1Qn; of Fres"l1-MilÇdäiïŸ v T delivered to rieareat station.—Write M. Recs. Bankyreithin D&iry. Penyrht>()l. Gorbcinon. 17A7-21 D'o You ??nt bo SeJi AnythingT"6end it ?? to tbe Anction M.?rt, 219. Hig-b-stff-et Serkin will Sel! it for you. p.p I-BVYFÚl'njturb; pricea given; J?ew j L or S-aoond-hand.—Serkin, 219. H?h-str?et. T'?R.OP toea. Ppst<-a.rd;and I will osdi.— _i? J. Serktn. 219, Hish-?treet. pp. F?ALES conducte-d in Town or Country: k:w hM t-'c?TmieiPsfioB.—?. S<!rkin. Sl?. High- '.utre'et. pp. FURNtTURE. IDURNITURE.—Bcst Pricee given by me r for Second-baud turniture and Antique furniture of any description Drop me a puftcaTd. or ca-tt —?m Jaama. 8. Fabit'n- street. 8t ?oEuaa _?_?*? ?QMCIALKbTICE to whom it inay con- t3 eem that requires a.nytUng in tins way 'uf Sonsehold burniture .i.aii a'L .'whM'f yoa will nnd the best/display of Bed- rooj.n uites, Parfonr Suites. Sideboards. Ca.b1nets.' Bedsteads, and Bedding. Kitchen :).'id other soc'd'? too numerous to ment'ion in Principa.iity. at the Lowest Possible Prices: frMn Faotd'y t-o Home: a-TI(i tila Larnest Manufacturers in Wale-P. Ca&h Or ['.asv Terms, Not6 the Address: EH!'s..23. Go\ver-3trept. Swn.n6ea. 20A7-24 A S the Pa'lJCrw,itb the La.rKC-=[. (JuaI l-a,,?- ?. teed Circutation. SmaU Ad.vts &a.rripd in tae HIe La.r!!est Pub- ticity. <. PERSOr,tAL. TN "Dncle Bert's" Toffe" Shop there is j. "Standing K.oo:n Only." CTtdt' Bert and h).t ScB tha,nk yoo for voiir nctp You are UoinE your Bit a-a we did oura ThankF." Swansca. Thanks' -p- 16 YEARS' Suoc<?'?LiHai7 ? Fletcher. 10 M.B P.S. Test Reading free. Send Mrth date Mdatamp!.(! envelope—5 Arcane. Pontypridd. Glam 17A7 22 TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. A MMANFORD.—Joyce's Sewing Machines 'j-. L at Bargain Prices. Set windows! Few Machinfs )cft. also at Bargain Prices. Good clearance for the week of Per- j antbulatOt's and Push-Cars at Di-sccuint Prices.—Harries'. House Furnishers and Irormoxiger. C7-221 DENT AT. Mechallics to Prcfession: vn!- ? .Jcanito ca-t c-r struck noid plate-so io. Iiys. 19¡4 Price 1'st— Boiaeb-ili and Evqns, Bridgc-ntl. 17A7.2? EXPRESSION ia Everything: JLJ at Jack Lewis's Studio, two doors from Royal Hotel. Pre-war Expr&ss Service re- 61inied.C7-29 TVOR L. ROBERTS. ijoctricai EnKineer. JL wishes to inform hie old Custoruers and the Public Reset-any that hi J)hief Electri- ca! Ensdneer. who loined M.M Forces. hM returned to bis employ. Tbp Btectrica! De- partment, being now t-horouxhiy eouipp"d w:th s.n ESicient 6t-a<f of Etcctricai Rnein- jcers Elect riua) Work of every description 'can now ho Carried om,. fleating iina Power IngtatiatioTis m? Slje(;Ialiiy. You!- efmnrjes ;¡()hcit.ed,- 22? Oxford Etrpst Swan. sea. '?HO-TOjRAl'HIC.-Amateur!}' '?'i?a ?ud E Piatss Deveioped pLQmDtly at reason-! able rates.—Wa:toc and Soo. !?. Victoria. road. Aberavon. 17A7-Z2! Qm.?ER' PICKICS.—E<M'k??b??rake? k3 Open Carriages: smaU or large Lart,e.?,' '—(..cotiM Thomas. 15. Kiuley-terraee. ab. Thoa-'a. 1PA7-S? QKK the'?e!Tdtd''Lot'of ??d)e?'Shoe3 at ?-J the new 8-G j?hoe' Sto'ros. Uoat-strcct. ?eu?b't. Shaj?es an.d Fittings. J9A7-23 t QlDNEY Pa-lmer'a well-known?Cak? a?id ?-' Pastries are made ol best i''t.fredie?ts caiy. Wed din,? and Birthday Cahes :a stock and made to order. Noted <of Teas 1 -Ttd Cold Cafe; QIJO h- a.nå Brandhe,. 17A7-2i QALE now on C3 gains in JSoveia (iSew and seuocd-ba.iKl); Bibles ujtder cost; Sets <.¡iOomment.tÚioo: kmds of Bb<)&s.—CaiI to ? iasDect the stock j QURQKJAL ?ay'§. 'O Enemas, ur£:)n: Kubbcr a::d Ooode of efery de&criptiort ) Write for Uataiogue. sent potst tree.—La, j Brasseur Surgical Co.. Ltd. 'Dept. D. V .). 90' ? and 92. Worcester-street. Bi rmingh-aUl.¡ '111ÍAfr- N cw Suit! BuT'your?CIoth di7e? ) -t. and fat'e money. Suit Lengths f? yd8! i iiOT) 35i<. Write fo)' patterns Pixon Woailpn Co.. j-)eut. O," 9..South-street. Finsburv. I-'2?jl?°- J'LP- ?? t:D lîNGLEBEr{,T'S Fuil Crea:n. Walnut? no ?J Atmond Toffees are no? on «ale at his Oxford-street Shop Pre-war <:)oality. The the Be;.t_ 30A7.24 MOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AND TO LET. /LMMANF(5RDr'?'?['wo '?R-ood'.wel!?—— ?? Mouse's for Sa'e: pre-war nrice— Write i ??ehoia.?oQIce of tbie paper. 17A7-22 B-EAUrl;ÙUL- H'ou'se. Matv&rn-terTace: im. BmNliato posse?siof): bath: ha.y view: 3 I ]"r!ntes care. Promenade. Sin?]eton Park- <?tnEdiNsr hj?-?K?nb?Box 100. Leader Oince? 7?'OR SA.LE Lea-sehold Hcuse: centra? nOf;i.1 ?- tion: !0 room?. eeuU.ery wash-ho?so. bat<j (hot anU cold): immediate nossesnioT) — '????J'? ?' leader. ?9A7.23 '-F-C>Ï{-SÃLE-2-uFT;; ho1 d Houses? u roonrs JL and ha.th.room: built in l<M9.—Anphn No?. 1 ard 2. Essex-terrMe. PtasmarL 17A7-S2 TTOU?E for Sale. near Gorseinon.—AnoJy OU;?E for Sale. D" Leader C??c for i)arti-.ulars D." T,,P-ider O!rice ItoUSEPU rchit!!c-ro.= For-Fiee-\(1vjú, -an r1 ?*- Particulars app]y B?? 1. Leader.- OBR?p -??th_ ? 07.22 4-/6 WEEKLY wil! Purchase*?<50 "Ho?G: -c/ ? any district: poeseseion by arrans'e- menr —" Land)ord.' Lcad'jr. Swansea. TC APARTMENTS AND LOOGtNGS TO LET AND WANTED. CLYD,A M.- Wanted, for the second di; } i trict nurse. Furnished Sittinp-room rtrd Hedroom .wvth nre U<;ht. and attendance- ,)lain cccldng: 110 washing: termB offered. 123, wee'dy.—Hon. Sec.. Pen-y-bank lIr,71se. —— ?_ ?_ _20A7-21 DOOMS requtred m Swansea for two ? ?ounc- Ladies-Particulars to Oaken- faId, ailway Hotel CardifF 19A7.M ai,,i tvv, Bedrooznsl- l nmrp:. aa soon a.a Dossibic at or nr bumbles cr Porthca.w!. for alout ^,)-tir I ?pk?.—Rpoty. with fnb dGtaits. to K&nyon r.aticnai Oi, Bf?nerMS_ Ltd.. Skewen. C7-2I '¡ationaO:1' C721 A DVEBTISER. re6Tdi??Btsh<???nr RriBj "'— ? toi._ eeeks to Exchar;? Tenancy of H?se; U?a,nds. Sketty. ?. Kurnbl? ? H' ?- ? .?A;-?2 T?A.NTED—To PuMhaM, Oott? wiU) V ? good Garden near Clyne ComiRcn or nigj]op?ton; Freehold; Vacant Po??sion in Septein?ber.—Write BcT[ G 7, Leader OQice. I ? _SA7-2S ?? AiNTED to R?nt or Purcih.aee. a't Mum- ?w blea. hous< <?uita.bLe for boards-: s; cciiv?meBtly8ita'ate<—.B?piy. with f? t,ar- ticuLare, "Mumbles," Daily LeadcT. ??_ ._? ? ..StA?? ?f ANTED, urRcnUy 7 or 8-room Honse. }. t?. with bath (b and c water?. etc., in f Gorseinon.—Reply D?vies 1. Penybry?-rond jGor?sfnon?_?_ ? I3A7-23 j'TA}\fED to Rent or"B'n?*6-robm Modern w liouse, with bath-room, in gc?od t? c&'ity; early pocaosaion: Swansea; reason- I able price.— L. M. 34. Leader Swari,3ea. ?.—. 18.\ 7-23 ;P,2 REWARD ior ky-orïro-a¡:lY me. /f at Gorseinon. or'three Unfurnished i Rooms.—Ex-Soidier. Post OSicf Gorseincn C7.24 ?? ? GIVEN for Key of 6 or 6-roome() ? ,) House in or near Morriston (Augcst. Sct)tember).—Bc?"G 5." Leader OSice S9A7-S1 J?-< rt HHWARD.—Hcuse Wanted at oRce. c'MJLU or a.ny time before Sept 29th: or ,;) reception-rooma. 4 to 6 J.w.droorn6: Swan'i:a. j ,MumblcB or dMtrict.—E.Z Leader OiRce. 17A7-221 BUStNESSES WAMTED. FIs.:IDIONGER8 doing ? oyer jBIM & week t are invited to c'3'e.r their businesses to I Messrs. Iday and ilowdn. 87.. Maddox-strect, I Lon<ton. nrm prepared to buy at fair prn?es comjDisston payaMc. C8-2 QHOPS Uef)Ui!'cd for Multiple 'FirNT tn )&ad. in.? noeitione in ev<:ry English town of in'-aortanoc. pr'HKiunM win be ld,-Ap'plv I May and R<)-,ideri. 27. Maddox-etre'et. doa W.j._ _CS2 PREMISES TO LET & WAMTED S"-ilop.- ToVooänt-ri;te;-tQ-hè-on, k verted mto shop: best position and d,'tríct !n 'T ,va main road' excp!1e!'t cituation: immediato "E.R,g, Daily Leader 17A7-22 T?? ANTED Hoiae and Shop. ór :wdè:UD V Shop for Dejnobiiiaed Priaon?r of War having to change hi? eMptoyme?t- .<eath or LIanoMy.— Wri'e Shop." DaHv Le3_der?_ ??_ __?. ? :M -SUMM.E-r;URS.}:'11 SnMEÏi-T{5UIÜi-Üi-SCÖTi.AN- I ? C3 Royal Route by Steamer Columba. Gtc through the Scottish We&tern {g? OfUci.? Guide. 6d. and Is Tourist Pro? pt-aBime tree. Pa,ssei:!?ers tt; car:??nb- .i&et tf) Company s eor.dition?-t.?%d Ma-cBrayne. Lt?.. 119. R&ne-street. Olaasow. I SMALL ADVERTISEIV.ENT 09-n.FR FORM. I 7, I ) I ¡, I I I 'I I I I ¡ —— —' !—! I PIP-ase publish the abcve advort!se=t.rt-. {or which I enclose.s.d. NtBie and Address: If desirfid, replia m&y be eeUt to Box lumbers at the "Caatbrm paHy § .'Lea.nej'"OfHce. § Thia fornt should ba addres.:rod to A.dt'erttseinent Llepirt=o-t, CaMI)ria T)aily 6 Leader," Swansea. ? ¡ ? ? -[, 6

